Antenna Miniaturization Techniques For Wireless Applications
Antenna Miniaturization Techniques For Wireless Applications
Antenna Miniaturization Techniques For Wireless Applications
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Abstract— In wireless communication, antenna miniaturization is Low frequency antenna systems are used for cellular mobile
a vital issue these days. This paper presents the simulation communication, military applications and Wi-max etc but high
analysis of small planar antennas using different antenna frequency antenna systems are used for satellite
miniaturization techniques. They have brought to define communication, weather monitoring components.
miniaturization methods by which we can estimate the use of
micro strip antennas. Various govt. and private sector II. THE BASIC CONCEPT
organizations made use of these techniques to solve the problem
of antenna fabrication in mobiles, satellites, missiles, radar Patch antenna has various advantages. It has some drawbacks
navigational aids and military applications. These techniques are also such as bandwidth limitation, low gain, excitation of
used to reduce the physical size but to increase the bandwidth surface waves and then decrease in radiation pattern. There are
and efficiency of antenna. Some approaches for antenna different types of antenna slots used with some specific feeding
miniaturization are introduction of slots, slits, short meandering techniques for enhancement of antenna bandwidth. The
and novel geometries like fractals or by using higher dielectrics substrate height and dielectric constant are very important
constant. The effect of miniaturization in various antenna
factors that influence variation in bandwidth, radiation
parameters like, radiation efficiency, gain and bandwidth are
discussed. Finally the paper reports a brief description of
characteristics as well as surface wave minimization [5]. Thick
miniaturization of antenna by using suitable and efficient substrate with low dielectric constant is used for
methods that includes use of double layered substrate structure miniaturization of antennas that provides better efficiency and
in microstrip patch antenna. loosely bound field for radiation in the space.
Now days, there is large development and usage of mobile
phones, tablets, computers, laptops, GPS navigators etc, which
are connected with wireless access points to exchange and
transfer data or information. This development and usage of
communication devices opened large interest in small antenna
and its miniaturization techniques. From technical point of
view, antenna is an important part of these handheld devices Fig .1 Microstrip patch antenna
that are used for communication purpose. Antenna designers
want to design smaller antennas with high efficiency and t= thickness of patch
performance. So, they are using antenna miniaturization h=height of substrate
techniques to solve the problem of fabrication and integration L= length of patch
of antennas within handheld devices. Antennas are placed W= width of patch
within these handheld devices by reducing its size, so that
antenna performance will be better for efficient Micro strip antenna has a ground plane on one side of dielectric
communication. Antennas are fabricated and integrated within substrate and other side has a radiating patch as shown in
offices and houses. Antenna performance depends upon its above fig .1.The patch is generally made of some conducting
physical size, so its radiation characteristics, gain, directivity, material like gold or copper and it has many shapes like
return loss will change [7]. Depending on the applications, rectangular, circular based on application used [3]. Dielectric
different antennas are used within the communication system. constant of substrate is taken in particular range from
[ ]
Where W is width of patch
h is height of substrate
B) Fringes factor:[4] Fig.2 Micro strip patch antenna design using HFSS with
dielectric constant (∊r) = 2.2
( )
Where W is width of patch In this section we have designed micro strip patch antenna
h is height of substrate using double layered substrate structure over finite PEC ground
plane with patch length and width of 10.85mm and 14mm
C) Calculation of length:[4] respectively. The centre frequency is around 7.4 GHz,
sweeping between 5 GHz to 10GHz. Double layered substrate
have two different dielectric materials with similar thickness.
When the thickness of substrate is fixed, the maximum gain is
Where determined by relative permittivity of the substrate. Smaller the
Where L is length of patch relative permittivity, the higher resonant frequency and higher
∆L is extension in length due to fringing gain can be obtained.
Fig .5 Return loss of microstrip patch antenna using dielectric
Fig .3 Micro strip patch antenna design using double layered substrate resonated at 7.4GHz (∊r1=2.2, ∊r2= 2.32)
substrate with dielectric constants (∊r1, ∊r2) = 2.2, 2.32
As fig.4 and fig.5 have different return loss values. It means
V. SIMULATION RESULTS that return loss also varies with respect to substrate height and
Micro strip patch antenna is designed using HFSS software dielectric material. So there is some increment in return loss
tool and these simulation results are obtained by taking suitable from -17dB to -17.97dB.
dimensions of antennas, so that antenna gives better
performance and better radiation too.
Fig.4 Return loss of micro strip patch antenna using Fig.6 Radiation pattern with gain variation in micro strip
dielectric substrate resonated at 7.4GHz (∊r = 2.2) patch antenna using double layered substrate