Topic 1 Philosophical Perspective
Topic 1 Philosophical Perspective
Topic 1 Philosophical Perspective
1. cite highlights in the life of the philosophers that influenced their concepts
and principles;
2. identify and differentiate the philosophers’ perspectives of self; and
3. create your own concept/ theory of the self.
The way you choose to spend your life contributes to the development of your
identity and self-understanding. Your past is a contributory factor to who you are
today, but who you will be tomorrow greatly depends on your perspective about
The body belongs to the physical realm and the soul to the ideal realm. When you
die, your body dies but not your soul. There is a life after the death of your
physical body. There is a world after death.
According to him, in order for you to have a good life, you must live a good life, a
life with a purpose, and that purpose is for you to do well. Then there you will be
happy after your body dies.
The 3 components may work together or in conflict. If human beings do not live
in accordance with their nature/function, the result will be an injustice.
serves the bishop of Hippo
and writes books & letters 3. ST. AUGUSTINE (354-430)
Consciousness means being aware that you are thinking; this what makes your
belief possible that you are the same identity at different times and in different
places. The essence of the self is its conscious awareness of itself as thinking,
reasoning, reflecting identity.
Therefore, Kant believed that the self is a product of reason because the self
regulates experience by making unified experience possible.
We construct the self. The self exists independently of experience and the self
goes beyond experience.