The resistance, inductance and capacitance are three basic elements of any electrical network.
In order to analyse any electric circuit, it is necessary to understand the following three cases,
In each case, it is assumed that a purely sinusoidal alternating voltage given by the equation
v = Vm sin ωt is applied to the circuit. The equation of the current, power and phase shift is
developed in each case. The voltage applied having zero phase angle is assumed reference
while plotting the phasor diagram in each case
Consider a simple circuit consisting of a pure resistance ‘R’ ohm connected across a voltage
v = Vm sin ωt.
v Vm sinωt V
i= = = ( Rm) sinωt
This is the equation giving instantaneous value of the current.
Comparing this with standard equation,
i = Im sin(ωt + Ø)
Im = and Ø=0
So, maximum value of alternating current, i is Im = while, as Ø=0, it indicates that it is
in phase with the voltage applied. There is no phase difference between the two. The current
is going to achieve its maximum and zero whenever voltage is going to achieve its maximum
and zero values.
The waveform of voltage and current and the corresponding phasor diagram is shown in fig
The instantaneous power in a.c. circuits can be obtained by taking product of the
instantaneous values of current and voltage.
Now, the average value of the fluctuating component of double frequency is zero, over one
complete cycle. So, average power consumption over one cycle is equal to the constant
Vm Im
power component i.e. ( )
Vm Im Vm Im
Pav = = *
2 √2 √2
The self induced emf in the coil is given by, e= -L
At all instant, the applied voltage v is equal and opposite to the self induced emf
v= -e = -(−L
v = L
Vm sin ωt = L
di = sin ωt
Vm Vm − cos ωt
i= ∫ di = ∫ L
sin ωt =
( ω
The above equation clearly shows that the current is purely sinusoidal and having phase angle
of - radians i.e. -90°. This means that the current lags voltage applied by 90°.
Fig 3.9
The instantaneous power in a.c. circuits can be obtained by taking product of the
instantaneous values of current and voltage.
P= v*i = Vm sin ωt * Im sin(ωt − )
= - Vm Im sin(ωt) cos(ωt)
𝐕𝐦 𝐈𝐦
P =- 𝐬𝐢𝐧(𝟐𝛚𝐭)
The average value of sine curve over a complete cycle is always zero
2𝜋 Vm Im
P =∫0 sin(2ωt) d(ωt) =0
It can observed from it that when power curve is positive, energy gets stored in the magnetic
field established due to increasing current while during negative power curve, this power is
returned back to the supply.
The areas of positive loop and negative loop are exactly same and hence, average power
consumption is zero.
Fig 3.11
The current i charges the capacitor C. The instantaneous charge ‘q’ on the plates of the
capacitor is given by
Therefore q = C Vm sin ωt
i= CVm (sin ωt) = CVm ω cos (ωt)
Vm π
i= 1 sin(ωt + )
i= 𝐈𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐧(𝛚𝐭 + )
Vm 1 1
where Im = where Xc = = Ω
Xc ω𝐶 2πf𝐶
The above current equation clearly shows that the current is purely sinusoidal and having
phase angle of + radians i.e. +90°.
This means current leads voltage applied by 90°. The positive sign indicates leading
nature of the current.
Fig 3.12 shows waveform of voltage and current and the corresponding phasor diagram.
The current waveform starts earlier by 90° in comparison with voltage waveform. When
voltage is zero, the current has positive maximum value.
Fig 3.12
The instantaneous power in a.c. circuits can be obtained by taking product of the
instantaneous values of current and voltage.
P= v*i = Vm sin ωt * Im sin(ωt + )
= Vm Im sin(ωt) cos(ωt)
𝐕𝐦 𝐈𝐦
P = 𝐬𝐢𝐧(𝟐𝛚𝐭)
The average value of sine curve over a complete cycle is always zero
2𝜋 Vm Im
P =∫0 sin(2ωt) d (ωt) =0
Fig 3.14 shows waveforms of current, voltage and power. It can observed from the
figure that when power curve is positive, in practice, an electrostatic energy gets stored
in the capacitor during its charging while the negative power curve represents that the
energy stored is returned back to the supply during its discharging. The areas of positive
and negative loops are exactly the same and hence, average power consumption is zero.
Fig 3.14
The Kirchhoff’s law can be applied to the a.c. circuit but only the point to remember is the
addition of voltages should be vector addition.
