Hempel's Silicone Aluminium 56914: Product Characteristics Product Data
Hempel's Silicone Aluminium 56914: Product Characteristics Product Data
Hempel's Silicone Aluminium 56914: Product Characteristics Product Data
Hempel's Silicone
Aluminium 56914
Recommended use
For long-term protection of hot pipelines, exhaust pipes, smoke stacks
and other hot surfaces. In corrosive environment see PRECEDING
COAT overleaf. Volume solids
43 ± 2%
Service temperature:
- Maximum, dry exposure only: 600°C [1112°F]. Specific gravity
1.2 kg/L [10 lb/US gal]
VOC content
Surface preparation
5% thinning, Limit value, Cleanliness
Legislation Value
by volume phase II (2010)ª - Remove oil, grease and other contaminants by suitable detergent
465 g/L 484 g/L 500 g/L - Remove salts, detergents and other contaminants by high pressure
[3.88 lb/US gal] [4.04 lb/US gal] [4.17 lb/US gal] fresh water cleaning.
465 g/L
US (coatings) - -
[3.88 lb/US gal] New build:
- Abrasive blasting to min. Sa 2½ (ISO 8501-1) / SP 10 (SSPC).
465 g/L
US (regulatory) - - - Stainless steel, aluminium and other non ferric metals and alloys:
[3.88 lb/US gal]
use non-metallic blast media (corundum, garnet, etc.).
465 g/L - Remove dust, blast media and loose materials.
China - -
[3.88 lb/US gal]
According to specific legislation, see details in the Explanatory Notes available Maintenance and Repair
at Hempel website, hempel.com or at your local Hempel website. ªEU Directive - Spot abrasive blasting to min. PSa 2½ (ISO 8501-2) / SP 10
2004/42/CE. (SSPC).
- Stainless steel, aluminium and other non ferric metals and alloys:
use non-metallic blast media (corundum, garnet, etc.).
Handling - Remove dust, blast media and loose materials.
Handle with care. Before and during use, observe safety labels on
packaging and paint containers and follow all local and national safety
Consult Hempel's separate Surface Preparation Guidelines for more
regulations. Always consult Hempel’s Safety Data Sheet for this
product along with the Product Data Sheet.
* Colour stability may be affected by exposure to harsh chemical and/or high temperatures. Issued by Hempel A/S - November 2021
Product Data Sheet
Hempel's Silicone
Aluminium 56914
Mixing ratio
Application remarks
Stir well before use.
- Two coats of the topcoat may be necessary to obtain full hiding
Hempel's Thinner 08080
Product compatibility
Application method - Previous coat: According to Hempel’s Specification. Recommended
products are: Hempel's Galvosil 15780, Hempel's Galvosil 15700,
Thinning Hempel's Galvosil Fibre 15750
Tool Application parameters
max vol.
- Subsequent coat: None.
Nozzle pressure: 125 bar [1800 psi]
Airless spray 5%
Nozzle orifice: 0.017"
Drying time
Air spray 15% Not Applicable.
Application conditions
- To avoid condensation, apply on a clean and dry surface with a
temperature that is at least 3°C [5°F] above the dew point.
- Surface temperature must be above 5°C [41°F] during application
and curing.
Hempel's Silicone
Aluminium 56914
Shelf life
Storage conditions
- Product must be stored according to local legislation, at maximum
40°C [104°F], without direct sunlight and protected from rain and
Additional documents
Additional information is available at the Hempel website hempel.com
or at your local Hempel website:
- Explanatory Notes explaining the fields in this Product Data Sheet.
- Surface Preparation Guidelines.
- Application Guidelines for different application methods.
- General Application Guidelines
This Product Data Sheet (“PDS”) relates to the supplied product (“Product”) and is subject to updating from time-to-time. Accordingly, the buyer/applicator should have regard to the PDS supplied together
with the relevant batch of the Product (and not an earlier version). In addition to the PDS, the buyer/applicator may receive some or all of the following specifications, statements and/or guidelines as listed
below or as are available from the Hempel website under ‘Products’ at www.hempel.com (the “Additional documents”):
No. Document description Location/comments
1. Technical Statement One-off specific advice provided on request for specific projects
2. Specification Only issued for specific projects
3. PDS This document
4. Explanatory Notes to the PDS Available at www.hempel.com and contain relevant information about the Product testing parameters
5. Application Instruction Where available, at www.hempel.com
6. Generic technical guidelines (e.g. on application and surface preparation) Where available, at www.hempel.com
In the event of a conflict of information between the PDS and the Additional documents, the order of priority of information shall be in the order as set out above. In such event you should also contact your
representative at Hempel for clarification. Furthermore, the buyer/applicator must have full regard to the relevant Safety Data Sheet provided with each Product and which can also be downloaded from
Hempel shall not be liable for defects where the application of the Product has not been made fully in accordance with the recommendations and requirements set out in the relevant PDS and the Additional
Documents. The information and terms of this disclaimer apply to this PDS, the Additional documents and any other documents supplied by Hempel in respect of the Product. In addition, the Product is
supplied and all technical assistance is given subject to Hempel’s General Conditions of Sale, Delivery and Service, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.