Risk Minimization Strategies
Risk Minimization Strategies
Risk Minimization Strategies
This research is completely dedicated to my parents, who gave me much support and
encouragement during the course of my studies. My life in the USA could never have been
possible without their love, affection, and support. I deeply express my love to my mother, Mrs.
Premalatha Prabhakar, for her unending support and motivation during tough times. I am
indebted to my brother, Mr. Rajesh Singathi, for his strong belief and hope in me and providing
me the necessary assistance in all ways. I would also thank my friends and colleagues (Priyanka
Tumuluru, Sunisha Chalasani, and Srikanth Maddali) who encouraged me during my stay at
I would like to express my deep gratitude to my mentor Dr. Irwin G Martin for his
endless support, confidence, and the innovative thoughts throughout my master’s program.
I would like to thank Dr. Stephen Sonstein, our academic advisor, for his support
I would like to thank the teaching and non-teaching staff of College of Health and
Human Services especially, for their timely help during my learning experience at Eastern.
Also, I would like to thank the EMU Graduate School for providing me academic support.
Risk management strategies are the most essential elements for the drug safety profile.
Developed countries like the USA, Europe, Canada and Japan are strengthening and updating
their risk management plan every now and then. These countries have a systematic and well
developed process of preventing drug risks in their respective markets. Developing countries like
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh need to work on the improvement of their risk
management processes. The risk management strategies in these countries are not as stringent
and organized as the developed countries. An informal survey was conducted in rural parts in
India to know the knowledge of risk management and drug risks among the pharmacists and
patients. The observations of the survey have been described in detail and suggestions to
improve the risk management have been proposed for developing counties and India in specific.
DEDICATION .....................................................................................................................1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................2
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................7
2. BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................10
3. METHODS ....................................................................................................................12
4. RESULTS ......................................................................................................................14 ..............................................................................................15
4.1.3 Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) ...............................23
5. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................31 1...............................................................................................36
6. CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................41
7. REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................42
Figure Page
1 REMS Outline.......................................................................................................17
It is said that “No effective medicine is without risk but the benefits of a drug product
have to outweigh the known risks”1. Risk management is a process of estimating a drugs liability
of risks and benefits, taking keen steps to minimize the known risks and ensure that the benefits
of that drug outweigh the risks1. Different drug regulatory agencies are undertaking different
strategic programs to minimize the known risks through interventions such as medication guides,
specialized education, communication plans, special monitoring, prescribing only under certain
circumstances and assure the safe use of other elements1,2. There has been an increased trend
towards the establishment of risk minimization requirements for a class of drugs rather than an
individual drug. The misuse, abuse and accidental overdose of some drugs had led to the concern
to developing these strategies. The drug authorities have seriously started looking at the need to
balance access to those drugs with the need to reduce abuse and drug misuse2.
Usually, drugs or drug classes, which come under risk minimization requirements, are subject to
frequent changes. These strategies help in enhancing the communication with the patients about
risks and in some cases they require registration of patients and educating the pharmacists about
Now, the question is, are all the drug authorities around the word following these Risk
Management Strategies? Are these Risk Management Strategies really necessary? Not all the
countries around the world are following these strategies though most of the developed countries
have their own risk minimization strategies and developed different procedures. There are many
developing countries and under developed countries who do not have risk minimization
strategies. These are mostly the non-ICH countries. The non-ICH countries include Australia,
Brazil, South Africa and most of the Asian countries such as China, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
and others.
Different countries have different means of managing or reducing the risk of marketed
pharmaceuticals. The United States has FDA which monitors the risk management through the
REMS program3. REMS have been effective from 2008 and since then there has been very good
risk management for the drugs approved by FDA. In Europe, the risk management strategies
have been monitored by European Medicines Agency (EMEA). In Europe, a program similar to
REMS has been into practice, known as Risk Management plans (RMP). This is a more
elaborated version of the REMS in USA. In Japan, the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Agency (PDMA) monitors the risk management strategies of their drugs and devices. Their
management plan is more or less similar to the above practices in United States and Europe. This
is known as Risk Minimization Plan (RMP). Other developed countries like Australia, Canada
have similar plans to reduce or avoid the risks of a drug comparing the benefits of it.
