Business Studies Scheme of Work

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CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Scheme of Work
Business Studies
This is an exemplar scheme of work which
supports the teaching and learning of the
GCE Business Studies specification
CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies
CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

GCE Business Studies

Contents Page

Unit AS 1: Introduction to Business 5

Unit AS 2: Growing the Business 23

Unit A2 1: Strategic Decision Making 39

Unit A2 2: The Competitive Business Environment 53


CCEA has developed new GCE Business Studies specifications for first teaching from September
2016. This scheme of work has been designed to support you in introducing the new specification.

The scheme of work provides suggestions for organising and supporting students’ learning
activities. It is intended to assist you in developing your own scheme of work and should not be
considered as being prescriptive or exhaustive.

Please remember that assessment is based on the specification which details the knowledge,
understanding and skills that students need to acquire during the course. The scheme of work
should therefore be used in conjunction with the specification.

Published resources and web references included in the scheme of work have been checked and
were correct at the time of writing. You should check with publishers and websites for the latest
versions and updates. CCEA accepts no responsibility for the content of third party publications or
websites referred to within this scheme of work.

A Microsoft Word version of this scheme of work is available on the subject microsite on the
CCEA website ( You will be able to use it as a foundation for
developing your own scheme of work which will be matched to your teaching and learning
environment and the needs of your students.

I hope you find this support useful in your teaching.

Best wishes

Jill Armer
Subject Officer
Business Studies

E-mail [email protected]
Telephone 028 9026 1200 (2426)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Exemplar Scheme of Work

GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Unit AS 1:
Introduction to Business

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification: Business Studies

Unit AS 1: Introduction to Business

Prior Learning: No prior attainment is required, although students would benefit from good standards of literacy and numeracy.

Background readings: In addition to their class textbook, students should be encouraged to ‘read round’ their subject via business articles
online/newspapers, business journals and Business Review magazine.

Assessment: External written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes (2 compulsory, structured data responses – 40 marks each) 50% of AS and 20% of A

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Enterprise and Students should be able to:


Key resources of a  demonstrate and apply knowledge Students investigate local business Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch 1)
business enterprise and understanding of what a enterprises and identify the factors of
business enterprise is and the factors production associated with them Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
of production associated with it; (pp 16)

Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,

Hirst, and Redfern (pp 114119)
Motivation to set up in Class discussion on famous and local
 analyse the range of motives an Case study (pp 120)
business entrepreneurs leading to the motives
individual may have to become an
entrepreneur - to make money, to behind that career choice Websites on entrepreneurs, e.g. The
take advantage of opportunities or to Apprentice or Dragons’ Den
Guest Speaker (local entrepreneur) to talk
create their own job; and
about their motives and experiences Successful entrepreneur profiles –

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Enterprise and Students should be able to:

entrepreneurship (cont.)

Listen to interviews with famous Hall, Jones; Raffo, Anderton, Lee,

entrepreneurs on the Financial times Hirst and Redfern (pp 121124)
Guest speaker

Entrepreneurial  analyse the key characteristics of the Group work: take a range of
characteristics successful entrepreneur – to be entrepreneurs and identify key Case studies from
determined, a calculated risk-taker
characteristics  present these on a
or being innovative.
thought shower
Enterprise in the fast lane (Edition
Online quiz  ‘Would you make a good 14)
entrepreneur?’ Duncan Bannatyne (Edition 14) The importance of entrepreneurship

in small businesses (Edition 11)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Central purpose of Students should be able to:

business activity

Adding value  demonstrate and apply knowledge Examine how a range of well established Wolinski and Coates (2015)
and understanding of the importance businesses add value to their products, (pp 241–242 and 172–173)
of adding value and how to achieve e.g. Robinson’s shoe
added value; makers/Greggs/Tyrone Crystal Surridge and Gillespie (2015)
(Ch 11)
 analyse and evaluate different
approaches to adding value; Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
Competitive Advantage (pp 427–429)
Watch online clip of adding value in the
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
cereal industry (Oct 2014) CCEA Case Study – ‘Central
and understanding of how
businesses can achieve a competitive purpose of Business Activity’ – on
Students use the internet to investigate the Business Studies Microsite
advantage through strategies Coca Cola business model and their
including cost advantage and competitive advantage Added value in processed food
differentiation advantage; and
Past paper questions
 analyse and evaluate different
approaches to achieving competitive
advantage. Internet research

The Times 100 Case Study – ALDI:

Competitive advantage through

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Forms of business Students should be able to:

Sole trader  demonstrate and apply knowledge Whole class teaching  types of business Wolinski and Coates (2015) (Unit 1,
and understanding of the main ownership Ch 2)
Partnerships features and requirements of each
form of business; and Identification of businesses in the local Surridge and Gillespie (2015)
Limited companies  area followed by a classification of each (Ch 2)
Private and public  analyse and evaluate issues relating type
companies to forms of business organisation. Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(Ch 2 and 3, pp 620)

Social enterprises (to Watch online clips of different business CCEA Case Study  ‘Forms of
include the charitable and models and summarise Business Organisation’
voluntary sector)
Examine the different features of each CCEA PowerPoint Presentation 
type of business ownership focusing on: ‘Forms of Business Organisation’
 control;
 liability; and
 finance etc.
Create mind maps to display this

Past paper questions

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Stakeholder groups Students should be able to:

 identify key stakeholder groups and Identify the stakeholders of own school – Wolinski and Coates (2015)
explain their interest in business, what are their interests? (Unit 2 Ch 6)
including owners, staff, suppliers,
customers, creditors, lenders (short Take a well-known business – identify Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch 6)
and long term), pressure groups, the stakeholders of that business
local communities and government; Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
and Active learning/group work - assign each (pp 27–31)
pupil a stakeholder group and through hot
seating encourage students to voice that CCEA Case Study - ‘Stakeholders
 evaluate how businesses and
stakeholder’s interest in the business Objectives’
stakeholder groups make effective
use of social media.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Markets and market Students should be able to:


Consumer goods and  demonstrate and apply knowledge Whole class teaching – features of market Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
services market; and understanding of the following types (pp 79–97)
Capital goods market; features of the types of markets:
Labour market; and – size; Mind map each type of market Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Mass and niche markets; – location; Hirst and Redfern (pp 1–3) Question
– market share; and 1 (p 2) Knowledge (p 6)
– differentiation of products; and
CCEA Case Study – ‘Markets and
 analyse the features of these Market Forces’
Investigate using the Daily Telegraph; in CCEA PowerPoint Presentation –
 analyse how business activity is particular the section available on ‘Markets and Market Forces’
affected by the market; companies and markets
CCEA Factfile
Demand and supply
 demonstrate and apply knowledge Thought shower – what affects supply Graph paper
and understanding of the concepts of and demand, e.g. competition, price, Internet research
demand and supply; and availability, technology and seasonal
goods etc
 analyse the factors that influence
demand and supply, including the
construction of and interpretation of
simple demand and supply curves.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Quality Management Students should be able to:

