Notes On Labor Relations
Notes On Labor Relations
Notes On Labor Relations
3, Article XIII
Labor Relations
Atty. Nolasco SECTION 3. The State shall afford
full protection to labor, local and
overseas, organized and unorganized,
1.1 Constitutional Basis; State Policies
and promote full employment and
A. Constitution equality of employment opportunities
for all.
• Sec. 18, Article II, Constitution
It shall guarantee the rights of all
SECTION 18. The State affirms labor workers to self-organization,
as a primary social economic force. It collective bargaining and
shall protect the rights of workers and negotiations, and peaceful concerted
promote their welfare. activities, including the right to strike
in accordance with law. They shall be
• Sec. 4, 8 ,11, and 16, Article III entitled to security of tenure, humane
conditions of work, and a living wage.
SECTION 4. No law shall be passed
They shall also participate in policy
abridging the freedom of speech, of
and decision-making processes
expression, or of the press, or the right
affecting their rights and benefits as
of the people peaceably to assemble
may be provided by law.
and petition the government for
redress of grievances. The State shall promote the principle
of shared responsibility between
SECTION 8. The right of the people,
workers and employers and the
including those employed in the
preferential use of voluntary modes in
public and private sectors, to form
settling disputes, including
unions, associations, or societies for
conciliation, and shall enforce their
purposes not contrary to law shall not
mutual compliance therewith to foster
be abridged.
industrial peace.
SECTION 11. Free access to the
The State shall regulate the relations
courts and quasi-judicial bodies and
between workers and employers,
adequate legal assistance shall not be
recognizing the right of labor to its
denied to any person by reason of
just share in the fruits of production
and the right of enterprises to
SECTION 16. All persons shall have reasonable returns on investments,
the right to a speedy disposition of and to expansion and growth.
their cases before all judicial, quasi-
judicial, or administrative bodies.
B. Labor Code court or administrative agency or official shall
have the power to set or fix wages, rates of pay,
• Art. 218 – Declaration of Policy hours of work or other terms and conditions of
employment, except as otherwise provided under
A. It is the policy of the State:
this Code. (As amended by Section 3, Republic
a. To promote and emphasize the primacy Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
of free collective bargaining and
1.2 Definitions
negotiations, including voluntary
arbitration, mediation and conciliation, as • Art. 219, LC
modes of settling labor or industrial
disputes; a. "Commission" means the National Labor
Relations Commission or any of its divisions,
b. To promote free trade unionism as an as the case may be, as provided under this
instrument for the enhancement of Code.
democracy and the promotion of social
justice and development; b. "Bureau" means the Bureau of Labor
Relations and/or the Labor Relations
c. To foster the free and voluntary Divisions in the regional offices established
organization of a strong and united labor under Presidential Decree No. 1, in the
movement; Department of Labor.
work has ceased as a result of or in m. "Managerial employee" is one who is
connection with any current labor dispute or vested with the powers or prerogatives to lay
because of any unfair labor practice if he has down and execute management policies
not obtained any other substantially and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off,
equivalent and regular employment. recall, discharge, assign or discipline
employees. Supervisory employees are those
g. "Labor organization" means any union who, in the interest of the employer,
or association of employees which exists in effectively recommend such managerial
whole or in part for the purpose of collective actions if the exercise of such authority is not
bargaining or of dealing with employers merely routinary or clerical in nature but
concerning terms and conditions of requires the use of independent judgment. All
employment. employees not falling within any of the above
definitions are considered rank-and-file
h. "Legitimate labor organization" means
employees for purposes of this Book.
any labor organization duly registered with
the Department of Labor and Employment, n. "Voluntary Arbitrator" means any
and includes any branch or local thereof. person accredited by the Board as such or any
person named or designated in the Collective
i. "Company union" means any labor
Bargaining Agreement by the parties to act as
organization whose formation, function or
their Voluntary Arbitrator, or one chosen
administration has been assisted by any act
with or without the assistance of the National
defined as unfair labor practice by this Code.
Conciliation and Mediation Board, pursuant
j. "Bargaining representative" means a to a selection procedure agreed upon in the
legitimate labor organization whether or not Collective Bargaining Agreement, or any
employed by the employer. official that may be authorized by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment to act as
k. "Unfair labor practice" means any unfair Voluntary Arbitrator upon the written request
labor practice as expressly defined by the and agreement of the parties to a labor
Code. dispute.
l. "Labor dispute" includes any controversy o. "Strike" means any temporary stoppage
or matter concerning terms and conditions of of work by the concerted action of employees
employment or the association or as a result of an industrial or labor dispute.
representation of persons in negotiating,
fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging p. "Lockout" means any temporary refusal
the terms and conditions of employment, of an employer to furnish work as a result of
regardless of whether the disputants stand in an industrial or labor dispute.
the proximate relation of employer and
q. "Internal union dispute" includes all
disputes or grievances arising from any
violation of or disagreement over any (d) "Code" means the Labor Code of the
provision of the constitution and by-laws of a Philippines, as amended.
union, including any violation of the rights
and conditions of union membership (e) "Employer" includes any person
provided for in this Code. acting in the interest of an employer,
directly or indirectly. The term shall not
r. "Strike-breaker" means any person who include any labor organization or any of
obstructs, impedes, or interferes with by its officers or agents except when acting
force, violence, coercion, threats, or as employer.
intimidation any peaceful picketing affecting
wages, hours or conditions of work or in the (f) "Employee" includes any person in
exercise of the right of self-organization or the employ of a particular employer. The
collective bargaining. term shall not be limited to the employees
of a particular employer, unless the Code
s. "Strike area" means the establishment, so explicitly states. It shall include any
warehouses, depots, plants or offices, individual whose work has ceased as a
including the sites or premises used as result of or in connection with any current
runaway shops, of the employer struck labor dispute or because of any unfair
against, as well as the immediate vicinity labor practice if he has not obtained any
actually used by picketing strikers in moving other substantially equivalent and regular
to and fro before all points of entrance to and employment.
exit from said establishment. (As amended by
Section 4, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, (g) "Labor Organization" means any
1989) union or association of employees which
exists in whole or in part for the purpose
• Section 1, Rule 1, Book V, Omnibus Rules of collective bargaining or of dealing with
Implementing the Labor Code employers concerning terms and
conditions of employment.
SECTION 1. Definition of terms. —
(h) "Local Union" means any labor
(a) "Commission" means the National organization operating at the enterprise
Labor Relations Commission. level.
(b) "Bureau" means the Bureau of Labor (i) "National Union/Federation" means
Relations and/or the Industrial Relations any labor organization with at least ten
Division in the Regional Offices of the (10) locals or chapters each of which
Department of Labor and Employment. must be a duly recognized collective
bargaining agent.
(c) "Board" means the National
Conciliation and Mediation Board. (j) "Legitimate Labor Organization"
means any labor organization duly
registered with the Department of Labor clerical in nature but require the use of
and Employment and includes any independent judgment. All employees not
branch, local or affiliate thereof. falling within any of the above definitions
are considered rank-and-file employees
(k) "Company Union" means any labor for purposes of this Book.
organization whose formation, function
or administration has been assisted by any (p) "Voluntary Arbitrator" means any
act defined as unfair labor practice by the person accredited by the Board as such,
Code. or any person named or designated in the
collective bargaining agreement, by the
(l) "Bargaining Representative" means parties to act as their voluntary arbitrator,
a legitimate labor organization or any or one chosen, with or without the
duly authorized officer or agent of such assistance of the National Conciliation
organization whether or not employed by and Mediation Board, pursuant to a
the employer. selection procedure agreed upon in the
collective bargaining agreement, or any
(m) "Unfair Labor Practice" means
official that may be authorized by the
any unfair labor practice as expressly
Secretary of Labor and Employment to
defined in the Code.
act as voluntary arbitrator upon the
(n) "Labor or Industrial Dispute" written request and agreement of the
includes any controversy or matter parties to a labor dispute.
concerning terms or conditions of
(q) "Strike" means any temporary
employment or the association or
stoppage of work by the concerted action
representation of persons in negotiating
of employees as a result of a labor or
the fixing, maintaining, changing or
industrial dispute.
arranging of terms and conditions of
employment regardless of whether or not (r) "Strike-Breaker" means any person
the disputants stand in the proximate who obstructs, impedes, or interferes with
relationship of employers and employees. by force, violence, coercion, threats or
intimidation any peaceful picketing by
(o) "Managerial Employee" is one who
employees during any labor controversy
is vested with powers or prerogatives to
affecting wages, hours or conditions of
lay down and execute management
work or in the exercise of the right of self-
policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend,
organization or collective bargaining.
layoff, recall, discharge, assign or
discipline employees. Supervisory (s) "Strike Area" means the
employees are those who, in the interest establishment, warehouse, depots, plants
of the employer, effectively recommend or offices, including the sites or premises
such managerial actions if the exercise of used as run-away shops, of the employer
such authority is not merely routinary or
struck against, as well as the immediate agent of the employees in an appropriate
vicinity actually used by picketing bargaining unit, for purposes of collective
strikers in moving to and fro before all bargaining.
points of entrance to and exits from said
establishment. (y) "Consent Election" means the
election voluntarily agreed upon by the
(t) "Lockout" means the temporary parties to determine the issue of majority
refusal of an employer to furnish work as representation of all the workers in the
a result of a labor or industry dispute. appropriate collective bargaining unit.
including mandatory provisions for
grievances and arbitration machineries.
(ee) "Hearing Officers" are officers
appointed/designated in the Regional (kk) "Med-Arbiter" is an official in the
Office and authorized to hear and decide Regional Office authorized to hear,
cases under Section 2 of Republic Act conciliate, mediate and decide
No. 6715 and whose decision is representation cases, internal union and
appealable to the Commission. inter-union disputes.
DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE To finally settle both the AA and GFPA issues,
PHILIPPINES, PETITIONER, V. it will be better to pay the AA, to be offset from
COMMISSION ON AUDIT, RESPONDENT. the amount already paid as GFPA with the
GR 210838, July 03, 2018 following suggested conditions:
Audit Observation Memorandum (AOM) No. DBP assailed the ND by arguing that payment of
001 found the grant of the GFPA without legal the GFPA was made pursuant to the power of its
basis and recommended its refund. Board of Directors (BOD) to enter into a
compromise agreement for settlement of
the Executive Committee (Execom) of the DBP employees' claims; that industrial peace is a valid
adopted Resolution No. 0151 which granted the consideration for a compromise agreement; and
payment of Amelioration Allowance (AA) to bank that the GFPA was superseded and rendered
employees. The amount due as AA for individual inexistent by the grant of the AA to DBP's
employees was offset against the GFPA already employees.
received by them, in the following manner:
COA upheld the disallowance. agreement to settle a labor dispute, allegedly
an ultra vires act of DBP's BOD.
The FAIO ruled that the power of DBP's Board
to fix the remuneration and emoluments of its RULING:
officials and employees is not absolute and is
subject to Sections 5 and 6 of Presidential There is no quibbling over the fact that labor
Decree (PD) No. 1597 and Section 3 of unrest impelled the DBP, in the interest of
Memorandum Order (MO) No. 20 of the industrial peace, to grant the GFPA to its
Office of the President requiring prior employees.
presidential approval. It held that the power of
while Sec. 13 of DBP's charter as amended on
DBP's BOD to enter into a compromise
February 14, 1998, exempts it from existing
agreement has no basis in law. Furthermore, the
laws on compensation and position
subsequent payment of the AA was a separate
classification, it concludes by expressly stating
matter that does not render the disallowance of
that DBP's system of compensation shall
the GFPA moot and academic.
nonetheless conform to the principles under
On petition for certiorari, DBP insists: the SSL.
o that under its charter, the BOD was From this, there is no basis to conclude that the
authorized to settle its employees' claims, DBP's BOD was conferred unbridled authority to
which it did, by way of the grant of fix the salaries and allowances of its officers and
GFPA. employees. The authority granted DBP to freely
fix its compensation structure under which it may
o It reiterated its exemption the Salary grant allowances and monetary awards remains
Standardization Law (SSL). circumscribed by the SSL; it may not entirely
depart from the spirit of the guidelines therein.
o DBP also maintains that the GFPA
recipients and DBP Directors who What made the GFPA granted by the DBP to its
approved the disbursement all acted in officers and employees in 2003 unique was that
good faith; consequently, should the it was the product of a compromise arrived at
disallowance be upheld, they may not be after negotiations between DBP employees and
held liable for the return of the disallowed management referred to as a governance forum.
amount. The COA considered the process undertaken as
labor negotiations.’
It appears that DBP misconstrued its authority to
whether or not the COA acted without or in compromise.
excess of its jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of The COA's insistence that industrial peace is not
jurisdiction, when it disallowed the GFPA on the a determining factor under the principles of the
basis that it was in the nature of a compromise
SSL in fixing the compensation of DBP's DOCTRINE: The right to form a union or
employees, is correct. association or to selforganization comprehends
two (2) broad notions, to wit: (a) the liberty or
Subject to the minimum requirements of wage freedom, i.e., the absence of restraint which
laws and other labor and welfare legislation, the guarantees that the employee may act for himself
terms and conditions of employment in the without being prevented by law, and (b) the
unionized private sector are settled through the power, by virtue of which an employee may, as
process of collective bargaining. In government he pleases, join or refrain from joining an
employment, however, it is the legislature and, association.
where properly given delegated power, the
administrative heads of government which fix the FACTS:
terms and conditions of employment. And this is
effected through statutes or administrative Petitioner KNITJOY had a collective
circulars, rules, and regulations, not through bargaining agreement (CBA) with the
collective bargaining agreements Federation of Filipino Workers (FFW). The
bargaining unit covered only the regular rank-
the grant of GFPA was indeed an ultra vires act and-file employees of KNITJOY paid on a daily
or beyond the authority of DBP's BOD. or piece-rate basis. It did not include regular
rank-and-file office and production employees
There was no grave abuse of discretion on the paid on a monthly basis
part of COA when it disallowed the GFPA on
the basis of a compromise agreement to settle a Prior to the expiration of the CBA the Trade
labor dispute. We thus, sustain the disallowance. Union of the Philippines and Allied Services
(TUPAS) filed a petition for the holding of a
It is settled that Government officials and certification election among KNITJOY's regular
employees who received benefits or rank-and-file employees paid on a daily and
allowances, which were disallowed, may keep piece-rate basis.
the amounts received if there is no finding of bad
faith and the disbursement was made in good Excluded were the regular rank-and-file
faith. On the other hand, officers who employees paid on a monthly basis.
participated in the approval of the disallowed
allowances or benefits are required to refund only In the certification election conducted and CFW
the amounts received when they are found to be (Confederation of Filipino Workers) emerged as
in bad faith or grossly negligent amounting to bad the winner; thereafter, negotiations for a new
faith. CBA between CFW and KNITJOY
FERRER-CALLEJA G.R. No. 81883, During the pendency of the said negotiations,
September 23, 1992 Davide, Jr. private respondent KMEU (Knitjoy Monthly
Employees Union), a separate union representing
monthly paid empolyees, filed a petition for
BLR Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja, reversed the The suggested bias of the Labor Code in
order of MedArbiter de la Cruz, allowing the favor of the one company-one union
certification election. policy, anchored on the greater mutual
benefits which the parties could derive, is
Arguments of Knitjoy the employer: not without exceptions.
the monthly-paid employees have the The one company-one union policy must
same working incentives as their yield to the right of the employees to form
counterparts, the daily-paid workers; unions or associations for purposes not
contrary to law, to self-organization and
that the existing collective bargaining
to enter into collective bargaining
agent (CFW) is willing to include the
negotiations, among others, which the
monthly-paid employees; and
Constitution guarantees.
that out of the 212 monthly-paid
LAW: Article 245 of the Labor Code expressly
employees, 116 qualify as managerial
allows supervisory employees who are not
employees while the rest who are holding
performing managerial functions to join, assist or
confidential or technical positions should
form their separate union but bars them from
likewise be excluded.
membership in a labor organization of the rank-
the CBA also rendered the case moot and and-file employees. This allows more than one
academic since the monthly paid union in a company
employees are now included in the
This provision obviously allows more than one
provisions of the said CBA.
union to exist in a company.
