Fida Ur Rehman SP19-BBA-022 Section - A Assignment #1

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Fida ur Rehman

Section - A
Assignment #1

Production and
Operation Management

Submitted to
To: Sir Kashif Luqman
Question #1: Determine the similarities and differences between the three processes
using the ‘4V’ approach.
Answer:.. The offering can be an item or service .The gave situation has contrasts
and likenesses in setting to 4V'
Similarities and Differences between the three processes are:
 Similarity & Difference Volume: High volume operations are required to
call center manager and voucher processing manager. As we can see, the call
center and vouchering processing mangers are heavily busy at Monday. The
customers are allowed to call anytime during the working hours. So, if
someone wants to know about any information he or she call to the call
center and the number of caller are so high so, high volume operations are
needed. Because if any of the call are missed, than the customer fill be
offended. Same with the case of voucher processing manager. At Monday,
they will heavily need to boost up, because they have to scan large amount
of Cheques through the machines.
But, as compare to the High net worth banking manager, he does
not need high volume operation. This manager have to deal with rich or
wealthy customers, technically they are few in number. Volume means that
how large you are delivering; and how much is your repeatability for a
specific item. On the off chance that a business is delivering high volumes it
causes a circumstance, where cost of the items gets reduced.
 Similarity & Difference in Visibility: The voucher processing manager is
doing less visible work. He is doing the physical work like scanning the
cheques but the customers cannot see their work. But the rest of the two are
high visible jobs. The call center manager is managing the calls of customers
while the 2nd one manager of the high net worth customers attends the calls
of the customers and if the problem is unable to solve than they visit the
workplace of the customer to solve the problem. The high net worth banking
manger is doing visible work, like to visit the workplace of the customers.
But the less visible to the voucher processing manager job. Visibility means
that how prior to moving towards the distinctions and likenesses of the
processes gave in the given situation. Variation, and Visibility are presenting
the 4V'sThe activity capacities are the focal point of consideration for the as
organizations the labor and products created by the organizations need to be
extremely compelling and effective to be a beneficial and develop. Every
business' activities interaction comprises of taking data sources and
providing outputs.
 Similarity & Difference in Variation: The level of the variation is very
high in call center job and voucher processing job. Because, we can see
clearly in the case that, at Monday just after 9am the call center is too busy
and some time at night shift there comes a heavy wave of customer’s calls.
Similarly, the level of variation in voucher processing manager is very high.
At Monday, around7pm, cheques come to the bank by courier are high in
quantity, because it comes from wide geographical area where the rest of the
branches are doing work.
But, if we see the high net worth banking manager, the level of the
variation is quite little. Because they are dealing with a few customer. The
number of components have you inserted to fulfill your client's needs.
Variation literally intends to shift from your primary concern. Here we can
say that does the sort of administrations and merchandise being given can
change from their standard provision..
 Similarity & Difference in Variety: The call center manager and the high
net worth banking manager are offering the same variety (to answer the
quarries of the customers). The level of variety used in both of the above is
high, because they are dealing with the different kind of customers. Every
customer having different problems as compare to the others. Such as, some
of them are interested to know about how to open new account, some wants
to check the remaining balance and the rest of the come other quarries. So
the employees and managers should have to acquire different and specific
type of variety of skills to deal with the customers. But, on the other hand
the voucher processing manager having the same variety to scan the
cheques. They do not need any other kind of verity. However, the machines
are often stuck and their work resist. So, technology may be 2 nd kind of
variety at some extant. Variety means that the number of various labor and
products you are providing or you can say much your contribution can be
effectively seen.
Question #2: what do you think are the different skills and different
approaches that will be needed to manage these three processes?
Answer: The three different managers are doing quite different jobs, so each of
them should be acquire different and specific type of skills to perform their jobs
effectively and efficiently.
Skills approaches required by the Call center Manager and high net worth
baking manager:
 Effective communication: This is the skill which we can say that each
employee and manager must be acquired. Because the major portion of their
job is to discuss and communicate with the customers. They should have to
work on the languages which are used by the customers.
 Emotion stability: emotional stability is not a little thing, and it is not so
easy to control your emotions at some places or in some situations. At call
center, sometime customers are using bad language or sometime using
abusive words. The employee are not allowed to use these words, because it
create a bad image of the company or in our situation, it badly effect the
image of the Bank. So, keep calm and control your aggression while
performing such kind of activity or job.
 Ability to handle the pressure: As we can see in the case, there are lots of
burdens at Monday 9am and sometime at night shift there are lots of calls
from the customers. So, the burden of the work is so high, especially on
Monday. The manger should have the ability to guide his or her employees
and also motive them to work with enthusiasm and achieve the goals.
 Creative problem solving: The manager should have a creative mind set to
solve the problem effectively and efficiently. Whenever a problem arises,
deeply understand the problem and develop different alternative solutions,
and at the end choose the best one to solve the problem effectively and
efficiently. At call center, there may raise different kind of problems like
employee absenteeism, customers complain about the employees and many
others. So the manager should be capable of solving the problems at right
time at right place.
 Having a visiting team: the manager of the high net worth bank, deal with
the rich customers. So, they try their best to solve their problem as much as
they can. But, sometime the problem may not be solved virtually or through
the call. So, to not offend the customer, the manager send a visiting team or
a trained person to visit the workplace of the rich customer to solve the
Skills and approaches required by the Voucher processing managers:
 Technical skills: the manager main target is to scan the cheques through
machines. They are using different 4 types of machines. And by reading the
case we know that the machines are automatically stops working and due to
that they are not able to perform their job. So, if the manager have some
technical skills, he or she may be able to repair the machine so that they
perform the manager will be able to perform well.
 Having deep knowledge about the cheques: Because in Banks, there are
lots of cases of cheque frauds by the people. So the manager should be able
to detect the fraud and may be sue on such type of people.

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