What is quality?  demonstrate and apply knowledge Create an online survey/group work Wolinski and Coates (2015) (Unit 4,
and understanding about what questionnaire asking ‘What does quality Ch 14)
quality means to a business, mean to your business?’ Consolidate
including performance, reliability, findings and identify recurring themes Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
cost-effectiveness, or gaining (pp 484–490)
competitive advantage through
attracting and retaining customers; CCEA Case study – ‘Quality
Approaches to and
Examine pupils’ own school and identify CCEA PowerPoint Presentation
measures of quality  demonstrate and apply knowledge the quality awards they hold ‘Quality Management’ Industrial
and understanding of approaches to
TQM and measurements of quality; visit/guest speaker/video
Quality Assurance Investigate quality award-winning
Quality Control  analyse different approaches to Internet research:
ISO 9000 quality; and
Past Paper questions
 evaluate issues relating to quality
management including:
– the need for a quality policy; and
– the advantages and resources/
disadvantages of different
approaches to quality.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Productivity and Students should be able to:

Methods of production  demonstrate knowledge and Whole class teaching – methods of Wolinski and Coates (2015) (Unit 4,
understanding of the different production Ch 14)
methods of production including
job, batch, flow, cell and lean; Group work using stimulus material to Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch
identify and explain the most appropriate 13)
 analyse which method of production method of production for each item, e.g:
is most suitable in a particular  bakery items; Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
situation;  bespoke material; and (pp 430–435, 436–442, 452–454 and
 school uniform etc. 470–475)
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of productivity, Past paper questions
PowerPoint Presentation –
the factors affecting it and the need
‘Investment and Productivity’
for investment, innovation, and
research and development (R & D); Video/industrial visit
 analyse the factors influencing CCEA Case Study – Investment and
innovation, and research and productivity
development; and

 analyse the factors affecting

productivity in relation to:
– machinery, (investment in new
machinery or maintenance of
machinery); and
– employees, (skills and training
or levels of motivation).

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Organisational design Students should be able to:

Centralisation vs  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion on the structure of their Wolinski and Coates (2015) (pp 455–
Decentralisation and understanding of organisational school/businesses where they work 473)
Investigate using the internet the structure Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch
 analyse issues related to of a number of local and global 22)
organisational design; businesses
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
 demonstrate and apply knowledge (Ch 41)
and understanding of centralised and
decentralised, and tall and flat CCEA Case study – ‘Organisational
structures; Design’ currently located on the
Outsourcing microsite under AS 2
 analyse issues relating to
outsourcing services; and CCEA PowerPoint Presentation
‘Organisational Design’ currently
 analyse issues relating to the use of located on the microsite under AS 2
service companies and the
The Times 100
advantages and disadvantages of
outsourcing. Internet Research

Business Review Magazine

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Investing in people Students should be able to:

People investment and  demonstrate and apply knowledge Case Studies Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
planning and understanding about the factors (Ch 43–45)
that determine decisions on people Class discussion based on Heat videos
investment planning (succession (can be downloaded from the GCE Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
planning, skills audits, staff training Applied Business microsite unit 10) Hirst and Redfern (pp 389 and 399)
requirements for existing staff and
future needs of the organisation); CCEA Case Study ‘Investing in
Training and development People’
Whole class teaching on training methods
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
CCEA PowerPoint ‘Investing in
and understanding of different Class discussion of training methods in People’
training and development methods students part time jobs
to include:
– induction training;
– on-the-job training;
– off-the-job training;
– psychometric testing; and
– Continuing Professional
Development (CPD); and

 analyse the different training


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Investing in people Students should be able to:


Recruitment and selection  demonstrate and apply knowledge Examine how pupils were appointed to Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
and understanding of internal and their part time jobs Hirst and Redfern (pp 8789)
external recruitment;
Look at examples of different jobs that Knowledge (p 90)
 analyse internal and external are available in the local area and
recruitment; investigate their selection and Case study – ‘Amy’s Wardrobe’ (p
appointment process 91)
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of the selection Past paper questions
and appointment process;
Psychometric testing
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of the use of
psychometric testing in the
evaluation of employees;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Investing in people Students should be able to:


Appraisal  demonstrate and apply knowledge Newspapers

and understanding of appraisal;
Job centre online
 evaluate issues relating to investing
in people including:
– the advantages and
disadvantages of people
investment planning; and
– different methods of
recruitment, selection, training
Online technology and appraisal; and

 evaluate the issues, features and

impacts of the use of online
technology in relation to
recruitment, selection, training and

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Motivation Students should be able to:

Management theorists
 demonstrate and apply knowledge Whole class teaching – the theories of Wolinski and Coates (2015)
and understanding of the theories of motivation (pp 498499, 499505 and 501505)
Taylor, Maslow and Herzberg;
Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch
 analyse and evaluate these Student investigation – based on 23)
motivation theories; motivation theories – create a leaflet on
Microsoft Publisher analysing each Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
Monetary methods of theory (Ch 47)
motivation  demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of monetary CCEA Factfile
methods of motivation, including, Class discussion/group work – what
time rate, piece rate, commission, motivates you in your part time job? CCEA PowerPoint Presentation –
fees, fringe benefits, profit sharing, currently located on the microsite
Internet research based on job under AS 2
performance-related pay;
advertisements and motivation
 analyse and evaluate monetary
methods of motivation;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Motivation Students should be able to:


Non-monetary methods of  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion based on non-monetary Wolinski and Coates (2015)
motivation and understanding of non-monetary methods of motivation in students part (pp 508519)
methods of motivation, job time jobs
enrichment, job enlargement, job Visiting Speaker
rotation, employee participation and Internet research based on non-monetary
empowerment, quality circles and methods of motivation in job Case Studies
team working; and advertisements
 analyse and evaluate non-monetary Past Paper questions
Virgin; Motivating and engaging
methods of motivation.
employees for better business

Kelloggs; Building a better

workplace through motivation

Tesco; motivational theory in

practice at Tesco – Volume 21,

number 1, Sept 2014 ‘Motivation

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and learning activities Resources

