BPHS - 1 RSanthanam
BPHS - 1 RSanthanam
BPHS - 1 RSanthanam
Hora Sastra
rqfv rarrcga
{QeqttT{rrq}<t {ilftm
vol, I
Ranjan Publications
t 6 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, 'ri
l{-^ .,
Ch. Details Page
Prefaceby translator l0
Namosof planets, benefics and malefics, planetary
; governances, cabinet,complexions,deitics, sex,com-
pounds, castes, descriptionof planets from Sun to
Ketu, Saptha Dhatus, Ritus, planetary tastes,strc-
ngths, trees;Dhatu, Moola & Jeevadivisions, exalta-
tion and debilitation, additional dignities, natural
relationships, temporary relationships, Upagrahas,
effects thereof, calculation of Gulika etc., Gulika'e
exactposition, Pranapada,etc.
Importance of Hora, Namesof signs,Limbs of Kala-
purusha, classificationof signs, 12 signs described,
and Nisheka Lagna.
Bhava Lagna, Ghatika Lagna, Hora Lagna, Use of
special ascendants, Varnada Dasa and effects of
Use of tbe t6 divisions,Hora, Decanateanti Trimsa-
msa efrects,Vimsopakastrength, Vimsopka propor-
tional evaluation, other sourcesof strength, Dasa
effccts with Vimsopaka strength,namesof bhav.as,
indkations from houses,etc.
Nature due to lordshipsof planets,natural benetior
and malefics, angularand trinal lordships, angular
lordship, Rahu and Ketu, Planets& Aties ascendant,
Taurus ascendant, Gemini ascendant,C.ancerasc€n-
dant, Leo ascendant,Virgo ascendant,Libra ascen-
daot, Scorpio ascendant, Sagittarius ascendant,
Capricorn ascendant,Aquarius ascendant,and Pisces
[ffiiiri qawrrfrfrf<ti @t
<argdnltfrtnmroi rqrfq fhfrvr<qr+irnnrr
I p]ostratebefore the lotus-feet of Lord Vighneswara,
the offspring of Uma, the cause of destructionof sonow,
who is servedby Bhuta ganas (the five great elementscf the
universe)etc; who has the face of a tusker and who consumes
the essenceol Kapiththa and.Jambufruits'l
qftefiqfiqqlg1tpl: tltlt
Chapter I
The Creation
Brts{r gfiaiwi f"tlflif .rffiq{ |
qwql+fl *iq: rfqqeq gnrwfv: ttltt
rnrcr1! qt{ goti Ta' *erggwq t
ferwd -"frfrrf- Et<rqfqti iftilfa q uRll
qfoqfq faq dsar ERfa gi gl ! r
i{frRi a'tgfrqrfr 5tnn qq t qq}! ttltt
qfHtri stTiflwtnq FFI: 6q{?l
. qr{nfi qfercni q wEFric< firc<tq ?ttvtt
1-4. Offering his dbeisanceto all-knowing sage Prnsrra
and with folded hands,Maitreyr said, "O Venerable,.Astrology,
the supremelimb of the Yedas, has three divisions,viz. Hora,
18 Brihat porasara Hora Sastra
Ganita and Samhita. Among the said three divisions, Hora or
genethliac part of astrology is still more excellent. I desireto
know of its glorious.aspectsfrom you. Be pleasedto tell me,
"How this Universe is created? How does it end ? What is the
relationship of the animals born on this earth with the
heavenlybodies? Pleasespeakelabcrately".
Notes : Maitreya was Parasara'sardent disciple. Sdge
..Parasarawas the illustrious father of BhagawanVeda Vyasa.
Partsra Smriti, Pergssn Sambita and the presentwork para-
sert Horl are some of the immortal contributions made by
our sage.
Parasara'spreceftor wassage Saunaka,the reputedauthor
of Rigveda Pratisakhya and other vedic compositions, from
whom hc took instructions in astrology. Saunakawastaught by
Narada, son of Lord Brahma Pitamaha in the matter of astro-
logy and othcts. Narada got direct instructionsfrom pitamaha.
These details are stated by sage Parasarain. the concluding
coapter ofthe presentwork.
. The sagepredick In the courseof his treatise thet Saliva-
.hrna willbe born in t yogs csusod by relationship betweenan
uigular lord and a trinat lor as both are in Simhasgntmstrvide
ch. 41 slola 32. While the tecbnicrlities of the ashological
part of this strtement will be understood by the reader as he
progress€swith the study of tbis work, it witl be evidentthat
Parasarr wasmuch before Sdivahana. The era of'salivahana
commencedln ltD 72. Since Veda Vyrse is reveientidly referred
ts Parasaratmdja,meaningthe ofrsprlng of Parasara,Sagepuas-
en lived during Mrha Bhanta ero.
Sage Maitreya's name apDearsin Veda Vyasa's Srimad
BhagavataPurana. Maitreya was sag€Kusaru's offspring. Sage
Maitreya achieveda great deal of fnowledge in spirltuat an'A
orher topics. Vidura abandoned his kith and kin and met sage
Maitreya to achievereligious merits.
As can be seen, our text is in the form of a carritch
betweensageParasaraand Maitreya. the Master and the Disciple
Astrolggy has three divisions, viz. Hora, Ganita and
Samhita. Hora dealswith genethliacpart while mathematical
aspectslike planetary movements, streqgths etc. aretaught by
the Ganita branch. Samhita meansa collectioq or compen-
Chapter I . '
dium of law, code and digestof any branch of learning. These
are fike Rig VedaSamhita. Clnraka Samhita, Vasishta Samhita
etc. Thus ,Sarn&ira
is not an original work.
qSlsqmrirm) QsqrilR:
infq: rqthq{: r
{A{tq} tr*R"g"rfi*e:rrerr
dfltqr<m: ffiqfqf,r?qr snrrr.mrI
qdrin qqiq{ 'qq?qqfd
flild ul otl
fM ir€q +E€q q{d atqqfirf,: r
fqEF'r ilejrTTof iT {rqur{ atwq utttl
aqtilral{iliqt,} feugaEir{g rffi r
4t"enin?rlfi) f*T, {rf{dfqsqtqd: 1t Rtl
n Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra
,9-12. Sri Vishnu who is the lord (of all matters),who has
undefiledspirit, who is endowedwith the thtee Gunas although
he transcends the grip of Gunas (i.e. Gunatita), who is tle
Author of this Universe, who is glorious, who is the Causeand
who is endowed with valour has no beginning. He authored
the Universe and adninisters it with a quarter of his power.
The other three quarters of Him, filled with nectar,are kno.
wable to (only) the philosophers (of maturity). The principal
Evolysl who is both perceptibleand imperceptibleis Vasu Dwa.
The Imperceptiblepart of the Lord is endowedwith dual powers
while the Perceptiblewith triple powers.
qfffiqsfv?fn{m: wqilsr;rnftrm1 r
sFrftrril rftnfic-r$Rarv corJunilt ltl
TkfiltrtTt qr rFlin aterTaqr
@t ifrf,l qilufylt
i6,iqrq rsfdc{ Ifr
rqrf,shq'd rlr qftqq r
dq:rlwrsFlRll fqG'g{l: ifiriuTTfqq:trf ill
13-15.The three powersare : Sri Sakti(Mother Lakshmi)
with Sattwa Guna,Bhoo Sakti (Mother Earth) with Rajoguna and
Neela,Sdtcriwith Tamoguna. Apart from the three, the fourth
Lind of Vishnu, influencedby Sri Sakti and Bhoa Sakti,assumes
the form of Sankarshanawith TatnoGuna, of pradyumno with
Rajogwa and of Anirudha with Satwa Guna.
sM qilTuITESrTtsrtFt:
lt I ll
ffi1qi-Ttf{-qgar eft'i€-rrg-*.ffi:t
ETt:,irrqtl drql:, T(: T(-{tr tu: ltl lll
ll. BENEFICS AMD MALEFICS.' Among these,the
Sun, Saturn, M'ars,- decreasingMoot{, Rahu and Ketu (the
aseendingand the desceudingnodes of the Moon) are malefics
while the rest are benefics.Mercury, however,is a malefrcif he
joins a malefic.
Notes : That decreasingMoon and increasingMoon are
.respectivelya malefic and a beneficis the view conveyedby the
sage.Yct some exponentsand comrnentatorshold the following
view :
When the Moon is aheadof the Sun but within 120",
she has medium strength. Between l20o to 240' she is very
auspicious, ssg qfffiIrlnii]. From 240" to 0" she is bereft of
, strength. This is Yavanas' view, vide P. 70 of my English
Trunslationof Saravali. This view is, however, relatedto the'
Moon's strength or otherwise, while waning Moon (Krishna
Paksha or dark half Moon) is a malefic and waxing Moon
(Sukla Pakshaor bright half Moon) is a benefic.
Should the Moon be conjunct a benefic or aspected tra
benefic,sheturns a benefic,evenif in a waningstate.
28 BrihatparasaraHora Sastra
f _ As regardsMercury, we have clear
kr":"1-thathe becomes a maleficifhejoinsa malefic.If
\goint Moonand Mercuryar. tog.tn.i, iorr, ur" benefics:
refiil q Rqrqrv) rFr: gg{irFqir:
€r{ $q} gri: x}m} tu} qifrqErq.F:trtRtl
iivql ilT{g<tift TU{rirErqr: r
tFqfq: $r{fli: r}wvqrarqgriTg:qE:ulntl
,l:l? ,_t!*!rA.Ry G7\ERNANCES.. rhe sunisthe
.3:*Y,::lt:.:h'-'i;. ffi ; ;"" #eirtl:
Venusgou.rnrs.rrn (potln.v)_-*i,,"
Notes : The degree of benefic effects
of the indications
mentionedabovewill be commensurut"*ittr
tn. ,t..o!it;';il
corrcerned planet. If the Sun is strong,one
wiff havea matured
soul and will makeabundant.spititual
generalhappiness ffiess. Knowledgeand
wit berpet acquiredir rJpit". i, *.ilJ;;;;;:
Grief wilt not be there,if Saturnis Uer.ft
of strength.
<frffr} g rT.nnl +fif iiql tTtt?qET:t
Eul rragnr-€q sfqqt gEqrid illvtl
' i.1tl_
<fegnra ilqr rwfggqrl r
gi nlq {,fEn! qefftl sf#ena nt{rr
14-15.PLANETARY CABINET.. Of royal
Sun and the Moon while Mars is the army
chief. prince_
apparentis Mercury. The ministeriarpranets
are Jupiterand
Venus. Saturuis a servant. Rahu and
Ketu form tfr. pfuo.tury
q6qEEf{Tftlilrfaagf+s}u:qTfqfr faq I r
qqHqi <Tqrri iil intr *tq q uletl
PLANETARY DEITIES .. Fire (Agni), Water
(Varuna), Subrahmanya (Lord Siva's son following Ganesa).
Maha Vishnu, Indra, SachiDevi (the consort of Lord Indra)
and Brahma are the presiding deitiesof the 7 planetsin their
Notes : The-delties or Adhidovatasof the planetsas given
above may be invoked to get the respective planets' africtions
cured. For example,evils indicatedby Mercury can be brought
under control by offering prayersto Sri Vishnu Bhagawan.
The namesof the planetary deitiesare additionally emp-'
loyed by Varaha Mihira in selectinga name for the child. The
consonantsand vowels are attributed to the seven planets as
o'il,' sun The Vowels(12 in numberfrom e{ to l11)
fc-z*It46ea Semi Vowelsviz. zr,T, n[ and q
Sibilantsviz. W,tt and c
Aspirateviz. 6
.Mars Guttural viz. :F',€, rI, Et and I
$...i-Venus Palatalstiz 4, tt, sf, g and 6t
K&\iu^* MercurY Cerebralsviz. e,6, g, d and oI
i*J-"' IuPiter Dentalsviz. e, aT,E, s and;f
lpudt,t.. Saturn Labials viz. q, $, if, $r and q
The name of the child can be selectedwith an initial letter
as above basedon the strongerof the two, viz. natal ascendant
lord and Navamsa ascendantlord. For example, if Mars is
stronger,the name can havea guttural in the beginningappropri-
ate to the presiding deity. In this case, Subrahmanyais the
deity .and the name can be Kumara (gqn) or Guha (gq).
Similar deductions can be suitably made in other cases. If the
30 Brilnt parasara Hora Sastra
initial letter belongsto a planetwithout dignity, it will bring bad
Likewise,the Nakshatrastoo have presidingdeities. Any
ion caused to natal star by way of maleflc oceupation,or
orlna can off
the concerned. The 27 deitiesare
: {rftr faq!t
qlqrfr"t qrwi q ffi?ilfrfr qeftdq{ llQoll
20. PRIMORDIAL COMPOUNDS .. The PanchaBhootas,
viz. fire, earth. ether, water and air are respectivelygovernedby
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venusand Saturn.
gqdl f-qr<qrT
Swnl' arfanlGq i r
ufr: vrr} Gq]eq! rrRlrr
rtfrrgM n{qqurT
21. PLANETARY CASTES .' Jupiter and Venus aro
Brahmins. The Sun is a royal planet while the Moon and
Mercury belong to commercial community. Saturn rules the
Sudras(4th caste).
qfafav I r
Wcrl dtq gqFrcq{q}faq ! rrqlrr
. . 23. DESCRIPTION OF THE SUN .. The Sun's eyes are
honey-coloured. He has a square body. He is of clean habits,
bilious, intellilent and haslimited hair (on his head).
32 Brihaf parasara Hora Sastra
Notes : Much additional detailscould be gathered from
my notesin ch. 4 of saravariand ch. 2 of Horasrra. The native
will be influencedin appearance,dispositionetc. by the strongest
planetor the ascendantlord or the Navamsaascendant lord.
ir$zlRFfi',rn: lragfav ! r
!rT{s rTqffiq{q qsqql TfirgT: illvtl
very windy and phlegmatic. Sheis learned and hasa round
body. Shehasauspiciouslooks and sweetspeech,is ficklemind-
ed and very lustful,
?!:aiso: fqqGEqT{qqfaqrwnfkqu: r
fqrcr1 6sqr1 fqs ! qrwq6ldwcn uRqtl
. 26. DESCRIPNON OF MERCURY.' Mercury is
endowedwith an attractive physique and the capacityto use
words with many meanings. He is fond of jokes. He hasa
mix of all the three humours.
Gq !r
sqt€fqi nqlaiat f{k{i{i faqtflq !tt11rt
33. PLANETARY PERIODS .' Ayana, Muhurtha, a day
(consistingday and night), Ritu, month, fortnight and year :
Thcseart the periods allotted to the planets from the Sun to
Notes : The durations cited can be related to the maturity
of an event,particularly in horary astrology and in Dasa bhukti
judgements. Should the Sun,for example, be related to the
fruition of an event, it witl be in about six months.
Ayana is the time taken by the Sun to ccmplete one
course-northern or southern in tbe zodiac, This is about six
months. The Moon indicatesMuhurtha, which is equal to
48 minutes. Ritu is approximately two months or the time
rcquired for ths Sun's transit of two Rasis.
The period indicated by Rahu is 8 months and Ketu
3 months(vide sloka 46 of this ch.). Also seesloka 18,ch. 4 of
Saravaliwhich statesfurther useof theseindications.
lrflqrwrdqrfuq \ufcrrctaw t
mfaarffi qc*ri ?{trTgiqt llvlll
ker;qr quif'rcq ta}fiqagfr faq ! r
dfi <qlficrft: ffiql ffiq ! ttvqtt
!ft, ilerrqt fqs t qrrl: eTlqa,iqq r
rnqnld qTrr6,r€r
rd: wtqfmf Eq!rrvlrr
IEr{ =tqa'i{ g RF{F; So'ar rr I
rei fTi nifqq ! qaad atE q uyvtl
4l-44. OTHER MATTERS .. Rahu
rules the outcaste
while Ketu governsmixed caste. saturn and
the ooJ.r ioiti"
anthills. Rahu denotesmurti-coloured crother
*u i.tu E .
Lead and blue gem belong to Rahu and Ketu
,rpr"r,- Ur"ir,
the sun, the Moon, Mercury, Mars and saturn
govern saffron, sirken, red silken, white io ti.i,
and multi-colouredrobes.
Notes : ,rChandola" is translated as outcaste,
thouch it
additionalty means one cruel in OeeOs(fitel;;;:;:
instance). It further meansa person ilregaty f*
aoro to--i'iua-i
(4rh caste in Hindu tradition of
ancient days) father -". and
Brahmanamother. Ketu denotesa person
U"_' tnr"rgt
authorities hotd the following view.about
,ob* lor"
The Sun-coane, the Moon_new, Mars_burnt,
:-ryr:r soaked,
durable,Saturn-torn, Rahu-multi-cJloured il;;:
anaf eiu_ilricn
thc first 12 dcgreesin Aries as Moolatrikona with the rest there-
in becomingsimply his own house. For Mercury,in Virgo the
first 15 degrcesare exaltationzone,the next 5 degreesMoolatri-
kona and the last 10 degreesare own house. Ihe first one third
of Sagittariusis the Moolatrikona of Jupiter while,the remain-
ing part thereofis his own house. VenusdividesLibra into two
halveskeepingthc first as Moolatrikona and the secondas own
house. Saturn'sarrangementsare samein Aquariusas the Sun
hasin Leo.
40 Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra
fat}wq TqK'g<q-({rs?iqq'tuqlq:ergHql: I
gEEl f<qq{qri fiet{q}qqerqqfi: u{$l
55. NATURAL RELATION^SIIIPS.'Notethe signswhich
are the 4th, 2nd, l2th, 5th, 9th and the 8th from the Moolatri-
kona of a planet. The planetsruling such signsare it! friendst
apart from the lord of its exaltationsign. Lords other than these
aie its enemies.lf a]planetbecomesits friend aswell as its enemy
(on accountof the said two computations)then it is neutral or
Notes : A simpleformula is given in this slokato compute
planetaryrelationships.From the Moolatrikonasignof a planet,
ihe 2nd,4th,5th,8th,9th and l2th lords are its friends. The
rest yiz. 3rd,6th,7rh, l0th and llth lords from Moolatrikona
are its enemies. The exaltation sign's lord is always friendly
even if he ownsthe 3rd,6th,7th, lOth or the llth from Moola-
trikona. If, however,friendship and enmity occursimultaneo-
usly none prevailsbut equalityor neutrality.
Take for examplethe case of Mars. The Moolatrikona
for him is Aries. The I lth lord from there is Saturnand hence
he is inimical. But he is as well a friend, as he is the lord of
exaltationsignof Mars. Sincewc get enmityon onecountand
friendshipon the other, Saturn becomesequalto Mars. Take
aeainthe relationshipof Venus. He owns the 2nd and ?th from
tfr'eMoolatrikona oi Mars, thus becoming friend and enemy
respectively. Hence he is neutralto Mars.
Seetablebelow for an easygraspof relationship:
{gqqt6t{ {nrgaftqruri{ |
tlil qrrlaaleruri firfil: qriu*Aai
?F- SaB-LLANETS.. If one oi these
al'rcts the Sun, the nativc'savnuril'*iirL"line wbile
and the ascendantrespectiveiy the Moon
urro"r"i.J*irh one of thesewi'
andwisdom.io l."rur.aLord
irT,fi,r":i."Jongevity Brahma,
Nores : If rhe tu afflictedby one of these
the native'sdynastywill Upagrahas.
not ,oi."o, ;; ;';, therewi'be toss
of all sonsor lack of sons_.
If the ascendantis africted
Iife.will come-'"i
to pass. The Moon short
wilI rr. n,'"i""fl;;i;";;."' ril,i il;;; t",i
"" of an Upagraha
" ;X,"::t"T,::
as 'affiiction'for rhc Sui.
*itt tf," Tun. we "t better treat it
can Jol;un", any of the five
exceprVyatipata ";;..;
;;;; ,;i, rromtheexample
i.?;,,i,.J,ili. ";
Chapter 3 45
tion into eight equal parts and distribute thesecommencing
from the 5th weeklord. in the ei th lon ls
lesswhile Saturn's portion is
51q), Mars'Portion is
idffins) olr, apply to different places (bommensurate
with variableday and night durations).
Notes : Ardha Prahara,Yamaghanlakd,Mrityu, Kala and
Gulika are the 5 Kala Velas, suggestedby the sage. The day
durationaccordingto latitudeis divided into eight equalparts,
The eighthportion is unlorded. The first portion is allotted to
the weekday lord. Other portions follow in the order of week
day lords. We consider rtions ignoring that of
the Moon and Venus. portlons , Mars, -vlercu
Jamaghantakaand Gulika.
In the caseof nfifri]Ifi?dffiIi6is or l/8th partsareallotted
in a differentorder. The first portion goesto the planet ruling
the 5th weekdaylord counted from the day in question. The
othersfollow in the usual order. Here again, the 8th part is
lordless. The planetary portions from Kala to Gulika arc the
samein nomenclature,in the night also.
Guliks and Mandi are one and the sameand.notdifferent.
. This is borne by the statementof Parasara(videBrihat Parasaia
Hora Sastra,ch. 4, sloka 15, BenaresHindi edition of Chauk-
hambha Sanskrita Sansthana),viz. "Namantaramtu tasyaiva
Mandirityabhidheeyate".This quarter is not availablein our
version. In this connection, pleaserefer to prasnaMarga and
Keerantrru Nataraja of Jatakalankaram(Tamil version)
gives signs of dignities for . these Upagrahasand Gulika elc.