The risk management strategies followed in most of the developed countries is very
systematic and can be taken as an initiative to other developing countries. The outline of the
strategies vary from one country or organization to another, but the overall functionality of the
risk management strategies remain the same as to maintaining the benefit-risk balance.
Countries are trying to collaborate with each other to improve the risk management strategies
such as Europe and Japan. Other developing countries like China, India and Sri Lanka currently
do not have an organized or systematic risk management system to decide whether the benefits
During the past years, numerous drugs have been withdrawn from the market due to safety
concerns. Here, a question might arise to whether any of these drugs could have been rescued
following high standard REMS. Drugs like Posicor™ (Mibefradil, generic drug) and Seldane,
were removed from the market in 1998 . The reason for their withdrawal was other drug
interactions. Posicor, which was a blood pressure lowering drug, was found to be fatal with
interaction with 26 other drugs. These drugs could have been saved by following good risk
been withdrawn from the market as the post marketing studies revealed that the benefits of this
drug no longer outweigh the risks. This drug was being used by thousands in Europe. This was
In developing countries like India, many drugs have been withdrawn from the market.
The reasons for the withdrawal are listed, but there aren’t any risk management performed to
justify the ban on these drugs. Phenformin, an anti-diabetic drug had been banned due to risk of
lactic acidosis. Similarly, drugs like Gatifloxacin, Astemizole and Seldane have been removed
There are many other drugs which are being pulled off from the market for some or the
other risk based reasons in India every year. These withdrawals are based on pharmacovigilance
studies that are conducted to evaluate these drugs. There are millions of dollars being invested in
The Risk Management Strategies are followed by all the drug authorities around the world
but different terminologies are used. In the United States, it is known as Risk Evaluation and
Mitigation Strategies (REMS). REMS were earlier known as Risk Minimization action plans
(Risk Maps) which was designed to minimize known risks for drug products4. The MHLW in
Japan deals with a similar concept with potential risks, important identified risks and missing
information known as Risk Management Plan (RMP) 6. The European Medical Agency (EMA)
has come up with a program known as European Risk Management Strategy (ERMS) which
aims at providing measures that help in early detection of risks, minimization of risks and
communication plans for drugs in the European countries throughout the lifecycle of the drug 7.
The process of identifying a risk, analyzing it, creating an action plan to manage or avoid the
risk is called risk management4. Risk management consists of four primary steps, risk detection,
risk assessment, risk minimization and ways for risk communication. We are aware of risk
management strategies in our day to day life. We experience this before we begin to do anything
daily. For example, when a person has to cross a busy road, he looks on both the sides to wait for
the vehicles to pass before he can cross the road to prevent the risk of being hit by a car. This is
Risk Management Plans in pharmaceutical industry needs to include the pre-approval stages
of developing new medicines in submissions for approval5. This plan can be described as a set of
pharmacovigilance activities that characterize, identify, minimize or prevent the risks related to
the drug or medicine and to communicate the concerned risks to health care providers,
These risk strategies have been developed time and again by the concerned agencies
throughout the world. The economy and development of a country plays a key role in their drug
risk management. Many countries have learnt from the previous experiences of drug failures in
market and their impact on patients. These lessons led to strengthening the infrastructure of risk
management plans and upgrading their strategies. Today, most of the ICH following developed
countries such as USA, Europe, Japan and Canada has stringent rules and regulations 5. But,
developing countries like India, China, Sri Lanka and Pakistan have still a lot to work on their
risk management strategies. In most of these countries, there isn’t any department which
exclusively overlooks the risk strategies like those in the developed countries. Proposals will be
made to suggest risk minimization strategies for India keeping in mind the county’s economy
This paper will contain brief review of the risk minimizing processes in developed and
developing countries. This will summary of the procedures and processes in the United States,
c) Japan-RMP
Later, an informal survey conducted by the writer and the observations in India will be
presented in detail. This informal survey was conducted in different pharmacy stores across
Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh. In this survey, the writer had taken the opinion and
knowledge of nearly 45 pharmacists. These were either diploma holders (14) or holding a
bachelor’s degree in pharmacy (31). As a part of the survey, the writer had talks with
pharmacists and also spent time making observations while they were attending the
patients/customers. The writer had short talks with the patients/customers coming to these stores
to collect their prescribed drugs and also taken their opinion and knowledge on the drug effects
and medication guides. The observation from the interaction with pharmacists and
The writer will then provide suggestions for improving the risk management systems in
developing countries and India in particular. Two proposals will be made for this. The first
proposal will be suggestions for Indian risk management in particular and the second will be a
4.1.1 US FDA
In 1960, FDA constituted a policy of complete disclosure, where the drug manufacturers
had to provide all the information of their product’s dose usage, effectiveness and side effects 8.