Principles of Students should be able to:

management and

Management and  demonstrate and apply knowledge Whole class teaching  leadership styles Wolinski and Coates (2015) (Ch4)
leadership styles and understanding of the different
styles of management and leadership Students to create mind map which Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp
(authoritarian, paternalistic, laissez- highlights the characteristics of each style 52–57)
faire and democratic); and and gives examples of when they should
be used Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(Ch 46)
 evaluate the impact of these styles of Past paper questions
management and leadership on the CCEA PowerPoint ‘Principals of
motivation of staff. Management and leadership’

CCEA Case Study ‘Principals of

Management and leadership’

Case Studies

Tesco; Developing appropriate

leadership styles

Enterprise – Rent-A-Car

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Unit 1:

Text Books

Textbook 1: Wolinski, J; Coates, G, (2015), AQA AS Business Studies, Hodder & Stoughton.
Textbook 2: Surridge, M; Gillespie, A, (2015), AS Business Studies, Hodder & Stoughton.
Textbook 3: Mottershead, A; Grant, A; Kelt, J, (2015), OCR A Level Business, Hodder
Textbook 4: Hall, D; Jones, R; Raffo, C; Anderton, A; Lee, J; Hirst, K; Redfern, A; Business
Studies 5th. Edition, Pearson

A range of Factfiles, PowerPoints, case studies and podcasts are available on the CCEA


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Unit AS 2:
Growing the Business

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification: GCE Business Studies

Unit AS 2: Growing the Business

Prior Learning: No prior attainment is required, although students would benefit from good standards of literacy and numeracy.

Background reading: Students would benefit from keeping up-to-date with business news in the local economy.

Assessment: External written examination 1 hour 30 mins (2 compulsory, structured data responses (40 marks each) 50% of AS and 20% A level.

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Spectrum of Students should be able to:

 demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion on Apple - market share, Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch 7)
Market share, market market growth and competition in their
of competition in the context of the
growth and market size market Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
business environment and how (Ch 13)
competition can influence a business
organisation; PowerPoint AS 1

 demonstrate and apply knowledge Internet and newspaper articles

and understanding of market share,
market growth and market size;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Spectrum of Students should be able to:

competition (cont.)

 analyse market share, market growth

and market size;

Degree of competition in  demonstrate and apply knowledge

the market (market and understanding of different
structures) market structures; and

 analyse factors determining the

degree of competition in a market.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Market research Students should be able to:

Reasons for market  demonstrate and apply knowledge CCEA Factfile

research and understanding of market
research; PowerPoint AS 1

 analyse the reasons for market Wolinski and Coates (2015) (Ch 8)
Surridge and Gillespie (2015)
Types of primary and  demonstrate and apply knowledge Students to investigate the types of (Ch 8)
secondary research and understanding of the following primary and secondary research and use
market research methods: this material to create a mind map Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
– questionnaires; (Ch 51)
– interviews;
– observation; Times 100 - JD Sports
– focus groups;
– consumer panels;
– surveys by post, internet, email, Class discussion on how JD Sports carry sports/
telephone and face-to-face; out research
– test markets; and
– store loyalty cards;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Market research (cont.) Students should be able to:

 analyse and evaluate these market Discuss each sampling method, when it
research methods; would be used and possible drawbacks of
each method
Sampling  demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of the following
sampling methods:
– random;
– quota;
– stratified; and
– cluster sampling; and

Qualitative and  analyse and evaluate methods of Discuss difference in qualitative and
quantitative research sampling. quantitative and when each would be used

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Marketing mix Students should be able to:

 demonstrate and apply knowledge Investigate the marketing mix of current Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch
and understanding of the following popular products, e.g. JD Sports case 10)
elements of the marketing mix: study
– product (design and use of Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
product or services); (Ch 5457)
– price (skimming, penetration,
value based and cost plus); PowerPoint AS 1
– promotion (advertising, special
offers and joint ventures); Times 100 - JD Sports
– place (retail, wholesale, mail
order, internet or direct sales);
– people (employees, management sports/
and customer service);
– processes (service delivery and
service consumption); and
– physical environment (facilities,
infrastructure and service
delivery); and
 analyse each element of the
marketing mix; and
 evaluate issues relating to the
different elements of the marketing
mix for a product or service, taking
account of the marketing objectives
of a business.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Students should be able to:

Elasticity of demand  interpret price and income elasticity Individual, worked examples drawing the Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
of demand and analyse the impact of demand curve (Ch 55)
changes in price and income on

Product life cycle

Stages  demonstrate and apply knowledge Discuss the product life cycle of a popular
and understanding of the product product
life cycle, including extension
Ideas for extending the product life cycle reference/product-life-cycle
of a product e.g. PlayStation
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(Ch 54)
Extension strategies
 analyse the product life cycle, PowerPoint AS 1
including the need to have a
balanced portfolio of products and
the cash flow and revenue
implications; and

 evaluate issues relating to the

product life cycle, including its
usefulness to a business and possible
extension strategies.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Market planning and Students should be able to:


Marketing plan  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class workshop to develop a marketing
and understanding of a marketing plan for a popular product
plan, including product development Wolinski and Coates (2015) (Ch 9)
(new and existing), SWOT analysis,
market research, market positioning, Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch 9)
business objectives, marketing
strategies and a marketing budget;
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
Market segmentation  demonstrate and apply knowledge (Ch 50)
and understanding of market

 analyse how markets might be

segmented; and

 evaluate issues relating to market

planning and strategy such as the
usefulness of a marketing plan, or
the need to segment a market.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

E-Business/E-commerce Students should be able to:

Nature of E-Business  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion CCEA Factfile
and understanding of how business
might use E-Business and digital In groups research examples of digital Times 100 - IBM
marketing, including advertising, marketing and social media campaigns
market research and sales channels,
in a range of business scenarios;
Wolinski and Coates (2015)
Growth in business use of  analyse and evaluate the increasing (pp 227229)
social media use of the internet, social media and
mobile technologies to enhance Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (p 140)
marketing or selling activities
including mobile ticketing and Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
mobile marketing; and (pp 162–163)

 evaluate how useful E-Business is to Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,

businesses, including access to a Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 55)
worldwide market, lower
transactions costs or bypassing Virgin Atlantic, Knowledge Check
intermediaries, and to consumers, questions 1–12
including wider choice, saving
money, 24 hour shopping, in a range
of business scenarios.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Sources of finance Students should be able to:

Internal and external  demonstrate and apply knowledge Group research using internet sources Wolinski and Coates (2015) (Ch 8)
sources of finance and understanding of internal and
external sources of finance (debt and Class discussion Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch
equity). 18)

Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)

(Ch 24)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Break-even analysis Students should be able to:

 demonstrate and apply knowledge Individual worked examples of break- PowerPoint AS 2

and understanding of break-even even, drawing and calculations
charts; Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (p 219)

 draw break-even charts; Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)

