Flatwise Tensile Strength of Sandwich Constructions: Standard Test Method For

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C297/C297M − 16

Standard Test Method for

Flatwise Tensile Strength of Sandwich Constructions1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C297/C297M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope tive Density) of Plastics by Displacement

1.1 This test method determines the flatwise tensile strength D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
of the core, the core-to-facing bond, or the facing of an D2584 Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced
assembled sandwich panel. Permissible core material forms Resins
include those with continuous bonding surfaces (such as balsa D2734 Test Methods for Void Content of Reinforced Plastics
wood and foams) as well as those with discontinuous bonding D3039/D3039M Test Method for Tensile Properties of Poly-
surfaces (such as honeycomb). mer Matrix Composite Materials
D3171 Test Methods for Constituent Content of Composite
1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units Materials
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in D3878 Terminology for Composite Materials
each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system D5229/D5229M Test Method for Moisture Absorption Prop-
must be used independently of the other. Combining values erties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix
from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the Composite Materials
standard. E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
1.2.1 Within the text the inch-pound units are shown in E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing
brackets. E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Lot or Process
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- ASTM Test Methods
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. E456 Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics
1.4 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- 3. Terminology
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- 3.1 Definitions—Terminology D3878 defines terms relating
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical to high-modulus fibers and their composites, as well as terms
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. relating to sandwich constructions. Terminology D883 defines
terms relating to plastics. Terminology E6 defines terms
2. Referenced Documents relating to mechanical testing. Terminology E456 and Practice
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 E177 define terms relating to statistics. In the event of a
C271/C271M Test Method for Density of Sandwich Core conflict between terms, Terminology D3878 shall have prece-
Materials dence over the other terminologies.
D792 Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Rela- 3.2 Symbols:
3.2.1 A—cross-sectional area of a test specimen
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D30 on 3.2.2 CV—coefficient of variation statistic of a sample
Composite Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D30.09 on population for a given property (in percent)
Sandwich Construction.
Current edition approved April 1, 2016. Published April 2016. Originally 3.2.3 e—edge tolerance between specimen and loading
approved in 1952. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as C297/C297M – 15). blocks
DOI: 10.1520/C0297_C0297M-16.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or 3.2.4 Fzftu—ultimate flatwise tensile strength
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 3.2.5 Pmax—maximum force carried by test specimen before
the ASTM website. failure