FDA also insisted on this mentioning these on the product labeling. Safety and effectiveness of a
product form a crucial part of the drug licensing procedure. Controlled Substances Act (CSA) of
1970 was known as the beginning of the modern day risk management. This US federal drug
policy CSA under which the prescribers, manufacturers, dispensers, product labeling, use,
warning and distribution of drug products is regulated, brought in a new era of risk management
by enforcing additional tools and risk indicators like letters to healthcare providers, pharmacists
Any drug approved by the FDA has to be marketed with a package insert along with the
product. This package insert is the means of communication of the risks associated with its
usage10, 11
. But, for some cases, the FDA and the manufacturers will have to go beyond the
product labeling process with REMS. REM is to manage the risks of a product and to ensure that
the benefits of the product outweigh the risks. FDA usually enforces REMS for a drug product or
biological product with a primary goal to educate or inform the healthcare providers such as
doctors and pharmacists as well as the patients. An applicant can also voluntarily submit a
proposed REMS, without even being notified by FDA along with an original application or it can
benefits outweigh the risks. It is finally FDA that decides if the proposed REMS are required for
that application. FDA can go ahead and also reject the proposed REMS application if it thinks
that is unnecessary and if it does not meet the FDAAA criteria. In such situations the applicant
can as well undertake the alternative risk management measures that are outside of REMS 11. RiskMAPs
Before 2004, there were many drugs which were removed from market due to safety
8, 11
concerns, primarily; the risks of these drugs were outweighing their benefits . During this
period the government started to work on developing different risk management concepts and
their guidance. In March, 2005 RiskMAPs was outlined with three primary guidelines.
3) Reporting and communicating with the FDA to minimize the known risks10, 11.
RiskMAPs was designed with the primary goal to minimize the known risks of a product
The Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy has a primary goal to help the healthcare
providers and patients to be aware of the known potential risks associated with the drug product
and to work towards lessening the risk or eliminate the risk of a serious adverse reaction. The
FDA, in 2008 made it a rule that any drug with potential risks need to come with a REMS plan.
REMS are to make sure that the potential risks of a drug do not outweigh the benefits. The drug
companies should come up with a strategic plan to manage the risks of the drug throughout its
lifecycle8, 9.
There may be numerous conditions to when REMS might be required. It can be a group
of drugs with similar risk factor or medications with from the same drug class. Today many drug
companies are submitting the REMS along with their NDA itself and allowing the FDA to
decide if REMS is required for that particular drug9. Usually when a new drug is approved and
there is a concern over the potential side effects or risks, FDA requires REMS to be submitted. It
can also be submitted later if the sponsor becomes aware of new safety information in the post
The drug companies should also describe how the proposed REMS will be working, the
objectives and goals from the time of drug approval to post marketing. But, from a sponsor’s
prospective; REMS implementation will be very expensive and time taking. The sponsor will
have to hire more resources that will have to devote more time and efforts on the risk
management, safety and regulatory activities of the drug. Usually the sponsors get very good
assistance from FDA through the draft guidance and other links in their website to prepare for
There are different elements of REMS that can be used by a sponsor which need to be
appropriate. Below are elements proposed by the FDA based on the potential risk of the drug.
A) Medication Guide
B) Communication Plan
D) Implementation Plan
E) Timetable for submission of assessments13, 16
According to the Code of Federal Regulation, 21 CFR 208, medication guide is required
by law and draft guidance has been added to the FDA website to help the sponsors, healthcare
providers and patients understand its essence. Medication guide is the most commonly used
Medication Guides are paper handouts that contain FDA approved information which is
helpful to the patient to understand the potential risks of a particular drug to prevent adverse
events. The medication guide has information like what the drug exactly is, how to use that drug
and what risks are involved in taking that drug. Along with the medication guides, we may also
find the consumer guides which contain even more detailed information of the drug usage
It is a description of the company’s plan to educate healthcare professionals on the safe use
of the product to support implementation of the REMS14. The tools for a communication plan
b. Information about serious hazard and risks of a potential drug passed on to the providers.
d. Explain the healthcare providers about safety and management protocols and encourage
FDA requires these when the drug is inherently hazardous or is intentionally abused15.