Therefore ̅ = ̅̅̅
V VR + ̅̅̅
Therefore ̅ = IR
V ̅ + ̅̅̅̅
Let us draw the phasor diagram for the above case
Impedance is defined as the opposition of circuit to the flow of alternating current. It is
denoted by Z and its unit is ohms.
For the R-L series circuit, it can observed from the phasor diagram that the current lags behind
the applied voltage by an angle Ø. From the voltage triangle, we can write
Tan Ø = = , cos Ø= = , Sin Ø = =
If all the sides of the voltage triangle are divided by current, we get a triangle called
impedance triangle.
From the impedance triangle, we can see that the X component of impedance is R and is
given by R= Zcosφ
Z= R+jXL
Z= |Z|∟φ
Where |Z| = √𝑅2 + 𝑋𝐿 2 and φ= 𝑡𝑎𝑛 −1
It is defined as the product of r.m.s. value of voltage (V) and current (I). It is denoted by S.
It is defined as the product of the applied voltage and the active component of the current.
It is real component of the apparent power. It is measured in unit watts (W) or kilowatts
It is also defined as imaginary component of the apparent power. It is represented by ‘Q’ and
it is measured in unit volt-amp reactive (VAR) or kilovolt-amp reactive (kVAR).
It is defined as factor by which the apparent power must be multiplied in order to obtain the
true power.
The numerical value of cosine of the phase angle between the applied voltage and the current
drawn from the supply voltage gives the power factor. It cannot be greater than 1.
If current lags voltage power factor is said to be lagging. If current leads voltage power factor
is said to be leading.
So, for pure inductance, the power factor is cos (90°) i.e. zero lagging while for pure
capacitance, the power factor is cos (90°) i.e. zero but leading. For purely resistive circuit
voltage and current are in phase i.e. φ= 0. Therefore, power factor is cos (0°) = 1. Such circuit
is called unity power factor circuit.
Let us draw the phasor diagram. Current I is taken as reference as it is common to both the
Similar to R-L series circuit, in this case also, the impedance is nothing but opposition to the
Consider a circuit consisting of resistance R ohms pure Inductance L henries and capacitance
C farads connected in series with each other across a.c. supply. The circuit s shown below.
The circuit draws a current I. Due to current I, there are different voltage drops across R, L
and C which is given by.
So, if v = Vm sin ωt, then i= Im sin (ωt –φ) as current lags voltage by angle φ
2. 𝐗 𝐋 < 𝐗 𝐂
When 𝐗 𝐋 < 𝐗 𝐂 , obviously, IXL i.e VL is less than IXC i.e VC . So the resultant of VL and VC
will be directed towards VC . Current I will lead (VC − VL ).
The current is said to be capacitive in nature. The phasor sum of VR and (VC − VL ) gives the
resultant supply voltage V. This is shown in the fig below.
3. 𝐗 𝐋 = 𝐗 𝐂
When 𝐗 𝐋 = 𝐗 𝐂 , obviously 𝐕𝐋 = 𝐕𝐂 . So VL and VC will cancel each other and their resultant is
So, 𝐕𝐑 = V in such case and overall circuit is purely resistive in nature. The phasor diagram
is shown in fig.
Impedance triangle
For 𝑋𝐿 < 𝑋𝐶 , φ is negative and the impedance triangle is as shown in fig (b)
P = VIcosφ W
A parallel circuit is one in which two or more impedance are connected in parallel across the
supply voltage. Each impedance may be a separate series circuit. Each impedance is called
branch of the parallel circuit.
The Fig. shows a parallel circuit consisting of three impedances connected in parallel across
an ac. supply of V volts.
Components of admittance
Conductance (G)
It is defined as the ratio of the resistance to the square of the Impedance. It is measured in the
unit siemens.
Susceptance (B)
It is defined as the ratio of the reactance to the square of the impedance. It is measured in the
unit siemens.
The susceptance is said to be inductive (𝐵𝐿 ) if its sign is negative. The susceptance is said to
be capacitive (𝐵𝐶 ) if its sign is positive.
Note: The sign convention for the reactance and the susceptance are opposite to each other.
We have seen that a single phase a.c. voltage can be generated by rotating a turn made
up of two conductors, in a magnetic field. Such an a.c. producing machine is called
single turn alternator.
But voltage produced by such a single turn is very less and not enough to supply
practical loads.
Hence number of turns are connected in series to form one winding in a practical
alternator, such a winding is called armature winding.
