Prelim Legal Forms

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Legal Forms 4 To coordinate the activities within the

The word Technical comes from the Greek word “techne” that means
“skill”. Technical writing then is a form of technical skills and is used in QUALITIES OF A GOOD REPORT
fields like the military, police, computer industry, robotics, finance, Accurate Clear
consumer electronics, biotechnology, and many other fields. Complete Concise
Police Report Writing Factual Objective
- considered technical writing, and as such, you will need to develop Prompt
special skills and techniques.
-the backbone of criminal investigation and prosecution

-A form of communication in a specific field.
-It conveys a particular piece of information
-It conveys a particular purpose.

Basic Principles of Good Technical Writing

1. The writer of a report must have a specific reader or group of

readers in mind.

2. He must decide what the specific purpose of his report is and

make sure that every part of his report contributes to that

3. He must use specific, single, concrete word and familiar

language that will not be misinterpreted/ JURAT- It is that part of an affidavit where the officer certifies that the
same was “sworn” before him. It is used in affidavits, certifications,
4. He must make his report very presentable in format. The layout verifications or whenever the person executing a document or instrument
must conform with the standard forms of writing. makes a statement of facts or attests to the truth of an occurrence of an
-Briefly, it is that part of the affidavit in which the notary public certifies
SUBJECT MATTER – it refers to the objective information that the writer that the instrument was sworn to before him.
wants to convey.
PURPOSE – it refers to the goals that the writer wants to achieve for
himself and his readers after presenting his written output.

Definition of terms
Communication – is defined as the use of language, spoken, or written to
exchange ideas or transfer information.
Fact- is anything which either through careful observation or investigation,
has been proven to exist as to have happened.
Note Taking - is defined as a brief notation concerning specific events that
are recorded while fresh in your mind and used to prepare a report.

Slang is usually a nonstandard vocabulary developed by a group of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT- It is the act of one who has executed a deed, in
people. You may be familiar with street slang, drug slang, and police going before some competent officer or court and declaring it to be his act
slang. It is inappropriate to use slang in your report, unless you are or deed. An acknowledgement is to authenticate an agreement between
someone. two or more persons, or where the document contains a disposition of
Jargon is usually the specialized language of a profession. Criminal property.
professionals, just like other professionals, use a great deal of jargon. You
should not use jargon in your reports Two‐fold function of an acknowledgment:
(1) To authorize the deed to be given in evidence without further proof of
*Paragraphing is a method of alerting the reader to a shift in focus in the its execution; and
report. (2) To entitle it to be recorded. The same purposes may be accomplished
Elements Of Paragraphing by a subscribing witness going before the officer or court and making oath
Unity. Preserve the unity of the paragraph. A paragraph should develop a to the fact of the execution, which is certified in the same manner.
single topic, the key sentence.
Coherence. Compose the paragraph so it reads coherently. Coherence
makes it easy for the reader to follow facts and events. It reflects clear
thinking of the report writer. A clearly stated chronological order of events
makes paragraph, and therefore the report, coherent.
Development. Paragraph should adequately develop. The first step is to
consider the central idea. Include relevant facts, details, or evidence.
Explore and explain the causes of an event or motive of the suspect.
1. To preserve knowledge.
2 To provide accurate details.
3. To aid the personnel and other agencies.
1. The judicial affidavits of the witnesses shall take the place of such 7. Jurat
witnesses' direct testimonies; and
11 Parts of Sworn Statement
2. Any documentary or object evidence shall be attached to the judicial 1. Preliminary statement
affidavits and marked as Exhibits A, B,C, and so on (complainant); and as 2. Stating the name and address of the affiant
Exhibits 1, 2, 3, and so on (respondent). 3. Name of the investigator taking the statement
4. Office and address where the statement is being taken.
SCOPE OF JAR 5. Name of the witness/s
Apply to all actions, proceedings, and 6. Question and Answer
incidentsrequiring the reception of evidence before: 7. Statement of the affiant
1. Metropolitan Trial Courts, MTC in Cities, MTC, MCTC, and shall not 8.Date and time
apply to small claims cases; 9.Signature of the affiant
2. Regional Trial Courts; 10.Signature of the administering officer
3. Sandiganbayan, Court of Tax Appeals, CA; 11. Certification of the administering officer
4. Investigating officers and bodies authorized by the SC, Including IBP;
and 7 Examples of Legal Forms
5. Special courts and quasi-judicial bodies. 1. Affidavit
2. Sworn Statement
The judicial affidavit shall contain the following: 3. Booking and Arrest Report
4. Case Referral
1.The name, age, residence or business address, and occupation of the
5. Impounding Receipt
6. Evidence Log
2. The name and address of the lawyer who conducts or supervises the
7. Certificate/Certification of Orderly Search
examination of the witness and the place where the examination is being
3. A statement that the witness is answering the questions asked of him,
fully conscious that he does so under oath; Week 5,
4. Questions asked of the witness and his corresponding answers, AFFIDAVIT OF ARREST
consecutively numbered; An affidavit of arrest is filled out by the arresting officer and states the
5. The signature of the witness over his printed name; facts about the arrest.
6. A JURAT with the signature of the notary public who administers the It is a statement given under oath and penalty of perjury. It may also
oath or an officer who is authorized by law to administer the same; and be referred to as an arrest report.
7. Attestation of the lawyer.
Def. of terms
-The judicial shall contain a sworn attestation at the end. -It is likeaffidavit; however, it is not required to be signed, witnessed,
- It must be executed by a lawyer who conducted or supervised the or sealed by a notary public. Sworn Statement
examination of witness. - the crime committed by the affiant if the affidavit contain/s false
-The affidavit may be in English or Filipino, or in a language known to the information. Perjury
witness other than English or Filipino. -S.S. is an abbreviation for. Scilicet
-It is a form to be filled up by the arresting officer or any PNP
personnel tasked to record and document the information surrounding
the arrest of the suspect.Booking and Arrest Report
- It is the list of all person/s who came into possession of an item of
evidence, continuity of possession or the chain of custody must be
established whenever evidence is presented in court as an exhibit.
Chain of Custody
- It is a record of the investigator indicating the evidence/s found and
collected at the crime scene and subject for
documentation/examination. Evidence Log
- A rule promulgated and issued by the Supreme Court relative to the
execution of the judicial affidavit. Judicial Affidavit Rule A.M.No.12-8-
- It is sworn written statement charging a person with an offense,
EFFECT OF NON-COMPLIANCE subscribed by the offended party, any peace officer or other public
- A party who fails to submit the required judicial affidavits and exhibits on officer charged with the enforcement of the law.Complaint
time shall be deemed to have waived their submission. - It is an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense,
-With leave of court. subscribed by the prosecutor, and filed with the court. Information
- Delay is for a valid reason. - Subscribbed means? Signed
- Would not unduly prejudice the opposing party. - Is an averment by the party making a pleading that he is prepared to
- Defaulting party pays a fine of Pl,000.00 - P5,000.00, at the discretion of establish the truth of the facts which he has pleaded. Verification
the court. And
- Availed only once.

7 Parts of Affidavit
1. Venue
2. Title
3. Personal Circumstances
4. Oath
5. Statement of Facts

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