This is required where PPI and communication plan are not expected to evaluate the risk factors
for the drug3. FDA needs to approve drugs only in presence of such elements. Attestations (legal
statement that one has met the thresholds and all of the requirements of an act), enrollment
forms, training materials, patient education, safety protocols, medical monitoring procedures,
Training of prescribers/pharmacies/hospitals, patient monitoring, evidence of patient
safety, drug dispensary restrictions, periodic re-certification and re-enrollment may be also
outcomes, compliance data safety information, clinical and lab data may be important.
These systems monitor and evaluate the implementation of ETASU and suggest the
certified distributors to certified pharmacies and appropriate patients may be included as a part of
these systems. A database with all certifications, conducting periodic audits to assure ETASU
compliance and trustworthiness of distribution systems are the elements of REMS17, 18.
Risk assessments for NDA’s and BLA’s should be submitted to FDA on a periodic basis
in REMS. Minimum frequency of 3 assessment submissions is required for every 18, 36 and 84
months but the frequency varies depending upon the risk factors . Three statements about
period of interval between submissions and the next approximate submittal date should be
notified not less than 60 days from each submission date. This periodic submission may be
provided for the existing demographics keeping in mind the benefit and risk balance of the
product technically. A drug or product’s safety information during the time of authorization is
very limited due to numerous factors such as clinical trials done on relatively small population,
local ethnicity, restricted age group and other demographic issues that persist during that time 6
Though there are multiple risks attached to a product, there is a very small scope to identify the
potential risks of that product during initial authorization. The actual risks are identified with
necessary pharmacovigilance planning along with characterizing the safety profile of the drug
from the pre and post authorized study data. When the pre-authorization or initial authorization is
sought, not all potential or actual risks would have been identified. There may be other
demographic population such as pregnant, children, elderly people, lactating women, people of
different ethnicity with whom the drug risk is greater or the results of that drug are different6,7.
While assessing a drug’s profile there are a few important things to be kept in mind such
new risk factors, implementation of risk mitigation strategies7, 19. A drug or a medicinal product
with a desired pharmacological activity will definitely have some undesired risk factors. But, its
difference on target population may vary with disease prevalence and its severity. Keeping these
strategies in mind a drug might have different versions of risk minimization procedures for a
particular region, though there will be core RMP overall regardless of where it is being used.19
According to the EU-RMP (Risk Management Plan) template, the following template is
categorized into Parts and Modules. The RMP consists of 7 standard parts and which are
subdivided into modules which are tailored in such a way that more modules can be added or
removed accordingly.20
P1: Product information
This part of RMP contains the general information of a drug/medicinal product such as active
drug substance in the product and the therapeutic group that it belongs to. It also holds the
administrative RMP information of the parts and modules covered and the dosage, indication,
strength and the forms used and also the number of medicinal products in that application.19,20
This part of the template is again categorized into 8 different Modules. This part of RMP will
form the basis for future pharmacovigilance planning and also risk minimizing strategies. Safety
Under this module there are a few specific topics that are taken into consideration.
M7: Identified risks and potential risks
EU has categorized a few drug products as Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) for
human use. These comprise of drug products related to gene therapy and somatic cell therapy.
Keeping in mind the importance and the risk factors of these kinds of drug products, the Module
7 in this case needs to be replaced with Identified and potential risks for ATMPs. Apart from
these, this module also highlights other possible risks like food-drug interaction and drug-drug
interaction, newly identified safety concerns from recent post authorization studies and safety
implications7, 21.
This module deals with the safety concerns related to the active substance, formulations to be
This provides the structured plan for the identification of ne safety concerns of the drug product,
its risk factors and the importance of missing information that needs to be sought. This part of
RMP provides the information of routine and additional pharmacovigilance activities that need to
be done.
