03 - Lab 21 Postma Lab Manual
03 - Lab 21 Postma Lab Manual
03 - Lab 21 Postma Lab Manual
21-2 Liquids and Solids
H2O (g)
H2O (liq) H2O (g)
t (°C)
H2O (liq)
H2O (s) H2O (liq)
H2O (s)
10 20 30 40 50
Energy (kJ)
FIGURE 21-1 The temperature versus energy heating curve for one mol of water.
of vibration of the atoms bonded together increases, Because liquid molecules have a greater average
and the molecules may begin to rotate in their small energy than molecules in the solid, a greater number
cages. A few molecules at the surface of the ice may of them can escape into the gas phase, so the vapor
acquire enough kinetic energy to break free from the pressure of the liquid is greater than that of the
solid to become gas molecules. The number of gas solid. As we continue to heat the liquid, a greater
molecules may be large enough to produce a measur- number of molecules acquire sufficient energy to
able pressure. This pressure is called the vapor pres- escape from the liquid, so the vapor pressure
sure of the solid. increases as the temperature of the liquid increases.
At the temperature we call the melting point, the At the temperature we call the normal boiling point,
amplitude of the motions increases to the point where the vapor pressure is equal to 1 atm, all of the
where the forces between neighboring molecules are energy added goes into a second phase change,
no longer sufficient to hold them in fixed positions. called vaporization. If the container is not closed, the
The regular structure of the solid breaks down, form- vapor pressure cannot exceed 1 atm, so the liquid
ing “holes” (or vacancies) in the solid. The molecules begins to boil, forming bubbles of vapor that escape
can move more freely, jumping from hole to hole. from the liquid. If we keep adding energy, we eventu-
This produces a phase change—the solid becomes a ally convert all of the liquid to the gas phase.
liquid. The liquid has a dramatically lower viscosity The data showing the gas, liquid, and solid equi-
than the solid, so the material adopts the shape of libria can be displayed in a diagram called a phase
the container. diagram. The variables plotted are the pressure and
On average, the molecules of the liquid have temperature. The phase diagram for water between
more energy than those of the solid. The energy ⫺20 and ⫹20 ⬚C is shown in Figure 21-2. The lines
required to change the solid into a liquid is called the on the phase diagram represent the temperatures
heat of fusion or the enthalpy of fusion. and pressures at which two phases can coexist in
Liquids and Solids 21-3
Vapor pressure
and the Clausius–Clapeyron equation
Look again at Figure 21-2. Note that the vapor pres-
sure of the ice and liquid water does not increase in a
linear fashion with temperature. It increases in a
more rapid, or exponential, fashion. An equation that
fits quite well the vapor pressure data shown in Fig-
ure 21-2 for the solid–gas and liquid–gas equilibria is
the Clausius–Clapeyron equation:
P ⫽ A ⫻ e⫺⌬H>RT (1)
⌬H 1
Ln(P ) ⫽ Ln(A) ⫺ a b (2)
Ln(P) vs. 1/T(K) where m is the mass of the added ice; Cp is the heat
capacity of the melted ice water (as before); and ⌬T
is the temperature change of the melted ice water,
Tfinal ⫺ 0 ⬚C.
y = –5373.5x + 21.2 Thus, we can calculate each of the first three
2.5 r 2 = 1.0
terms in Equation (4), which enables us to determine
the remaining unknown term, ⌬Hfusion.
2.0 Water
Experimental Procedure
1.5 Triple point
Ln (P/torr)
1ml in 1/100
estimating the temperature to the nearest 0.5 ⬚C. pipets
If the serological pipets are precut and lightly fire
polished beforehand, students can move ahead more septum
quickly to the vapor pressure measurements. (Any
cotton plugs in the pipets should be removed. This is
most easily done by connecting them to a water tap
1ml in 1/100
.5 .5
3 cm .3 .3
.4 .4
.6 .6
.5 .5
1. The Vapor Pressure of Water Assemble the .7 .7
.6 .6
microscale vapor pressure measuring device as
.7 .7
.8 .8
shown in Figure 21-4. You will need two 1-mL .8 .8
Next, get a rubber septum and force the smaller water bath to cool too rapidly—about a degree per
diameter end (3.4-mm ID) of the septum onto the minute is satisfactory. Take readings about every
unsealed end of the shorter pipet. This makes a tight 5 ⬚C as the water bath cools to about 50 ⬚C, stirring
seal, trapping a small volume of air and water vapor. when you are not taking a reading. Cold water or
Make sure that the septum is forced on as far as it small amounts of ice may be added, followed by
will go, so that it seals off the end of the pipet. (The thorough stirring, to obtain temperatures below
small end of the septum will come down to about the 60 ⬚C more quickly. You can use a small beaker to dip
0.04-mL mark.) Then take another 10-cm piece of out water so that the 1-L beaker does not overflow.