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C297/C297M − 16
3.2.6 Sn-1— standard deviation statistic of a sample popula- bending from the test system. Bending may occur as a result of
tion for a given property misaligned grips, poor specimen preparation, or poor align-
3.2.7 xi—test result for an individual specimen from the ment of the loading blocks and loading fixture. If there is any
sample population for a given property doubt as to the alignment inherent in a given test machine, then
the alignment should be checked as discussed in Test Method
3.2.8 x̄—mean or average (estimate of mean) of a sample
population for a given property
6.3 Geometry—Specific geometric factors that affect sand-
4. Summary of Test Method wich flatwise tensile strength include core cell geometry, core
4.1 This test method consists of subjecting a sandwich thickness, specimen shape (square or circular), adhesive
construction to a uniaxial tensile force normal to the plane of thickness, facing thickness, and facing per-ply thickness.
the sandwich. The force is transmitted to the sandwich through 6.4 Environment—Results are affected by the environmental
thick loading blocks, which are bonded to the sandwich facings conditions under which the tests are conducted. Specimens
or directly to the core. tested in various environments can exhibit significant differ-
4.2 The only acceptable failure modes for flatwise tensile ences in both strength behavior and failure mode. Critical
strength are those which are internal to the sandwich construc- environments must be assessed independently for each facing,
tion. Failure of the loading block-to-sandwich bond is not an adhesive and core material tested.
acceptable failure mode.
6.5 Conditioning—As it is inappropriate to bond a moisture-
5. Significance and Use conditioned specimen to the loading blocks, it is necessary to
perform the bonding operation prior to such conditioning. The
5.1 In a sandwich panel, core-to-facing bond integrity is presence of the loading blocks will affect the degree of
necessary to maintain facing stability and permit load transfer moisture intake into the specimen, in comparison to a non-
between the facings and core. This test method can be used to bonded sample.
provide information on the strength and quality of core-to-
facing bonds. It can also be used to produce flatwise tensile 7. Apparatus
strength data for the core material. While it is primarily used as
a quality control test for bonded sandwich panels, it can also be 7.1 Micrometers and Calipers—A micrometer with a 4 to
used to produce flatwise tensile strength data for structural 7 mm [0.16 to 0.28 in.] nominal diameter ball-interface or a flat
design properties, material specifications, and research and anvil interface shall be used to measure the specimen thick-
development applications. ness. A ball interface is recommended for thickness measure-
ments when facings are bonded to the core and at least one
5.2 Factors that influence the flatwise tensile strength and
surface is irregular (e.g., the bag-side of a thin facing laminate
shall therefore be reported include the following: facing
that is neither smooth nor flat). A micrometer or caliper with a
material, core material, adhesive material, methods of material
flat anvil interface is recommended for thickness measure-
fabrication, facing stacking sequence and overall thickness,
ments when facings are bonded to the core and both surfaces
core geometry (cell size, cell wall thickness), core density,
are smooth (e.g., tooled surfaces). A micrometer or caliper with
adhesive thickness, specimen geometry, specimen preparation,
a flat anvil interface shall be used for measuring length and
specimen conditioning, environment of testing, specimen
width, as well as the specimen thickness when no facings are
alignment, loading procedure, speed of testing, facing void
present. The use of alternative measurement devices is permit-
content, adhesive void content, and facing volume percent
ted if specified (or agreed to) by the test requestor and reported
reinforcement. Properties that may be derived from this test
by the testing laboratory. The accuracy of the instruments shall
method include flatwise tensile strength.
be suitable for reading to within 1 % of the sample dimensions.
6. Interferences For typical specimen geometries, an instrument with an accu-
racy of 60.025 mm [60.001 in.] is adequate for the length,
6.1 Material and Specimen Preparation—Poor material fab- width, and thickness measurements.
rication practices, lack of control of fiber alignment, and
damage induced by improper specimen machining are known 7.2 Loading Fixtures—The loading fixtures shall be self-
causes of high data scatter in composites in general. Specific aligning and shall not apply eccentric loads. A satisfactory type
material factors that affect sandwich composites include vari- of apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. A dual-pin connection or
ability in core density and degree of cure of resin in both facing universal joint shall be attached to each loading block to
matrix material and core bonding adhesive. Important aspects minimize any moments imparted to the test specimen. The
of sandwich panel specimen preparation that contribute to data loading blocks shall be sufficiently stiff to keep the bonded core
scatter are incomplete or nonuniform core bonding to facings, or facings essentially flat under load. Loading blocks 40 to
misalignment of core and facing elements, the existence of 50 mm [1.5 to 2.0 in.] thick have been found to perform
joints, voids or other core and facing discontinuities, out-of- satisfactorily. Recommended dimensions and tolerances for the
plane curvature, facing thickness variation, and surface rough- loading blocks are provided in Fig. 2.
ness. 7.3 Testing Machine—The testing machine shall be in ac-
6.2 System Alignment—Excessive bending will cause pre- cordance with Practices E4 and shall satisfy the following
mature failure. Every effort should be made to eliminate excess requirements:

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C297/C297M − 16
testing laboratory conditions. This chamber shall be capable of
maintaining the gage section of the test specimen at the
required test environment during the mechanical test.

