1 - Diagnostic Pre-Test
1 - Diagnostic Pre-Test
1 - Diagnostic Pre-Test
This section is designed to m easure y our ability to read and understand sh o rt passages sim ilar in
topic and style to those that students are likely to encounter in N orth Am erican universities and
colleges. This section contains reading passages and questions about the passages.
D irectio n s: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a n u m b er of
questions about it. You are to choose the o n e best answer, (A), (B), (C), o r (D), to each question. Then,
on your answ er sheet, find the num ber o f the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answ er you have chosen.
Answer all questions about the inform ation in a passage on the basis o f w hat is s ta te d o r im p lie d
in that passage.
Read the following passage:
John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president of the United S tates from 1825
to 1829, is today recognized for his m asterful statesm anship and diplomacy. He dedicated his
life to public service, b oth in the presidency and in the various ot.'-er political offices th at he
Line held. T hroughout hi ; political career he dem onstrated hie unsw ervi ig belief in freedom of
(5) speech, the antislave -y cause, uik 1 the l ight of A m ericans u; be fre from E u ro p ean and Asian
dom ination.
According to the passage, John Quincy Adams "dedicated his life to public service.” T herefore, you
should choose answ er (B).
The passage states th a t John Quincy Adams dem onstrated his unsw erving belief “thro u g h o u t his
career.” This im plies th at the belief did not change. Therefore, you should choose answ er (C).
______________ k
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Q u e s t io n s 1 - 1 2
Algae is a prim itive form of life, a single-celled o r sim ple m ultiple-celled organism th at is able to
conduct the process of photosynthesis. It is generally found in w ater but can also be found elsewhere,
growing on such surfaces as rocks o r trees. The various types of algae are classified accoiding to their
Line pigm entation, o r coloration.
(5) Blue-green algae, o r Cyanophyta, can grow at very high tem p eratu res and u n d e r high-intensity
light. This is a m icroscopic type of algae, a n d some species consist of only one cell. Blue-gree algae is
the oldest form of life w ith photosynthetic capabilities, and fossilized rem ains of this type of algae
m ore th an 3.4 billion years old have been found in p a rts of Africa.
Green algae, or Chlorophyta, is generally found in fresh w ater. It reproduces on the surfaces of
( 10 ) enclosed bodies of w ater such as ponds o r lakes and has the appearance of a fuzzy green coating on
the water. In large quantities, this type of algae may reproduce enough to give a green color to an
entire lake. .
Brown algae, or Phaeophyta, grows in shallow, tem perate water. This type of algae is the largest
in size and is m ost recognizable as a type of seaweed; kelp is a type of brow n algae th at has grown to
(15) lengths of up to 200 feet. Its long stalks can be enm eshed on the ocean floor, o r it can float freely on
the ocean’s surface.
Red algae, or Rhodophyta, is a sm all, delicate organism found in the deep w aters of the
subtropics, w here it often grows w ith coral. This type of algae has an essential role in the form ation of
coral reefs: it secretes lim e from the seaw ater to foster the form ation of lim estone deposits.
1. What is the authors main purpose? 5. Algae rem nants found in Africa are
(D) bacterial
13. W hich of the following would be the m ost 16. Approxim ately how m any narcoleptics are
appropriate title for the passage? there in the United States?
14. The w ord "m alfunctioning" in line 1 is 17. The word "bout” in line 2 is closest in
closest in m eaning to m eaning to
15. At w hich of the following ages w ould a 18. W hich of the following w ould be m ost
person be m ost likely to develop likely to occur during daily activities?
narcolepsy? (A) Autom atic behavior
(A) 10 (B) Hallucinations
(B) 20 (C) Night wakening
(C) 30 (D) Sleep paralysis
(D) 40
22. The paragraph preceding this passage 25. It is implied in the passage that
most likely discusses
(A) som e writers in the American colonies
(A) how literature influences the supported England during the
population Revolution
(B) religious and moral literature (B) Franklin and Paine were the only
(C) literature supporting the cause of the writers to influence the Revolution
American Revolution (C) because Thomas Paine was an
(D) what made Thomas Paine’s literature Englishman, he supported England
successful against the colonies
(D) authors who supported England did
The word "fervor” in line 2 is closest in not remain in the colonies during
meaning to the Revolution
31. The most appropriate title for this passage 33. What is stated in the passage about Smith's
is term paper?
