Attachment Report For The Attachment Period of November To January 2021-2022 at Kenya National Library Service Located at Eldoret, Kenya
Attachment Report For The Attachment Period of November To January 2021-2022 at Kenya National Library Service Located at Eldoret, Kenya
Attachment Report For The Attachment Period of November To January 2021-2022 at Kenya National Library Service Located at Eldoret, Kenya
I hereby declare that this attachment report is my own original work and it has therefore, never been
submitted to any other institution of higher learning for the award of a Bachelor’s Diploma in Library
and Information Studies.
Signed……………………………………………………. Date………………………….
Supervisor……………………………………………… Date……………………………
This industrial training report is dedicated to my parents for the support they gave me throughout the
training period. I also want to thank the almighty for the gift of life throughout my attachment period. A
special dedication to my supervisors for the support throughout my attachment.
I wish to acknowledge the following for their support during my attachment. I would not have made
without their support and commitment.
The almighty God for giving me good health and strength that enabled me to do this attachment.
Kenya National Library Service for giving me a chance to be attached at their Institution. It is through
their spirit of commitment and support that has made this attachment a success. May you continue
offering library services to the public.
The Principal Librarian – MR Richard Rono at Kenya National Library Service Eldoret branch for his
support during my attachment. It is through his guidance that has made this attachment a success. And
the rest of Kenya National Library Service staff in different sections whom I worked with closely with and
they helped me to learn and understand daily operations of the sections’ activities. It is through your
tireless effort in guiding me that I was able to practically learn a lot: Madam Ruth, madam Esther,
madam Ann, madam Lucy, MRS Chepkwony, MR Lukas, thank you and God bless.
I also wish to thank my overall supervisor Madam Agnes Nyangau for her guidance and encouragement
throughout my attachment period. Giving me light in which way to go, enable me to emerge victorious.
Thank you and God bless.
Lastly to my Field Attachment Coordinator at my school, Mr. William Kosgei, who gave me direction to
be able to do my attachment, your support has generously contributed to my success and I can’t thank
you enough.
This report contains the details of the student’s field attachment at Kenya National Library Service. Field
attachment involves full time practical work which is also a key factor in the Kenyan requirements for
the award of a degree or diploma, where North Rift Institute is not an exception.
The student therefore was attached at Kenya National Library Service, going around all the main
sections such as; adult section, junior section, circulation desk and customer care desk. The purpose of
the attachment at this institution was to help the student gain practical experience in the management
of the library and archive the goals of the organization.
In this report the student starts by giving detailed information about the host institution, which includes
its name and address, brief history, service charter and all other basic information in chapter one. It also
entails details on how I was assisted by staff to understand and become conversant with various
technologies and activities carried out within the organization. Skills gained through theory in campus
gave me a guide on how to tackle challenges. It was an experience that gave me a chance to interact
with people both on an intellectual capacity and also a business level.
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Mission..................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Vision....................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Objectives..............................................................................................................................................2
Children section..........................................................................................................................................4
Adults section..............................................................................................................................................4
Circulation desk..........................................................................................................................................4
E-resource unit............................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................................................6
Literature Review........................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................7
3.3 Tools.....................................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................10
REVIEW OF ATTACHMENT.................................................................................................................10
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................12
5.3 Recommendation.................................................................................................................................12
The industrial training is compulsory for every student undertaking Information Science. The
exercise is intended to provide experience to the students. The assignment is also about importing
the knowledge gained and putting it into practice. Chapter one gives the history of the organization,
management, vision, mission, scope of operation, source of finance, staff, services offered and
challenges facing the institution.
The other sections address the responsibilities assigned while on attachment, observation and
findings, recommendation to be made and the conclusion of the entire research work.
All aspects were detailed and I was able to gain experience and understand operation of the
1.1 History of the Organization
KNLS was established by an act of Parliament, CAP 225 of the law of Kenya in April 1965. It is
a non - profit making organization with one extra ordinary branch based in Nairobi. The KNLS
Eldoret branch was established in 20th March 1978 and was officially opened by Dr. Zachary
Onyonga , the minister for housing and social service and operation as to expand network drive
to greater height.
1.3 Mission
To provide free access to a broad of material service to people of all ages background.
1.4 Vision
To be welcoming that our community, where all come to learn discover create and connect and
the hub of information and knowledge for empowerment.
1.5 Objectives
To install teamwork and good relationship with other employees.
To improve the reading culture among Kenyan people through informed and targeted
intervention programs.
To let the students, see the connection between theoretical learning with practical learning.
Knowledge driven
1.8 Structure of Organization
KNLS board oversees and control all the activities as well as establish, equip, manage, maintain
and promote the nation and public library in Kenya and advice the government and local
authorities on library.
District library designate the head of department and oversees day to day activities in the library.
1.9 Department Major Activities
Children section
Directing children on how to get information materials. Running the writing skills enhancement
Adults section
Circulation desk
Collection of revenue.
Charging of overdue
E-resource unit
Taking statistics of the computer users
Literature Review
I acquired skills in improving my confidence in solving problems and gain the confidence to
interact with different categories of people. I was able to cope with the limited time period I had
and work tirelessly to see success in the training. I adopted time management skills which enable
to catch up with the lost time.