(Ch 27 & 28)
 calculate break-even point and
margin of safety, using both Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Margin of safety formulae and break-even chart; Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 182)
worked examples and Question 2
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of the effects of a Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
change in fixed cost, variable cost or Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 184)
selling price;
Case study – GOWDA CHANDA
 analyse contribution and identify the LTD and Knowledge Check
Contribution output required to obtain a target
level of profit and calculate margin
of safety; and

 evaluate issues relating to break-

even analysis including its
usefulness to a business.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Cash flow Students should be able to:

Difference between cash  explain the difference between cash Individual worked examples showing PowerPoint AS 2
and profit and profit; calculations
Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch
Importance of cash flow  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion 16)
and understanding of how to control
cash flow; Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(pp 241–242)
 analyse methods of improving cash
flow and the consequences of these Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
in the short and long term; and Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 168)

 demonstrate and apply knowledge Case Study - CHARLTON

and understanding of cash flow PLASTICS LTD (p 169)
forecasts and their importance.
Knowledge Check, questions

Cash flow forecast  use appropriate calculations to Individual worked examples showing PowerPoint AS 2
construct and interpret a cash flow calculations
forecast; and Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(Ch 30)
 evaluate the importance of cash flow
to a business. Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Budgeting Students should be able to:

Benefits of budgeting  demonstrate and apply knowledge Individual worked examples showing PowerPoint AS 2
and understanding of the role of calculations
budgeting in decision making; Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
Class discussion (Ch 30)
Fixed and flexible  demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of fixed budgets Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch
(problems of settings); 17)

 demonstrate and apply knowledge

and understanding of flexible
budgets; and

Problems with preparing  evaluate issues relating to budgeting

budgets including the usefulness of
budgeting and the advantages and
disadvantages of fixed budgets.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Financial statements Students should be able to:

 demonstrate and apply knowledge Individual worked examples showing Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
and understanding of the income calculations (Ch 33–44)
statement and statement of financial
position of a sole trader, including Class discussion
assets and liabilities;

 interpret the income statement and

the statement of financial position;

 calculate the following ratios from

given formulae:
– Return on Capital Employed Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
(ROCE); Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 372)
– net profit margin;
– current ratio; and Knowledge Check, questions 1–9
– gearing ratio; and

 evaluate business performance using


Final accounts
 evaluate the usefulness of the Class discussion on usefulness of final Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
information included in final accounts using examples (Ch 34)
accounts in assessing business

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Unit AS 2:


Textbook 1: Wolinski, J; Coates, G, (2015), AQA AS Business Studies, Hodder & Stoughton.
Textbook 2: Surridge, M; Gillespie, A, (2015), AS Business Studies, Hodder & Stoughton.
Textbook 3: Mottershead, A; Grant, A; Kelt, J, (2015), OCR A Level Business, Hodder
Textbook 4: Hall, D; Jones, R; Raffo, C; Anderton, A; Lee, J; Hirst, K; Redfern, A, (2015),
Edexcel AS/A Level BUSINESS, 5th Edition, Pearson.

A range of Factfiles, PowerPoints, case studies and podcasts are available on the CCEA


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Unit A2 1:
Strategic Decision Making

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification: GCE Business Studies

Unit A2 1: Strategic Decision Making

Prior Learning: AS Level Business Studies

Background reading: In addition to their class textbook, students should be encouraged to ‘read around’ their subject via business articles online,
newspapers, business journals and Business Review magazine.

Assessment: One two hour external assessment consisting of an unseen case study approximately two pages long. The total marks available are 90.
The case study will be followed by 5 questions. The quality of their written communication is assessed in questions three, four and five.

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Business objectives Students should be able to:

Mission Statements  analyse and evaluate the relationship Class discussion – what is meant by a Wolinski and Coates (2015) (p 2)
between mission statements, aims mission statement? Factfile: Disney and Microsoft (p 3)
and organisational objectives, Past paper questions
including survival, growth, Look at own school mission statement -
profitability and non-financial discuss how this reflects the overall Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp 6–
objectives; values of the school
Examine the mission statements of well-
 analyse and evaluate how businesses
known businesses using the internet Business in Focus: Starbuck’s
use mission statements;
Mission Statement (p 7)
Class discussion – what are aims and Case study – Marks & Spencer (p 9)
Factors influencing
business objectives  analyse and evaluate the internal and objectives?
external factors influencing business – YouTube
Students to write up their own aims and
objectives; objectives for the current academic year 2.27 mins, video
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(pp 34–35)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Business objectives Students should be able to:


Short and long term  analyse and evaluate the use of short Case study Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
objectives and long-term objectives by a Case study: Time for Tea (pp 36–37)

Conflict  analyse and evaluate when business Unit 82 Business Review Magazine,
objectives may conflict; and CCEA Case Study ‘Business
Organisational culture
 demonstrate and apply knowledge Revision questions CCEA PowerPoint presentation
and understanding of organisational
culture and its importance to a Past paper questions

Models of culture in a business.

 analyse and evaluate the culture Class discussion – what is meant by
issues related to key functional culture?
business areas;

 analyse and evaluate two models of Carry out research in school to identify Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
culture prevalent in a business: the school culture – report findings (p 285)
– Handy; and
– Hofstede; and Case study: Tesco Metro (pp 286–

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Organisational culture Students should be able to:


 analyse and evaluate the factors Case study

influencing culture in a business;
Changing organisational
culture in a business  analyse and evaluate the changing
organisation organisational culture in a business CCEA Factfile – Handy
Stakeholder objectives Past paper questions CCEA Factfile – Hofstede
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
and understanding of how different Revision questions in Factfile
stakeholders have over determining
business objectives; and Guest speaker from local industry CCEA PowerPoint presentation

 analyse and evaluate strategies to Use own school – who are the Business Review Magazine CCEA
deal with conflicting objectives. stakeholders and what are their needs. Case Study ‘Stakeholders’
How/why might the stakeholders’ Objectives’
objectives conflict?