8. Sampling and Test Specimens

8.1 Sampling—Test at least five specimens per test condi-
tion unless valid results can be gained through the use of fewer
specimens, as in the case of a designed experiment. For
statistically significant data, consult the procedures outlined in
Practice E122. Report the method of sampling.
8.2 Geometry—Test specimens shall have a square or cir-
cular cross section, and shall be equal in thickness to the
sandwich panel thickness. Recommended dimensions and
tolerances for the core specimens are provided in Fig. 3.
Minimum specimen facing areas for various types of core
materials are as follows:
8.2.1 Continuous Bonding Surfaces (for example, balsa
wood, foams)—The minimum facing area of the specimen shall
be 625 mm2 [1.0 in.2], and the minimum width or diameter of
the loading blocks shall be 25 mm [1.0 in.]. Recommended
tolerances for the core specimens are provided in Fig. 3.
8.2.2 Discontinuous Cellular Bonding Surfaces (for
example, honeycomb)—The required facing area of the speci-
men is dependent upon the cell size, to ensure a minimum
number of cells are tested. Minimum facing areas and speci-
men dimensions are recommended in Table 1 for the more
common cell sizes. These are intended to provide approxi-
mately 60 cells minimum in the test specimen. The largest
facing area listed in the table (5625 mm2 [9.0 in.2]) is a
practical maximum for this test method. Cores with cell sizes
larger than 9 mm [0.375 in.] may require a smaller number of
FIG. 1 Flatwise Tension Test Setup
cells to be tested in the specimen.
8.3 Specimen Preparation and Machining—Specimen
7.3.1 Testing Machine Configuration—The testing machine preparation is extremely important for this test method. Take
shall have both an essentially stationary head and a movable precautions when cutting specimens from large panels to avoid
head. notches, undercuts, rough or uneven surfaces, or delaminations
7.3.2 Drive Mechanism—The testing machine drive mecha- due to inappropriate machining methods. Obtain final dimen-
nism shall be capable of imparting to the movable head a sions by water-lubricated precision sawing, milling, or grind-
controlled velocity with respect to the stationary head. The ing. The use of diamond tooling has been found to be
velocity of the movable head shall be capable of being extremely effective for many material systems. Edges should
regulated in accordance with 11.6. be flat and parallel within the specified tolerances. Record and
7.3.3 Force Indicator—The testing machine force-sensing report the specimen cutting preparation method.
device shall be capable of indicating the total force being 8.4 Labeling—Label the test specimens so that they will be
carried by the test specimen. This device shall be essentially distinct from each other and traceable back to the panel of
free from inertia lag at the specified rate of testing and shall origin, and will neither influence the test nor be affected by it.
indicate the force with an accuracy over the force range(s) of
interest of within 61 % of the indicated value. 8.5 Loading Fixture Bonding—The loading blocks shall be
bonded to the core or facings of the test specimen using a
7.4 Conditioning Chamber—When conditioning materials suitable adhesive. To minimize thermal exposure effects upon
at non-laboratory environments, a temperature/vapor-level the existing core-to-facing bonds, it is recommended that the
controlled environmental conditioning chamber is required that assembly bonding temperature be at room temperature, or at
shall be capable of maintaining the required temperature to least 28 °C [50 °F] lower than that at which the sandwich was
within 63 °C [65 °F] and the required relative humidity level originally bonded. Similarly, the assembly bonding pressure
to within 63 %. Chamber conditions shall be monitored either shall not be greater than the original facing-to-core bonding
on an automated continuous basis or on a manual basis at pressure. It is recommended to bond the specimens to the
regular intervals. loading blocks using a suitable bonding fixture (e.g. one with
7.5 Environmental Test Chamber—An environmental test a deep 90° v-shaped notch and a corner undercut) that provides
chamber is required for test environments other than ambient support and alignment to the assembly during the entire

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C297/C297M − 16

FIG. 2 Loading Block Dimensions and Tolerances

FIG. 3 Core Specimen Dimensions and Tolerances

TABLE 1 Recommended Minimum Specimen Facing Area and

Loading Block Dimensions
Minimum Loading
Minimum Cell Size Maximum Cell Size Minimum Facing Area
Block Dimension
(mm [in.]) (mm [in.]) (mm2 [in.2])
W (mm [in.])
- 3.0 [0.125] 25 [1.0] 625 [1.0]
3.0 [0.125] 6.0 [0.250] 50 [2.0] 2500 [4.0]
6.0 [0.250] 9.0 [0.375] 75 [3.0] 5625 [9.0]

bonding process. Take care to ensure that the specimen and edges, as well as those between loading block edges, shall meet
blocks do not move during the bonding process. Permissible the requirements of Fig. 4 along each side of the specimen.
tolerances for the bonded assembly are provided in Fig. 4. Loading block edge parallelism requirements in Fig. 4 may be
Edge tolerances (e) between the specimen and loading block

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C297/C297M − 16

FIG. 4 Bonded Assembly Dimensions and Tolerances

satisfied through the use of a bonding fixture which meets the 10.3 If no explicit conditioning process is performed, the
parallelism requirements throughout the supporting surfaces. specimen conditioning process shall be reported as “uncondi-
tioned” and the moisture content as “unknown.”
9. Calibration
9.1 The accuracy of all measuring equipment shall have 11. Procedure
certified calibrations that are current at the time of use of the 11.1 Parameters to Be Specified Before Test:
equipment. 11.1.1 The specimen sampling method, specimen geometry,
and conditioning travelers (if required).
10. Conditioning 11.1.2 The properties and data reporting format desired.
10.1 The recommended pre-test condition is effective mois-
NOTE 2—Determine specific material property, accuracy, and data
ture equilibrium at a specific relative humidity as established reporting requirements prior to test for proper selection of instrumentation
by Test Method D5229/D5229M; however, if the test requestor and data recording equipment. Estimate the specimen strength to aid in
does not explicitly specify a pre-test conditioning environment, transducer selection, calibration of equipment, and determination of
no conditioning is required and the test specimens may be equipment settings.
tested as prepared. 11.1.3 The environmental conditioning test parameters.
10.2 The pre-test specimen conditioning process, to include 11.1.4 If performed, sampling method, specimen geometry,
specified environmental exposure levels and resulting moisture and test parameters used to determine facing density and
content, shall be reported with the test data. reinforcement volume.
NOTE 1—The term “moisture,” as used in Test Method D5229/ 11.2 General Instructions:
D5229M, includes not only the vapor of a liquid and its condensate, but 11.2.1 Report any deviations from this test method, whether
the liquid itself in large quantities, as for immersion. intentional or inadvertent.

