ILLUSTRATIONS - Government Accounting
ILLUSTRATIONS - Government Accounting
ILLUSTRATIONS - Government Accounting
TotaJ Released
General Appropriation Appropriation Allotments NCA
Personnel Services (PS) 200,000 50,000 30,000
Maintenance & Operating
Expenses (MOOE) 280,000 70,000 40,000
Capital Outlay (CO) 400,000 100,000 80,000
Financial Expenses (FE) 8,000 2,000 1,000
Registry of Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocations (RANCA) for its control and
monitoring of the Notice of Cash Allocations (NCA) releases.
Department of Budget and Management Registry of
Appropriations and Allotments (RAPAL) AGENCY
R E L E A s E s
Date Agency co MOOE PS FE Total Balance
x 20,000 20,000 80,000
A L L 0 T M E N T s Unfunded
Date Ref co MOOE PS FE Total NCA Allotment
120,000 70 000 50,000 2,000 242,000 166,000 76,000
The Registry of Allotments and NCA shall be maintained by the DBM to
control the funding of allotments. Columns are provided for each allotment class and
NCA released to the department/agency. A column for the unfunded allotment is
provided to determine the balance of a11otment without corresponding NCA.
Chapter 2 -- Accountingfor Budgetary Accounts 51
Bureau of Treasury
Registry of NCA and Replenishments (REN REP)
Allotment Obligation
Date Ref PP.A. Account Code Received Incurred Balance
50,000 50,300
Allotment Obligation
Date Ref P.P.A Account Code Received incurred Balance
120,000 120.000
Sheet No.
Allotment Obligation
Date Ref PP.A. Account Code Received Incurred Balance
2,000 2,000
. .
The agency shall credit "Cash --MDS, Regular" each time a payment is made
charged against the NCA and debit the specific account being paid for, either asset or
expense account. The NCA may be used for the payment of the following types of
1. Personnel Services
2. Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
3. Financial Expenses
4. Purchase and/or Construction of Fixed Assets (e.g. building and
structures, land, land improvements, equipment, etc., charged against the
capital outlay.)
5. Miscellaneous Transactions (e.g. Cash to another agency to implement a
project of the agency, Guaranty Deposit, Cash Advances, etc.)
54 Chapter 2- Accounting for Budgetary Accounts
The Regular Agency Books shall be used to record the regular transactions of
the agency like the receipt and utilization of NCA, as well as, collections of income
and other receipts, which the agency can use. Likewise, income collected and
deposited under the agencies' accounts with Authorized Government Depository
Banks (AGDB), as authorized, shall be recorded in the Regular Agency Books.
approved Obligation Slip (OS). The Budget Officer shall certify to the availability of
allotmept and such is duly obligated. On the other hand, the Accountant shall certify
to the correctness and validity of obligations, and availability of funds
Note that the obligation incurred of P20,000 reduced the total allotment
received to P30,000.
Note that the obligation incurred of P30,000 reduced the total allotment
received te P40,000.
56 . Chapter 2- Accountingfor Budgetary Accounts
Note that the obligation incurred of P75,000 reduced the total allotment
received to P45,000.
Note that the obligation incurred of PSOO reduced the total allotment received
to P1,500.
Chapter 2 -- Accountingfor Budgetary Accounts 57
The journal entry to record the establishment of payrol I fund, with the
assumed payments and deductions, is as fol1ows:
Assume further that the above shown withholding taxes in the
amount of P2,000 was remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The journal entry
to record the remittance is shown below.
Regular Agency Books
Account Title Code Debit Credit
Due to BIR 412 2,000
Subsidy Income from National Government 651 2,000
Note that no amount of cash was involved in the recording of the above
remittance to Bureau of Internal Revenue. It is only at this point, the applicable
Notice of Cash Allocation for the Tax Remittance Advice was recognized.
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