Lessons: Mariano Marcos State University
Lessons: Mariano Marcos State University
Lessons: Mariano Marcos State University
Self-Assessment Exercise 1
Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom and David Krathwol revisited the
cognitive domain in the learning taxonomy in the mid-nineties and made some changes,
with perhaps the two most prominent ones being, 1) changing the names in the six
categories from noun to verb forms, and 2) slightly rearranging them (Pohl, 2000). This new
taxonomy reflects a more active form of thinking and is perhaps more accurate:
4. Analyze – Breaking material into its constituent parts and detecting how the
parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose.
a. Differentiating
b. Organizing
c. Attributing
5. Evaluate – Making judgments based on criteria and standards.
a. Checking
b. Critiquing
6. Create – Putting elements together to form a novel, coherent whole or make
an original product.
a. Generating
b. Planning
c. Producing
The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973) includes the manner in which
we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms,
motivations, and attitudes. The five major categories are listed from the simplest behavior to
the most complex.
To inform management
on matters that one feels
strongly about.
Organization Integrating a new value adhere, alter, arrange, To recognize the need for
into one’s general set of combine, compare, balance between freedom
values giving it some complete, defend, and responsible
ranking among one’s explain, formulate,
general priorities. generalize, identify, To accept responsibility
integrate, modify, for one's behavior.
order, organize,
prepare, relate, To explain the role of
synthesize. systematic planning in
solving problems.
To prioritize time
effectively to meet the
needs of the organization,
family, and self.
Characterization Acting consistently with act, discriminate, To show self-reliance
by Value the new value display, influence, when working
modify, perform, independently.
practice, propose,
To cooperate in group
qualify, revise, serve, activities (displays
solve, verify teamwork).
To use an objective
approach in problem
To display a professional
commitment to
ethical practice on a daily
There are three primary taxonomies for the psychomotor domain. These are by
Simpson, Dave and Harrow.
Guided Response: The early stages in copy, trace, follow, Science: To operate an
learning a complex skill that includes react, reproduce, apparatus by following the
imitation and trial and error. respond instruction of a manual or by
Adequacy of performance is achieved following the instruction of
by practicing. the teacher.
Modify the skill or product to fit To draw objects that can be seen
new situations; combine more in the house. (application of basic
4. Articulation stroke)
than one skill in sequence with
harmony and consistency. To write a given set of words.
To read and combine syllables to
form words.
The taxonomy of Simpson, Dave and Harrow have been reorganized and simplified
into four categories or levels.
2. Imitating ( similar to Begin, explain, move, copy, To copy the basic strokes
guided response by display, proceed, react, written on the blackboard.
Simpson and Imitation by show, state, volunteer To follow the procedure of
Dave) an experiment
To imitate the sound of an
3. Practicing ( similar to Bend, calibrate, construct, To demonstrate how to
mechanism and complex differentiate, dismantle, operate the triple beam
overt response by display, fasten, fix, grasp, balance accurately with
Simpson and precision grind, handle, measure, mix, confidence in front of the
and articulation by Dave) operate, manipulate, mend class.
To write the letters of the
alphabet legibly.
Self-Assessment Exercise 2
The following are examples of learning outcomes / learning objectives. Write the
domain (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) in the second column for each of learning
outcome / learning objective and in the third column the level or category to which the
learning outcome / learning objective belongs.
2. To perform
repeatedly with
speed and accuracy
4. To memorize the
letters of the
5. To accept leadership
responsibility with
7. To follow a procedure
in operating an
instrument as
demonstrated by the
8. To recite and
participate actively
during class
9. To rephrase the
definition of
assessment and
1. For the cognitive domain, use either the levels of Bloom's or Anderson's Taxonomy.
2. For the psychomotor domain, use the simplified version by Simpson, Dave, and
Lesson References/Further
Buendicho, F.C. (2010). Assessment of Student Learning 1. Rex Bookstore Inc. Sta. Mesa
Heights, Quezon City
Gabuyo, Y.A (2015). Assessment of Learning 1. Rex Bookstore Inc. Sta. Mesa Heights,
Quezon City
Navarro, R.L, Santos, R.G. and Corpuz, B.B. (2019). Assessment of Learning 1. Lorimar
Publishing Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila
Santos, R D (2007). Assessment of Learning 1. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Cubao, Quezon City