Agile Software Development Li
Agile Software Development Li
Agile Software Development Li
Jinjin Li
Technische Universitt Berlin
Berlin, Germany
E-mail:[email protected]
Abstract—With the further development of computer technol- customer requirements in the process, in the process people
ogy, the software development process has some new goals and will invest resources and then convert it to outputs of project.
requirements. In order to adapt to these changes, people has Before the 1960s, computers had just put into practical use,
optimized and improved the previous method. At the same time,
some of the traditional software development methods have been the software design was often only for a particular application
unable to adapt to the requirements of people. Therefore, in re- in the specified design and preparation. The scale of software
cent years there have been some new lightweight software process was relative small and usually didn’t have documentation,
development methods, That is agile software development, which rarely use a systematic metohd to development. Design and
is widely used and promoted. In this paper the author will firstly programming was often equated.
introduces the background and development about agile software
development, as well as comparison to the traditional software In mid-1960s, large capacity, high speed computers have
development. Then the second chapter gives the definition of agile enabled the rapid expansion of computer applications, the
software development and characteristics, principles and values. quantity of software development has increased dramatically.
In the third chapter the author will highlight several different The Appearance of High-level programming language and
agile software development methods, and characteristics of each operating system, causing of changes in the way of computer
method. In the fourth chapter the author will cite a specific
example, how agile software development is applied in specific applications. Large amounts of data processing led to the birth
areas.Finally the author will conclude his opinion. This article of first generation database management system. The software
aims to give readers a overview of agile software development systems became more and more complex and large, software
and how people use it in practice. reliability problems were also more prominent. The original
personal design, personal method can no longer meet the
I. I NTRODUCTION requirements, software need to change the mode of production.
Before we know the definition of agile software develop- ”Software crisis” broke out[5].
ment, what’s exactly agile software development, let’s first
look at its origins and development, as well as its achievements
in the field of computer technology.