Clinical and non-clinical brief overview and summary of all the above modules need to
be provided. The risk management plan should be treated as a scientific document and strictly
European Medicines Agency sees benefits of interaction with Japanese regulators. There
has been an increase in the interaction between the developed countries for the betterment of
drug safety and to avoid duplication of the work done. Over the past 3 years there has been
constant increase in the interaction between Japan regulatory authorities and the European
Japan can be also listed as a developed country. Their risk minimization is not as specific
as EMEA or not as perfect as REMS by FDA. But, still they have implemented a different
method which is also effective as are the other developed countries. The risk management plan
22, 23
used in Japan is known as the Risk Minimization Plan (RMP) . RMP is the minimization
activities that are done to lessen the potential known risk of the drug and to maintain the
appropriate balance between the risks and benefits of the drug that were observed during the
approval process and also the post marketing. RMP guidelines deal with the identified risks,
important potential risks and other missing information which were identified during the
In Japan, the sponsor is called a MAH (Marketing Authorization Holders). The MAH
should make sure to add new implementation plan of risk/benefit assessment. The RMP should
be developed at the time of approval following the E2E guidelines and the MAH is supposed to
outline the safety specifications at the time of application. If there are any safety issues that were
identified after the application, the MAH is supposed to update the RMP for the review 22, 24.
When a new dosage or additional indication is added to a new drug application at the
time of approval.
When safety specification is submitted newly for re-examination at the time of approval.
When safety specification is submitted newly for re-examination at the time of post
marketing phase.
When applying for a generic drug and its reference drug has already developed an
According to the PMDA, keeping in mind the above conditions, before the sponsor submits
a PMS or a basic plan for post marketing surveillance, it will have to include RMP which will
contain the Pharmacovigilance Plan and the Risk Management Plan as recommended.
Based on the identified Safety Specifications, MAHs should develop a Risk Management
Plan to promote the safe use of a drug and also check the risk to benefit balance. Keeping the
Safety Specifications in mind, additional actions should be developed and a clear description
should be provided of how these actions were taken and the methods used. The contents of the
Risk management Plan are assessed at the time of approval review process and any additional
Below are a few considerations that a Risk Management Plan must follow:
Identified risk population
The differences in the safety profile of the drug in Japan compared to overseas.
All the above risk management activities need to be detailed considerably before reporting to
the PDMA. The Risk Management Plan has to be developed and kept updated depending on the
pharmacovigilance plan. This is referred to as ICH E2E guidelines and these pharmacovigilance
activities are developed at the approval review and post marketing based on the Safety
Specifications which primarily include important identified risks, important potential risks and
important missing information23. The PDMA usually recommends this plan to generic drugs
which have additional pharmacological activities from the original drugs, follow on biologics
and new drugs at the time of approval submissions. This plan is also recommended when a new
4.2 Developing countries (India)
The drug regulatory authority in India is Central Drugs Standard Control Organization
(CDSCO) which regulates the approval or new drugs to the marketing of any medicine in India.
CDSCO lays down the rules and regulations for the pharmaceutical industry in India. They have
subdivisions for every state which monitor the drug approval to marketing process for their
respective states. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is growing at the rate of 12-14% per
annum. More new drugs, vacancies and new routes of administration are coming up in the
market every year. It is estimated that every year around 20,000-30,000 applications for New
Chemical Entities (NCE) are being received by CDSCO. India is a country with a vast
population, different ethnic variations, different medicinal practices and various disease
prevalence patterns.
What could be the risk minimization strategies followed by India, a country with second
highest population and a large pharmaceutical market? After a lot of research and from the
writer’s knowledge of pharmacy, the writer noticed that the risk minimization strategies are at its
juvenile stage in this country. The risk management in India mainly concentrates on the adverse
reactions monitoring. As a part of the risk management program, CDSCO has coordinators at
different ADR monitoring centers (AMCs) in Zonal and sub-zonal offices. This is definitely an
excellent strategy for gathering adverse events from all parts. Adverse drug reporting is a strong
ICH procedure followed all throughout the world by both the developed and developing
countries27, 28.