tape, adhesive side up as before, and lay the pipets When the temperature reaches 50 ⬚C, record the
down on the tape with the two pipets parallel and the last readings of temperature and volume. Then wrap
top edge of the tape just below the rubber septum, as a towel around the beaker to protect your hands, and
shown in Figure 21-4(A). Fold over the ends of the carry it to a sink. Without disturbing the vapor pres-
tape to make a second connection. Now you can use sure apparatus, cautiously add cold tap water, allow-
the longer pipet end as a handle, and the whole ing the water in the beaker to overflow into the sink.
assembly will be semirigid. After a minute or so, carefully lift out the vapor pres-
Fill a tall-form 1-L beaker nearly to the brim with sure apparatus, taking care to keep it upright, and fill
water. If available, a stirrer/hot plate is convenient the 1-L beaker with a slurry of crushed ice and water.
for making measurements, along with a Teflon- Place the vapor pressure apparatus in the ice bath,
covered magnetic stirring bar. (We find that an egg- and stir until the temperature is below 3 ⬚C (prefer-
shaped bar gives good stirring and is less prone to ably less than 1 ⬚C). When the temperature is nearly
flopping around.) If you are going to heat the beaker constant, take readings of the temperature and the
over a gas burner and stir by hand, place an iron ring volume of trapped gas. Be careful to take this reading
or beaker clamp around the upper portion of the accurately because it corresponds to the volume of
beaker to reduce the risk of it tipping over. (Caution: air in the apparatus, a crucial quantity in subsequent
Hot water can produce very painful burns.) Use a calculations.
sturdy stirring rod, about 300 mm in length, to do Read and record the barometric pressure and
the stirring, and be careful not to strike the fragile temperature of the barometer.
bulb of the thermometer. Calculations: If we assume that the vapor pres-
Put the microscale vapor pressure assembly in sure of water at 3 ⬚C is negligible in comparison to
the beaker up against the side of the beaker so that it atmospheric pressure, we can calculate the number of
will be out of the way of the stirrer if you are using a moles of air trapped in the pipet, nair, by assuming
magnetic stirrer/hot plate. (A piece of tape can be that air behaves as an ideal gas:
used to hold it upright in place.) Thorough stirring is
PV3 °C
necessary to ensure constant temperature through- nair ⫽ (7)
out the beaker before each volume and temperature
reading is made. Using string or copper wire, sus- where P is the atmospheric pressure (in torr); V3 ⬚C is
pend the thermometer so that the bulb is located the volume (in milliliters) measured at the lowest
approximately at the interface between the water and temperature (⬍3 ⬚C); R is the gas constant (6.237 ⫻
trapped air in the pipet, and so you can easily see the 104 mL • torr • mol⫺1 • K⫺1), and T is the Kelvin tem-
temperature graduations. (A digital thermometer is perature of the ice water.
even more convenient.) For each of the temperature–volume measure-
Stir the solution until the temperature reading is ments made between 75 ⬚C and 50 ⬚C, calculate the
constant; then record the initial volume of air and partial pressure (in torr) of air in the pipet from the
water vapor to the nearest 0.005 mL. (Read the vol- equation
ume at the bottom of the curved meniscus, as you do
when reading the volume in a graduated cylinder or Pair ⫽ nair ⫻ (8)
buret.) Rapidly heat the water until the volume of
trapped gas is about 0.8 mL (this typically requires a For each temperature, we obtain the vapor pressure
temperature of about 80 ⬚C if the initial volume at of water from Dalton’s law of partial pressures:
room temperature is about 0.4 mL). Then turn down
Pwater ⫽ Ptotal ⫺ Pair (9)
the heat (or turn it off) and stir the solution nearly
continuously (if you are stirring by hand), pausing where Ptotal is equal to the barometric pressure,
only to take nearly simultaneous readings of the vol- ignoring the small pressure exerted on the column of
ume of trapped gas and temperature. Don’t allow the air by the weight of water corresponding to the dif-
Liquids and Solids 21-7
Ln(P ) 2 ⫺ Ln(P ) 1
slope ⫽ (10)
(1>T ) 2 ⫺ (1>T ) 1
(t ⬍ 3 °C)
Calculate the moles of air in the graduated cylinder, using the temperature–volume data at the lowest temper-
ature (t ⬍ 3 °C).