The sameis as under :
qiuqssi: sriqrrrqqifemlqrrn r
ssqrRsatlqr;dT{{ ffurd A iq ,ro1,t
Chapter 3 47
'fhe longitudcsof rcquired planets and important crlspg
are as given below :
AscendantCusp : 182023' 06" 9th cusp : 64003' 13"
lOth cusp or M.€. ! 940 36' 06" Gulika : -ii+o
2080 32' 06"
Saturn ' iq2: t::3g' Moon , ti' oo"
SiderealTime at birth : 8h lm 2ls
The longitude of Gulika is cast for the beginning of
Saturn'g Muhurta, as suggestedby the sagein ch.3 supra.
With the abow data, we 6bould be able to trace bock the
Adhana date and time. The formula is :
Gorrcclion : 3 49 22 36 45
c ,1"
29"| 5'36"
N t0"20'37"
sat (n)
Special Ascendants
wnt srqqqdq ilflt faqqiilq t r
lqq lqrqll?ll
l. Oh excellentof the Brahmins, I explain bclow aggin
somespecial ascendantg,viz. Bhqva lagm, Hora Iagna and
Ghatika Lagna.
iln qreiQqfafifirmiteaq kq tl
cflfr ild ffqrq nqd nYrl
qrEqeqrRqiBwi qsqFii tilf{qi qqE I
*eqqtqfq* nr"f Arratti qq Q tq utlt
clspler 5 63
4-5, HORA LAGNA.. Again from Sun-risetiil thc time
of birth, Hora Lagna repeatsitself every 2| ghatis ti-r-. eO
minutes).Divide the time pastupto birth from the Sunriseby
2| and add the quotientetc. in signs,degreee and so on to th;
longitudeof the Sun rs at the $unrise. This will yield Hora
Legnain Rasi,degrees etc.
Notes : [,et us find out the Hora Lagnafor thc sameexa-
Birth timc is to bedivided by 2.5. Whendoneso, we get
5 signsor 150 degrees.Add this to the Sun'slongitudeasat
runrise(i.e. 132plus 150-282"). We thus getHora Iagna as
rftsqtqqte'qtll:l lQtt
Chapter 6
<tfirfrwFlrilmron€ q q€r*fiKr: r
ryiled N iqri: swil qt{ rrsrr
rq{qiqqrqi q r{ffi lmrtrq il |
irc{r-sqfRr€3kr ic6Tolnnrafts rrcrr
7-8. DECANATE : Oue third of a Rasi is calledDrckkane
(decanate). These are totally 36, counted from Aries (to
Pisces),repeating thrice at the rate qf 12 per round. The lst,
5th and the 9th Rasis a sign a;- its tbree decanatcs,and
bre respectivelylorded by Narada,Agasthyaan{ Door'vasa.
Notes : Each Rasi has three decanatesor Drekkanas. Thc
first one is ruled by the lord of the very sign. The second one
?0 Brihat Parasara Hora Satrd
belonge to the planet that rules the 5th from the sign in
question. The lord of the 9th from the sign in questionis the
lord of the 3rd decanate. Each decanateis l0 degreesin length.
The 3 decanatesalong with the signsin which they fall are ag
per table given belaw :
SpeculumOf Decsnates
(Note : The signs in this and other tablesare indicated by
numericals,c.g. I is Aries, 2 is Taurus& C.)
Arips I 5 9
Taurus 2 6 l0
Gemini 3 7 ll
Cancer 4 E l2
Leo 5 9 I
Virgo 6 l0 2
Libra 7 ' ll 3
Scorpio 8 l2 4
Sagittarius 9 I 5
Capricorn l0 2 6
Aquarius ll 3 7
Pisces t2 4 8
fnafeg r
Tl?F6',rir rjtrirlir qqRFT: lltll
9. CHATURTHAMSA .' The lords of the 4 anglesfrom a
sign are the rulers of respectiveChaturthanrsaof a Rasi comme-
nJing from Aries. Each Chathurthamsa is one fourth of a Rasi.
The deities tespectively are Sanaka, Sananda, Kumara and
Notes : Each Chaturthamsa is one fourth of a sign or
?'30'. The lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Chaturthamsasare ruled
respectirelyby the samesign, the 4th, 7th and lOth signsthere-
from. Seethe table given below :
Ahapter6 1l
Speculum Of Chaturthamss
Signs 45678 t0 ll t2
vetv ruiio dy Aries, Cancer,Libra and Capricorn'
qcili{rqreta}c{Qqqra'fqr failna: t
qcffiertf{{rqq ul otl
{wRrqrl q {Hat:
qrt(*rlrl q Esqrszil ariq<eeuta: t
Ict{aqqrdli qr qaweftm: lll tll
SAPTHAMAMSA .' The Sapthamamsa. (one
seventhof a Rasi)counting commences from the same srgn .ln
;;; ;; of an ooh sign. Itls from the seventhsignthereofwhile
;;-.6 signis corisid-ercd.The namesof the seven divtstonstn
ti*t-ite : fshaaia'Ksheera,Dadhi,. Ghritha, Ikshu^Rasa'
iliiaiivi su;alfi;]i. These designationsarereversedfor an
evensign. ""ii
Niotes: Each sign is made in ? equal.parts of 4' 17' 8::1:
which is calledSaptatiamsa. As far as odd signsare copell:l'
the Saptamamsas -in commenclnglrom
iall in the successivesigns
iil; ;ab sign ln question. The counting the samemanneris
i;;;ih;f,h tigtiir,"t"oi for an evensi'-n' Example: For Aries'
iirili Jiiiii*i-""i" Ariii, TaurusGcminietc.,whilefo1Tau11s
iffi; ;;;"'a;;'pi;; capricornetc' seethe table
givenbelow :
SPeculumOf SaPthamamsls
Signs t2 34 ) 89101112
I lst Dvn I 8 3 lo s t2 7 2 e | \\'6 7
v 2nd Dvn 2 ; 41\ 6 I 8 3lo 5r?
I 3rd Dvn 3 ro iii i z e 4 ll q I 8
s 4th Dvn 4 ii6'1sglo5r27?e
I 5th Dvn 5 i' i; li lrleo4sr r2q7l 2
q2l rlor t
o 6th Dvn 6 6 I 8 3to srz
N ?th Dvn 7 i; +It
12 . Brihat parasara Hora Sasna
SpeculumOf Navamsas
Signs l2 3 4 S 6 7I910 lt t2
Dlst I rc9 75 4 I l074tl0 74
I2nd 2tl t;5 2 ll 8 5 2lr 85
V3rd 312 9 6 3 t2 9 6 3r2 96
I4th 4l 10, 7 4 lt0 7 4 t 107
s5rh 5 2 ll:,E 5 2rt 8 5 2 uI
I6rh 6, t2 r9 6 3t2 9 6 3 129
oTth 7 4 I :10 7 4ll0 7 4 ll0
NSth 8 5 2:ll I s 2ll 8 5 2rl
S 9th 9 6. tr2 9 6 3t2 9 6 3t2
SpeculunOf Desrnsr
Signs 23456789101112
lst 110 3 1252 7 49 6 1l 8
D 2nd 2lt 4 163 8 510 7 129
I 3rd 3t2 5 214 9 6 il I ll0
v 4th 416 385 107t29 2tl
I 5th s27 496 ll 8 I l0 3t2
s 6th 6 3 8 510 7 1292ll 4l
I 7rh 74 9 6ll 8 ll03t2 52
o 8th 8 5 1 0 712 9 2rt 4 t 63
N 9th 96lr 8ll0 3t2 5 2 74
s loth 1 0 7 1 2 9 2ll 4163 85
Example : For odd sings,the Dasamsasare the l0 signs
counted successivelytherefrom. For even eigns, these fall in
l0 sirccessive
sigqscounted from the 9th thereof.
enEvinrq Ttir
*qrq*rtt: lFq{fr
15. DYADASAMSA.. Tbe reckoning of the Dvadasamsa
(one twelfth of a sign or 2[ degreeoeach) comnences(rom the
samesign. In each sign the presidcntship rcpeatstbriie in thc
order of Ganesa, Aswini Kumara, yama and Sarpafor the 12
14 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastata
SpeculumOf Dvadasamsa
erc-fttqrsRadtiqr qls{ti{Tnqrrfsgr
sTq-fE6T Q(: WrT glt gA sdtqq ut !,u
16. SHODASAIUISA: Startingfrom Aries for a movable
sign,from Leo for a fixcd signand from Sagittariusfor a dual
sign,the l6 Shoclasamsas (l6th partof a sigrri.e.of l'52' 30") are
regularlydistributcd.The prcsidingdeitiesof theserepeatin the
order Brahma,Vishnu,Sivaand Sunfour timesin the caseof an
odd sign. It is revcrsein the caseof an even sign that these
ruling deitiesare understood.
Notes : Eachsign is made into 16 equal parts of Shodas-
amsas of l" 52' 30". Thc 16 divisionsfor any movable sign
Chapter6 15
commencefrom Aries and are distributedsuccessively. Similarly
from Leo for all fixed signs and from Sagittariusfor all dual
signs. Seethe tablegivenbelow:
A-ries,Cancer Taurus,
' teo Gemini,
Signs Libra & Capri Scorp & Virgo, Sagi
- &
Aquarius Pisces
qq ffiqTqrfiqfqql rErvilfqin:I
fwrtqi frqi atqq granq Graqnt utetl
76 Brihat Parasara Eora Sastta
Specrlomof Ylnsemsrs
Sigor Aries,Cancer, Taurus,Lco Gemini,
Libra & Scorp& Aqua Vlrgo,Sa1,i
Capri & Pisccs
D Istll3th Arics Sagi Leo
v 2ndll4th Taurus C-apri Virgo
s 3rd/l5th Gcmini Aqua Libra
o 4thll6th Canccr Fispes Soorp
s sth/l7th Lco Aricr Sagi
Chopter 6 77
. 6rhl18th Virgo Taurus Capri
Ttbil9th Libra Gemini Aqua
8th/20th Scorp Cancer Pisces
9th Sagi Leo Aries
loth Capri Virgo Taurus
llth Aqua Libra Gemini
l2th Pisces Scorp Cancer
fraffiqqt: Fr6ntcui Q r
f,dqtTf,fi 8l F6ftt: n{u*sw: lRRtl
fq{ftqt wq} ffi qtrsrnqqrlTafi: I
nlfqerl q{d} {tq: ftr{r<} ffi qqrn 11
trslql {rqt rftdTfadti frkoanq nRttl
22-23.SIDDHAMSA; The Siddhamsa(ll24th part of a
sign br I'15' each)distribution commencesfrom Leo and Cancer
respectivelyfor.an odd signand an even sign. In the caseofan
odd sign the ruling deities repeat twice in the order of Skanda,
Parsudhara,Anala, Viswakarma, Bhaga,Mitra, Maya, Antaka,
Vrisha-dhwaja, Govinda, Madana and Bhima. Reverse these
from Bhishma (to Skanda)twice to know the deities for rhe
Siddhamsain an even aign.
Notes : Siddhamsais also called Chaturvimsamsa,each
being of a length of l"l5', (24 in number in the whole of a sign).
Tlie succesively distributed Siddhdmsascommence from Leo
for any odd sign and from Cancerfor any evensip, as per the
Table :
7E Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra
Speculumof Siddhemss
qirfifirqr: qr{r*TqqqfAfriTTTTET:
wirrfa{isft{iltfqatl qrr{kar: nRytl
Speculun Of Bhamsa
Signs | 2 3 5 7 8 9 l0 ll 12
.4 .6
lst/l3th/25th I 4 7 t 0 t . 4 7to I 4 710
D 2ndll4thl26th 2 5 8 l l 2 5 8lr 2 5 8 ll
I 3rdil5thl27th3 9r2 3 6 912 3 6 9t2
v 4th/l6th 4 7 t0 | 47 l0 t4 7t0 r
I sth/l7th 5 8 ll 2 5 8 n25 8 l l 2
s 6th/r8th 6 9 12 J 6 9 1236 9t2 3
I Tthlrgth 7 t0 | 4 7 t O t 47 10 14
o 8thi20th 8 11 2 5 8 l l 2s8 ll. 2 5
N 9thl2lst 9 12 3 , 6 g t 2 36.9 r236
S l0th/22nd l0 . I 4 7 r 0 I 4 710 r47
lltbl23rd I I 2 3 811 2 5 8il 258
lzthl24th t2 3 6 9 1 2 3 6 9t2 369
Spcculumof Chatvrriqsamsa
r 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9l0ll12
ileilH+€$TmrflqfrrqT{q{i rrqr( r
ftui ftrq!1 fa*arnq fqul{rfqturq{ilt lll t ll
fqrr;trgwi66r t<qhvrr: fcqt Gi r
lqr: ,ia-<nqtarfqiqr faqrflq ! rr11rr
3l-32. AKSHA VEDAMSA (Il4sth part of a sisn) :
Aries, Leo and Sagittariusare the signs from which the distri-
butions respectivelycommence lbr movable,immovablea:d
commonsigns. In movable signs,Brahma, Sivaand Vishnu;
in immovablesings Siva, Vishnuand Brahmaand in common
singsVishnu, Brahma and Siva repeat15 times the president-
ship over theseAkshavedamsas.
Notes : Each Akshavedamsais of 40' arc as a sign is
dividedinto 45 equal'parts. Ariesis the startingpoint for all
movablesigns,Leo for all fixedsignsand Sagittariusfor all dual
signs. The distribution is through in successivesigns in each
case. Seethe Tablegiven on the ncxt page :
82 Brihat parasaral{ora Sastrs
Specutumof Akshsvealamsa
| 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9t0tt12
l s t , l 3 t h , 2 5 t h , 3 7 t hI 5 9 I 5 9 I 5 g . I 5 9
6t0 2 610 2 6lO 2 6 l0
D3rd, l5th,27th,39th3 7tl 3 7tl '3
3 ifi 7 ll
I 4th,l6th,2gth,40th4gt2 4 g12 4 gt2 4 g t2
V s t h , l 7 t h , 2 9 t h , 4 l s t5 9 l 5 9 | 5 9 I 5 g I
I 6 t h , l 8 t h , 3 0 t h , 4 2 n d 6 t 02 6 t O 2 6 I O 2 6 t O 2
S 7 t h , l 9 t h , 3 l s t , 4 3 r d7 t t 3 7 t t 3 7 l l 3 7 t l 3
I8th,20th,32nd,44thBt2 4 8t2 4 812 4 gt2
O 9 t h , 2 l s t , 3 3 r d , 4 5 t h9 I 5 9 I S g t 5 g I
N t o r h ,2 2 n d , 3 4 t h t 0 2 ' 6 l 0 2 6 l 0 2 6 l o 2
S llth,23rd,35th ll 3 7tt 3 7tl 3 7tl g 7
l2th,24th,36th t2 4 8t2 4 812 4 912 4 8
Erifqiils{rrt: ile | |
Chapter 7
Divisional Consideration
stq ulruafg l€f.tfi
qr3{qqrT fq+qi E {ErEEr{{ |
c,i l€Tq fqari 6)uai qrqerfas\ ultl
ianrui rxrEciul<d qatri qTqfq?en{l
geflarferrai ri fq,a{ erewirrdrrqrr
aqqti s'q"lqi enqici rrEi'nqrT I
arc{rid rqr fqe}fqffa{ u}sntrt rrlrr
icrsgcu fEind qT(nlil ariq iTI
.BqT€ilrrl fqsTq wrri fqflfilqFr* rrvrr
fqilw *<ar6'd qid *e qqrqq{ |
faniqr* Rcaqci tq+ei* {r$tls{$rq n{tl
srqiai{r* riq qsaq'{isfqq{tqta r
t" SeTfq qrsncir: TTrr6eir'{ffirfuq,
*" qrul a r.-t 6) qrrf*qi qql q.r r
tie $"rfq rtcsttct: tqiwrfuqfa: ql$r:lstl
tte glara Xtiaw rrqf{fdi qq} qqrI
tft qlenwt!'rt *ErR sfaqrfear: u.ctl
l-8. u.sE o{ THE 16 DIVISIONS .. I now explain the
iiseof thesesixtecndivisions.The physiquefrom the ascendant,
wealthltom Hora, happinessthrough coborn frorn decanate,
92 Brihat Parasarq Hora Sastid
rqftufmnrcid farnqFuqfawwt
rruisgq66'1 iti ulvXrrciir* lttRll
q{Aqsd rufrqlfqquTiqcr: t
rql ?l-qrdqt qrr acq* r
FriEl(qTTurimqnsriqr qfil r
hntvrrvq qqarrf qa fsfllqfiil: T*rrEnletl
sresf+ r
€qcilqin+ d? fq{qrr: .iq e}aaq u l ctl
ell: ild ad wrdiEr al rrfailqs': r
qt{ ni{ q irqrq aiqeri q il.rcnr:utqtl
17-19. VIMSOPAKA STRENGTH.' The Shadvargas(six
divisions) consistof Rasi, Hora, decanate,Navamsa,Dvadasa-
msaand Trimsamsa. The full strength,for eachof the divisions
respectively are 6,2, 4,5,2 and l. This is the Vimsopaka
strengthrelatihgto Shadvargadivision. Adding the Sapthama-
msato the Shad Vargas,we get Sapta Varga, the Vimsopaka
strengthfor which is : 5, 2, 3,2t,412, 2 and 1. Theseare gross
strengthswhile subtle ones should be understoodby exact
Notes : Vimsopakastrengthis the 20 point strengthobta-
ined by a planetin continuouslyoccupyingown Vargasetc. in
the various schemeslike Shad Vargato ShodasaVarga. For
fuller appreciation,seethe notes given under slokas26-27of the
and for the other8 divisions'I I each'
5 for Shashtiamsa
qtdnqr{r: qiflqi fq{q6T: qRdtfrat t
Brqqqi fq{iiq sd fkn'tlrr6q llltll
?6qr(qlssrqrrtqieieraqi $q $q I
6lrrlaniq*mrui 5q?r{rf{ra: FqIE
6qi{rrq ag iri ari r;atntqq s I
eii md q fead i{r: scaq'flfi€rtQttqltt
sldqei q iururi Et'aq qqtqgET€a1t
TrI tqnlq'd fqqil qta' eqnfufqa*
n* ,iqErr clcd qt asl rdtfrel t
cre"lq'drfu{ral q {dqr}qEi qiE ttlttt
2l-25. When the 16 divisions(ShodasaVargaScheme)are
consideredtogether, the Vimsopakascore goes thus : Hora 1
Trimsamsal, decanatel, Shodasamsa 2, Navamsa3, Rasi 3l'
' Shashtiamsa 4, and the restof the nine divisions each a half'
The Vimsopaka strength remainsas 20 (in the abovecomputat'
ions) only when the plun"t is in own houseVargas' Otherwis.e
iU.-iotuf'r,rength from 20 declinesto l8 in €xtreme
l0 in equal'sdivisions' to 7
V;;"t, to l5 [ frien<llyVargas,to
enemy's Vargas' (These
in eiemy'sVargasand to 5 in sworn
figuresare calledVargaViswa.)
qifqqr: (qfq{sg{I: liftqrfrqlfqat: t
fqqqffiifiqqlrd tiqsqJ{ IrqE} t Q ttrqtt
il(t?i €qilFnqi E{th?i qaq{ 11a1'
fa.{d gotnve e'lsd q{ <qqTf{qq llR\ell
divisionby the
Multiply the figure due to full strength for the
of the
V"ig" Vi."" ooi diuid" by 20 to get the exact strength
planetwill not be
pf"oO. If the such total is below 5 tl-re
it is above 5 but below
capableof giving auspiciousresults' If
ttreplanetwill yieid somegood effects' Later on upto l5 it
. tO, will
is indicative of mediocreeffect. A planet with above 15
yield whollYfavourableeffects'.
Clapter 7 97
Ketu Mars
Chapter 7 I
Let us consider the Vimsopaka strengthfor the ascendant
lord Vgnus. His Varga dignities and his relationshipwith each
of the Varga Lords- is noted simultaneouslyalongwith Vims-
opaka. The longitudeof Venusis 9s 4' 32' 30",
Division occupation Lord RelationshipSV'/V yS
Rpsi Capricorn Sat. Adhimitra 6 18 5.4
Hora Cancer '2
Moon Adhisatru 5 0.5
Drekkana Capricorn Sat. Adhimitra 4 l8 3.6
Navamsa Aquarius Sat. Adhimitra 5 18 4.s
Dvadaeamsa Aquarius Sat. Adhimitra 2 tB l.g
Trimsamsa Taurus Ven. Own | 20. 1.0
In the above table, SV:Swavisva; vV:Varga Viswa and
VS:Vimsopaka strength
The rest of the points will be clear to the readerfrgm thc
abovecalculations. And the Vimsopakastrengtls be €sti&atGd
Maharshi Parasarafxes broad guidelinesto know thc usc
of this strengthas under :
. 5 points Inauspicious results.(or neqtralisation
ofgood effects)
- 5-10 points Somegood effects
l0-15 points Mediocre effects
'15-20points Wholty favourableeffects.
