900K Earnings in One Year WSO Report

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The case study is about a blogger who made $930,000 in gross sales in 18 months with one blog.

The case study is about a blogger who brought in a total of $930,000 in gross sales with just ONE blog in the first 18 months.

$930,000 in gross sales, which was actually earned in only 12 months.

How 1 Man Made $930,000

In 1 Year With Only 1 Blog

By Daniel “Daddyoh” Tierney

See Two More of My WSOs Here:

Massive Directory of Freelance Writing Job Boards For Telecommuters!

Revealed: Secret Ways To Find REAL Wholesale Suppliers For Amazon FBA and eBay Sales!

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 1

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Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 2

The report you are about to read is a verifiable true story, a case study, based on my own research.
This is a report about a VERY successful blogger who brought in a total of $930,000 in gross sales with
just ONE blog! What I find kind of impressive about this is that all these sales were made in the first 18
months of this blog being live on the web! Even more impressive is that according to the blog owner,
all that income was actually earned in only 12 months! That's because the first 6 months of existence
of the blog was spent on creating the content and building a subscriber list and no income was earned
during those 6 months!

One more really impressive statistic is that he earned that $930,000 with NO products of his own! He is
an affiliate marketer promoting other people's products! He said that he earned a 50% commission on
every sale. He also said that after expenses, his net income was approximately 45% of the gross income
so he actually earned around $418,500 in 12 months. Not too bad an income for 1 year, eh?

In this report, YOU are going to learn how he did this so YOU can copy his strategy and do it
too! That's the purpose of this report. Given what I know about making money online, I have to say it's
an absolutely brilliant, easy, winner of a strategy that ANYBODY reading this report can do too. You'll
see what I mean after you read this report or possibly even before you're even finished with it.

I have been involved in internet marketing for over 11 years. I started investigating, reading and
learning about how to make money online in March, 2002. I've read more reports about money-making
strategies than I can even remember. The strategies in most of the reports I've read were (in my
opinion) way too difficult and time-consuming to implement and were much more difficult than the
sales letter made them out to be. You probably know what I mean if you've been around internet
marketing for awhile and bought and read a dozen or so reports.

The point is that I know a thing or two about how to make income online. I write and sell products on
the WSO Forum and I run an offline SEO business. I have made money as an ebook and video product
creator, as a copywriter, as a website seller and broker and as a service provider for offline businesses. I
do not consider myself to be an expert but I have been earning an online income since August of 2006.
That's almost 6.5 years of creating and selling videos and reports, selling websites and doing SEO,
backlinking, blogging and content creation for my offline clients.

I know a great strategy when I read or see one and I've seen one here! This person has laid out his
entire strategy in a 15 minute video. I've watched this video several times, took tons of notes and you're
going to see it too because I have a link to it for you. This report is based on what I learned in that
video, my 11 years of internet marketing experience and additional research.

Please read this report first and then come back and watch the video:


This same video is also on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv6Ym4RuPMQ

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 3

Who Pulled This off and What is the Blog?
Vishen Lakhiani, who uses the pen name of Michael Jura on this blog, is the mastermind and owner of
http://blog.learnremoteviewing.com/. This is a blog about how to learn remote viewing.

Here are some definitions for those of you who don't know what this is:

1) Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target
using paranormal means, in particular, extra-sensory perception (ESP) or "sensing with mind".

2) Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a person to describe or give details about a
target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance or time.

3) Remote viewing is a powerful, teachable, paranormal technique that was developed at Stanford
Research Institute and was used by our government for 20 years. When one remote views an
object, building, a person or an event, one can get a sense of actually being there.

Vishen Lakhiani said in the video I watched that he owns at least 20 different websites in the Personal
Growth niche and many of them are earning $2 Million to $3 Million a year! So, the earnings from his
RV blog are no fluke or stroke of luck. He said that he expects to earn gross revenues of $25M to $30M
from all of his web properties in 2013! This guy knows what he is doing!

He is also the co-founder and CEO of award-winning http://www.MindValley.com. Founded in 2003,

Vishen’s vision for Mindvalley was to build a company whose mission was to bring enlightenment and
personal growth to the world in a scalable way using a hybrid of marketing and technology.

