Epilepsy Sleep
Epilepsy Sleep
Epilepsy Sleep
of Medically Responsive C O N T I N U UM A U D I O
By Derek Bauer, MD; Mark Quigg, MD, MSc, FANA, FAES
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article reviews the management of patients with
medically responsive epilepsy, including discussion of factors that may
lead to transient breakthrough seizures and patient and physician
strategies to maintain freedom from seizures.
experience inadequately
uch of the neurologist’s attention in the evaluation and care of controlled seizures. Dr Quigg
the patient with epilepsy is devoted to the goal of seizure has received research/grant
remission. Continuing seizures confer higher risks of health support as principal investigator
of studies from the National
care use, underemployment or unemployment, or sudden Institutes of Health/National
death. Once the hard work of seizure remission has succeeded, Institute of Neurological
however, less attention is sometimes paid to staying seizure free. This article Disorders and Stroke, the
University of Virginia Brain
reviews the maintenance of patients with medically responsive epilepsy, Institute, and ZETO Inc. Dr Quigg
including discussion of factors that may lead to transient breakthrough seizures has received publishing
royalties from Elsevier and has
and patient and physician strategies to maintain freedom from seizures. given expert medical testimony.
Of the 50 million people worldwide and the 3.4 million people in the Drs Bauer and Quigg report no
United States with epilepsy (roughly 1.2% of the population), two-thirds will disclosures.
become seizure free with appropriate pharmacotherapy.1 Many of these patients
will remain reliably seizure free, but some will have their daily routine © 2019 American Academy
interrupted by breakthrough seizures. of Neurology.
Treatment adherence is an important factor in maintenance of seizure control,
and a gentle skepticism while taking a history of adherence helps both the
physician and patient.
epilepsy, lower socioeconomic status was the sole factor associated with
nonadherence.17 At the other end of the age spectrum, adherence in elderly
adults measured from prescription refill counts (proportion of days covered, a
measurement related to medication possession ratio) in Medicare Part D found
that zip codes in high poverty areas were more likely to be nonadherent than
those from zip codes in wealthier areas.26
Race has also been shown to correlate with antiseizure medication
nonadherence, with minority patients, especially those who identified as African
American, at higher risk of nonadherence. In an indigent care clinic (a sample
considered as a leveling factor for wealth), compared with white patients,
African American patients had lower adherence equivalent to 2 days of missed
antiseizure medications per month in a twice daily regimen.27 In the
population-based study by Piper and colleagues,26 adherence was worse among
African American patients (40%) compared with white patients (29%).
Lastly, psychiatric factors such as mood, anxiety, or cognition may play roles
in adherence. A 2017 report from Wang and colleagues28 suggested that
moderate to severe anxiety was associated with nearly a threefold risk of
nonadherence while social support may offer some degree of protection.
Similarly, Ettinger and colleagues29 found that depression was associated with
medication nonadherence as well as poorer quality of life, although this was not
consistent across all metrics studied.
Medication Change from antiseizure medication with short half-life to one with
long half-life, fill every 3 months instead of every month, alter
scheduling to coincide with other cues
TABLE 3-2 Common Medicinal Herbs, Primary Uses, and Effects on Lowering of
Seizure Threshold or Antiseizure Medication Levelsa
Data from Samuels N, et al, Epilepsia,41 and Tyagi A, et al, Epilepsia.42
Seizure Precipitants
Seizure precipitants are “any endogenous or exogenous factor that promotes the
occurrence of epileptic seizures.”54 Seizure precipitants are different from acute
symptomatic seizures in that healthy individuals will not seize when exposed to a
Primidone Diuretics
Modified with permission from Vossler DG, et al, Epilepsy Curr.44 © 2018 American Epilepsy Society.
seizure precipitant, while patients with and without epilepsy may seize in the
face of severe brain or systemic insults, which typify acute symptomatic
seizures.3 The reported prevalence of seizure precipitants varies widely based
on practice setting. A study of a community-based practice found the prevalence
of all precipitants to be 47%, while rates range higher, between 62% and 97%,
at tertiary epilepsy centers54–56 Despite a significantly wide range of estimates
of the overall prevalence of seizure precipitants, data regarding specific
patient-reported seizure precipitants are remarkably consistent, with stress,
sleep deprivation, and fatigue being the most commonly documented
(FIGURE 3-1).54–56 Patients with different epilepsy syndromes probably have
different susceptibilities among precipitants. For example, in the study by Frucht
and colleagues,54 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy cited sleep (as opposed to
sleep deprivation) as a precipitant disproportionately less frequently than
syndromes such as nontemporal focal epilepsy or idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
Distribution of seizure precipitants for 400 adult patients surveyed at a tertiary care
epilepsy clinic.