In our example,Venusgets 16.8pointsand hencehe should
confer wholly favourable effects when Shad Varga.scheno ir
considered. I would, however, prefer use of all tbe 16 Vargao
for a truer picture.
Minute evaluationsof Vimsopakaare given on p. l0l for
a betterunderstanding.
grersantFr qqnd iiq t i?i Rflrq I'
dat: guffi Eq: qqtE qqrq* ftqei: uR;rl
rfiFrrqti f{aT|{tcFn q]
qririnqt r
. qoiqltnrE qria U.e[rcafrrifqw:uRetl
there are other kinds of sourcesas I explainbclow. plqnetg
in the 7th from the Sun will be fully effcctive. one ffi
/ 100 Bfihat ParasaraHoro Sastrc
qt-tr fiqgrlqq(ilql I
rfrq ll?ell
ddQfreg&eq?q t{trgmIi[: I
frtafiti{ qaqtfqqlt| fggamq.!{ lllqll
91-38.NAMES OF BHAYAS : The 12 housesare : Thanu,
Dbane, Sahaja, Bandhu, Putra, Ari (etR), Yuvati, Randhra,
Dharma, K8rma, habha and Vyaya are in order the natnes
of houses. I explained thcsebriefly and leave it to you to grasp
bore according to your intelligece. As delivered by Lord
Brahma,some further information is added thus (i.e. in the
following verses).
Notcr : Each house is given a special name for casy
idcntity. The indications are known thus :
Tbanu : physique
Dhana : wealth
Sshaja : younger brpther/sister
Chapter7 103
Bandhu : rclatives
Putra : progeny
Ari : enemies
Yuvati : wife
Randhra longevity
Dharma rbligion
Karma acts(or livellhood)
Laabha gaine
Vyaya expenditure
'h'andhra" actually meansa vulnerable or assailablepoint.
.{ planet in the 8tf, becomesvulnerably placed. The raarious
(our.r in a nativity are relatedto vnriougsphcresof life- Ch. I I
dcals with the housesin this context.
EIq(rr{tEftamqdls4tlt:llq tl
Sign/occupant Slgn/occupant
aspecting aspected
Evils At Birth
qrd wilfftr fqt ! frranliruafrqnia r
rerearqrfrffetqiqrilFrrr qt{'qid rrt rr
l. O Brahmin, first of all, estimatethe evilsand cheoking
factors thereof through the ascendant and then declare
effectsofthe 12 bhavas.
Notes : The ascendantis the most important in the matter
of causingevils or counteractingevirs till aiative is sz.
thc sage refers to the ascendant specificafly in thc ;"aa;;;i
Balarishta or mfant mortality and caurions (in the r.ri ,i"tui
that upto the age of 24, no definite assurances about longevi(
be made.
The Moon becomes imponant in the matter of evits
checkingfactors for longevity from the age of 32 upto e+ia
And the sun is the centre in this t.rprit from ihe ue"
of ii-.
This doesnot mean that the evirsfrom the Moon do no-t
till the 32ndyear of age,and so on and so forth.
a6rr;lq{X* qR r
slRqltfffii qrii ,qrrtli ( *qfr uetl
tr{rlri ftre: q'tft: {Wqri qnrfirfq:I
fu|rq: ffiqF{ri R( qrdr fitquil rrcrr
Chapter9 1l I
qttlqlfrq{rq?r} i{rilEef;rqwtq: r
ufa<rgqrT.i]fr ql stn: t fuqra<tutqtt
19. TheMoonintheascendant,8th, l2th ot theTthand
hemmedbetweenmaleficswill confer prematuredeath.
andfimqftq-fl: ri r$ qqfTdfrilrr r
qqci qr frFni qr ilTn1: qtaq6\ ltqitl
23. The life span of the child will be either 2 months or
6 mooths only, if all planetsdevoid of strengthare relcgatedto
Apoklima houseg(i.c. 3id, 6th, 9th and l2th:)
ilt oll
sm qtt?Frlifiteqlq:ftt?fl
Clrptcr ll
Judgementof Houses
rro ilsq$ qtd a* qqr ql r r
stqq qrqr(sdi ft f$ fffi{ffi -r-t<eulrr
Clapter ll l2l
l. O sage,I have cometo know of thc eviis and antidqtes
thereof as wcll from you. Please tell ma, what is to bo deduccd
from each houss.
it G{ s ar{ q qd *q .rfirqqq I
gd 1:Ri tmnrsq qrtqlqTHhriq ttlrr
replies) : physique,appear&nce, intellect (or the organ of intelli-
gence, i.e. bmin), complexion of the body, vigour, weakness,
happiness,griefand innatcnature are atl lo be guesredthrough
the ascendingsign.
Notes : We ar terselytold here of thc prime indicationsto
bo deducedfrom each house.There are many matters related to
eachhousewhlch I have listed rather exhaustivelyin my English
translation of Horasaro. Seepp 183-187ibld.
qqenaf t€rqt€
Ti5qraqfqsq I
Erq((-{rRd €{ ffftenilFrilutq il1rr
3, SECONDHOASE .. Wealth,grains(food etc.), family,
death,enemies,metals,preciousstonesetc. are to be undcrstood
through the 2nd house.
irilqqJqq€qrfr !?arqrfawq qI
BTrri$ qT{i q rrErr{rTqrGi{lqrqq
12, ELEI/Eftfn nOUSp.. All articles, son's wife, in
come, prosperity, quadrupedsetc. are to be understoodfrom the
llth house.
ql ql {T{il}
Ere} rnE} qT qklcatq I
til x1d Trwpq. g.qrdlErsfq qi{frirrqvrr
aefmwcrq ?rf,iqrqslad qt tq: I
qu{ qrqqfddceRe+{rni*{ite: uttrr
qd q *ai qraq gw) I
qlfs* fls€qqn€rrqd teaatq4q rrlqrr
HousE .' Predict'prosperityof the housewhich is conjunct or
is aspectedby a bgnefic.Also when its rord is in yuvavastha or
in Prabuddhavastha or in Kaumaravastha or in the l(hh house,
the bhava'swellbeing is indicated.The bhava which is rot urp."-
ted by its lord or whoserord is with a maleficpranctor with
of the lords of evil and suchother houses(i.e. lrd, 6th, gth, llth
and l2th) or is defeated in a pranetary war or is in one of thc
124 Erthat parasara Hora Sastrtt
threc Avasthas, viz, Vriddhavastha, Mritavastha and Suptava-
Notes : The prosperity or wellbcing of a housc is assurod
undcr the following conditions :
(a) Thc housc that containsa benefic.
O) The housethat is aspectedby a bdnefic.
(c) The housewhoselord is in Yuvavastha or in Kunrara-
vastha.Thesetwo Avasthasareomong tha 5 Avasthas,viz. Baala,
Kumafa, YUtbna, Vriddha and Mrita by being in 6. portione
rcspectively.This is for an odd sign placement.It is reversein
tic caseof an ever,sign. Arlo seech. 45 infra.
Soto sayifthe lord ofa house is in 6. to lgoofan odd
eign,he will be in one of the two Avasthasrequired. Alternati-
vely, it shbuldbe between 12'and 24' of 0n evensign. (If a
planot ls debilitatedor is combust,the goods citcd are void).
(d) Praluddhavastha is another name for Jagradavastha,
meeninga stoteof awakenness.This applies to a planet in own
eignor in cxaltationsign.The bhavaownedby an exaltedplanet
or plecedin own signflourishes.Exccptthe luminaries,'theother
ffve own eachtwo houses.It is (tue that a planet owning'two
houses if placed in own house, it predcrminantlyacti. on
behalfof that houseoccupicd by it. simultaneously,its another
houre alsogetsstrengthened by virtue of sucha pracement.For'
oxamplo, Saturn owns thc 3rd and 4th for Scorpio ascendant
it hc is in the 4th, he wiil mainrygive good efficts of the 4trr
(hie Moola'trikona house)-This dois oot o'eao that
the 3rd
houre is left uncaredby him.
(c) The houseowned by a planet placed
in thc lOth from
the ascendantwill produce good resultr. I would prrf*,
i, io U"
closelyrelatedto thc r0th cusp (or mcridiari) toi it
is tne nosi
cffectivepotnt of thc natus. For details, seenotes for rule
l, ch.
2 of my work, ,.Doctrinor of Suke Xsil-Retnld.,,
Nert we zue told of thc conditions under which a house
suffer8annihihtions which are :
(a) The bhava unaspectedby its lord does
not fourish.
Each bhavacannot be under theaepect ofitsrord.
does not irean thar the bhava sufttrs annihilation. It rnay
sonstrusdthat in tne absencc ofsuch an aspect,thc bhava
Chapter ll I25
look upto alternative sourcesas mentionedeartier. If a malefic
relation is ihere for a bhava,its lord's aspecton it is an
(b) The lord of a bhavajoining a.maleficis a disadvantage
for the bhava. If the saidmalefic is a frierdly planet to the bhava
tord or if they joii in favourablehouses,then the evil ie minimi-'
zed. Evgn if it is an exalted malefic, tben also good effcctsmay
be cxpected.
(c) The .lord of a house in conjunction with the lord of
6th/8th/ I 2th cennot be ."productiveof good. If he himself is en
evil lord, then some relief can be expected.This is mainly from
ayo& point and not in all resPects.
(d) If a planet is defeated in planetary war, its bhava's
potenceis void.
Normally, we are taught that when two planeteare on the
samedegreethcre occursa war and the one with lcsseglongitudc
is declaredwinner. The r into war.
In this connection, pleaserefer to ch.79 (Vol. II.of our
The late C. G. Rajan has a detailedand elaborate account
of planetary war. According to him if two planetshave identical
longitudes to the minute of arc there is a planetarywar, (This
doesnot involve luminaries).He addsthat they shouldbe on the
same latitude, i. e. both northern or both southern. The one
with higher latitude is declared winner. He givesan example
involving Saturn and Mars as under, for 0347 hrs on l5th
Longitude Latitude
Mars 209' 24' 0N2l
Saturn 209'24' 2 N25
He decleres'Saturn as the winner as he has advanced
We need not rush to the conclusion that Mr. Rajan's vers:
io_nis contrary to Parasara's.We should appreciatethe pains
taken by Mr. Rajan in throwing more light on the subjeci. He
givesmorc advanccdand sound argumentswhich are not being
reproducedhcrc.for the sakeofachicving brcvity.
126 Brihat Parasara Hoi.s Sastra
For practical purposes,we are well guided by the claborat-
ion of Mr. Rajan.
(e) The housewhoselord is in Vriddhavastha(i.e. of an
agn0ceq 3gg) F*om_esineffective from the view point of good
results"FpEnfiiIEEIitftFT8'-240 of an odd sign or betiveen
6o and 12" of an even sign is said to be in such an Avastha.
(f) If a planet is in Mgi!rygllA(in extremis) its bhava
wil!-be.destroypd. This state ffis to a planet in the firffif
an evensignor in the last 6" of an odd sign.
(g) Lastly,a planet in
$uptavasthaneutralisesthe "trect sf
t@ This-Avastha-is due to a debititated
planetor the one in an inimicalcamp.
The readerwill thus seethe significanceof the presenttryo
HemaprabheSuri, a Jain astrologeroI'eminence,enumera-
tcs a principle in his work'.Trailokya prakasr" (editedby Ram
Sarup Sharma, Lahore) that the bhava occupied or aspected
by the Moon undergoesgood or bad effects.That is, if the Moon
is increasing,good effects will increase; otherwiseeffectswill
qqrr{$Trq$qlgqF[:il t Rrt
Cbapter 12
I [**
-J- | *:"i T'T3'
*:' | *,,n,
| *,,n,
of head of head eYe
I I tI _ . _
Lert r,
I lRight
| | nostril
-t I Aries ascendant I
I nrst decanatc l-
L€ft | , lRight
nostrilf \ | side
| \ | tempre
Chapter 12
Shoulder Neck Neck Shoulder Arm
(tert) (lert) (right) (right) (right)
Arm Right
(lert) side of
Aries ascendant trunk
Left seconddecanate
side of
Aries ascendant
third decanate
qq srq$TtEr[FTtsrlt4:
il t l tt
Effects of SecondHouse
qqrTrqsi{ qFq
TT rd Gqqf,q ! r
trivft qaqrqrer: *mlqqalsfq finttl
qqTEtrl iqRmrql qnqrfi6-( t
UEE{ir ql qlsq: qrq} uafaarnSqilqrr
l-2. COMB|NATIONS FOR WEALTH : O exceltentof
the Brahmanas, listen to me speaking on the effectsof the 2nd
Chapter 13 133
house.If the lord of the 2nd is in the 2nd or is in an angleor in
a trine, he will promoteone'swealth(ormonetarystate).Should
he be in the 6th/8th/l2th, financial conditionswill decline. A
beneficin the 2nd will give wealth while a malefic insteadwill
destroythe same. '
Notes : Venus or M in the 2nd will be favourablc
for e Juoiter t whollva us. If how-
evbr,Jupiter is in the rullng aspects
will be smooth. That is why tlie sagespecificallymentionsthis
fact in the next sloka' It doesnot meanthat Jupiter, otherwise
in the 2nd will be wholly harmful. This denotesa probremaric
situationin money matters. various authorshavegivendiffe-
rent viewsin their works for a summary of which the reader
rnay switchover to p. 491of my English translationof Saravali.
qilfqql g{{{q ffrrrrzrqa} qaar
n'ttt uQa) qrlt tr?r?TTl
rI ;r* wiq rrlrr
3. Onewill be wealthy if Jupiter is in the 2nd as the lord
of the 2nd or is with Mars.
Notes: There are two independentconditionsin this verse
denoting wealth. Jupiter,if in the 2nd, should be the ruler of
2nd for the native
ascentlant atrd Aquartus In that case, his
r wealth rather abundant
wealth. Whether or not Jupiter owns the 2nd, if be conjunct
Mars, wealthwill be acquiredby the native;the houseoccupied
by them not standinglbr consideration.
u t v ll
qdQsqqqi gd anfnmq*'r
qrB qi fwi qll rq: srrdlfr qqi-f,q ilQ.tl
9. DUMBNESS .. Shouldthe 4th housebe a movable
while its rord and Mars are togetherin the 6th or the gth
the native will be dumb.
nt ql6;rm{ q\ r
faqeqrtt{Tt q{ arl
qrid gw<rflwQ ' gQ{i omig* uqiu
ari{i qeqi qr.t wnl er6uq ulq r
qd {qA rflrtFtt qrqd t6ntqiqqril tYtl
10-14.CONVEYANCES.' If the ascendantlord is a bene-
fic while the 4th lord is in fall or in the llth and the significator
(Venus)is in the l2th, thenative will obtain conveyances in his
l2th year. Shouldthe Sunbe in the 4th house,asthe 4th lord
is exaltedand be with Venus,onewill acquireconveyanees in his
32nd year. It will be in the 42nd yearthat one will be endowed
with conveyances if the 4th lord joins the l0th lord in bis (4th
Iord's) exaltation Navamsa. Anexchange between the llth
and the 4th lords will conferconveyances in the l2th year. A
beneficrelatedto the 4th house(andto its lord) will bring with
him auspiciouseffectswhile a maleficwill produceonly malefic
effects(in respectof conveyances).
Notes : It is not known why the 4th lord shouldbe in fall
for early obtainment of conveyances.This conditionseemsto
be the resultof defectivetext as the next line addsthat the 4th
lord may be in the llth. To me it occursthat the correct ver-
sion shouldreadas : If the ascendant lord is a beneficwhile the
llth is tenantedby Venus and the 4th lord, early obtainmentof
conveyance (around the l2th year)will come to pass. Another
rule given by the sage to get similar effectis an exchange
betweenthe lord of 4th and l lth.
Shoulda beneficbe in the 4th, aspectthe 4th, or is con-
junci with or aspectthc lord of the 4th houie, then the native
will be happywith conveyanccs and be free liom accidentsand
dangers. A malefic replacingthe saidbenefic will causelosses
concerningvehiclesand reduceone to severeaccidents.
Dear Raader,
We are glad you al:e readlng
thts Unlque Book.Some clther
remalnlng chapters, whtch
contaln ve'!"y lnportant
materlal,are glven ln 1ts
flnd Part. Please wrlte
for yr:ur copy of the s?m€c
0tsTr{=qr[rl lqlhq I Eqrr[:il t ql I
rfq-q.d q,irrqrHq|firqFq* t
fanqhwl rnal fafqarsRq dfqa: llloll
10. Should the Sunand the Moon be togetherin a Rasi
bnd in the sameNavamsa, the native will be brought up by 3
mothers or 2 fathers.
Notes : The luminaries should be in the same Rasi and
sameNavamsa. As a result of this yoga, the child will bc
b r o u-paternal
(i.e. reativesetc.). This obviouslyhints at'the possible
loss of mother or father soon after birth'
q-sqt qsJtt{A c{t{i s{r<rFnn
v,iir6 ircIEqJ q ma qflq3\qq: llt lll
I l. Adopted issueis indicated if the 5th is tenanted by
six planetswhile its lord is in the l2th, and the Moon and
ascendantare endowedwith sfrength
in the
f . *tgtf*a' is anotherreadingwhichincludes
148 Brinat ParasaraHora Sastra
qntfr qari{€ cEiwwrrrisfr il t
iT<t e mqrffi: sqt{ ief<;d6:lttlu
13. If the 5th lord is with the Moon or be in her decanate,
thc native will bcget daughters,so sayastrologers.
Notes : The 5th lord's joining rhe Moon will confer daugh-
ters (rather more daughters) than sons. The Moon is a planet
of multiplicity and hencethere will be a number of daughters.
An alternative suggestedby the sageis that the 5th lord
chould be in a decanateowned by the Moon. The Morn's decan-
ates are : the first tcn degreesof C-ancer,the secondten degrees
ofPiscesand the third ten degreesof Scorpio. If the 5th lord
occupieea degrecas above,he will fall in the Moon's decanate,
Then thc nativc will obtain daughters.
&ag:rrtiali qA ffiqqfqi t
ti{i {tq<rflret ;ilqi€d riftqq: utsrl
17. One will obtain children that will indulge in mean
deedsif the 5th is occupiedby 3 or 4 maleficswhile the Sth lord
is in fall. A benefic (including Mercury) in the 5th is excluded
ln the saidcombination.
Dear Raader,
Lordsof the 6th and8th in theascendant
with the Sun : Tumours,feveretc.
" Mars Diseasesof blood vessels,
hits, woundsetc.
" Mercury Bilious disease(like
" Jupiter Freedomfrom diseases.
t' Venus Diseases causedby sexual
" Saturn : Windy diseases like rheu-
" Rahu : Danger from the so called
" Ketu : Diseasesof the navel.
" the Moon : Drowning, cough,tuberculosis,
asthmaand other lung
Replacing the ascendantwith a ceriain bhava,theseaffiic-
tions to the concerned relativesbe predicted. For example,if
the 6th and 8th lords join the Moon in the 3rd bhava, danger
to cobornby drowning, lung disordersetc. be known. Should
Venus join the 6th and 8th lords in the I lth house; an elder
brother of the native will incur venerealdiseases.
Thus the qluesgiven by the sageshould be extensivelyand
cffectiv"ly applied in regard to diseasesfor the native and his
. The affiictions to be causedby the planets,signsetc. have
been rather exhaustivelygivenin the notesin ch. 47 of my
English translation of Saraveli. Though it wasin the context of
death,the samemay be carefully used in knowing diseases as
well. The readermay accordinglyconsult the said Notes.
Dr. H. L. Cornell, M. D., in his 'Encyclopaedia of Medi-
cal Astrology' enlists some important diseases under different
planetarycaptions. By way of adding useful information for
the benefitof the inquisitivereader,I quote someas below :
The Sun : diseasesof the nerves of the brain, cellular
ercitation,blood affiiction,weakconstitution,dryness,apoplexy,
156 Brihat parasaraEora Saslra
diseasesof arteries,bowel disorders,pimples, skin and throat
alfliction, chronic inflamation, conjuctivities, diphtheria,
dizziness,dropsy (Hindu astrology relates dropsyto Jupiter),
fever,fistula,giddiness,glaucoma,violent pains and headiches,
organic heart troubles, palpitation disorders,hyperanaemia,
affiictionsto excretoryand generativesystems,measles,obstruct-
ion in the stomach,quinsy,scrofula, scirrvy, sharpness of urine,
smallpox,disordcrsof spine, strangury,sunstrokes, swellingsin
neckor feet,tremblings,tumours,venerealdistemperselc.
The Moon : gaseous distention of abdomen, abscesses,
diseasesof alimentary canal, disordersof bladder, blindness,
disordersof bowels,disorders of the brain substance, bronchial
disorders, cancer, carditis, catarrh, cellularzyrnosis,worms in
children, colds,conjuctivitis, rotten coughs,delirium(Rahu is
the main planet for delirium accordingto Hinctu astrology),
diarrhoea, irregular menses, menstrual disorders,dyspepsia,
effusions,epilepsy, eruptions, disorders of eyes, gout in feet,
osmosis,leucorrhoea,diseases of genetals,defectsin haemoglo-
bin, hysteria,mentalill health, stonein Kidneys (alsoVenusin-
dicatesthis disorder),scrofula, disordersof larynx,disordersof
breasts,diseasesof mucousand serousmembranes, miscarriage.
obstruction of bowels and lungs, phthisis, prematurebirths,
profluvial effusions,thin blood, disorderr of uterus,vomitting
etc. Shewill also causeliver defectsfor women(whilc Jupiter
affiictsthe male'sliver).
