Docero - Tips Saga Age of Magic
Docero - Tips Saga Age of Magic
Docero - Tips Saga Age of Magic
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
How o UsE
This supplement presents six factions, or rather archetypes, which allow the vast majority
of fantasy peoples to be represented on the table.
Here is a quick summary of each faction's theme, which will be developed in the chapters
dedicated to them in the pages of this boo k.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
or nefarious creatures just waiting for their moment to
Ghe lords of the Wild tear their way into reality and fulfil their schemes. Cults,
These peoples are intimately linked to the primordial peoples or nations are often pledged body and soul to
forces which fashioned the world . They live as close these beings, either by worship or contracts, and this
to nature as possible in the heart of dense forests, faction represents an alliance between these servants
the deepest inhospitable marshes or the depths of and the inhabitants of an Otherworld.
the oceans. They might live in harmony with their
environment, or display animalistic savagery and
Even more than other Saga Universes, the Age
of Magic is a stand-alone universe. Although
Ghe Undead legions it is mechanically possible to pit historical and
The Legions have vanquished Death and shattered fantastical armies against one another, the mix
the barrier separating the living world from eternal will certainly be rather explosive. We prefer to
rest. Leading hordes of reanimated skeletons, lurching recommend that players with historical armies
cadavers or vengeful spectres, the Lords of the Dead explore the possibility of transposing their armies
curdle their enemies' hearts with fear. into imaginary worlds. It's easy to imagine a Viking
warband fighting alongside a few creatures from
Norse mythology using the Horde Battle Board,
Gheftorde or a French army from the Hundred Years' War
This faction represents the conquering and warlike using the Great Kingdoms Battle Board, with a
people so common to imaginary worlds. They can be few angels or fantastic creatures added to their
human barbarians or exiles from civilisation , or fantasy ranks (though if you're English, you 'd probably
races with war and pillage in their blood. rather they keep to the Subterranean Pao~les
board)! The possibilities are endless, and the
Ghe Otherworld freedom offered by the Age of Magic is unique,
allowing you to use and re-use a vast assortment
Many fantasy worlds theorise a parallel dimension to of historical and fantasy figures.
the real world, peopled with demons, magical beings,
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Each of these un its has its own special rules, which are
Ghe CDasrers ofthe Underearth described in the relevant chapter (see New Troop Types,
Living beneath the surface of the world , the Masters of the p. 8).
Underearth have prospered and developed underground
kingdoms on ly interacting with the world above when
pushed by necessity-or their ambitions. If they are 1'{EW SPECIAL 1\VLES
humans, their physiology is probably adapted to this
This Universe also adds a certain number of new special
cavebound life. They are more likely to be races particular
rules, wh ich will allow you to fine-tune certain aspects of
to their environment, like stocky dwarves, daylight-
how the troops you recruit are represented. It also adds
fearing goblins, or sneaky ratmen .
new weapons and mounts foryourwarbands.
Age of fvlagic introduces three new types of troops to
Magic being one of the foundation stones of fantasy, this
Saga, to complement Heroes, Hearthguards, Warriors and
book gives it the treatment its importance deserves. Its
Levies: Monsters, Creatures and War Machines.
chapter will explain how to use Sorcerors and how they
To these three new troop types are added new Heroes that cast spells in Saga.
can be recruited by the warbands in this book: Sorcerors
and Lieutenants.
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This book comes with six cardboard sheets presenting The Activation Pool lets you increase the n"umber of Saga
the Battle Boards for each of this Universe's factions. dice at your disposal. You just need to spend the die on
Each warband must use both its faction's board and its the Activation Pool, then take two available Saga dice,
special rules. You can't use the Otherworld Battle Board roll them, and add them to your inactive Saga dice-the
with the Horde's special rules! ones you have not yet assigned to a Saga ability.
The five abilities situated at the top of the Battle Boards The Magic Bonus lets you choose whether to re-roll one
(not including the central textbox) are the basic abilities. · or two of your inactive Saga dice (the ones you 've rolled
These are three basic Activation abilities, the Activation but not yet placed on your Battle Board), or to gain two
Pool and the Magic Bonus. They are common to most Magic dice. For more detail on Magic dice, refer to the
factions and can each be triggered several times during eponymous chapter (see Magic, p. 18).
the same turn . The abilities appearing in the central textbox are
The three basic Activation abilities allow you to activate advanced abilities, which can each only be triggered or
different types of troops. By triggering one of these activated once per turn. Each Battle Board's advanced
abilities, you can activate a unit of the types described Saga abilities are explained and described in their
in the ability's text. faction's chapter.
Basic Saga
Al'Kl,yot.rrO(!Oon.nlfmaynol.,...yo<>ruM•' flltgue ta
fntndlyunlt withiri 'Yl oiyout"unit
Faction Name
Act,.,• l•2un•tttoc.harveNeothf.rofthtm
c ..,l\ilnmorethanlfahg~
-. -
U.,, $1\0ohng •Uild. ~ if<t uinnoi: norm.ay
Icons of
the faction's two
Domains of Magic
Saga Abilities
lf"°"'rlirito.ct•Y•lionol'tlwtumei a c.har~.
(J)d., ''°"'"
2bonU1'MtMkdiaand2bon.,,det.nadit;tt dunng
~lhetnJW19melff everymelftunt.ltt.oen<loltn.tum.
Ifyou have just started out with Saga, the new rules presented in this supplement might seem daunting. Don't
worry! Age of Magic lends itself very well to the progressive introduction of its new rules.
Therefore, stick to four point warbands for your first few games, and only use Hearthguard, Warrior and levy
units, led - obviously- by your Warlord.
Then introduce the other elements one at a time as you increase your budget. For example, after learning the
basic rules, move to a cap ofsix points and let yourself include Sorcerors in your warbands. Once all that has 15el!n
mastered, you will more easily understand the innovations introduced by Monsters, Creatures and War Machines,
which you can include by graduating to a cap ofeight points.
This method of/earning also allows you to collect a new warband while learning the new rules piece by piece. As if
you needed a reason to buy new figures ...
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
I n most Saga Universes, the traditional division of units into four troop types (Heroes, Hearthguards,
Warriors and levies) largely suffices to cover those involved.
In an imaginary universe, things are more complicated... Imagine what you could come across on the
battlefield: a brutal and hideous troll; scouting wolf riders or giant eagles; monstrous dragons or
magicians able to turn the tide of battle with powerful sorceries.
The different troop types in the Saga rulebook obviously aren't enough to satisfactorily represent all the
units which contribute to the attraction offantastical worlds. That's why Age of Magic introduces several
new troop types which are added to the troop types described on pages 44 and 45 of the rulebook.
Size ofWarbands
Age of Magic offers far greater choice in
warband construction than other Saga
Universes. Monsters, Sorcerors and Creatures
will have a powerful effect on the gaming table,
and will form a not insignificant part ofyour
Thus, while the standard cap for most Saga
Universes is six points, we have realised that
this Universe lends itself better to games played
with eight points of troops on each side," without
any further changes to rules, scenarios or table
We encourage you therefore to do the same and
Courageous warriors confront a Behemoth. (Gripping Beast) build your warbands with eight points of troops.
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These new classes follow the same structure as those warchief's barbarian elite could well be classed as
presented in the Saga rulebook: they do or don't H~arthguards, even if they go to war bearing nothing
generate Saga dice, have Armour and Aggression more than a kilt and (very large) axe! '· ·
values, and Finally special rules. For that matter, if you Their rules are the same as those laid out on page 44 of
look at the Battle Board For one of this supplement's the rulebook.
factions, you'll see them appear in the basic Activation
A Hearthguard base must Ftt within a 30mm by 30mm
abilities, next to the existing troop types.
square (on foot), or a SOmm by 40mm rectangle
(mounted). It cannot measure less than 20mm by 20mm
· (on foot), or 40mm by 20mm (mounted).
Warriors form the backbone of many warbands in the
Age of fvlagic, as is the case in most other Universes.
In most factions they represent the typical soldier,
whether an ore warrior, a valiant sergeant of the Great
Kingdom, or a minor demon emerged from Hell.
Their rules are the same as those described on page 44
of the rulebook.
A Warrior's base must Ftt within a 30mm by 30mm
square (on foot), or a SOmm by 40mm rectangle (if
mounted). It cannot measure less than 20mm by 20mm
(on foot), or 40mm by 20mm (if mounted).
Of course, the worlds of fantasy also have elite soldiers,
trained for battle since childhood . The Hearthguards
class represents individuals of various sizes, but who
probably will not exceed seven or eight feet. Therefore,
those from the most awe-inspiring humanoid races will
be classed as Hearthguards. Those soldiers exceeding
this respectable size will certainly be classed as
Note that though in most Saga Universes, armour
is linked to the combatants' physical protection, in
imaginary worlds that is not as true, and an increased
Armour value can also represent an uncommon
stubbornness and determination. Therefore, your
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What would fantasy be without mag ic? And by extension, Sorceror Characteristics
without mages? Depending on the world , this magic
might be more or less discreet. Sometimes, it seems to be
only superstition ... sometimes it can be seen everywhere ...
Other times it is confused with technology beyond mortal
understanding. And in yet others, it comes directly from
Bodyguards, Determination, Magic'', Presence,
the Gods, who thus intervene in the affairs of ordinary Resilience (1), Unarmed
mortals. ·
Any warband in the Age of Magic can include one or more ''This special rule allows the Sorceror to cast spells. They start
Sorcerors. Sorcerors are Heroes, with characteristics and the game with three spells chosen from within their Domains
special rules of their own . Their equipment options, any of Magic (see Magic, p. 18).
extra special rules and the Sorceror's Domains of Magic
Victory Points
wilt be described in the chapters devoted to each Faction.
When calculating a scenario's victory points, a Sorceror is
a Hero and is therefore counted as such .
You can recruit a Sorceror to your warband for 1 point. It is
possible to recruit several Sorcerors for 1 point each.
A Sorceror's base must fit within a 60mm by 60mm square.
It cannot measure less than 20mm by 20mm (on foot). or
A Sorceror always forms a unit made up of a single figure.
40mm by 20mm (if mounted).
Lieutenants represent the Warlord 's loyal right hand, their Lieutenant Characteristics
closest atty, or even a member of their brotherhood or
clan . Captain of the Guard, Brother of the Order, or vicious
Master Slave-Driver: the possibilities are endless.
A warband from the Age of Magic can recruit a single
unique Lieutenant. Ifit includes a Lieutenant, the warband
"Each faction grants its Lieutenant a particular special rule,
must remove its choice of the following : 1 Creature figure,
described in the faction rules.
2 Hearthguard figures, 4 Warrior figures or 6 Levy figures.
For example, if you had spent 3 points on Warriors, you Victory Points
could remove four of your warband 's twenty-four Warriors
When calculating victory points during a scenario, a
to add a Lieutenant to yourwarband .
Lieutenant is a Hero and is therefore counted as such .
Lieutenants always form a unit comprised of a single
A Lieutenant's base must be contained within a 60mm
figure .
by 60mm square. It cannot measure less than 20mm by
20mm (on foot), of 40mm by 20mm (if mounted).
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Creatures. However, he decides to only deploy 12 Warriors
Crcarures in order to get one extra Creature. Therefore, for three
Trolls, Ogres, Minotaurs and Half-Giants are only some recruitment points, _t1e deploys a unit of 12 Warriors and a
of the names that come to mind when we bring up the' unit of 3 Creatures.
most impressive beings in fantasy worlds.
The Creature troop type represents individuals that
Creatures form units of2 to 6 figures. This is an exception
are largely bigger and more imposing than human
beings and gifted with a form-however limited-of
to the rule imposing a minimum of 4 figures per unit. •
intelligence. Creatures are able to obey orders and can Creature Characteristics
use weapons. It is not rare for them to wear armour when There are 3 types of Creatures: Bipeds, Quadrupeds
their natural toughness is insufficient. Creatures can and Flyers. Each unit of Creatures must be composed of
coexist with other cultures, or forge their own society, the same type of Creatures, but a warband can include
allowing us to imagine warbands made up entirely of several units of Creatures, each composed of a different
such individuals. type offigure.
The Creature troop type also includes all knights rid ing
any animals that are bigger and more aggressive
than trad itional mounts. We can easily imagine riders These are humanoids with mo re imposing proportions
mounted on powerful sabretooth tigers or on the backs than those of humans. They can be armed or
of giant eagles. armou red , but their equ ipment has no effect on the ir
characteristics, and their striking power is included in
their profile.
Each po int spent on Creatures allows you to recru it
2 Creatures. Alternatively, a player can remove 2
Hearthguards, 4 Warriors or 6 Levies from their warband
to recruit 1 Creature.
Example: When recruiting his warband, Fred buys two
points of Warriors (16 Warriors) and one point of
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O,uadrupeds Victory Points
When calculating a scenarios victory points, each
Quadrupeds are Faster than Bipeds and rival horses for
Creature figure is worth two Hearthguard figures.
speed. They can be uncommonly large animals, or riders
Example: each slain Creature figure brings your opponent
mounted on Fantastic beasts (giant wolves, warbeasts,
unicorns, etc.). 2 massacre points. If a un it of 3 Creatures controls an
objective, it counts as a unit of 6 Hearthguards when
calculating the victory points earned by controlling that
A Bipedal Creature's base must fit within a SOmm by
SOmm square. On the other hand, a Quadrupedal or Flying
Flyers Creature 's base must fit in an 80mm by SOmm rectangle.
As their name suggests, Flyers move by Flying. It makes No Creature 's base can be smaller than a 40mm diameter
no difference to the game whether they are propelled by circle.
wings, magic or technology. They are capable of moving
swiftly and passing over other troops.
As with Quadrupeds, Flyers can be independent creatures,
Crearu.res and,Presence
or be ridden by humanoids; it makes no difference to the
game. The Presence rule which affects every Creature
unit means that each figure in the unit counts as
4 figures when determining the effects of Saga
abilities. Therefore, a unit of three_Cr.eatures counts
as a unit of 12 figures when determining the effects
of Saga abilities. This only affects Saga abilities, not
victory points or other game effects.
" The reduction in Armour is included in the profile.
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Among the frequent types of Behemoth are Hydras,
the beasts of the Apocalypse and Abominations of the
Monsters represent creatures of colossal size, utterly Twisted Void born in the Ninth Circle of Hell.
unlike human beings. Among these beings from
mythological tales are giants, dragons, titans and
even divine avatars! Hardly docile, these Monsters are
controlled by magic, or the might of the warband's
Warlord. Led by their instincts, they can only rarely
participate in more elaborate plans, and are often
content to throw themselves like beasts into melee. Girans
Monsters can be ridden by humanoids, which has no Titans are less savage than Behemoths, and are usually
effect on the rules. slow and clumsy. What they lack in aggression and
Recruitment speed , they make up in increased resilience, whether
You can recruit a Monster into your warband for 1 point. from plates of armour, scales, fur or magic. Among
It is possible to recruit several Monsters for 1 point the most common Titans are immense Golems,
each-if your faction's special rules permit it. quadrupedal dinosaurs, Constructs, and the hell-slugs
from the Zabraz Dimension.
Monsters always Form a unit composed of a single figure.
Monster Characteristics
There are three types of Monsters: Behemoths, Titans
and Scourges, each with their own characteristics.
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Scourges Unit
War Machines form units composed of a single figure.
Scourges are legendary flying Monsters. They sow death
They can be modelled with several gunners working the
in their wake, and can fire jets of flame or acid at their
engine, but the whole base counts as a single figure for the
enemies. They fall upon their prey at great speed, making
purposes of the rules.
the battlefield echo with piercing cries. Dragons, Wyrms,
Manticores and Griffins are a few examples of the type. All War Mach ines count as foot un its equipped with
ranged weapons.
Whatever their type, these un its can never be activated
to charge, and count uneven and dangerous terrain as
Breath, Flight". Imposing, Presence, Primitive, Resilience (2) War Machine Characteristics
*The reduction in Armour is included in the profile. There are three types of War Mach ines: Static, Mobile and
Flying , each with its own characteristics.
Victory Points
Static War machines
When calculating victory points fo r a scenario, a Monster
counts as a Hero. Catapults, cannons, and stone-throwers are examples of
these machines, which are almost impossible to move and
take a long time to reload .