Active role-play work using discussion Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (Ch 6)
board on LNI. Pupils take on the role of a
certain stakeholder, putting their view (p 80) – short questions testing
across via an online discussion – help to knowledge and understanding and
recognise areas for potential conflict data response question

(pp 78 and 79) – conflict strategies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Stakeholder objectives Students should be able to:


Impact of technology on  demonstrate and apply knowledge Examine possible strategies to deal with Wolinski and Coates (p 282-283)
communications and understanding of the impact of conflicting objectives arising from online
technology on communications; discussions Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (p 282 –
Game – Chinese Whispers – summary of
lesson learnt Revision Questions (p 295)

 analyse the impact of technology on Investigate communication channels in Wolinski and Coates (2015) (p 288
communication channels; school, identify the impact of technology and pp 292–293)

Barriers to effective  demonstrate and apply knowledge Case study Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (p 319)
communication and understanding of barriers to Business Review Magazine
effective communication; Past paper questions CCEA PowerPoint presentation

 analyse the factors affecting the

choice of communication channel;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Communication (cont.) Students should be able to:

 analyse the barriers to effective

communication; and

 evaluate the impact of technology on

Economies and  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion – What is meant by Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp
diseconomies of scale and understanding of internal and economies and diseconomies of scale? 257–259)
external economies and
diseconomies of scale; Case study – Proctor & Gamble
(p 458)

Diseconomies of scale (p 260)

Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)

(p 455-457)

Revision questions (p 457) ; Case

study (p 458)

 analyse internal and external Whole class teaching – Distinguish CCEA Factfile,
economies and diseconomies of between internal and external economies Wolinski and Coates (2015)
scale; and Tesco plc (p 258)

 evaluate issues relating to Case study Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
investment and productivity Reasons for business growth and (pp 23–25)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

including the implications of growth implications for growth

for a business.

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Business strategy and Students should be able to:


Business plan  demonstrate and apply knowledge Creation of a personal ‘SWOT’ Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
and understanding of a business (pp 46–52)

 analyse a business plan and evaluate Internet research: Look at a local Revision questions (p 53)
its use; business and examine the external factors
(PESTEL) that impact upon it (positive Case study: Tesco – Born again in
and negative) USA (p53)

Analyse the current  demonstrate and apply knowledge PESTEL: Mottershead, Grant and
position SWOT and understanding of SWOT and Kelt (2015) (pp 39–40)
(strengths, weaknesses, PESTEL analysis and analyse and
opportunities, threats) and evaluate them as decision making SWOT: (pp 366–367)
PESTEL (political, tools;
economic, social, CCEA PowerPoint presentation
environmental, legal)

Sources of finance  analyse and evaluate internal and Internet research – sources of funds for Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
external sources of finance; businesses (pp 182–190)

Revision questions (pp 190–191)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Case study – DDR Copiers Ltd

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Business strategy and Students should be able to:

planning (cont.)

Developing and  demonstrate and apply knowledge Whole class teaching Boston Matrix: Mottershead, Grant
implementing strategies and understanding of Ansoff and and Kelt (2015) (pp 394-395)
Boston matrices and analyse and Q&A
evaluate them as decision making Revision and case studies (p 396-
tools; 397)

Ansoff Matrix: Hall, Jones, Raffo,

Anderton, Lee, Hirst and Redfern
(2015) (p 274–275), also Question 1
(p 275)

Porter’s Generic Strategy  use Porter’s Generic Strategy and Case study Fact File: Mottershead, Grant and
Bowman’s Strategy Clock to analyse Kelt (2015) (pp 43–44)
and evaluate how organisations Revision questions
Bowman’s Strategy create and maintain a competitive Case study – Stone Country Butchers
Clock advantage and compete in terms of question 5 (p 45)
price and perceived added value;
Bowman’s Strategy – Factfile

Kaplan and Norton’s  use Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Balanced Scorecard – Factfile
Balanced Scorecard Scorecard model to evaluate
Model organisational effectiveness against
vision and strategy;

Elkington’s Triple  analyse and evaluate organisational Factfile

Bottom Line performance in terms of Elkington’s
Triple Bottom Line (People, Planet

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

and Profit); and

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Business strategy and Students should be able to:

planning (cont.)

Key Performance  demonstrate and apply knowledge

Indicators (KPI’s) and understanding of how KPIs are
used to evaluate the success of a
business or a particular activity it
engages in.

Decision tree analysis

Drawing a decision tree  construct a simple decision tree from Whole class teaching – constructing a Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp
given information including decision tree 63–66), knowledge check and data
financial estimates and probabilities; response question (p 69)

Making calculations  analyse and evaluate outcomes from Practice questions
a decision tree; and
Case study
Showing decisions  analyse and evaluate decision trees CCEA PowerPoint presentation
as a tool for decision making.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Risk and uncertainty Students should be able to:

Contingency planning  demonstrate, apply knowledge and Class discussion – why is there a need for Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp
understanding and analyse and contingency planning? 60–62)
evaluate the management of risk;
and Group work – construct a contingency Business in Focus: A big decision
plan for an event of your choice (p 60)
 evaluate the need for contingency

Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)

(pp 51–52)
Company accounts

Interpreting company  demonstrate and apply knowledge Whole class teaching Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
accounts and understanding of company (pp 245–257)
Practice questions Case study – Mulberry Bags (p 250)
 analyse the difference between cash
and profit;
Case study Revision question (p 257)
 analyse and interpret the published Case study – Easyjet (p 257)
(final) accounts from a limited
company using comparison over
time and with competitors;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Company accounts Students should be able to:


Interpreting company  evaluate performance using the

accounts published (final) accounts of a
limited company; and The Financial Times newspaper

 evaluate the limitations and

usefulness of published (final)
accounts in a range of business

Ratio analysis

Performance ratios  calculate and analyse performance Whole class teaching Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
using ratio analysis to include: (pp 262–278)
– profitability, Return on Capital Practice questions
employed (ROCE), Gross Profit CCEA PowerPoint presentation
(GP)%, Net Profit (NP)%; Case study
– liquidity (current ratio);
– gearing; and/or
– shareholder ratios, Earnings per
Share (EPS), Return on Equity
(ROE); and

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Ratio analysis (cont.) Students should be able to:

 evaluate a business’ performance

using ratio analysis based on:
– its performance over several
years; and
– comparison to a business
operating in the same industry;
 analyse and evaluate the benefits
and limitations of ratio analysis.

Investment appraisal

Payback and Net Present  demonstrate and apply knowledge Whole class teaching
Value (NPV) and understanding of the reasons for
investment appraisal;

 calculate and interpret payback and Practice questions

NPV from given data;

 Analyse and evaluate the advantages Case study Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
and limitations of each method of (pp 218–220)
appraisal; NPV (pp 221–223)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Investment appraisal Students should be able to:


 analyse and evaluate the qualitative

factors influencing investment
decisions; and

 analyse and evaluate investment

options faced by a business.