The sum of the voltages induced in all the turns is now available as a single phase a.c.
voltage, which is sufficient to drive the practical loads.
But in practice there are certain loads which require polyphase supply.
Phase means branch, circuit or winding while poly means many. So such applications
need a supply having many a.c. voltages present in it simultaneously. Such a system is
called polyphase system.
Fig 4.1
The ends of each coil are brought out through the slip ring and brush arrangement to
collect the Induced e.m.f.
Let eR , eY and eB be the three independent voltages in coil R1 R 2 , Y1 Y2 and B1 B2
All are alternating voltages having same magnitude and frequency as they are rotated at
uniform speed.
All of them will be displaced by one another by 120°.
Suppose eR is assumed to be reference and is zero for the instant shown in fig 4.2.
Fig 4.2
At the same instant eY will be displaced by 120° from eR and will follow eR while eB
will be displaced by 120° from eY and will follow eY .
All coils together represent three phase supply system.
The equation of the induced e.m.f are
eR = Em sin(ωt)
eY = Em sin(ωt- 120°)
eB = Em sin(ωt- 240°)
Fig 4.3
If the three voltages are added vectorially, it can be observed that the sum of these three
voltages at any instant is zero.
Phase Sequence
The sequence in which the voltages in three phases reach their maximum positive values is
called phase-sequence. Generally the phase sequence is R-Y-B.
The significance of the phase sequence of the three phase supply is:
1. When the 3 phase supply of a particular sequence is given to a static three phase load,
certain current flows through the line and phase of the load. If the phase sequence is
changed, then both magnitude and phase of the currents flowing in the lines and the
phase of the load will change.
2. If the load is a three phase induction motor, when the sequence of the supply is changed,
not only the magnitude and phase of the line current and phase current change, but the
direction of rotation of motor also changes.
To reduce the cost by reducing the number of windings, the three windings are
interconnected in a particular fashion. This gives different three phase connections.
Star Connection
The star connection is formed by connecting starting or terminating ends of all the three
windings together. The ends R1 -Y1 -B1 are connected or ends R2 -Y2 -B2 are connected
together. This common point is called Neutral Point. The remaining three ends are brought out
for connection purpose. These ends are generally referred as R-Y-B, to which load is to be
Delta Connection
The delta is formed by connecting one end of winding to starting end of other and connections
are continued to form a dosed loop. The supply terminals are taken out from the three junction
points. The delta connection is shown in the Fig.
The potential difference between any two lines of supply is called line voltage and current
passing through any line is called line current.
Line voltages are denoted by VL . These are VRY , VYB and VBR . Line currents are denoted by IL .
These are IR , IY and IB
Similarly for delta connected system we can show the Line voltages and line currents as in the
Now to define the phase voltages and phase currents let us see the connections of the three
phase load to the supply lines. Generally Red, Yellow and Blue coloured wires are used to
differentiate three phases and hence the names given to three phases are R, Y and B.
The load can be connected in two ways, i) Star connection, ii) Delta connection
The three phase load is nothing but three different impedances connected together in star or
delta fashion
1. Star connected load: There are three different impedances and are connected such that
one end of each is connected together and other three are connected to supply terminals
R-Y-B. This is shown in the Fig.
In the diagram shown VRN , VYN and VBN are the phase voltages while IR , IY and IB are
phase currents.
The phase voltages are denoted as Vph while the phase currents are denoted as Iph .
Generally suffix N is not indicated for phase voltages in star connected load. So, Vph =
VR = VY =VB .
It can be seen from the diagram that Iph =IR =IY =IB .
But same are the currents flowing in the three lines also. Thus we can conclude that for
star connection
𝐈𝐩𝐡 =𝐈𝐋
2. Delta Connection: If the three impedances are connected such that the starting end of
one is connected to the terminating end of other, to form a closed loop it is called delta
connection of the load. The junction points are connected to supply terminals R-Y-B.
Department of ECE, MITE Page 2
The currents IRY , IYB and IBR flowing through the various branches of the load are
phase currents. The line currents are IR , IY and IB flowing through supply lines. Thus
in delta connection of the load, line and phase currents are different.
The voltages across Zph1 = VRY , across Zph2 = VYB and across Zph3 = VBR and all are
phase voltages.
But as per definition of line voltages, same are the voltage across the supply line also.