The right to form a union or association or to self-
WON KMEU can constitute as an appropriate organization comprehends two (2) broad notions,
bargaining unit separate and distinct from the to wit: (a) the liberty or freedom, i.e., the absence
existing unit composed of daily or piece-rate paid of restraint which guarantees that the employee
employees- YES may act for himself without being prevented by
law, and (b) the power, by virtue of which an
Inasmuch as what both the Constitution and the KMEU is limited only to rank and file EEs paid
Industrial Peace Act have recognized, and on a monthly basis. It does not seek to dislodge
guaranteed to the employee, is the ‘right’ to join CFW as the exclusive bargaining rep of
associations of his choice, it would be absurd to KNITJOY. •
say that the law also imposes, in the same breath,
upon the employee the duty to join associations. In the elections that happened, KMEU was
The law does not enjoin an employee to sign expressly excluded. Hence, the negotiations
up with any association. between CFW and KNITJOY refer ONLY to
rank and file EEs paid on a daily or piece-rate
CONCLUSION: KMEU may legitimately basis. •
represent the monthly paid employees as a
separate Union since the employee’s right to self- Clearly, insofar as the monthly paid EES are
organization shall be protected and that the labor concerned (KMEU), KNITJOY AND CFW
law provisions allows multiple unions in a recognize that KMEU’s constitution of a separate
company. union as sole bargaining rep CAN NEITHER BE
(2) ANSWER: No, the new CBA cannot infringing on these employees’ rights to form a
validly include KMEU and does not bar the union and to enter into collective bargaining
holding of a certification election to determine negotiations. •
their sole bargaining agent, and the negotiation
for and the execution of a subsequent CBA KMEU had the unquestioned and undisputed
right to seek certification as the exclusive
LAW: Section 4, Rule V, Book V of the Rules bargaining representative for the monthly paid
Implementing the Labor Code. Effects of early rank-and-file employees; both KNITJOY and
agreements.— CFW cannot block the same. •
The representation case shall not, however, be It has not been shown that KMEU was privy to
adversely affected by a collective bargaining this agreement. And even if it were so, it can
What the law simply requires is that the For the same reason, it would be misleading for
members of the workers' association, at the very the members of Samahan to use "Hanjin
least, share the same interest. Shipyard" in its name as it could give the wrong
impression that all of its members are employed
The very definition of a workers' association
by Hanjin.
speaks of "mutual aid and protection."
Further, Section 9, Rule IV of D.O. No. 40-03,
2. YES. As there is no provision under our labor
Series of 2003 explicitly states:
laws which speak of the use of name by a
workers' association, the Court refers to the The change of name of a labor
Corporation Code, which governs the names organization shall not affect its legal
of juridical persons. Sec 18 of the Corporation personality. All the rights and obligations
Code provides that of a labor organization under its old name
shall continue to be exercised by the labor
“No corporate name may be allowed by
organization under its new name.
the Securities and Exchange Commission
if the proposed name is identical or Thus, in the directive of the BLR removing the
deceptively or confusingly similar to that words "Hanjin Shipyard," no abridgement of
of any existing corporation or to any other Samahan's right to self-organization was
name already protected by law or is committed. WHEREFORE, the petition is
patently deceptive, confusing or contrary PARTIALLY GRANTED
to existing laws. When a change in the
corporate name is approved, the ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT
Commission shall issue an amended (AIM) vs. AIM FACULTY ASSOCIATION
certificate of incorporation under the
amended name.” DOCTRINE: Managerial employees are not
allowed to join labor organizations.
AFA’s appealed the same to the BLR, which The Labor code, specifically Art. 255, provides
reversed the cancellation. The BLR ruled that the that “managerial employees are not eligible to
grounds relied upon by AIM are not among the join, assist, or form any labor organization.”
grounds authorized in the LC and that AFA is not
CONCLUSION: As it has not yet been
composed of managerial employees.
determined that AFA’s members are managerial,
AIM appealed the decision of the SOLE which the instant petition cannot be resolved. Until said
had granted the Petition for Certification issue is resolved with finality, AIM’s Petition for
Election. Cancellation of AFA’s certificate of registration
cannot be resolved. This is because said petition
The determination of factual issues is vested in Despite these, the Med-Arbiter ruled that
the Mediator-Arbiter and the Department of the subject employees should not be
Labor and Employment. Pursuant to the doctrine automatically classified as confidential
of primary jurisdiction, the Court should refrain employees although they encounter or
from resolving such controversies unless the case handle trade secrets and financial
falls under recognized and well-established information. The SOLE, which the CA
exceptions. The doctrine of primary jurisdiction affirmed, likewise held that the
does not warrant a court to arrogate unto itself the questioned voters do not have access to
authority to resolve a controversy the jurisdiction confidential labor relations information.
over which is initially lodged with an
Lastly, As proven by the certification of the IMU
administrative body of special competence.
President as well as the CBAs executed between
APPLICATION: IMU and CCBPI, the 22 employees sought to be
represented by IPTEU are not IMU members and
are not included in the CBAs due to
MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY, petitioner MERALCO moved for the dismissal of the
vs. THE HON. SECRETARY OF LABOR petition on the grounds that the employees
AND EMPLOYMENT, STAFF AND sought to be represented by petitioner are either
TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES managerial who are prohibited by law from
ASSOCIATION OF MERALCO, and FIRST forming or joining supervisory union, security
LINE ASSOCIATION OF MERALCO services personnel who are prohibited from
SUPERVISORY EMPLOYEES, respondents. joining or assisting the rank-and-file union,
secretaries who do not consent to the petitioner’s
FACTS: representation and whom petitioner cannot
represent, and rank-and-file employees
On November 22, 1988, the Staff and Technical
represented by the certified or duly recognized
Employees Association of MERALCO
Anent the instant petition therefore, STEAM- . . . Thus, the determinative factor in
PCWF, and FLAMES would therefore classifying an employee as managerial,
represent supervisory employees only. In this supervisory or rank-and-file is the nature of the
regard, the authority given by the Secretary work of the employee concerned.
of Labor for the establishment of two labor
In National Waterworks and Sewerage
organizations for the rank and file will have
Authority vs. National Waterworks and
to be disregarded since We hereby uphold
Sewerage Authority Consolidated Unions, the
certification elections only for supervisory
Supreme Court had the occasion to come out
employees from Pay Grade VII and up, with
with an enlightening dissertation of the nature
STEAM-PCWF and FLAMES as choices.
of the work of a managerial employees as
2. No. As to the alleged failure of the Secretary follows:
of Labor to establish a demarcation line for
. . . that the employee's primary duty consists of
purposes of segregating the supervisory from
the management of the establishment or of a
the managerial employees, the required
customarily recognized department or
parameter is really not necessary since the
subdivision thereof, that he customarily and
Supervisory employees and security As will be noted, the second sentence of Art.
guards shall not be eligible for 245 embodies an amendment disqualifying
membership in a labor organization of supervisory employees from membership in a
the rank- and-file employees but may labor organization of the rank-and-file
join, assist or form separate labor employees. It does not include security guards
organizations of their own; . . . in the disqualification.
On December 24, 1986, Pres. Corazon C. While therefore under the old rules, security
Aquino issued E.O. No. guards were barred from joining a labor
organization of the rank and file, under RA
111 which eliminated the above-cited provision 6715, they may now freely join a labor
on the disqualification of security guards. What organization of the rank and file or that of
was retained was the disqualification of the supervisory union, depending on their
managerial employees, renumbered as Art. 245 rank. By accommodating supervisory
(previously Art. 246), as follows: employees, the Secretary of Labor must
likewise apply the provisions of RA 6715 to
Art. 245. Ineligibility of managerial
security guards by favorably allowing them free
employees to joint any labor
access to a labor organization, whether rank and
organization.—Managerial employees
file or supervisory, in recognition of their
are not eligible to join, assist or form
constitutional right to self-organization.
any labor organization.
G.R. No. 94045 September 13, 1991 - The withdrawal from membership was denied
by CENECO on February 27, 1990 under
CENTRAL NEGROS ELECTRIC Resolution No. 90 "for the basis of withdrawal is
COOPERATIVE, INC. (CENECO), not among the grounds covered by Board
petitioner, vs. HONORABLE SECRETARY, Resolution No. 5023, dated November 22, 1989
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND and is contrary to Board Resolution No. 5033
EMPLOYMENT, and CENECO UNION OF dated December 13, 1989."
respondents. - CURE filed a petition for direct recognition or
for certification election, supported by 282 or
FACTS: 72% of the 388 rank-and-file employees in the
- On August 15, 1987, CENECO entered into a bargaining unit of CENECO.
collective bargaining agreement with CURE, a
labor union representing its rank-and-file
- CENECO appealed to the Department of Labor 2. The argument of CENECO that the withdrawal
and Employment which issued the questioned was merely to subvert the ruling of this Court in
order modifying the order of the med-arbiter by the BATANGAS case is without merit. The case
directly certifying CURE as the exclusive referred to merely declared that employees who
bargaining representative of the rank-and-file are at the same time members of the cooperative
employees of CURE. cannot join labor unions for purposes of
collective bargaining. However, nowhere in said
case is it stated that member-employees are
1. W/N med-arbiter has no jurisdiction to rule on
prohibited from withdrawing their membership
the issue of withdrawal from membership of its
in the cooperative in order to join a labor union.
employees in the cooperative which is properly
vested in the NEA which has control and As discussed by the Solicitor General, Article I,
supervision over all electric cooperatives. Section 9 of the Articles of Incorporation and By-
Laws of CENECO provides that "any member
2. Whether or not the employees of CENECO
may withdraw from membership upon
who withdrew their membership from the
compliance with such uniform terms and
cooperative are entitled to form or join CURE for
conditions as the Board may prescribe." The
purposes of the negotiations for a collective
same section provides that upon withdrawal, the
bargaining agreement proposed by the latter.
member is merely required to surrender his
3. W/N the direct certification ordered by membership certificate and he is to be refunded
respondent Secretary is proper? his membership fee less any obligation that he
has with the cooperative. There appears to be no
RULING: other condition or requirement imposed upon a
withdrawing member. Hence, there is no just
cause for petitioner's denial of the withdrawal
The right of the employees to self-organization is It is not alone sufficient that a union has the
a compelling reason why their withdrawal from support of the majority. What is equally
the cooperative must be allowed. As pointed out important is that everyone be given a democratic
by CURE, the resignation of the member- space in the bargaining unit concerned. The most
employees is an expression of their preference effective way of determining which labor
for union membership over that of membership organization can truly represent the working
in the cooperative. The avowed policy of the force is by certification election.
State to afford full protection to labor and to
promote the primacy of free collective bargaining WHEREFORE, the questioned order for the
mandates that the employees' right to form and direct certification of respondent CURE as the
join unions for purposes of collective bargaining bargaining representative of the employees of
be accorded the highest consideration. petitioner CENECO is hereby ANNULLED and
SET ASIDE. The med-arbiter is hereby ordered
Membership in an electric cooperative which to conduct a certification election among the
merely vests in the member a right to vote during rank-and-file employees of CENECO with
the annual meeting becomes too trinal and CURE and No Union as the choices therein.
insubstantial vis-a-vis the primordial and more
important constitutional right of an employee to SO ORDERED.
Employment with a list of the newly- (h) Every payment of fees, dues or other
elected officers, together with the contributions by a member shall be
appointive officers or agents who are evidenced by a receipt signed by the
entrusted with the handling of funds officer or agent making the collection and
within thirty (30) calendar days after the entered into the record of the organization
election of officers or from the to be kept and maintained for the purpose;
occurrence of any change in the list of
(i) The funds of the organization shall not
officers of the labor organization. (As
be applied for any purpose or object other
amended by RA 6715);
than those expressly provided by its
(d) The members shall determine by constitution and by-laws or those
secret ballot, after due deliberation, any expressly authorized by written
question of major policy affecting the resolution adopted by the majority of the
entire membership of the organization, members at a general meeting duly called
unless the nature of the organization or for the purpose;
force majeure renders such secret
(j) Every income or revenue of the
balloting impractical, in which case the
organization shall be evidenced by a
board of directors of the organization may
record showing its source, and every
make the decision in behalf of the general
expenditure of its funds shall be
evidenced by a receipt from the person to
(e) No labor organization shall knowingly whom the payment is made, which shall
admit as member or continue in state the date, place and purpose of such
membership any individual who belongs payment. Such record or receipt shall
to a subversive organization or who is form part of the financial records of the
engaged directly or indirectly in any organization.
subversive activity;
Rule II, Book V, Omnibus Rules Alien employees with valid working
Implementing the Labor Code permits issued by the Department may exercise
the right to self-organization and join or assist
Coverage of the Right to Self-Organization labor unions for purposes of collective
bargaining if they are nationals of a country
Section 1. Policy- It is the policy of the State to
which grants the same or similar rights to Filipino
promote the free and responsible exercise of the
workers, as certified by the Department of
right to self-organization through the
foreign Affairs, or which has ratified either ILO
establishment of a simplified mechanism for the
Convention No. 87 and ILO Convention No. 98.
speedy registration of labor unions and workers’
association, determination or representation For purposes of this Section, any
status and resolution of inter/intra-union and employee whether employed for a definite period
other related labor relations dispute. Only or not, shall beginning on the first day of his/her
legitimate or registered labor unions shall have service, be eligible for membership in any labor
the right to represent their members for collective organization.
bargaining and for other purposes. Worker’s
associations shall have the right to represent their All other workers, including ambulant,
members for purposes other than collective intermittent and other workers, the self-
bargaining. employed, rural workers and those without any
definite employers may form labor organizations
Section 2. Who May Join Labor Unions and for their mutual aid and protection and other
Worker’s Associations- All persons employed legitimate purposes except collective bargaining.
in commercial, industrial, and agricultural
enterprises, including employees of government- 2.4 Readings / Cases
owned or controlled corporations without
original charters established under the Erson Ang Lee v. Samahang
Corporation Code, as well as employees of Manggagawa ng Super Lamination GR
religious charitable, medical or educational No 193816
institutions whether operating for profit or not,
shall have the right to self-organization and to Doctrine: A settled formulation of piercing the
form, join, or assist labor unions for purposes of corporate veil is that when two business are
collective bargaining: owned, conducted, and controlled by the same
parties, both law and equity will, when necessary
Provided, however, that supervisory
to protect the rights of third parties, disregard the
employees shall not be eligible for membership
in a labor union of the rank-and-file employees
The grievance committee submitted its report to The Union president (Siozon) wanted all the
the union board of directors stating that while cases dropped. The next day, the expelled union
Yumang and others cannot be said to have members informed the panel that they would no
The Labor Arbiter declared that Yumang had • The CA denied the petition and affirmed the
been illegally dismissed and ordered her NLRC ruling stating that it was well within the
reinstatement with back wages, monetary NLRC’S jurisdiction to uphold petitioners
benefits dismissal as per the CBA
o Also declared that although Yumang’s o It also concluded that Yumang and other
dismissal was in compliance with the CBA’s complainants were given several opportunities to
union security clause, her expulsion from the defend themselves but they responded with
union was without due process suspicion and animosity
• RPN appealed and NLRC reversed and declared • Yumang filed an MR and again raised the
that Yumang’s dismissal valid matter of non-perfection of the respondents
appeal and for failure of CA to explain why it
• Yumang sought appeal to the CA via petition
departed from the established facts as ruled by
for certiorari charging NLRC with grave abuse of
other divisions in at least 2 identical cases –
discretion when it entertained RPN’s appeal
despite non-perfection and for declaring her
dismissal as valid ISSUE:
• Yumang futher argued that while her WON Yumang can be held guilty of malicious
employment was terminated in compliance with attack against the union officers and thus warrant
the CBA’s union security clause, she was not her expulsion from the union and from the
accorded due process before she was dismissed establishment itself by virtue of the CBA’s union
security clause
o She assails that RPN’s inquiry into her
expulsion without the company investigating HELD:
whether it was justified
• The management of the Company in turn WON RA 3350 infringes on the fundamental
notified Appellee and his counsel that unless the right to form lawful associations when it
Appellee could achieve a satisfactory "prohibits all the members of a given religious
arrangement with the Union, the Company would sect from joining any labor union if such sect
be constrained to dismiss him from the service. prohibits affiliations of their members thereto";
and, consequently, deprives said members of
• This prompted Appellee to file an action for their constitutional right to form or join lawful
injunction, in the Court of First Instance of associations or organizations guaranteed by the
Manila to enjoin the company and the Union Bill of Rights
from dismissing Appellee.
• CFI: judgment is rendered enjoining the
defendant Elizalde Rope Factory, Inc. from The purpose of Republic Act No. 3350 is
dismissing the plaintiff from his present secular, worldly, and temporal, not spiritual or
employment. religious or holy and eternal.