A Monster base must fit within a 1SOmm by 1OOmm
rectangle. It cannot be smaller than a 60mm diameter
War CDachines
War Machines can be part of several different warbands in
the Age of fvlagic, and can take on diverse forms depending
on the faction : catapults, ballistae or stranger machines. Cumbersome: A Static War Machine is difficu lt to move.
These engines can be entirely mechanical, or be powered During a movement activation, its movement distance is
by enchantments or sorceries. always VS
and can never be increased by any means.
Recruitment Powerful Shot: A Static War Machine gets a +1 bonus
Each faction's rules will tell you if you can recruit War to its attack dice.
Machines, and if so, the maximum number. For each A Static War Machine's shooting attac;ks have an unlimited
War Machine in the warband, the player must remove range. If the target of its shooting attack is at a range of L
their choice of the following : 4 Warrior figures or 6 Levy or less, it has a shooting Aggression of 4. Otherwise it has
figures. For example, if you spent 3 points on Warriors, you a shooting Aggression of 2.
could retire 4 of your warband 's 24 Warriors to add a War
The War Machine can only be activated to shoot once per
Machine to yourwarband .
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CDobile War CDachines
Mobile War Machines take the Form of chariots or other
machines capable of moving themselves, on which
are mounted terrifying ranged weapons. Due to their
complex construction, they are less efficient at shooting Removing figures During
than Static War Machines, but don't have the latter's
restricted movement.
Several units (like Lieutenants, War Machines and
Creatures) allow figures to be removed in order
to recruit them. Generally the choice is between 2
Hearthguards, 4 Warriors or 6 Levies, but some
Firearms", Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed options, like War Machines, are more restrictive.
"The reduction in Armour is included in the profile. The choice to remove figures is made during
recruitment, and not when the warband is
Flying War CDachines deployed. Your warband list must therefore
Nothing should surprise the reader in a Fantasy world, include these choices. So ifyou have spent your
and the sight of heavily armed Aying machines in the eight points on Hearthguards, and have only
skies will therefore trouble no-one. Whether thanks to recruited a Lieutenant, you will have thirty
technology or magic, these creations tear through the
Hearthguards to deploy on the table, since two
skies, pouring hellfire onto the unlucky warriors on the
figures were removed to pay for the Lieutenant's
ground, spitting bombs, projectiles or Aames on all their recruitment. Ifyou have removed four Warriors
enemies. to recruit a War Machine, and your warband has
three points of Warriors, you would actually have
twenty Warrior figures from which to build your
Figures removed this way are not casualties! They
Breath, Flight, Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed just give you access to new options. In addition, it
Victory Points is forbidden to recruit a unit by removing a mix of
figures from several troop types. Therefore your
When calculating victory points For a scenario, each War
War Machine must be recruited by removing 4
Machine counts as a unit of two Hearthguards.
Warriors OR 6 Levies, and not a mix of the two.
A War Machine's base must fit within a 1SOmm by
60mm rectangle. It cannot be smaller than a SOmm
diameter circle.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
F antasy worlds present us with troops and characters who defy the laws of nature as we know
them, capable offeats that would be impossible in most other Saga Universes. That's why this
supplement has several new special rules to deal with the Age of Magic 's more incredible aspects.
Some units are much larger in size than humans,
sometimes rivalling the bulk of animals like elephants.
Units with this special rule can never benefit from
cover and cannot close ranks. However, the exhaustion
threshold of an Imposing unit is increased by one. On the
whole, that means that these units will become exhausted
after suffering 4 fatigues, instead of 3 like other troops.
The formation radius fo r Imposing units is M rather than
S. That means that the figures must finish their initial
deployment, movements and charges with in M of the
first figure to be deployed or moved, rather than S like
most other units.
CDount: Animal
Due to the almost limitless variety of mounts in the
fantasy universe, units will generally have access to this
Firearms option , which covers all swift and domesticated mounts,
no bigger than horses, and not aggressive enough to add
Black powder exists in many fantasy worlds. In others,
to their rider's striking power: wolves, giant spiders (the
enchantments allow weapons to produce devastating,
ones smaller than horses) or goats.
often uncontrollable ranged attacks. The following rules
allow you to integrate these unstable but very powerful Units with this special rule are subject to all the rules
weapons into the Age of f.1agic. described in the f.1ounts: Horses section of the Saga
rulebook (see Rulebook, Mounts: Horses, p. 39).
Firearms are ranged weapons with a range of L. A unit
equipped with firearms reduces its Armour by -1 against
both melee and shooting attacks. It can never close ranks CDount: Beast::
during a melee. Certain Heroes, primarily Warlords, can be mounted on a
A unit with firearms gets a +1 bonus to its attack dice beast. Beasts are imposing and aggressive mounts that
when resolving a shooting attack if the target is within only a Warlord could ride, like giant wolves, sabretooth
M of the shooting unit. In addition , if the target is within tigers, or pegasi.
M and the shooting attack inflicts at least one casualty, A Warlord can ride a beast at no additional cost. If .that is
the target unit suffers a fatigue after the shooting attack the case, they become subject to the following rules:
is resolved . This represents the chaos caused by the
• A Warlord mounted on a beast has a charge distance
explosions, smoke and smell of gunpowder!
of L if the charge movement is made entirely in open
Note: Casualties cancelled by the Resilience special rule are terrain . Their move distance remains M .
not taken into account when applying that last rule.
• Their melee Aggression is increased by 2 to a total of 10.
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• They count as a mounted unit. elements. They fly over these units and areas of terrain
• They have Resilience (2) instead of Resilience (1). without difficulty.
• They gain the Imposing special rule. • During a charge, they can totally ignore 'friehdly units
and terrain elements. They can also fly over enemy
• They cannot have any other equipment options.
units, but for each enemy unit overflown (that is, when
• They lose the We Obey and Bodyguards special rules. a flying figure passes over the base of at least one
Certain beasts can have the Flight special rule. In this figure from said unit) during a charge, the flying unit
case, the Flight movement rules replace the first part of suffers one fatigue at the end of the charge- before
the rules above. The rest of the rules apply normally-for the melee is resolved. This is in addition to any fatigues
example, the Warlord reduces their Armour due to Flight. they would normally receive.
The base of a Warlord mounted on a beast must fit • During a manoeuvre, if the opponent doesn't use
within a 80mm by SOmm rectangle, and cannot be their fatigue to reduce their movement distance, units
smaller than a 40mm diameter circle. with Flight can move to a higher altitude rather than
making their usual manoeuvre move. This consists
Primitive of removing the unit from the table, then replacing it
anywhere in open terrain. As is usual for manoeuvres,
Primitive units are driven only by their bestial instincts, it must be more than L away from any enemy units. If
and are not generally blessed with a developed intellect. the opponent uses the unit's fatigue, it instead makes
They are not capable of executing elaborate tactics, the usual move of S .
and are rarely willing to follow complex orders. But they
• Flying units reduce their Armour by 1 against shooting
display a terrible ferocity during the battle!
These units are subject to the following rules.
• Neither terrain nor units block line of sight to units
• Primitive units cannot be activated by any advanced with this special rule. It is therefore not possible to hide
Saga abilities on your Battle Board. flyers behind other units or a terrain element-even if
• You cannot trigger any advanced Saga abilities during a it is high, like a hill or a wood. However the opposite is
melee or shooting attack in which a Primitive unit from not true: a flying unit's own line of sight is blocked by
your warband is either the attacker or the defender. high terrain areas and both friendly and enemy units.
• Primitive units reduce their melee Aggression by 1 for • Flying units can never close ranks or benefit from
each fatigue they have. If the unit has several figures, cover.
it is the total Aggression that is reduced by 1, not that
of each figure in the unit.
Swift units have a movement and charge distance of L .
During a move, they can replace their L ruler with two
M rulers.
Swift units are considered mounted units.
A unit with Breath can breathe a powerful jet of flames,
acid or other toxic matter. This attack can also represent
attacks while flying over the enemy.
Once per turn, this unit can activate for free to resolve
a shooting attack with a range of M which does not
generate fatigue. Note that this is the only way for a
unit with Breath to make a shooting attack-it cannot
activate normally to resolve a shooting attack.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
l V1 / [ ag ic is at the heart of many fantasy worlds and a /lows a chosen few - mages, sorcerors, druids
and invocationists - to bend the laws of physics to their will and accomplish miracles beyond
ordinary understariding.
In this Universe, magic can be encountered in several These dice resemble Saga dice, since they have symbols
forms. Some of the most spectacular Saga abilities on their faces instead of numbers or pips. However, Magic
are certainly of 'magical ' orig in. Certain Monsters and dice do not count as Saga dice . They are not thrown except
Creatures owe their existence to magic, like golems, when a Sorceror wants to cast a spell.
elementals, and beings from other dimensions. Similarly, Therefore, game effects which affect Saga dice do not
many powers and special rules could also be seen to have affect Magic dice, and vice-versa.
a supernatural origin.
If you have no Magic dice, you will find a chart below
In this chapter, we will concentrate on Sorcerors and the showing the relationship between the faces of a traditional
spells they can cast. die and the symbols ofa Magic die.
1-3 4-5 6
~ ~
The Age of fvfagic introduces a new type of dice: Magic dice.
If the warband has a Sorceror, its player must have a set of
six Magic dice.
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As we saw in the chapter about new troops, the Sorcerer
is a new Hero available to every warband in the Age of When Go Choose Spells?
Magic. Only Sorcerers can cast spells, so if a Sorcerer in Spells must be chosen when you assemble
your warband has been eliminated, both the spells he your warband. Ifyou recruit a Sorceror, you
has cast and their lasting effects are cancelled. immediately choose the spells that they know.
Your faction's particular rules will define the equipment It is not possible to choose their spells based on
options your Sorcerers can take advantage of, as well as the warband you are facing. In the Age of Magic,
which Domains of Magic they have access to. Sorcerors don't carry their 'Sacred Grimoire of
All the Incantations in the World' on them at all
Spells times to find the perfect spell to ruin the enemy
Each Sorcerer has three spells in every game, chosen
from among those in the Domains of Magic to which
the Sorcerer has access. Each Sorcerer usually has
access to two different Domains of Magic. The spells
that a Sorcerer can use in the Age of Magic include on ly You will find a chapter called The Grimoire at the end of
those talents that are useful during the battle. Without this book, which contains descriptions of all the spells in
any doubt, most Sorcerers can perform other tricks, the Age of Magic.
like turning water to tea with a magical incantation, or
cleaning their desk by twitching their nose. But let's be Gbe CDagic Pool
honest- none of that is any use in the face of the enemy!
Each warband in the Age of Magic has a magic pool,
There are six different Domains of Magic governing the formed at the start of the turn at the same time as the
whole of the worlds of fantasy's primordial energies. warband's Saga dice are generated.
This pool is made up of 1 Magic die, plus 1 extra Magic
die per Sorcerer in the warband . A magic pool can never
exceed six dice, no matter the number of Sorcerers in
light E'.arth yourwarband.
The dice in the magic pool are not rolled at the start of
the turn. Place them near your Battle Board so they are
within reach when one of your Sorcerers begins to chant
metal Gime
an incantation in a dramatic pose!
Death Energy
Gbe CDagic Bonus
Each Battle Board in the Age of Magic has a
Each spell known and mastered by the Sorcerer must 'Magic Bonus' basic Saga ability. Once this ability
come from one of the Domains of Magic allowed by their is triggered, it allows you to choose between re-
faction's rules. The Sorcerer can choose their spells from rol/ing one or two ofyour Saga dice, or gaining
a single Domain, or take a mix of their choice from the extra Magic dice. Remember that your magic
two Domains they have access to. pool can never exceed six dice. If using this ability
Example: A Sorceror of the Horde must choose their three increases your magic pool to more than six dice,
spells from the Domains of Earth or Metal. They can the extra dice are discarded and therefore lost.
therefore choose 0, 1, 2, or 3 spells from the first of these
Domains, and take the remainderfrom the second one that
they have access to.
Each spell can only be chosen once by each warband, The magic pool empties itself at the end of each turn .
even if it has several Sorcerers. If one of the Sorcerers If you still have Magic dice after your Activation phase,
has the spell Bolt, no other Sorcerer in yourwarband can they are discarded and lost. Your magic pool will not be
choose it. replenished until the start of your next turn. ~
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Anatomy of a spell
All the spells are presented in the same way. 8) The maximum effect. Once. again, a symbol or a
1) The name of the spell. It gives an indication of its effects. combination of specific symbols is necessary to obtain
th is effect, which is often extremely powerful. However,
2) An icon representing the spell 's Domain of Magic.
to achieve their goals, the Sorceror must draw upon
3) The description of the spelt. Magic's most uncontrollable depths... They must
4) The number of Magic dice necessary to cast the spell. therefore roll on the Abuse of Power table described
Each spell needs a minimum number of dice to be c;:ast. later.
Generally, this is one die, but some spells can require
two Magic dice.
Sorcerors cannot fa il when casting their spells. We're
5) The symbols needed for the spell's different effects. talking about experienced practitioners of the art of
Next to each effect are one or two symbols from the magic, not bespectacled adolescents at school!
Magic dice. These are the symbols needed to resolve
However, in the Age of Magic, each spell has a min imum,
the effect or effects. A blank die means that any symbol
optimum and maximum effect. The Sorceror is never
can be used.
certain to get exactly the result they wanted . On the other
6) The minimum effect. This is the spell's smallest effect. hand, the results you can expect from these three levels
The least powerful, but easiest to obtain ... do escalate. Watch out-a Sorceror can only use a spell 's
7) The optimum effect. To produce this effect you will maximum power by risking its perils.
need one or more specific symbols. The result produced
is generally more impressive than that of the min imum
effect, but a Sorceror is never sure to obtain it.
Warmonger Miniatures
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Casting a Spell .Preparing-the Spell
Spells are cast during your Activation phase, at any To cast a spell, you must h.ave at least 'the ' necessary
point when you could trigger a Saga ability with the number of Magic dice needed to cast the spell in your
Activation keyword. That is to say, at almost any point magic pool. Take that many dice, to which you tan add
at all except during the resolution of another ability, or as many additional Magic dice as you like. However, note
during a melee or shooting attack. carefully that the number of Magic dice used to cast a
A Sorceror cannot cast a spell if they are exhausted. If spell can never exceed four dice, no matter the reason.
your Sorceror is exhausted , they cannot cast a spell · Determine the Effects
until they have fewer fatigues than their exhaustion
With an appropriate gesture-we leave you to judge
which pose to adopt based on the Domain of Magic your
spell belongs to-roll the Magic dice that you assembled
for the incantation.
From among the symbols obtained, choose the
symbol or symbols you want to use to resolve the spell
and announce the effect thus obtained-minimum,
Casting Spells andlktivation optimum, or maximum-based on your choice of the
symbols rolled on the dice.
Casting a spell does not count as an activation
for the Sorceror. It cannot therefore be cancelled, When the symbol appears, it means that any
and having cast a spell does not incur fatigue symbol on the die can trigger that effect. The majority
during later activations. The only common point of spells can be triggered without a particular symbol.
between an activation and the incantation of However, it will be the minimum-that is to say the
a spell is that both take place in the Activation weakest-effect. Getting better symbols increases the
phase. spell's magical power, and consequently brings more
impressive effects.
If a spell requires a combination of two dice, and one or
more of them is , it means that any die can replace
that symbol.
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Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Abuse ofPower
If you decide to cast a spell at its r,naximum effect, you
Dore must first pray to the gods or spirits, cross your fingers,
During the triggering ofa spell, you choose the and finally roll two dice on the Abuse of Power table
effect that you want by choosing the relevant die below to discover the consequences.
or dice. Nothing prevents you from allocating an Once the effects of the Abuse of Power have been
'fe. to an effect indicating . It is therefore never applied, the spell is resolved normally, even ifthe Abuse
obligatory to keep the maximum effect. of Power caused the Sorceror's death or the spell to be
forgotten .
Once the magical energies have been invoked, nothing
Example: Arnaud has four dice in his magic pool, and can stop them!
decides to cast the Gempest: spell with his Sorceror. Resolve me Effects
Casting this spell requires at least two dice. Arnaud takes
Refer to the description of the effects you have triggered
two dice and chooses to add a third.
He therefore rolls his three dice and scores an
'fe. .
*, ~ and
in order to determine the spell's consequences. The
Grimoire at the end of the book has all the useful details
for each of the spells in the Age of fvlagic.