I acquired skills such as good interpretation skills that enhanced me interpret well with my
colleagues and staffs. I acquired good communication skills that helped me communicate well
with others. I acquired cataloging and shelving skills where I learnt more on cataloging new
books and shelving easily without wasting a lot of time. I acquired typing skills and digital
business skills.I also learned how to issue books and return them to the library stock.
I also acquired skills on how to register library members and issues them with library cards.
Shelving - it was a daily routine. On arrival daily, the first thing before doing anything was to
shelf books. The shelving system used is Dewey Decimal Classification where books were
arranges based on subjects from 000-999 both in adult section and children section. Fictions
books are shelved in alphabetical order from A to Z and oversized books are shelved differently.
Charging and discharging of books- there were some users who could want to borrow a book
so that he can use it for several days. So our tasks were to offer loan services at a fee. Simply
issuing of books. A book issue cost sh 10 for children section and sh 20 for adult section. You
can borrow for a period of two weeks after which you return or renew or you will start a payment
fine of sh10 daily. All this is done through Amlib software. All books can be issued except
reference books. Examples are: Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Almanacs, Thesaurus and Atlas.
Registration of new members - Kenya national library service only registers people who are
working and school children. For a working person, we give him or her a form to fill, places he
works, job numbers, employee and his personal details like name, address. For school children,
we give you a form so that your class teacher will fill and your personal details. After filling the
form, we come and register them and give them a number. If you don't fall between the two
categories, you pay sh 20 to access the library resources. The advantage of being a member is
that you can borrow two books from the library for two weeks.
Binding books- some books were torn apart which needed fixing and binding. And we did,
minor repairs of old books which were torn apart.
Overlooking customer service- in every institution, there is always a customer service support
center. At Kenya national library service, we were tasked to help give directions
to the new used in the library. If someone is looking for something, we offer guidance so that he
or she can get the necessary service required.
Digital cataloging - when we arrived for attachment, we found the government had brought in
some books which needed cataloguing before being taken to the shelves. Kenya national library
service uses a software called Amlib version 6.0 to do cataloguing. Kenya national library
service does level two cataloguing. Which it involves imputing ISBN, call number, author, title,
place of publication, publisher and the year of publication, topic, series, general note, accession
number, source, price and number of copies.
Spine marking- this is a critical process in processing of books. You can use the spine marker to
spine mark. This is important to aid in location of book in the shelves and easy identification of
required items for the users.
Indexing of newspapers- we did indexing of newspapers whereby you write down importance
things in newspapers daily. This is because users come requesting certain information on a
certain data. Also we wrote down government job advertisements and notices.
Taking statistics - also we were taking statistics of how many users come in the library both
adults and children. This is important because at the end of the month, they are combined and a
report is written and sent to Kenya national library service in Nairobi.
Taking entry fee- also we were in charge of collecting entry fee. An adult person pays sh.20 for
using the library from 8.00am to 6.30pm. children don't pay anything.
3.3 Tools
The institution offered logbooks where student were to record all the daily tasks in attachment
plus the new skills they learnt, the school offered insurance cover that covered the student Incase
if any problem like sickness, destroy of companies belonging. The school also assigned lecturers
to access students during attachment process hence ensuring how the students is fairing with is
fieldwork practical in different places of attachment. The school also provided student evaluation
forms that the supervisor of the organization could access the students work and this helps the
student on attachment to improve in job performance.
Enhanced teamwork - being in a work setting, it requires a person to work well under
somebody and with colleagues. I was able to work with many people of which some of them
where Kenya National library service staffs that Includes my supervisor. It was a nice experience
to work with them and to get the chance of meeting new people with different point of view
concerning all aspects of lives.
Finance- I was financially unstable. I had to use a lot of money for my transport and lunch.
There were no allowances offered to cater for the daily expenses hence I had a burden due to
inadequate funds.
4.4 Policies Made to Overcome Challenges
The intend to find thieves by checking the CCTV security surveillance
The reader could enter the library without bags and also the handbags were checked before
someone exits the library.
While entering there is one route for getting in but exiting from the library there is a different
exit route so that users can easily be inspected.
Due to theft, the library materials and devices was kept under strict security measures.
The open air space around the library is used by those who could wish to discuss.
They have to install computers, servers to eradicate manual systems and this will assist in which
reference, charging and discharging of books and manpower.
5.1 Conclusion
In conclusion I would like to say that I gained and benefited alot in the field attachment in a way
that I managed to apply the theoretical knowledge from the Institute college into practice through
many activities.
Contribute to social justice in ensuring equal access to information about service delivery by
local and national government.
By providing information that goes beyond a simple consultation or support process but to
expand into meaningful and including collaboration, building stronger relationship and
partnerships within the community.
5.3 Recommendation
I would like to recommend that the organization management should buy more facilities such as
computers so as to enable smooth running in the library.
The organization should provide more space to accommodate users who always lack space and
enough learning facilities like book.
The administration should buy a vacuum cleaner to prevent books from getting dusty and leads
to destruction of alot of information materials.
The organization should also provide the students with allowance to cater for their transport
during the field.
The school should tell the students about the attachment at an early stage to avoid rushing during
the last minute.
The College Institution should also carry out constant supervision and monitoring of students
during the attachment training to encourage them to perform the duties fully and accordingly.