• In its appeal, the Union claimed that R.A. no. It was intended to serve the secular purpose of
3350 was unconstitutional on the ground that: advancing the constitutional right to the free
1) prohibits all the members of a given exercise of religion, by averting those certain
religious sect from joining any labor persons be refused work, or be dismissed from
union if such sect prohibits affiliations of work, or be dispossessed of their right to work
their members.thereto; and, and of being impeded to pursue a modest means
Infringement of religious freedom may be • This incident, among others, lead to strike
justified only if there were an immediate and headed by the Lacanilao group, while the
grave danger to the security and welfare of the Tancinco group staged a strike inside the
community where it is unavoidably necessary to company premises.
prevent or avoid such danger.
• After 4 days, strike was settled, agreement was
It is clear, therefore, that the assailed act entered between Lacanilao and Tancinco group
(Republic Act No. 3350), far from infringing the
constitutional provision on freedom of • Pre-election conference was held but parties
association, upholds and reinforces it. It does not failed to agree on the list of voters
prohibit the members of said religious sects from
affiliating with labor unions. It still leaves to said • In another pre-election conference attended by
members the liberty and the power to affiliate, or MOLE
not to affiliate, with labor unions. officers, ANGLO through its National Secretary,
a certain Mr. Cornelio A. Sy made a unilateral
Yes, because the consistent ruling is that ACCORDINGLY, this case is DISMISSED for
whenever certain events or circumstances have being moot and academic.
taken place during the pendency of the case
which would render the case moot and academic,
the petition should be dismissed.
Del Pilar Academy, et. al. v. Del Pilar
Academy Employees Union
Under Philippine Jurisprudence, It is pointless
and unrealistic to insist on annulling an election GR No 170112
of officers whose terms had already expired. We
would have thereby a judgment on a matter DOCTRINE: Employees of an appropriate
which cannot have any practical legal effect upon collective bargaining unit who are not members
a controversy, even if existing, and which, in the of the recognized collective bargaining agent
nature of things, cannot be enforced. may be assessed reasonable fees equivalent to the
dues and other fees paid by the recognized
In this case, it is the better part of conventional or collective bargaining agent, if such non-union
pragmatic solutions in cases of this nature, absent members accept the benefits under the collective
bargaining agreement;
Rights of a member of a labor union provided The Right to vote: The members shall be
under the Labor Code: entitled to directly elect their officers by secret
ballot at an interval of five years. (The tenure of
The rights of the members against arbitrary, the labor union officers under the Labor Code
excessive initiation fees and fines and forfeitures shall be five years)
that may be imposed against them by the labor
union for violations of whatever policies there Mandate of officers – protect, promote and
may be provided under the by-laws and articles preserve the rights and interests of the members
of incorporation of the labor organization. of LU.
The rights of the members to be entitled to a full If a member of a labor union would want to run
and detailed reports of the financial transactions for office, the only requirement under the Labor
of the labor organization. Code would be that the person should not be
convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude
YUMANG vs. RPN9 - SC upheld the and should not be a member of any subversive
rights of the member of a labor union who organization.
was expelled from the union just because
that member demanded for the full Assessment Fees/Union Fees (subject to check
disclosure of the financial transactions of off) - a member of a labor union should not be
the labor organization. subject to arbitrary, excessive and oppressive
fees. A member of the labor union should also not
Any complaints involving the funds and be subject to special assessments or other
financial transactions of the labor union extraordinary fees, unless authorized by a written
should be filed within three years from resolution of majority of all the members during
the date that the financial statements the general membership meeting duly called for
should have been filed or from the date the purpose.
that the reports should have been
submitted , if in case the labor
May be assessed against employees who The provision will also not apply if A is
are being represented by a CEBA but not a member of the bargaining unit being
unfortunately are not members of that represented by the Union C.
The right wherein the employee, a member of
Example: the labor union, may file a complaint against
any errant members or officers of the labor
In an establishment, A is an employee union. The Labor Code provides that "any
who is not a member of any labor union. violation of the rights and conditions of
membership shall become a ground to cancel the
However, A is a member of the
union registration or the expulsion of officers
bargaining unit that is being represented
from office" is no longer applicable.
by Union C. Union C was able to
successfully negotiate a CBA which The violation should be reported by at
provides for a yearly salary increase least 30% of the members of the union, or
amongst others that benefited all the any member concerned - not a
members of the bargaining unit including mandatory requirement but a single
A. complaint should be investigated by the
DOLE, specifically by the Bureau of
Despite the fact that A is not a member of
Labor Relations.
Union C, A may be assessed agency fees
because A had benefited from the CBA
that was successfully negotiated by the
Union C.
By virtue of such resolution, petitioner union The members of petitioner union, who were then
applied for registration with the Bureau of Labor still affiliated with the mother union, negotiated
Relations. A Certification of Registration was and executed with respondent company a CBA.
later issued, and upon such issuance, the Later, the same members have formed
petitioner union acquired a personality separate themselves into an organization and applied for
and distinct from any other labor union. Through registration as a union.
its newly-acquired personality, petitioner
enforced its CBA with Elizalde as the principal A Certificate of Registration was later issued, and
party to the same, representing the workers through a resolution, the same members
covered by such CBA. disaffiliated from the mother union.
A complaint for unfair labor practice was The employees and members of the local union
later filed by petitioners against respondents for did not form a new union but merely registered
the latter’s refusal to bargain collectively with the local union as was their right. Petitioner union
petitioner. Petitioner union also filed a petition was the principal party to the agreement. NAFLU
As correctly pointed out by respondent, in reversing A certification election may be set aside for
the undersecretary’s Resolution, the CA necessarily misstatements made during the campaign, where:
reinstated the med-arbiters earlier Decision to
conduct a new certification election. 1) a material fact has been misrepresented in the
Under the rules implementing the Labor Code, a written request, with its annual audited financial
chartered local union acquires legal personality through statements, including the balance sheet and the
the charter certificate issued by a duly registered profit and loss statement, within thirty (30)
federation or national union, and reported to the calendar days from the date of receipt of the
Regional Office in accordance with the rules request, after the union has been duly recognized
implementing the Labor Code. by the employer or certified as the sole and
exclusive bargaining representative of the
A local union does not owe its existence to the
federation with which it is affiliated. It is a separate and employees in the bargaining unit, or within sixty
distinct voluntary association owing its creation to the (60) calendar days before the expiration of the
will of its members. existing collective bargaining agreement, or
during the collective bargaining negotiation;
Mere affiliation does not divest the local union of its (d) To own property, real or personal, for the
own personality, neither does it give the mother
use and benefit of the labor organization and its
federation the license to act independently of the local
(e) To sue and be sued in its registered name;
It only gives rise to a contract of agency, where the and
former acts in representation of the latter. Hence, local (f) To undertake all other activities designed
unions are considered principals while the federation is to benefit the organization and its members,
deemed to be merely their agent.
including cooperative, housing, welfare and
As such principals, the unions are entitled to exercise the other projects not contrary to law.
rights and privileges of a legitimate labor organization,
including the right to seek certification as the sole and Notwithstanding any provision of a general or
exclusive bargaining agent in the appropriate employer special law to the contrary, the income and the
properties of legitimate labor organizations,
including grants, endowments, gifts, donations
3.3 Reference Materials
and contributions they may receive from
fraternal and similar organizations, local or
(b) Its list of officers, minutes of the election The said CBAs were entered into while they were
of officers, and list of voters within thirty (30) affiliated with a national federation, Phil Social
days from election; Security Labor Union.
(c)Its annual financial report within thirty Two of the CBAs were about to expire in May
(30) days after the close of every fiscal year; and and June 1967. The other one faced conflict as
there was a rival union.
(d) Its list of members at least once a year or
whenever required by the Bureau. On March 14, 1967, the management of Marcelo
Steel received a letter requesting negotiation of a
Failure to comply with the above requirements new CBA from PSSLU in behalf of UNWU.
shall not be a ground for cancellation of union There were also proposals from the unions in
registration but shall subject the erring officers Marcelo Tire and Marcelo Rubber as the existing
or members to suspension, expulsion from CBA was about to expire. Same day, the
membership, or any appropriate penalty. unionion Marcelo Tire disauthorized PSSLU as
their agent. Afterwards, the rival union submitted
its own proposals.
Rule XII, Book 5 Omnibus Another requests were received on May 3, 1967
and May 23, 1967 from two different unions.
3.3.2 Required Readings
PSSLU refused the suggestion of the Lakas then filed a ULP case based on the alleged
management and said that they will file ULP for fact of non readmission of striking members.
refusing to bargain with them. All of the unions
subsequently filed a Notice of Strike The trial court ruled that the Marcelo Companies
were not remiss in their obligation to bargain and
MUEWA was certified as the bargaining agent as that the strikes conducted were illegal. However,
it represents the majority of the workers in it was decided that there was ULP in not
Marcelo Tire and that there were no oppositions readmitting all the strikers.
from the other union or interested persons.
Notices of Strike were withdrawn and the
management agreed to sit down in a conference 1) whether or not the complaint filed by LAKAS
for the bargaining. On the fourth conference, against the Marcelo Companies can be sustained,
Lakas declared a strike against Marcelo in view of the alleged fact that its authority to file
Companies. Acts of violence and vandalism and prosecute the same has been squarely raised
attended by picketing, the premises were in issue at the first instance before the respondent
blocked, windows of the plants were badly court; and
(2) whether or not the Marcelo Companies are
Cases were filed against the strikers and a Return guilty of unfair labor practice, for which they
to Work order was agreed upon. Marcelo should be made liable for backwages and be
Companies resumed its operations and strikers obliged to reinstate the employees
went back to work.
Marcelo Companies and Lakas resumed their
this Court rules in favor of the respondent
bargaining negotiations.
Marcelo Companies and consequently, the
On Oct. 13, 1967 the negotiations reached its appealed Decision is reversed
final stage. Then Lakas declared another strike
this Court has pored through the voluminuous
without filing a notice of strike resulting to
records of the case as well as after applying the
complete paralyzation of the business.
established jurisprudence and the law on the
matters raised.
In that respect, only a final order for the (a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in
cancellation of the registration would have connection with the adoption or ratification of
prevented NUWHRAINHHMSC from the
continuing to enjoy all the rights conferred on it
as a legitimate labor union, including the right to constitution and by-laws or amendments thereto,
the petition for the certification election. This the minutes of ratification, and the list of
rule is now enshrined in Article 238-A of the members who took part in the ratification;
Labor Code, as amended by Republic Act No.
(b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud
in connection with the election of officers,
Article 238-A. Effect of a Petition for minutes of the election of officers, and the list of
Cancellation of Registration. – A petition for voters;
cancellation of union registration
(c) Voluntary dissolution by the members.
shall not suspend the proceedings for
R.A. No. 9481 also inserted in the Labor Code
certification election nor shall it prevent the
filing of a petition for certification election. Article 242-A, which provides:
the Court declared that the dismissal of the ART. 242-A. Reportorial Requirements.--The
petition for the cancellation of the registration of following are documents required to be
NUWHRAIN-HHMSC was proper when viewed submitted to the Bureau by the legitimate labor
against the primordial right of the workers to self organization concerned:
organization, collective bargaining negotiations
and peaceful concerted actions.
b.) the federation or national union in the case of a.) file a verified petition for certification election
local chapters
b.) if filed by employer: only one legitimate labor
c.) the employer union in the unorganized establishment, and
there is demand to collectively negotiate
c.) consent of at least 25% of members of
a.) the establishment is not organized bargaining unit
b.) the LU which is the sole legitimate Once the petition has been filed the Med-Arbiter
organization existing in the establishment has the following duties:
is demanding to enter into collective
bargaining with the employer a.) hear and resolve the petition
e.) negotiation bar • Who may vote? (in either of the two)
-ongoing negotiation a.) all members of the bargaining unit
All of these (certification, contract, bargaining, b.) probationary employees included
negotiation bar) would mean that there is already
a recognized bargaining agent for that BU, that is -there is no prohibition against
the reason why all of them would set as a bar to probationary employees from
the filing and even the conduct of a certification participating in the election
-under the LC, they can exercise the right
When the bargaining agent would have to be to self-organization, even at the time of
declared or recognized as the winner in that their engagement / on day 1 they were
election, then the certified winner will enjoy all required to report for work
the rights and privileges accorded to a legitimate
labor organization. c.) separated employees who have existing
complaints for illegal dismissal during the
• Double Majority Rule conduct of the election
First: majority of members of bargaining unit -with regards to dismissed employees, they
voted; may be allowed in participating in the
election, if they contest the dismissal and the
No Union = 15 • Procedure
b.) conduct a rerun election within 10 days after Duties of the Election Officer
posting the notice.
During the election before the declaring the run-
There is a failure of election if there is: off election would be:
b.) if there is no winner in the election but b.) if segregated votes will not alter the
a run-off election cannot be conducted results of the election, post a notice of
run-off elections at least 5 days before
E. Runoff Election the actual date of run-off election
Yes, because the contending unions received a A: Look at the First majority as well as the
total of 55 votes which is more than 50% of the choices. No union should always be a choice.
70 votes cast and there are no contested votes that First majority, you have to take into
may alter the results of the election. consideration the total number of the bargaining
unit or the total number of votes cast. First
2.) majority was satisfied in this case.
Total votes cast = 346 A: To determine the Second majority, you have
to identify first, how many votes are cast in favor
Union A = 151 of the contending unions including no union.
Valid votes cast only, so deduct the spoiled
Union B = 169
ballots in the total votes cast as well as the
No union = 1 supervisors.
How will you rule on the segregated ballots? A failure of election, is when there are less than
majority of the eligible voters who had
A: We will allow or count the segregated ballots participated in the election. There are no
consisting of those cast by the dismissed challenged votes, if in case there are challenged
b.) there are no challenged votes ART. 238. [232] Prohibition on Certification
c.) shall not bar the filing for immediate holding
of certification or consent election within 6 The Bureau shall not entertain any petition for
months, except when the Election Officer/ med- certification election or any other action which
arbiter declares the conduct of a rerun election. may disturb the administration of duly registered
existing collective bargaining agreements
• Procedure affecting the parties except under Articles 253,
253-A and 256 of this Code.
Duties of election officer:
ART. 267. [255] Exclusive Bargaining
a.) declare a failure of election
Representation and Workers' Participation in
b.) direct the conduct of a rerun election Policy and Decision-Making.
ART. 271. [258-A] Employer as Bystander. The 60-day freedom period of the CBA passed
without a challenge to SMART’s majority status
In all cases, whether the petition for certification as bargaining agent.
election is filed by an employer or a legitimate
labor organization, the employer shall not be SMART thereafter conveyed its willingness to
considered a party thereto with a concomitant bargain with Ren Transport, to which it sent
right to oppose a in such proceedings shall be bargaining proposals. Ren Transport, however,
limited to: (1) being notified or informed of failed to reply to the demand. Subsequently, two
petitions of such nature; and (2) submitting the members of SMART wrote to the Department of
list of employees during the pre-election Labor and Employment — National Capital
conference should the Med-Arbiter act favorably Region (DOLE-NCR).
on the petition.
The office was informed that a majority of the
ART. 272. [259] Appeal from Certification members of SMART had decided to disaffiliate
Election Orders. from their mother federation to form another
union, Ren Transport Employees Association
Any party to an election may appeal the order or (RTEA).
results of the election as determined by the Med-
Arbiter directly to the Secretary of Labor and SMART contested the alleged disaffiliation
through a letter dated 4 April 2005. During the
This factual finding, having been affirmed by Med-Arbiter A. Dizon dismissed the petition on
both the CA and the NLRC, is now conclusive the ground that the bargaining unit sought to be
upon the Court. We do not see any patent error represented by respondent did not include all
that would take the instant case out of the general the eligible employees of petitioner but only the
rule. Ren Transport interfered with the exercise drivers, conductors and conductresses to the
of the employees’ right to self- organize. exclusion of the inspectors, inspectors,
Interference with the employees’ right to self- dispatchers, mechanics and washerboys.
organization is considered an unfair labor
practice under Article 258 (a) of the Labor Respondent. CLOP rectified its mistake and
Code. filed a second petition for certification election,
which included all the rank and file employees of
In this case, the labor arbiter found that the failure the company, who hold non-managerial. and
to remit the union dues to SMART and the non-supervisory positions.
voluntary recognition of RTEA were clear
indications of interference with the employees’ Med-Arbiter R. Parungo rendered a decision,
right to self-organization. It must be stressed that which ordered that a certification election
this finding was affirmed by the NLRC and the among the regular rank and file workers of the
CA; as such, it is binding on the Court, especially petitioner company be conducted.
when we consider that it is not tainted with any
The Associated Labor Unions (ALU-TUCP)
blatant error.
filed a motion for intervention and alleged that it
As aptly pointed out by the labor arbiter, these has members in the proposed bargaining unit.
acts were ill-timed in view of the existence of a Subsequently, the National Federation of
labor controversy over membership in the union. Labor Unions (NAFLU) filed a separate petition
Ren Transport also uses the supposed for certification election and a motion to
disaffiliation from SMART to justify the failure consolidate related cases to avoid confusion.
to remit union dues to the latter and the voluntary
Dissatisfied with the Decision dated July 3, 1991
recognition of RTEA.
rendered by Med-Arbiter R. Parungo, petitioner
Transport Corp v. Laguesma GR No. 106830, appealed to the DOLE Secretary, who, through
Nov. 16, 1993 Undersecretary Bienvenido E. Laguesma,
affirmed the Med-Arbiter in its Resolution dated
FACTS: July 22, 1992 calling for the conduct of the
certification election.