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies


Unit A2 1:


Textbook 1: Wolinski, J; Coates, G, (2015), AQA AS Business Studies, Hodder &

Textbook 2: Surridge, M; Gillespie, A, (2015), AS Business Studies, Hodder & Stoughton.
Textbook 3: Mottershead, A; Grant, A; Kelt, J, (2015), OCR A Level Business, Hodder
Textbook 4: Hall, D; Jones, R; Raffo, C; Anderton, A; Lee, J; Hirst, K; Redfern, A (2015),
Edexcel AS/A Level BUSINESS 5th Edition, Pearson.

A range of Factfiles, PowerPoints, Case studies and Podcasts are available on the CCEA


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Unit A2 2:
The Competitive
Business Environment

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification: Business Studies

Unit A2 2: The Competitive Business Environment

Prior learning: AS Business Studies

This unit examines the macroeconomic and international framework within which businesses operate. It acknowledges the unique culture of each
organisation, yet recognises that they are all bound by the same social responsibilities and ethics.

The unit examines how businesses are affected by and react to this dynamic environment, taking particular account of the relationships which exist
between the various stakeholders of the business.

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Macroeconomic Students should be able to:

Role of enterprise in  demonstrate and apply knowledge Research activity – Internet search: - Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp 3–
resource allocation and understanding of the ‘Role of enterprise in resource allocation 4)
macroeconomic framework in which decisions.’ Class discussion – discuss the
role of a local enterprise in using Marcouse, I, et al, (2010)
businesses operate;
resources effectively
Mottershead and Grant (2015)
Mixed economy  analyse and evaluate the significance Revision Questions – Mottershead, Grant (pp 134–38, 8, 120–123, 130)
of a mixed economy, including and Kelt (2015) revisions questions – (p
social enterprise (including the 5) Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
charitable and voluntary sector); Hirst and Redfern (2015) ( p134 -
Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and 135)
electronically Kelt, (2015) Specsavers – (pp 5–6)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Macroeconomic Students should be able to:


Business cycles  analyse and evaluate the impact of Class discussion – explain the term McAree, D., 4 Minutes To Pass A-
business cycles; and business cycle and its impact on business. Level Business Studies
Investigation activity – Mottershead, Revision Guide Questions &
Importance of business  analyse and evaluate the importance Grant and Kelt (2015) (p 134- p 138) Answers.
of business confidence. Mottershead and Grant (2015)
Case Study – Mottershead and Grant (p130 -138)
(2015) revision questions p 138 (Q7, 8 &
9) Marcouse, I, et al, (2010) (pp580-
Research activity – McAree, D., Top 5
Things To Do At A-Level Business Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Studies Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 238-
“Why is Business Confidence 240)
Business Review Magazine
CCEA Case Study - ‘Macroeconomic Framework’
PowerPoint presentation

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Government policies Students should be able to:

Government policy  evaluate the significance of Class discussion – Discuss the key Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp
objectives government policy objectives, government objectives 36–38)
including: Study activity – Mottershead, Grant, and
Kelt (2015) (pp 139–148) Marcouse, I, et al, (2010) (pp580,
– economic growth; 586, 599- 605)
Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and
– sustainable development;
Kelt, (2015) (pp 149–150)
– inflation; Mottershead, Grant, and Kelt (2015)
Research activity – Revision questions
– employment; and (pp 139–150, 109–114, 132, 115–
(p 149), Q1–4
– balance of payments; and 116)
Economic instruments Sample MEDIA - Irish News article about
 analyse and evaluate instruments McAree, D., Top 5 Things To Do At
used to achieve these ‘Unemployment’, 13th August 2015
that the government uses to achieve A-Level Business Studies: Revision
objectives policy objectives, including: Guide Questions & Answers
Class discussion – Discuss the impact of
– income tax; changing exchange rates on Northern Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
– corporation tax; Ireland businesses Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 235,
– VAT; 237, 240)
– custom and excise duties; Study activity – Mottershead, Grant, and
– direct and indirect taxation; Kelt, (2015) (pp 142– 143, pp 144–145
– government expenditure; and pp 109–113)
– interest rates; and
– exchange rates; and Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and PowerPoint presentation
Kelt, (2015) (p 116)

Sample MEDIA – Irish News article

about Northern Ireland economy, 6th
August 2015

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Government policies Students should be able to:


Class discussion – Discuss the effect of Wolinski and Coates (2015) (pp 41-
Effects of these objectives  evaluate the effects of various policy 49)
government policy objectives on
and instruments on objectives and their impact on
businesses in Northern Ireland
business business; and Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp 41,
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015) (p 78)
Business strategies to deal  evaluate the effects of government 142)
with government policy Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
policies on businesses and Economic Policy and its effects on
appropriate counter-strategies. Research activity Mottershead, Grant and
Kelt (2015) (p 144–145) business. (pp 140–142)

Sample MEDIA BT/FT/ Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,

Hirst and Redfern (2015) (pp 233-
Class discussion – Evaluate the effects of 240)
a change in economic policy
Marcouse, I, et al, (2010)
Investigation – Mottershead, Grant and (pp 606-611); (pp 613-619)
Kelt (2015) (p 148)
PowerPoint presentation
Case Study – ‘UpFly’, Hall, Jones, Raffo,
Anderton, Lee, Hirst and Redfern (2015)
(p 241)

Research activity – Mottershead, Grant

and Kelt (2015) (p 149)

Research activity – internet search

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

‘business strategy to deal with

government policy’
Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Globalisation Students should be able to:

Nature of global business  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion – discuss the impact of Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
and understanding of the global global trade on businesses in Northern Hirst and Redfern (2015) (pp 401 -
context in which a business Ireland 478)
Study activity – Mottershead, Grant and Surridge and Gillespie (2015)
Kelt (2015), (p 103), (p 104) (p 91, p 190 and 289)
Reasons for globalisation
 analyse the reasons for globalisation; Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and Marcouse, I, et al, (2010) Chapter 83
Kelt (2015) (p 105), (p116) (p 592-597)

Global business strategies Raffo Nestle (p 419) Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(pp 106–115; 102-104; 169-170; 419;
 apply knowledge and understanding
Research activity – Mash Direct Ltd – A2 478)
of key global business strategies; 2 Specimen Examination Paper
PowerPoint presentation
Foreign direct investment
 analyse and evaluate the issue
relating to foreign direct investment, Research activity - (WiggleCRC,
including the Bartlett and Ghoshal formerly Chain Reaction Cycles )
model; (Northern Ireland)
Methods of entering
global markets Class discussion – discuss the impact of
 evaluate methods of entering global foreign direct investment on businesses in
markets including franchising, joint Northern Ireland
ventures, licensing and direct (business section)
investment; Research activity – issues in global trade

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

impacting business in NI

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Globalisation (cont.) Students should be able to:

