Class 9 Green Skills: A. Multiple Choice Questions
Class 9 Green Skills: A. Multiple Choice Questions
Class 9 Green Skills: A. Multiple Choice Questions
(c) Lower air pollution due to crops (d) Decrease in forest areas
2. How can we conserve our health and environment? (Choose all the correct options)
3. A steel factory burns firewood and charcoal for heating and melting the steel? What are the
possible effects on the environment? (Choose all the correct options)
4. What does conservation of energy mean? (Choose all options that apply)
5. Which of the following are non-renewable resources? (Choose all options that apply)
7. Which of the following options describe a green economy correctly? A green economy
1. What are the five sources of energy available to us? Give two examples of each source?
● Land Resources: Human beings thus, use land as a resource for production as well as
residence and recreation. Example: infrastructure development.
3. Classify the following under the three respective categories of natural resources:
Air, iron, sand, petroleum, wind, clay, fish, forest, gold, pearls.
4. Write any five actions which you can take to conserve energy.
● Switch off lights, fans, TV and other electrical items when not in use.
● Remove dust on the tubes and bulbs to improve lighting levels by 10 to 20%.
● Keep vessels covered with a lid during cooking. It is useful in cooking the food faster and
saving energy.
● Do not keep the door of the refrigerator open for a long time.
● Travelling in a bus or travelling in a group in a carpool is better than going alone in a car.
● Constructing dams and reservoirs to regulate supply of water to the fields, as well as to
enable generation of hydroelectricity.
● Industrial wastes (effluents) should be treated to prevent chemical and thermal pollution of
fresh water.
● Rainwater harvesting should be done by storing rainwater and recharging groundwater.
● Sewage should be treated and only the clear water should be released into the rivers.
● Judicious use of water in our day-to-day life.
Ans. Soil conservation means checking soil erosion and improving soil fertility by adopting various
methods.Soil conservation can be useful for the following:
1. Maintenance of soil fertility: Fertility can be maintained by adding manure and fertilizers
regularly as well as by rotation of crop.
4. Terracing: Dividing a slope into several flat fields to control rapid run of water. It is practised
mostly in hilly areas.
5. Contour ploughing: Ploughing at right angles to the slope allows the furrows to trap water and
check soil erosion by rain water.
8. Give two examples of green skills that you can start learning from now.