Mrrs : death by abortions, disordersof varcle, bleeding,
excessivemenses,boils, affections and pains in breasts,burns,
bruises, carbuncles, chickenpox, cholera,congertionof blood,
consumption, contagious feyeri, cutaneous eruptionsrfatty
degenerationof the heart, dyscntery, epidomics, fracturegand
falls, disordersof geneto-urinarysystem, gonorrhoea,haemop.
tysis,hernia,hysteria,itches,lossof blood, homorrhageof lungi,
.malaria (also under Rahu), ulceration of penir,perityphlitio,
piles,semitertialfevers, syphilis, extremeheat in throat, tonsils,
vascularexcitement,abscess of vulva,yellowjaundiceefc.
- Mercory 3 nervous complaints, &sthma, apoplexy,impurc
blood, disorderscausedto brain by overwork, rapid breathing,
shortnessof breathing, colic in the bowels, crampsin the arms,
shoulders, legsand feet, dumbness,falling fits, flatulent colic,
gastro-abdominal troubles, byperasthesia,insomnia, neuralgia
Chapter l7 t57
in and obstructionof kidneys, paralysis of the nervous system,
pulmonarydiseases, quivering,griplings in stomach,suppression
of urine, heart tremours, lowering or exhaustingof the vital
fluids of the nerves,
worms in bowelselc.
Jupiter : Jupiter will not cause any diseaseby himself
but when affiicted in the figureby adverse heavenlybodies.
Such are : Adiposis (excessiveformation of adipose tissue),
disorders ofadrenals, diseasesfrom corrupt air, alterations in
the red blood particles,disordersof arterial blood, disordersin
the back and of backbone,stonein bladder,cancerof the breast,
cerebralcongestion,digestivedisordeis,dropsy, affectionsof the
ear, eczema,tumour of kidneys, disturbancesof milk glands,
fatty degenerationof muscles,plethoric and sthenicdistentions,
potato like cancer,thoracicdiathesis,painsin vertebrae,diseases
of viscera,liver and spleen.
Venus : comedo, disorders of bowels (like distempers,
flux and mucus in bowels), breathing disorders (causedby tight
lacingand indiscretionsin dress),Bright's Disease,poor circulat-
ion of venousblood, cloggingof the system,disorderscausedby
wrong use of cosmetics,diabetes,diphtheria, enlargedtonsils,
humorousdischargefrom eyes, skin eruptions and diseasesin
feet,bilious flatulency,hysteria,diseasesof kidneys,King's Evil,
diseasesof matrix, Night Losses(dischargein sleep),venereal
disorders, disordersof thorax, Typhus Fever, urine infection,
Saturn : antiperistalsis,arthritis, articular rheumatism,
black jaundice, fractures of and pains in bones,chronic bron-
chitis, impotence,club feet,colds, deafness, dyspnoea,typhoid,
disordersof foetusand troublesduring conception,narrowing
of passagesheart affectedby poison,depressionin skull, lumpy
and hard stools,ablation of tonsils,dental diseasesetc.
How to apply thesediseasesis entirelya differentmatter.
The reader will have to make judgements of his based on his
own experience, and from variousangles.
i* laiqnrrqrt
" *ifqwu.s'*"1ifiYrii'-,lft*
.qrarq firxt?tTrt:T$fdfil qrfaf,q<lu6E,lrilt ni alidsd
':r;ffifit qeqTfril
lnrfqi q'{dn {,}ilt:" ,;
'ltv{t qrwfUl rnqla il"'i'i#.-ui"
,i,, Erdnq.qq
Sqiqtfrrt q* qtqd"rrtscrqT lq'Qlurtmairl
qt iqqgilqffl qffi tiv.t
F'lqqlt q E€
qqiqrrrr* q;Eqirqtsfq a Pfitl|
p<gd:r Ee tt wfir*r*tl}:ogn
10-13i.Maleficsin. the lZth and ?th while deel9agTg
frfoooLlo'tnr 5th denotethat thenativewill be
il* **;""-* *irr u" inimicalto therace(o.r,family)'
Itn t outt is . occupied or owned by Siturn/M?rst llg
be attlleg tq otner
tvilt begeta harlot as his spouseor she tvill
of Mars or in a
men illegally. Should Venusbe in a Navamsa
the native
hasi of iuIurc or be in aspect to or conjunct Mars'.
private partsof the,female',,Ff Venlp"ipsg.t
iill "kisr" the
ptivat'e Fa{$ ot
ielated to Saturn, the native will jikigs" t[e
thc male' r,!, i 'tri i ii soitt)glr1 *vilr:tl :'dt ro'l Jmsempi
.i1", Notes i- There arc four hiiits given inrfh abqYftUefOApr4E
under : l;n ii .ol.;,'r
l. The Moon with decreasingrays i4 the 5th -!gu*se while
spousewill be high-handedand;:rwill'F al,.hggstls4eilvith
familv membersof the native',te
;; *"t, ij" ift louse,'b1.b*'nirig
house : the spouse will be of qtr-qtlonable,charactc1:
is bad
the placement of Saturn (and) orjif,lait'in the 7th lirtittse
ruling the 7th
for ihe charac(er of the spousg,Mars Erpsaturp
houseshould not simply leaa to the frfiitioti of the said effect.
C"i".r, teo; Ta1rru*l"nA :f,ilgliisl trofi a$tiiiidants'liave the
7{\,,1,p;dph.ip,gl, nr i}vla{la\}Qfr,to ;Sq cpseof
t& Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra
thesefour ascendants,there must be severeafliction to the
7th from oth6r sources so that the spouseis not chaste in
3. The native will indulge in kissingthe privities of the
female if Venusis in a Rasi or Navamsaof Mars, or is aspected
by or in conjunction with Mars. That is, he will have unusual
habits in the matter of sexual gratifcation from the female.
4. Venus,iFrelated to Saturn and his divisionsinsteadof
to Mars and his divisions as stated in point 3 above, the
native will haveugly relations with another male, for subduing
his mad lust.
qtiri rffirrQ qi {qrqFqi rtlytl
qfinl .r€sg'ftt: srtgtFqri€gt: I
a$Trqt Tqfftqdr gaq\esqffittlt{tt
l+15. WORTEY SPOUSE.. The native will beget a
spouseendowed with (the sevenprincipal) virtues who will
expand his dynasty by sons aird grandsons if the 7th lord is
exaltedwhile the 7th is occupiedby strong ascendantlord anJ
a benefic.
Notes : The above verses hint at the possibility of the
native obtaining children (and grandchildren) ifthe ascendant
tord with strengthis in the 7th with a benefic as the Zth lord
is disposedin exaltation sign. The combination in question
is meantfor the native begettinga virtuous wife as well. The
mere exaltationoi the 7th lord is capableof bestowinga virtuous
rvife, if not progeoy.
qet ETtq+rtqqqrbqrq:
nt Q.tl
EffectsOf The'EighthHouse
sTlgqtq\rcfqrsq $qqfq frqlm ! r
qrg:Fenqfqq:*ri alfrrg: irT€qft il ttl
t. LONG LIFE : O excellent of the Bratrmins,listen to
me speakingon the effectsof the 8th house. If the 8th lord is
in an angle,long life is indicated.
wt fl,r Engllsh Translatlon)
2 f V o l u m e ss e r )
tI 'L iI{_I D1 H Ka].yqna,varma,
Rama Dayalu
qq $TfTq$ttql$Ftlstttlt:ttR o | |
sTntrFcTraqfailA qr gd q'tTrsqfiqir
ilri{i alqtTfflrt fqar fqdq q?re nyll
4. INDIGENT FATHER .. If the 9th lord is debiltated
while the zndl4th from the 9th is occupiedby Mars, the native:s
father is poor.
Notes : It is stateo that Mars in the l0th or l2th from
the ascendant(i.e. the 2nd or the 4th from the 9th) while the
174 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra
9th lord is in debilitation denotespoverty of wealth for the
father. Even if therebe somewealth of the father, Mars in
the l0th/l2th (not being in own houseor in exaltation) will
make the nativc disinherit patrimonyor enter into litigations.
So to say, such patrimony will not cometo the handsof the
native,that too easily.
e<rGqfqirqqf€q &gdrwwrfevq
qEriti ir RqA qd' fftfi t;aiti uRotl
q=qt"{ifiqeqrfqqrad qqoi ftg: r
ftqernrfut qf ffErrlcmqfiqirrRlrr
qpqmaiqi qr.ft cFrfiTrr$a{nq t
qr{q qqqi qf stq€cilqqFilTr: ilRRu
qGsel qsqfqqlrd {rg{rwrnfafiq t
$aqrfqei wt qsilwrrfqai <qJulitl
fintoffi qstq* snrrrr 1|af,iqr
qrrli {tqqrftR?i ilEtti qrqrfvtri nRVtl
qsfqqisce qq?tx{i fqg{<qrnfqriar
qd qnrsq ,tqalqiif ilriil fqqf(i(uRill
father of thp nativewould havepassedaway prior to the native's
birth if the Sun is in the 6thlSthllzth as the 8th lord is in the
9th, the l2th lord is in the ascendant, and the 6th lord is in the
5th house. Should the Sun be in the 8th while the 8th lord is in
the 9th, the native'sfather will pass away within a year of his
birth. If the lord of the l2th is in the 9th whilethc 9th lord is in
debilitationNavamsa,the native'sfather will facehis end during
the 3rd/l6th year of the native. Death of father will occur in
the 2ndor l2th yearif the ascendant lord is in the 8th as the 8th
lord is with the Sun. Should Rahu be in the 8th from the 9th
(i.e. 4th from the ascendant)as the Sun is in the 9th from the
9th (i.e. 5th from the ascendant), deathof father will take place
in the 16th/l8thyearof the native. If Saturnis in the 9th from
the Moon asthe Sun is with Rahu,the native'sfathbr will die in
the 7th or the 19th year of the native. The nativein his 44th
year will losehis father if the 9th lord is in the l2th as the l2th
lord is in the 9th. If the ascendantlord is in the 8th as the
Moon if in the Sun'sNavamas,the native in his 35th/4lst year
will losehis father. One will lose his father in the 50th year if
the Sutr,beingthe lord of the 9th, is conjunctMars and Saturn.
If the Sun is in the 7th from the 9th (i. e. 3rd from the ascen-
dant) as Rahu is in the 7th from the 3r<l (i.e. 9th from the
Chapter 20 177
ascendant), the 6thl25th year of the native will be fatal for
father. If Saturnis in the 7th from the gth (i. e. 2nd from the
ascendant)as the Sun is inthe Zth from Saturn (i.e. gth from
the ascendant),the ages of 30, 2l or 26 will be fatal for the
father. If the 9th lord is in debilitationwhile his dispositoris
in the 9th, the native will losehis father at 26 or 30. Thus the
astrologcrsmay know the effects(of the 9th house).
||1 t tt
nqffqql EqJn$n-Er{rimwrRdq r
tQ, *;rfet}qreeft'a*frsalqrfeqTq5q
rrl u
3. If the l0th lord is devoid of strengtb,
the native will
faceobstructionsin his work. If Rahu is in
an angle or in a
trine, he will perform religious.sacrifices like Jyotishtoma.
Notes : Should U^estronglydisposed in an angleor
in a trine, the native will perform ,.ji",iiiioro.,, This is Soma
sacrifice deemed as a whole class of .sacrificial
consistingof siiteen vedic rites. ro-r"ii,
the native will bc
extremelyreligiousand meritorious.
wt qtqiq{t qT*
qrqgqfiqil r
gqFfe arril'qe{: Tqqilfi HRqr: rr{rr
180 Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra
ilq?{rlrTqi rrdf,lqeqfiqt
t|qgiq iqlt 6{'€dil qt;rr: nt ttl
ll. Should Rahu, Sun, Saturn and Mars be in the llth,
the native will incur cessationof his duties.
Notes : The 4 planets, viz, the Sun, Mars, Rahu and
saturn joining in the I lth housewill ensurethat the native wifi
not be successfulin his performrnce. As a consequence, he will
not have a happy calling or profession wortb the name, and
will gain nothing.
stst Flt$T$Tr?Tt6FTIsqrrT;
ltRR| |
aqqeflrqal: {r6q}"qffiqige: r
ilA{iwdrfg* il+ qa{ nlq rrerr
9. If Rahu is in the l2th along with Mars, Saturnand the
sun, theaative will go to hell. similar effect wi[ occur
if the
l2th lord is with the Sun.
Notes : The l2th houserelates to one,sfate after
Whetherhe will reincarnate,or attain infcrnal region
or the
Lotus Feet of the Lord will have to be studied fri,
,n" f irt
house. In this connection,refer to ch.26 of Horasara
188 Brihat ParasaraHora Sasto
uin q{Hrqaqqt}ffi: t
gnln figt cd=i qqg* Ttl siE lltqll
16. If tho 2od lord is in the 4th, tha aative will acquire ell
kinds of wealth.' If the 2nd lord is.exalted and be cotdunot
Jupiter,one will be equalto a king.
Notes : Thc placementof the 2nd lord in the 4th will aleo
produce a heterodoxand one of questionablecharacter'
The exaltation of the 2nd lord in the 4th appliesonly to
Libra ascendant. obviously the sagesuggeststhat the exaltation
of Mars in the company af Jupiter (in debilitation) in the 4th
housewill prove extremelyfavourable for a Libra native confe-
rring near-iegalhood. It is also not unmeaningful to conclude
F that the 2nd lord exaltedand joining Jupiter becominga good
omen for anYascendant.
qt{i qqqqfl{f,: t
sc$frc€{ iltr
uqlqsii{itqtrq qT{e d-qnr uft ttlutt
l?. If the 2nd lord is in the 5th the native will bc wealthy'
Not only thc native, but also his sons,will be intent on earning
Notes : The 2nd lord going to the 5tt house will make
oue resortto trickery. His family life will not be hap.py' He
will not be kind to others. He will be very lustfuland will bc
prone to lose a child PrematurelY.
t94 Brilut Parqsara lfora Sastra
(ti q6rdtri I
urrg?g* tca qqqnFq llRell
n.lf the 3rd lord is in the 3rd' the nalive
will be
through co-bornand will have wealth
.rOo*.J with happiness
and cxtremelyhappy:
-O **, bc chccrful
qs?f r6fifii qA q uaige:I
rtnq d ml gerrfrRt< (: llRqll
will be b"ppy'
28. If the 3rd tord is in the 4th' thc native
acquire a wicked spouse'
wcat[i anOintelligentbut will
qnFr qqwrfri gq gutigc:t
Trqt ilq tTilt Ttr lSqgitirt llRe'tt
If inthe process the 3rdlordbeconjunctor
"oAd"ittooot. the nativewin havea formidablewife.
qtdqlf trAm sq{q{'Uufi |
qrgirq e{ it ilgil-{tfsq} ;t(: llQoll
to his
to nis c;'bora, bc afruent, will not be- well'disposcd
nrrtcrnafunclcand bc dcar to his mAternalaunt'
Notcr r Thc studcnt'sattentionis drawn to the statement
of thetext, viz. qr$n*fcfr-rn: wbichhas been.without any
-i*r"*pii"n, renteredto denotethe native'sbeing "dear to
Nirlhi while
his msternalaunt". At the sametime, Srnkete
;;;;;li"g on the 3rd lord'splacement in. thc 6th housegives
Chapter24 rn
an overt clue to tho native being fond of physicallp matiny with
his materaal aunt. One wonders whether sageParasaracovcflly
points out to one and the samething. Possiblyso, for thc Sans'
krit expressionis so flexible.
qqfr qlrqsl.twl
$TTATqFRq iilFl: qriqifsq:
cFiaHtgq: rt
t{rnifr gsit qr* naq u,{q<lrfiqa:
45, lt thc 4th lord is in the 9th, the native nill be dearto
onc and all, be devoted to God, be virtuous,honourableand
endowedwith every kind of happiness.
Chapter24 201
\\ q*wrqfi fiwffiql
gq{I ad qia r
t(TTqfr q€Tqql qqqlrit fqeFfi: nYqu
. 46. If the 4th lord is in the 10th, the nativewilt eqioy royal
honours, be an alchemist, be cxtremely pleased, witl enjoy
pleasuresand will conquer his five senses.
Notes : Onc will be professionally happy and prosperous
with the 4th lord in the lOth house. He wilt havc abundant
self-madeproperties. He will, however,lack maternalhappiness
if the 4th lord in the said houseis not happilyplaced.
Moon Mars
5-35 t6-23
en 20-57 Merc
Rahu l3-ll
I 0-34 Sun4-04
Chapter 20?
Note the lord of the 5th Mars occupyingthe 2nd housc in
Leo. The nativity has a number of splendidplanetaryinfluences
apart from tbis. As indicatedby sageParasara,the 2nd house
p-osition of the 5th lord gave her a world-wideposition and
honour for a very long numberofyears.
One can notice that the native will haveample opport-
unitiesof shiningbrilliantly, whetheror not on a world level,
with the 2nd hor:se placement bf ths 5th lord in strength and
dignity. Should there further be sufficient Raja Yogas etc. as
in the caseof the examplechart give4, the nativewill be sure to
hit the headlinesof the world press.
The position of the 5th lord in the 2nd will further cuase
asthmaand catarrh and the native will have infected lungs. Hc
will becomeproud owing to his possessions.
bl."r" note tbat the 5th lord is in the 9th in a houseof
Jupiter. Mars is a favourableplanet for Cancer ascendantand
iir Jispotitor himself is in a mystiquehouse(Aquarius) in aspect
to Saturn in exchange. This great person's philosophical expo'
296 Brihat parasaraHora Sostra
sitionsin an endeavour to re-stand Hinduism on firm grounds
are ofperennial importanceandhis horoscopeshould servea
perfect exampleof our aboverule.
I havegivenanother horoscopedealing with authorshipon
page 88 of . "Doctrines of Suka Nadi-RetoldD which is as
.Bornori 21.5.1944 at 1902hrs War time,l3N40,7gE20.
Yen Sat
65. If the 6th lord is in the 5th, the native will have
f,uctuatingfinances. He will incur enmity with his sons and
friends. He will be happy,selfishand kind.
211 Brihat ParasaraHora Sastru
90. If the 8th lord is in the 6th, the native will win over
his enemies,be affiictedby diseases and during childhoodwill
incur danger through snakes and water.
- Notes : The position of the 8th lord in the 6th houseis a
sureshotof success over enemiesand in litigations. The native
will be reduced to danger throughsnakes,scorpionseto. during
childhood. Afterwards he will be free from such calamities.
However, this position is not very favourablefor one'shealth.
This also indicates a long span of life.
Mars Moon
Merc Ketu
Lagna Merc
qqlsnfiI{tltQtfiqrsilq: ilR{fl
Chapter 25
Effects Of Non-LuminousPlanets
ttqrfqlqtadent qt{ii rnqsd eilTrI
sr$rt'rdq$qi q qqTfr T',eErteQrr
l; Thus f haveexplained the effects of the sevenphnets
viz. the Sun e/c. Now I tell you about the effects oi non-
luminous planets.
Chapter25 . 237
qn fmqi"t{r: g(ffiu} faq or:ue: r
qFdFAqqd:A q qrcrlql ?r<:carirlrr
(uptosloka 13) : lf Dhuma is in the ascendant, the native will
be valiant,endowed with beautifuleyes.stupeliedin disposition,
unkind,wickedand highlyshort-tempcrcd.
Notes : Beforedbclaringresultsdue to placements of non-
luminousplanets(i.e. Dhuma etc.), the student will do well
to refer to the sage'sinstructionin the concluding versesof the
I havegiveniu my hotesfor slokas 66-69in ch.3 details
of ownership,exaltationand debilitation signs-for the l0 Upag-
rahas and Muhurta planets as culled out from Keeranuru
Nataraja'sJetakslankaram. These will benefit the reader to
'Forlordships secondarylordships)
consider of thesealso fer edch'
sign. example, Gulika is 'lord' of Aquarius. Hence in
the caseof a Cancer native, he is the 'qth lord' apart fronr
Saturn'scandidacyfor 8th lordship. Of courseprimary impor-
tancebe given to Saturn and he should not be underratedin
that case.
The resultsdue to Dhuma, Gulika etc. will mature in
the Dasaperiodsof their dispositors. For example, if Gulika
is place.din Virgo, the effectsdue to Gulika will come to pa"s ln
the major and sub periods of Mercury
In giving effects Gulika is comparcd to,Saturn, Kata to
Rahu, Ardha Praharato Mercury and Yarnaghantaka to Jupiter.
