SR - No Category Expense Type Year 2010 - 2011

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Year 2010 - 2011

Sr.No Category Expense Type

Estimated in PKR
1 IP Cameras + Surveillance Equipment CAPEX 150,000,000
2 Video Conferencing CAPEX 15,000,000
3 Combo Boxes CAPEX 11,900,000
4 IAD for Corporate Voice CAPEX 3,187,500
5 Convertors (Optical to Ethernet) CAPEX 2,000,000
6 VSAT CAPEX 43,000,000
7 Wireless Bridges/ DRS CAPEX 100,000,000
8 Managed Services CAPEX 150,000,000
9 Managed Storage & Processing CAPEX 200,000,000
10 Unified Communications CAPEX 15,000,000
11 Telepresence CAPEX 50,000,000

Sub Total 740,087,500

The estimated Capex of Mega Projects (negotiation under process) relating with VSAT are Rupees 2.5 million and Ru
Year 2010 - 2011 Jan-11 Feb-11
Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR
1,764,706 30,000,000 348,837 30,000,000
176,471 3,000,000 34,884 3,000,000
140,000 2,380,000 27,674 2,380,000
37,500 637,500 7,413 637,500
23,529 400,000 4,651 400,000
505,882 8,600,000 100,000 8,600,000
1,176,471 20,000,000 232,558 20,000,000
1,764,706 30,000,000 348,837 30,000,000
2,352,941 40,000,000 465,116 40,000,000
176,471 3,000,000 34,884 3,000,000
588,235 10,000,000 116,279 10,000,000

8,706,912 148,017,500 1,721,134 148,017,500

ating with VSAT are Rupees 2.5 million and Rupees 0.5 billion for others equipments
Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11
Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR
348,837 30,000,000 348,837 20,000,000
34,884 3,000,000 34,884 2,000,000
27,674 2,380,000 27,674 1,586,667
7,413 637,500 7,413 425,000
4,651 400,000 4,651 266,667
100,000 8,600,000 100,000 5,733,333
232,558 20,000,000 232,558 13,333,333
348,837 30,000,000 348,837 20,000,000
465,116 40,000,000 465,116 26,666,667
34,884 3,000,000 34,884 2,000,000
116,279 10,000,000 116,279 6,666,667

1,721,134 148,017,500 1,721,134 98,678,333

Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11
Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR
232,558 20,000,000 232,558 20,000,000
23,256 2,000,000 23,256 2,000,000
18,450 1,586,667 18,450 1,586,667
4,942 425,000 4,942 425,000
3,101 266,667 3,101 266,667
66,667 5,733,333 66,667 5,733,333
155,039 13,333,333 155,039 13,333,333
232,558 20,000,000 232,558 20,000,000
310,078 26,666,667 310,078 26,666,667
23,256 2,000,000 23,256 2,000,000
77,519 6,666,667 77,519 6,666,667

1,147,422 98,678,333 1,147,422 98,678,333

Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11
Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR
232,558 10,000,000 117,647 10,000,000
23,256 1,000,000 11,765 1,000,000
18,450 793,333 9,333 793,333
4,942 212,500 2,500 212,500
3,101 133,333 1,569 133,333
66,667 2,866,667 33,725 2,866,667
155,039 6,666,667 78,431 6,666,667
232,558 10,000,000 117,647 10,000,000
310,078 13,333,333 156,863 13,333,333
23,256 1,000,000 11,765 1,000,000
77,519 3,333,333 39,216 3,333,333

1,147,422 49,339,167 580,461 49,339,167

Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11
Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR
117,647 10,000,000 117,647 10,000,000
11,765 1,000,000 11,765 1,000,000
9,333 793,333 9,333 793,333
2,500 212,500 2,500 212,500
1,569 133,333 1,569 133,333
33,725 2,866,667 33,725 2,866,667
78,431 6,666,667 78,431 6,666,667
117,647 10,000,000 117,647 10,000,000
156,863 13,333,333 156,863 13,333,333
11,765 1,000,000 11,765 1,000,000
39,216 3,333,333 39,216 3,333,333

580,461 49,339,167 580,461 49,339,167

Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11
Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR Estimated in $USD Estimated in PKR
117,647 10,000,000 117,647 10,000,000
11,765 1,000,000 11,765 1,000,000
9,333 793,333 9,333 793,333
2,500 212,500 2,500 212,500
1,569 133,333 1,569 133,333
33,725 2,866,667 33,725 2,866,667
78,431 6,666,667 78,431 6,666,667
117,647 10,000,000 117,647 10,000,000
156,863 13,333,333 156,863 13,333,333
11,765 1,000,000 11,765 1,000,000
39,216 3,333,333 39,216 3,333,333

580,461 49,339,167 580,461 49,339,167

Estimated in $USD


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