(A) The Problems and Frustrations of a (A) Smith submitted it through a deliver
Business Student service.
(B) The Importance of Business Studies (B) It was written by a student of Smith'«
(C) The Capitalization of Federal Express (C) Its grade was mediocre.
(D) The Implementation of a Successful (D) The professor thought it had great
Business potential.
The word "developed” in line 3 could best 34. What was a key idea of Smith’s?
be replaced by
(A) That he should focus on passenger
(A) come up with service
(B) come about (B) That package delivery should be
(C) come across separate from passenger service
(D) come into (C) That packages could be delivered on
other companies' planes
(D) That passenger service had to be
Perhaps better known than the Cullman Diamond is the Hope Diamond, a valuable and rare
blue gem with a background of more than 300 years as a world traveler. The 112-carat blue stone that
later became the Hope Diamond was mined in India sometime before the middle of the seventeenth
Line century and was first known to be owned by Shah Jahan, who built the Taj Mahal in memory of his
(5) beloved wife. From India, the celebrated blue stone has changed hands often, moving from location
to location in distant com ers of the world.
In the middle of the seventeenth century, a trader from France named Jean Baptiste Tavemier
acquired the large blue diamond, which was rumored to have been illegally removed from a temple.
Tavemier returned to France with the big blue gem, where the stone was purchased by the Sun King,
(10) Louis XIV. Louis XIV had it cut down from 112 to 67 carats to make its shape symmetrical and to
maximize its sparkle. The newly cut diamond, still huge by any standards, was passed down through
the royal family of France, until it arrived in the hands of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. During the
French Revolution, Louis XVI and his wife met their fate on the guillotine in 1793, and the big blue
diamond disappeared from public sight.
(15) The diamond somehow managed to get from France to England, where banker Henry Hope
purchased it from a gem dealer early in the nineteenth century. The huge blue stone was cut into a
45.5-carat oval, and at this point it took on the name by which it is known today. The diamond stayed
in the Hope family for around a century, when deep indebtedness brought on by a serious gambling
habit on the part of one of Henry Hope’s heirs forced the sale of the diamond.
(20) From England, the Hope Diamond may have made its way into the hands of the Sultan of
Turkey; whatever route it took to get there, it eventually went on to the United States when American
Evelyn Walsh McLean purchased it in 1911. Mrs. McLean certainly enjoyed showing the diamond off;
guests in her home were sometimes astounded to notice the huge stone embellishing the neck of Mrs.
McLean's Great Dane as the huge pet trotted around the grounds of her Washington, D.c. home. The
(25) Hope Diamond later became the property o f jeweler Harry Winston, who presented the stunning 45.5-
carat piece to the Smithsonian in 1958. The Hope Diamond is now taking a well-earned rest following
its rigorous travel itinerary and is on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.,
where it has been since 1958.
42. The paragraph preceding the passage m ost 44. The pronoun "it” in line 12 refers to
likely discussed
(A) its shape
(A) why gems are considered valuable (B) the newly cut diamond
(B) how the Hope Diamond was mined (C) the royal family
(C) a diamond other than the Hope (D) the French Revolution
(D) methods for mining diamonds 45. It can be inferred from the passage that the
author is not certain
43. The main idea of this passage is that the
(A) who bought the Hope Diamond in
Hope Diamond
(A) came from India (B) who sold the Hope Diamond in
(B) has moved around a lot England
(C) has been cut several times (C) how the Hope Diamond went from
(D) now resides in the Smithsonian France to England
(D) how big the Hope Diamond was in the
nineteenth century