The first two a_remalefic in nature while the laJter twci are
benefics. Of all, Gulika js the most powerful in adverse
results while Yamaghantaka(son of Jupiter) is the gighty
ffia) qt qrqqiftqil |
gcf,r (.?qfr rr gFwafnEfua:
6. If Dhuma is in the 5th, the native will have limited
progeny,be deviod of wealth, be great,will eat anything and be
bereft of friends and Mantras.
qaqrsqlqqqil qr ir Rgqrqnr
e6tulXa: eerir: (iil *qfffiwe: ll\ell
7. If Dhuma is in the 6th, the native will be strong,will
conquerhis enemies,-be very brilliant, famous and free from
eFuarnf'uqqIq{R: Saelwrraqfqa:t
agtril q{T qtr{qEr tct;cgatwr (: ul\etl
17. If Vyatipatais in the 4th, .the native will be endowed
with relativeretc. but not sonsand fortunes.
qrqr6qfrftqt: nrqrt
IUTrrql T6*t: I
qfulq Fmqrq qfrql rl;qifwil ullll
33. If Paridhi is in the 8th, the nativewill be spiritually
dlsposed,peaceful,strong-bodied,firm in decision, religiousand
Chapter 25 243
grG<a: gtfr m'* qrr6d cleuafqxr,
qfqut sT{t qdt Ferarmguaqng:
34. If Paridbi is in the 9th, the nativewilt be endowed
with sons, be happy, brilliant, very a{fluent, be devoid .of
excessivepassion,be honourableand b: happywith evenan ioia.
Uqoil5ftrrqrkmqtriqfra: ftrr I
rqQ rgfq rril &r.gl {ffilqa: uyotl
40. If Cbapais in the 3rd, the nativewill be a miser, be
versedin many arts, will indulgein thieving,be devoidof some
limb and be unfriendly.
qq qlqiarqni {rqwerqfqr; 1
lttt* lSriFA g atrtril ilg qrqt rrvtrr
41. If Chapa is in the 4th, the native will be happy,
endowedwith quadiupeds,wealth, grains etc , be Uonouredby
the king and be devoid of sickness.
qtr*ta: rrqrtqttqq. I
ertaapqtili qrt ilqi fqaqtm: uy111
45. If chapais in the gth,the native wit beinterested
other'sjobs,becruel,interestedin other'swivesandueoereciive
Chapter 25 n5
tq€l reaulq Fr<fr frqqrfss: r
u{rQ qTqt qfi qrdE} dt,fana: uvt,rl
46. If Chapais in the 9th, the nativewill perform,penance,
will take to religious observations, be highly'learned, and be
qBUeu*rqfr rilqQcqrf€qn q\ r
6{t <nig* sfrq* qffiara: uvett
4T. lfChapaisin the l0th, the nativewillbe endowed
with many sons,abundantwealth,cows, buffaloesetc. and will
be famousamong men.
trit gqqfuqw: rnr qqfd qrqF( |
gfq+ qqqrltl lrcfrarftrl qiq
qln rrqrrr.
65. If Gulika is in rhe 4rh, the native
will be sickly,
devoid of happiness,sinful and affiicted due
to wiqay anj
bilious excesses.
Notes : The native will not befriend anybody
but be
inimicalto othersincrusiveof his reratives. He
will be devoid
of convcyancesor will face risks through conveyances.
He will
ahapter25 24g
not have a good houseto live in. His last days will be
anddeathwill bepainfulaftera longconfinement.
qur{r{:fca gealewlwlsfkfadq:t
GEri gfq+' fr:tql qTqt laafca: utQ.rr
69. If Gulika is in the 8th, the native will be troubledby
hunger,be miserable,cruel, very rnuch short-tempered,very
unkind, poor and bereft of good qualities.
Notes : The native will find it difficult to get evena
squaremeal. His facewill be ugly. His eyeswill be diseased.
His teeth will be yellowish. He will be quite short in stature.
Theseare additionaleffectsas due to the 8th housepositionof
Golika, son of Saturn.
rgrtn: !f: I
gFdt ufi qr{: lqq<} lQrrgfa: neotl
70. If Gulika is in the 9th, the native will undergomany
ordeals,be emaciated,will performevil acts, be very unkind,
sluggishand be a tale-bearer
Notes ; If Gulika is in the 9th houseone will be dcvoid
of paternalblissand good fortunes His father will passaway
io the native'schildhooditself. None of the native'sundcrtak-
ingswill bearfruits.
{({rIT{ gfm}tcerawRqqGEa: r
TsqqFQ smql miilqsqfq: uectl
78. If Praiapadais in the 5th, the native will be happy,
will do good acts,be kind, and veryaffectionate.
rlqq"fiT&mg{q srutqresse}gfr t
qllca. qrfqig,rit.eqc-{qdqr*,rfrtft
- -.81. If in.the.8th, the g141iv9l?ill
by diseases,be troubledanclwill in"u. mis.irV appggpt
en of the
king, relatives,servantsand sons.
TcqsflYr€aFri rdtrrtqqrf" ! |
aqt qrfr nnr{tni gat{hi qq,iih nqqtl
tlfr ft'fdevrtet rqalfteE{rrqaqi r
Tflrsqffii*" q{ir6qrfr nr"tf<urqlcetl
86-87.O Brahmin, these are the effects
- for Dhooma etc.
Before O.U".t"g';;;";;r:
1*U-*:li-*pada _ascendant).
:*^:[:,j'".:l-11' _Sun. andorr,..pruo.i,'rfi"il;';j:.,;
conceivedby their positions, relationi and aspectsupurt fioi
their strengthor weakness.
Notes : lVe areadvisedto look upto the
Sun and others
while declaringthe effects due to Ofroiru,
Gulika etc. So to
saythe dispositorsof Dhooma etc. snouio
be scrutinizedto
know the extentof effects. For example
if Gulika is due to
give bad effects,but his dispositori, ,".i1-"rp."ted,
wet-rerated,the evirs are minimised. conversety
if favourable
effcctsare due to Gulika etc. the weakncssor advcrseplace-
ment of the respictivsdispositorwill not allow maturity of such
good effects.
Another hint we takp from thesetwo versesis : We should
balancethe results due to Dhooma, Gulika etc. with the
resuttsdue to the planetsfrom Sunto Saturn (and of coursethe
nodes).For example,Gulika is in the llth and good effectsare
due. If a planet posited in the same llth dcnotescontrary
results, then the strength of the two will lcad to correct
cstimationof the situation.
qrr qE$6a{f6efiqTdrsqrq:
Chapter 26
$l q\ r
cwfu* fqqrrfl{r rrFrrarrFirrTq
. qrq tnflF{* iri nal aGrf{ * feq ! rrerr
256 Brihat parasara Hora Sastara
gni aet urrn t{f,r qlrqr Gvgvr: r
qfi;*q,i qTFogtFrrTr:
GdfinqTfqm: ulotl
ASPECTS.. O Brahmin, if Saturnis the aspectingplanetfind
out tbe differencebetweenhim and the aspectedplanet; if the
sum is aboveI sign, multiply the degreesetc. (ignoring sign)
by 2 to get Drishti value. If the sum is above nine sinls, the
degreesto elapsebe doubredto get aspectualvatue. rf thi
is above 2 signs, the degreesetc. (in excessof 2 signs) be
halvedand deductedfrom 60. tfthe sum exceecrs g signsiaia to
the degreesetc, a figure of 30 to get Drishti value. in other
cases,the sumsbe processedas explainedearlier.
qq grF€itEil&rFlilRetl
Chepte 27
Of Strengths
slq Flcaqd q?t ?qr{-ililfirtFrr.rt'l
dtfti <lqt qrutfqt qrq fq{ilalq rr1r
qrftFs fafq{qei ersqggqqciuiq r
l-lt. STHAANA BALA (upto sloka 6) FIRSTLY
UCECHABAII .'Now about tbe strengthsby classespositional,
temporal etc. (Firstly, Ucbchabala forming part of positional
264 Brihat parasara Hora Sastrd
strength or Sthaanabah). Deduct frcjm the longitude of thc
planet its (decp) debilitation point. If the sum is lcssthan 6
signs,considerit as it isi if it exceeds6 signs,deductthe samc
from 12 signs. The sum s6 got be converted into degressetc.
and divided by 3 which is the planet's uchchabataor exaltation
strength(in Virupas)
Notes : These strengths are called Shadbala. These
consistof the following :
l. SthaanaBala (or positionalstrength)
2. Dig Bala (or directionalstrength)
3. Kala Bala (Temporal Strcngtb) inclusive of Ayana Bala
(or equinoctial strength)
4. CheshtaBala (or motional strength)
5. NaisargikaBala (or naturalstrength)
6. Drik Bala (or aspectualstrength)
Thesestrengthsare computed for the sevenplanetsfrom
the Sun to Saturn. The nodesaronot considered.
Firstly exprainedis sthaanaBaradue to a pranet'eposition.
This strengthcomprisesof lhe following considerations:
l. UchchaBala(or exaltationstrength)
2. SaplaiarCajlBala(or strengthaccruingout ofpositions
in Rasi, Hora,
_Decailate, Saptamamsa, Navamra,
Dvadasamsaand Trimsamsa).
' 3. OjhayugmarasiamsaBala (strength acquiredby place_ \
rnent in odd/cven Rasi and in odd/cven Navamsaj.
4. Kendradi Bala (due to placement in angte, or
succedentor cadenthouse).
5. Drekkana Bala (due to .placement in first, secondor
third decanateof a sign).
In thc present.versesunder commentthe sageexplainsthe
mcthod to know the Uchchabalaof a planet. To find out this
strength, wc nced two tbiogs. Firstly the planet,s actual
longitude. secondlyits debilitationpoint which is constant for
all horoscopos' The deep debiritationpoints of the 7 planets
are noted on pp 38-39supra.
For example,assumethe Sun's placement in a given case
is Pisces12" l5' (or 342" r5'). His deep debiritatiori point
'Libra is
l0' (or 190"). Hence :
Chapter27 26s
(Sun'sposition-Deep debilitationpoint)+ 3
: 3 4 2 o 1 5 ' m i n u s1 9 0 '
: I 52' I 5' -- 3 :50.25 Virupas
If the sumbeforedivisionby 3 is in excessof lg0 degrees
deductit from 360 and then divide by 3 which will bethc
plairet's uchchabala in Virupas. Marimum Uchchabala is
always60 shashtiamsas or I Rupa.
€farlq+qriqrfaftT"ftrdffrTR{' uRtl
qfqflflt qrfq ftqrnt $qrri rilI I
xtT6utt: qrfiq*nftau* il gqT:$tT: itQtl
qq qkqnrqrfr-qrqto-arcrirtqq r
ffi il*rqsq ecaqttcglqqq nytl
2-4. SAPTAVARGAJA BALA.. If a planet is in its
Moolatrikona Rasi, it gets45 Virupas, in own Rasi 30 Virupas,
cxtreme.friend's Rasi 20 Virupas, friend's Rasi 15 Virupas,
neutral's Rasi l0 Virupas, enemy's Rasi 4 Virr:pas and in
extremeenemy'sRasi 2 Virupas. Slmilarly those values occur
for the other 6 divisional occupations,u'2. Hora, Decanate,
Saptamamsa.Navamm, Dvadasamsaand Trimsamsa. When all
th.c: are added togeth€r the planet'b SaptavargajaBala emerges.
Notes : Next step is to find out thc Saptavargajabala of a
planet. The tablesof varioue Vargasas well as the compound
relationshipsof the planets,are given in the previouspag.r. T.be
compound relationshipsof two given planets, vide p. i2 npra
(including Hora lordship etc.) be seen in thc Rasi chart only
and not in the concerned divisional chart. Then the strengths
in Virupas for oach of the Saptavargasbe found out and added,
which is then called saptavargajabala of the planet.
trnfEgR qilT:<iar:gurfsufsg..furf
iTritrnfr ||I Ir
5. KENDRADI BILA.. A planet in an angle getsfull
;trength while one in succedenthousegetsbalfand the one in
cadenthousegetsa quarter(of Rupa)(as Kendradi bala),
Notes : Kendradi means angles etc. This denotesthree
groupsof four Rasiseach.. Theseare angles,(i.e. lst, 4th, Zth
and l0th) succedents, (i.e. 2nd, sth, 8th and llth) and cadents,
(i e. 3rd, 6th, 9th and l2rh). The following are the Kendradi
balas : . I
(l) Planetin angle:60 Virupas
(2) Planetin succedent:3OVirupas
(3) Planetin cadent:15 Virupas
irydt ficii, Sfi,
tqts{'q}qTaqraqt&:Erfqii *r{ rrqii
|vlale, female and .hernaphro-
dite planets respectively g9t a quarter Ruln acbordingto
placementsin the first, secondarrd third decaqatcs,
Notes : This strengthis acquiredby a plapet witf.Xeferen-
ce to its decanateposition beingin lhe lst..?n4or 3rd iqrt of a
sign. Male planetsare : the Sun, Mars, a4d 'Jppiter. female
planets Venus_and.the
.are. .{oon-. _!1tp1+, a;rd Mercury are
eunuchbodies. A Drekkanabalaof l5 Virupai will beacquired
by planetsas under :
Male planet in lst Drelckana.
Femaleplanet in 2nd Drekkana.
Eunuchplanbtin 3rd Drekkana.
For calculationsof Drekkana,seeSpeculumof Drekkanas,
supra. Ncedlessto mention that if the Drekkana position is
Clapter 27 261
otherthan whatis required,then the strengthon this countis
nil. Thisstrengthis alsocalledLingaBala.
(l) Uchchabala,(2) Saptava-
Tbe Balassofar acquired,viz.
rgajabala,(3) Ojhayugmarasiamsa bala, (4) Kendradibalaand
(5) Drekkanabala be all added togetherto get net Sthaanabala
or positional strength. These are in Virupas and hence bc
divided by 60 to know the strength in Rupas.
- qqh gqrq{<i, dtqwiloqrsedmrqrftr: r
qltd q tq]{ir?tq f(eqrqqflfir+ sfr rrsrr
q{q fc{ilgqf,EqTlrRrfrr{ffinqferncq r
Deduct the 4th house (i.e. Nadir) from the longitudesof
Sun and Mars; the ?th house (i.e. descendant)from that of
Jupiterand Mercury; tb€ 10thhouse(i.e. meridian)from that of
Venusand the Moon; and lastly the agcendantfrom that of
Saturn. If the sum is above 180 degreesdeduct the sum from
360. The sum arrived in either way be dividedby 3 which will
be thepigbala (or directionalstrength) of the planet.
, Notes : As seenearlier,Jupiter and MercuryhaveDigbata
ln the ascendant. Venusand the Moon have this bala in the
4th hquse(i e, Nadir), Saturn in tho descendantand the Sun and
Matq op the meridian. These strengthsare full on the cuspof
the respectivehouseand nil on the cusp of the oppositehouse.
Hence note down the longitude of.the concernedplanet and the
cuspal degree on which it is bereft of directional strength.
Deduct the latter from the former. If the product exceeds180'
deduct the same again from 360. The sum so arrived at be
{iviaed by 3, which will denote the Digbala of the planet in
Virupas. The directional strengthacquired by a planet when it
is oq its most, powerful point is I Rupa or 60 Virupas. For
exami,leSaturn exactly on the 7th cusp gets I Rupa, and exactly
on the ascending degree gets zero Virupa as directional
gtfrrraE fd{ilqrir.nd fenrcgii i?{{ netl
qirqlq-rtflii q qd EEi rqrfqrq r
qf*qd ir*tqi qil F{ gaer fE nall
268 &filwt Parasara Hora fustrd
(upto sloka 17) : Firstly NATHONNATHA BALA. Find out
the differencebetweenmidnight and apparent birth time which
is called Unnata. Deduct Unnata from 30 ghatis to obhin Nata
(rc). Double the Nata in ghatis which wilt indicate idcntical
Natha bala for the Moon, Mars and Saturn. Deduct the Natha
from 60 to know the Unnatha bala of the Sun, Jupiter and
Venus. Mercury, irrespective of day and night, gets full
NathonnathaBala (i.e. of I Rupa or 60 Virupas).
Notes : Kaala Bata (or temporal strength) comprises of
the following sub divisions:
l) NathonnathaBala (diurnal and nocturnal strengths).
2) PakshaBala (Paksha:fortnight).
3) Tribhaga Bala (strengthdue to day/nigbt bclqg'msdein
3 parts).
4') Varsha-Masa-Dina-Hora Bala (Varsha:astrological
year, Masa:month, Dina:week day and Hora:.
5) Ayana Bala (equinoctialstrenglh).
6) Yudhdha Bala (strengthdue to partaking in planetary
Though Naisargikabala discussedin betweenin stota 14,
this is an independent sours€ .of strength without referenceto
Kala bala.
Firstly Nathonnatabala, Moon, Mars and Saturn cet this
strengthin the night. The Sun,Jupit-erand Venuseetiiurnat
ctr.engthor strengthin-$ay time. The sameVirupas oT stren4h
vill be identically h-eldby atl the planets of each group. T[at
is whatever will be the Sun's-Nathonnatastreigifi-wili be
identically held by Jupiter and Venus. Simitarly- ine otbei
Fornula : Natha ghatis(apparent) x 2:Natha bala for
. Moon group.
50-Moon's NathaBala:Bala for Sun group
. It{eqcury.alw-ay,s gets l_Rupa as Nathonnatha bala irrespe-
ctive of the birth beingin day or night time.
Another simplemethod is asunder :
Natha Bala : Brith time in degrces
Unnatha Bala : ltO Minus birth'time in.degrees
Chapter 27 269
qdrTrqfainr{t fauqfraqt-'q'q{q: t
Anfiq qd qfktlii *nttrri gil n l t t l
and 60 Virupas are in order given to Varsha lord, Maasalord
Dina lord and Hora lord. Naisargikabala (or natural,strength)
Notes : Under this hqadiiry, four different planets get
certainVirupas. Thesestrengthsare :
Varsha(Abda) lord : 15 ViruPas
Masa (nronth) lord = 30Virupas'
Dina (day) lord : 45 Virupas
Hora (hour) lord : 60 Virupas
How to decidethe saidlordshipsis explainedas under.
Varsha lord : Astrological year is different from othet
mcasures. The day on which the astrologicalyear begins can
be found out from the Speculum of abbreviatedAharganas,
vide p.272.To know the Varsbalord we shouldfirst ascertainthe
number of dayspast from thc beginning of Creation. This is a
very tedious process and hence we are concernedwith the
abbreviated Ahargana (or the number of days past from
Chapter 27 .'
Creation). According to late Rev. Ebenezer Burgess, who
translatedSurya Siddhantain Englisb, as on January l, 1g60,
the number of dlys past from the beginning of Creation are
To know tho day on which the astrologicalyear in which
birth took placebeganadopt ihe following formula. Divide the
number of days past from the day of Crcation till the day of
birth by .60. Rejoot remainder and mulriply the qgotient by
3. Increascthe post-multiplied product by I and divide by 7.
The remainderwill indicatc the week day on which the astrolo-
gical year giving birth to the native opened. Remainder I
indicatesSunday,2 Monday and so on and so forth.
Assumethat birth took place on June l, 1984. Locate
from the Speculum of Abbreviated Aharganasfor January O
date 1984as 65142. Add 153 being the numberof d4ysupto
the day of birth (inclusivc thc birth date). Thus we get abbre-
viated days past from crcation to birth as 65295. This product
ihen divided by 3CI yields a quotient of l8l. Ramaindcr is to
te rejected. l8I multiplied by 3 indicates543. Increasedby l,
this gives544. When 544 is divided by 7, thc remainderis 5.
That is, the astrological year of birth for one born on June l,
1984 began on a Thursday. Hence this strengthor Varsha
bala goesto Jupiter, the ruler of Thursday
Mgsa Iord ; Divide the same Ahargana by 30 and the
quotient (devoid of remainder) iodi*t"r' months passedfrom
Creationto birth. The completed months be multiplied by 2
gnd increasedby l. The Iatestsum should be divided by Z and
the remainder indicates on which the birth month began.
Continuing with the same case, we divide 65295 by 30.
Quotientis 2176. This sum multiplied by 2 and increasedby
I .denot€s 4353. Dividing 4353 by 7, we get a remainderof 6
denotingFriday. That is, the month of birth beganon Friday
and lhe Masa bala goesto Venus,the lord of Friday.
Dim lord : Though the week day of birth can be known
from ephemeris or perpetual calendars,we better adopt the
method prescribed which will confirm if the Ahargana followed
iscorrect or is otherwise. The number of tr,.ys as arrived above
indicating Ahargana be divided by 7 and the remainder will
indicate the week day of birtb. In the examplecase65295
272 Brihat ParasaraHora S.astra
r Lerp Years.
Speculumof Horas
$aqqqfsatmddai{ei t
*rrdl fcq ! trtvtr
Divide one Rupa (or 60 Virupas)by 7 and multiply the resultant
product by I to 7 separatelywhich will indicate the Natural
Strengthdue to Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the
Moon and the Sun, respectively.
Notes : As per the aboverule, the Naisargika Bala in
Rupas are indicated below so that the reader need not calculate
. Sun : l.(X[ Rupa
Moon: 0.857Rupa
Mars : 0.286Rupa
Merc - 0.429 Rupa
JuP : 0'571 Rurra
Ven : 0.714Rupa
Sat : 0.143Rupa
This strengthis acquiredby a planet due to its luminosity.
The brightestgetsthe highest Naisargika Bala while the least
bright glts ttre leastNaisargikaBala. The Sun is the brightest
amongthe 7 planetswhile Saturnis the darkest. The brightness
ofthe planetscan be guessed from the abovefigures.
