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Using MALZ To Simulate FOP-GUIDE

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Fall-of-Potential Calculation Using MALZ

Fall-Of-Potential Calculations Using MALZ

by Greg Chang
Pacific Gas & Electric Company, California, USA

As a means to check the validity of the soil and ground grid model used in a grounding
analysis study, the calculated fall-of potential curve is compared to the measured curve. The
CDEGS MALZ module is generally used for large systems grounding analysis. Unlike
MALT, MALZ does not have a built in feature to calculate fall-of-potential plots. This
article will focus on the procedure on calculating a fall-of-potential plot using MALZ.

To illustrate the process, data taken from a medium sized substation, Station “OK”, is used. The
size of Station “OK” is 250 ft. X 215 ft. Figure 1 shows the general layout of the station grounds
and equipment. Figure 2 shows where the soil resistivity and grid resistance fall-of-potential
measurements were taken.

With soil resistivity data taken with a Megger DET-2/2 soil resistance meter, a four layer soil
model is derived with RESAP. Figure 3 shows the RESAP plot. The calculated curve is very
close to the measured curve.

In energizing the MALZ model, 1 amp was injected at a location inside the station yard. In
addition, 1 amp was returned at the remote stake. Figure 4 shows the command mode portion of
the MALZ file and Figure 5 to Figure 6 depicts the screen shots of the Input Toolbox for the same
input file illustrating the different settings used. Profile points were taken at the surface along the
fall-of-potential path at 25 ft. intervals for a total of 950 feet. The starting and ending frequency
was set to 150 Hz, the same frequency used by the meter at the time of the measurement.

Once the MALZ run is completed, the potential rise of the injected conductor is noted from the
F09 output file. In this case, the potential rise is 0.3743 volt with a 169.16 degree angle. From
the Output Toolbox module of the plot/report portion of CDEGS, touch potential is computed
using the potential rise magnitude and angle as the user defined values with a setting for 2D plots.
Figure 9 shows the Output Toolbox Computation screen.

Before clicking on the draw button, some flags need to be made under the Advance setting in
order to save the report file. Click on advance button on the Computation screen and then check
the selection for “Generate Report on to File” with the selection of “All Selected Points”. Figure
10 shows the Zoom and Profiles tab settings. Click on OK to return to the main menu and click
on the draw button. Under the plot tab, a fall-of-potential curve is created and under the report
tap, the touch potential points are listed. Figure 11 shows the resulting profile plot. This should
look like a typical fall-of-potential curve. After closing up the Output Toolbox, the report files
are saved as a CS_XXXX.F17 file where XXXX is the run ID.

From here, I can now plot the measured fall-of-potential resistance data versus the calculated
points. Using the plotting feature in Microsoft EXCEL, three columns are listed. The first is
for distance, second for the measured data and last is for the calculated data. One thing to
note is that the calculated results from MALZ are in volts. Since I used 1 amp as my injected
current, the resulting touch voltages are the same as the point resistances.

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Fall-of-Potential Calculation Using MALZ

Figure 12 shows the resulting curves. This case, the curves match closely. So, this appears to be
a valid model. Several things to consider in the event that the match is not close may be due to
poor ground grid model, bad soil resistivity data, or grid resistance data. The bad data may be
caused by buried pipeline interference or even coupling between the probe leads.

In closing, background information on measuring and hand plotting the grid resistance of a
station is covered in the “How To….” engineering guide on large suburban stations
(SUBURBAN.PDF) as well as several other publications.

Figure 1 General arrangement of equipment and ground grid of Station “OK”

Figure 2 Location of fall-of-potential and soil resistivity measurements

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Fall-of-Potential Calculation Using MALZ

<--- LAYER CHARACTERISTICS --> Reflection Resistivity

Layer Resistivity Thickness Coefficient Contrast
Number (ohm-m) ( Feet ) (p.u.) Ratio
====== ============== ============== ============ ============
1 infinite infinite 0.0 1.0
2 23.80000 7.500000 -1.0000 0.23800E-18
3 15.00000 13.30000 -0.22680 0.63025
4 261.8000 56.10000 0.89162 17.453
5 10.30000 infinite -0.92429 0.39343E-01

Figure 3 RESAP plot

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Fall-of-Potential Calculation Using MALZ

TEXT,Simulation of Step and Touch Potentials at Station “OK”.
TEXT,Four layer soil model. - Traverse 1
TEXT,Fall-of-Potential Curve
“ “ “ “ “ “
“ “


Figure 4 MALZ command mode input file

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Figure 5 Screen shot of the main MALZ Input Toolbox screen

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Fall-of-Potential Calculation Using MALZ

Figure 6 Screen shot of the MALZ energization system settings

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Figure 7- Screen shot of the MALZ soil type settings

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Figure 8 Screen shot of the MALZ computation settings

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Figure 9 Output Toolbox Computation Screen

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Fall-of-Potential Calculation Using MALZ

Figure 10 Advance Computation Screen

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Fall-of-Potential Calculation Using MALZ

Figure 11 Potential Curve

Figure 12 Fall-of-Potential curve comparison.

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