Gempest:'s minimum effect can be obtained with any
combination of symbols.
;. ~
The optimum effect needs one
The maximum effect needs one *
~ and one ow .
and one 'fe. .
With his lucky die roll, Arnaud can therefore choose any of
Each Sorceror can only cast each of their spells
the spel/'s three effects. Not wishing to risk his Sorceror's once each turn. Magical power has its limits!
physical or mental health, Arnaud reflects and chooses
to cast the spell with the optimum effect. He therefore he
does not need to roll on the Abuse of Power table.
Abuse ofpower 'Gable
Before resolving the maximum effect of a spell, the
player must roll two dice on the table below in order to
determine the consequences of their Abuse of Power.
206 Consequences
The Sorceror has accumulated far too much magical energy! They explode, and depending on the Domain
of Magic concerned , produce a fountain of blood , a rainbow of colours, or a soaring flock of flying unicorns.
The Sorceror is eliminated . Roll a die for each friendly and enemy unit within S. On a result of 4 or more,
that unit suffers a casualty.
The Absolute Power Corruptive fills the Sorceror and they must roll three dice. They suffer a fatigue for
each 4 or more rolled. If they suffer at least two fatigues, the Sorceror forgets the spell and cannot cast
it again that game. If the Sorceror is exhausted after suffering these fatigues, they fall down stone dead,
seemingly victim of an overcharge of magical energy.
Magical energy engulfs the Sorceror, who has trouble containing it. They must roll two dice, and suffer a
4-5 fatigue for each result of 4 or more rolled. If the Sorceror is exhausted after suffering these fatigues, they
fall down stone dead, seemingly victim of an overcharge of magical energy.
6-7-8 The Sorceror, an experienced practitioner, controls their sorcery perfectly. All goes well ... for now!
After casting their spell, the Sorceror suffers a magical backlash. Roll a die. On a result of 4 or more, they
will forget the spell and cannot cast it again during the game.
Sparks gush from the Sorceror's ears and nostrils. They must roll three dice and must choose one of thelr
11 ~
spells to forget for each 4 or more they roll. They cannot cast the forgotten spells for the rest of the game.
In a thundering detonation, the Sorceror is thrown far away at the speed of light. Each friendly unit within
12 Mof the Sorcerorsuffers a fatigue from the effect of the infernal tornado they created . As forthe Sorceror,
they end up disintegrated in a deafening clap of thunder and are thus eliminated.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
~11\lS OF ISHl\flR.
No good came of Baalor the Apostate setting his sights on the Duchy of Drachenblut.
When night fell, as his warband retreated with their train of slaves, the dead rose
and the Duke appeared at the head of his Carmine Guard.
The Dwarves of Neggaruth were torn apart by the walking dead, and Baalor only survived
thanks to his stubbornness and rage.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
TuE_ f)ICTIO'ltS _ . .
I n the following p~ges, we will introduce you to the six factions of the Age of Magic. Their layout is
standardised in order to make it easier to read and learn about these warbands.
You will find the following information about each of them.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Introduction faction Units
A quick overview of the Faction's theme, From which you This section is made up of a table summarising the
can develop your own interpretation. It ends with three characteristics of all that particular Faction's troop
example warbands that can be built using that Faction, types and their variants.
and which are also examples of the many possible
interpretations of the archetype. faction legendary Units
Also, the Saga dice necessary to play each Faction are
Each Faction has two legendary units, usable if all the
Found underneath the Faction's name on the first page
players agree. Refer to page 47 of the Saga rulebook For
of their Faction introduction.
the rules regarding Legendary Units.
We cannot emphasise enough that this description
is only a guide For your own interpretation, and not
a straitjacket. The Age of Magic was designed to let
faction legendary Warbands
players give their imagination Free rein , or represent Age of Magic introduces the concept of Legendary
Fantasy worlds that are dear to their hearts. The Faction Warbands. These are specific warband concepts,
archetypes should be sources of inspiration and points offering variations on the Faction's basic rules, and
of departure, not the final word . which introduce specific restrictions and advantages.
As with Legendary Units, Legendary Warbands can only
faction Groops be used with the consent of all the players. If you recruit
a Legendary Warband, you must Follow the Faction's
We continue to explore the Faction by describing what
rules and special rules, while also obeying the extra
each troop type could represent, so that players can
rules which will give you access to new options.
easily give shape to the Heroes, Monsters, Creatures,
Hearthguards and others within the Faction . Certain Legendary Warbands require the use of specific
units. These units, while part of a Legendary Warband,
are not considered Legendary Units. Therefore they
faction Rules do not offer bonus massacre points when they are
This section presents the Faction's various equipment eliminated.
options, as well as any Faction-specific troop restrictions . Unless otherwise noted, a Legendary Warband cannot
recruit any Legendary Units.
faction Special Rules
Each Faction has a set of specific rules, which are
covered in th is section .
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Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Ghe worlds of fanrasy are full of
t7<llllples of these Greax: I\.ingdoms. Qou
Warmonger i\'liniatures
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Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
For as long as men can remember, the Order Their vow sums up their commitment:
of the Golden Light has always defended the ,
"In the day as in the night,
Sanctuary of the White Dawn. Its knights and
To the Sanctuary our lives we plight,
men-at-arms are sworn to serve and protect
For none shall e'er retreat from fight,
with their very lives the holy hermits who
In the Order of the Golden Light!"
spend day after day honouring the memory of
the kingdom's heroes and patron deities. By entering the holy Order, nobles and commoners
alike abandon their name, their possessions and
Their green and gold livery makes them ea~ily
their past to devote their existence to the defence
identifiable and all know a warrior in those
of the sanctuary and its guardians.
colours is courageous and pure of heart.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Warlord of the Great Kingdoms can be mounted A Great Kingdoms .warband can include a single
on an animal, a beast, or a winged mount. If they are not CDonsrer.
mounted, they can be equipped with a heavy weapon. A Great Kingdoms warband can include a single unit of
The Lieurenam:: of the Great Kingdoms is a Captain, Crearures, which cannot be Flying Creatures.
who can be mounted on an animal or a winged mount. If f)earthguards can be mounted on animals or winged
they are not mounted, they can be equipped with a heavy mounts. If they are not mounted, Great Kingdoms
weapon . Hearthguards can be equipped with heavy weapons.
A Great Kingdoms warband may include up to two Warriors of the Great Kingdoms can be mounted on
J'aladins. A Paladin can be mounted on an animal or animals.
a winged mount. If they are not mounted, they can be
Levies of the Great Kingdoms must be equipped with one
equipped with a heavy weapon .
of the following : bows, crossbows or firearms.
A Sorceror of the Great Kingdoms can be mounted on
A Great Kingdoms warband may include a single War
an animal or a winged mount. They have access to the
Domains of €nergy and Light.
You may recruit up to two Paladins for your warband . For
each Paladin recruited, you must remove 2 Hearthguards,
4 Warriors or 6 Levies from yourwarband as you assemble it.
A Paladin is a Hero. They have the following characteristics.
When in combat with a Monster or a unit of Creatures, the
Paladin has an Aggression of 10 and Resilience (2) .
Winged CDount
A winged mount gives the unit the Flight special rule.
A Great Kingdoms Warlord mounted on a beast can
choose to ride a winged beast. In this case, as well as
the f"'1ount: Beast special rule, they gain the Flight special
rule-remember to apply the reduction in Armour against
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Armour Aggression
Unit Equipment Options Special Rules
Melee (Shooting) Melee (Shooting)
- 5 (5)
Heavy Weapon 4 (5) 8(4) Bodyguards, Determination, Presence,
Mount: Animal Pride, Resilience (1), We Obey
Warlord 5 (4)
Winged Mount
Mount: Beast 5 (5) Determination, Imposing, Presence,
10 (4)
Mount: Beast (Fliqht) 5 (4) Pride, Resilience (2)
- 5 (5)
Heavy Weapon 4 (5) Captain, Determination, Presence,
Capt:ain 4 (2)
Mount: Animal Resilience (1)
5 (4)
Winged Mount
- 5 (5)
Heavy Weapon 4(5) Determination, Heroic, Presence,
.Paladin 5 (0)
Mount: Animal Resilience (1)
5 (4)
Winged Mount
- 3 (4)
Bodyguards, Determination, Magic,
Sorccror Mount: Animal 2 (O)
3 (3) Presence, Resilience (1), Unarmed
Winged Mount
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
Behemoth 4(4) 14 (O)
Resilience (2)
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
OJonst:er Titan 5 (5) 12 (0)
Resilience (2), Slow
Breath, Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
Scourge (Flight) 4(4) 10 (4)
Resilience (2)
Bipeds 4(4) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
Crcarures 4 (3) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1 ), Swi~
- 5 (5)
Heavy Weapon 4 (5)
l?eartbguards 2 (1) -
Mount: Animal
5 (4)
Winqed Mount
- 4(4)
Warriors 1 (1/2) -
Mount: Animal 4 (3)
Levies Crossbow 3 (3) 1/3 (1/2) - ___.,,
Cumbersome, Powerful Shot, Presence,
Static 3 (4) 1 (4 or 2)
Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
War OJachine Firearms, Presence, Resilience (1 ),
Mobile 2 (4)
4(4) Unarmed
Flying 1 (4) Breath, Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Ghe Conclave
The Conclave is the military arm of the Great College of Magic
fvlagic, and is composed of mages, sorcerors and other The Conclave can cast spells like a Sorceror.
priests using their spells to do their part in combat. Their
presence alone has swung the balance of more than 9ne Mastery
battle, for their opponen.ts are often painfully aware of the The Conclave never rolls on the Abuse of Power table. On
feats these arcane masters can perform. the other hand, each time the Conclave casts a spell with
maximum effect, you must roll a die. On a 5 or a 6, remove
Legendary Unit one figure from the unit as a casualty. This casualty
The Conclave is a unit of four figures and costs 3 points. cannot be cancelled, transferred or ignored in any way
If your warband includes the Conclave, it cannot include whatsoever.
any Sorcerors. This unit counts as a unit of Hearthguards. Miracles
ft possesses the following characteristics.
When assembling your magic pool at the start of the
turn (at the same time as your warband's Saga dice are
generated). each figure in the Conclave counts as a
Sorceror. Therefore, while the unit is intact, your magic
pool will be five dice-one plus an extra one for each
figure in the unit.
The unit knows four spells, which can come from any
Magical Projectiles Domain of Magic. Each time the unit loses a figure, it
must also lose the Great Kingdoms player's choice of one
The Conclave can throw lightning bolts or other magic
of its spells.
missiles. In game terms, these projectiles count as
crossbows, but ignore all cover the target might benefit Victory Points
from, whether it is provided by terrain , a special rule, a Each figure from the Conclave counts as 3 Hearthguards
spell or anything else. when calculating victory points.
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LE.GEJ+{DAR)" WA"R_13A}fDS OF THE. G"R_E.AT l(_Th{G1)0MS
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Gbe Great R_ingdo~.. as seen by Valkeras
The Great Kingdoms faction has a great variety of troops, from which very 'd ifferent warbands can be
drawn. Some depend on their ability to inflict damage at range, others rely on the incredible mobility of
their winged mounts and yet more seek to repulse the enemy with a solid line of infantry. But it is likely
that the most effective Great Kingdoms warbands are those who combine these options.
This faction's Battle Board offers a combined approach to using these options. It also emphasises the
faction's heroic character, by accentuating the contributions of Heroes, who bring significant support
to your troops. The Great Kingdoms have several Hero options in addition to their Warlord: Sorcerors,
Paladins and the Captain bring various bonuses to your troops through their advanced Saga abilities.
It is a Battle Board that will perfectly suit players who want a flexible force which can adapt to any opponent
and resist the most vigorous assaults.
Norba Miniatures
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
E.:x.HOWATI01'{ CLos11'{G Fr~
Orders or Orders/Reaction llcctvation;Rcaccton
(triggered during your Orders phase after rolling your Saga (triggered during an enemy Activation phase, according to the
dice OR during an opponent's Orders phase) conditions described below)
The defensive counterpart to Inspiration. Its effects are This ability is triggered after an enemy unit is activated
similar, except that it provides defence dice rather than for a charge whose nominated target is one of your units
equipped with ranged weapons-a War Machine or one
attack dice.
of your Levy units.
It is ideal to brace for the ene111y turn, or to reduce the
Before resolving the charge activation, you activate your
attrition of your own troops in the brawls they start.
unit to shoot. They must target the unit which declared
the charge. Resolve the shooting attack by following
the usual process, then once this Activation/Reaction
SHIEL"D OF "Bl\AVERY is resolved , your opponent can continue resolving their
CDdee or Shooting/Reaction charge.
(triggered during step 3 of a melee OR during step 2 of a This ability is particularly effective with a unit bearing
firearms, since if the target is close and they suffer
shooting attack)
a casualty, it will inflict a fatigue on the target (see
This ability is a powerful defence against enemy attacks. Firearms, p. 16), which you can use during the charge to
It allows a unit to benefit from 3 additional defence dice, reduce their movement distance, and maybe even cancel
which noticeably increase the ir chances of cancelling the it! Re-read the chapter on fatigue in the rulebook (see
hits they will suffer during this melee or shooting attack. Rulebook, Using Fatigue, p.31 and onwards) to remind
yourself of all the ways to use fatigue .
If your unit is a Hero, they can choose to increase their
Armour by +1 instead of gaining the 3 defence dice.
Depending on the circumstances, this option may be
more worthwhile than gaining defence dice.
(triggered during your Activation phase)
LEGE}{DARY HERO Warcry allows you to activate one of your units for a
CDdee or Shooting/Reaction charge and to add the two following complementary
(triggered during step 3 of a melee OR during step 2 of a
shooting attack) • The unit you charge must close ranks if it is able
to-remember that unless a special rule Forbids it, all
This ability can only be used by a Hero, and on ly if they units can close ranks
are the defender- that means the target of the shooting
• During step 3 of the melee, each time the enemy unit
attack, or the un it that was charged during this melee. triggers a Saga ability or uses your unit's fatigue , it must
They also cannot be exhausted before th is ability is discard 2 attack dice. Note that this is not a constraint:
triggered. a unit that has no more attack dice can still trigger Saga
Legendary Hero , one of the Great Kingdoms' most abilities. But if it has attack dice, it must discard 2. A
powerful Saga abilities, allows you to protect one of your unit with only a single attack die must still discard it.
characters during a melee or shooting attack. This ability will prove very useful when engaging in
For that, you first need to inflict upon them enough combat against an enemy with lots of active Saga
Fatigues to exhaust them-generally three fat igues if abilities, to make them pay for triggering their abilities!
they had none to start with .
The ability's effect is to automatically cancel all the
casualties suffered during this melee or shooting attack,
rendering the Hero virtually invincible. If they want to, Orders/Reaction
your opponent can still roll their attack dice, and you can (triggered during an opponent's Orders phase)
then roll your defence dice-for the fun of watching dice This ability's effect is as simple as it is powerful. It
roll on the table-but ultimately the ability will cancel increases all your units' Armour by 1 against melee and
all the hits your Hero should have suffered during the shooting attacks until the end of the current turn.
sequence. Note that it really is ALL your units, including Primitive
We should point out that this ability, being triggered units. Reread the Primitive special rule carefully and
during a melee or shooting attack, would be no help you'll notice that an Orders or Orders/Reaction ability
against an enemy spell. can affect these units.
A Hero's last resort, this ability can be activated very Remember that a unit's maximum Armour is 6. This SC!
early on in the game, but triggered only once the life of ability has no effect on the Armour of a unit ifit is already
one of your characters is threatened. at the maximum.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Gheworlds offanrasy are full of
o:amples of the lords of the Wild. You
Tl\_00-PS OF THE LQl\_l)S OF THE WIL1)
The I}eroes of the Lords of the Wild are often the chiefs As with Hearthguards, the Warriors of the Wild are
of clans and tribes, or members of their families, and often equipped with ranged weapons, the hunt being
are used to taking part in front-line combat. They can one of the pillars of subsistence in these cultures.
also be shamans or enchanters, versed in their culture's Finally, the levies are o~en raised from different
animist magical practices. It is not rare to see them ride species to those who Form the heart
the fantastical creatures of their homeland. They are of the warband, and accompany
able to weave a bond with them that is almost a fusion the veteran warriors to war. They
of minds. can be imps, fairies or goblins,
CDonsters are generally beings residing in the lands and sometimes even a swarm
where the Lords of the Wild live. They can be sentient, of animals given a collective
moving trees, semi-aquatic beasts of enormous size, or consciousness by a shaman's
magically-created beings like titanic elementals. magic.
