An Optical Flow-Based Approach To Robust Face Recognition Under Expression Variations
An Optical Flow-Based Approach To Robust Face Recognition Under Expression Variations
An Optical Flow-Based Approach To Robust Face Recognition Under Expression Variations
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Abstract—Face recognition is one of the most independent component analysis (ICA), discriminant
intensively studied topics in computer vision and common vector (DCV) , kernal-PCA,kernal-LDA ,
pattern recognition, but few are focused on how to kernal-DCV , etc. In addition, several learning
robustly recognize faces with expressions under techniques have been used to train the classifiers for
the condition that the training database contains face recognition, such as SVM. Although applying an
images of different expression of subject. A appropriate dimension reduction algorithm or a
constrained optical flow algorithm, which robust classification technique may yield more
combines the advantages of the unambiguous accurate recognition results, they usually require
correspondence of feature point labeling and the multiple training images for each subject. However
flexible representation of optical flow multiple training images per subject may not be
computation, has been developed for face available in practice.
recognition from expressional face images. In this
paper, we propose a face recognition system that In this paper, we focus on the problem of face
is robust against facial expressions by training up recognition from a single 2-D face image with facial
images of the subject stored in the database . Our expression. It can be used in practical applications of
experimental results show that the proposed banking ,ATM and secure places in order to avoid the
system improves the accuracy of face recognition entry of unauthorized persons. With this system we
from expressional face images. can identify whether the person is allowed inside or
Index Terms—Constrained optical flow, face not at the entry level itself.
FACE recognition has been studied for The computational algorithms of traditional
several decades. Even though the 2-D face optical flow cannot guarantee that the computed
recognition methods have been actively studied in the optical flow corresponds to the exact pixels in
past, there are still some inherent problems to be different images, since the intensity variations due to
resolved for practical applications. It was shown that expression may mislead the computation of optical
the recognition rate can drop dramatically when the flow. The brightness constancy constraint, however,
head pose and illumination variations are too large, or is not valid in many circumstances. Therefore, with
when the face images involve expression variations. the generalized dynamic image model (GDIM)
Pose, illumination and expression variations are three proposed by Negahdaripour andYu, Tenget al.
essential issues to be dealt with in the research of generalized the optical flow constraint to
face recognition. To date, there was not much
research effort on overcoming the expression I x ( r )u (r ) + I y (r )v ( r ) + I t ( r ) + m(r ) I (r ) + c ( r ) = 0
variation problem in face recognition, though a
number of algorithms have been proposed to
overcome the pose and illumination variation where m(r ) and c (r ) denote the multiplier
problems.To improve the face recognition accuracy, and offset factors of the scene brightness variation
researchers have applied different dimension field, I is the image intensity function, the
reduction techniques, including principle component subscripts x, y and t denote the spatiotemporal
analysis (PCA,linear discriminant analysis (LDA), partial derivatives, r
is a point in the spatiotemporal
domain, and [u ( r ), v ( r )] T is the motion vector Minimize f (u ) = u T Ku − 2u T b + c
at the point r
. They proposed to minimize the Subject to u ( x i , y i ) =u i and v ( x i , y i ) = v i ,
following discrete energy function, which is defined ∀( x i , y i ) ∈S
with an adaptive smoothness adjustment scheme to
constrain both flow components (u i and v i ) and (
Where S is the set of feature points and u i , v i ) is
all the brightness variation multiplier and offset the specified optical flow vector at the i th feature
factors ( mi and c i ) point. A modified ICPCG procedure was applied to
2 solve this constrained optimization problem and the
I u + I v + I +m I +c details are referred to ]. By solving this optimization
x ,i i
f (u ) = ∑ωi
y ,i i t ,i i i i
problem with the displacements of the feature points
i∈D 2 2 2
I x ,i + I y ,i + I i +1 imposed as hard constraints, we can compute the
+ λ∑αx ,i u x ,i +αy ,i u y ,i + βx ,i v x ,i + βy ,i v y ,i
2 2 2 2
)motion vectors at all pixels in the entire image for
different expressions or subjects.
1 2 3 4 5
Expression 13 11 9 8 7
Percentage 26 22 18 16 14