This anis independent strength and has nothingto do with
. Kala Bala, and is constant for all nativities and for ever. Hence
no individualcalculations need be done.
NaisargikaBala hasa significantuse in the Shadbala. If
two planets are of equal Shadbala, then the one with higher
NaisargikaBala prevails over the other.
7 44 l0 24 13.3 13 3 16.7
7 49 10.0 t0 28 13.4 13 8 16.8
7 54 l0.l ld 33 l3.5 t3 13 16.9
7 58 10.2 l0 38 13.6 1 3t 7 17.0
8 3 10.3 l0 43 t3.7 1 32 2 tT.l
I 8 10.4 l0 47 13.8 1327 17.2
8 12 10.5 l0 52 t3.9 1 33 l t7.3
8 l7 10.6 l0 57 t4.0 1 33 6 - r 7 . 4
I22 10.7 ll I l4.l 134l t7.5
I27 10.8' 1l 6 t4.2 134s t7.6
8 31 10.9 ll ll t4.3 .1350 t7.7
8 36 11.0 I I l5 t4.4 1355 17.8
8 4l ll.l ll20 t4.5 14 0 t7.9
8 45 ll.2 tt 25 14.6 t4 4 18.0
8 50 ll.3 tl 29 14.7 t4 9 l8.l
8 55 ll.4 ll34 14.8 t4 t4 t8.2
8 59 ll.5 139 14.9 1 4l 8 . 1 8 . 3
9 4 ll.6 144 15.0 t4 23 18.4
9 9 ll.7 148 1 5 I. 1428 18.5
913 ll.8 ll 53 152 t4 32 t8.6
9 18 ll.9 . ll 58 15.3 t4 37 18.7
9 23 12.0 122 15.4 t4 42 18.8
9 27 l2.r 127 15.5 t4 46 18.9
9 32 12.2 t2 t2 15.6 t4 5l 19.0
9 37 r2.3 t2 16 ts.7 1456 19.l
9 42 12.4 t22l 15.8 ls 0 19.2
9 46 l2.s 1226 15.9 t.5 5 19.3
9 51 12.6 1230 16.0 15 l0 t9.4
9 56 12.7 t2 35 l6.l 1515 19.5.
r0 0 12.8 t2 40 16.2 1519 19.6
l0 5 t2.9 t2 44 16.3 1524 lg,7
t0 r0 13.0 t2 49 16.4 t5 29 19.8
r0 14 l3.l t2 54 16.5 1533 19.9
l0 19 13.2 t2 59 t6.6 l5 38 20.0
2E0 Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra
(.t?ilirf,'liqft'{ |
qg.qrfil6 €5d qfirt?salM Ttd gqtq llqYlt
qFftFil f*fu{iii ilati iserq'.i ftqfa t
Tqrqf<{ilqilqiaarfaredftri a uqfau{ IIR{l I
ori, by to,o. Reducesthis sum from the Seeghrocha(or apogee)
of the planet.' The resultantproduct will indicatethe cheshta
Kendra(or Seeghrakendra)of the planetfrom l2 signs'The Rasi'
degreesand minutesso arrivedbe convertedinto degrees, minutes
etc. and divided by 3 which will denote the motionalstrengthof
the planet. Thus thereare six sourcesofstrengthcalledSthaana
nata OigUata,Kaalabala,Drigbala, Cheshta Bala and Naisargika
Notes : Take the averagebetweena planet's mean longi'
tude and true longitude (i. e. Mars to Saturn)' Deduct this
productfrom its seeghrochawhich will be its cheshta Kendra.
if tni. exceeds 180 degreesdeduct again from 360 degrees.
Divide the Cheshta Kendra by 3 which will be the motional
strengthof the Planet.
qtqqclqtqq qnqd qT I
$qqrqgqq;ermrraTuf{ir R.aq\, llRtrll
rrlsofrqTrrgrti-qrqr;enef(gq .qt( I
wiframl w{ grrmutaaql{q <{{ llRell
nlemg.rfurd qfiIftqd qrft5d R€( t
ifi rafaafoal
u(!ft awcuq-qrl1f llRqll
286 ' Brihat ParqsaraHora Sastra
gtq qEre?rq:tfRQ.
Cbapter 29
Bhava Padas
wFrFqq qGilai darai q q{ fAq ! r
affiqmf il( {fu qrs..qQfqfq:uttl
f,rir{ qrlfrri <nil RGecrirq<:rrqq I
rRrRtrqRri (ITil Frftr(Ir ftrlw| 11111
Chapter 29 29'
qiqrqrq w{rdi iqiri qd Gq t I
ttrtr€Fr{ il?r tql rtqq{ frg: ttltt
o" 48',34
29t Brihat PaiosaralIora Sb*ra
t; Merc
qtr1frwigel ftnM Bq r r
qni* qTfr cerfq cHriffirqrr*rrqlrr
qqrcntil fq[! tldrcgvqq$.rit I
lltt Fqlfqilr lol trqqnqtftti iltttvll
silirFrT TilQrrnirFi f{F{nf,irai|lrrr I
seildig iE d* araw riq riqqfrrrt rrr
13-15.O Brahmin, the quantumof gains will correspond
to the number of planetsin or aspecting the I lth from
Chaptcr29 299
Pada. If thereisArgalaforthe eaid llth there will bo more
gainswhile a beneficArgala will bring still more gains. If the
saidbeneficcausingArgala be in his exaltation,the gains will be
etill higher. Ifthe said llth is aspectedby a beneficfrom the
ascendanlthe 9th etc. gainswill increasein the ascending order.
In all thesecases,tbe l2th from Pada be simultaneouslyfree
from maleficassociation.
Notes : From the Arudha ascendant,the llth house' is
important in deciding the financialgainsto be enjoyedby the
native. Sirnultaneously the l2th from Arudha Lagna should be
free from maleficrelationship. If the planetrelatedto the l lth
from Lagnarudhais strongerthan the one relatedto l2th from
Lagnarudha,even then there will be gains. lf moreare well
relatedto the I lth gainswill be still n1ore.
For Argala, seech. 3l infra
. A beneficplacedin theascendantaspectingthe I lth from
Arudha Lagnawill be still beneficial. If the aspectis from the
9th from Lagna,it will confer much moregains. The llth
Arudha aspcctedby a favourableplanetrvill alsoconferabundant
gains. In the standardnativity, Jupiter is in the 9th in exattation
and aspects the I lth house from Arudha Lagnaand also the
llth Arudha (i e. Labharudha). Hencein Jupiter'sDasa, the
native can hope for abundantfinancial and professionalgains.
h qqlqqilsxTlq:ulott
Chapter 30
r Up" Pada
sTrftqqqqrfireq sqqrfr qd faq ! r
$n€tr€ qQqqt grqr<tlEafqq{utll
Ergwrqrd fqs ! ftrri qirqEqtr
tilqq<tuq €rrrgqrsd og**,,q,,
q+M ilq ilsn Ttorq€ eqaq r
qqrieryt ilRq qnuqgiid ulrr
g"Engci {"1 qrqe faqqrq ! r
tTFTragt eT? qrqi qtq{tfqil rrvrr
sqr€rrl q*wril arcfrisv fl ;r<:I
gq{q}rrd} ,iq qt risg ER?TrrT6,: nul
tFricrr qlq: {qrq edcqfqr€qqfiqil: r
rrFt gq Q rrqrr
I-6. O Brahmin, now I tell you about IJpa pada, tho
auspiciousness of which will confer on then ative happinessfrom
progeny, wife etc. The pada of Lagna (i.e. Arudha tagna)
explainedearlier is (of course)of prime importance.Upa pada is
calculatedfor the bhava following the natal ascendant. This
upa Padais also called Gaunapada.o excellentof the Brahmias,
wnlqq<Eqr€6T< ql qrfvr:qcdrtlGq ! t
a€qlaaieqTfqq:tcq eavrcq faqlaq! llllll
qqtq 16F[ iafria6nf({Rq: I
23-23t. O Brahmin,all theseeffectsbe deducedfrom the natal
ascendant,Lagna Pada, the 7th from Upapadaand the lords
thereof. So sayNaradaand others.
r'qrGati{qiru'hi Gffiq*t
qrq+q(itli qkl mfr faRmquYttl
41. Onewill surely becomeathiefif thelordof the 2nd
from Upapadais in the 2nd house (from thc natal ascendant),
and be with a malefic planet.
{{tr{r-$trSetta: I
5qt gefiarladqa] {faurar: utvrl
qad fiqqd, firn urEr(g(d sg I
ersa* qut q,ce qq qrrqlEq]qiE rrt{rr
Ecri <tqqrql{ FIT$t FnqqqFqd: I
wrrit q eqi fqr ! aqqrfuqdc-orrq*nltrll
qnnqniCIrnt g qkd Egfq,i 'udq r
qed qrqr{.Tui q. lqarrqTqfqa]nq u t\etl
ll-17. ARGALA EFFECTS.' Shouldtherebe Argala for
ihe Arudha Pada,for the natalascendant, and for the 7th from
both, the native will be famous and fortunate. A malefic or a
beneficcausing unobstructed Argala aspecting the ascendantwill
makeone famous. Similarly aspect on the 2nd house denotes
acquisition of wealth and grains, 3rd house-happiness from co-
born; the 4th house-residences, quadrupeds and relatives; the
5th house-sons,grand sonsand intelligeice,the 6th house-fear
from enemies; the 7th house-abundant wealth and marital
happiness, the 8th house-difficulties, the 9th house-fortunes;
the l0th house-royal honour;the llth house-gains,and the
12th house-expenses. The Argala by beneficswillgive various
kinds of happiness,while benefic effectswill be meddlingwith
maleficArgalas. Argala by both beneficsand maleficswill yield
mixed results.
Notes : For our own benefitwe should understandthe
'Argala' in a suitablemannerapart from the manner the
Argala functionsvis-a-visArgala elimination.
l. Argala can be causedby a beneficwhich is known as
Subhargala. This Argala can be from a malefic also, so that
the'beneficcausingArgala stallsthe maleficrole going against
the native. If the benefic'sArgala is obstructedby another,
ihen the beneficwill becomeineffectivein Argala and the first-
nentioned malefic will operatefreely.
2. Atgala can be by a malefic with referenceto a benefic
so that the native doesnot enjoy good effectsdue to the benefc.
316 Brihat Parasara Hora Sasta
This is Papargad(or malefic Argala) If the Argata is eliminated
by a beneficor a nralefic,then again the first mentioned bene-
fic will be at liberty to act accordingto his own disposition.
3. Argala is operablewith referenceto Bhavas(or houses)
as well.
Othcr relativerulesneedbe well understoodbeforeappli-
cation of the Argala.
- enitg H a q ! r
afril{ir qlqt qrqr TTTfqEfff i l r i n q : l r{c tl
18. Shouldthcre be (unobstructed) Argala for the ascen-
dant, the 5th and 9th the nativewill doubtlesslybecome a king
and fortunate.
Planetary Karakatwas
i[efisd {E5r.rk*rttfqrtrtTiqrRt,r{r6l{ |
qcmqf{{Fraq (rafiq qTs6ed<qfi1il t tl
rrirt:qqlr?r(laf Rqr€;arl fHE aErr
q*{ sran+{ tfqqGel nqnt u1ll
l-2. I now detail belowAtmakarka etc. obtainablefrom
amongthe 7 planetsvrzthe Sun to Saturn. Somesaythat Rahu
will becomea Karka when there is a stateof similarityin terms
of longitudebetween(two) planets. Yet some say that the 8
planetsincludingRahu will haveto be consideredirrespective of
luch a state.
3TTiITITI{S'fli$fr ?qil{JsrTliqsRfi: I
il(cFqii{rs} sll?tt d*qn}TrTqrifl.6:trI Qtl
il??q?ltqt: fqara*qtErqicr: 5TE6rtfi: I
grl;;(qiqrs] infaatfr;riqinql A q: u lytl
( ErffiRfi) irft fqfq{to faq}eq ! r
q{rcrrfil(efi qt arEronsfqm: g{Tut{tl
{T{lfrtr}qt5:} qef;il giTt['l{r'u 1
al rel $rFrgcq)tqriai qpq w.qfqutqtl
il{nnrqr(i?i qJq} *q} Gqtrq ! r
ftqr6Tq{'q{rnr€rrsFi iiri {r$rTs{q\u tstl
13-17. OTHER KARAKAS .' The planet next to Atma-
karakain termgof longitudc is calledAmatyakaraka.Similarly
follow.oneanother in terms of longitudeare Bhratru Karaka,
Matru karaka, Prtru karaka, Putrakaraka,Gnati karaka and
Streekaraka.Thescare charakarakasor inconstantsignificators.
SomeconsiderMatrukarakaand Putrakarakaas idcntical. If
two planctshave the samelongitude, both becomcthe same
karakain which case there will be a deficit of otre karaka. [n
considerconstant significator in thc context
that circuntstance,
of influcnce
benelic/malefic for thc concernedrelative.
Notes : A total of eight Chara karakas (inconstantor
are suggested
variablesiguificators) as under :
' l. Atma Karaka (highestin longitudedevoidof Rasis)
2. Amatya Karaka (nextto Atma Karaka in longitude)
3. Bhratru Karaka (next to Amatya Karaka in longitude)
4. Matru Karaka (next to Bhratru Karaka in longitudc)
5: Pitru Karaka (next to Matru Karaka in longitude)
6. Putra Karaka (next to Pitru Karaka in longitude)
7. Gnati Karaka (next to Pitru Karaka in longitude)
8. StreeKaraka (next to Gnati Karaka in longitude)
Chapter'32' 39
The sagealso suggests
a schoolof thought.whichconsiders
only seven significators,treating Matru Karaka and putra
Karaka as identical. This sectionthus countsonty ? Karakas.
Sincesomeadvocatethe use of g karakas, Rahu is also
addedto the sevenplanetsfrom Sun to Saturn. The degrees
traversedby Rahu shouldbe countedfrom the end of the Rasi
he is in. In the standardnativity (ch.'29)trrefoilowing are the
kara\a planets. We take 8 Karkas into consideration.
Planet Korakatwa
?crFnFeqiqqTqq{ |
Ttrqdtql T;Er{rT vqeruaqqT: nlll
qil wqT: Tlrrrq[rkn: faqtf,q t r
gqt q]frq ql qmrntd,
ilfq, qqutulqrl
326 Brihat Parasara Hora Sasnd
stsTrFt(ntnqqlsqlq: ll 1 Qll
Effects Of Karakamsa
qwsf wqqeqrfiT tntiqlqd Gq ! t
lcrFElrrRri Tqt{i qqFt{ rgfifqilq ll t ll
l. O Brahmin, as laid down by Lord Brahma, I now tell
' about the effectsof Karakamsaidentical with Aries etc.
Not"r : Karakamsais the Navamsaoccupiedby the Atma
Karaka planet. The Atmakarakais the one who traversedthe
ttigh.., number of degreesetc' (devoid of Rasi), among the
plinets, from Sun to Rahu. These bave been cxplained i6 the
ainreagrimt waqqifnt t
a? il rq}tqi di qra: {rfirirrll q}q rrtQrr
nfa<rEqtafml Endrq q fweqql t
qfiad gr'tgrai gwtt altti 1(q ttiYll
ttar g rfeqt fiqd Emtrermi faq I r
q;E' iEtf,T.[* t{i qt*qlq: sqTqillll{tt
If the 4th from Karakamsabe occupiedby Venusand the Moon,
one will own palacial(or large)buildings. Similaris the effectof
an exaltedplanet in the said 4th. A house made of stones is
denotedby the occupation of Rahu and Saturn. Mars and Ketu
indicatea housemade of bricks wbile Jupiterdenotes one made
of wood. The Sun so related will give a houseof grass. If the
I\{oon be in the 4th from Karakamsa,one will have union with
his wife in an uncomPounded house.
rfTts'iffiq qEi |
qiq{r{t $FRT:squ{'fqqa} q{: ntotl
tqi{nEir ffii qr+ w,raqgtfu*t
rqudfqqal irrFi fqcfiqdt q qT?i*lt{ttl
iqi 5n5iqrEq vrfr-nggilf'afrr
geatd v\ irrFr:vtruiEfegr} n{: tltRn
6r(niltT"q ffi} gtuqgRfufr r
iTErsfqgeilkt Tqrq gttln{ r rrq+ ntltl
r6ra6i{tiq ffi+ qnntqttnt r
qsfltfqrfril il qwf qrt€rft6'{ ntYll
r[t1l[,l{n€it iqt 1ftgal*fw* faq ! r
rtt{t tgq-q-q*1 ffa.fi] wfr 4aq lt{trl
iqi +q*ii geuil q g*faf rr
r{tc}qfi qlswc} fqqd} 'iq qrqe utqtl
If the 9th from Karakasmsais aspectedor occupiedby a benefic,
the nativewill be truthful, devotedto eldersand attached to his
own religion. If a maleficis so relatedas above, one will be
attachedto his religion in boyhoodbut will take to falsehoodin
old age. If Saturnand Rahu are so relatedas above, one will
betray his eldersand be averseto ancient learning. If Jupiter
and the Sun are so relatedas above,one will betray his elders
and will be disobedientto them. Should Mars and Venusbe so
relatedas above,and joining in six identicalvargas,a femaleill-
relatedto the native will die. Mercury and the Moon so related
will causeimprisonmentof the nativedue to associationwith a
femalenot of his own. If Jupiteris alone related to the 9th
from Karakamsaby aspector by conjunction, the nativewill be
addictedto femalesand be devotedto sensualenjoyments.
Chapter 33 335
rFI{.6i{rliq Enl qvdaltfe,* r
frq{qn} rtq are} rrFft<}qil{f6qq ntetl
Eqrn EFT{fiI{niit qrqdag*fa* t
EqFITi silqt Qrfq: fmqJrta qfqa:ntctl
{{ri firuiflcq quqngifa* t
AqFtt( q6flrqwr nqq{r<} ;tr: tt{Q.tt
fi,r(6l{nEq E{tq <fqffiqefqt I
gattett fqs t qnft\ ttaqqr1 uiq ttqott
tf the l0th from Karakamsabdaspectedor conjoinedby a bene-
fic, the native will have firm riches, be sagacious,strong and
intelligent. A maleficso relatedwill causeharm to his profes'
sion and deprivehim of paternalbliss. Mercury and Venusso
relatedwill confer many gainsin business(or profession)and
will make him do many greatdeeds. The luminariesso related
to the l0th from Karakamsaand if be in aspectto or conjunct-
ion with Jupiterthe nativewillacquire a kingdom.
€{i{rli6n{i Fqti qrrdagtfrrt t
uq*wgdt <tc: wiwig il$r5( uirtrl
qrnrili qqtn g STrTqtcf,Ttt5tlt:t
fdqrd tq!ffi*t qq qrq* ils" dqlq: uqRtl
If the l lth from Karakamsabe aspectedby or conjuncta benefic,
the nativewill enjoy happinessfrom coborn apart from gaining
in everyundertakingof his. If a maleficis in the said llth the
nati','ewill gain by.questionablemeans,be famousand valorous.
Yoga Karakas
nnoirrqrr*i qtf *tti rr.n faq t r
qer qrqrftrqilq [{q}rsFf 8Tglttl
l. O Brahmin, thus I have told you about the
derivablethrough Krakamsa.Now listen to tre eifect,
of planetaryhouselord ships. "riring
Chaptert4 341
hnFqwq: qlrqT il fErFil qq sFT{ |
ENTt ,iltqd g,{: qrr{n" &rloqql; 11111
Frd *aferlqeqq friiq {rlrq I
qsqq ;rqTr
qzt fatiaranta*rrlrr
€ctTrt E{Irt ?q R*agegtaii 1
feqeufEqr: e{ qr: {ttFEFTr:Tlil: tiytl
aqqfBdtqrdm: sr(qqte r6FTrri{r:r
rwrftrtrgrlqr€ nqqrqqJr{}qllr rrrrr
ilT rnrqaqlqftan;dqft iI q$TlriT:I
faqqurf{qe}sq} *wei g (a6il: ||qtl
seloi{ Edt q}q} Fnfilq trqr€F6:I
r red{iqa'lq}se qqf'{raqdfiq trurr
Beneficsowningangleswill not give beneficefrectswhile malefics
owning angleswill not remain inauspicious, The lord of a trine
will giveauspiciousresults.The lord of the ascendant is specially
auspiciousas the ascendantis an angleas well as trine. The 5th,
and 9th housesare specially for wealth while the 7th and toth
are speciallyfor happiness.Any planetowning the 3rd, 6th, or
the llth willgive evil effects.The effectsdue to the lords of the
l2th, and 8th will dependon their association.In eachgroup,
the significance will be in' the ascendingorder. The 8th lord is
not auspiciousas he owns the l2th from the 9th. If the lord of
the 8th simultaneously ownsthe 3rd,7th or llth, he will prove
specificallyharmful while his simultaneousownershipof a trine
will bestowauspiciouseffects.The planet owning a predominant
housewill stall the effects due to another owning a lesssigni-
ficant houseand will give his own results.The 8th lordship of
the Sun and the Moon is not evil.
Notes : The rules given in this part will help us to decide
the gcod and bad planetsfor eachascendantbasedon lordships.