Respondent Christian Labor Organization of
the Philippines (CLOP), filed with the Med-
Arbitration Unit of the DOLE a petition for
certification election among the rank and file
Whether or not there is quorum to warrant the On March 3, 1994, Oriental Tin Can and Metal
validity of the certification election Sheet Manufacturing Company, Inc. entered into
a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with
RULING: petitioner Oriental Tin Can Labor Union
(OTCLU) as the existing CBA was due to expire
YES, the certification election was valid.
on April 15, 1994.
Section 2, Rule XII, Book V of the
Four days later, 248 of the company's rank-and-
Omnibus Rules provides:
file employees authorized the Federation of Free
“Section 2. Qualification of voters; Workers (FFW) to file a petition for certification
inclusion-exclusion proceedings. - All election. On March 10, 1994, however, this
employees who are members of the appropriate petition was repudiated via a written waiver by
bargaining unit sought to be represented by the 115 of the signatories, who, along with other
petitioner at the time of the certification or employees totalling 897, ratified the CBA on the
consent election shall be qualified to vote. A same date. respondent Oriental Tin Can Workers
dismissed employee whose dismissal is being Union - Federation of Free Workers (OTCWU-
contested in a pending case shall be allowed to FFW) filed a petition for certification election
vote in the election.” with the National Capital Region office of the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
In case of disagreement over the voters'
list or over the eligibility of voters, all contested Purporting to represent the regular rank-and-file
voters shall be allowed to vote. However, their employees of the company, the petition was
votes shall be segregated and sealed in individual accompanied by the "authentic signatures" of
envelopes in accordance with Section 9 of these 25% of the employees/workers in the bargaining
Rules. unit.
The motor pool, construction, and The OTCLU filed a manifestation and motio,
transportation employees of the Tandang Sora praying for the dismissal of the petition for
campus had 149 qualified voters at the time of the certification election on the ground that it was not
certification election. Hence, the 149 qualified endorsed by at least 25% of the employees of the
voters should be used to determine the existence bargaining unit.
of a quorum. Since a majority or 84 out of the 149
Some of the employees who initially signed the
qualified voters cast their votes, a quorum existed
petition had allegedly withdrawn in writing such
in the certification election.
support prior to the filing of the same. OTCWU-
FFW asserted that the petition had the required
The Code makes no distinction as to their Clearly, HIMPHLU was not able to obtain a
employment status as basis for eligibility in majority vote.
supporting the petition for certification election.
It bears reiteration that the true importance of
The law refers to “all” the employees in the
ascertaining the number of valid votes cast is
bargaining unit. All they need to be eligible to
for it to serve as basis for computing the required
support the petition is to belong to the
majority, and not just to determine which union
“bargaining unit.”
won the elections.
For purposes of this section, any employee,
To be sure, the conduct of a certification election
whether employed for a definite period or not,
has a two-fold objective: to determine the
shall beginning on the first day of his/her service,
appropriate bargaining unit and to ascertain the
be eligible for membership in any labor
majority representation of the bargaining
representative, if the employees desire to be
the votes of the six supervisory employees must represented at all by anyone.
be excluded because at the time the certification
it follows that a run-off election must be held to
elections was conducted, they had ceased to be
determine which between HIMPHLU and
part of the rank and file,
petitioner should represent the rank-and-file
2nd issue employees.
Thus, we can only conclude that CMC was NAFLU appealed: It contended that:
unwilling to negotiate and reach an agreement
with respondent union. CMC has not at any 1. at the time the petition for certification election
instance shown willingness to discuss the was filed on April 11, 1985, it was in process of
economic proposals given by respondent union. collective bargaining with VIRON.
“While it may be true that the one-year period It is evident that the prohibition imposed by
(mentioned in Section 3 above quoted) has long law on the holding of a certification election
run its course since intervenor NAFLU was "within one year from the date of issuance of
certified on February 27, 1981, it could not be declaration of a final certification election
said, however, that NAFLU slept on its right to result.
bargain collectively with the employer. If a closer
look was made on the history of labor Issues:
management relations in the company, it could
whether or not KAMPIL's petition for
be readily seen that the delay in the negotiations
certification election is barred because, before its
for and conclusion of a collective agreement —
filing, a bargaining deadlock between VIRON
the object of the one-year period — could be
and NAFLU as the incumbent bargaining agent,
attributed first, on the exhaustion of all legal
had been submitted to conciliation or arbitration
remedies in the representation question twice
or had become the subject of a valid notice of
initiated in the company before the filing of the
strike or lockout, in accordance with Section 3,
present petition and second, to management who
Rule V, Book V of the Omnibus Rules - NO
had been resisting the representations of NAFLU
in collective bargaining. Held:
The one-year period therefore, should not be Prior to the filing of the petition for election in
applied literally to the present dispute, especially this case, there was no such "bargaining deadlock
considering that intervenor had to undergo a (which) had been submitted to conciliation or
strike to bring management to the negotiation arbitration or had become the subject of a valid
table.” notice of strike or lockout.
There are assertions by NAFLU that its attempts However, these activities took place after
to bring VIRON to the negotiation table had been KAMPIL initiated the certification election case,
unsuccessful because of the latter's recalcitrance and it was grave abuse of discretion to have
and unfulfilled promises to bargain collectively, regarded them as precluding the holding of the
but there is no proof that it had taken any certification election prayed for.
action to legally coerce VIRON to comply with
its statutory duty to bargain collectively. WHEREFORE, it being apparent that none of the
proscriptions to certification election set out in
• It could have charged VIRON with unfair the law exists in the case at bar, and it was in the
labor practice; but it did not. premises grave abuse of discretion to have ruled
otherwise, the contested Resolution of the
• It could have gone on a legitimate strike respondent Director of the Bureau of Labor
in protest against VIRON's refusal to Relations dated April 30, 1986 in BLR Case No.
bargain collectively and compel it to do A-7-139-85 (BZEO-CE-04-004-85) is
so; but it did not. NULLIFIED AND SET ASIDE. Costs against
private respondents.
There are assertions by NAFLU, too, that its
attempts to bargain collectively had been delayed Yokohama Tire Philippines v. Yokohama
by continuing challenges to the resolution Employees Union GR 159553 Dec. 10, 2007
pronouncing it the sole bargaining representative
in VIRON; but there is no adequate
substantiation thereof, or of how it did in fact Facts:
prevent initiation of the bargaining process
between it and VIRON. Petitioner Yokohama Tire Philippines, Inc.
(hereafter Yokohama, for brevity) assails the
The fact is that from the time that NAFLU was Decision1 dated April 9, 2003 of the Court of
proclaimed the exclusive bargaining Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 74273 and its
Affirmed in toto he decision of the DOLE Acting • certified that the Union obtained a
Secretary: majority of 208 votes in the certification
election while "No Union" obtained 121
→ The 78 employees who contested their votes
dismissal were entitled to vote under Article 212
(f) of the Labor Code and Section 2, Rule XII of YTP attached an entry of judgment by DOLE
the rules implementing Book V of the Labor stating that the Resolution (April 25, 2003) of
Code. However, it disallowed the votes of the 68 the Med-Arbiter was affirmed by the DOLE
newly regularized employees since they were not Secretary's Office on July 29, 2003 and became
included in the voters' list submitted during the final on September 29, 2003.
July 12, 2001 pre-election conference.
October 21, 2003 - YTP deleted an allegation
→ Yokohama's insistence on their inclusion in its October 16, 2003 manifestation which was
lends suspicion that it wanted to create a included "through inadvertence and clerical
company union, and ruled that Yokohama had no mishap."
right to intervene in the certification election.
→ The union's handwritten manifestation during
Notably, the Resolution dated 29 July 2003 which
the election was substantial compliance with the
affirmed the Resolution dated 25 April 2003 is
rule on protest.
still not final and executory considering the
YTP appealed. timely filing of a motion for its reconsideration
on 15 August 2003 which until now has yet to be
September 15, 2003 – CA issued a TRO against resolved.
the implementation of the May 22, 2002 Decision
of the DOLE Acting Secretary and the October Issue:
15, 2002 Resolution of the DOLE Secretary,
1. Whether or not the court of appeals seriously
denying Yokohama's motion for reconsideration.
erred in disallowing the appreciation of the votes
of sixty-eight regular rank-and-file.
Rule IX
Both the employer and the bargaining The duty to bargain collectively does not impose upon
representative shall observe the duty to bargain the employer the obligation to initiate contract
collectively. The duty to bargain requires both negotiation. Neither does it compel the parties to
agree to a proposal or to make any concession, much
parties to meet promptly and expeditiously in
less to reach an agreement.
good faith to negotiate an agreement respecting
wages, hours of work, and other conditions of All that is required is for the parties to approach the
employment. The parties are also expected to negotiations with an open mind and exert reasonable
respect an existing CBA unless there is a written effort to reach a common ground of agreement.
request to terminate or modify the terms within Proposals, if unacceptable, should be matched with
60 days before the CBA expires. counterproposals.
The CBA entered by the employer and the To offer the union a contract saying “Take it or leave
employees through the bargaining representative, it” is not in consonance with good faith bargaining.
Feigning negotiations through empty gestures is not
shall govern their relationship and is deemed as
bargaining in good faith.
the law of the plant. Before this agreement may
become valid, the law lays down several Pre-termination of a CBA
procedural and substantive requirements that
must be satisfied. GR: No termination or modification of the CBA
during its lifetime.
A. “Matinong Usapan:” Duty to Bargain
Collectively → To ask for modification of the CBA, can only
be during the 60-day period prior to its expiration
Duty to bargain collectively; Definition date
ART. 263. [252] Meaning of Duty to Bargain Refusal to enter into collective bargaining and
Collectively. negotiation
The duty to bargain collectively means the Unfair labor practice is committed when it is
performance of a mutual obligation to meet shown that the respondent employer, after having
and convene promptly and expeditiously in been served with a written bargaining proposal
good faith for the purpose of negotiating an by the petitioning Union, did not even bother to
agreement with respect to wages, hours of work submit an answer or reply to the said proposal
and all other terms and conditions of employment Unfair labor practice is committed when it is
including proposals for adjusting any grievances shown that the respondent employer, after having
or questions arising under such agreement and been served with a written bargaining proposal
executing a contract incorporating such by the petitioning Union, did not even bother to
agreements if requested by either party but such submit an answer or reply to the said proposal. –
duty does not compel any party to agree to a Kiok Loy v. NLRC
proposal or to make any concession.
o (1) possession of the status of majority A Company's refusal to make counter proposal if
representation of the employees' representative in considered in relation to the entire bargaining
accordance with any of the means of selection or process, may indicate bad faith since the Union's
designation provided for by the Labor Code; request for a counter proposal is left unanswered.
Besides, petitioner Company's approach and
o (2) proof of majority representation; and attitude-stalling the negotiation by a series of
postponements, non-appearance at the hearing
o (3) a demand to bargain under Article 251, conducted, and undue delay in submitting its
par. (a) of the New Labor Code. financial statements, lead to no other conclusion
except that it is unwilling to negotiate and reach
an agreement with the Union.
The instant case being a certified one, it must be On December 16, 1991, GMC wrote a letter to
resolved by the NLRC pursuant to the mandate the union’s officers, Rito Mangubat and Victor
of P.D. 873, as amended, which authorizes the Lastimoso.
said body to determine the reasonableness of the
terms and conditions of employment embodied in The letter stated that it felt there was no basis to
any CBA. To that extent, utmost deference to its negotiate with a union which no longer existed,
findings of reasonableness of any CBA as the but that management was nonetheless always
governing agreement by the employees and willing to dialogue with them on matters of
management must be accorded due respect by common concern and was open to suggestions on
this Court. how the company may improve its operations. In
answer, the union officers wrote a letter dated
San Pedro Hospital of Digos v. Secretary of December 19, 1991 disclaiming any massive
Labor GR 104624, October 11, 2006 disaffiliation or resignation from the union and
submitted a manifesto, signed by its members,
stating that they had not withdrawn from the
General Mining Corp. v. CA GR 146728
NLRC held that the action of GMC in not
negotiating was ULP.
Days after the 2002 CBA was signed, a On July 2, 2009, SONEDCO Workers Free
certification election was conducted. SONEDCO Labor Union and its members who refused to
Workers Free Labor Union won and replaced sign the 2007 and 2008 waivers filed a complaint
PACIWU-TUCP as the exclusive bargaining for unfair labor practices against URC-
representative. SONEDCO. They argued that the requirement of
a waiver prior to the release of the wage increase
URC-SONEDCO consistently refused to constituted interference to the employees' right to
negotiate a new CBA with SONEDCO Workers self-organization, collective bargaining, and
Free Labor Union, despite several demands from concerted action. They asked that they be granted
SONEDCO Workers Free Labor Union. a ₱16.00/day wage increase for 2007 and an
additional ₱l6.00/day wage increase for 2008.8
In 2006, the 2002 CBA expired with no new SONEDCO Workers Free Labor Union also
collective bargaining agreement being signed. demanded a continuing wage increase of
Respondent repeatedly refused to meet and ₱32.00/day "from January 1, 2009 onwards."
bargain with SONEDCO Workers Free Labor
Union, the exclusive bargaining agent of its rank- Both the NLRC and the CA found URC-
and-file employees. SONEDCO not guilty of unfair labor practice.
Nonetheless, they ordered URC-SONEDCO to
In 2007, while there was no CBA in effect, URC- give petitioners the same benefits their co-
SONEDCO offered, among other benefits, a workers received in 2007 and 2008. However,
₱16.00/day wage increase to their employees. To SONEDCO Workers Free Labor Union's claim
Any Collective Bargaining Agreement that the It is called the freedom period because it is the
parties may enter into shall, insofar as the time when the bargaining agent can validly serve
representation aspect is concerned, be for a term notice to renegotiate the existing CBA.
of five (5) years. No petition questioning the
majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent It is the time when a union member can validly
shall be entertained and no certification election resign from the union and the time for a local
shall be conducted by the Department of Labor union to disaffiliate from its mother federation
and Employment outside of the sixty-day period without being subjected to sanctions.
immediately before the date of expiry of such
It is also the time for challenging the majority
five-year term of the Collective Bargaining
status of the incumbent collective bargaining
agent through a petition for certification election.
All other provisions of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement shall be renegotiated
not later than three (3) years after its
All other provisions of the Collective Capitol Medical Center Alliance of Concerned
Bargaining Agreement shall be renegotiated Employees v. Laguesma GR 118915 February
not later than three (3) years after its 4, 1997
execution. Any agreement on such other
provisions of the Collective Bargaining Doctrine: Even if one year had lapsed since the
Agreement entered into within six (6) months time of declaration of a final certification result,
from the date of expiry of the term of such other and there is no collective bargaining deadlock,
provisions as fixed in such Collective Bargaining there is no grave abuse of discretion committed
Agreement, shall retroact to the day immediately by the DOLE when it ruled against another
following such date. If any such agreement is certification election filed by another union
entered into beyond six months, the parties shall where the delay in forging of the CBA could not
agree on the duration of retroactivity thereof. be attributed to the fault of the union who won
the earlier certification election.
In case of a deadlock in the renegotiation of the
Collective Bargaining Agreement, the parties FACTS:
may exercise their rights under this Code.
Med-Arbiter Rasidali C. Abdullah issued an
Section 7, Rule XIV; Rule XV, Book 5 Order which granted respondent union’s
Omnibus Rules Implementing the LC petition for certification election among the rank-
and-file employees of the Capitol Medical
Section 7, Rule XIV Center.