Creatures can be drawn from entirely separate peoples
who share their habitat with the Lords of the Wild. They
are often of animal original: hybrids like Minotaurs and
Yetis, or gigantic animals like giant eagles, direwolves or
giant crabs.
Oearthguards are the most experienced warriors in the
clan or tribe. They are often equipped with bows and can
ride the local animals. Their armour is often of natural
origin-bark, scales or shells.
Warmonger Miniatures
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Blackspine Forest has existed since the dawn If the invaders manage to escape the Forest,
of time, and belongs to the servants of Aella,' the Gorehounds will not hes \ tat~ to pu rsue
Mother of All. Several races coexist peacefully . them into the n~ighbouring plains. Their
at the heart of the Forest, united by their pitiless hunts have given rise to many legends
common aim: to protect the First Forest From in the wider world, but there are Few who have
which the primordial goddess draws her power. crossed their path and lived to tell the tale.
Tamerlane is the Gorehounds' Warlord .
This group is made up of the most savage .
Blackspine lighters, whose mission is to hunt MIERCE~
and punish intruders who profane the Forest. MINIATURES . . .
Riding Quicksilver, his great stag, he leads
Painting by Alex (HobbyShop)
men, minotaurs and Ancients to war, Following
the invaders' trail to trap them in murderous
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Warlord of this Faction can be mounted on an A Lords of the Wild warband can include one or more
animal, a beast or a winged beast. In the latter case, they units oF Crearures.
have the Flight special rule, and must therefore reduce The l?eart:hguards in a Lords of the Wild warband can
their Armour against shooting (see New Special Rules, be mounted on animals. If they are mounted, they can be
p. 16). equipped with composite bows. If they are not mounted,
If they are not mounted on a beast, they can choose to they can be equipped with heavy weapons or bows.
be equipped with a bow if on Foot, or a composite bow if The Lords of the Wild's Warriors can be mounted on
mounted on an animal. animals. IF they are mounted, they can be equipped with
The lieutenanc of the Lords of the Wild is a Ranger, who composite bows. If they are not mounted, they can be
can be equipped with a bow. equipped with bows.
The Sorcerors of the Lords of the Wild can be mounted The Lords of the Wild's levies are equipped with javelins.
on animals. They have access to the Domains of Earth A Lords of the Wild warband cannot recruit any War
and lighc. machines.
A Lords of the Wild warband can include up to two
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
LOJ\.1}8 OF THE. WIL1) Ul'\ITS
Armour Aggression
Unit Equipment Options Special Rules
Melee (Shooting) Melee (Shooting)
- 5 (5)
Bow 4(4)
8 (4) Bodyguards, Determination, Presence,
Mount: Animal 5 (4) Pride, Resilience (1 ), We Obey
Warlord Mount: Animal,
4 (4)
Composite Bow
Mount: Beast 5 (5) Determination, Imposing, Presence,
10 (4)
Mount: Beast (Flight) 5 (4) Pride, Resilience (2)
- 5 (5) Determination , Presen ce, Ranger,
lieutenant 4 (2)
Bow 4(4) Resilience (1)
- 3 (4) Bodyguards, Determination, Magic,
Sorceror 2 (0)
Mount: Animal 3 (3) Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
Behemoth 4 (4) 14 (O)
Resilience (2)
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
CDonsters Titan 5 (5) 12 (O)
Resilience (2), Slow
Breath, Imposing, Presence,
Scourge (Flight) 4(4) 10 (4)
Primitive, Resilience (2)
Bipeds 4(4) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
Crearures Quadrupeds 4 (3) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1), Swift
Five rs 4 (3) 4 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
- 5 (5)
Bow 4(4)
Heavy Weapon 4 (5)
I}earth guards 2 (1) -
Mount: Animal 5 (4)
Mount: Animal,
Composite Bow
- 4 (4)
Bow 3 (3)
Warriors Mount: Animal 4 (3) 1 (1 /2) -
Mount: Animal,
3 (3)
Composite Bow
levies javelins 3 (4) 1/3(1/2) -
Swarm 4 (3) 1/2 (O) Insignificant, Primitive, Tiny
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
LE.GEl\[DAl\Y pt\ITS OF T~E. L01'_1)S OF THE. WIL1)
Gbe f)unttr and t:be Great I]unr
Sometimes, in the darkest forests and the wildest woods,
the Hunter's horn echoes in its call to the Great Hunt. When
it sounds, it is because a great wrong has been done to the
Lords of the Wild, and the insult will be washed away in blo~d.
Gbe Sbapeshifters
At the start of the resolution of a melee involving a
fvlany of the Lords of the Wi/d's races have those among their unit hiding one or more Shapeshifters, you must reveal
ranks who can change form and turn into animals, often the Shapeshifters. For each Shapeshifter in the un it,
aggressive and powerful ones. When the wardrums sound, replace one of the Warrior figures with an appropriate
they take their place in the battle line. miniature-often a terrifying animal! The removed figure
counts as having been eliminated during the melee.
Legendary Unit
If the enemy unit had no Fatigue when the Shapesh ifter
You can recruit 4 Shapeshifters for 1 point. It is not
was revealed, it takes one immed iately. When you are
possible to have more than 4 Shapeshifters in the same
collecting the combat pool, remember to add 5 attac k
warband . The Shapeshifters possess the following
dice for each Shapeshifter present!
Once transformed, a Shapeshifter is considered to be a
figure in the un it with no equipment options.
Each time one or more casualties are suffered by a unit
including one or more revealed Shapeshifters (those
still hidden are unaffected), roll a die for each casualty
Hidden suffered by the unit. If at least one of those dice scores a 5
The Shapeshifters are not deployed at the start of the or a 6, you must remove at least one Sb,apeshifter to fulfil
game. Instead, note secretly which units they are hidden the casualties suffered .
in. Each unit oFWarriors on foot (and only them) can hide
Victory Points
a maximum of2 Shapeshifters.
Each Shapeshifter figure counts as a Hearthguard when
A Shapeshifter's Armour is the same as that of the unit
calculating victory points.
they accompany.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
LE.GE]\[DA1')7 WAR_13AffD8 OF T~E. LOR_1)8 OF THE. WIL1)
Also, your warband benefits from the following faction • All units with the Mount: Animal special rule replace it
special rule. with the Mount: Spider special rule.
Minotaur Heroes • No unit in your warband may have the Flight special
At no additional cost, your Heroes all gain the Imposing
special rule. You may also remove Creature figures in order Also, your warband benefits from the following faction
to cancel casualties with the Bodyguards special rule. special rules.
Mount: Spider
Units with this special rule are subject to all the rules
described under Mounts: Horses in the Saga rulebook
(see Rulebook, Mounts: Horses, p. 39), with the
following modifications:
• They suffer no Fatigue when they start in, end in or
cross an area of uneven terrain during a move or a
• Their movement distance is not affected by uneven
terrain. In other words, uneven terrain has no effect on
their movement. They are still subject to reductions in
movement from dangerous terrain.
All figures equipped with composite bows in an
Arachnaean Jungle warband halve their melee
Aggression. Warriors will therefore have an Aggression
of Yi, which is equal to half the figures in the unit.
When an enemy with composite bows targets an enemy
unit within VS
of it For a shooting attack, it gets a + 1
bonus to its attack rolls. Remember that only one figure
in the unit has to be within range of the target unit For
this bonus to apply.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Gbe Lords oftbe Wild as seen by Valkeras
The Lords of the Wild are a balanced faction, which you can approach from different angles. At the
heart of the faction are interactions with terrain elements. Several Saga abilities on the Battle
Board require the presence of uneven terrain areas, and all Lords of the Wild players would do
well to bear this in mind when setting up the table. It can therefore make terrain its greatest ally,
which makes sense for a people with such a close link to their environment.
The Battle Board's second special feature is the presence of several abilities linked to shooting.
Not all of them make your shooting more effective, and several of these abilities have different
effects depending on whether the unit triggering them have ranged weapons or not. However, we
recommend that a Lords of the Wild warband have at least one or two units able to punish the enemy
from a distance.
In this sense, the choice of troops offers numerous possibilities. This faction is the only one that can
deploy Hearthguards or Heroes with ranged weapons. Apart from Monsters and Creatures, most of
their units can also equip themselves with bows or javelins, able to deal damage to the enemy while
staying out of arm's reach.
Although the faction does not have the powerful offensive tools of most other factions, it benefits
from numerous abilities which synergise well with each other. The forces of nature need a bit of
practice and experience to master.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
ffielec fficlee
(triggered during step 3 of a melee) (triggered during step 3 of a melee)°
Can only be used by a unit with ranged weapons. Call ofthe Wild is the third ability on the Battle Board with
When this ability is triggered, you roll a die For each an effect that depends on the unit that triggers it. If your
figure in your unit. For each 6 rolled, you may discard one unit has less than 8 attack dice at the moment when the
of your attack dice. If you do so, you score an automatic ability is triggered, it increases its Armour by 1. If this is
hit on the enemy unit. not the case, it gains 3 dice wh ich can be attack dice,
defence dice, or a mix of the two.
As with Sharpened Arrows, it is an ability that is
particularly useful against high Armour values, against
which your attack dice are unlikely to score hits.
Fuw (triggered during your Orders phase, after having rolled your
ffielee or Shooting Saga dice)
(triggered during step 3 of a melee OR step 2 of a shooting Rise of the Spirits is one of the most surprising abilities
attack) of any Faction in Age of Magic, and potentially one of the
most powerful. When you trigger it, you must bi:_ a_ble to
Fury can be used during a melee or during one of your
designate a small area of uneven terrain within M of at
shooting attacks. In either case, this ability grants 2
attack dice, or 4 if a 'f!'
was spent to trigger the ability.
least one of your units. It is enough For one figure from
the unit to be within M
of the terrain.
You can also discard one of the enemy unit's fatigues .
If you do so, you gain 3 additional attack dice. A simple From then until the end of the turn , the area in question
ability to use, which can supply a lot of attack dice! becomes a Titan-type Monster under your control. The
whole terrain element is considered as a Titan figure, so
the base of that unit is the terrain element, even if it is
bigger than the maximum size For a Monster base. You
POISO}{ED BLADES can activate this Titan like any other unit-it can fight
fficlce enemies and move. It is in all respects a unit in your
(triggered during step 3 of a me/ee) warband , but note that since the turn has already begun,
you cannot roll the Saga die that this newly-created unit
This ability has different effects depending on whether would generate.
the unit which triggers it has ranged weapons or not.
This Titan has all the special rules of a Monster of its type,
If this is the case, the unit gains 4 attack dice. Otherwise, including Resilience. Place any Fatigues suffered next to
it gets a + 1 bonus to its attack dice. the terrain element as you would For any other unit.
If the Titan is eliminated during the turn, the terrain
element is removed from play, and the opponent counts
LIVI}{G 1\QoTs as having eliminated a Monster when calculating victory
lktivation/Reaction points.
(triggered during an enemy Activation phase, according to the At the end of the turn, after the Activation phase,
conditions described below) the terrain element becomes inert again. Discard any
Fatigues it accumulated, and leave it in place. Even if the
This ability is triggered during an opponent's Activation
Titan has not Fought, this ability is an excellent way to
phase, but after the resolution of the enemy activation. move small areas of uneven terrain.
Once triggered, it affects the next movement or charge in We encourage the Lords of the Wild to acquire an extra
the current turn, whichever player resolves it-although
it is likely to be the player whose turn it is. If a 'f!'
Titan figure to place in animated terrain to represent the
Rise of the Spirits!
used to trigger this ability, the next two movement or
charge activations in this turn are affected by the ability.
The affected move or charge is resolved as though
the unit were moving in uneven terrain, with all the
consequences that has For movement and other rules.
In this case, a unit mounted on animals would suffer a
Fatigue. OF course, the opponent can work around this
ability by activating a secondary unit to take the penalty.
But whatever happens, they must use an activation in Far
From optimal circumstances. This is particularly true if
you triggered the ability with a 'f!'.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
AssJiuLT 01'(
Gazag's shaman had promised him the world to convince him to attack
the humans' temple.
But the scrying bones apparently forgot to prophesy the Knights of the
Golden Light's stubborn defence, which inflicted a crushing defeat on
the greenskins outside the Sanctuary.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Ghe worlds of fam:a sy are full of
t:Xamples ofmeseUndeadlegions. !Jou
cycle of life and death. It can range from the isolated schemes • Rotten marsh is cursed place where death has
of an occult practitioner who has raised cadavers from their no dominion. Those who die rise again rapidly
cemetery to avenge an injury, to the practice of an entire people and wander aimlessly. Some madmen still
who have decreed that they will not submit to the natural venture in, in the Foolish hope of raising an
order. It can even be imagined that a fallen civilisation might be army on the cheap.
brought back from the dead by their determination not to fall • The Wandering Circus has travelled the
into oblivion. Four corners of the kingdom since time
immemorial, putting on a quality show with a
While macabre, the Undead Legions are not necessarily an evil
cast of strangely and eternally young beings.
force. Having come back from the other side - or having found a Sometimes, a village and all its inhabitants
way to never have to go there- does not necessarily make them disappear without a trace. And the circus
enemies of life. They often pursue their own goals, which can be continues on its way...
as noble or contemptible as those of the living.
The f)eroes of the Undead Legions are able to and often the hero's praetorian guard. They can be living
command undead soldiers, either with magic, beings in servile submission to their master, like an
a powerful artefact, or a hereditary power. order of corrupted knights, or the reanimated corpses
They may even have come back from the dead of powerful warriors, like the skeletons of a praetorian
themselves, or have managed to break free of guard or the mummies of ancient kings.
the cycle of life. Their origins are very diverse: The Warriors of the Undead Legions are often the
apprentice mage who has made a pact with remains of soldiers who were trained in combat when
dark forces, ancient king returned to life and they were alive. They return with their old equipment,
millenarian vampire are only a few of the many ready to continue what they couldn't finish
incarnations of these heroes. before their passing. Sometimes primitive
The ffionsters of the Undead Legions can be humanoids like ghouls act as warriors for
enormous beasts reanimated by magic, like a less scrupulous Warlords.
necromantically-powered dinosaur skeleton, or The levies of the Undead Legions
- tamed - nightmarish monsters like a are called the Mindless. Maybe the
black dragon or a giant made from a magic that returned them to life was
multitude of corpses. less powerful than it needed to be, or
The Creanires of the Undead Legions maybe the living being they h~been
are often raised from popular folklore: wasn't considered to be worth much. For
werewolves, strigoi, giant bats or riders whatever reason, they are a horde stripped
mounted on powerful destriers from hell. of wit, advancing slowly, driven only by the
The f)earthguards of the Undead Legions magic that raised them.
are the warband's most powerful combatants,
Warmonger /vliniatures
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The once prosperous Duchy of Drachenb lut day, and by the fireside it is whispered that he
is now a realm haunted by evil and fear. This feeds on the blood of infants tqrn from their
perversion was caused by a deal Duke Wilhelm mother's arms. Except for the duke's personal
made with dark forces to repulse an enemy guard, the duchy no longer has an army - and
invasion. In exchange for their aid, he promised they too are rumoured to be blood drinkers
the soul of the seventh son of his seventh son. one and all. If danger threatens Drachenblut,
the soldiers of yore return to serve the Duke as
The Duke's descendants never had a seventh
loyally as they served his ancestors.
child, for fear of fulfilling the curse. But as time
wore memories away, what had been a strictly
adhered-to interdiction became a fable to scare
children . A seventh son was born, and with him
came the fall of the house ofDrachenblut.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Warlord of the Undead Legions can be mounted on The f]eart:hguards of the ' Undead Legions can be
an animal, a beast, or a winged beast, in which case they mounted on animals. If they are not mounted, they can
have the Flight special rule, and therefore reduce their be equipped with heavy weapons.
Armour against shooting attacks-see New Special Rules, The Warriors of the Undead Legions can be equipped
p. 16. with bows. However, your warband cannot include more
The Lieutenant: is a Black Knight and can be mounted units of Warriors equipped with bows than units of
on an animal. Warriors without bows.