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C297/C297M − 16
11.2.2 If specific gravity, density, facing reinforcement 11.8 Specimen Installation—Install the specimen/loading
volume, or facing void volume are to be reported, then obtain block assembly into the test machine test fixture.
these samples from the same panels being tested. Specific 11.9 Loading—Apply a tensile force to the specimen at the
gravity and facing density may be evaluated in accordance with specified rate while recording data. Load the specimen until
Test Methods D792. Core density may be evaluated in accor- rupture.
dance with Test Method C271/C271M using core samples
obtained prior to preparation of flatwise tension specimens. 11.10 Data Recording—Record force versus head displace-
Volume percent of composite facing constituents may be ment continuously, or at frequent regular intervals; for this test
evaluated by one of the matrix digestion procedures of Test method, a sampling rate of 2 to 3 data recordings per second,
Method D3171, or, for certain reinforcement materials such as and a target minimum of 100 data points per test, are
glass and ceramics, by the matrix burn-off technique in recommended. Record the maximum force, the failure force,
accordance with Test Method D2584. The void content equa- and the head displacement at, or as near as possible to, the
tions of Test Method D2734 are applicable to both Test Method moment of rupture.
D2584 and the matrix digestion procedures. 11.11 Failure Modes—Adhesive failures that occur at the
11.2.3 Following final specimen machining, but before bond to the loading blocks are not acceptable failure modes and
conditioning and testing, measure the specimen length and the data shall be noted as invalid. The following failure modes
width or diameter. The accuracy of these measurements shall as shown in Fig. 5 are considered to be acceptable:
be within 0.5 % of the dimension. Measure the specimen 11.11.1 Core Failure—Tensile failure of the sandwich core.
thickness; the accuracy of this measurement shall be within Pieces of the core may remain in the adhesive that bonds the
60.025 mm [60.001 in.]. Record the dimensions to three core to the block or facing.
significant figures in units of millimetres [inches]. 11.11.2 Cohesive Failure of Core-Facing Adhesive—Failure
11.3 Bond the specimen to the loading blocks, in accor- in the adhesive layer used to bond the facing to the core, with
dance with the requirements of 8.5. adhesive generally remaining on both the facing and core
11.4 Condition the bonded specimens as required. Store the 11.11.3 Adhesive Failure of Core-Facing Adhesive—Failure
specimens in the conditioned environment until test time, if the in the adhesive layer used to bond the facing to the core, with
test environment is different than the conditioning environ- adhesive generally remaining on either the facing or the core
ment. surface, but not both.
11.5 Following final specimen conditioning, but before 11.11.4 Facing Tensile Failure—Tensile failure of the
testing, re-measure the specimen length and width or diameter facing, usually by delamination of the composite plies in the
as in 11.2.3. case of a fiber-reinforced composite facing.
11.6 Speed of Testing—Set the speed of testing so as to 12. Validation
produce failure within 3 to 6 min. If the ultimate strength of the 12.1 Values for ultimate properties shall not be calculated
material cannot be reasonably estimated, initial trials should be for any specimen that breaks at some obvious flaw, unless such
conducted using standard speeds until the ultimate strength of flaw constitutes a variable being studied. Retests shall be
the material and the compliance of the system are known, and performed for any specimen on which values are not calcu-
speed of testing can be adjusted. The suggested standard head lated.
displacement rate is 0.50 mm/min [0.020 in./min].
12.2 A significant fraction of failures in a sample population
11.7 Test Environment—If possible, test the specimen under occurring at the bond(s) to the loading blocks shall be cause to
the same fluid exposure level used for conditioning. However, reexamine the means of force introduction into the material.
cases such as elevated temperature testing of a moist specimen Factors considered should include the fixture alignment, adhe-
place unrealistic requirements on the capabilities of common sive material, specimen surface characteristics, and uneven
testing machine environmental chambers. In such cases, the machining of specimen ends.
mechanical test environment may need to be modified, for
example, by testing at elevated temperature with no fluid 13. Calculation
exposure control, but with a specified limit on time to failure 13.1 Ultimate Strength—Calculate the ultimate flatwise ten-
from withdrawal from the conditioning chamber. Record any sile strength using Eq 1 and report the results to three
modifications to the test environment. significant figures.
NOTE 3—When testing a conditioned specimen at elevated temperature P max
with no fluid exposure control, the percentage moisture loss of the F ftu
z 5 (1)
specimen prior to test completion may be estimated by placing a
conditioned traveler coupon of known weight within the test chamber at where:
the same time the specimen is placed in the chamber. The traveler coupon
should be configured to mimic the presence of the loading blocks, such
Fzftu = ultimate flatwise tensile strength, MPa [psi],
that moisture evaporation is comparable to that of the test specimen. Upon Pmax = ultimate force prior to failure, N [lbf], and
completion of the test, the traveler coupon is removed from the chamber, A = cross-sectional area, mm2 [in.2].
weighed, and the percentage change in weight calculated and reported.