SECTION 7. Right to contest dismissal. — Respondent CMC appealed the Order to the
Any decision taken by the employer shall be Office of the Secretary by questioning the legal
without prejudice to the right of the worker to status of respondent union’s affiliation with the
contest the validity or legality of his dismissal by Alliance of Filipino Workers (AFW). respondent
(e) To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of work It shall be unfair labor practice for a labor
and other terms and conditions of employment in organization, its officers, agents or representatives:
order to encourage or discourage membership in any
labor organization. Nothing in this Code or in any (a) To restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of
other law shall stop the parties from requiring their right to self-organization. However, a labor
membership in a recognized collective bargaining organization shall have the right to prescribe its own
agent as a condition for employment, except those rules with respect to the acquisition or retention of
employees who are already members of another union membership;
at the time of the signing of the collective bargaining
agreement. (b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to
discriminate against an employee, including
Employees of an appropriate bargaining unit who are discrimination against an employee with respect to
not members of the recognized collective bargaining whom membership in such organization has been
agent may be assessed a reasonable fee equivalent to denied or to terminate an employee on any ground
the dues and other fees paid by members of the other than the usual terms and conditions under which
recognized collective bargaining agent, if such non- membership or continuation of membership is made
union members accept the benefits under the available to other members;
collective bargaining agreement: Provided, That the
individual authorization required under Article 242, (c) To violate the duty, or refuse to bargain
paragraph (o) of this Code204 shall not apply to the collectively with the employer, provided it is the
non-members of the recognized collective bargaining representative of the employees;
(d) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to pay
(f) To dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudice or or deliver or agree to pay or deliver any money or
discriminate against an employee for having given or other things of value, in the nature of an exaction, for
being about to give testimony under this Code; services which are not performed or not to be
performed, including the demand for fee for union
(g) To violate the duty to bargain collectively as negotiations;
prescribed by this Code;
(e) To ask for or accept negotiation or attorney’s fees
(h) To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the union from employers as part of the settlement of any issue
or its officers or agents as part of the settlement of any in collective bargaining or any other dispute; or
issue in collective bargaining or any other dispute; or
(f) To violate a collective bargaining agreement.
(i) To violate a collective bargaining agreement. The
provisions of the preceding paragraph The provisions of the preceding paragraph
notwithstanding, only the officers and agents of notwithstanding, only the officers, members of
corporations, associations or partnerships who have governing boards, representatives or agents or
actually participated in, authorized or ratified unfair members of labor associations or organizations who
labor practices shall be held criminally liable. have actually participated in, authorized or ratified
unfair labor practices shall be held criminally liable.
Enaje and Garcia soon left the FFW and secured 1. Advise the nearest police officer
employment with the Anti-Dummy Board of the or security guard of your
Department of Justice. intention to do so.
Thereafter, the Companies hired Garcia in the latter 2. Take your meals within the
part of 1956 as assistant corporate secretary and legal office.
assistant in their Legal Department. Enaje was hired
as personnel manager of the Companies, and was 3. Make a choice whether to go
likewise made chairman of the negotiating panel for home at the end of the day or to
the Companies in the collective bargaining with the sleep nights at the office where
Unions. comfortable cots have been
Unions jointly submitted proposals to the Companies;
negotiations were conducted on the Union’s 4. Enjoy free coffee and occasional
proposals, but these were snagged by a deadlock on movies.
the issue of union shop, as a result of which the
Unions, however, continued on strike, with the Incidentally, all of the more than 120 criminal
exception of a few unionists who were convinced to charges filed against the members of the Unions,
desist by the aforesaid letter except 3, were dismissed by the fiscal’s office and
by the courts. These three cases involved “slight
From the date the strike was called on May 21, 1958, physical injuries” against one striker and “light
until it was called off on May 31, 1958, some coercion” against two others.
management men tried to break thru the Unions’
picket lines xxx succeeded in penetrating the At any rate, because of the issuance of the writ of
picket lines in front of the Insular Life Building, preliminary injunction against them as well as the
thus causing injuries to the picketers and also to ultimatum of the Companies giving them until June 2,
the strike-breakers due to the resistance offered by 1958 to return to their jobs or else be replaced, the
some picketers. striking employees decided to call off their strike
and to report back to work on June 2, 1958.
Alleging that some non-strikers were injured and
with the use of photographs as evidence, the However, before readmitting the strikers, the
Companies then filed criminal charges against the Companies required them not only to secure
strikers with the City Fiscal’s Office of Manila. clearances from the City Fiscal’s Office of Manila
but also to be screened by a management
Another letter was sent by the company to the
committee among the members of which were Enage
individual strikers:
and Garcia.
Most of the union members did not resign, so The labor arbiter explained that while the filing of
Foodbev castigated them by conducting a written consolidated cases before his branch initially
examination exclusively for union members. involved dissimilar causes of action from the cases
filed before LA Azarraga, the subsequent amendment
It was only after Galela complained that other non- of the complaints to include unfair labor practice, and
union-member employees were made to take the the failure to inform his branch of the status of the
examination. pending complaints was a violation of the rule against
forum shopping.
Those who failed the examination were considered
guilty of violating Article VI, Section C4 of The NLRC established that respondents failed to
Foodbev's Code of Discipline on slowing down, disclose in their verification that there were other
dragging or limiting out. pending cases before LA Azarraga, which is a
violation of the rule against forum shopping.
On July 28, 2008, the five ice cream machine
technicians filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and The NLRC affirmed the dismissal of the four
money claims with the NLRC. complaints. The CA affirmed the labor tribunal's
finding that respondents committed forum shopping.
On August 12, 2008, Eroles returned from Isabela and
reported for work at Foodbev's office in Makati. He However, it deemed appropriate to resolve the
requested that his absence on August 11, 2008 be substantial issues presented as a dismissal on pure
counted against his leave credits. technicalities was frowned upon. On the claim of
unfair labor practice, the CA determined that Foodbev
During the hearing, LA Azarraga advised the was discouraging the formation of a union, and
respondents to secure the services of a lawyer, move
CA: dismissed certiorari (lack of merit: no The Board’s decision shall then be
jurisdiction. Jurisdiction of BLR on union matters) approved/disapproved by a majority vote of the
general membership assembly in a meeting duly
ISSUE: called for the purpose. (pertinent provisions of
CBL were Article VI, Sections 2(a) and(d),
Whether the respondents were guilty of unfair labor
practice under Art. 249 (a) and (b) of the LC Section 3, and Article X, Sections 4 and 5)
Private respondent Tamondong ignored said Accordingly, petitioners maintained their argument
warning and made a reply letter invoking his right as that the dismissal of private respondent
a supervisory employee to join and organize a labor Tamondong was perfectly valid based on loss of trust
union. and confidence because of the latter’s active
participation in the affairs of the union.
In view of that, on 6 February 1997, petitioner
CAPASCO through a memo terminated the ISSUE:
employment of private respondent Tamondong on
the ground of loss of trust and confidence, citing his
Whether the dismissal of Tamondong constitutes
union activities as acts constituting serious disloyalty
unfair labor practice
to the company.
Private respondent Tamondong challenged his
dismissal for being illegal and as an act involving
unfair labor practice by filing a Complaint for Tamondong may have possessed enormous powers
Illegal Dismissal and Unfair Labor Practice before the and was performing important functions that goes
NLRC, Regional Arbitration Branch IV. with the position of Personnel Superintendent,
nevertheless, there was no clear showing that he is at
liberty, by using his own discretion and disposition,
According to him, there was no just cause for his
to lay down and execute major business and
dismissal and it was anchored solely on his
operational policies for and in behalf of CAPASCO.
involvement and active participation in the
At the most, the record merely showed that Petitioner Balbago was appointed School Director in
Tamondong informed and warned rank-and-file April 1987. From this time, the Union became
employees with respect to their violations of inactive.
CAPASCO’s rules and regulations.
It was only after about 7 years (September 1993) that
the Union held an election of officers, with Mrs.
[Also, the functions performed by private
Llagas (President); Javier (Vice-President); Villegas
respondent such as] issuance of warning to
(Treasurer); and Santos (Secretary). Llagas was then
employees with irregular attendance and
the Dean of the Student Affairs while Villegas and
unauthorized leave of absences and requiring
Santos were Year-Level Chairmen.
employees to explain regarding charges of
abandonment of work, are normally performed by On October 1993, the School retired Llagas and
a mere supervisor, and not by a manager. Javier, who had rendered more than 20 years of
continuous service, pursuant to Section 2, Article
Being a supervisory employee of CAPASCO, he X of the CBA, to wit:
cannot be prohibited from joining or participating in
the union activities of private respondent CUSE, and An employee may be retired, either
in making such a conclusion, the Court of Appeals did upon application by the employee
not act whimsically, capriciously or in a despotic himself or by the decision of the
manner, rather, it was guided by the evidence Director of the School, upon
submitted before it. reaching the age of sixty
(60) or after having rendered at
least twenty (20) years of service to
Thus, given the foregoing findings of the Court of the School the last three (3) years of
Appeals that private respondent is a supervisory which must be continuous.
employee, it is indeed an unfair labor practice on
the part of petitioner CAPASCO to dismiss him on Three days later, the Union filed a notice of strike
account of his union activities, thereby curtailing with the National Conciliation and Mediation Board
his constitutionally guaranteed right to self- (NCMB).
Later, the Union struck and picketed the School’s
Yes. The law and this Court frowns upon unfair labor
practices by management, including so-called union-
It is not difficult to see the anti-union bias of the busting.
Such illegal practices will not be sustained by the
One of the first acts of private respondent Msgr. Court, even if guised under ostensibly legal premises.
Balbago immediately after his assumption of office
as school director was to ask for a moratorium on all But with respect to an active unionized employee who
claims having lost his/her job for union activities,
union activities.
there are different considerations presented if the
With the union in inactive status, the school felt termination is justified under just or authorized cause
secure and comfortable but when the union under the Labor Code; and if separation from service
reactivated, the school became apprehensive and is effected through the exercise of a duly accorded
reacted by retiring the union's two topmost officers by management prerogative to retire an employee.
invoking the provisions of the CBA.
There is perhaps a greater imperative to recognize the
When the union furnished the school, through management prerogative on retirement than the
counsel, a copy of a proposed CBA on 3 November prerogative to dismiss employees for just or
1993, the school in a cavalier fashion ignored it on the authorized causes.
pretext that the union no longer enjoyed the majority
status among the employees For one, there is a greater subjectivity, not to mention
factual dispute, attached to the concepts of just or
authorized cause than retirement which normally
BPI Employees Union-Davao City-FUBU v.
It is crystal clear that the closure of the Sto.
BPI, GR No. 174912, Jul. 24, 2013
Tomas farm was made in bad faith.
Doctrine: : It is to be emphasized that
Badges of bad faith are evident from the
contracting out of services is not illegal per se. It
following acts of the petitioner:
is an exercise of business judgment or
• it unjustifiably refused to recognize the management prerogative. Absent proof that the
STFWU’s and the other unions’ management acted in a malicious or arbitrary
affiliation with PULO; manner, the Court will not interfere with the
exercise of judgment by an employer.
• it concluded a new CBA with another
union in another farm during the agreed FACTS:
indefinite suspension of the collective BOMC, which was primarily engaged in
bargaining negotiations; providing and/or handling support services for
banks and other financial institutions, is a
• it surreptitiously transferred and
subsidiary of the Bank of Philippine Islands
continued its business in a less hostile
operating and functioning as an entirely separate
environment; and
and distinct entity.
• it suddenly terminated the STFWU
A service agreement between BPI and BOMC
members, but retained and brought the
was initially implemented in BPI's Metro Manila
non-members to the Malvar farm.
Petitioner presented no evidence to support the
In this agreement, BOMC undertook to provide
contention that it was incurring losses or that the
services such as check clearing, delivery of bank
subject farm’s lease agreement was pre-
statements, fund transfers, card production,
operations accounting and control, and cash
Ineluctably, the closure of the Sto. Tomas farm servicing, conformably with BSP Circular No.
circumvented the labor organization’s right to 1388.
collective bargaining and violated the members’
Not a single BPI employee was displaced and
right to security of tenure.
those performing the functions, which were
As the NLRC clearly stated: In the case at hand, CEPALCO v. CEPALCO Employee’s Labor
the union has not presented even an iota of Union, GR No. 211015, Jun. 20, 2016
evidence that petitioner bank has started to
terminate certain employees, members of the Doctrine: Under Article 106 of the Labor Code,
union. as amended, labor-only contracting is an
arrangement where the contractor, who does not
In fact, what appears is that the Bank has exerted have substantial capital or investment in the form
utmost diligence, care and effort to see to it that of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises,
no union member has been terminated. among others, supplies workers to an employer
and the workers recruited are performing
In the process of the consolidation or merger of activities which are directly related to the
the two banks which resulted in increased principal business of such employer. There are
diversification of functions, some of these non- two elements;
banking functions were merely transferred to the
BOMC without affecting the union membership. 1. contractor does not have substantial
capital or investment which relates to the
BPI also stresses that not a single employee or job, work, or service to be performed and
union member was or would be dislocated or the employees recruited, supplied, or
terminated from their employment as a result of placed by such contractor or
the Service Agreement. subcontractor are performing activities
which are directly related to the main
Neither had it resulted in any diminution of
business of the principal
salaries and benefits nor led to any reduction of
union membership. 2. contractor does not exercise the right to
control over the performance of the work
It is to be emphasized that contracting out of
of the contractual employee.
services is not illegal per se.
It is an exercise of business judgment or
management prerogative. Respondent is the duly certified bargaining
representative of CEPALCO’s regular rank-and-
Absent proof that the management acted in a
file employees. On the other hand, CEPALCO is
malicious or arbitrary manner, the Court will not
a domestic corporation engaged in electric
interfere with the exercise of judgment by an
distribution in CDO and other municipalities in
Misamis Oriental; while CESCO is a business
In this case, bad faith cannot be attributed to entity engaged in trading and services.
BPI because its actions were authorized by CBP
Circular No. 1388, Series of 1993 issued by the
Labor- only contracting is considered as a form This is because respondent was not able to
of unfair Labor Practice when the same is present any evidence to show that such
devised by the employer to “interfere with arrangements violated CEPALCO’s workers’
restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of right to self-organization, which as above-
their rights to self-organization”. mentioned, constitutes the core of unfair labor
In Banking, Inc. v. NLRC; the Court ruled that
the prohibited acts considered as ULP relate to Records do not show that this finding was further
the worker’s right to self-organization and to appealed by respondent. Thus, the complaints
the observance of a CBA. It refers to “acts that filed by respondent, should be dismissed with
violate the workers’ right to organize.” finality.
Without such element, the acts, even if unfair are
nor ULP. The Court, also observes that while respondent
did ask for the nullification of the subject
In these cases, the Court agrees with the CA that contracts between he petitioners, and even sought
CEPALCO was engaged in LOC. that the employees provided by CESCO to
CEPALCO be declares as the latter’s own
Petitioners failed to show that CESCO employees, petitioners correctly argue that
has substantial capital or investment respondent is not a real party-in-interest and
which relates to the job, work, or service hence, had no legal standing insofar as these
to be performed matters are concerned.
6.3 The COMPANY, upon the written Whether the termination of the employees
request of the UNION and after constitute unfair labor practice
compliance with the requirements of the
There is union shop when all new regular These requisites constitute just cause for
employees are required to join the union within a terminating an employee based on the union
certain period as a condition for their continued security provision of the CBA.
As to the first requisite, there is no question that
There is maintenance of membership the CBA between PRI and respondents included
shop when employees, who are union members a union security clause.
as of the effective date of the agreement, or who
thereafter become members, must maintain union Secondly, it is likewise undisputed that
membership as a condition for continued NAMAPRI-SPFL, in two (2) occasions
employment until they are promoted or demanded from PRI, in their letters dated May 16
transferred out of the bargaining unit, or the and 23, 2000, to terminate the employment of
agreement is terminated. respondents due to their acts of disloyalty to the
A closed shop may be defined as an enterprise in
which, by agreement between the employer and
However, as to the third requisite, we find that
his employees or their representatives, no person
there is no sufficient evidence to support the
may be employed in any or certain agreed
decision of PRI to terminate the employment of
departments of the enterprise unless he or she is,
the respondents.
becomes, and, for the duration of the agreement,
remains a member in good standing of a union
entirely comprised of or of which the employees The mere signing of the authorization in
in interest are a part. support of the Petition for Certification Election
of FFW on March 19, 20 and 21, or before the
However, in terminating the employment of an “freedom period,” is not sufficient ground to
employee by enforcing the union security clause, terminate the employment of respondents
the employer needs to determine and prove inasmuch as the petition itself was actually filed
that: during the freedom period.