Sorcerors can be mounted on animals. They have access The Levies of the Un dead Legions are the Mindless.
to the Domains of Deat:h and Gime. An Undead Legions warband can recruit a single St:at:ic
An Undead Legions warband can only include a single War CDachine, but can only remove Warrior figures to
CDonst:er. include it.
An Undead Legions warband can include one or more
units of Crcarures.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
LEGElfDAW Dl\{I'fS PF: THE Dl\{1)£A1) LEGI{j\{_8
,, II _ Spectres
Not all the dead who fight in the Legions are reanimated. Intangible
Some are called back but.find themselves caught in the.fine The Spectres can never suffer casualties, cannot be
membrane that separates the other side from the world we charged, and cannot be targeted by ranged attacks,
know. They are condemned to know no rest, unable to walk spells, or any special rules. Activation/Reaction abilities
the earth. These phan,tasmagorica/ spirits are full oj rage cannot be triggered in response to the activation of the
and envy for the living. A hate which the Necromancers of Spectres.
the Legions put to good use against their enemies.
Spectral Presence
Legendary Unit If the Spectres pass over an enemy unit during a Flight
You can replace one of your Hearthguard units with a movement, roll a die for each Spectre fi.gure that passed
unit of Spectres of the same size at no additional cost. over at least one enemy model. If at least one die rolls
A Legion warband cannot have more than one unit of a 6, the unit that was flown over suffers a fatigue, or a
Spectres. Spectres are Hearthguards with the Following casualty if it is exhausted.
characteristics: During their movement, the Spectres suffer one fatigue
For each enemy unit passed over. They can never perform
a Manoeuvre.
You can never fly over the same enemy unit twice in the
same Activation phase.
Apparitions, Flight, Intangible, Spectral Presence At the end of the Activation phase, roll a die and add the
number of fatigues on the unit of Spectres. If the total is
more than 5, remove a fi.gure From the unit for each point
The Spectres are not placed on the table at the start of
by which the result exceeds 5. For example, if you get a 7,
the table. At the start of each of your Activation phases,
the unit loses two fi.gures. After the die roll, remove all the
place the Spectres on the table 8 away from one of your
I unit's fatigues and remove it from the table.
units. You can activate it during the turn, but at the end
Each spectre thus removed counts as being elim inated by
of the Activation phase they are removed From the table
the opponent when calcu lating victory points.
after rolling their Spectral Presence die (see below) .
I• ~6.J ==-__,
II Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Four combat pool has fewer dice than their opponent's, roll
The Horsemen's unit generates a Saga die for each ~me die per Horseman still in play and gain that many
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Gbe Undead Legions,. as seen by Valkeras
The speciality of the Undead Legions Battle Board is the chance to restore 'to life' Warrior or
Mindless figures who have been eliminated. This gives the faction a resilience to attrition
unequalled by any other warband of the Age of Magic. Thus for the Undead Legions player,
the loss of Warriors or Mindless will not be seen in the same way, since they know the figures
can be used again later. Generally, the first contact with a Undead Legions warband brings
feelings of irritation, frustration and discouragement. However, it must be kept in mind that
figures can only return to units that are still on the table: a unit that is eliminated is definitively
.a nd irredeemably eliminated: Therefore, an experienced Undead Legions player will use subtlety
when wielding their troops, not hesitating to risk figures when the game is worth the candle, but
preserving their units to restock them throughout the game.
The Battle Board also offers several abilities allowing simultaneous activation of several units,
which favours a massed approach based on Warriors and Mindless. That said, don't neglect your
elite units like Hearthguards and Creatures. Other than the fact that they provide welcome striking
power in a warband that can lack it, these units have exclusive Saga abilities on the Battle Board
which are very useful.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
AL11s1>usr ALJ\~.ADY 'DEAD~
llctivarion ffielee
(triggered during your Activation phase) (triggered during step 3 of a melee)
This ability allows a unit to get rid of its fatigues easily. Can only be triggered by one of your Warrior units.
They just have to eliminate one to three figures to discard This ability is one of the most powerful defensive abilities
that many fatigues. It is particularly useful for Warriors, in the Age of fv!agic. Once triggered, the targeted unit
who can get those figures back with Necromancy or Tide of Warriors gains the Resilience (4) special rule, which
of Reanimation. means that they can cancel up to 4 casualties for the
price of just one Fatigue!
That said, the Warrior unit cannot throw any attack dice,
HoWLI'N.G P ACR._ or even defence dice. That means it is only protected by
meicc its Resilience and cannot inflict hits on the enemy.
(triggered during an opponent's Orders phase)
When an ability is triggered, you designate two
enemy units. From the moment when this ability is
triggered until the end of the turn, whenever one
of these two units suffers a Fatigue, the second
unit suffers one too.
The source of the fatigue is irrelevant: it could
be one unit's successive activations, the use
of Resilience, or other special rules. As soon as
one unit suffers a Fatigue, the other takes
one too.
A real spoke in the opponent's wheel,
that will overturn their plans!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Ghe worlds of tanrasy are full of
1.7amples of these f)ordes. You
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Tribe of the Seeing Eye are greenskins living means, but since the raids have always been
in caves in the faces of the Scorched Cliffs. successful until now, it wouldn't seem wise to
Gazag the Strong has been the undisputed chief break with tradition. ' '
of the tribe since he overthrew the previous
As well as his loyal followers, Gazag likes to
chief - by throwing him from the Great Cave
include trolls in his warband . The original
into thin air.
inhabitants of the Scorched Cliffs' caves, they
The Scorched Cliffs are a harsh and hostile fight for the chance to feast on the human and
place to live, which forces Gazag to frequently elven Aesh they hunger for...
raid and plunder surrounding lands. It is now
tradition for these raids to be launched during
the summer solstice, since the tribe's shaman
says this is the time when "The Seeing Eye is
wide open". No-one really knows what that
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Warlord of the Horde can be mounted on an The Horde can include one or mdre unit~ of Creatures,
animal or mounted on a beast, which can be represented but they cannot be flyingCrearures.
perfectly by a war-chariot and its team . If they are not f]eart::hguards can be mounted on animals. If they are
mounted on an animal or a beast, they can be equipped not mounted, they can be equipped with heavy weapons.
with a heavy weapon.
Warriors can be mounted on animals. If this is the case,
The lieutenant:: of the Horde is a Champion. They can they can be equipped with composite bows. If they are
be mounted on an animal, but if they are not, they can be not mounted, they can be equipped with heavy weapons.
equipped with a heavy weapon.
The Horde's levies are equipped with bows.
The Sorcerors of the Horde can be mounted on animals .
The Horde can only include a single War machine, which
They have access to the Domains of €art::h and metal.
cannot be a flying War machine.
The Horde can only recruit a single monster.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Armour Aggression
Unit Equipment Options Special Rules
Melee (Shooting) Melee (Shooting)
- 5 (5)
8(4) Bodyguards, Determination, Presence,
Heavy Weapon 4 (5)
Pride, Resilience (1), We Obey
Warlord Mount: Animal 5 (4)
Determination, Imposing, Presence,
Mount: Beast 5 (5) 10 (4)
Pride, Resilience (2)
5 (5)
Determ ination, Presence, Pride,
lieutenant Heavy Weapon 4 (5) 6 (2)
Resilience (1)
Mount: An i mal 5 (4)
Devastating Charge, javelins,
War Chariot Javelins 5 (5) 4 (2)
Mount: Animal, Presence, Resilience (1)
3 (4) Bodyguards, Determination, Magic,
Sorceror 2 (O)
Mount: Animal 3 (3) Presence, Resilience (1), Unarmed
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
Behemoth 4(4) 14 (O)
Resilience (2)
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
CDonsters Titan 5 (5) 12 (0)
Resilience (2). Slow
Breath, Imposing , Presence, Primitive,
Scourge (Flight) 4(4) 10 (4)
Resilience (2)
Biped 4 (4) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
Creatures 4 (3) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1 ), Swift
5 (5)
I) earthguards Heavy Weapon 4 (5) 2 (1) -
Mount: Animal 5 (4)
Heavy Weapon 3 (4)
Warriors Mount: Animal 4 (3) 1 (1 /2) -
Mount: Animal,
3 (3)
composite bow
Levies Bow 3 (3) 1/3 (1/2) -
Cumbersome, Powerful Shot, Presence,
Static 3 (4) 1 (4 or 2)
Resilience (1), Unarmed
War CDachine Firearms, Presence, Resilience (1 ),
Mobile 4 (4) 2 (4)
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
HOR_1>E. ~ ~
Ghe Berserkers
The Berserkers are a tradition in tribal barbarian societies.
These warriors enter frenzied trances by drinking
concoctions or through powerful magical rituals. Then they
throw themselves on the enemy without thought for their
own lives, thirsting for blood and destruction. Destined to Die
Legendary Unit Eliminating a unit oFBerserkers does not inflict fatigue on
friendly units within S.
You can include up to three units of Berserkers in your
warband for 1 point each . Berserkers are units of 4
Hearthguards, possessing the following characteristics.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
• You can never place a Sacrificial Stone on the table, • Your warband can only include Monsters
since Rh'um left his in the village he used to rule. Your warband also benefits from the following faction
• You can recruit two Champions instead of just one . special rule.
If Rh' um uses the fv!e First! Saga ability, he gains 8 bonus While your Alpha is on the table, you can discard a
attack dice instead of the 4 indicated by the ability. If die from your Magic Pool during the Orders phase
another unit in your Horde uses it, they only get 2 bonus to designate a Monster within L of your Alpha.
attack dice, instead of the 4 indicated by the ability. That Monster does not count as Primitive until the
start of your next turn . You can use this special rule
You Annoy Me!
several times per turn, and the Alpha can-l.!Se it on
Each time a unit in Rh'um's warband suffers one or themselves.
more losses from a shooting attack or a spell, it can
remove a fatigue after the shooting attack or spell has
been resolved.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Ghe l}orde. as see:i by Valkeras
The Horde is a resolutely aggressive faction, and their Battle Board is the best tool to release this
tide of violence. ·
Many abilities grant attack dice or let units charge more easily, so the Horde player will often be
the aggressor during their battles.
The choice of troops reinforces this characterisation. Numerous units have access to heavy
weapons which let them inAict more damage. War Chariots are swift and powerful units that let
you to strike enemy lines with the power of a hammer. And Creatures, whether Biped or Quadruped,
are powerful strike forces which are not limited in number in this warband.
The Horde will therefore suit players who are ready to take the initiative against their opponents, and
risk their troops in bloody engagements and rapid, brutal melees. I know that many of you recognise
yourselves in this portrait. It means the blood of the Horde runs through your veins!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
illelee metee or Shooting-
(triggered during step 3 ofa melee) (triggered during step 3 ofa me/ee OR during step 2 ofa
shooting attack)
Although it costs two dice to trigger, this ability can
potentially prove very powerful if the Horde player has This ability can only be used against enemy units with
planned its use. It grants the unit one atta~k_die and one an Armour of 5 or more. Note that it is the Armour at
defence die for each friendly unit within VS. To begin the moment the ability is triggered that is taken into
with, it's important to remember that a unit is always consideration. Therefore, it could be an enemy unit who
within X of itself. That means that even without any started the combat with lower Armour and increased it
nearby units, the unit will get its two dice. using fatigue or Saga abilities.
Also, it doesn't matter what type of friendly unit is It allows any 1 sand 2s rolled on your dice to be re-rolled.
nearby, or how many figures are in it. So the presence of These must be the scores after modifiers, so in the case
a simple hero like a Sorcerer is enough to grant an extra of heavy weapons, only the dice showing a 1 (before
attack die and an extra defence die. modifiers) could be re-rolled.
With a minimum of preparation, this ability will easily get If you used a ~ to trigger this ability, you can re-roll all
you 3 attack die and 3 defence dice, which is an excellent the dice you choose.
result from a Saga ability!
EJ{DU}\_Al'{CE ITTelee
Shootinglfu:action (triggered during step 3 ofa melee)
(triggered during step 2 ofa shooting attack)
Can only be triggered by a Hero.
Endurance protects the Horde against enemy ranged This ability offers no immediate gain, but has an effect
attacks. Once triggered, the unit benefits from solid until the end of the turn.
cover during the shooting attack, which gives the
If your Hero wins the melee (to determine the winner of
following advantages:
a melee, see the Rulebook, step 6: Removing Casualties,
• Its Armour increases by 1. p. 28), all your units get 2 bonus attack dice and 2 bonus
• Hits are cancelled on a result of 3 or more, instead of defence dice during every melee they are part of until the
4 or more. end of the turn.
Finally, the unit can benefit from this ability even if it Well orchestrated, this ability could well turn the
can't usually benefit from cover, as is the case for units tide of a game, since it can benefit a large number of
that are Imposing or mounted on animals units. Also bear in mind that all units benefit, without
distinction-including Primitive units like Monsters.
The War Chariot is a type of Hero that is particularly well
lRO}{ WILL suited to triggering Follow fvly Lead! For example, if you
Activatiorv'Rcacrion triggered fvle First! at the start of the turn, it would probably
win its melee, opening the way to an unprecedented
(triggered during an enemy Activation phase, according to the sequence of carnage ...
conditions described below)
This ability is triggered after an enemy unit is activated
for a charge whose nominated target is one of your units,
but before said charge is resolved.
Remove a fatigue from the unit your opponent wants to
charge. Once that's done, the opponent continues the
charge process, measuring the distance and moving
their unit.
It is a very powerful ability, which prevents the opponent
from using your unit's fatigue to gain the advantage.
Also bear in mind that since it is an Activation/Reaction
ability, it can target Primitive units
like Monsters, who can therefore
remove a fatigue. That's very
attractive given their Resilience (2).
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The terrible Battle of Owl Falls took place near Stonetown's western fort. It was needlesslysparked
by a band of drunken dwarves, who got lost in Blackspine Forest after a night of merry-making .
Realising their error, they took to their heels with Tamerlane's hunters on their trail.
The garrison sent a force to intervene, and a bloody battle followed. No-one can say who emerged
victorious, if it is even possible for such a needless battle to have a victor...
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Ghe worlds of f.mrasy are full of
i; of warbands from the
The f]eroes of the Otherworld are often the lords of The f]earthguards of the Otherworld are powerful
religious orders sworn to the worship of other planes of beings From other dimensions, or the best parts of the
existence or the entities that live there, like divine beings cults devoted to these dimensions.
or powerful demons. Warriors Form the core of Otherworld warbands. They
The CDonst:ers of the Otherworld are almost always are worshippers, often humans or at least hom"anoids,
From these other dimensions, and can therefore take or minor entities From the outer dimensions like imps,
extremely varied Forms. Their appearance will nearly minor demons or even stranger beings.
always be intimidating. The Otherworld has no levies or War CDachines.
The Creatures of the Otherworld are often major angels
or demons From other planes of existence.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Cauldron ofNeggaruth is the name given to Baalor the Apostate has gathered around him a
the realm of the Black Dwarves, a rebel dynasty warband of his most devoted relatives to hunt
of the Great Kings-Beneath-the-Mountain . down slaves to feed·the Cauldron's ~ines and
In times now almost forgotten, these dwarves workshops. His warband mixes his most loyal
made pacts with Neggaruth, the Arch-Demon warriors with Neggaruth's demons, who have
for whom they opened a door into the world. abandoned their infernal plane in favour of
The horrible beings that surged forth were conquering the world of men.
put at their service, and turned what had
been a powerful city into a crucible of death
and cruelty, known today as the Cauldron of
Painting by Fred
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
An Otherworld Warlord can be mounted on a beast or a Otherworld warbands can recruit up to three monsters,
winged beast. In the latter case, they have the Flight special but none of them can be 'Gitans.
rule and therefore reduce their Armour against shooting Otherworld warbands can recruit up to two units of
(see New Special Rules, p. 16). lfthey are not mounted on a Creatures.
beast, they can be equipped with a heavy weapon .
Otherworld J]earrbguards can be equipped with heavy
An Otherworld lieuttnant is a Conjuror. They have no weapons.
equipment options.
Otherworld Warriors can be equipped with heavy
Otherworld Sorcerors have no equipment options. They weapons.
have access to the Domains of Deatb and Energy.
Spewed Forth by portals, Hunters have only one thing in
mind-chasing living beings. They are dangerous entities
who can take many Forms-corrupted and deformed
humanoids, quadrupeds driven by the call of the hunt, or
even stranger apparitions.
