Jackie Silberg-Games To Play With Babies-Sample
Jackie Silberg-Games To Play With Babies-Sample
Jackie Silberg-Games To Play With Babies-Sample
Third Edition
Jackie Silberg
Illustrated by Laura D’Argo
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with Babies
gryphon house®, inc.
Beltsville, MD 20704
Third Edition
Sample provided by iActiveLearning.com, all rights reserved.
This book is dedicated to the joy that babies bring into our lives.
Thanks to Kathy Charner, the most wonderful editor an author
can have. She makes the words come alive.
And to the Gryphon House family who work together to
produce the beautiful product that you are looking at now.
Copyright © 2001 Jackie Silberg
Published by Gryphon House, Inc.
10726 Tucker Street, Beltsville, MD 20705
Visit us on the web at www.gryphonhouse.com
GV1203.S536 2001
790.1’922—dc21 2001018976
The publisher and the author cannot be held responsible for injury,
mishap, or damages incurred during the use of or because of the activ-
ities in this book. The author recommends appropriate and reasonable
supervision at all times based on the age and capability of each child.
Index 253
Age range
The age range given for each activity is an approximation.
Remember that each child develops at his or her own pace.
Use your knowledge of each individual child as the best judg-
ment as to whether an activity is appropriate.
Self-concept skills
Inspects her own hands
Brings things to his mouth
Focuses her eyes on her moving hands
Smiles at a mirror image
Makes sounds to mirror images
Anticipates feeding time
Plays unattended for ten minutes or more
Picks up a spoon
Feeds himself crackers
Holds a bottle part of the time
Lifts a cup with a handle
Looks directly at a person’s face
Recognizes parents and other familiar people
Reaches for familiar people
Responds to “peek-a-boo”
Smiles in response to facial expressions
Self-concept skills
Seeks or demands attention
Pushes away another’s hands to keep a toy
Holds her arms in front of her face to avoid being washed
Holds his arms out to be picked up
Sucks on soft foods from a spoon
Holds, bites, and chews a cracker or a biscuit
Feeds herself with her fingers
Drinks from a cup with help