During the 60-day freedom period which
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under preceded the expiration of the Collective
Rule 45, assailing the Decision rendered Bargaining Agreement, starting on 1 May 2005
by the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the and ending on 30 June 2005, the Hotel and
Resolution of the National Labor Relations HIMPHLU negotiated the extension of the
Commission, dismissing for lack of merit the provisions of the existing Collective Bargaining
complaint for unfair labor practice filed by Agreement for two years, effective 1 July 2005
petitioner National Union of Workers in Hotels, to 30 June 2007. The parties signed the
Restaurants and Allied Industries-Manila Memorandum of Agreement on 20 May 2005
Pavilion Hotel (NUWHRAIN) against Manila and the employees ratified it on 27 May
Pavilion Hotel (the Hotel). 2005.6
The Hotel entered into a Collective Bargaining Thereafter, NUWHRAIN exercised the right to
Agreement with HI-MANILA PAVILION challenge the majority
HOTEL LABOR UNION (HIMPHLU), the status of the incumbent union, HIMPHLU, by
exclusive bargaining agent of the rank-and-file filing a Petition for Certification Election
employees of the Hotel. on 28 June 2005.
Both parties consented that the representation On 5 July 2007, the Industrial Relations Division
aspect and other of the DOLE allowed the registration of
non-economic provisions of the Collective the Memorandum of Agreement executed
Hence, the present Petition, in which Article 248(e) of the Labor Code recognizes the
NUWHRAIN makes the following assignment of effectivity of a union shop clause:
The law allows stipulations for “union
ISSUE: shop” and “closed shop” as a means of
encouraging workers to join and support
Whether the dismissal of the employees in the union of their choice in the protection
accordance with the CBA’s Union Security of their rights and interests vis-à-vis the
Clause deemed unfair labor practice employer.
By thus promoting unionism, workers are
The instant Petition lacks merit. able to negotiate with management on an
even playing field and with more
NUWHRAIN maintains that the respondent persuasiveness than if they were to
committed unfair labor practice when individually and separately bargain with
the employer. In Villar v. Inciong, this
Court held that employees have the right
(1) the Hotel issued the Notices to the 36
to disaffiliate from their union and form a
employees, former members of
new organization of their own; however,
HIMPHLU, who switched allegiance to
they must suffer the consequences of their
separation from the union under the
(2) the officers of the respondent and the
security clause of the Collective
Hotel allegedly uttered statements during
Bargaining Agreement.
the reconciliatory conferences indicating
their preference for HIMPHLU and their
disapproval of NUWHRAIN. In the present case, the Collective Bargaining
Agreement includes a union security
This argument is specious.
Union Shop Clause of the CBA covers
the former FEBTC employees who were
hired/employed by BPI during the effectivity of
the CBA in a manner which petitioner describes
as absorption.
B. “Makibaka!”: Resorting to Lawful (e) During the cooling-off period, it shall be the duty
Concerted Activities of the Ministry to exert all efforts at mediation and
conciliation to effect a voluntary settlement. Should
Article 278-281, LC the dispute remain unsettled until the lapse of the
requisite number of days from the mandatory filing of
ART. 278. [263] Strikes, Picketing, and Lockouts. the notice, the labor union may strike or the employer
may declare a lockout.
(a) It is the policy of the State to encourage free trade
unionism and free collective bargaining. (f) A decision to declare a strike must be approved by
a majority of the total union membership in the
(b) Workers shall have the right to engage in bargaining unit concerned, obtained by secret ballot
concerted activities for purposes of collective in meetings or referenda called for that purpose.
bargaining or for their mutual benefit and protection.
The right of legitimate labor organizations to strike A decision to declare a lockout must be approved by
and picket and of employers to lockout, consistent a majority of the board of directors of the corporation
with the national interest, shall continue to be or association or of the partners in a partnership,
recognized and respected. However, no labor union obtained by secret ballot in a meeting called for that
may strike and no employer may declare a lockout on purpose. The decision shall be valid for the duration
grounds involving inter-union and intra-union of the dispute based on substantially the same grounds
disputes. considered when the strike or lockout vote was taken.
The Ministry may, at its own initiative or upon the
(c) In cases of bargaining deadlocks, the duly certified request of any affected party, supervise the conduct of
or recognized bargaining agent may file a notice of the secret balloting. In every case, the union or the
strike or the employer may file a notice of lockout employer shall furnish the Ministry the results of the
with the Ministry at least 30 days before the intended voting at least seven days before the intended strike
date thereof. In cases of unfair labor practice, the or lockout, subject to the cooling-off period herein
period of notice shall be 15 days and in the absence provided.
of a duly certified or recognized bargaining agent, the
notice of strike may be filed by any legitimate labor (g) When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute
organization in behalf of its members. causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an
industry indispensable to the national interest, the
However, in case of dismissal from employment of Secretary of Labor and Employment may assume
union officers duly elected in accordance with the jurisdiction over the dispute and decide it or certify
union constitution and by-laws, which may constitute the same to the Commission for compulsory
union busting where the existence of the union is arbitration. Such assumption or certification shall
threatened, the 15-day cooling-off period shall not have the effect of automatically enjoining the
apply and the union may take action immediately. intended or impending strike or lockout as specified
in the assumption or certification order.
Any worker whose employment has been terminated ART. 280. [265] Improved Offer Balloting.
as a consequence of any unlawful lockout shall be
entitled to reinstatement with full backwages. Any In an effort to settle a strike, the Department of Labor
union officer who knowingly participates in an illegal and Employment shall conduct a referendum by
strike and any worker or union officer who knowingly secret balloting on the improved offer of the employer
participates in the commission of illegal acts during a on or before the 30th day of the strike. When at least
strike may be declared to have lost his employment a majority of the union members vote to accept the
status: Provided, That mere participation of a worker improved offer the striking workers shall immediately
in a lawful strike shall not constitute sufficient ground return to work and the employer shall thereupon
for termination of his employment, even if a readmit them upon the signing of the agreement.
replacement had been hired by the employer during
such lawful strike. In case of a lockout, the Department of Labor and
Employment shall also conduct a referendum by
(b) No person shall obstruct, impede, or interfere with secret balloting on the reduced offer of the union on
by force, violence, coercion, threats or intimidation, or before the 30th day of the lockout. When at least a
any peaceful picketing by employees during any labor majority of the board of directors or trustees or the
controversy or in the exercise of the right to self- partners holding the controlling interest in the case of
organization or collective bargaining, or shall aid or a partnership vote to accept the reduced offer, the
abet such obstruction or interference. workers shall immediately return to work and the
employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the
(c) No employer shall use or employ any strike- signing of the agreement.
breaker, nor shall any person be employed as a strike-
breaker. ART. 281. [266] Requirement for Arrest and
(d) No public official or employee, including officers
and personnel of the New Armed Forces of the Except on grounds of national security and public
Philippines or the Integrated National Police, or peace or in case of commission of a crime, no union
armed person, shall bring in, introduce or escort in members or union organizers may be arrested or
any manner, any individual who seeks to replace detained for union activities without previous
strikers in entering or leaving the premises of a strike consultations with the Secretary of Labor.
area, or work in place of the strikers. The police force
shall keep out of the picket lines unless actual Section 1-14; Rule XXII, Book V, Omnibus
violence or other criminal acts occur therein: Rules Implementing the Labor Code
Provided, That nothing herein shall be interpreted to
prevent any public officer from taking any measure Section 1. Conciliation of Labor-Management
necessary to maintain peace and order, protect life and Disputes.
property, and/or enforce the law and legal orders.
The Board may, upon request of either of both
(e) No person engaged in picketing shall commit any parties or upon its own initiative, provide
act of violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct conciliation-mediation services to labor disputes
the free ingress to or egress from the employer’s other than notices of strikes or lockouts.
In any case, the CBA said that the work hours Disposiiton: WHEREFORE, the petition is
could change at the company’s discretion. Also, DENIED DUE COURSE and the 29
the employees were aware, and in fact complied December 1999 decision of the Court of
with the 12 hours shifts. Their own witnesses Appeals is AFFIRMED.
show this.
The Union agrees that there shall be no strikes, Furthermore, this Court, not being a trier of
walkouts, stoppage or slow-down of work, facts, finds no reason to alter or disturb the
boycott, refusal to handle accounts, picketing, NLRC findings on this matter, these findings
sit-down strikes, sympathy strikes or any other being based on substantial evidence and
form of interference and/or interruptions with affirmed by the CA. Factual findings of labor
any of the normal operations of the HOTEL officials, who are deemed to have acquired
during the life of this Agreement. expertise in matters within their respective
jurisdictions, are generally accorded not only
The facts are clear that the strike arose out of
respect but even finality, and bind us when
a bargaining deadlock in the CBA
supported by substantial evidence.[23] Likewise,
negotiations with the Hotel. The concerted
we are not duty-bound to delve into the accuracy
action is an economic strike upon which the
of the factual findings of the NLRC in the
afore-quoted no strike/work stoppage and
absence of clear showing that these were arrived
lockout prohibition is squarely applicable and
at arbitrarily and/or bereft of any rational basis
legally binding
Clearly, the 29 Union officers may be dismissed
Third, the Union officers and members
pursuant to Art. 264(a), par. 3 of the Labor Code
concerted action to shave their heads and crop
which imposes the penalty of dismissal on any
their hair not only violated the Hotels Grooming
union officer who knowingly participates in an
Standards but also violated the Unions duty and
illegal strike. We, however, are of the opinion
responsibility to bargain in good faith. By
that there is room for leniency with respect to the
shaving their heads and cropping their hair, the
Union members. It is pertinent to note that the
Union officers and members violated then
Hotel was able to prove before the NLRC that the
Section 6, Rule XIII of the Implementing Rules
strikers blocked the ingress to and egress from
of Book V of the Labor Code.
the Hotel. But it is quite apparent that the Hotel
Fourth, the Union failed to observe the failed to specifically point out the participation of
mandatory 30-day cooling-off period and the each of the Union members in the commission of
seven-day strike ban before it conducted the illegal acts during the picket and the strike.
strike on January 18, 2002. The NLRC correctly
For this lapse in judgment or diligence, we are
held that the Union failed to observe the
constrained to reinstate the 61 Union member.
mandatory periods before conducting or holding
a strike
In the instant case, the union cannot be faulted The law is clear:
for its omission. The union could not have
Any union officer who knowingly participates in
attached the counter-proposal of the company in
an illegal strike and any worker or union officer
the notice of strike it submitted to the NCMB as
who knowingly participates in the commission of
there was no such counter-proposal. To recall,
illegal acts during a strike may be declared to
the union filed a notice of strike after several
have lost his employment status.
requests to start negotiations proved futile. It was
only after two weeks when the company formally Note that the verb participates is preceded by the
responded to the union by submitting the first adverb knowingly. This reflects the intent of the
part of its counter-proposal. Worse, it took the legislature to require knowledge as a
company another three weeks to complete it by condition sine qua non before a union officer can
submitting the second part of its counter-
Bigg’s alleges that on February 16, 1996, On the issue of the illegality of strike The
around 50 union members staged an illegal “sit- Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of Bigg’s. Under the
down strike” in Bigg’s restaurant. The union did provisions of Article 263 of the Labor Code and
not comply with the requirements of sending a its implementing rules, for a strike to enjoy the
Notice of Strike to the National Conciliation and protection of the law, the union must observe
Mediation Board (NCMB). Neither did the union certain procedural requirements. The LA held
YES, the strike held on February 16, 1996 was (e) During the cooling-off period, it shall
illegal. be the duty of the Ministry to exert all efforts at
mediation and conciliation to effect a voluntary
settlement. Should the dispute remain unsettled
until the lapse of the requisite number of days
REQUIREMENTS OF A VALID STRIKE from the mandatory filing of the notice, the labor
union may strike or the employer may declare a
As defined under Article 219 (formerly
Article 212) (o) of the Labor Code, a strike means
any temporary stoppage of work by the concerted
A decision to declare a lockout must be In both instances, the union must conduct
approved by a majority of the board of directors a "strike vote" which requires that the actual
of the corporation or association or of the strike is approved by majority of the total union
partners in a partnership, obtained by secret membership in the bargaining unit concerned.
ballot in a meeting called for that purpose. The union is required to notify the regional
branch of the NCMB of the conduct of the strike
The decision shall be valid for the vote at least 24 hours before the conduct of the
duration of the dispute based on substantially the voting. Thereafter, the union must furnish the
same grounds considered when the strike or NCMB with the results of the voting at least
lockout vote was taken. seven days before the intended strike or
lockout.[50] This seven-day period has been
The Ministry may, at its own initiative or
referred to as the "seven-day strike ban" or
upon the request of any affected party, supervise
"seven-day waiting period."
the conduct of the secret balloting.
In Lapanday Workers Union v. National
In every case, the union or the employer
Labor Relations Commission, the Court reasoned
shall furnish the Ministry the results of the voting
that the period is intended to give the NCMB an
at least seven days before the intended strike or
opportunity to verify whether the projected strike
lockout, subject to the cooling-off period herein
really carries the imprimatur of the majority of
the union members. In a strike due to bargaining
This provision was further implemented deadlocks, the union must file a notice of strike
by Department Order (DO) Order No. 40-03, or lockout with the regional branch of the NCMB
Amending the Implementing Rules of Book V of at least 30 days before the intended date of the
the Labor Code of the Philippines (IRR) and DO strike and serve a copy of the notice on the
40-A-03[47] which amended Section 5, Rule employer. This is the so-called "cooling-
XXII of the IRR. off period" when the parties may enter into
compromise agreements to prevent the strike. In
The Labor Code and the IRR limit the case of unfair labor practice, the period of notice
grounds for a valid strike to: (1) a bargaining is shortened to 15 days; in case of union busting,
deadlock in the course of collective bargaining, the "cooling-off period" does not apply and the
or (2) the conduct of unfair labor practices by the union may immediately conduct the strike after
employer. the strike vote and after submitting the results
thereof to the regional arbitration branch of the
In labor disputes adversely affecting the continued University of the Immaculate Concepcion v.
operation of such hospitals, clinics or medical Office of the Secretary of Labor and
institutions, it shall be the duty of the striking union Employment, GR No. 178085-178086, Sept.
or locking-out employer to provide and maintain an 14, 2015
effective skeletal workforce of medical and other
DOLE Memorandum Order No. 147-2015 → WITHOUT 1-MONTH NOTICE – employer can
hold him liable for damages
→ The employer cannot compel him to render
→ Formal renouncement or relinquishment of an service during the period as it amounts to
office involuntary servitude.
→ Must be unconditional and WITH INTENT to → The one-month notice may be waived by the
operate as such employer
→ There must be an INTENTION TO RELINQUISH → The rule requiring an employee to stay or complete
a portion of the terms of the office accompanied by an the 30-day period prior to the effectivity of his
act of relinquishment resignation is discretionary on the part of the
→ Can be inferred from the wordings of the letter or
→Inferred from the actuations of the employee
→ Resignation may not be withdrawn without the
RESIGNATION AS ALTERNATIVE TO consent of the employer.
→ The moment an employee resigns and his
→ The voluntariness of resignation is not negated by resignation is accepted, he no longer has any right to
the fact that the employer persuades an employee to the job
resign instead of being dismissed for cause
→If a result of reorganization, the employee is given must ask for approval of the withdrawal of his
the option to resign or be terminated with separation resignation from his employer
pay, and the employee chooses to resign, the
resignation is still voluntary o EMPLOYER ACCEPTS – employee
retains his job
REASON: Employer has the right → Mere absence does not by itself indicate
to determine who his employees will abandonment of employment. There must be overt
be acts unerringly pointing to the fact that the employee
does not want to work anymore.
→ This is in recognition of the contractual nature of
employment which requires mutuality of consent Intent can be inferred from the following:
between the parties. An employment contract is
CONSENSUAL and VOLUNTARY a.) Failure of the employee to comply with notices or
directives for him to report for work;
→ A resigned employee who desires to take his job
back has to re-apply therefor, and he shall have the b.) Failure to report for work within a reasonable time
status of a stranger who cannot unilaterally demand after expiration of leave of absence without pay;
an appointment.
c.) Failure to report for work despite disapproval of
ENTITLEMENT TO SEPARATION PAY application for indefinite leave of absence;
GENERAL RULE: An employee who voluntarily d.) Prolonged absences without justifiable reason
resigns from his employment is not entitled to
General Rule: Intent to abandon is negated by the
immediate filing of a complaint for illegal dismissal.
Exception: When the complaint for illegal dismissal
1. Stipulation in the employment contract does not pray for reinstatement, but only for
separation pay.
2. Collective bargaining agreement
Abandonment and Absence Without Leave
3. Sanctioned by established employer (AWOL)
practice or policy
Involuntary resignation is a situation where an The appropriate relief is separation pay plus
employee is constrained to quit his job because indemnities in the form of nominal damages or back
continued employment is rendered impossible, wages. Reinstatement is not a proper relief because of
unreasonable or unlikely; when there is a demotion in strained relations between the parties.
rank, diminution in pay or when a clear
discrimination, insensibility or disdain by an Retrenchment
employer becomes unbearable to the employee.