Reprinted with permission from Frucht MM, et al, Epilepsia.54 © 2000 John Wiley and Sons.
previous diary studies66 and surveys8,13,54 found that patients reported that ● Stress and sleep
sleep deprivation provoked seizures. deprivation are the most
Sleep deprivation and insomnia, through the enhancement of the stress common seizure
response, may worsen seizure control because of dysregulation of hypothalamic precipitants in patients
with epilepsy.
pituitary function. Insufficient sleep and the “hyperarousal” of insomnia causes
compensatory changes in homeostatic processes; stress hormones such as ● Insomnia is common in
noradrenaline and corticosteroids are dysregulated in primary insomnia.67 patients with epilepsy and
Altered corticosteroid responses to stress have been observed in children is correlated with poor
seizure control.
susceptible to stress-precipitated seizures.68 The interactions between sleep
disruptions and epilepsy may not be one way; seizures and the epileptic state may
alter circadian regulation and affect sleep distribution (among other
circadian rhythms).69,70
ALCOHOL. Alcohol use has also been described as a seizure precipitant54; higher
rates (15%) may be seen where alcohol use is more culturally accepted.75 These
studies did not pin down whether it was alcohol ingestion or the phase of
● Self-management
u Awaken at the same time every day (eg, 6:30 AM or 7:00 AM) and do something active and techniques may improve
in the light upon awakening psychiatric comorbidities
u No sleep “when the sun is up” (don’t steal from nighttime sleep) associated with epilepsy,
and some evidence suggests
u Give yourself at least an 8-hour window for sleep, and do something “boring” before going this may translate into
to bed improved seizure frequency.
u No caffeine past noon
● The first-line treatment
u No electronics in the bedroom (eg, smartphone, computer, television) for insomnia is cognitive-
behavioral therapy;
The authors of this article provide patients these suggestions because they sedative-hypnotic use
should be avoided as much
can be tackled by most patients and their families largely because of simplicity.
as possible in patients with
Note that these sleep suggestions mediate waking behavior; patients need to be epilepsy because of risks
counseled that sleep cannot be forced but slips into the space prepared for it by of polypharmacy and the
one’s daytime activities. A sleep history concentrating on time in bed, time fluctuation of seizure
thresholds, such as
arising, sleep fragmentation, in-bed and environmental distractions, caffeine
in the withdrawal from
use, and factors such as snoring and apneas can disclose sleep habits that may and habituation to
affect seizure control and daytime sleepiness. In the authors’ experience, a sleep benzodiazepines.
history is easily obtained but never given without explicit questioning. The
first-line treatment for insomnia is cognitive-behavioral therapy88; sedative-
hypnotic use should be avoided as much as possible in patients with epilepsy
because of risks of polypharmacy and the fluctuation of seizure thresholds,
such as in the withdrawal from and habituation to benzodiazepines. The
evidence for the proconvulsant properties of medications used for their soporific
effects due to activities at histamine receptors—tricyclic antidepressants, such
as amitriptyline or trazodone, or antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine—is
mixed.89,90 Nevertheless, in the authors’ practice, when faced with insomnia or
sleep deprivation, patient education or other behavioral methods are attempted
first, and sleep-aid agents with less of an epileptogenic burden such as melatonin
or gabapentin are preferred.
Avoidance of flashing light exposure can be surprisingly difficult. For
example, police and ambulance strobes or the stark shadows seen on bright
winter days while driving through the woods can serve as unexpected sources of
strong photic stimulation to drivers and passengers alike. Electronic devices
feature flashing lights and rapid screen redraws, and video games still feature
scenes that can provoke seizures (although guidelines for filtering especially
potent light wavelengths have been legislated).91 Special sunglasses can be tinted
with colors specifically to block particularly ictogenic light spectra, although
plain gray glasses may have equal effects.92,93 Patients can be quite clever in
self-treatment; one patient of the authors whose seizures were triggered by the
flashing “hold” button on her office phone masked most of the light with finger
nail polish, fixing the problem.
Medically responsive epilepsy is more common than medically intractable
epilepsy. Despite having a relatively straightforward prognosis, the longitudinal
treatment of the population who are seizure free requires vigilance and
education. The fundamental basics of care in this population center on a working
knowledge of antiseizure medications, patient adherence, and factors that
could precipitate seizures.
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