In India, any person who has a either a diploma or a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy is
eligible to open up a pharmacy outlet. There are a few thousand pharmacists graduating every
year in India. This might be one of the reasons why you can find a pharmacy outlet almost every
few yards in a town. Every small clinic has an attached pharmacy with numerous generic non-
generic and other drugs. Nowadays even tiny villages with a population of a couple of hundreds
The literacy rate India is known to be 74.04% in 2011 but it is difficult for a layman to
understand the drug by its name and dosages or understand a medicine that he has been
prescribed. The issues that the writer feels that the pharmacy practice in India is facing include
the following.
Unlike developed countries such as USA, Europe and Japan, India does not have a
planned and organized infrastructure that manages the risk minimizing strategies. Developed
countries have an organization exclusively monitoring this domain, which makes the
administration run smoothly with different checkpoints to monitor risk. Techniques like
medication guides, communication plans and post marketing studies do not exist in most of the
developing countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. Processes such as REMS or RMP
which could lay rules and regulations for minimizing the risks of drugs could be more effective.
voluntarily to market their drugs with package inserts or medication guides. A process is
4.2.3 Use of Medication Guide (PPI)
Medication guides used in developed countries like USA and Japan have proved to be
the first and the best risk minimization strategy. They have been effective in carrying the risk
information of a drug and thus bringing awareness about that particular drug and so, minimizing
the risk. In India, only a few drug manufacturers follow the practice of using a medication guide,
mostly pediatric drugs. Sometimes, drugs in the form of gel or solution have medication guides
with minimal information of its therapeutic dosage, effects of over dosage and its side effects
which can be barely seen. Compact drugs like tablets and capsules are available in sheets which
have the therapeutic ingredients printed on it with minimal content of dosage information.
Pharmacists were trained to explain the use of a medication guide but hardly anyone follows it.
Most importantly, it is the patients who ignore the medication guide and treat it as an unwanted
There is no such Communication Plan program in India. Here the manufacturer is least
bothered to give any detailed description of the risks of his product to the providers and the
providers are also least bothered. Everything here is done for commercial motive of give and
take. It is usually not the manufacturer that would directly communicate with providers but the
middlemen with a role ’Medical Representatives’ who would do knowledge transfer regarding
the new drugs in the market to the providers. These middlemen were not very qualified as
necessitated in law which affects the reliability of the information they provide. Providers in
countries like India would ignore the risk factors and risk assessment strategies in many
circumstances as they would treat their profession as a business but not a ‘Profession’ in its
virtual terms. These medical representatives are usually brokers who are basically behind
increasing the sales of the drug product without passing on the risk information. The
representatives preferentially request the providers to prescribe their drug in return for financial
favors. Even if a communication plan was set up between the manufacturers and providers in
one or the other way, the purpose was served in very rare circumstances.
As the writer mentioned earlier, in a small town in India, you will not be surprised to find
at least 20 pharmacy stores. But according to IPA (Indian Pharmaceutical Association) and
CDSCO, only a person with either a diploma or a bachelor’s degree is a qualified pharmacist.
But in most of the developing countries, you hardly see this happening. . Firstly about 70% of
pharmacists in countries like India were under qualified for their designations. These are students
who had just passed grade VIII or IX and are behind the counter selling medicines. Definitely,
these students will have no clue about a medication guide or can they explain the risks or side
effects of a drug. Prescription provided by the providers when taken to a pharmacy was handed
over an under qualified pharmacist who would only sometimes provide the medication
prescribed by the pharmacists. But, in most of the cases they would give the patients with drugs
with other brand names or different dosage forms 30. There would be some worst conditions of
patients being given expired drugs too which may be less efficacious with side effects.
Pharmacists lack knowledge on the benefits and side-effects of the drug due to which they fail to
explain its importance to patients. There were many instances of drug-poisoning due to improper
information provided by the pharmacists to the patients which wouldn’t come into lime light.
Pediatrics attain utmost importance in this scenario as the pharmacists would provide the patients
an over dosage/high potency medication which lead to child abnormalities31. Most of the
patients are also unaware of side effects of a medicine and the dosages leave alone the
medication guides. The so called pharmacists are at times reluctant to look into a prescription
and simply give a medication that they know. There is a drug controller for every zone who is
supposed to supervise these, but practically nothing has been done to change these situations.
drug in market.
Risk management plan only concentrating on ADRs and not focusing on other strategies
and the health care providers leading to primary focus on financial benefits rather than
treatment of patients.
