Sediment Basin: (No.) Code 350
Sediment Basin: (No.) Code 350
Sediment Basin: (No.) Code 350
Code 350
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Conservation Practice Standard
Conservation Practice Standards are reviewed periodically and updated if needed. To obtain the current version of this standard, NRCS, WI
download it from the electronic Field Office Technical Guide, or contact the NRCS State Office or the Wisconsin Land and Water 12/10
Conservation Association office at (608) 441-2677.
width of 4 feet and side slopes of 2:1 (2 Flood routing of the sediment basin shall
horizontal to 1 vertical) or flatter. utilize procedures contained in TR-55,
Chapter 6, or NRCS National Engineering
The minimum sediment storage capacity of Handbook (NEH), Part 650, Engineering
a temporary sediment basin shall be 0.5 Field Manual, Chapter 11.
acre-inches per year from the contributing
drainage area. The sediment basin shall have sufficient
capacity, as a minimum, to store 65 percent
Removal – Temporary sediment basins shall of the peak inflow rate from a 25-year, 24-
be removed after the contributing drainage hour duration storm for a duration of 15
area has been stabilized. Complete final minutes. Any basin outflow shall be
grading and restoration according to the site disregarded in computing minimum storage.
Additional storage capacity, based on
B. Criteria for Livestock Area Sediment frequency of cleaning, shall be provided for
Basins manure and other solids settled within the
basin. The solids storage volume shall be
Sediment basins can be used to trap solids based on the number of livestock, time on
from concentrated livestock areas prior to the lot (minimum of 25 percent), and seven
entering storage, buffer, or filter systems. days between cleanings. The minimum
The basin can be either an off-lot basin or an daily volume of solids per animal for design
on-lot basin with additional heavy use purposes shall be as specified in Table 2.
protection for the livestock area. See NRCS
FOTG, Section IV, Standard 561, Heavy Table 2
Use Area Protection, for surfacing options.
Minimum Daily
The bottom elevation of the sediment basin Livestock Volume of Solids per
shall be at least 2 feet above bedrock or Animal
groundwater. A minimum of 0.3 feet 1,400 lb. dairy cow 1.6 cubic feet
freeboard shall be added to the storage young dairy stock 1.1 cubic feet/1,000 lbs.
depth. 1,000 lb. beef animal 0.9 cubic feet
The sediment basin discharge shall be stored
or treated in accordance with NRCS FOTG, C. Criteria for Temporary Sediment Barriers
Section IV, Standards 313, Waste Storage
Facility; or 635, Vegetated Treatment Area, Temporary sediment barriers are used to trap
as applicable. sediment from construction or other disturbed
areas where the barriers are needed for less than
The design loadings and quality of materials 2 years and the drainage areas are less than 1
for walls shall be in accordance with the acre. Temporary sediment barriers include
FOTG Standard 313, Waste Storage synthetic fabric silt fences, straw bale barriers,
Facility. coarse aggregate barriers, and other appropriate
Runoff shall be based on the 25-year, 24-
hour duration storm rainfall. The suggested A temporary sediment barrier may be used where
runoff curve numbers are 90 for unpaved the minimum barrier height is less than 5 feet,
lots and 95 for paved lots. The minimum and where failure of the barrier would not cause
runoff curve number for unpaved lots shall loss of life or damage to high-value property, or
be 85. significant damage to lower-value property. The
barrier shall be adequate to retain the sediment
The peak discharge from animal lot areas and handle the 10-year, 24-hour duration storm
shall be a minimum of 1010 cubic feet per frequency discharge without failure or significant
second per square mile for each inch of erosion for the anticipated life of the barrier.
runoff. (NRCS Technical Release 55 [TR-
55], Exhibit 5-II, Tc=0.1 Hours, Travel 1. Straw Bale Sediment Barriers
Time=0.0 Hours,
and IA/P =0.10). Straw bale sediment traps should only be
used in situations where a life span of less
than 3 months is required.
Straw bale sediment traps shall be installed Non-woven fabric may be needle punched,
on the contour, except that the ends shall be heat bonded, resin bonded, or combinations
extended upslope to prevent water from thereof. All fabric shall meet the following
bypassing the ends. requirements as specified in Table 3.
The maximum length of uncontrolled slope A heavy-duty nylon top support cord or
upstream from a straw bale sediment trap equivalent shall be required.
should be 100 feet.
Table 3
Bales shall be installed so that the bindings
are oriented around the bale, not the top and Test Requirement Method Value1
bottom of the bales. Minimum grab tensile
strength in the machine 120 lbs.