nair ⫽
where P is the barometric pressure (in torr), V is the volume (in milliliters) at ice-water temperature,
R ⫽ 6.237 ⫻ 104 mL • torr • mol⫺1 • K⫺1, and T is the Kelvin temperature of the ice water.
nair: mol
Calculate each entry in the following table, using your volume–temperature data and the equations
Pair ⫽
(Calculate Pair in units of torr, using the value of nair from the previous step.) Then calculate Pwater using
Dalton’s law,
Use your data from part 1. (If you did not do part 1, your instructor will direct you to a source of vapor
pressure–temperature data.)
Write the values of the vapor pressure of water and the temperature from the table in part 1 (or another
source, if your instructor so directs) in the following table, and calculate for each pair of pressure–
temperature values the log of the pressure and the reciprocal of the temperature, retaining four significant
Plot Ln P(torr) versus 1/T(K) and draw the best straight line through the points; that is, draw the line so that as
many points as possible lie near the line and so that there are about as many positive as negative deviations
for individual points. Or better, if you have access to a computer with a spreadsheet program such as Excel,
use the graphing capabilities of the spreadsheet to make a plot of your data points and add a best-fit linear
Ln (P/torr) for water versus 1/T (in reciprocal kelvins, K⫺1) in the range 50–75 °C
Ln (P/torr)
0.00285 0.00290 0.00295 0.00300 0.00305 0.00310
Calculate the enthalpy of vaporization from the slope of the Clausius–Clapeyron plot. Choose two points that
lie on the straight line you have drawn through your data points on the Ln(P) versus 1/T plot, preferably points
that are near each end of the line. Calculate the slope of the line from the equation
Ln(P ) 2 ⫺ Ln(P ) 1
slope ⫽
(1>T ) 2 ⫺ (1>T ) 1
⌬Hvap ⫽ ⫺R ⫻ slope
The accepted value for ⌬Hvap is 42.6 kJ/mol. (The value given in most textbooks of 40.7 kJ/mol is the enthalpy
of vaporization at 100 °C. The value given here is the average value for the temperature range 50–75 °C.)
From your data, calculate the enthalpy of fusion of ice using Equations (4) to (6).
where mww is the mass of the warm water, ⌬Tww the temperature change of the warm water [see Equation (5)],
miw the mass of the ice water (mass of ice added), and ⌬Tiw the temperature change of the ice water [see
Equation (6)]. Show your calculation.
Calculated heat of fusion of ice in joules per gram of water, ⌬Hfusion: J/g
Calculate the heat of fusion of ice in joules per mole of water (i.e., for 18.0 g of water).
Calculate the percentage difference between your value and the accepted value.
1. Water has a considerably higher boiling point and lower vapor pressure than other molecules of similar or
larger molar mass. For example, dinitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), methanol (CH3OH), acetone [O£C(CH3)2], and
dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) all have lower boiling points and higher vapor pressures than water at the same
temperature. How might this be explained?
2. If the intermolecular forces between molecules of a substance were very small, what effect would you
expect this to have on the boiling point and vapor pressure of the substance? What properties would you look
for in a molecule in order to have a low boiling point and high vapor pressure? Should the atoms of the
molecules be large or small? Why might this matter? Should the electronegativity difference of the atoms
bonded to one another be large or small? Why might this matter? Give two or three examples of molecules
where you might expect the intermolecular forces to be very small.
3. Use the information presented in Figure 21-3 to calculate a value for the enthalpy of fusion of water.
Compare it to the literature value of 6009 J/mol.
4. Why would contact with steam at 100 °C produce a more severe burn than contact with liquid water at the
same temperature?
5. Orange growers often spray water on their trees to protect the fruit in freezing weather. Explain how the
energy of the water B ice phase transition could provide protection from freezing weather.