Thus it can be concluded that in delta connection line voltage is equal to phase
𝐕𝐩𝐡 = 𝐕𝐋
Balanced Load
The load is said to be balanced when magnitude of all the impedances are equal and
phase angle of all of them are equal and of same nature either all inductive or all
capacitive or all resistive.
In such cases all phase voltages have equal magnitude and are displaced from each other
by 120° while all phase currents also have equal magnitude and are displaced from each
other by 120°.
The same is true for all the line voltages and line currents.
The load is said to be unbalanced when magnitude of all the impedances are unequal
and phase angle of all of them are unequal. In such cases all phase voltages have unequal
magnitude and are not displaced from each other by 120°.
To derive relation between Vph and VL , consider the voltage VRY . we can write
The three phase voltages are displaced by 120° from each other. The phasor diagram to get
VRY is shown in the above. The VY is reversed to get −VY and then it is added to VR to get VRY .
The perpendicular is drawn from point A on vector OB representing VL . In triangle OAB, the
sides OA and AB are same as phase voltages. Hence OB bisects angle between VR and −VY .
Now lagging or leading nature of the current depends on per phase Impedance. If Zph is
inductive i.e. R+j XL then current Iph lags Vph by angle φ where φ is tan−1 . If Zph is
capacitive i.e. R-j XC then Iph leads Vph by angle φ. If Zph is resistive i.e. R+j 0 then Iph is in
phase with Vph .
The power in a three phase circuit can be measured by connecting two wattmeters in any of
the two phases of the three phase circuit. A wattmeter consists of a current coil and a potential
coil as shown in the figure.
The wattmeter is connected in the circuit in such a way that the current coil is in series and
carries the load current and the potential coil is connected in parallel across the load voltage.
The wattmeter reading will then he equal to the product of the current carried by the current
coil, the voltage across the potential coil and the cosine of the angle between the voltage and
The current coils of the two wattmeters are connected in any two lines while the voltage
coil of each wattmeter is connected between its own current coil terminal and the line
without the current coil.
For example, the current coils are inserted in the lines R and Y then the voltage coils
are connected between R-B for one wattmeter and Y-B for other wattmeter.
It can be shown that when two wattmeters are connected in this way, the algebraic sum
of the two wattmeter readings gives the total power dissipated in the three phase circuit.
If W1 and W2 are the two wattmeter readings then total power
Consider star connected load and two wattmeter connected as shown in fig.
Let us consider the RMS values of current and voltage to prove that sum of two
wattmeter gives the total power consumed by the three phase load.
W1 = IR X VRB X cos∠IR &VRB
W1 + W2 = IL VL [cos(30° - φ ) + cos(30° + φ) ]
= IL VL [ cos 30 cos φ + sin 30 sin φ + cos 30 cos φ - sin 30 sin φ]
= 2 IL VL cos 30 cos φ
= 2 IL VL cos φ
𝐖𝟏 + 𝐖𝟐 = √𝟑 𝐈𝐋 𝐕𝐋 cos φ = Total 3 phase power
In case of balanced load, the p.f. can be calculated from W1 and W2 readings.
For balanced lagging p.f.
W1 = IL VL cos(30° - φ )
W2 = IL VL cos(30° + φ)
𝐖𝟏 + 𝐖𝟐 = √𝟑 𝐈𝐋 𝐕𝐋 cos φ ---------------------------------(i)
W1 − W2 = IL VL [cos(30° - φ) - cos(30° + φ) ]
W1 − W2 = IL VL [cos30cos φ + sin30sin φ - cos30cosφ +sin 30 sin φ]
W1 − W2 = 2 IL VL sin 30 sin φ
𝐖𝟏 − 𝐖𝟐 = 𝐈𝐋 𝐕𝐋 sin φ --------------------------------------(ii)
√3(W1 − W2 )
Tan φ =
W1 + W2
√3(W1 − W2 )
φ= tan−1 [ ]
W1 + W2
√𝟑(𝐖𝟏 − 𝐖𝟐 )
Power factor cosφ = cos{𝐭𝐚𝐧−𝟏 [ ]}
𝐖𝟏 + 𝐖𝟐
W1 = IL VL cos(30° - φ )
W2 = IL VL cos(30° + φ)
i. e. 𝐖𝟏 + 𝐖𝟐 = 0
W2 = IL VL cos(30° + 60°) = 0
𝐖𝟏 + 𝐖𝟐 = 𝐖𝟏 = Total Power