The straw bales must be entrenched at least 4632
4 inches into the ground and anchored with Minimum grab tensile
two stakes driven through the bale and at ASTM D
strength in the cross 100 lbs.
least 12 inches into the ground. The stakes 4632
machine direction
shall be 2" x 2" (nominal) wooden stakes, Maximum apparent
standard steel fence posts, or ½-inch ASTM D
opening size equivalent No. 30
diameter steel reinforcing bars. standard sieve
Minimum permittivity 0.05 scc-1
Soil shall be compacted against the upstream 4491
base of the bales to prevent undermining by .135 scc-1
runoff. Gaps between bales must be filled or 10-
by wedging them full of loose straw or gallon/min
equivalent material to prevent water flow ASTM D ute/square
Maximum permittivity
between the bales. 4491 foot at 50
Straw bale sediment traps shall not be used constant
in channels or other areas of concentrated head.
flow. Minimum ultraviolet
stability (percent of ASTM D
Straw bale sediment traps shall be removed strength retained after 500 4355
once the disturbed area is permanently hours of exposure)
All numerical values represent minimum/maximum
stabilized and no longer susceptible to
average roll values. (For example, the average minimum
test results on any roll in a lot should meet or exceed the
minimum specified values.)
2. Silt Fences
Where joints are necessary, each end of the
Where a geotextile fabric silt fence is used
fabric shall be securely fastened to a post.
to trap sediment from disturbed areas, it
The posts shall then be wrapped around each
shall be installed on the contour, except that
other to produce a stable, secure joint.
the ends shall be extended upslope to
prevent water from bypassing the structure. Posts
The maximum length of uncontrolled slope The maximum spacing of posts for non-
upstream from the silt fence should be 100 woven silt fence shall be 3 feet and for
feet. woven fabric, 8 feet.
The geotextile fabric silt fence shall not be Wood support posts shall be a minimum
used in channels or other areas of length of 4 feet and the full height of the silt
concentrated flow. fence. The posts shall be a minimum
dimension of 1 ⅛ inches by 1 ⅛ inches air or
Geotextile Fabric
kiln-dried hickory or oak. The silt fence
The geotextile fabric may consist of either fabric shall be stapled, using at least 0.5-
woven or non-woven polyester, inch staples, to the upslope side of the posts
polypropylene, stabilized nylon, in at least three places.
polyethylene, or polyvinylidene chloride.
The bottom edge of the silt fence fabric must C. Consider potential impacts on and the
be anchored by burying in a trench 6 inches opportunity to enhance existing streams, lakes,
deep by 4 inches wide on the upslope side of wetlands, groundwater, and wildlife habit.
the posts. The fabric shall be folded to fit
the trench and backfilled and compacted to D. Consider maximum permitted release rate from
the existing ground line. the basin and time limitation for draining the
basin without causing secondary problems.
Silt fences shall be removed once the
disturbed area is permanently stabilized and E. Consider means for bypassing excess flows that
no longer susceptible to erosion. can't be accommodated by the basin.
3. Storm Drain Inlet Protection Barriers F. Consider the visual quality of onsite and
downstream water resources.
Inlet protection barriers include, but are not
limited to, filter fabric barriers, straw bales, VII. Plans and Specifications
sandbags, other material filled bags and
socks, and stone weepers. Prepare plans and specifications for sediment basins
that describe the requirements for applying the
For temporary barriers that are installed practice according to this standard. Include as a
around storm drain inlets, the perimeter minimum, the following in the plans and
length of the barrier must be at least 4 times specifications:
the perimeter of the storm drain inlet.
Where storm flows could overtop the 1. A plan view of the layout of the sediment basin.
barrier, the top of the barrier needs to be
2. Typical cross sections of the basin.
level throughout the perimeter length.
3. Details of the outlet system
Barriers shall be located where a traffic
hazard will not be created and where traffic 4. Seeding requirements if needed.
and construction activities will not destroy
5. Construction specifications that describe in
or cause constant need for maintenance of
the barriers. Barriers shall be located so that writing site specific installation requirements of
any resulting ponding of storm water will the sediment basin.
not cause excessive inconvenience or VIII. Operation and Maintenance
damage to adjacent areas or structures.
An Operation and Maintenance Plan shall be
D. Seeding developed that is consistent with the purpose of this
practice, intended life of the components, and criteria
All embankments and other disturbed areas, for design.
excluding the permanent storage pond, shall be
seeded in accordance with FOTG Standard 342, The plan shall include but is not limited to:
Critical Area Planting.
A. Inspection of basins immediately after a storm
event. Temporary sediment barriers should be
Sediment in basins shall be removed and the USDA, NRCS, Technical Release 55, Urban
basin restored to its original dimensions when Hydrology for Small Watersheds.
the sediment has accumulated to one-half the
designed sediment storage volume. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR),
Standard 1001, Wet Detention Basin.
D. Provisions for proper disposition of sediment
removed from temporary or permanent Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 528,
structures. Refer to Wisconsin Administrative Management of Accumulated Sediment from Storm
Code NR 528, Management of Accumulated Water Management Structures.
Sediment from Storm Water Management
Auxiliary Spillway
Structural Height
Minimum 3 ft Depth
Natural Ground
Stripping Depth