Learning To Love Yourself
Learning To Love Yourself
Learning To Love Yourself
When you’re happy with yourself, someone else is more able to be happy
with you.
You can see why this is true if you imagine the situation from the point of
view of, for example, your partner. If you’re not at ease with yourself, you’ll
be edgy and difficult to live with. And that undermines your relationship. So,
in order to relate well to others, you must first relate well to yourself —
which means that you need to have a good self-image.
For most of us, though, there are knocks and setbacks in our past that damage
our ability to have a good self-image.
of ourselves.
This next exercise, which can bring about the most wonderful transformation,
will help to heal those wounds. It’s the best way to set yourself up for a
healthy romantic relationship, and it’s also one of the most healing and -
rewarding things you can do if you’re on your own or have recently split up
with a partner.
Some people, when they read through the exercise for the first time, have told
me they’d feel silly doing it, because it involves talking to and holding your
younger self.
But every single one of my clients who’ve used this exercise has later
commented on how powerful it was. And, strangely, it was those who felt
most awkward about it at first who experienced the most profound changes.
3. Now, imagine that, just like a special effect in a movie, you can float into
the scene and speak directly to your younger self.
4. Tell your younger self that you’re from the future and that everything’s
going to be fine.
5. Tell your younger self that you love and value him/her completely.
6. Tell your younger self that you’ve survived, and anything else you know
now about the unhappy situation that will help him/her feel better about it.
7. Now, vividly imagine reaching out and comforting your younger self by
embracing or holding him/her until you feel really warm and loving and you
sense that your younger self has felt and accepted your love and appreciation.
8. Finally, place your younger self in your heart so that you can continue to
feel that love.