Pharmacists ignorant of knowing the risks of a new drug in market and reluctant to know
5.1 US System
The simplest and best risk minimization strategies followed throughout the world in my
opinion would be the REMS by FDA. REMS are to manage the risks of a product and to ensure
that the benefits of the product outweigh the risks. FDA usually enforces REMS for a drug
product or biological product with a primary goal to educate or inform the healthcare providers
such as doctors and pharmacists as well as the patients11. The primary elements of REMS are
A) Medication Guide
B) Communication Plan
D) Implementation Plan
5.2 EU System
Out of all the risk management strategies discussed, EU-RMP is the most detailed
infrastructure. This would also mean that these strategies will be more effective to minimize the
risks of a drug. But keeping the economy and infrastructure of developing countries, I would not
suggest the EU-RMP system in these countries. For developing countries to implement this
infrastructure they need put in loads of funds initially and they will also need to hire more
number of employees. But, in my opinion EU-RMP would be the best risk management
5.3 India specific issues
After working as a pharmacist and also doing a survey in India for 2 months (May & June,
2011) in a place called Bellampally in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, the writer was able to
gather a little information regarding the knowledge of package inserts, medication guides and the
No Communication Plan
Unqualified Pharmacists
Apart from these, author conducted informal surveys on the pharmacist’s knowledge of
medication guides, their interaction with the patients, their knowledge on the side effects of a
drug and the patient’s knowledge on package inserts and medication guides.
Compared to other developed countries, Indian literacy rate is very low. Practically
speaking, most of the people find it difficult to understand English. Almost all the drugs in India,
be it generic or non-generic drugs are marketed and labeled in English, which cannot be
understood by a layman. The difficulty here is, there are nearly 30-40 regional languages in India
and it would be very impractical for the government to implement these languages in their
regions. So the easiest and practically possible method here would be to improve the
communication between the pharmacists and patients and also providers and patients. In
observations, author had the opportunity to interact with 45 pharmacists, most of whom own
pharmacies there. After spending considerable time with them, author had come to the below
Responsible Pharmacists
Lack of knowledge
on medication
guide no interaction
with patients
It was only business that they were doing there and not really professional.
Out of 45 pharmacists, 22 of them did not know what a medication guide was and they
As they did not know what exactly a medication guide was they did not bother to read it
Next, there were 12 of them who were aware of the medication guides or package inserts
knew the essence of them. But, unfortunately these neither read them nor could they
understand the medication guides of package guides. They ignored them and failed to
Fortunately, there were 11 out of 45 pharmacists who followed the profession. They
spent ample time to know about a drug through package inserts or medication guides or
through internet. They were successfully able to convey the risk impacts of a drug and
also take a follow up of their experience. This was a great challenge for these pharmacists
as most of the patients or customers were village people who hardly knew how to read
and write.
At the same time, I started doing an informal survey on patients who came to collect their
medicines at the pharmacies on their knowledge of drug risk, medication guides and package
inserts. Surprisingly, there were a few hundred people who did not want to know the drug risk or
side effects of a drug. Out of all, I could take the opinion of 184 patients/customers. The below
Out of the 184 people that I surveyed, nearly 55%, that is 101 people had no idea of
package inserts and what a medication guide in a drug were. Most of them thought that it
was a piece of advertisement for that drug. A few of them did not know that a drug would
have risks or side effects and most of them were not bothered to know what they were.
Nearly 21%, that is 51 people had a basic idea that a drug could have risk factors and side
effects and knew what a package insert or medication guide contained. But,
unfortunately, they did not want to communicate with the pharmacists or the providers
about the risks. They just believed the drug would do whatever it is supposed to do.