A summary of these rules is given below to enable use of
suitableapplicationof lordships.
l. KcnrlradhipatyaDosha: This blemishgoesto naturalbene-
fics by virtue of angularlordship. For example,for Gemini ascen
342 Drihat ParasaraHora Sasffa
dant the ownershipof4th and 7th goesto Jupiterand hence he
is not a beneficfor this ascendant.Lagna lord owning an angle
i.e.4thl7thll0th,shallnot proveinauspicious. (Even if he owns
an evil house,he is not classified
as a malefic.) Natural benefics
are increasingMoon, Mercury,Jupiterand Venus.T'heirangular
lordsbip blemish will be in the ascendingorder. That is the
Moon is the leastmaleficaod Venus is the mostmaleficby such
2. Maleffc as ownerof angle: If a maleficownsan angle
he will not be inauspicious. This doesnot meanthat tre wrtt
becomeauspicious.(ThesaBehas cautiously worded his verse.)
To be auspiciousby virtueof angularrordship,the maleficshouri
simultaneously own a trine. If he doesnot own a trine, he will
be neutral by mere angular lordship;ncither he will be disad-
vantageous. For Libra ascendant. Satrunis classifiedas unsullied
yogakarakabecausehe owns the 4th (an angle)and the 5th (a
trine).The Sun's benelicencero Taurus asccndantcannot be
comparedto Saturn's for Libra, becausethe Sun hasonly one
housewhich is angularto the ascendant.For Leo ascendar,t
becomesa top rank beneficas he owns an angle(4th) and a trine
(9th). similarly for cancer ascendant. The sameMars for capri-
corn asccndant by virtue-ofangularlordshipis not that,up.iio,
because he doesnot simultaneously own a trine. Sirnilarlyhis rote
for Aquariusascendant.weak Moon by virtue of angularlord-
ship remainsjust neutral.
3. Primarilywearth-givers are the rordsof 5th and 9th. The
lords of 7th and lfth contribute to one's happinerr.pact oi
them should be individuarlywertdisposed. Trinar lordship to
Jupiterwill enablehim give wearthabundantryand uninteirup-
tedly. . venus becoming rord of 7th or l0rh wil give generar
happiness ifthe occupiesan angleor a trine.
4. Lords of 3rd, 6th and llth are classifiedas evil planets
while the lords of 2nd, l2th and 8th wifi act accordingto asso-
ciation. If these lords simultaneousryown such another
house,they will be significantlyharmful. If sucha planet simult-
aneouslyownsa trine he will befavourable.For example,Jupiter
is doubly evil for Libra ascendantas he ownsthe 3id and 6th.
saturn,though owning the 8th, will be favourabrefor a Gemini
nativityas he is the lord of the 9th as wcll. In consideringtwo
Chapter 34 34?
lordships in any context, the Moolatrikona house has prime
importanceas againstthe other ordinary house. The Moolatri-
kona lordship will reveal itself effectively rather than the other
own house.
5. When twc planets are involved in a context,.the one
with good lordshipwill stall the evil effects of anothcr planet
owning a lesspowerful house.To wit, if the 9th lord and the 8th
lord are both involvedin a yoga, the 9th lord will give his good
effectsobstructingthe evils due to the 8th lord.
6. We havethe following two setsof good houses,(a) lst,
4th, 7th and the l0th. (b) 5th and 9th. In eachgroupthe benefic
dispositionwill ascendfrom house to house. That is, Zth lord
is more powerfulthan the 4th. The 9th lord is so as against the
5th lord
7. Similarly two setsof evil housesare before us; (a) 3rd,
6rh and llth. (b) l2th, 2nd and 8th. Here againthe .maleficence
wilt move inthe ascending order. To wit, the llth lord is the
mostevil in his group whilethc 8th lord is so in his group.
8. The summary of points 6 and 7 is : the l0th and 9th
lords are the highestbeneficplanetswhile the I lth and 8th loras
are the mostadlerse.Thus,the lOth lord'scounterpart is the I lth
lord and the 9rh lord's counterpartis the 8th lord. (lf we consi-
der Saturnfor Aries ascendant, he getsone best house and one
worst house,i.e. the lOth and llth houses. The I tth housebeing
bis Moolatrikona,hc is predominantlythe I lth lord ratherthan
the l0th lord and hencevery evil. Similarly his role for Cemini
ascendantin which casethe 9th lordship prevailsover his 8th
lordship aud so he is not cvil but favourable.)
9. The rolesof variousplanetsare generallybasedon these
groundsand what we have had so far is a rough frame-work.
However,no decisionshouldbe takenat one single point. For
actual picture,the sageclassifiesthe planetsfurther in the succe-
eding verses.
10. As far as Rahu and Ketu are conccrned,they act
accordingto their position,associationand dispositors,ride verse
16 infra.
8th and the 9th while the 9th is his Moolatrikona. Jupiterowns
thc 7th and l0th. It is my personalfeeling that an exchange
between Saturn and Jupiter in the 9th and l0th or their place-
ment in conjunction in the 9th/lOth, or Saturn in the 9th as
Jupiter is in the l0 will provea very favourablepoint. (This
line of thinking cannot be extendedto Aries ascenclant, i.e.
exchangebetween 9th and l0th lords & C for Jupiterwill be
in fall in the l0th in a key house.)
For Gemini ascendant,Mars ownstwo evil houses,the 6th
end llth and hencg he is a malefic. The Sun owningthe 3rd
will not be helpful.
Venus, the lord of the 5th and l2th, is declaredto be
higt ly favourable, as the 5th is his Moolatrikona. In view of
the friendship between Venus and Mercury, the l2th lordship
of Venus is not seriously consideredadverse. On the same
lines,Mercury for Libra ascendant is consideredfavourable
although he owns the l2th, which is his Moolatrikonaand
exaltation-thus a predominant house.
q{ qllrrfqqiia qFqiTrfi{rTfEQ I
{qiqqllrr€ q qqrori fanf<a1||v{tl
wqrdfq gr*rq annnr{\ fqf*eq * r
tQat iT q.,c ilid sqqqrfu a am6q lvqtl
45-46. GENERAL .. Thus the auspiciousand inauspicious
effects derivable through the planets du. to their lordships
according to the rising sign be estimate,J. Apart, the effects
Chapter 35 35?
duc to Nabhasa yogas ctc, be atso known which I natrate as
Notes: The good disposition, bad dispositionand killing
powers of the various pl4pets are assignedby the sageon a
particular understandingof lordships etc. for each of the 12
asccndants.From the current two verses,we take an important
clue about the final role of a planet. To wit, if a planet is
constituent of a favourabteyoga, like, say, Daamini Yoga (one
.of the Nabhasa Yogas), his original malefic tendencyof being
an adverseplanet for a particular ascendant,he will give ihe
cftectsof Daamini yoga and thus will becomea Rajayogakaraka.
Conversely,although a planet assumesgoodrole by lordship,
if he is involvedin a bad yoga,like, say, Sarpayoga(one ofthc
Nabhasayogasagain) there will only be adverseresultsand not
favourable results due to lordship. These causesshould be
properly estimated and effects denoted suitably. A killer is a
killer irrespectiveof his havi'ng becomea Rajayogakarakaor so.
Killer and Yogakaraka should not be mixed togetherin respect
of ono and the sameplanet.
Nabhasa Yogas
qqffl iffifi qlqr: $sq;t faq(f,q I r
urkvtE mr*ecg {rdEilcanrftFqil:rrlrr
3m[qTaqrf"q]frq EiTiii Er{ irr: I
fiFfrfq{rfr: {qr: sre drn: qdtfilm:rrRrr
l-2. O excellentof the Brahmins, explainedbelow are 32
Nabhasayogas which have a total of 1800difrerentvarieties.
Theseconsistof 3 Asraya yogas, 2 Dala,yogas,20 Akriti yogas,
and 7 Sankhyayogas.
3.sg Brihat Parasarallora Sastra
Notes : No additional notes and explanations are being
givenin the presentvolumeon the following chapters:
.Nabhasayogas(ch, 35)
Lunar yogas(ch. 37)
Solaryogas (ch. 38)
fhese havebeen fully discussedand annotatedin a cleal
tnanner in my English translationsof Saravaliand Horasara.
The readermay refer to the said works.
qrncqg{c{: ncgdtag{ri: t
nfta{qrcqg{cttoe} qeql€iTgstrt:ll tlll
?qifrR{d+fl qqs=qqqrfrri}sfafrgqnq 1
l;{Qil{q gGqr rqdli qrsgqe uQorl
20. NALA YOGA .' One born in Nala yoga will have
unevenphysique, be intercstedin accumulatingmoney, very
skilful, helpful to relatives,and charming.
erfrgwrriqltr qcErt:{neanlgnrttnqI
qrl6qsTFrfisqiigrar qFHr rfiilqi !t lrRlrl
23 GADA YOGA .' One born in Gada yoga will always
make efforts to earn wealth, will perform sacrificial rites, be
'skilful in Sastrasand songs and endowed with wealth, gold
and preciousstones
Eqqaqq)ftFcarRil: q<argdtaa)H6er:r
fierEfqmvqfaerifr6il qlt qar qiar: rr1{rr
25. VIHAGA YOGA .. One born in V haga yoga will be
fond of roaming,be a messenger,will live by sexual dealings,
be shamelessand interestedin quarrels.
rr(: llqrrr filtgnq: r
glrqfqqfq qcl' ctrfir: qil ffiaT{q illct l
28. VAJRA YOGA.' One born in Vajra yoga will be
happy in the beginning and at theend of life, be valorous,
charming,devoidof desiresand fortunesand be inimical.
gaqr:Rurrgu)fegedlfuqal; I
q*t{ri$fl: t6t1?Nfqt:Tf1qql fteqq llloll
Chapter35 363
30. KAMALA YOGA .' One born in Kamala yoga will be
rich and virtuous, be long-lived,very famous,pure, will perform
hundredsof auspiciousactsand be a king.
f{fuswi fagorfua:
fiwdgerigtn qilril{it l
;Fr{qcrfrrx€cer qr{tq}iq (rErFt:
ul ttl
3t. VAPI YOGA .' Oneborn in Vapi yogawiil be capable
of accumulatingrveaith,be endowed with lasting wealth, and
happinessand sons,be free from eyeafflictionsand be a king.
q1;qfficarfara: fre4| gil.: TriiRTr$q:I
aafrmwqgsql $ iilral fEf{rGar?uiRtl
32. YUPAYOGA .' One born in Yupa yoga will bave
spiritualknowledge,be interestedin sacrificialrites, endowed'
with a wife, be strong, interestedin fasts and other religious
observations and be distinguished.
uarQakaFrg:fqililqTaedia<rgv: letrl; I
iqrqEfaf{gql: fl{iqi qnrr: Rqri: lrrrqr: n?yrl
34. SAKTHI YOGA .' One born in Sakthi yoga will be
bereft of wealth, be unsuccessful,miserable, mean, lazy, long-
lived, interestedand skilful in war, firm and auspicious.
il Qq tl
Chapter 36
r2 -5 7
380 Dflrd parasara Hora Sasna
Now see how Kalpa Druma yoga is forncd in
the chart.
The constituentsof the yoga are :
(a) The ascendantlOrd Moon.
(b) The ascendantlord's dispositorJupiter.
(c) Jupiter is in own sign and henceno
'(d) Jupiter's Navamsa dispositor
is Jupi6 unscras nc
is in SagittariusNavamsa.
All the above are in a trine from the natal
who clearly form Karpa'druma yoga. The effects ,.oito.i
by the sagewere obtained by the owner of rhc au"rt,
crangadharTilak, including fondnessfor war to get the country
freed from foreign rule.
T{t;iqr6astma|rtqqRtrr: qnQ: r
stSor{ ragurtefwt: d€trrf{q: nlgl
cQnq rqscHiqlifgrfiti qF: I
q[ Qtr: qafr Raq qagTrfEign: ulqtl
35-36. TRIMURTHI YOGAS.. Counted from the 2nd
lord if benefics occupy the 2nd, l2th and 8th, Hari yop ie
formed. If the 4rh, 9th and 8rh with reference to itre-eign
occupicd by the 7rh lord are occupied by bcneficr, Hara
yoga is obtainable. Brahma yoga is generatedif, counted from
the ascendant lord, beneficsarein the 4th, lOth and lith
signs.One born in anyone of the said three yogaswill be happy,
lcarned and endowed with wealthand sons.
.Notes: There areactually three different yogasgivenin
the present two verses. These are Hari Yoga, Hara yoga
and Brahma Yoga. This representsthe trinity of Hindu Gods
and hence is known as Trimurthi yogasjointly. Someinterpret
this as one yoga knowing it as 'Hariharabrahmayoga' which
is howeverincorrect.
For formation of Hari Yoga the 2nd lord's position is
to be noted firstly. From the said position of thc 2nd lord,
eachofthe 2nd, l2th and 8th be occupiedby beneficsindividu-
ally. Seethe chart on the next page.
Chapter 36 381
a kiog, in parava-
rich with wealthand grains,in Sinrhasanamsa
thamsa a scholar, in Devalokamsa opulent and endorved
with conveyances,and in lravatamsafamousand honouredby
Notes : The dignities mentionedabove could be found
on p. 90 suprr. Vargothama indicates a planct occupyingthe
sameRasiand the sameNavamsa.
3M WFqlqpqrq: lllett
Chapter 37
Lunar Yogas
qatReaw;i {rrefi,Tf{qi EFqrEI
rariligurr{tft ?{qrTsq'|.tqrfq Q rrlrr
t. If the Moon with refereni:e to the Sun is in an angle,
Panapharaor Apoklima, one's wealth, intelligenceand skill
will be respectively
little, meddlingand excellent.
Chroter 38
Jorar r ogas
qqq smdqwdirq Rir rrr lFrrfqfr: I
ift-qlfrqqTafr q e*qrq{: srnEntll
the Moon, if a planet among Mars etc. be in the 2nd from the
Sun Vesi yoga, in the l2th Vosi yoga and planets in both the
2nd and the l2th Ubhayachariyoga are caused.
sTst{srq}qtsqrq: I| 1Q.ll
Chapter 39
Raja Yogas
eFtr&r: <rqftrr{ fireilcc I r
iqi fqilrqqdq nqHFfr ilfr n\ rrqrr"
I *qr: wnrr *wi: 3rl' *qqilq6: I
eqi srtqei qei €rn Frq-"ri t u1rl
l-2. O excellentof the Brahmins, I now narrate betow
the RaJayogasmaking one entitled to royal honours. These
were told to Parvati by Lord Siva once upon a time, the
gist of whieh is as follows :
ildsqEf+ ffilniegilfui I
rrqqlrrl rrqdq frflq{rr EilRq ! ttt1tt
qqqce ql
qTaqhfqff, riri Elrrq t6tr{ nlvrl
13-14.If the six divisions (shadvargas)of theascendanr
is occupie-dor aspected by one and the same planet, a
Raja'yoga is doubtlesslyformed. According to the aspect is
'full, half or one fourth, resultswill be in order full, medium
and negligible.
Notes : Rasi," Hora, Drekkana, Trimsamga,Navamsa
and Dvadasamsa constitute Shadvargaor six divisions. If a
planet occupies the ascendant in all these 6 charts it causes
a powerful Raja yaga.Aspectsare referredto in the divisional
charts ,here.I am unableto fully conceivethe logic in aspects
' in divisionalchartsfor the sagehimselfreferred to longitudinal
aspectualevaluationsin an earlierchapter.Without commen-
le2 Brihat ParasaraHoro Saslra
ting further on this controversial aspect I leave it at that,
acceptingmy limitationsto explainthis fully.
r t
{rqiri q rnr<6'} qffTrrtqia r
- .
t{{t6';r{ {{ 1;t {Inil $qtqd ilRRrl
22. If ttre Atmakaraka is in a benefic'sRasi/Navamsa,
the nativewill be wealthy. If thereare $eneffcsin angelsfrom
KarakamsaLagna. he will becomea king.
qr{rGa qr(qEfqq: +;r {Tqii qR r
fqqriqr fat}qi il aatttan i dnq: rrRlrr
23. If the Arudha [,agna and Darapadaare in mutual
anglesor in mutual 3rd/llth or in mutual trines, the native
will doubtlesslybecomea king.
Notes : Arudha Lagna is the Paoa fcr tho natal ascen-
dant while Dara Pada is the Padafor the 7rh house.(Chapter 29
may be referred in the context of such calculations.)
Thesetwo Padas should mutually be well placed,i.e. in
mutual angles, mutualtrines or mutually 3rd and llth so that
the nativewill enjoy a royal status.
Should the:e two Padas be in mutually 6th and 8th signs
or 2nd and l2th signs,one will sufferfrom povertynot rcceiving
the effectsof the Raja yogas in the horoscope. The good
relationship between Arudha Pada and Dara Padais one of
the essentialpre-requisitesfor maturity of Raja Yogas.
fiqflftriiirrrrqft q qq{qfr |
?qliql.d {redrfr iliaqqltfq Er uRvtl
24. lf two or all of Bhava Lagna, Hora Lagna, Ghatika
Lagna are in aspectto exaltedplanets,a Raja yoga is formed.
394 kilnt ParasaraHora Sastra
<rqif,6n,rotils{flEqqitnr<qrfq il |
qeT trffl1tluTr$qi FFrFcaT q}qq: uR{tl
25. lf the said3 ascendants,their decanatesand Navamas
or the said ascendantsand their Navamsasor the saidescen-
dantsand their decanatesare aspectedby.a planet, a Raja yoga
is formed.
fqqqi r
qErFqrt g n*q larsqrF6fr {q ilRatl
Tlan En rftrql qrfq qTdml qrqR nqq r
qG6Traqqt t'ti ar{ rTlq[il Eil tclT ltlotl
fdtqiTTri fln wi qTqF( il eHr I
etiiqr+dE ll$t fmqrgqerTT:
ul ttl
29-31.The nativewill becomea king if a planetruling the
4th, l0th, 2nd or the I lth aspects the ascendant,while Venus
aspectsthe I lth from ArudhaLagnaasArudha Lagnais occupied
by a benefic.The sameefrect will be obtainedif a debilitated
olanetaspectsthe ascendantand is placedin the 6th or the gth.
Chapter39 395
Againsimilarresultwill prevail if a debilitatedplanet placed
to theascendant.
in the 3rd/l lth lendsaspect
u{tigat: t
qrq q--qfdqilsrl dhqt tqra] faqqi uQr(tr
36. If the lords of the 5th, lOth, 4th and the ascendant
join in the 9th, one will becomea ruler with fame spreading
over the four directions
erE ilsTITr6FSIqlqts'qF[:
I lvo 11
qq fEiqqqq\qlspqtq: llvl tt
Ctepter 4l
CombinationsFor Wealth
Brqr$t: ds{sfq s{A{ ffiq* t
qfeq qli qgilnfr ftfffi ffiqr{ riq rrl rr
l. I nowtellyou ofspecial combinationsgivingwealth.
One born in theseyogaswill surelybecomewealthy'
qgqqrdqltq Trutsqfqlrrqn.l
ffirrqafd*a sq1,q' fqquet:ilt\etl
17. The yogasmentionedabove(upto sloka 16) shouldbe
delineatedafter knowingfavourableunfavourablcdispositionsof
the participantplanetsand their strengthand wcaknesg.
fewgwi q M ?q1w*qpqrffanlurq r
cclndrq wrrqrFrtilrrlT: 5ftfar: uRctl
anglesare known as Vishnusthaana (i.e. housesof Lord Vishnu)
while the trines are called Lakshmi sthaanas(i.e. houses oi
41 0 Brihat Porasara Hora Sastd
Lakshmi). If the lord of an angle establishesrelationshipwith a
trinal lord, a Rajayogawill obtain.
Notes : The 4 houses,viz. the lst, 4th, ?th and l0th are
known as Vishnusthaanas while the 5th and ahd 9th are l-aksh-
misthaanas. In Hindu mythology, Lakshmi is a consortof Lord
Vishnu,the supremegod.A relationshipthus betweenan angular
lord and a trinal lord is capableof causinga superiorRajayoga,
just as bne having the blessings of Sri Vishnu and His consort
Lakshmiwill be endowedwith permanentwellbeing.
The kinds of relationship betweenplanets that will be
favourableare :
l. An exchange betweenthesetwo tords.
2. Mutual aspects betweenthesetwo lords.
3. Conjunctionof thesetwo lords.
4. Mutual angularplacementexistingbetweenthesetwo.
5. Mutual trinal placementbetweenthesetwo.
The first three kinds of relationshipsare more powerful
while the last two cannot be equally powert'ul but in a lesser
A sixth kind of relationshipcan also be extendedin this
contextto Navamsa positionsthoughI have no specificciassic
sanctionfor this. For examplein a Capricornian'scase, Mars in
the Navamsaof.Venusand Venusin that of Mars will confer a
superiorRaja yoga. This form of relationship will be eqally
superior like the first 3 relationships mentioned by me in thc
earlier paragraph.