Reasons for trading  analyse the reasons for trading Class discussion – Discuss the role of
globally globally; International Marketing in supporting Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
Northern Ireland businesses (pp 419–421)

Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,

Impact of trading globally  evaluate the impact of trading Case Study – Hall, Jones, Raffo, Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 409-410;
globally; Anderton, Lee, Hirst and Redfern (2015) 418)
(p 419)
McAree, D, 3 Best Things To Do At
Opportunities/Threats of  evaluate the opportunities/threats of A-Level Applied Business Studies
Investigation activity – Assess three
globalisation trading globally (including E- different ways in which a Northern
Business); Revision Guide Questions &
Ireland based business can enter a foreign

 analyse global marketing issues; Marcouse, I, et al, (2010)

Global marketing Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(pp 419–421).
PowerPoint presentation
Regulations related to  analyse factors and regulations to be
Case Study – JCB (p 422)
trading globally considered in trading globally; CCEA website
Research activity – Mash Direct Ltd – A2
2 Specimen Examination Paper

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Globalisation (cont.) Students should be able to:

Global business data  evaluate the assistance available Class discussion – discuss the impact of
when trading globally; and trade barriers on businesses in Northern Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Ireland Hirst and Redfern (2015) (pp 420–
Investigation activity – research the
different types of trade barriers; see Revision Guide Questions &
Factfile – Globalisation: Regulations to Answers
trading globally
PowerPoint presentation
Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and
 analyse and evaluate business (or Kelt, (2015) (pp 98–102), (p 105) (Case (business section)
study – Primark)
related) data in an global context,
including measures of performance,
financial and non-financial, market Research activity –
analysis, trends, forecasts,
percentage changes and key
Search terms – ‘global trade/ N.I’
government statistics.
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
(p 105)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Business Ethics and Students should be able to:

Organisational Culture

Ethical codes  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion – Examine the reasons Wolinski and Coates (2015) (pp 6-7;
and understanding of the ethical why a business in Northern Ireland would 56, 89, 119 and 240–241)
responsibilities of businesses and have an Ethical Policy
Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (pp 8–
how these impact on the
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015) 9, 67, 86, 91 and 265)
organisational culture; (pp 126–127)
Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and Marcouse, I, et al, (2010), (p620-
Kelt (2015) (pp 128–129) 630)
 analyse ethical codes in the context
of business activities; and Wolinski and Coates (2015) i Factfile; Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
BP: (pp 54–55; p 240-241) (pp 126–128)

 evaluate ethics as a source of Research activity – find out how does Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Ethical Issues LIDL Northern Ireland support Northern Hirst and Redfern (2015) (pp 479–
competitive advantage.
Ireland business? Are their activities 484)
Case Study – Dyson – P92; BP (p241)
CCEA Case Study ‘business ethics
Case Study- Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, and corporate responsibility’
Lee, Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p
484/Tiptree Textiles) PowerPoint presentation

Sample Case Study- Keywords: ‘Ethics

and Farming’

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Sustainability Students should be able to: Class discussion – Explain the meaning of Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (p 42
 demonstrate and apply knowledge CSR in business and 190)
Sustainable business and understanding of sustainable Wolinski and Coates (2015) (p 53)
activities business activities; Marcouse, I, et al, (2010) (pp 209;
Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and 211)
Kelt, (2015) (pp 126–127)
 evaluate the impact of sustainable Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
business activity; Research activity – Mash Direct Ltd, A2 (pp 126–127, 164, 165)
2 Specimen Examination Paper
Marcousi, I, et al, (2010) (pp 631-8)
Sample MEDIA
 evaluate corporate social Examples of unethical business Business Review Magazine
responsibilities of a business using practices/situations reported in
Corporate Social
Carroll’s Corporate Social media/internet: Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Responsibility (CSR)  Business Review Hirst and Redfern (2015) (pp 361)
Responsibility Pyramid; and
 Belfast Telegraph; and
CCEA Case Study ‘Corporate
 analyse the possible outcomes of  UTV Live/BBC
decisions taken on the business and
Influence of stakeholder
its stakeholders. Research activity- Internet search Wolinski and Coates (2015) (pp 240–
groups – study materials on 241)
CSR/ethics/ sustainability
PowerPoint presentation

Wolinski and Coates (2015) (pp 95-


Surridge and Gillespie (2015) (p 70-

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies


Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,

Hirst and Redfern (2015) (pp 353-

Marcousi, I, et al, (2010) (pp 363-


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Organisational Design Students should be able to:

Organisational structures  evaluate the various types of Class discussion – Discuss the reasons Wolinski and Coates (2015)
organisational structures in business; why an organisation structure is important (pp 455–460, 471–474, 456–459 and
to a business 520)

Wolinski Case study - High Class

Chain of command  demonstrate and apply knowledge Surridge and Gillespie (2015)
Furnishings (p459)
and understanding of the chain of -Ragbags (p472-474) (pp 283–288, 290)
command, span of control and de-
layering; Study Activity– Mottershead, Grant and Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
Kelt (2015) (pp 279–285) (pp 280–284, 279–280, 280–281 and
Case Study – Tesco plc (
Span of control  evaluate issues relating to chain of Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
(pp 286–287)
command, span of control and de- Research activity – revision questions Hirst and Redfern (2015) Knowledge
layering; and (p 287) Check (p 97)

De-layering  evaluate issues relating to PowerPoint presentation

organisational design. Surridge and Gillespie (2015)
Case Study – ‘Morrisons’ (p 290)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Monopolies, mergers, Students should be able to:

takeovers and
restrictive practices
 analyse and evaluate: Class discussion – State and discuss one Wolinski and Coates (2015) (p 24
– Monopolies; example of a monopoly business and 28)
– Mergers including horizontal operating in Northern Ireland. How does
and vertical integration; and it impact consumers, management and Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
– Takeovers including hostile and local communities? How does (pp 80–81, 121, 82–84, 11-12, 24,
friendly; and government regulate its activities? 83, 40, 170-71)
Investigation activity – Mottershead, Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and
 demonstrate and apply knowledge
Grant and Kelt (2015), UK Grocery Kelt (2015) (p 85)
and understanding of the regulation Market Store Wars
of market and the roles of the Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Competition and Markets Authority Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee, Hirst Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 300)
and regulatory bodies including and Redfern (2015) (p 300), Q2 McAree, D. Top 5 Things To Do At
Ofcom and Ofwat; and A-Level Business Studies
Case Study – Wolinski and Coates Marcouse, I, et al, (2010) (pp 188;
 evaluate issues relating to the
(2015); 214-215; 644-649; 653-663)
spectrum of competition including Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015) (p
the implications of market structures 84) PowerPoint presentation
for business and consumers.
Sample MEDIA – Irish News article ‘US
group takes over haulage firm’, August
20th 2015 (business section)