The next category was educated people which came up to 16% that are 23 out of 184
people. They knew that a medicine can have risk factors and side effects but did not
bother to know them. I requested them to read a medication guide and asked the
pharmacist to explain them the risks or side effects. They fortunately understood what
exactly was in the packages and medication guides and also were able to follow the
Finally, I had 13 people who were educated too and they did have lots of knowledge on
risks, side effects, package inserts and they did follow medication guides that they came
across. They were also curious to know more about the medicines that they were
Below are few highlights and concerns of what I had observed. I would just like to compare
In India, you will hardly find any Letters to health care providers, basically doctors
from the manufacturing companies to educate them about the risks of a new drug into
There are no protocols set for the healthcare providers to learn about the safety
If there are any hazards that come to the notice of a provider, it is hardly brought to the
There are ‘medical representatives’ who are hired by the drug manufacturing companies
to market their product. These people seriously don’t have sufficient knowledge on the
drug they market and only lure the providers to prescribe their product with something
Overall, there is no communication plan, which would have helped to pass on the risk
information from the manufacturer to the providers to the patients. So, there is no
5.3.4 Proposals
Based on the above research for the improvement of Risk minimizing strategies in Proposal 1:
First and the foremost, India needs to develop an infrastructure exclusively for risk
countries such as India, Pakistan, Srilanka and Bangladesh, I suggest them to follow a
FDA monitored REMS kind of system for risk minimization in their own countries. This
system is simpler and less sophisticated than EU-RMP and Japan-RMP as well as suits
the financial considerations of these countries. This way at least a few of the above
mentioned drugs could be protected if Indian drug authorities would follow few risk
management strategies similar to those of United States, Europe and Japan. This is an
This system should be given the authority to decide whether a New Drug Application
should be accompanied with a detailed risk minimization plan. This might take a little
In this system, I would also like to suggest an element similar to medication guide to be
made available in English as well as the regional languages to improvise the patient
Since the literacy rate in developing countries is comparatively low, strong rules should
be imposed such that it is the duty of the pharmacist as well as the provider to educate the
patients of the risk factors of a particular drug. This might be a hard task but can be
Pharmacists along with the providers should maintain the records of the patients who are
being administered with a drug that has a Risk minimization plan. This step can be a
A follow-up of the adverse events for these drugs needs to be recorded and reported. This
Knowledge transfer sessions should be organized by the manufacturers to the providers
regarding the risk factors of any drug with risk minimization plan. This is a bit hard to
A detailed description of the pharmacologic factors of the drug with an RMP should be
provided in a possibly efficient way to the providers to make them aware of all the risk
Need for strong post marketing studies, especially for the drugs which have a RMP so
that the adverse effects can be effectively monitored. This is hard to implement but
should be implemented.
Rules should be framed such that only eligible, qualified pharmacists work in a
Changes should be made in the education system of a pharmacist which should include
basic training on the understanding of a medication guide and package inserts which will
A pharmacist should be well trained to educate a patient about the potential risks and side
effects of a drug. This would thus decrease the communication gap between a pharmacist
Government should bring in awareness programs among the people regarding the
importance of the risk minimization plans implemented. This will be the toughest plan for
the government, as it would be difficult to take pass the message to a common man.
38 Proposal 2
I would also like to propose another system which would suit the financial status of all the
developing countries especially Asian countries. Most of the Asian countries are developing
countries with Japan and Singapore being the notable exception. My suggestion would be that all
the Asian countries can plan to come on a single platform and develop a new risk minimization
system for all the Asian countries similar to the EU-RMP. The EU-RMP has all the European
countries under one system which monitors their risk management plan. Similarly, developing
countries like India, China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Korean countries, Bangladesh, Nepal and other
countries along with the developed countries like Japan and Singapore can plan for an Asian
Risk management Plan (ARMP). The benefits of the system can be,
As most of the countries are still developing and a few still under developed this would
help them financially. They need not invest large amounts to start a new infrastructure.
Developing countries will have a great opportunity to work with Japan which is far more
ahead in terms of risk management. The suggested Asian Risk Management Plan
(ARMP) can have its headquarters in Japan which will also help Japan and the
developing countries.
The ARMP can be more detailed and a single organization can frame the rules and
This will also improve the drug trade between these countries and this way the under
developed countries can benefit with new medicines coming to their market.
There will also be a bigger scope for post marketing studies on larger population and with
different ethnic groups. This process would further reduce the risk properties of a drug.
The 2nd proposal is very hard to be practically possible, but it can also be very effective if it
can be implemented. It might be time taking and needs lot of ground work to be done, but still it
Developing countries along with India could improve their drug safety if the above
suggestions were implemented. These were just my opinion and not intending to criticize any
organization. The writer only thinks that the drug safety systems in these countries could
improve if there were less political interference. Most of the countries do not have a standard risk
management plan. The writer thinks that ICH should intervene and recommend the concerned
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