Write-Off Procedures: Financial Management Act 2006
Write-Off Procedures: Financial Management Act 2006
Write-Off Procedures: Financial Management Act 2006
2.1 General
The Chief Financial Officer must be satisfied that all practicable and economical avenues for
collection of the debt or location of the missing or lost asset have been fully explored prior to
recommending a write-off to the relevant authority.
2.2 Assets
The procedure for reporting lost, misplaced or stolen assets is outlined in the Assets
Procedures. The Asset Coordinator, Financial Services will submit the request to write-off lost
or stolen assets to the Director Finance and Disruption.
2.3 General debtors
The Senior Finance Officer, Accounts Receivable, Financial Services will assess the need for
any general debtor write-offs at the end of each six months (June and December) as
appropriate. Requests for write-off of general debts (together with justifications) will be submitted
to the Director Finance and Disruption.
2.4 Student debtors
2.4.1 Requests for write-off of student debts (together with justifications) will be submitted to
the Director Finance and Disruption.
2.4.2 The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic must be satisfied that all practicable and
economical avenues for collection of student debts have been fully explored before the
debt is recommended for write-off.
2.5 Approval of all write-offs
2.5.1 The Director, Finance and Disruption will submit all write-offs to the Chief Financial
2.5.2 The Chief Financial Officer will recommend all amounts to be written off to the Vice-
2.5.3 Endorsement will then be sought from the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
before approval is requested from Council.
2.5.4 The following details will be provided:
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October 2021(admin)
2.6 Approval of write-offs over $100,000
2.6.1 Where an individual debt or asset to be written-off is more than $100,000, the University
Council's approval is required to refer the write-off to the Minister for Education with
relevant justification for approval. The Chief Financial Officer will ensure that the
appropriate procedures in the Financial Management Act 2006 (WA) and Treasurer's
Instruction 803 are followed.
2.6.2 Written evidence of the Minister’s approval must be retained to meet audit requirements
for proper record keeping.
2.7 Goods and Services Tax (GST) component
When bad debts are written-off, the Director Finance and Disruption will provide the write-off
lists to the Accountant, Taxation. The Accountant, Taxation, will ensure any GST component
of the amount written-off is recovered from the Australian Taxation Office as appropriate.
Responsibilities are those as set out in Section 2.
This policy applies to University staff and Associates who are involved with the accounting for assets
(including general and student debtors).
(Note: Commonly defined terms are located in the Curtin Common Definitions. Any defined terms
below are specific to this document)
Assets Procedures
Financial Management Act 2006 (WA)
Treasurer’s Instruction 803
Approved/ Approval /
Committee / Board /
Amended/ Resolution Key Changes and Notes
Version Date Executive Manager
Rescinded Number
G50-746-34 2
October 2021(admin)
Planning and Management
Approved 20/02/2007 PMC 5/07 (v) Document No 00140/07
G50-746-34 3
October 2021(admin)