Work Order - Twin Pit Latrine - Thahacin

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Ref. NGOF/AAR Japan/Cox’s/Const. DTPL/2018 Date: 15.12.

Lutfunnahar Begum
M/S Thacin Constraction
Vill+Post: RuhullarDeba, RatnaPalong, Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar
Contact: 01819-360143,,

Subject: Direct Pit with Soak Pit Latrine (Single Chamber) Construction
Project: NGOF - AAR Japan WaSH & Protection Support Project

Dear Sir,
Greetings from NGO Forum for Public Health (NGOF).
With reference to our quotation invitation and your subsequence quotation submission, The Management of NGO Forum
Cox’s Bazar Project Office is please to issue Work Order in favor of your considering the specification, terms and condition
mentioned below:

Serial Name of Items Location Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Direct Pit with Soak Pit Latrine (Single
Refugee Camp , Camp
1 Chamber) Construction”Specification: 05 Nos BDT 67,000 BDT 3,35,000
# 5, Ukhiya
As per attached BOQ & Design
Grand Total Price= BDT 3,35,000
In Word: Three Lac thirty five thousand Taka only

Terms & Condition:

 Work to be completed as per attached BOQ on or before 05 January 2019.
 A supervisor always needs to attend/supervise the work in site from vendor side.
 Carrying, transportation, loading, unloading and so on should be completed between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm by the
vendor at its own liability.
 Final bill will be calculated according to actual work measurement by NGO Forum
 Bill must be submitted address to Logistics & Procurement Officer, NGO Forum, Cox’s Bazar Project Office, Flat
# A4 (1st Floor), Plot # 71, Sayemon Pink Pearl, Hotel-Motel Zone, Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar
 After verification of Technical Officer (Engineer) and successful completing of work payment will be made
through A/C Payee Cheque only.
 NGO Forum will deduct Tax, VAT, other Govt. charges from the bill, if not paid by the party and provide
necessary relevant documents according to the Govt. existing rules and regulation.
 10% Bill amount will be deducted from final Bill for security deposit &It will be refund to vendor after 90 days
from billing date.
 Within 90 days If there is any problem of work during this time, the contractor will have to complete it in his
own duty.
 If work is not completed between given timeframe then bill will be deducted as per NGO Forum Procurement
 Child laborers must abstain & Safety issues of workers must be ensured by the vendor.
 Vendor will be penalized if the work is done improperly or if the vendor gives sub-contact to any third party or
fail to complete the work within the agreed time period.
Please arrange a receipt of this Purchase Order as Acceptance from your end.
Sincerely Yours Accepted

M. K. Anam Signature of the Supplier

Logistics & Procurement Officer
NGO Forum for Public Health
Copy to:
1. Executive Director , NGO Forum for Public Health
2. Md. Shahidullah , Focal Person ,NGOF –AAR Japan WaSH & Protection Support Project
3. Manager -Finance & Accounts, NGO Forum for Public Health
4. Project Manager – NGOF –AAR Japan WaSH & Protection Support Project
5. Office Copy

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