You can promote up to half your warband's Warrior units
to Hunters at no additional cost. Only units of Warriors
without heavy weapons or wings can be thus promoted. Sacred Ground: Unstable Portal
Hunters possess the following characteristics. A portal has opened on the battlefield. It can take many
Forms: a crack in reality opening onto other dimensions,
an altar erected by worshippers who have connected it to
other plains of existence, or a mutated and transformed
Special Rules
The Unstable Portal must fit within a square of S by S.
or 1Ocm by 1Ocm. At the end of each of their turns, the
If Hunters start a melee as the attackers, their Aggression warband facing the Otherworld must roll a die For each
is 2 instead of 1. Trackers have a charge distance of L. of its units with in S of the Unstable Portal. They suffer a
rather than M like other troops. casualty on a roll of 6, as tentacles and other appendages
surge from the portal to seize the Otherworld's ~nemies
Winged and drag them into another dimensib'n.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Armour Aggression
Unit Equipment Options Special Rules
Melee (Shooting) Melee (Shooting)
- 5 (5) 8(4)
Bodyguards, Determination, Presence,
Heavy Weapon 4 (5)
Pride, Resilience (1), We Obey
Warlord Winged 5 (4) 8 (4)
Mount: Beast 5 (5) 10 (4) Determ ination , Imposing, Presence,
Mount: Beast (Flight) 5 (4) 10 (4) Pride, Resilience (2)
- 5 (5) Conjuror, Determ inat ion, Presence,
lieutenant 4 (2)
Winged 5 (4) Resilience (1)
- 3 (4) Bodyguards, Determination, Magic,
Sorceror 2 (O)
Winged 3 (3) Presence, Resilience (1), Unarmed
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
Behemoth 4 (4) 14 (O)
Resilience (2)
CDonsters Breath, Imposing, Presence,
Scourge (Flight) 4(4) 10 (4)
Primitive, Resilience (2)
Biped 4(4) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
LE.G;l\[DAl\Y ill{ITS OF THE. OTHE.R_\VQ""RJi1)
Gbe llrcbdemon
An all-powerful prince in their own dimension, the
Archdemon is an entity of incredible power who leads
the infernal legions in the conquest of the world. He is a
nightmare to his enemies, and sows death and destruction
throughout the mortal kingdoms. ·
Legendary Unit
You can transform your Warlord into the Archdemon For
1 point. The Archdemon must be based on a Monster
base. It is a Hero with the Following characteristics.
I I Magic
The Archdemon is also a sorceror, who must choose their
three spells From the Domain of €nergy.
The Avatar is the incarnation of a god, who has taken physical Avatar Trait
form to intervene in the affairs of men. Its appearance varies The Avatar can be personalised by choosing a trait from
according to the god who has incarnated themselves, from the list be low.
an athletic and divinely beautiful warrior of inhuman size to
Goe JUL-Powerful: The Avatar is a Sorceror and has the
a nightmarish entity of changeable form whose gaze freezes
fvlagic rule, but only knows the Lightning spell. Their
men's hearts.
Armour becomes 4 (4) .
Legendary Unit Goe Corruptor: Each enemy unit must add + 1 to its roll
Your warband can recruit the Avatar For 2 points. It is For the Avatar's Terror special rule. It has Resilience (1)
a Monster (who counts as one of the three monsters instead of Resilience (2) .
that can be included in your warband) and who has the Goe €ternal: If the Avatar is eliminated, roll a die at the
following characteristics. start of each of your Activation phases . On a result of 5 or
6, place it within L of your table edge, more than M From
all enemy units. It no longer counts as eliminated.
Goe fu:dempror: The Avatar has the Flight special rule.
Their Armour therefore becomes 5 (4).
Avatar Trait, Imposing, Presence, Primitive, Resilience (2). Goe Shadow: The Avatar loses the Primitive special rule,
Terror but their Aggression goes from 16 to 10.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Ghe Otherworld ~ seen by Valkeras
The beings who live in these other dimensions form a unique faction with 'very notable features.
The first of them is the absence of Levies, which deprives the warband of easily sacrificed cannon
fodder. The second feature is the almost total absence of ranged attacks, except for the breath
of Scourge Monsters and one of the Battle Board's advanced Saga abilities. Therefore the
Otherworld has to win its games at close quarters, and make the most of its melee superiority. The
warband has several advantages in that area. Firstly, a Battle Board rich in particularly powerful
defensive abilities, and secondly the option to give nearly all your units wings via the Winged
· special rule. These wings give the warband a mobility that is unequalled in the Age of Magic, but
make them particularly vulnerable to enemy units with ranged weapons. Those need to be eliminated
as quickly as possible, especially since you won't have any Shooting/Reaction abilities.
The Otherworld is therefore a warband that offers numerous possibilities, more subtle than they
might seem on first glance, and which will appeal to experienced players.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
(triggered during step 3 of a melee) (triggered during step 3 of a melee)
This very simple ability allows you to re-roll up to 3 of Doppelgangers is the most powerful defensive ability in
your attack dice, generally those that didn't score a hit. the Age of Magic. Once triggered, all the enemy unit's
If the unit has the Presence special rule (like a Hero or a attack dice become defence dice. So unless they have
unit of Creatures), it also gains 2 attack dice. abilities to gain attack dice waiting in reserve, the enemy
unit cannot roll any dice to inflict hits on your unit. On
~~-. · .
the downside, it's not very likely that you'll inflict a lot of
casualties against their glut of defence dice, but it could
POWAL shake up your opponent's plans a little!
:· .·:=-:: ; -.; .....
(triggered during step 3 of a melee)
The Portal ability literally lets you teleport a unit from FLOOD OF POWER.
one point on the battlefield to another. That unit cannot Ordcn; or Orders/Reaction
have any fatigue. (triggered during your Orders phase, or during an opponent's
Take the unit and redeploy it anywhere on the table in Orders phase)
open terrain, as though you were deploying it at the start
The Flood of Power ability is quite similar to Astral Bond in
of the game. It must be M away from least one enemy
how it protects your units. The unit on which you trigger
unit. That means that at least one figure from your unit
it increases their Armour by +1 during its next melee of
must be within M of at least one enemy figure, without
the turn. After resolving that combat, the ability ceases
being in contact with it.
to have any effect.
The teleported unit may not then activate to move or
Unless you trigger the ability with algl, the unit suffers a
charge, but can be activated to shoot, for example with a
-1 penalty to the result of each of its attack dice. But it
Scourge's breath or by using the Abyssal Breath ability. A
becomes considerably tougher.
Sorceror who has been teleported can cast spells, since
these do not count as activations. And since it is an Orders or Orders/Reaction ability ... if
you don't remember, re-read Astral Bond!
Portal does not activate the unit, which means it can be
used on a Primitive unit like a Monster to give it some
mobility! Wisely used, this ability can turn the tide of a
battle. POSSE.SSIOl{
ill dee
(triggered during step 3 of a melee)
AsrRA.L 13o1'(D Can only be triggered by Heroes
Orders or Orders/Reaction
This ability is reserved for your Heroes-your Warlord,
(triggered during your Orders phase, or during an opponent's Lieutenant or Sorcerers. The recipient increases their
Orders phase) Armour by +1 and gains 2 attack dice.
A very useful defensive ability. It increases the Resilience
value of a unit of your choice by + 1 until the end of the
turn. Therefore, a unit with Resilience (1) gets
Resilience (2), a unit with Resilience (2) gets
Resilience (3), etc.
If you trigger it on a unit without the
Resilience special rule, it gains Resilience
(1) until the end of the turn.
As the cherry on the sundae, since it is an Orders
or Orders/Reaction ability, it can be used on
Primitive units like Monsters or Hunters!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Gheworlds offamasy are full of
t;Xamples of theseCDasters of the
In the extremely hierarchical societies of the Masters of the The Masters of the Underearth's Warriors are trained
Underearth, f]eroes are important individuals like kings, in combat, and generally Fight with ranged
Foremen, master engineers and slave-drivers. weapons. The Masters of the Underearth
Since their environment does not lend itself well to the Favour technologically advanced weapons
development of species of great size, monsters are quite like crossbows or Firearms.
rare among the Masters of the Underearth. They might be levies are the dregs of society,
domesticated dragons or creations mixed from magic and often slaves. They are mostly
technology, like steel giants or unnatural abominations equipped with bows, slingshots,
born in an alchemist's laboratory. or simply armed with their
Crearures are uncommon For the same reasons. They too work tools-pickaxes, mallets or
are often the creations of the Masters of the Underearth's brooms.
craftsmen, providing a workforce capable of unequalled The Masters of the Underearth's
physical prowess that doesn't need to eat or rest, like War machines are often
mutants or mechanical golems. very technologically
The Masters of the Underearth's f]earthguards are their advanced and very in
society's elite, entirely devoted to warfare. They have demand, but rarely of
exceptional weaponry, even by the standards of the surface. any great size.
Mierce Miniatures
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Great Kings-Beneath-the-Mountain have Olfred Guntharsson is one ofStonetown's most
established colonies in most of the known famous guardians. f:le has drivel'l back countless
world's mountain ranges. The dwarves have assailants at the head of his men. His flying
tirelessly hollowed out the mountains to machines patrol the skies, and when danger
establish trading posts, which grow into towns threatens, seemingly harmless stone statues are
and sometimes into gigantic subterranean awoken by ancient magic to defend the colony.
The defence of these colonies is not simple, for
assembling an artny from the depths is a slow
and complex task. This is why there is a chain of
forts around each colony, serving as a first line
of defence against invaders. Painting by Fred
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
FACTI(]\{ 1\PLE.8
A Masters of the Underearth Warlord can be mounted mounted on animals. If they are not mounted, they can
on a beast. If they are not mounted, they can be equipped be equipped with heavy weapons.
with a heavy weapon. Warriors can be equipped with heavy weapons,
A Masters of the Underearth lieut:enant is an Alchemist. crossbows or firearms.
They have no special equipment. Masters of the Underearth levies can be equipped with
Masters of the Underearth Sorcerors have no spe~ial bows or slings.
equipment. They use the Domains of CDetal. and Gime. The Masters of the Underearth can recruit up to two War
The Masters of the Underearth can recruit a single CDachines.
The Masters of the Underearth can recruit a single unit of
Crean.ires. They cannot be Flying Creatures.
Masters of the Underearth l?eartnguards can be
An Alchemist is equipped with incendiary bombs, Unstable and Dangerous
explosive vials and a whole arsenal of concoctions that
If at least 3 attack dice score the same result, the unit is
are as unstable as they are dangerous.
destroyed in an impressive pyrotechnic display after the
They can be activated to shoot once per turn, and can shooting attack has been resolved .
only perform a single shooting attack per turn . Their
shooting attack has a range of L and generates no
fatigue. Alchemists also get the following bonuses if the
Sacred Ground: Underground network
target of the shooting attack is within M. The Masters of the Underearth have tunnelled beneath
• They gain 1d3 bonus attack dice. This is the result of a the surface since the dawn of time, extending an
die roll divided by two. enormous underground network of galleries and tunnels
that they can navigate through and emerge from at any
• If the target's armour is more than 4, it is reduced to 4. This
decrease takes place before Saga abilities are triggered,
and so can be increased during the shooting attack. Special Rules
• If the target suffers at least one casualty during the When you place the Underground Network, place two
shooting attack, it suffers a fatigue after the shooting areas of terrain . Neitherofthese terrain pieces can exceed
attack has been resolved . M by M.They are areas of low impassable terrain .
These two terrain pieces are placed at the same time, and
Destruction Geam.s count as a single terrain piece when setting up the table.
They cannot be moved by the enemy.
The Masters of the Underearth can include up to two
Any unit in your warband can use the Underground
Destruction Teams. These soldiers are mad enough to
carry dangerous but light weapons such as small cannon,
Network if it activates for a manoeuvre within VSof
one of the Network's two areas. If the movement is not
projectile throwers, and terrifying magical war-drums.
cancelled or reduced , place the unit within VS
of the
They are units of a single figure on a base that cannot Network's other terrain piece (and more than S from all
exceed 40mm in diameter. A Destruction Team can enemy units) instead of resolving the manoeuvre.
of course be modelled with several crew serving their
The unit that used the Undergroun~ ~etwork ca1111ot be
weapon, but in game terms, the whole base counts as a
activated again during that turn.
single figure unit.
Only one unit can use the network during your Activation
A team is recruited by removing two Warrior figures from
yourwarband, and counts as a unit of two Warriors when
calculating victory points.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Armour Aggression
Unit Equipment Options Special Rules
Melee (Shooting) Melee (Shooting)
- 5 (5) 8(4) Bodyguards, Determination, Presence,
Heavy Weapon 4 (5) Pride, Resilience (1), We Obey
Determination, Imposing, Presence,
Mount: Beast 5 (5) 10 (4)
Pride, Resilience (2)
Alchemist, Determination, Presence,
lieurenant - 5 (5) 4 (2)
Resilience (1)
Bodyguards, Determination, Magic,
Sorceror - 3 (4) 2 (O)
Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
Behemoth 4(4) 14 (O)
Resilience (2)
Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
CDonst:ers Titan 5 (5) 12 (O)
Resilience (2), Slow
Breath, Imposing, Presence, Primitive,
Scourge (Flight) 4(4) 10 (4)
Resilience (2)
Biped 4(4) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
Crearures Quadruped 4 (3) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1), Swift
- 5 (5)
f)eard1guards Heavy Weapon 4(5) 2 (1) -
Mount: Animal 5 (4)
- 4(4)
Heavy Weapon 3 (4) -
Warriors 1 (1 /2)
3 (3)
- 4(4)
levies 1/3(1/2) -
Bow or sling 3 (3)
Cumbersome, Powerful Shot, Presence,
Static 3 (4) 1 (4 or 2)
Resilience (1), Unarmed ~
War CDachine Firearms, Presence, Resilience (1 ),
Mobile 4(4) 2 (4)
Flying 4(4) 1 (4) Breath, Presence, Resilience (1). Unarmed
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Gbe Burrower
The Burrower can only be activated to move-it can't
The Burrower is a machine as improbable as it is extravagant. even rest. When activated to move, it has a movement
Originally built to pierce the hardest rock of the most distance of L, and can ignore both units and terrain when
imposing mountains, the fv!asters of the Underearth quickly moving. It cannot end a move in impassable terrain, but
learnt it had another use. It can dig into the ground at gre~t can easily start or end it in uneven or dangerous terrain.
speed, resurfacing leagues. away and transporting soldiers
over great distances. Transport
If there is a friendly unit of up to 8 ngures within ofVS
This strange machine has a tendency to break down when the Burrower before it resolves its move (not Monsters,
it is used too long, either due to mechanical issues or a lack Creatures or War Machines), it can transport them .
offuel. Remove the unit from the table before the Burrower's
Legendary Unit
After the Burrower has moved, return the unit to the
The Burrower can be included in your warband for 1
table in such a way that all its ngures are within S of the
point. It counts as a Mobile War Machine, and is one of
Machine without being in contact with the enemy. This
the two War Machines your warband can recruit. It must
transportation counts as a move activation for the unit if
be mounted on a base of no more than 20cm by 8cm , and
it activates again during the same turn .
no less than 1Scm by Scm.
This Mobile War Machine has the following characteristics.
Gbe ffiutantAberrations
The results of the fv!asters of the Underearth ' strangest
experiments, the fv!utant Aberrations were designed long
ago as a submissive workforce for use in the deeps. But
they proved themselves too uncontrollable to be used as
labourers. To this day they remain in cages until a warchief is
desperate enough to loose them on their enemies.
Legendary Unit
You can promote one ofyourwarband's units of up to four
Bipedal Creatures to Mutant Aberrations for 1 point.
Mutant Aberrations possess the following characteristics.
Remove a Fatigue from the Mutant Aberrations uriit at
the end of each of your turns.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
'Gbe Dwarves ofme SiLverbeights
The Dwarves have been extracting minerals from the Silver • Your Warriors can be equipped with bows.
Mountains since before the age of fv!en . Their prosperity • Your warband can include the Burrower, even though
comes from the sale of precious metals, which guarantees it is a legendary unit.
them wealth and riches. Throughout history there have
Your warband also benefits From the Following Faction
been many who have sought to seize the Dwarves' mines,
special rule.
but they have stubbornly seen off every assault their
enemies have orchestrated. Stoic and Determined
All your units without the Imposing special rule gain
Unique Faction Rules an exhaustion limit of 4, and can therefore suffer 4
IF you decide to recruit a warband of Dwarves of the Fatigues before being exhausted instead of3 .