Mindvalley is a ground-breaking company comprised of innovators, artists, technologist and dreamers

from over 30 countries around the world. Along the way, other Self-Development entities were
developed by Vishen: Awosmenessfest and FinerMinds as well as blogs that help people stay focused.

Vishen Lakhiani and his crew work with authors, thinkers, revolutionaries and leaders. Vishen is a
highly sought after speaker sharing the stage with Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Sir Richard Branson,
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tony Hsieh (Zappos) and many other top speakers, authors and
luminaries. He has unique business models and an art of attracting top talent, motivating employees,
internet business building and creating a healthy positive work environment.

I highly recommend that you read his full business bio here: http://www.mindvalley.com/about/vishen/

How He Made $930K in 18 months

Let's get into this money-making blog now and see how he did it. He said that he started by building up
his blog with about 100 articles and after 6 months, had about 7,000 subscribers. This blog now has a
subscribers list of about 107,259 people as of April, 2013: http://blog.learnremoteviewing.com/

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 4

The blog appears to date back to February 22, 2007, as seen in this screenshot I took of the first post I
could find:

He uses a very simple 5-Step Marketing Process with very little advertising and no Joint Venture
partners which he calls the “Bloodhound Model”:

1) Set up a Wordpress Blog

2) Produce Content on the Blog
3) Build a List (Leads)
4) Build a Relationship With the List
5) Monetize the List

The “foundation” of his business model is to build an authority blog using Wordpress and the “Canvas”
theme from http://www.WooThemes.com, write some great content, outsource some great content and
use other people's relevant content (with their permission) and build a huge list. The vast majority of
content on this blog is from other people's content. I will go into greater detail on all this but for now,
this is his “foundation”.

The way he uses other people's content is to simply copy and paste part of it onto his blog after getting
permission (if possible) to do this from the author. If the author wants him to include a backlink to
where the content came from, he adds the backlink with the content.

Then he writes a paragraph in his own words above the content. This paragraph is an introductory
review, preview or some commentary about the article below. Then he would search for a relevant
video from YouTube or any other video site and embed it below his introductory paragraph.

He also writes a closing paragraph below the pasted-in content. In the closing paragraph he would ask
the reader what he or she thought about the article and asked them to leave a comment. Each post was
then assigned to one of the Categories on the blog. Vishen found that all he needed to do well in the
Google rankings was to write an original introduction, add a video and add a closing to the content.

About using other people's content on his blog, Vishen said, “We only post the first paragraph or so
and then link to the original post. And we write an original review about the original post. ALWAYS
link back to the original post. Its the proper net etiquette.”

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 5

About SEO and Google Panda, Vishen said, “Panda rewards quality blogs. There is nothing much we
did here in regards to SEO. It was simply a way to build a high quality site for the audience with
curated content. People love curated content. Think of how popular Reddit.com has become.”

If possible, he adds an important, relevant, keyword term in the introductory paragraph as well as in the
Title of the article. This SEO tactic will help with getting the content or the title ranked in Google for
important keywords which could lead to more traffic, optins and sales. Vishen said he used this strategy
and within about 6 months he had many of his articles ranking in Google for the keywords he used.

He said he developed a large list of good keywords to rank for by typing his main or “seed” term,
“remote viewing” into the Google Keyword Adwords Tool and learning what the top searched-for
terms were. He also used the Google Suggest search tool to see what else Google suggested were good
search terms.

This is a screenshot of the Suggest Tool in action:

Google Suggest works like this: As you type a word or term in the Google search box, Google's
algorithm predicts and displays search queries based on other users' search activities and the contents of
web pages indexed by Google. If you're signed in to your Google Account and have Web History
enabled, you might also see search queries from relevant searches that you've done in the past. Visit the
following link to learn more about how to use Google Suggest.

Here's an excellent video & video transcription from SEOMoz.com that explains How Google's
"Search Suggest" (Instant) Works.

As a side note, here is a great, FREE tool you can use that is similar to but has a lot more features than
Google Suggest: http://ubersuggest.org/

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 6

Another SEO tactic he uses is to take all those great keyword terms he found and use them for the
names of the Categories or Topics that he posts the individual articles in. You can see these terms on his
blog down along the right sidebar and in the screenshot below. He calls this area “Topics” as opposed
to “Categories”. All the terms in this area help the blog rank for these terms.