→Reduction of personnel due to actual or anticipated
Grounds Under Art 285(b) losses, lack of work, or reduction in the volume of
a.) Serious insult by the employer or his
→“Retrenchment to prevent losses”
representative on the honor and person of the
o Art. 298 (283), Labor Code
- Where an employee who quits his
Closure of Establishment and
employment after being demoted without just
Reduction of Personnel.
The employer may also terminate the
b.) Inhuman and unbearable treatment accorded the
employment of any employee due to
employee by the employer or his representative;
the installation of labor-saving
- Where an employee quits his employment devices, redundancy, retrenchment
to prevent losses or the closing or
because of a legitimate desire for self-
cessation of operation of the
establishment or undertaking unless
c.) Commission of a crime or offense by the employer the closing is for the purpose of
or his representative against the person of the circumventing the provisions of this
employee or any of the immediate members of his Title, by serving a written notice on
family; and the workers and the Ministry of
Labor and Employment at least one
- Where the employer or his representative (1) month before the intended date
commits rape, physical injuries, mutilation, thereof. In case of termination due to
abortion, infanticide, homicide, murder, the installation of labor-saving
parricide, etc. against the employee or the devices or redundancy, the worker
immediate members of his family. affected thereby shall be entitled to
a separation pay equivalent to at
d.) Other causes analogous to any of the foregoing least his one (1) month pay or to at
o The lawmaker did not intend that the losses 3. That the employer used fair and reasonable criteria
shall have in fact materialized before in ascertaining who would be dismissed and who
adopting retrenchment measures would be retained among the employees, such as:
→Potential losses that are speculative cannot justify a. Less preferred status, i.e., whether they are
retrenchment temporary, casual, regular, or managerial
RETRENCHMENT (Substantive b. Efficiency
Requirements of Retrenchment) c. Seniority
1. The expected losses should be substantial and not d. Physical fitness
merely de minimis in extent
e. Age
2. That substantial loss apprehended must be
reasonably imminent, as such imminence can be f. financial hardship for certain workers
perceived objectively and in good faith by the
employer 4. That the employer served written notice both to the
employee and the Department of Labor and
3. It must be reasonably necessary and likely to Employment at least one month prior to the intended
effectively prevent the expected loss. It must be date of retrenchment
resorted to as a means of last resort, after less drastic
Under the MOA, ADMU and petitioner BEMI • The management evaluated and
agreed, among other terms and conditions, that identified several employees who could
be the subject of retrenchment
(a) petitioner BEMI would operate the proceedings, taking into consideration
businesses on its own account and employ its the employees’ positions and tenures
own employees, secure the necessary • identified five employees for
business licenses and permits under its name, retrenchment, namely, Arvin A. Aluad,
and pay all taxes related to its operations Alghie B. Domdom, Randell S. Esureña,
under its name; Edmund T. Tugay, and respondent
(b) profits or losses from operations would be • Respondent was included in the list
for the account of petitioner BEMI; because she was one of the employees
with the shortest tenure
(c) petitioner BEMI would be responsible
• Petitioners head of management,
for the costs of maintaining MLSC in the
separately met with each of the five
same condition as it was when turned over by
aforementioned employees and
ADMU excluding ordinary wear and tear;
It further concluded that PAL had implemented the Whether the retrenchment was valid, and whether the
retrenchment program in bad faith, and had not used submission of audited financial statements is still
fair and reasonable criteria in selecting the employees required when complainants admitted the loss
to be retrenched.
After Pal filed its MR, the Court upon motion held
oral arguments. Upon conclusion of the oral Retrenchment or downsizing is a mode of
arguments, the Court directed the parties to explore a terminating employment initiated by the employer
possible settlement and to submit their respective through no fault of the employee and without
memoranda. The parties did not reach any settlement, prejudice to the latter, resorted to by management
hence the SC through the Special Third Division, during periods of business recession, industrial
resolved the issues on the merits through the depression or seasonal fluctuations or during lulls
resolution of October 2, 2009 denying PAL’s MR. over shortage of materials. It is a reduction in
manpower, a measure utilized by an employer to
The SC Special 3rd Division was unconvinced by minimize business losses incurred in the operation of
PAL’s change of theory in urging the ALPAP pilot’s its business.
strike as the reason behind the immediate
retrenchment of; and observed that the strike was a Accordingly, the employer may resort to
temporary occurrence that did not require the retrenchment in order to avert serious business losses.
immediate and sweeping retrenchment of around To justify such retrenchment, the following
1,400 cabin crew. conditions must be present, namely:
Upon the SC’s subsequent reorganization, the petition 1. The retrenchment must be reasonably
was transferred to the 1st Division. Justice Velasco, necessary and likely to prevent business
inhibited himself from the case due to personal losses;
2. The losses, if already incurred, are not
On September 7, 2011, the 2nd Division denied with merely de minimis, but substantial, serious,
finality PAL’s second MR. actual and real, or, if only expected, are
reasonably imminent;
5. There must be fair and reasonable criteria →Temporary closure – legal effect is governed by
in ascertaining who would be dismissed and Art. 286 of the Labor Code
who would be retained among the employees,
such as status, efficiency, seniority, physical →The right to close the entire establishment carries
fitness, age, and financial hardship for certain with it the right to close a part thereof, hence,
workers. closure may be TOTAL or PARTIAL
Upon a critical review of the records, we are →Can be exercised even if the employer is not
convinced that PAL had met all the standards in suffering from serious business losses or financial
effecting a valid retrenchment. reverses
We emphasize, too, that the presentation of the →Must be done in good faith or with no intent to
audited financial statements should not the sole lockout its employees as a means to coercing them to
means by which to establish the employer's serious its demands
financial losses. The presentation of audited financial
statements, although convenient in proving the
unilateral claim of financial losses, is not required for
1. The closure of business must be bona fide in
all cases of retrenchment. The evidence required for
each case of retrenchment really depends on the
particular circumstances obtaining. 2. A written notice must be served upon the
employees and the DOLE at least one month before
At any rate, even assuming that serious business
the intended date of closure
losses had not been proved by PAL, it would still be
justified under Article 298 of the Labor Code to 3. The employer must give separation pay to the
retrench employees to prevent the occurrence of employees, if the closure was not due to serious
losses or its closing of the business, provided that the business losses
projected losses were not merely de minimis, but
substantial, serious, actual, and real, or, if only →Relocation of plant may amount to closure
expected, were reasonably imminent as perceived
objectively and in good faith by the employer. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENT
PAL could not have been motivated by ill will or bad →The employer should serve a written notice at least
faith when it decided to terminate FASAP's affected once (1) month in advance to the:
members. On the contrary, good faith could be justly
1. Affected employees
→“One month” = thirty (30) days (1) additional separation pay of 17.5 days for
every year of service;
→FAILURE TO COMPLY – Subject the employer
to sanction in the nature of indemnification or penalty, (2) back wages equivalent to two days a
the amount of which will depend on the facts of each month;
case and the gravity of the omission committed by the
(3) transportation allowance;
(4) hazard pay;
North Davao Mining v. NLRC, 254 SCRA 721
(5) housing allowance;
Doctrine: Art. 283 of the Labor Code does not
obligate an employer to pay separation benefits when (6) food allowance;
the closure is due to losses.
(7) post-employment medical clearance; and
The law in protecting the rights of the laborer,
authorizes neither oppression nor self-destruction of (8) future medical allowance
the employer.
The Labor Arbiter, rendered a decision ordering
FACTS: petitioner North Davao to pay the complainants.
NLRC, affirmed the decision of the LA.
Petitioner North Davao Mining Corporation
(North Davao) was incorporated as a 100% privately- ISSUE:
owned company.
Whether or not an employer whose business
Respondent Wilfredo Guillema is one among operations ceased due to serious business losses or
several employees of North Davao who were financial reverses is obliged to pay separation pay to
separated by reason of the company’s closure on May its employees separated by reason of such closure.
31, 1992, and who were the complainants in the cases
before the respondent labor arbiter. RULING:
On May 31, 1992, petitioner North Davao Art. 283 of the Labor Code,
completely ceased operations due to serious business
reverses. “Art. 283. Closure of establishment and
reduction of personnel.— The employer may
When it ceased operations, its remaining employees also terminate the employment of any
were separated and given the equivalent of 12.5 days’ employee due to the installation of labor
saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment to
petitioners, through Benson Industries Employees While serious business losses generally exempt the
Union-ALU-TUCP (Union), filed a notice of strike, employer from paying separation benefits, it must be
claiming that the company’s supposed closure was pointed that the exemption only pertains to the
merely a ploy to replace the union members with obligation of the employer under Article 297 of the
lower paid workers, and, as a result, increase its profit Labor Code.
at their expense.
This is because of the law’ s express parameter that
due to the parties’ amicable settlement during the mandates payment of separation benefits “in case of
conciliation proceedings before the NCMB, closures or cessation of operations of establishment or
petitioners accepted Benson’s payment of separation undertaking not due to serious business losses or
pay, computed at 15 days for every year of service, as financial reverses.”
per the parties’ Memorandum of Agreement
Article 283 [(now, Article 297)] of the Labor Code
Reaching an impasse on the conflict, the parties does not obligate an employer to pay separation
referred the issue to voluntary arbitration, wherein the benefits when the closure is due to serious losses. To
validity of Benson’s closure was brought up as well. require an employer to be generous when it is no
longer in a position to do so, in our view, would be
The VA ruled in favor of the petitioners. unduly oppressive, unjust, and unfair to the employer.
the CA reversed and set aside the VA’s ruling, and When the obligation to pay separation benefits,
accordingly deleted the award of additional however, is not sourced from law (particularly,
separation benefits equivalent to four (4) days of work Article 297 of the Labor Code), but from contract,
for every year of service. such as an existing collective bar gaining agreement
between the employer and its employees, an
examination of the latter’s provisions becomes
whether or not the CA correctly deleted the award to necessary in order to determine the governing
petitioners of additional separation benefits parameters for the said obligation.
equivalent to four (4) days of work for every year of
For a similar exemption to obtain against a contract,
such as a CBA, the tenor of the parties’ agreement
RULING: ought to be similar to the law’s tenor.
Closure of business may be considered as a reversal When the parties, however, agree to deviate
of an employer’s fortune whereby there is a complete therefrom, and unqualifiedly covenant the payment of
cessation of business operations and/or an actual separation benefits irrespective of the employer’s
lockingup of the doors of the establishment, usually financial position, then the obligatory force of that
due to financial losses. contract prevails and its terms should be carried out
to its full effect.
DOLE Memorandum Order No. 147-2015 Doctrine: In termination cases, the burden of proof
rests upon the employer to show that the dismissal is
Twin Notice Requirement for a just and valid cause; For this purpose, the
employer must present substantial evidence to prove
PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENT the legality of an employee’s dismissal.
→The employer should serve a written notice at least In termination proceedings, it is settled that for the
once (1) month in advance to the: manner of dismissal to be valid, the employer must
comply with the employee’s right to procedural due
1. Affected employees
process by furnishing him with two (2) written notices
before the termination of his employment.
2. Department of Labor and Employment
Must be served personally upon the employee
concerned The mere posting of the notice
of termination of employment on the Cuyos filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and
employees’ bulletin board does not claims for salaries and other benefits for the
substantially comply with the statutory unexpired portion of his employment contract,
requirement damages, and attorney’s fees against International
Crew Services, Ltd. (ICS), and petitioners Meco
→“One month” = thirty (30) days
Manning & Crewing Services, Inc. (MECO) and
Captain Igmedio G. Sorrera (Capt. Sorrera) before the
→FAILURE TO COMPLY – Subject the employer
Regional Arbitration Branch of the NLRC in
to sanction in the nature of indemnification or penalty,
Cebu City.
the amount of which will depend on the facts of each
case and the gravity of the omission committed by the
Constantino alleged that MECO, for and on behalf
of its principal, ICS, hired him as the Second Marine
Engineer of the vessel “M/V Crown Princess.” The
employment was for a period of eight months.
→To obviate abrupt and arbitrary dismissal and to
Constantino claimed that the ship’s Chief Engineer,
enable the employee to survive while he is looking for
Francisco G. Vera, Jr. (Vera), mistreated him during
another job
his short stay onboard the “M/V Crown Princess.”
→EMPLOYEE – to give him some to prepare for the
Constantino was shocked when the Third Mate of the
eventual loss of his job
vessel handed to him an electronic plane ticket and
→DOLE – opportunity to ascertain the veracity of informed him that he must disembark at Cristobal,
the alleged cause for termination Panama, where a reliever would take his place.
petitioner Pepito P. Estrellan, JMC’s Kalibo Branch Under the Labor Code, the dismissal of an employee
Manager, directed Iguiz to explain within 24 hours has a two-fold due process requirement: one is
the reason for the P5,811.00 shortage and suspended substantive and the other, procedural. For
Iguiz from his position as collector/credit substantive due process, the dismissal must be for a
investigator. just and authorized cause as provided under Articles
282, 283, and 284 of the Labor Code; and for
Iguiz said that his shortage of remittance was because procedural due process, the opportunity to be heard
the money was lost due to the typhoon which affected and to defend oneself must be observed.
his home.
An employer may terminate the services of an
Estrellan issued a memorandum to Iguiz asking him employee for just causes under Article 282 of the
to explain within 24 hours why he should not be Labor Code which provides:
reprimanded for loss of trust and confidence for
receiving payments of P15,300.00 and $29 without Art. 282. Termination by employer.—An
issuing official receipts, as per Sonio’s audit report. employer may terminate an employment for
any of the following causes:
before Iguiz could file an explanation for the
memorandum, he received another memorandum a. Serious misconduct or willful disobedience
from Estrellan, asking him to sign the administrative by the employee of the lawful orders of his
investigation report within 12 hours; otherwise it employer or representative in connection
would mean that Iguiz is waiving his right to be heard with his work;
and JMC would be constrained to evaluate his case
based on the evidence on hand.
d. Commission of a crime or offense by the to the notices, the employer must set a hearing or
employee against the person of his employer conference to give the employee an opportunity to
or any immediate member of his family or his present evidence and rebut the charges against
duly authorized representatives; and him. The requirement of two notices and a hearing is
mandatory; otherwise the order of dismissal is void.
e. Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
Under the implementing rule of Article 277, an
In the present case, JMC terminated the employment employee should be given “reasonable opportunity”
of Iguiz due to dishonesty and fraud or willful breach to file a response to the notice.
of the trust reposed in him as provided under Article
282(c). “reasonable opportunity” should be a period of at
least five calendar days from receipt of the notice
we held that the language of Article 282(c) of the
Labor Code states that the loss of trust and Accordingly, given the illegality of Iguiz’s dismissal
confidence must be based on willful breach of the without just cause and the nonobservance of
trust reposed in the employee by his employer. procedural due process, Iguiz is entitled to
Ordinary breach will not suffice; it must be willful. reinstatement and backwages as provided in Article
Such breach is willful if it is done intentionally, 279 of the Labor Code,
knowingly, and purposely, without justifiable excuse,
as distinguished from an act done carelessly, thought
lessly, heedlessly or inadvertently. Stated otherwise,
it must be based on substantial evidence. Failure to Observe Due Process
We agree with the appellate court that JMC failed to In termination proceedings, it is settled that for the
prove by substantial evidence the loss of trust and manner of dismissal to be valid, the employer must
confidence in Iguiz based on willful breach of trust. comply with the employee’s right to procedural due
process by furnishing him with two written notices
It bears stressing that in illegal dismissal cases, the before the termination of his employment.
employer bears the burden of showing that the
dismissal was for a just or authorized cause. Not only For substantive due process, the dismissal must be
must the reasons for dismissing an employee be for a just and authorized cause as provided under
substantiated, the manner of his dismissal must be in Articles 282, 283, and 284 of the Labor Code; and for
accordance with governing rules and regulations. procedural due process, the opportunity to be heard
and to defend oneself must be observed.