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C297/C297M − 16

FIG. 5 Acceptable Failure Modes

13.2 Statistics—For each series of test samples calculate the 14.1.4 Identification of all the materials constituent to the
average value, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation sandwich panel specimen tested, including for each: material
(in percent) for ultimate flatwise tensile strength: specification, material type, manufacturer’s material

x̄ 5 S( D

x i ⁄n (2)
designation, manufacturer’s batch or lot number, source (if not
from manufacturer), date of certification, expiration of
certification, facing filament diameter, tow or yarn filament
S n21 5 ŒS ( n

x i2 2 n x̄ 2 / ~ n 2 1 ! (3)
count and twist, sizing, form or weave, fiber areal weight,
matrix type, facing matrix content and volatiles content, ply
CV 5 100 S D
S n21

orientation and stacking sequence of the facings.
14.1.5 Description of the fabrication steps used to prepare
where: the sandwich panel, including: fabrication start date, fabrica-
tion end date, process specification, cure cycle, consolidation
x̄ = sample mean (average),
Sn-1 = sample standard deviation, method, and a description of the equipment used.
CV = sample coefficient of variation, %, 14.1.6 Ply orientation and stacking sequence of the facing
n = number of specimens, and laminate.
xI = measured or derived property. 14.1.7 If requested, report facing density, core density,
volume percent reinforcement, and void content test methods,
14. Report specimen sampling method and geometries, test parameters
14.1 Report the following information, or references point- and test results.
ing to other documentation containing this information, to the 14.1.8 Results of any nondestructive evaluation tests.
maximum extent applicable (reporting of items beyond the
14.1.9 Method of preparing the test specimen, including
control of a given testing laboratory, such as might occur with
specimen labeling scheme and method, specimen geometry,
material details or panel fabrication parameters, shall be the
sampling method, and specimen cutting method.
responsibility of the requestor):
14.1.1 The revision level or date of issue of this test method. 14.1.10 Calibration dates and methods for all measurements
14.1.2 The name(s) of the test operator(s). and test equipment.
14.1.3 Any variations to this test method, anomalies noticed 14.1.11 Details of loading blocks and apparatus, including
during testing, or equipment problems occurring during testing. dimensions and material used.

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C297/C297M − 16
14.1.12 Type of test machine, alignment results, and data 14.1.22 Force versus crosshead displacement data for each
acquisition sampling rate and equipment type. specimen so evaluated.
14.1.13 Measured length and width (or diameter) and thick- 14.1.23 Failure mode, location of failure, percentage of
ness for each specimen (prior to and after conditioning, if failure area of core, adhesive (cohesive or adhesive failure), or
appropriate). facing for each specimen.
14.1.14 Weight of specimen.
14.1.15 Method of bonding specimens to blocks; adhesive, 15. Precision and Bias
cure cycle, and pressure.
14.1.16 Conditioning parameters and results. 15.1 Precision—The data required for the development of a
14.1.17 Relative humidity and temperature of the testing precision statement is not available for this method.
14.1.18 Environment of the test machine environmental 15.2 Bias—Bias cannot be determined for this method as no
chamber (if used) and soak time at environment. acceptable reference standards exist.
14.1.19 Number of specimens tested.
14.1.20 Speed of testing. 16. Keywords
14.1.21 Individual ultimate flatwise tensile strengths and 16.1 core; facing; flatwise tension; sandwich; sandwich
average value, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation construction; tensile strength
(in percent) for the population.

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