After seeingsuch a relationship between an angular lord
and a trinal lord, their dignities like Parijataetc. will haveto bc
Eeento dccidethe extent ofeffects due as could be seen in the
following six verses.
qf(qfi ftqal al iqfi flwgtan: r
sf,n qlaql {q} qw{TfilfifEqq rrRerr
,ftgiiq{Tt{v: {Pdrift'r{iri*q r
R{6sa q{iqfr eriqfemrcr: uQotl
qftr1 di qRru;s] qy{fr6tt6qr 1
Ttq{{qrit qm€ilqrt qfiqftrt: trl ttl
Chupter 4l 4ll
qtqr{qq qrd€fisn (til gfuftor: r
qf-{dr qnkqr€rudrriq faqqaq ! ttlRrr
fl{IEai{r*st}€i qftrr rFclf<rcaqt t
fqcufr: eisqalftq qrq€ ?qelfii nQltl
cqdd it T(trar ilq;fr fqsqqrilfi1; 1
Qqrfiiqr* trra: g{ raniy} qg: n1Ytl
TWO PLANETS SO RELATED .' Should an angular lord
and a trinal lord having sucha relationship(vide above slokas)
be in Parijatamsa,the native will be king and will protect men,
if Uttamamsahe will be an excellentking endowed with eleph-
ants,horses,chariotsetc , if in Gopuramsahe will be a tiger of
kings honouredby othcr kings,and if in Simhasanamsa he wil!
be an emperorruling over the entire earth; with the said Raja-
yogarelationshipof the said planetsin Simhasanamsa were born
Haiischandra,Manu, Bali, the Firc god (Agni Deva)and many
otlrer emperors. In the present Yugaso born is Yudhishtira(or
Dharma Raja of Maha Bharata). Salivahana'sbirth and that of
otherswill qlso comewith thisyoga. With theseplanetsso related
and in Paaravatamsa, Manu etc. were born. The Incarnationsof
Lord Vishnu took placewhen the said planets,beingso related,
uere in Devalokamsa;and in BrahmalokamsaLord Brahma
and in Iravatamsathe SwayambhuManu (the first of the 14
Manus identified as the second creator who produced the
Prajapatis and to the said Manu the code 'of laws yiz. Manu-
smriti is ascribed)wereborn.
Notes : The two planets,viz. anangularlord and a trinal
lord with such a relationship, should be simultaneouslyin
Parijatamsa.One in Parijatamsa and the other in a still higher
Amsa will yield still better effects.The roader can intelligently
manipulatethe effectsac,cordingto such Am'sas.
When studyingthese slokas,we reacha crucial point as
to the period of Parasara. There a1e baselessarguments that
Parasara,author of Brihrit Parasara Hora, could not be a sage
that hved thousandsof yearsago; bur a very recent author tnat
shouldhavelived after Varaha Mihira, Bhattotpala, Kalyana
Yarma and so on and so forth. This misconception does not
4t2 Brihat ParasaraHora Sastra
deservean answerat all and is worth beingbrushed asideas an
idle gossip. The holdersof suchopinion may advancea million
argumentsin their own favour. Our query to them is: which
exponentreferred to the horoscopicpositionsof Lord Vishnu,
Harischandra,Manu, Bali Chakravarthi,Agni Deva,Swayambhu
Manu and last but not the least the Creater Brahmatrimself?
Is it humanlypossible, but for a sage, with divine contacts,
to producecombinationsexistingin the sacred horoscopesof
Vishnu, Brahmaetc.?Also note with specificattentionthe state-
ment of Parasarathat "Dharma Raja (the eldest son of king
Pandu, of Maha Bbarata)of the present oge,has this yoga".
Does this not stand as an indisputabletestimony of Parasara
having lived in the Maha Bharataera ?
Yet, another clue about Parosarais servedwhenin the
abovelineswe find his prediction that Salivahana and others
be born" with this yoga. The verb used is bhavita in
future tense. That conveysthat Parasarawas a predecessorof
Salivahanaand not a successor of Bhattotpalaetc.
MaharshiJaimini,author of PoorvaMimamsaand propag-
ator of Jaimini Astrologywasa discipleof Parasara.If Parasara
lived in the lTth century,what aboutJaimini ?
Specificattentionof the reader is drewn to the statement
of Parasarain ]sloka 32above,to the effectthat "in the present
Yuga" Dharma Raja is born with sucha yoga.This is an ample
proof that our sagewas in Maha Bharata time and was the
illustriousparentof illustriousVedaVyasa.
Lastly,the following popular quotation enlists Parasart
amongthe l8 exponentsof Jyotisha:
q4: frcreql aqm) qffisfa crrsn : I '
ficc] {Tts} TqTqttfsfg<rfl<: tt
qlq{r: qlqsrs'iq iqqq} qfi} qg; I
s's vfrfil:sntaxfiitT: it
This is again a proof that our sage was indeed a sageof
Mahabharataera and is an authority with crown for Kali ypga
qq ErRruq\rrtsrltql
q?TTqitaq*ql q nfqal $Tftn qi t I
'?r{T0tlqqq] ilri .6e&Kqqwril lrrlrr
l. O Sage, you havedealt with combinationsfor wealth
and poverty.Kindly detailmethodsof ascertainingthe life span
of humanbeings.
qr{(Tf{t(qnqt€f qmRiTgqrtr(:I
qrflRrrr lfr"gf.il Frrn1:*sfr dfq{r: trtvtl
criterdfsnl1e4: Tqrrf,i iTrqfrnrfi:I
nf,ill wiglil rfwger{ q rrTfqi u l {tl
ofyearscontributedbythe ascendantwill correspond to the
numberof signs it gained(from Aries) while the degreesthe
ascendantgainedin the particular sign will alsocorrespondingly
donate (i.e. 30 degrees:l year). If the NavamsaAscendani
lord is strongerthan the ascendantlord, then the contribution
be computed only bascd on the Navamsas gained (from
Chapter 43 4t9
Aries),otherwisethe corhputationwill be for the Rasiascendant
Notes : The sevenplanetsfrom the Sun to Saturnrespec-
tivelycontribute19,25,lS, 12, lS,2l and 20 yearswhenon jeep
exaltationdegree.' The contributionsare just halvedwhenthese
are on deepdebilitationdegrees.The deep exaltationdegreesfor
the 7 planets respectivelyfrom the Sun on are : Aries
Taurus 3", Capricorn280, Virgo 15", Cancer 5", pisces
and Libra 20'. By adding 1g0", to the said degrees,*"
deepdebilitationpoints for the concernedpraneis.iMter fin'a-
ing out the individual contributions of spanof rongevitLi[e
sameare to be rectified which method is being explainid in
appropriate place in the following paragraphs. To work out
the longevitvthrough pindayu method, we-will iakc up the
horoscopeof a male born on 2l.S.tg44at l9h Olm l5s (Wf)
13N40 79F.20. The Rasi and Bhavacharts as reuqired
for our
purposeare :
420 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra
I f
, 2. If "d" is abovetgo''"'-
Where "d" is distancebetween the ptanet's deepexalta'
tion degreeand its actual placement;"f" is the full number
'c' is the basic years
of yearsgrantable by the planet-and
actuallygrantedby it due to its placement.
Take Sati.rrn'scaseas an exarnple. He can at bestcontri-
bute 20 years. In the horoscope under evaluation, he is
223.1613degreesaway. froin his deep exaltation (Libra 20').
Hence to find out the basicsontribution of Satuin, rle use
rule 2 above,thus :
- 2 2 3 . 1 6 1 3X ) i
qE risrrq qr;iqi
qqi qnqqr $FriEr E;rr( Tir{qqqgqr
fremq,rue q+( ttRlu,,
other living beingsas rvcil suchcomputationsbe made. The
figure be multiplicdby the figurecorrespondingto its full span
life and divided by thc rigure corrcspondingto ruil span'oilie
for humanbeings.
Eqt qrflqrft€ggrq{ r
q faq)wn
3{Trf,i<ri iqrarqq'luri Et r
Gqlnqt rrRvrr
rJalqo-qruqier-uqfqi q €(€16{ |
Itq-qnr-TdnTfi-qos.Frat {ritTrrTrilR{tt
qirtfl{ttl{Iit ileTqr;It nrffaa\ r
ilqqt 3Eil(iqi q 'fe{ilmflil
iln *lqtl
atlena slefirtl=q {qfu*E e*eeq}: r
Tsrcri rQwruri q rgtenfcnrH(t ill\etl
Faneau{lcurt qTqr{til q q}c{r r
qerrf ,iqrq' ir fqnqt EIit{rIEEtr:
YIqt qKEflr;ri iT, g{Sarii (Fn6efi,g I
qEqErilosqTqi q ,Rt{: gretete(ITt:ilRQ.tl
BEINGS.. I now tell you the full life spanfigures
for various
living beings. Gods and sagescnjoy encttess
life rp"o Ci...i.
astron-omicalproportions as against ordinary
mortals). The
full life spanof eagres,owrs, pirrots, crows
and snakesis one
thousandyears. Falcon,_.nook"y,bear,
and frog_tne iurfi;;
oflife in these casesis 300 years. Drrnoo,,
lifispan i" l;il;
150ycarswhile it is 120 yearsfor human beings.-
:Z y"o.. io,
Chapter 43 429
horses,25 years for donkeys and camels, yearsfor oxenand
buffaloes, 20 years for peacocks,16 yearsfor goatsand rams.
14 yearsfor swans,12 years for cuckoo, dog and dove, 8 years
for hensetc, and 7 yearsfor birds etc.-these are fujl life spans
for variousliving beings
qqTsa{€fq,qqafqryT ii Gqsaq ! r
,*fiqlqt{rsglqrl$qi q+fo{i ariq q ulltl
crr-dnfqqqrql qeflq: m'tfaaq r
rirTE]ilrdrget{Tr$qiq}rr*rd fqfHa ulytl
f6dtd rt?{q?EI$ETie}rf avil Gq}nq t r
Ed"td qRfwai{ ulrtl
q{<r{r't Rqal af K ilEr {lrigil€il\ '
qs: frqisq<] a?e *tiwgwurfi fE utqu
gs,qqi feais;aqdl ilitt rTdIIgqEa{ |
El qr a;e fcqal fqs ! qaqfl{€rqr& q uleu .
qnmqisqt aFe El qI fiqqqa"t ail t
ailil$'Trr il{rseqrqiqid flaq}f,qt rrlerr
qlqeiq qlqnqi fsa q( qrEl*?raE t
dqaqfriq€ Rrnql<tfqrTGrir:
q.i ?il €cat qFn [rQr' q+girRRI l
6rq) $f{q tneqwttfqfq?iw eriei gi: llYoll
33-40. OTIIER CLUES TO LONGEVITY : O excellent
of the Brahmins,I give you details of other methodsin the
matter of longevityas under : This is basedon the positionsof
the ascendantIord, 8th lord, Saturn,the Moon, natal ascen{ant
and Hora ascendant(Hora Lagna). Thesesix are groupedinto
threegroupsthus : the lords of the ascendantand of the 8th
on the one hand, Saturnand the Moon on the other hand,and
tbe natal ascendaotand Hora ascendant on yet the other hand,
Out of a group,if the two are in movable sign/signslong life is
denoted. One in fixed sign and the other in a dual sign will
also bestowlong life. One in movable aign and the other in
fixed sign will give medium life. If both are in dual signthen
againmediumlife will be obtained. Short life is denotedif one
is in a movablesign as the other is in a common sign,or if both
are in fixed signs. The type of life denoted by three or two
Clnpter 43 431
groups be only considered.lf thc threegroupsdenotedifferenl
scales,then the one indicated by the pair of natalascendant
Hora ascendan,tbe only considered. In case of thrce
differentindications if the Moon ls in the ascendant
or the Zth,
tben the one indicated by Saturn-Moonpair will only come to
Notes: Three groups are considcredherefor this system
of longevitycalculations. Following are the thrce groups, each
€roup consistingtwo of the six.
Ist group-natal ascendantlord and 8rh lord from the
2nd group-Saturn and the Moon.
3rd group-natal ascendantand Hora Langa. (For Hora
I:gna, seep. 63).
Thus two planets in one group, two planetsin another
group and two ascendantsiu yet another group are selected.
Now their positions will denote the basic longevity. Note the
position of eachof the constituentin eachgroup thus :
l. Long life: If both the constituentsare in movablesigns
(jointly or separately),long life will cometo pass. Onc in fixed
sign and another in a dual sign will also give samescaleof
2. Medium life : One in movable sign and anotherfixed
sign will givemediumlife. Both in dua! signswill alsogive same
3. Short life : One in movable sign and anotherin dual
sign will indicatc short.life. Both of them in fixed signswill
produceagainshort life.
Thus, all the six possible positionsof a pair are covered.
lVhich group is to be consideredfor arriving at life spanand
in wbat circumstances be understoodthus.
4. Out of the three groups, the scaleof span(viz. Iong,
medium and short) indicated by two or threebe considered.
Suppose two groups indicate medium life while another
sbort life, then take mediumspanas.thebasicone. Alternatively
if three indicate identical scales,i e. Iong, short or medium,
cclnsiderthat as the case may be. It is also possiblethat one
group denoteslong life, another medium life and yet another
short life. In that casefollow point 5 given belbw.
432 Brihut ParasorqHora Sastra
5. If 3 groups denote variable spans,the group of natal
ascendantand Hora ascendantwill havc a say on the indication.
Whatever this pair denoteswill be the basicspanin caseof
threedifferent indications.
6. Rule 5 hasalsoan exception,thus. That is, in the case
of three differentindications(i.e. onc long life, anothermedium
fife and yet anothershort life), seethe positionof the Moon in
the natal horoscope. lf she is in the ascendant or in the 7th,
then the indication given by the pair of Hora-natalascendants
be ignored and the indication of Saturn-Moon be alone
considered. lf the Moon is neither in the ascendant nor in the
7th, then follow the indicationof }Iora-natal ascendants as given
in rule 2 above.
.qrn $r H q* qnndrrf r
fHa trdt qA grrFirqtail Gq t ttt\err
57. LII/ING TILL THE END OF YUGA.' One born in
Cancerascendantwill live till the end of the yugaif Jupitcr is
io au angle and be in Gopuramsa while Venusis in a trine and
be in Paaravatamsa.
ffirffi' se gi qrrrrcint r
qtefrnftml n?qrtteu
Tfr Feqrtatrilrg.
Simhasanamsa being in the ascendant,Saturn in Devalokansa
and Mars in Paaravata,nsa-if these are Eo,one will enjoy thc
life s;an as due to a sage.
feqElqqi: qtt:
{*r *irfrduri: r
arifr aadglt Adffgftftf{riE nq{rr
65. Long life will be enjoyedif maleficsare in 3rd, 6th
and I lth while beneficsare in angles.
$8 Brlhat.ParasaraHoro Sor,rra
. lE.RK?Iil{'Tg lqdEEilq qI
ffig rr qm{ RoiqqfqfrfqriE'ni,qu
66. If the 6th, 7th and Eth are occupiedby beneficswhile
maleffo arc in 3rd and llth, full life spanwill follow the birth.
mr<iinqlid g:?qqlicql-{fr:I
€|rdtrqqt{ilq tqarfrqrtq qeqqq neqtl
?8. If the lords of the ascendantand the 8th are bereftof
dignities and strength, short life will cometo pass If they
are helped by others while being so, medium life will come
to pass.
ststrilwiErgfirl: I tvvtl
Ctrpter 44
qr;qqfeuq?dqitql $$1$ft{*: I
qf{q[F: qltrrlns? qrqdqils{Jq*: l l Q el l
Eqrqq{Ttroteg fqsrs} qqlil s{q{ |
{Ff(tt €E{rf,rBirl irsTfirfEcfHfr:rr1err
38-39.FATE OF THE CORPSE; Should there be a
benefic'sdecanatein the 8th'(i.e. the 22nd decanatebeingso),
the corpse will be burnt in fire (as prescribedin Sastras);if a
malefict decanatebe there, the body will be thrown away in
,water. If the decanatein {uestion is ownedby a mixed planet
the deadbody will only dry up. If it be a serpentdecanate,the
body will be eatenaway by animali, crowsetc.
ltv{t I
AvasthasOf Planets
ctr€qFntt: shd qUuri qq qtf gi t r
irr (rsqrqrgftioat nfnfi ift ruqar{t rr1rr
1. O sage,you haveearlierstatedtbat the Avasthas(states)
of planetsbe consideredin the context of planetary efrects. Bc
kind to tell me about the same,
Chapter 45
fqf{iil efia r6roii eewenw t r
il{qifHrT 4r€ilrg ilFfr€rRirr zRrraiqq1,,,,
2. O excellent of Brahmins, variouskinds of planetary
Avasthashavebeenexpounded.Out of these, I telt you th;
sumrnaryof infant and other states(in the first instance).
natarm: €n rrg*gXalsr<tt
<f<e;agtr$d nfiq* qE oa* rr11tt
gg+srflt-A ilsfq fkdqisR uitgt: t
qfqa: qlstq qfd frfqYid Gq'lrq ! tttltt
1q.r$ {qgrn} Rgqae} q*sft t
g g.fqa'q: {rfigq* .rql acn lllYll
Chapter 45 451
qecrn] &qil: tie, nlqr qrsqRlfFil' I
{qqEr ?TqTqFflqfue: € vEr€a:ilt{rr
faarr{t fqaqq-d fqiq q fTn}fw: r
g\oil eQa) q{q gfa: q sfr'|fril:nlqtl
<fqurr sRal q{q .nqr qrqff, uiiql I
alfcd ii fffiaFqlurr aR *faa: ntetl
ng ng q cra1 wgrfitrraF6q?iqrr
qfea: qlfwa] Erfq ?r{tfiq$fir{?: tt I qtl
I l-18. YET OTHER AVASTHAS .. . Lajjita, Garvita,
Kshudita,Trushita,Mudita and'Kshobhita aretheotherkindsof
(six) states due to thc planets. Placed in the 5th houscif a
planet is associatedwith a node or with the Sun, Saturn or
Mars, it is in Lajjitavastba. If a planct is in exaltationor in
Moolatrikona, it is Garvitavastha.The avastbais Kshudita
if the planet is in an enemy'ssign, or conjunct an enemy
or aspected by an enemy or even be in conjunctionwith
Saturn. If a planet is in a watery sign and be in aspect
to a malefic but not a benefic,the avastha is called Trushita.
If a planet is in a friendly sign, or conjunct or aspected
by a benefic or is conjunct Jupiter, it is said to be in
Muditavastha.If a planetis conjunctthe Sun and is aspectedby
or conjuncta malefic or is aspectedby an enemy,it is said to
pe in Kshobhitavhshta"The houses occupiedby a planet in
kshuditavasthaor Kshobhitavastha are destroyed.
lt.nttqntqgd1qd fi,Filq€i{ffi
iuq r
rtrtqrd qr$qFdrrf fslierkq rrfcilrq uRYtl
rlfr lfee*i qnnrFlrfq{flqr
Rwenmqqrqfwlere Rtcqq1
rlqffnnfqf,r* qfqqTrrnqrlil
RgfETdffi gfbfrarf<w{t:uq{t|
fr{rft afv"qirqrdq{ndfrfqrrdrrqqfilfrrfaemq r
giltterrrq{rr{ 1w t|qrqlfqefq r eflqqi rrlqrr
d*|Mq ad ftrieqffi 3iqfdq,r,GeqI
Fqlfn fmaq{faqrui qrrf"cqrqrmot*,.M uRetl
qfuerv'r<nni nlr,r\rfana:
nFqrfq ftgql*rtqrqr ;rtrqr-
qfqqqqfrfr ul
ferlal f{qnrd ||i c||
Efaacmi €trr{rritiTrqri
qqfil ttqfi&rrt aaawqffumrr:
qFlFilTRrrql Trn{rfr: ait 111q1,
in Garvitavasthawill cause happinessthrough o.* h;;;;;;
gardens,regalhood, skill in arts, financialgainsat alt t;mes,
improvement-inbusiness. A pranet in MuditavastnawiliJivc
residences,clothes, ornaments,happinessfrom tandsano rvirq
happinessfrom relatives,riving in royar paraces,destruction
enemiesand acquisition of wisdom and rearning. A pranet
f,ajjitavaltba will give aversion to God, loss of intittigencc,
lossof child, interestin evir speechesand ristressn.ssio"go;
things. A planct in Kshobhitavasthawiil give acutepei'ur11
evil disposition,miseries, financial debacres,distreseto ieet anJ
obstructionto incomedue to royal wrath. A planetin xrnuatite_
vastha witl cause downfal due to grief and passion,g.#;
account of relatives, physical decline, troublesrr"r'.-n..i.i
financialdistress, lossof physicalstrengthand an ."lipr.o
due to miseries. A planet in Trushitavasrhawill causeoiseases
through associationwith females, leading overwicked(or eviij
deeds,lossof wealthdue to one's own men, physicar*"uto"rrl
misericscausedby evil peopleand declineof honour.
, stageI : : Remainder
stage2,f# : o
Remainderzero indicatessub stateas vicbeshta, in
pani Avastha.
fTo bc cncMcdJ
,ear Read,ef,
A GlimPseof
The present work A Glimpse 9f ..Ke3la-,!s^trology
condensation of three ieco!niseO Kerala
are untque
Jyo,tisna, Kerala sutra and Gopata Ratnakara.which
in their own way & speaKout t'he essential'
istrotogy. Wasuppbseourreaderswillbe enlightened
illuminatingpeartsot ot*oton" n:t,l-