The law and the rules provide that the employer must
furnish the employee with two written notices before Failure by the employer to discharge this burden
dismissal from employment: would necessarily mean that the dismissal is not
(1) notice to apprise the employee of the Standards of due process: requirements of notice. – In
particular acts or omissions for which the all cases of termination of employment, the following
standards of due process shall be substantially
dismissal is sought, and
(2) subsequent notice to inform him of the I. For termination of employment based on just causes
employer’s decision to dismiss him. as defined in Article 282 of the Code:
In addition to the notices, the employer must set a (a) A written notice served on the employee
hearing or conference to give the employee an specifying the ground or grounds for termination, and
opportunity to present evidence and rebut the charges giving to said employee reasonable opportunity
within which to explain his side;
against him. The requirement of two notices and a
hearing is mandatory; otherwise the order of (b) A hearing or conference during which the
dismissal is void. employee concerned, with the assistance of counsel if
the employee so desires, is given opportunity to
Failure by the employer to discharge this burden respond to the charge, present his evidence or rebut
would necessarily mean that the dismissal is not the evidence presented against him; and
justified, and therefore illegal
(c) A written notice of termination served on the
employee indicating that upon due consideration of
Agabon v. NLRC, GR 158693, November 17,
all the circumstances, grounds have been established
2004 to justify his termination.
Doctrine: Article 282 of the Labor Code
enumerates the just causes for termination by the In case of termination, the foregoing notices shall be
employer: served on the employee's last known address.
(a) serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the ART. 294. [279] Security of Tenure. - In cases of
employee of the lawful orders of his employer or the regular employment, the employer shall not terminate
latter's representative in connection with the the services of an employee except for a just cause or
employee's work; when authorized by this Title. An employee who is
unjustly dismissed from work shall be entitled to
(b) gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and
duties; other privileges and to his full backwages, inclusive
of allowances, and to his other benefits or their
(c) fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust
monetary equivalent computed from the time his
reposed in him by his employer or his duly authorized compensation was withheld from him up to the time
representative; of his actual reinstatement.
(d) commission of a crime or offense by the employee ART. 297. [282] Termination by Employer - An
against the person of his employer or any immediate employer may terminate an employment for any of
the following causes:
NLRC reversed the Labor Arbiter: - demanded for an increase in their wage to P280.00
it found that the petitioners had abandoned their work, per day. When this was not granted, petitioners
and were not entitled to backwages and separation stopped reporting for work and filed the illegal
pay. The other money claims awarded by the Labor dismissal case.
Arbiter were also denied for lack of evidence
Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari with the Court Whether or not the Agabons were illegally dismissed
of Appeals. from their employment. - NO
CA ruled that the dismissal of the petitioners was not Factual issue: Whether or not an employee has
illegal because they had abandoned their employment abandoned employment. – YES
but ordered the payment of money claims.
The LA also found unmeritorious Deoferio's money (a) Whether Deoferio is entitled to nominal damages
claims against Intel. for violation of his right to statutory procedural due
process (YES); and
NLRC RULING: On appeal by Deoferio, the
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) (b) Whether the respondents are solidarily liable to
wholly affirmed the LA's ruling. Deoferio for nominal damages (No,Intel is solely
liable; Wentling is not personally liable for the
CA RULING: the CA affirmed the NLRC decision. It satisfaction of nominal damages in favor of Deoferio,
agreed with the lower tribunals' findings that Deoferio being a corporate officer, cannot be held liable for
was suffering from schizophrenia and that his acts done in his official capacity because a
continued employment at Intel would be prejudicial corporation, by legal fiction, has a personality
to his health and to those of his co-employees. It ruled separate and distinct from its officers, stockholders,
that the only procedural requirement under the IRR is and members.) - Piercing the veil of corporate fiction
the certification by a competent public health because Wentling acted in good faith and merely
authority on the non-curability of the disease within a relied on Dr. Lee’s psychiatric report in carrying out
period of six months even with proper medical the dismissal.
treatment. It also concurred with the lower tribunals
that Intel was justified in not paying Deoferio (3) Whether Deoferio is entitled to salary differential,
separation pay as required by Article 284 of the Labor backwages, separation pay, moral and exemplary
Code because this obligation had already been offset damages, as well as attorney’s fees (NO).
by the matured car loan that Deoferio owed Intel.
In the present petition before the Court, Deoferio We find the petition partly meritorious.
argues that the uniform finding that he was suffering
(3) A competent public health authority certifies that The certification from a competent public health
the disease is of such nature or at such a stage that it authority is precisely the substantial evidence
cannot be cured within a period of six months even required by law to prove the existence of the disease
with proper medical treatment. itself, its non-curability within a period of six months
even with proper medical treatment, and the prejudice
With respect to the first and second elements, the
that it would cause to the health of the sick employee
Court liberally construed the phrase "prejudicial to his
and to those of his co-employees.
health as well as to the health of his co-employees" to
mean "prejudicial to his health or to the health of his In the current case, we agree with the CA that Dr.
co-employees." We did not limit the scope of this Lee's psychiatric report substantially proves that
phrase to contagious diseases for the reason that this Deoferio was suffering from schizophrenia, that his
phrase is preceded by the phrase "any disease" under disease was not curable within a period of six months
Article 284 of the Labor Code, to wit: even with proper medical treatment, and that his
continued employment would be prejudicial to his
Art. 284. Disease as ground for termination.
mental health. This conclusion is further substantiated
An employer may terminate the services of an by the unusual and bizarre acts that Deoferio
employee who has been found to be suffering from committed while at Intel's employ.
any disease and whose continued employment is
The twin-notice requirement applies to terminations
prohibited by law or is prejudicial to his... health as
under Article 284 of the Labor Code.
well as to the health of his co-employees: Provided,
That he is paid separation pay equivalent to at least The Labor Code and its IRR are silent on the
one (1) month salary or to one-half (1/2) month salary procedural due process required in terminations due
for every year of service, whichever is greater, a to disease. Despite the seeming gap in the law,
fraction of at least six (6) months being... considered Section 2, Rule 1, Book VI of the IRR expressly states
as one (1) whole year. that the employee should be afforded procedural due
process in all cases of dismissals.
Consistent with this construction, we applied this
provision in resolving illegal dismissal cases due to In Sy v. Court of Appeals and Manly Express, Inc. v.
non-contagious diseases such as stroke, heart attack, Payong, Jr., promulgated in 2003 and 2005,
osteoarthritis, and eye cataract, among others. respectively, the Court finally pronounced the rule
(1) the employer's financial, medical, and/or moral (b) Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his
assistance to the sick employee; duties;
(2) the flexibility and leeway that the employer (c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the
allowed the sick employee in performing his duties trust reposed in him by his employer or duly
while attending to his medical needs; authorized representative;
- Reyes' position was one of trust and confidence, to f) Pay the amount corresponding to 10% of the
which Reyes proved untrustworthy when he leaked judgment award to complainant as and by way of
confidential information. attorney's fees.
- they observed procedural due process in dismissing --> Reyes committed no serious misconduct that
Reyes from service through the e-mails and Reply by could have warranted his dismissal. Moreover, the
Indorsement, apprised of the specific NLRC held, that in dismissing Reyes, the petitioners
did not comply with the detailed steps of procedural
incidents that led to the charges against him and
due process.
provided ample opportunity to explain himself and
controvert the charges. --> wrongful intent, an indispensable element of
serious misconduct, was not duly established by the
LA: respondent CMP Federal Security Agency, Inc.
petitioners; and that on the contrary, Reyes' Written
is hereby ordered to pay complainant the amount of
Explanation dated July 22, 2013 clearly showed that
₱5,220.00 representing his service incentive leave
there was no deliberate intent on his part to violate
CMP Federal's rules and regulations.
All other claims are denied.
--> a perusal of the Reply by Indorsement dated July
--> the just cause for Reyes' dismissal was adequately 20, 2013 would show that no hearing or conference
substantiated bythe petitioners who also proved that was scheduled and conducted by petitioners to give
they complied with the due process requirements for Reyes an opportunity to explain and clarify his
termination of employment. defenses from the charges against him, to present
evidence in support of his defenses, and to rebut the
NLRC: reversed the Labor Arbiter's ruling. evidence presented against him.
Respondent CMP Federal Security Agency, Inc. is *Without the benefit of a hearing prior to his
directed to: dismissal and absent just cause for his termination,
- The probationary period for teaching and academic (b) Failure to qualify as a regular employee in
non-teaching personnel are as follows (DOLE- accordance with reasonable standards made
DECS-CHED-TESDA Order No. 1, 1996): known by the employer at the time of his
(a) For elementary and secondary level --
three (3) consecutive school years of - It is not necessary that the entire probationary period
satisfactory service; be exhausted before the employment could be
(b) For tertiary and graduate level – six
consecutive semesters of satisfactory service; o Termination may be done even before the
expiration of the probationary period.
(c) For tertiary level on trimester service –
nine (9) consecutive trimesters of satisfactory Limitations on the Right to Terminate a
service. Probationary Employment
- The School, as employer, is the one who is to set the - The power of an employer to terminate a
standards and determine whether or not the services probationary employment is subject to the following
of an employee are satisfactory. limitations:
- It is the right of the employer to shorten the (a) It must be exercised in accordance with the
probationary period if he is not impressed with the specific requirements of the contract.
services of the employee.
(b) The dissatisfaction of the employer must be real
- This prerogative is in accordance with academic and in good faith, not feigned so as to circumvent the
freedom and constitutional autonomy which give contract or the law; and
educational institution the right to choose who should
Daily Inquirer v. Magtibay, 528 SCRA 355 PDI then hired Magtibay on a probationary basis for
a period of 6 months. A week prior to the expiration
DOCTRINE: ART. 294. [279] Security of
of the 6 month probationary period, Magtibay was
Tenure. - In cases of regular employment, the
handed his termination paper for alleged failure to
employer shall not terminate the services of an
meet company standards. For such, he filed a
employee except for a just cause or when authorized
complaint for illegal dismissal and damages before
by this Title. An employee who is unjustly dismissed
the Labor Arbiter.
from work shall be entitled to reinstatement without
loss of seniority rights and other privileges and to his PDIEU later joined the case by filing a supplemental
full backwages, inclusive of allowances, and to his complaint for unfair labor practice.
other benefits or their monetary equivalent computed
from the time his compensation was withheld from LA: ruled in favor of PDI.
him up to the time of his actual reinstatement. --> relied on the abstract language provided for in the
Art. 281. Probationary employment. ̶ Probationary termination paper which stated that: “you did not
employment shall not exceed six (6) months from the meet the standards of the company”, to wit:
date the employee started working, unless it is (1) he repeatedly violated the company rule
covered by an apprenticeship agreement stipulating a prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering the
longer period. The services of an employee who has telephone operators room;
been engaged on a probationary basis may be
terminated for a just cause or when he fails to qualify (2) he intentionally omitted to indicate in his
as a regular employee in accordance with reasonable application form his having a dependent child; and
standards made known by the employer to the (3) he exhibited lack of sense of responsibility by
employee at the time of his engagement. An employee locking the door of the telephone operators room on
who is allowed to work after a probationary period March 10, 1996 without switching the proper lines to
shall be considered a regular employee. the company guards so that incoming calls may be
FACTS: answered by them.
Leonardo Magtibay was hired on a contractual basis NLRC reversed LA's decision - ruled in favor of
by the Philippine Daily Inquirer for a period of 5 Magtibay
months. Before the expiration of the said contract, --> effectively ruling that Magtibay was illegally
they agreed to extend it for another 15 days. After dismissed.
Magtibay’s contractual employment expired, PDI
then announced that they created an available position --> Magtibay’s probationary employment had ripened
for a second telephone operator, who will undergo a into a regular one.
probationary employment. Since it was a practice of
PDI filed a motion for reconsideration - NLRC
PDI to give preference to its regular employees for
vacancies, Ms. Regina Layague, a regular employee
and a member of the Philippine Daily Inquirer PDI filed a petition for certiorari to CA.
Employees Union (PDIEU), applied for the said
CA: denied the petition.
Does this make his termination unlawful for being --> assertions were never denied nor controverted by
violative of his right to due process of law? (NO) - It Magtibay.
is undisputed that PDI apprised Magtibay of the
CA erred when it cleared the NLRC of commission of
ground of his termination, i.e., he failed to qualify as
grave abuse of discretion despite the latter’s disregard
a regular employee in accordance with reasonable
of clear and convincing evidence that there were
standards made known to him at the time of
reasonable standards made known by PDI to
engagement, only a week before the expiration of the
Magtibay during his probationary employment.
six-month probationary period.
--> It is on record that Magtibay committed obstinate
infractions of company rules and regulations, which
SC GRANT the petition. in turn constitute sufficient manifestations of his
inadequacy to meet reasonable employment norms.
Management and labor, or the employer and the
employee are more often not situated on the same Common industry practice and ordinary human
level playing field, so to speak. Recognizing this experience do not support the CA’s posture.
reality, the State has seen fit to adopt measures
--> All employees, be they regular or probationary,
envisaged to give those who have less in life more in
are expected to comply with company-imposed rules
law. Article 279 of the Labor Code which gives
and regulations, else why establish them in the first
employees the security of tenure is one playing field
place. Probationary employees unwilling to abide by
leveling measure.
such rules have no right to expect, much less demand,
Within the limited legal six-month probationary permanent employment.
period, probationary employees are still entitled to
SC find sufficient factual and legal basis, duly
security of tenure.
established by substantial evidence, for PDI to legally
The worker’s employment is deemed suspended even • Padilla alleged that he was constructively
if the service rendered to military or civic duties dismissed on the ground that he was placed
exceed six months.
on a floating status. Airborne countered
Requisites: that Padilla was relieved from his post on
account of a client’s request. He was
a.) The employee must signify his desire to resume
work not later than 1 month from his relief from said directed to report to Airborne’s office but
military or civic duty. he failed to comply and went on absence
without leave instead.
The payment of wages and benefits shall be subject to
special laws, decrees and to applicable individual or ISSUE:
collective bargaining agreement and voluntary
employer practice or policy. Is placement in an inordinately long floating status
a ground for constructive dismissal?
This is not conducive to industrial peace - A form of relief that restores the income that was
lost by reason of unlawful dismissal
When to Invoke Doctrine of Strained
- RATIO: an EE whose dismissal is found to be illegal
Relations is considered as not having left his office so that he is
- Such matter of strained relations should be raised entitled to all the rights and privileges that accrue to
and proved before the LA him by virtue of the office that he held
o UNLESS: strained relations arose after the Distinction between Backwages and Unpaid
filing of the case, as when antagonistic wages
feelings that stemmed from the filing of the
- Backwages = compensation which an EE would
complaint deepened during the 8-year
have earned had he not be unjustly dismissed
pendency of the case
Without any cause whatsoever (EE He should try to minimized the loss that may
not committed an offense) be caused to the employer by looking for
other work in which he can be employed
Without just cause (EE committed
an offense but penalty of dismissal No Backwages
was not commensurate) - Backwages may not be awarded in any of the
following circumstances:
Full Backwages
o GF on part of ER – as e.g
- Entitles EE who was dismissed on grounds
specifically prohibited by law ER honestly believed that
o Under Art. Art. 118, 137, 248(f) and 286 of dismissal was the proper penalty for
LC offense committed, reinstatement
without Backwages would be
o Ratio: EE should not have been dismissed appropriate relief
in the first place
When ER honestly believed that it
- Entitles EE who was dismissed without any cause could dismiss EE based on a closed
shop provision of the CBA
o Ratio: EE does not deserve any penalty
considering he has not committed any offense Cessation of employment brought about
neither by dismissal nor abandonment
Limited Backwages
Where the EE’s failure to work
- In situation where EE was dismissed without just
was caused neither by his
cause like EE committed an offense and the penalty
At least one (1) month pay or the following amount, Any employee may be retired upon reaching the
whichever is higher retirement age established in the collective bargaining
agreement or other applicable employment contract.
Retirement is a withdrawal from office, public • On 26 June 2008, private respondent and
station, business, occupation, or public duty upon PVB president Ricardo A. Balbido, Jr.
reaching a certain age or after rendering a certain (Balbido, Jr.) issued a memorandum
number of years of service
directing the petitioner to continue to
Retirement Resignation discharge his official duties and functions
- Bilateral act of the - Unilateral act of en as chief legal counsel pending his request.
employer and employee. However, on 18 July 2007, petitioner was
employee. - Terminates informed by Balbido Jr. that his request for
- Puts an end to the employment relations
employment relations with the employer for an extension of tenure was denied.
upon reaching a certain personal reasons.
age or after rendering a • According to the petitioner, he was made
certain number of years aware of the retirement plan of respondent
of service. PVB only after he had long been employed
and was shown a photocopy of the
Retirement Dismissal Retirement Plan Rules and Regulations and
- Bilateral act of both - Unilateral act of an that Balbido, Jr. had told him upon his
employer and employer in terminating request for extension of his service that the
employee. the services of an same would be denied "to avoid
employee for cause.
precedence.” He sought the reconsideration
United Doctors Medical Center v. Bernadas,
• No, petitioner was not validly retired at age
GR 209468, Dec. 13, 2017
60 when he did not expressly agree to the
terms of an early retirement plan.