With this foundation, he then uses a few different methods to make sales. Bear in mind that he had no
products of his own to sell and all of his income came from products he promoted as an affiliate. He
writes about, reviews and recommends certain products and he also leads webinars with people in the
same niche and promotes their products on the webinars.

As I wrote earlier, Vishen built a blog subscribers list of about 100,000 people in the first 18 months the
blog was live. As of this day, the blog now has over 107,000 subscribers. You can see the subscriber
count box in the top-right corner of the blog, or here in this screenshot:

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 7

The current subscriber optin box is the standard type of box that most online marketers use today. It
offers Free access to a report in exchange for a name and email address. Here it is:

However, the first optin box he used was much different. He called it the “Coming Soon Model”
optin box. It offered a Free Remote Viewing report that the person would get as soon as it was ready to
be sent out. He said he had to use this type of optin box because he didn't even have a free report to
give away. Vishen said that he got a phenomenal 37% optin rate as opposed to the industry-standard
optin rate of 12%! He thinks the people were more intrigued by the anticipation of waiting for
something rather than by getting the gift immediately. Here's a screenshot of the first optin box:

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 8

Once Vishen started building a list, he used it to his full advantage to make the $930,000. He did this
by building a relationship with and nurturing his subscribers. He shared lots of tips, articles, interviews
and videos with his subscribers. He wrote to them once or twice a week. In his email, he shared content
and links to the hottest or newest posts on his blog so he would get more traffic to those posts. He did
not link to every blog post, however.

Here's an example of one of his typical emails:

Whenever he travels, he said he sends out an email and tells his list where he's going and invites them
to send him an email if they want to meet for food or drinks or want to show him around town. One
time when he was going to Sydney, Australia, he did this and he said he got 300 emails from his list!

Monetizing the Blog

He had no product of his own to sell so here's what he did. He contacted the top 5 leading experts on
Remote Viewing and asked them if he could interview them. He told them he had 5,000 people on his
mailing list, that his blog was ranking in Google and was getting search traffic from Google and how
much traffic his blog was getting. 4 out of the 5 people he contacted said yes to the interview. If you
don't want to do interviews or webinars, don't worry. You can also promote products like ebooks and
videos as an affiliate or create your own products or buy and sell Private Label Rights (PLR) products.

A typical interview was 60-90 minutes on the phone, was full of excellent, helpful content, typically
had about 1,000 viewers/listeners and he made a “Call to Action” at least 4 times during the interview.

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 9

He told his viewers that if they liked what they were seeing so far, to go to a special page where they
would get a very special offer from the person he was interviewing, just for being on the webinar.

Vishen said that on his first interview, with only 1,000 viewers, he made $10,000 worth of sales on a
$400.00 product! He said that his commission was 50% so he made about $5,000. He also said that a
good interview webinar with 10,000 listeners could pull in $100,000 plus!

After his first webinar, he started refining the interview process. He gave out better content and
developed more and better “Calls to Action”. His second interview brought in $110,000! All this
income was without his own product! He didn't have to deal with customer service, shipping, delivery
or other online problems or refunds.

He couldn't believe what had just happened so he sat down to try to figure out how he could make so
much money with only 1,000 viewers.

The Roger Ebert Effect

For those of you who don't know who he was, Roger Ebert was a very famous, well-liked, respected
and trusted movie reviewer in the U.S. He passed away on April 4, 2013 at the age of 70 after a long
battle with cancer. Many movies were successes or failures based on his reviews of them. The “Roger
Ebert Effect” is when you become the trusted authority in your niche like Roger was in the movie
reviews niche. People are much more likely to listen to you and purchase what you recommend when
you are the authority in the niche.

Vishen realized what was happening was that his viewers trusted him greatly and if he gave a product a
positive review then that was good enough for his viewers. They would then buy the product. He also
realized that his readers were basically lazy and would rather have a “personal shopper” or a trusted
person tell them what was a good buy and that they should buy it.