Class discussion – Discuss the role of the

CMA in the UK and Northern Ireland

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)

Research activity – Revision questions
(p 85)

Research activity- Internet articles/ key

terms – ‘Mergers/ Monopolies/ NI or UK

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Change Students should be able to:

Types of change in a  demonstrate and apply knowledge Class discussion – Reasons for change in Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)
business and understanding of change in a a business (pp 168–175)
Case Study – Mottershead, Grant and Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
Kelt (2015) Tesco plc (p 176) Hirst and Redfern (2015) Knowledge
Importance of change in  analyse the types of change in a Check (p 386-394)
business activity business; Research activity – check Tesco Website: Marcouse, I, et al, (2010) (pp 613-
Managing information as  evaluate the management of Case Study - Hall, Jones, Raffo,
a resource in business information as a resource in Anderton, Lee, Hirst and Redfern (2015) Useful websites:
business; Knowledge Check ; EY (p 394-395)
Class discussion – Discuss the use of
Modelling change in a Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Model as a
business context  evaluate the importance of change in
way of modelling change in a business
business activity (Lewin’s Force context CCEA Factfiles (A2 2)
Field Analysis); Case Study ‘change’
Causes and effects of Case Study – See Factfile A2 2 Modelling
change in business  analyse and evaluate the modelling Change Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015) –
of change in a business context; and Revision Questions 3 & 4 (p 176)
Group work - Pressure group activity
knowledge and understanding questions PowerPoint presentation
Mottershead, Grant and Kelt (2015)

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Specification Content Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources

Change (cont.) Students should be able to:

 analyse the causes and effects of Class discussion – Discuss the reasons for Hall, Jones, Raffo, Anderton, Lee,
change in business, including: resistance to change Hirst and Redfern (2015) (p 393, and
– Pressure groups; 395)
– Business legislation;
– Growth and decline of a market; Case Study – ‘ERNST & YOUNG,
– Diversification; and (p 394)
– Modernisation; and
CCEA Factfile A2 2
 apply knowledge and understanding
Research activity – Discuss the impact of
Resistance to change of, and analyse and evaluate the changes in the Northern Ireland Dairy
reasons for resistance to change in a industry from 2014. What impact did
business context; they have on consumers, producers and
various participants in the supply chain in
 apply knowledge and understanding Northern Ireland?
Strategies to overcome of, and analyse and evaluate the
resistance to change strategies to overcome such
resistance to change including
Kotter and Schlesinger’s model;
Class discussion – Discuss the usefulness Marcouse, I, et al, (2010)
of Kotter and Schlesinger’s model for
managing change Business Review Magazine
PowerPoint resources
CCEA Case Study ‘Change’

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Unit A2 2:


Textbook 1: Wolinski, J; Coates, G, (2015), AQA AS Business Studies, Hodder & Stoughton.
Textbook 2: Surridge, M; Gillespie, A, (2015), AS Business Studies, Hodder & Stoughton.
Textbook 3: Mottershead, A; Grant, A; Kelt, J, (2015), OCR A Level Business, Hodder Education.
Textbook 4: Hall, D; Jones, R; Raffo, C; Anderton, A; Lee, J; Hirst, K; Redfern, A (2015), 5th
Edition, Pearson.
Textbook 5: McAree, D., Top 5 Things To Do At A-Level Business Studies.
Textbook 6: McAree, D., 3 Best Things To Do At A-Level Business Studies.
Textbook 7: McAree, D., 4 Minutes To Pass A-Level Business Studies.
Textbook 8: Marcouse, I, et al, Business Studies (2010).

A range of Factfiles, PowerPoints, case studies and podcast are available on the CCEA website.


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Additional Resources:

Hammond, A and Swift, I, Business Studies for A2 Revision Guide, Hodder Arnold
Hammond, A and Brewer, M, Business Studies for AS Revision Guide, Hodder Arnold
Jewell, B, An Integrated Approach to Business Studies, Longman
Letts Educational, Revise A2 Business Studies, Letts Educational Ltd
Lines, D, Martin, B and Marcouse, I, Complete A-Z Business Studies Handbook, Hodder Arnold
Marcouse, I et al, Business Studies, Hodder Arnold
McAree, D, Top 5 Things To Do At A-Level Business, IN2Print, Belfast
McAree, D, 4 Minutes To Pass A-Level Business Studies, IN2Print, Belfast
McAree, Three Best Things To Do At A-Level Applied Business Studies, IN2Print, Belfast
Rice, A, Accounts Demystified: How to understand financial accounting and analysis, Prentice
Surridge, M and Allan, P, AS/A-level Business Studies Essential World Dictionary
Thomspon, R and Machin, D, AS Business Studies, Collins Educational

Other Publications

Allan, P, Business review magazine,

First Trust Bank, Economic outlook and business review

Bank of England (quarterly), The Inflation Report,

Ulster Business magazine

Newspaper Supplements

Business Insight - Every Tuesday with the Irish News

Business Newsletter - Every Tuesday with the Newsletter
Business Telegraph - Every Monday with the Belfast Telegraph

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Additional Websites:
Business Studies Websites

A Level of Achievement Business Studies Resources

A Level Revision - Oxford School of Learning,
BBC NEWS Business
BBC News Northern Ireland
Business Open Learning Archive,
Business Studies Online,
Business Studies update,
The Economics & Business Education Association, (some useful website listed in the Links
European Foundation for Quality Management, - a level business studies resources for students and teachers,
globalEDGE – business information from around the world,
Invest NI,
Invest NI's 'nibusinessinfo' website,
Just Business – Global and Ethical Issues,
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency,
Office of Communications,
Office of National Statistics,
Q&A resources,
S-Cool! - AS & A2 Level Business Studies Revision Guide,
Sixth Sense Business Studies Resources,
The Times 100 UK Marketing Theory, Business case studies,
Trading Standards Central - Trading Standards and Consumer Protection information,
The Treasury,



Business Planning


Shares and equity

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies


Human Resources


Dismissals, Redundancies Etc

Employee Representatives and Trade Unions

Equal Opportunities


Organisational Change

Recruitment and selection

Skills and training



How to build a pricing strategy

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Sales & marketing: the basics

The lifecycle of products and services

Segment your customers

Market research and market reports

Pricing your proposed service or product

Niche markets

Using market reports and other data

Interpreting market information

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Business Studies

Operations Management


Just-in-time production

Stock control methods

Benchmark your business
Quality management standards

External Influences


Common mistakes when starting up in business

Understand your competitors


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