Robotics Engineering: Applying The Engineering/Design Process

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Robotics Engineering

DoDEA - Career and Technical Education

Applying The Engineering/Design Process
Engineering/Design Process Worksheet
The Design Process – There are many proven models used to take engineers from problem to concept and then to solution. Each model starts
with understanding the problem (requirements definition) and includes brainstorming, modeling, prototyping, testing and manufacturing. Using
this process will allow you to reach the best possible solution with least amount of effort and in a shortest amount of time. However, that’s only if
you invest more effort in the early stages of the process. Complete this worksheet as you exercise this process to solve the assigned design
challenge. Make sure the identification block at the bottom of the page is complete. Your supervisor will review your progress using this
document but you may attach other pages if necessary.
1. Identify the Problem
Write a statement that answers the following questions. What are you trying to design? What are the requirement gaps? What problem is the
design attempting to solve? Who are the stakeholders?
I am trying to design a way to organize files for students and teachers to use with ease. This is to stop the problem
of missing papers and others not receiving work from teachers. The school system are the stakeholders.

2. Identify Criteria and Constraints

Thoroughly research the problem and collect important data requirements that will determine design criteria and constraints to lead to a possible
solution. Write a statement that specifies the design requirements. Information might be of more use in tabular form.
- Easy to navigate
- Has a way to submit and receive work
- All students and Teachers can access it
3. Brainstorm Possible Solutions (Ideate)
Conduct a group discussion using information from the previous steps to produce many possible solutions to the problem. Everyone is free to
contribute and all suggestions will be recorded. Sketches are crude and quick with no proposal discounted or championed.
1. Teachers have set files that the students see and can make compies of and put into there
own files. After they are done they can submite in another file that the teacher owns.
2. The students have set files that the teacher can put work into and see. The students do
the work and then check a check mark on the file that will tell the teacher they are done.
3. The school has set files for the teacher and student. The teachers have a turn in file and
the students have a work file. The students get the work, do it, then put it in the teachers
4. Develop Ideas
Select two or three of the most promising ideas from Brainstorming and develop them more thoroughly. Working with pencil and rule, create new
drawings that show greater detail in top, front, and side views (orthographic) as well as a dimensioned isometric view. Drawings should be neat
showing parts in closer proportion than the sketches. Drawing components should be clearly labeled to include notes.
The school creates files for the students and teachers. The students get two general files, notes
and work. The student gets more files put into there work files for each class that the teacher of
that class can put files in. The student can also use the notes file to type up notes and keep
them. The teacher can also put notes into the files, as it will be set up the same as the other file.
The teacher gets two files, turn in and work. The turn in file has all the classes that teacher has
and the students of those classes can put files in there to turn in. The system will automatically
put there name in there for convenience. The work file is a private file for teachers to prepare
files to put in students work and notes.
Project Title: Identification
Due Date: Revision: Team:
Robotics Engineering – DoDEA Career and Technical Education
Applying the Engineering/Design Process - Worksheet
Revised 23 February 2022
The student gets set files of that the teacher can put items in, the file will have all the students
classes and inside the class sub file will have all the work that the teacher assigned.
5. Evaluate Possibilities
Developed ideas should be shared and discussed among team members using the set of criteria and constraints identified in Step 2. Pros and
Cons should be listed for each design idea and notes made on the drawings accordingly.
Idea 1
- Teachers and students get set files
- Easy for students to navigate
- Gives teachers a staging area
- Hard for teachers to navigate

Idea 2
- Students have their own files
- Simple for teachers and students
- Teachers don’t get there own files

6. Select an Approach
Working as a team, come to consensus regarding the best solution to the problem. You might also consider a weighted objectives table to help
facilitate a sound group decision. Do not vote.
I am going with idea 2, as it is simple, has a way to receive and submit work, and student and
teachers can access these files.

7. Build a Model and Prototype

Models can be virtual objects designed using CAD. Models can also be built using materials like cardboard, wood or Styrofoam. Many
companies market modeling kits with snap-together or bolt-together parts that can be used to fabricate models of solutions to a problem. Models
can be to scale or full-size. Prototypes are typically working models. This phase is used to determine problems with spatial relationships or
component interaction.

Project Title: Identification

Due Date: Revision: Team:
Robotics Engineering – DoDEA Career and Technical Education
Applying the Engineering/Design Process - Worksheet
Revised 23 February 2022
8. Test and Refine
Examine and evaluate the prototype insuring its performance meets the criteria and constraints. Identify problems with the prototype’s design
and brainstorm possible solutions while implementing changes until the prototype solves the problem reliably.

o Fully Functional and Reliable Prototype

9. Documentation and Presentation

Complete all the documentation necessary to construct the solution to the problem and present it to the stakeholders for review and approval.
Deliverables should include the following:
o Project Presentation
o Gant Chart
o Dimensioned CAD / CAM Design
o Component Specifications

Project Title: Identification

Due Date: Revision: Team:
Robotics Engineering – DoDEA Career and Technical Education
Applying the Engineering/Design Process - Worksheet
Revised 23 February 2022
o Detailed Design Notes
o Component Specifications
o Manufacturing / Assembly Instructions

10. Production
Manufacture a full-scale fully functional solution to the design problem. Test and refine the product until it operates reliably.

o Fully Functional and Reliable Solution
o Updated and Complete Documentation

Project Title: Identification

Due Date: Revision: Team:
Robotics Engineering – DoDEA Career and Technical Education
Applying the Engineering/Design Process - Worksheet
Revised 23 February 2022

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