He positioned himself as an independent third party reviewer that they could trust. If he said to buy the
product, they bought it. He became a star-maker in the Remote Viewing niche. He made the decision
about which product was going to be a hit and which product was going to be a flop. Soon, everyone in
the remote viewing niche who had a product to sell, wanted Vishen to interview them.

Don't underestimate the power of the Roger Ebert Effect! If you can find a way to position this effect,
you can create amazing value and revenue! The trusted authority does not have to be the teacher. He or
she can be the reviewer, the host, the guidepost and the market's intelligence that tells the market what
to buy. And of course, everything they buy...you get a commission on!

Oprah Winfrey is an example of someone who had the Roger Ebert Effect. She was not a personal
development expert, rather she reviewed the work of personal development experts and interviewed
them on her TV show. Whoever she interviewed had tremendous success with their book or product,
but then so did Oprah. You don't think she was interviewing them out of the goodness of her heart, do
you? Nope, she was getting a commission on everything that sold.

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 10

The Results of the Bloodhound Model
Remember at the beginning of this report where I wrote about the Bloodhound Model (Steps 1-5)?
Here are the results of this model on Vishen's business:

His site, an independent, third-party review site, selling no products of his own, became the dominant,
authority site in the remote viewing niche. It was also one of the top-3 ranked sites in Google in the
niche and he was the #1 affiliate for all niche products. He also had the biggest optin list in the niche
and all this ran mostly on autopilot.

In effect, he created a virtual sales personality: his name is fake; he didn't really even exist; he used
curated content on his blog; after the first 6-months he was outsourcing all content creation to other
writers, and this virtual salesman was responsible for creating $930,000 worth of sales in a year!

All of this was pulled off with very little work. The only time he had to do any “work” was when he
lined up people to interview, made the deal with them, prepared for the interview and then did the
actual interview. All he had to do was to lend his voice to the process.

He made that $930,000 solely from doing 7 interviews and promoting other people's products. Anyone
can do this in their business, even you! The reason people don't is because they underestimate how easy
this actually is and the power of the Roger Ebert Effect. It's incredibly powerful to be the authority in
your niche. Look what it did for Oprah!

This business model is all about becoming the authority in your niche with your content and your
community. It is NOT about internet marketing, product launches or L-O-N-G sales letters. It IS about
providing awesome, free, compelling content that makes the reader bookmark your site, subscribe to
your newsletter and come back for more, time after time! This is where the internet is evolving to right
now, this is where Google is evolving to and this is what Google wants.

Build an authority blog. Give people good content for free. Get them on your subscribers list. Build a
relationship and a bond with them. Get them to connect with you on your blog, Facebook and Twitter
pages. Get your site ranked in Google and get traffic to it. Google rewards sites that get a lot of traffic,
IF that traffic stays on your site for a little while. Run teleseminars (webinars) with powerful “Calls to
Action” and close the viewer. Learn how to convert visitors to buyers. Make the sale. Collect the
money. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 11

That's about all there is to this money-making business model. It's not going to bring you instant cash
(one day it will, though) but it will bring you the money over time. This is a long-term business model
that has the potential to become your big-time money-maker. It's all about building an authority site
with lots of content...and this is the kind of site that Google rewards with high rankings that stick.

In case you haven't already thought about this next point, let me point out that you can do this same
business model in as many niches and with as many sites as you want. There are no limitations on how
many times you can create one of these sites. You can have several of these income streams running at
the same time.

If you get tired or bored with one of them you can sell it. A big site that's making a lot of money like
this one can sell for multiple times it's earnings. Some people will tell you a business should be sold for
ten times it’s gross profit, or 5 times average revenue or 2 times last years total revenue.

I've seen website sellers state that generally, an e-business website is worth three to six times earnings
before interest and tax. So if your website profits are $100,000 you have an asset worth at least $300K.
The bottom line is that your website is worth as much as someone who wants it is willing to pay for it.

If you are thinking that this business model is going to take too long to start earning you some money,
don't worry. There is no reason why you have to wait until you build a subscriber's list of 5,000, like
Vishen did. If he could earn $10,000 in sales ($5,000 net profit) with 1,000 viewers on his first webinar,
you can too! If you have only 500 viewers on your first webinar, you might only earn half of what he
did, but that's a still a very nice income for running a 90-minute webinar!