Silverheights, the Following unique rules modify the The movement distance of all these units is S, or M if
Masters of the Underearth Faction rules. they are mounted on animals. The charge distance of
• Your warband cannot include Monsters, Levies or these units remains unchanged.
Destruction Teams.
The Vermin is the name fv1en generally give to the races • Yourwarband cannot include Warriors.
driven by envy and greed that pollute the deeps. Whether • Your Levies can be equipped with firearms or crossbows.
they are goblins, rat-things or degenerate humans, these
• No unit in yourwarband may have the Flight special rule.
tribes share a thirst for chaos, destruction and looting.
They often emerge at the heart of the largest cities via the • Your warband can include Mutant Aberrations even
labyrinth of sewers connected to the tunnels of their own though they are a Legendary Unit.
subterranean galleries. Your warband also benefits From the Following Faction
special rule.
Unique Faction Rules
Scorn and Envy
If you decide to recruit a Vermin warband, the Following
In a Vermin warband, the elimination of a Levy or Hero
unique rules modify the Masters of the Underearth
unit (other than the Warlord) never inflicts Fatigue on
Faction rules.
Friendly units within S of the eliminated unit.
• Your warband can include up to two Monsters.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
t?be ffiasrers of me Underearth as seen by Valkeras
The Masters of the Underearth faction offers a rich rang~ of troops with access to almost all
possible unit types, and thus lets you vary the composition of your warband as you will. Their
Battle Board is a reflection of their warband: varied and flexible, with abilities covering most
areas of the game.
This bounty can throw off players who find themselves lost in all the possible options. To make
best use of the board, you will have to recruit a balanced warband with a maximum of different
troop types-including a few u.nits equipped with ranged weapons.
The Masters of the Underearth can recruit two War Machines, and this option oftens proves effective
at crushing the enemy under a hail of powerful projectiles that target their keystone units.
Don't neglect your Levies! They can provide shooters in bulk, or massed units that defend effectively.
(triggered during step 3 of a melee)
This ability has no immediate effect when it is triggered.
Worse, if you don't win the melee it has no effect at all! But if
you win, it inAicts real punishment on your enemies!
After the units involved withdraw, you can roll a die for each
figure remaining in your unit. Remember rl'fat each figure with
the Presence rule counts as four figures. For each 6 you roll,
the enemy unit suffers a casualty. Harsh!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
lktivation/Reacrion Shooting
(triggered during an opposing Activation phase, under the (triggered during step 2 of a shooting attack)
conditions described below)
This very simple ability is murderous. Each 6 scored on
This ability is triggered after the resolution of an enemy your attack dice during this shooting attack inflicts an
unit's activation. It doesn't matter which activation: extra hit, so two hits instead of one.
movement, rest, shooting or charge. In the latter case, That is of course the result after any modifiers are
you trigger the ability after the melee has also been taken into account, making this ability very useful with
resolved. crossbows, firearms or Static War Mach in es!
Choose one of your units. Until the end of the enemy
turn, it benefits from solid cover, even if (like Imposing
units or units mounted on animals) it normally couldn't.
In real terms, that means it cancels its hits on a 4 or Tl\APS
more in melee and a 3 or more in shooting, as well as Orders/Reaction
increasing its Armour by+ 1 against enemy shooting. (triggered during an opposing Orders phase)
Traps seriously penalises an enemy unit during the
opponent's turn. When this ability is triggered, you
BATTLE.SO"N_G choose an enemy unit. Each time it is activated to move
Orders or charge until the end of the turn, it must roll a die before
resolving the activation. If it charges, this happens after
(triggered during your Orders phase)
choosing the target of the charge. If the roll is lower than
Battlesong has two different effects. its melee Armour, it immediately suffers a fatigue unless
First effect: each rest activation you resolve this turn it chooses to cancel its activation-without getting back
allows a unit that rests to discard two fatigues instead of the die it paid to activate!
one. However, the units that rest cannot activate again This ability is particularly effective against the best-
that turn. protected enemy units, like Hearthguards and Titans.
Second effect: each of your units get a bonus attack die
during their first melee of the turn.
These two effects complement each other perfectly: CHASM
units worn down by combat can rest to remove their
fatigues, while fresh units from the reserve get a combat Orders/Reaction
bonus. (triggered during an opposing Orders phase)
This is also the perfect time for you to sing yourself In the hands of an experienced player, this ability is
hoarse with your favourite martial tune! absolutely terrifying.
Shieldwolf Miniatures
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The effects of the spells available to Sorcerors in the Age of Magic are detailed in these
'I pages. They are followed by the spell cards you will use during your games. These cards can
"f also be downloadedfrom our website. Each page is dedicated to one of the six Domains of
J; Magic, and details each of the spells in that Domain along with their three effects (minimum,
optimum·and maximum) while trying to anticipate any questions that might come up.
0 Listen ro Valkeras me Wise...
~ I have taught you the rules that govern the use of Magic,
Z:;:. but as I like to say to my young apprentices: "Repetition
is the mother of all learning!" I will therefore once again
repeat the important points to you so that you have them in
j; mind - at the risking oflosing mine...
,..,. These points will come up again later. Remember them and
win or die!
...;;. • /vlagic dice are not Saga dice, and are not affected by game effects which target Saga dice. They
0 are also not rolled at the start of the turn, but used only when a Sorceror casts a spell.
9 • You create a magic pool at the start of the turn. This is made up of one /vlagic die, plus an extra .._,,_
~ /vlagic die per Sorceror present in your warband.
j; • Spells are not Saga abilities. No game effect affecting Saga abilities has any impact on spells.
• Casting spells takes place during the Activation phase. You can cast them at any point in this
phase, except during the resolution of an activation -you must wait for the activation to be
resolved before casting a spell. You cannot.for example, begin to cast a spell in the moment
between a unit charging an enemy and the resolution of the me lee.
• Casting a spell does not count as an activation for the Sorceror. However, an exhausted Sorceror
0' cannot cast spells.
9 • Several spells require the Sorceror to be able to trace a line of sight to their target. This line of
~ sight is determined in the same way as shooting (see the Rulebook, Line of Sight, p.22) and the
range of a spell is measured in an identical way to that ofa ranged weapon.
,..,. • Nevertheless, spells are never considered to be ranged attacks. A Sorceror is therefore not
considered to be a unit equipped with ranged weapons, even if they can harm their enemies by
~ hurling lightning bolts, tree trunks or unicorns at them!
• When a spell activates one or more units, you must immediately resolve these activations. You
fJ cannot cast another spell or move on to another activation unless you have totally resolved the
'--- spell's effects.
© • A Sorceror can only cast spells during their own players' turn. Any /vlagic dice remaining in the
j magic pool at the end of the turn are discarded and lost.
• /vlany spells inflict casualties. It is not possible to cancel these casualties with a defence die (as
with hits during me/ees or shooting attacks), but they can be cancelled with the Resilience
ry special rule, or any other rule allowing you to cancel casualties, like Bodyguards.
~ • When a spell targets "a"friendly unit within X of the Sorceror, they can target themselves. If a
±-3 spell targets "another" or an "other" friendly unit, they cannot target themselves. ~
fJ • In a mu/tip/ayer game, a unit can only be affected by a certain spell once at any one time.
ec Therefore, even if two players have Rust, only one ofthem can cast it on a given unit.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Domain of Energy is that of primitive elementalforces. The Sorcerors of this Domain tame thunder, fire or the wind
to craft their weapons and defences.
It is a straightforward and powetful way of practising magic, which suits Sorcerors who don't want to bother with
sophisticated formulae or complicated consequences.
Bolt: Gransmu"tati.on
This spell targets an enemy unit, striking them with a lightning bolt, a This spell is purely defensive, and allows the Sorceror to gain welcome
fireball, or any other elemental projectile. protection by turning into a being ofstone, wind orfire. This bonus
You can target any enemy unit within L and line of sight ofthe lasts until the start ofyour next turn, and the spell's effects are as
Sorceror. Roll two dice and apply the spel/'s effect, as follows: follows:
• Minimum Fffect: each die that exceeds the target's Armour against •Minimum Effect: the Sorceror gains Resilience (2). This Resilience
shooting attacks inflicts a casualty. replaces their usual Resilience.
• Optimum Effect: each die that matches or exceeds the target's •Optimum Effect: the Sorceror gains Resilience (3). This Resilience
Armour against shooting attacks inflicts a casualty. replaces their usual Resilience.
•Maximum Fffect: each die that rolls a3 or more inflicts a casualty, no •Maximum Effect: the Sorceror gains Resilience (3). This Resilience
matter the target's Armour. Also, if at least one ofthe two dice rolled replaces their usual Resilience. They also increase their Armour
scores a 6, the target suffers an extra casualty on top ofthose caused against both melee and shooting attacks by+ 2. Let's just say they
by the die roll. basically become invulnerable!
North Star
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Domain of Light is also that of Life. It manipulates the positive forces that suffuse the world, generally
bringing warmth and comfort, but just as easily burning like the sun. It is common for the Sorcerors of this
Domain to have a priestly role at the centre of a church dedicated to a benevolent and protective god.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The Domain of Earth is intimately linked to nature. The practitioners of ii:s magic are called druids, shamans or
animists. They often live apart from society, preferring a close relationship with their environment to help them
channel the magical energy of the earth and plants. It is a generally peaceful magic, which puts nature at the mage's
Several spells from this Domain are linked to the presence of an area of terrain with specific characteristics. Keep that in mind when
you're setting up the terrain.
CleavingBlades Rust
This spell allows afriendly unit to cause trouble for even the most Rust affects an enemy unit's weapons, blunting them and lessening
powerful enemy units. Choose afriendly unit within S ofyour Sorceror the targeted unit's offensive power. The Sorceror can target any enemy
- if they are feeling suicidal, they can nominate themselves. During unit within L and line ofsight. The consequences last until the start of
that unit's next melee of the turn against a unit with the Imposing the Sorceror's next turn, and depend on the spell's effect, as follows:
special rule, they gain certain bonuses depending on the spell's effect, •Minimum q]'ect: the targeted unit must re-roll every 6 (after
as follows: modifiers) rolled on their attack dice in melees and shooting attacks.
•Minimum Effect: this unit can re-roll all their attack dice which score •Optimum Effect: the targeted unit must re-roll every 5 and 6 (after
a 1or a 2 (after modifiers). modifiers) rolled on their attack dice in melees and shooting attacks.
• Optimum Effect: each of their attack dice get a + 1bonus. •Maximum Effect: all the targeted unit's attack dice and defence dice
•Maximum Effect: this unit inflicts three automatic hits on the suffer a -1 penalty.
Imposing enemy unit, which are added to the hits scored with their
attack dice. Rites of Battle
This spell gives a combat bonus to al/friendly units engaged in melee
Stoke Fury near the Sorceror. Once cast, until the end of the next turn, 2 bonus
Stoke Fury galvanises a nearby unit. If their next charge is made attack dice are bestowed on each unit engaged in melee within a
entirely across open terrain, their charge distance receives a bonus certain distance of the Sorceror. That distance depends on the spell's
based on the spel/'s effect, as follows: effect, as follows:
•Minimum Effect: its charge distance gets a bonus ofS . •Minimum Effect: this distance is M.
• Optimum Effect: its charge distance gets a bonus ofS and they gain • Optimum Effect: this distance is L.
2 bonus attack dice. •Maximum q]'ect: this distance is L. The targeted units also get 2
•Maximum Effect: its charge distance gets a bonus o JS,they gain 3 bonus defence dice.
bonus attack dice, and the charged unit suffers afatigue immediately The Sorceror's position at the moment of the melee determines
after the charge is resolved. whether the bonus is bestowed or not. Therefore, the Sorceror can
None of these bonuses apply if the charge is not made entirely through move to affect new units. And of course, this bonus also benefits the
open terrain. Terrain areas ove!flown byflying units are ignored and do Sorceror themselves.
not lose them these bonuses.
Violence grants afriendly unit within S ofthe Sorceror a bonus in their
next melee. This bonus depends on the spel/'s effect, as follows:
•Minimum Effect: the chosen unit gets 2 bonus attack dice during the
• Optimum Effect: the chosen unit inflicts an automatic hit, which
is added to the hits scored with their attack dice.
•Maximum Effect: all their attack dice get a + 1bonus.
Strengthen gives afriendly unit within S of the Sorceror a defensive
bonus. This bonus remains active until the start ofyour next turn, and
depends on the spell's effect, as follows:
•Minimum Effect: the chosen unit can re-roll all the 1sand 2s rolled
on their defence dice during a melee.
•Optimum Effect: the chosen unit can re-roll all their defence dice
during a melee.
•Maximum Effect: all the chosen unit's defence dice get a + 1bonus
during a melee.
Once a unit is under the influence ofStrengthen, it cannot activate
again that turn. North Star
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
TIME - - , ,
According to some, the Domain of Time is the master of all the Domains. It draws its strength from the very nature
of existence: the inexorable flow of Time. Sorcerors from this Domain can exert limited control over this flow,
temporarily slowing or speeding it up, concentrating the effects of this change on particular objects or individuals.
Decay Erosion
This spells affects up to three units. Each of these units must be within This spell affects an area ofterrain. This terrain piece must be small
- L and line of sight of the Sori:eror.
For each of these targets, roll a die and apply the spell's effect, as follows:
and uneven, and the Sorceror must have line ofsight to some part of
the terrain piece. Once the spell has been cast, the terrain piece counts
as low and open terrain. Therefore, it has no more effect on movement,
•Minimum qject: if the die roll is higher than the target's melee
gives no cover, and does not block line ofsight. The length of the spell
Armour, the target suffers afatigue.
depends on the effect obtained:
• Optimum Effect if the die roll is higher than the target's Armour
•Minimum Effect: the spell lasts until the start ofyour next turn.
against shooting, it suffers a casualty.
• Optimum qfect:the spell lasts until the end ofyour turn.
•Maximum Effect: if the die roll is equal to or higher than the lower
of the target's melee and shooting Armour values, the unit suffers a •Maximum ~ect the spell last until the end of the game.
casualty and afatigue.
Decay is therefore a good spell for striking several units Prcrognition
simultaneously, particularly ifyou target weakly protected units like Precognition gives a benefit to afriendly unit (which can be the
Levies. Sorceror) during their next melee ofthe turn. This unit must be within
Sofyour Sorceror, but not necessarily within line ofsight. The bonus
SiowedGime granted depends on the spell's effect, as follows:
This spell targets afriendly unit within Sof the Sorceror. This unit must •Minimum Effect the unit can re-roll any of their defence dice which
be equipped with ranged weapons. The effect is variable, but facilitates score 1s or 2s after modifiers.
a shooting activation, as follows: •Optimum Effect the unit can re-roll any of their defence dice.
•Minimum Effect:the unit ignores the first fatigue that it suffers after •Maximum qfect the unit increases its Armour by+ 1during this
a shooting activation this turn. In other words, this generally lets a melee, and can re-roll all their defence dice.
unit activate to shoot twice in a row, without generating fatigue from
the second activation. Rush
• Optimum Effect the unit is immediately activated for a shooting
attack, and this shooting attack does not generate fatigue. This spell targets afriendly unit within Softhe Sorceror. ltfacilitates
the next movement or charge activation of the turn, though how
•Maximum Effect the unit is immediately activatedfor a shooting depends on the spel/'s effect, as follows:
attack, and this shooting attack does not generate fatigue. Also, all
their attack dice get a + 1 bonus during this shooting attack. •Minimum Effect: the unit's next movement or charge activation of
the turn is free.
The ideal target for Slowed Time is therefore afriendly unit of
shooters, who have already been activated to shoot this turn and have • Optimum qfect: the unit's next movement or charge activation
at least one target in range and line of sight. You will thus be sure to of the turn is free. The activation is also ignored when calculating
benefit from the spell, no matter its effect. fatigue inflicted by subsequent activations.
•Maximum Effect:the unit's next movement or charge
activation of the turn is free. After resolving said
llging activation, activate the unit to move or charge a second
This spell has no immediate effect, but affects a chosen unit time. This second activation is free and generates no
within L and line of sight of the Sorcerorin the following turn. fatigue.