Just imagine the sense of accomplishment you'll have when you've earned a nice chunk of change after
your first webinar! You will have an authority blog and you will be building affiliations with the “Big
Dogs” of your niche. You will have power and your power will grow and grow over time. You will
build a name for yourself and people in your niche will know your name! They will start to approach
you if you haven't already approached them.

This is ALL doable and YOU can do it too! As you have read, this is not my “theory” of how to make
money online. No, this is a strategy, a method, a business model that was successfully put to a test and
then first shared with the world by Vishen Lakhiani and is now being shared by me. The power in now
in your hands.

May you have total and ever-lasting success,

Daniel “Daddyoh” Tierney

PS: “Think big, then realize you just thought small”

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 12

I would REALLY like to encourage you to do some research on Vishen Lakhiani on your own. I find
him to be an excellent person and teacher whom I have learned a lot from and I think you will too.

Once again, here is the video of Vishen talking about how he earned $930,000 in 12 months:

This same video as above is also on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv6Ym4RuPMQ

Vishen Lakhiani's personal success story - (Watch this excellent video)

A 75-minute audio interview of Vishen Lakhiani by Greg Habstritt, recorded in April, 2013. Vishen
talks about how he got started online, about MindValley.com (his flagship company, which he said in
this interview that he expects between $25 Million and $30 Million in gross revenues from in 2013 ),
about his business philosophies and more. Please bear in mind that this link may not work at the time
you go to it. It is an interview that is promoting Zentrepreneur, Vishen's private mastermind group that
has a limited time (April 8, 2013) for signing up: http://www.simplewealth.com/doublereplay/

This is his flagship company site which Vishen said he expects between $25 Million and $30 Million in
gross revenues from in 2013: http://www.mindvalley.com/

Here is the story of MindValley.com: 7 Lessons from Building a $15-Million-a-Year Lifestyle Business
with No Loans, VCs or Angel Money

Get the FREE ebook here: http://www.simplewealth.com/resources/7Lessons_Vishen.pdf

Vishen's MindValley.com Blog: http://blog.mindvalley.com/

This is where Vishen shares much of his award-winning company culture, marketing and business
models, and tech strategies so other entrepreneurs can freely emulate some of his best practices
to push their businesses forward: http://www.mindvalleyinsights.com/

MindValley Insights blog posts by Vishen Lakhiani: http://www.mindvalleyinsights.com/author/vishen/

MindValley Insights Trainings (many of these posts & videos are related to internet marketing. See
the Categories on the far right side of this page): http://www.mindvalleyinsights.com/trainings/

Copywriting Videos from above page: http://www.mindvalleyinsights.com/trainings/copywriting/

List Building Videos: http://www.mindvalleyinsights.com/trainings/list-building/

Product Launch Videos: http://www.mindvalleyinsights.com/trainings/product-launch/

Traffic Videos: http://www.mindvalleyinsights.com/trainings/traffic-and-landing-pages/

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 13

His YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/vishenlakhiani/videos?view=0

Vishen's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/vishen

Vishen's Twitter page: https://twitter.com/Vishen

Watch this video on “Flow”, a peak state of human existence: www.mindvalley.com/flow

See Traffic and Search stats for his Remote Viewing blog at Alexa.com:

Read what Google says about building high-quality sites:


Google search for “Webinar Marketing”: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22webinar+marketing


What is content curation? https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+content+curation%3F&ie=utf-


Beth Kanter’s Content Curation Primer:


11 Reasons Curation Is The New Killer Opportunity

The Content Curation Guide for Bloggers

"10 Tips For Effective Content Creation": https://www.google.com/search?q=


Google search for “Free Curation Software”: https://www.google.com/search?


How We Can Leverage Content Curation in Our Marketing:


This blog post lists 50 successful niches, and will give you more ideas on niches to get involved in:

How To Make Money With A Blog: http://christianpf.com/how-to-make-money-with-a-blog/

Copyright © 2013 Daniel W. Tierney – All Rights Reserved 14

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