.· Over the following turn, the chosen unit suffers a penalty
according to the follow spell effects:
•Minimum Effect the chosen unit suffers afatigue
after each melee it participates in. This fatigue is on
top of the usual one suffered after a melee.
.- • Optimum ~ect the chosen unit suffers a
fatigue after each of its movement and charge
activations. In the latter case, the fatigue is
taken before the melee is resolved.
•Maximum Effect: the chosen unit suffers a
fatigue after each each of its activations,
and an additional fatigue at the end of their
North Star
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The sinister Domain of Death is not the exclusive preserve of malevolent Sorcerors. In many cultures and
civilisations, the end of existence is the subject of intense study and magical practices are developed around
the phenomenon. Nevertheless, if there is a constant among all the practitioners of this Domain, it is their
immoderate love of dark and sober clothing, stripped of all the appealing artifices that adorn the living.
Rirual Dighnnares
This spell facilitates the selected Sorceror's next incantation. The The spell targets an enemy unit at any range within the Sorceror's
bonus depends on the spel/'s effect, as follows: line of sight. Its effects last until the start ofyour next turn, and are
•Minimum Effect: you can re-roll up to 2 Magic dice ofyour choice triggered before each ofthe unit's activations. The spell's effects are
when casting your next spell. below:
• Optimum Effect: before rolling the Magic dice, the Sorceror can take •Minimum Effect: the unit rolls a die before each ofits activations, and
afatigue. If they do, they can choose one Magic dice and turn it to suffers afatigue on a result of 4 or more.
show the desired face instead of rolling it. •Optimum Effect: the unit rolls a die before each ofits activations, and
•Maximum Effect: the next spell is cast without needing to roll Magic suffers afatigue on a result of3 or more.
dice, and you can choose the spel/'s effect:minimum, optimum, or •Maximum Effect: the unit rolls a die before each of its activations,
maximum. and suffers afatigue on a result of 2 or more. On a 6, the unit also
suffers enough fatigue to become exhausted and theiftctivation is
Nightmares is an ideal spellfordamaging the most dangerous enemy
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Choose an enemy unit within L Choose a unit within S of the Sorceror. Every enemy unit within M
and line of sight of your Sorceror. They cannot activate again this turn. and line of sight of the Sorceror
Roll 2 dice and apply Until the start of your next turn, they rolls 3 dice and suffers
one of the following effects: benefit From one of the following effects: one of the following effects:
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Choose a unit within L and line of sight Choose an enemy unit within M
of the Sorceror. Until the start of your next turn, of the Sorceror.
before any melee is resolved against
Until the start of your next turn, That unit must make a withdrawal
a friendly unit within VS of the Sorceror,
that unit rolls a die each time it activates move directly away from the Sorceror.
the enemy unit must...
and suffers one of the following effects: That move is to a distance of...
Roll a die .
... take a casualty
for each 6 rolled . On a 3 or more, the unit
... an Armour of 5 removes a fatigue.
against shooting attacks.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Gransformation llnimal.Prowess
--· --- ........ -~
... cannot be targeted The Sorcerer becomes Activate the unit to rest for free,
by charges. a Warlord mounted on a beast. then activate it to move for free .
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
@ -OOMAI1'( OF 1)£.ATH
Roll a die.
On a score of 4 or more, inflict They benefit from light cover can re-roll up to
a fatigue on the targeted unit against shooting attacks. 2 Magic dice of your cho ice.
AND remove a fatigue from your
Roll a die.
They benefit from light cover ...your Sorcerer can take a fatigue
On a score of 3 or more, inflict during shooting attacks, before rolling their dice.
a fatigue on the targeted unit even if they can't usually They may then choose the face
AND remove a fatigue from your benefit from cover. of one die instead of rolling it.
...2 or more .
... it suffers a -1 penalty to all
their attack dice Also, on the roll of a 6, the unit
... until the end of the game. AND counts as Primitive immediately takes enough
during melees. Fatigue to become exhausted
and t~tivation is cancelled .
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Choose up to 3 units within L Choose a friendly unit equipped with Choose a unit within L
and line of sight of your Sorceror. ranged weapons within S of the Sorceror. and line of sight of your Sorceror.
Each one rolls a die and applies It benefits from During the next turn , they suffer
one of the following effects: one of the following effects: an additional Fatigue after every...
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
® roMAil\ OF METAL
They get a + 1 to each ...a move bonus of S ... inflict an additional automatic
of their attack dice. AND 2 bonus atack dice . hit on the enemy unit .
Choose an enemy unit within L Until the start of your next turn,
Choose another friendly unit within 8 every friendly unit gets
of the Sorceror. and line of sight of your Sorceror.
2 bonus attack dice during
This unit may not activate again this turn, Until the start of your next turn ... every melee they are part of within ...
but until the start of your next turn ...
... all the chosen unit's ... all the unit's attack dice ... L of your Sorceror
defence dice get a+ 1 bonus and defence dice suffer AND they get 2 bonus
during melees. a -1 penalty. defence dice.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
And so we conclude as you finish reading the Age of That's how the Age of Magic was born. A system that
Magic. I hope the time, attention, and love that we put isn't based in a particular world, with the mad ambition
into this book ooze from its pages, and that you have of encompassing them all. That approach guided us
hours of fun playing games in this Universe. throughout the design process. It's why factions are
Rather than wax lyrical about the complexity and · archetypes rather than specific races or peoples, and
difficulty of developing a Universe that introduced so why troop types are quite abstract. It lets us include the
many new troop types, special rules and new concepts vast majority of figures on the market.
to Saga, let us linger over how this supplement got The Age of Magic was imagined as a huge sandbox in
started. which everyone could enjoy themselves. It's a good
Even as work began on Saga's second edition (and its excuse to collect your own warband with a unique
independent Universes), we knew a fantasy Universe and personal story, choosing what you like from as
would be part of the project. And so we built one many figure ranges as you like. This Universe offers
because we wanted to play in it, and no other reason . the possibility of importing backgrounds and armies
We're very egotistical designers, much more motivated from other games, but is above all an invitation to write
by our love of playing our games than anything else. your own stories of fantasy battles, to break free of the
straitjacket of over-defined worlds and give wing to
I've always loved fantasy. When I started playing
your own desires, as mad as they may be.
miniatures games, roleplaying games and board games
in the 1980s, it was what I read that inspired me to play Since this boo k is finished , I have only one wish: to find
and gave me the desire to tell stories, no matter the out what players will do with it. Surprise us, amaze us,
medium. Chief among them were Michael Moorcock's and shock us. Be inventive, and share your warbands
Eternal Champion cycles and Robert E. Howard's Conan with the community in all their extravagance.
stories. The miniatures games at these times were not _Flay...
the well-oiled machines that they are today, and in
'Gellsrories ...
those early days even the concept of an "army list" was
very loosely defined.
€njoy yourselves!
With time, miniatures games developed and the market
Finally, a quick word to the shadowy heroes without
offered more and more ever more beautiful figures .
whom our lives as publishe rs and designers would be
With them, rules and gaming universes deepened until
much more complicated. Arnaud " Nono" Lapeyrade
they were fully Fleshed - out worlds, ready for use.
has the arduous task of proofreading our writings, and
And that was when my desire to play in those imaginary bringing a little rigour and consistency to them. Matt
worlds evaporated. As more and more books were Moran is our translator, and if you 're reading this in
devoted to them, I had the paradoxical feeling that the English, it's thanks to his hard work and availability.
freedom to tell my own stories was being diminished. " Deadline: yesterday" is pretty much our leitmotif, and
Everything already seems decided in modern fantasy the fact that Matt doesn' t openly detest us says a lot
games. Even the figures used - splendid as they about his greatness of spirit. Thank you to you both .
are - leave little choice or space for interpretation.
Representing units and characters is very restrictive,
Good game ro all
and keeps you in the setting defined by the
Alex and Fred
manufacturer. It's understandable and logical, when
January 2019
all's said and done. The businesses that produce these
excellent games have figures to sell, and need to guide
the player towards buying models in the simplest
possible way with a sort of dirigisme. But that isn't what
I wanted for my own stories with miniatures.
Strangely, it seemed to me that historical miniatures
games gave more freedom to tell stories than fantasy
worlds. The Norse sagas that originally inspired Saga
are an example: for each saga that has come down to
us, how many more have been forgotten? These are
the stories I like to tell with Saga, and which pushed me
to devote the majority of my gaming career to games
with historical miniatures. But I always had the urge
to plunge back into the pleasures of my youth and
lead armies of men and monsters against adversaries
determined to pulverise me with their spells.
North Star
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Firearms Bream
Firearms are ranged weapons with a range of L. A unit equipped with Once per turn, this unit can activate for free to resolve a shooting attack with
firearms reduces its Armour by -1 against both melee and shooting attacks. , a range of M which does not generate fatigue. Note that this is the only way
It can never close ranks during a melee. for a unit with Breath to make a shooting attack-it tan not activate normally to
A unit with firearms gets a +1 bonus to its attack dice when resolving a resolve a shooting attack.
shooting attack if the target is within M of the shooting unit. In addition,
if the target is within M or less and the shooting attack inflicts at least
one casualty, the target unit suffers a fatigue after the shooting attack is
resolved. This represents the chaos caused by the explosions, smoke and These units are subject to the following special rules.
smell of gunpowder! • If the unit's movement begins and ends in open terrain, their movement
Note: Casualties cancelled by the Resilience special rule are not taken into and charge movement is L . During move activations, they can replace this
account when applying that last rule. L ruler with two M rulers and can totally ignore friendly and enemy units
A unit equipped with firearms can never resolve two consecutive shooting during their movement, as well as terrain elements. They fly over these units
activations during the same turn. It must resolve another type of activation and areas of terrain without difficulty.
(so a cancelled activation doesn 't count!) before being able to activate to • During a charge, they can totally ignore friendly units and terrain elements.
shoot again. They can also fly over enemy units, but for each enemy unit overflown (that
is, when a flying figure passes over the base of at least one figure from said
unit) during a charge, the flying unit suffers one fatigue at the end of the
Imposing charge-before the melee is resolved. This is in addition to any fatigues they
Units with this special rule can never benefit from cover and cannot close would normally receive.
ranks. However, the exhaustion level of an Imposing unit is increased by • During a manoeuvre, if the opponent doesn't use their fatigue to reduce their
one. On the whole, that means that these units will therefore become movement distance, units with Flight can move to a higher altitude rather
exhausted after suffering 4 fatigues instead of 3 like other troops. than making their usual manoeuvre move. This consists of removing the
The formation radius for Imposing units is M rather than S. That means unit from the table, then replacing it anywhere in open terrain. As is usual
that the figures must finish their initial deployment, movements and charges for manoeuvres, it must be more than L away from any enemy units. If the
within M of the first figure to be deployed or moved, rather than S like most opponent uses the unit's fatigue, it instead makes the usual move of S.
other units. • Flying units reduce their Armour by 1 against shooting attacks.
• Neither terrain nor units block line of sight for units with this special rule.
mount: llnimaL It is therefore not possible to hide flyers behind other units or a terrain
element-even if it is high, like a hill or a wood. However the opposite is not
Units with this special rule are subject to all the rules described in the true: a flying unit's own line of sight is blocked by high terrain areas and
Mounts: Horses section of the Saga rulebook (see Rulebook, Mounts: Horses, both friendly and enemy units.
p. 39). • Flying units can never close ranks or benefit from cover.
mount: Beast
A Warlord can ride a beast at no additional cost. If that is the case, they MAGIC I ABUSE OF POWER TABLE
become subject to the following rules: 206 Consequences
• A Warlord mounted on a beast has a charge distance of L if the charge
The Sorceror has accumulated far too much magical energy!
movement is made entirely in open terrain. Their move distance remains M .
They explode, and depending on the Domain of Magic concerned,
• Their melee Aggression is increased by 2 to a total of 10. produce a fountain of blood, a rainbow of colours, or a soaring flock
• They count as a mounted unit. of flying unicorns. The Sorceror is eliminated. Roll a die for each
• They have Resilience (2) instead of Resilience (1 ). friendly and enemy unit within S. On a result of 4 or more, that unit
suffers a casualty.
• They gain the Imposing special rule .
• They cannot have any other equipment options. The Absolute Power Corruptive fills the Sorceror and they must
roll three dice. They suffer a fatigue for each 4 or more rolled. If
• They lose the We Obey and Bodyguards special rules. they suffer at least two fatigues, the Sorceror forgets the spell and
Certain beasts can have the Flight special rule. In this case, the Flight 3
cannot cast it again that game. If the Sorceror is exhausted after
movement rules replace the first part of the rules above. The rest of the suffering these fatigues, they fall down stone dead, seemingly
rules apply normally-for example, the Warlord reduces their Armour due to victim of an overcharge of magical energy.
Magical energy engulfs the Sorceror, who has trouble containing
it. They must roll two dice, and suffer a fatigue for each result
Primitive 4-5 of 4 or more rolled. If the Sorceror is exhausted after suffering
these fatigues, they fall down stone dead, seemingly victim of an
These units are subject to the following rules. overcharge of magical energy.
• Primitive units cannot be activated by any advanced Saga abilities on your
Battle Board. The Sorceror, an experienced practitioner, controls their sorcery
perfectly. All goes well ... for now!
• You cannot trigger any advanced Saga abilities during a melee or shooting
attack in which a Primitive unit from your warband is either the attacker or After casting their spell , the Sorceror suffers a magical backlash.
the defender. 9-10 Roll a die. On a result of 4 or more, they will forget the spell and
• Primitive units reduce their melee Aggression by 1 for each fatigue they cannot cast it again during the game.
have. If the unit has several figures, it is the total Aggression that is Sparks gush from the Sorceror's ears and nostrils. They must roll
reduced by 1, not that of each figure in the unit. three dice and must choose one of their sp~to forget for each 4
or more they roll. They cannot cast the forgotten spells for the rest
of the game.
In a thundering detonation, the Sorceror is thrown far away at the
Swift units have a movement and charge distance of L . During a move, they speed of light. Each friendly unit within M of the Sorceror suffers
can replace their L ruler with two M rulers. 12 a fatigue from the effect of the infernal tornado they created. As
Swift units are considered mounted units. for the Sorceror, they end up disintegrated in a deafening clap of
thunder and are thus eliminated.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Unit IEquipment Options I Armour I Aggression I Special Rules
Melee (Shooting) Melee (Shooting)
- 5 (5)
Heavy weapon 4 (5)
Bow 4 (4)
8 (4) Bodyguards, Determination, Presence, Pride, Resilience (1 ),
Mount: Animal We Obey
5 (4)
Warlord Flying
Mount: Animal,
4 (4)
composite bow
Mount: Beast 5 (5)
10 (4) Determination, Imposing, Presence, Pride, Resilience (2)
Mount: Beast (Flight) 5 (4)
- 5 (5)
Heavy weapon 4 (5)
lieuunanr Bow 4 (4) 4 (2) Determination, Presence , Resilience (1), Faction Special Rule
Mount: Animal
5 (4)
- 3 (4)
Bodyguards, Determination, Magic, Presence,
Sorceror Mount: Animal 2 (0)
3 (3) Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
Behemoth 4 (4) 14 (0) Imposing, Presence , Primitive, Resilience (2)
CDonsa:r Titan 5 (5) 12 (0) Imposing, Presence , Primitive, Resilience (2), Slow
Scourae (Fliahtl 4 (4) 10 (4) Breath, lmoosina, Presence, Primitive, Resilience (2)
Bipeds 4 (4) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
Creatures Quadrupeds 4 (3) 5 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1), Swift
Flyers 4 (3) 4 (1) Imposing, Presence, Resilience (1)
- 5 (5)
Bow 4 (4)
Heavy weapon 4 (5)
:r]earthguards Mount: Animal 2 (1) -
Mount: Animal ,
4 (4)
composite bow
- 4 (4)
Heavy weapon 3 (4)
3 (3)
Warriors 1 (1 /2) -
4 (3)
Mount: Animal
Mount: Animal,
3 (3)
composite bow
- 4 (4) 1/2 (1/2)
Javelins 3 (4)
levies Bow or sling -
1/3 (1 /2)
Crossbow 3 (3)
Static 3 (4) 1 (4 or 2) Cumbersome, Powerful Shot, Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
War Mobile 2 (4) Firearms, Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
CDachine 4 (4)
Flying 1 (4) Breath, Presence, Resilience (1 ), Unarmed
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!