Assignment Pad215
Assignment Pad215
Assignment Pad215
1.0) Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.0) Eligibility requirements for officers to receive allowances………………………..
2.1. Qualified officers…………………………………………………………………………………..3
2.2. Ineligible officers…………………………………………………………………………………..3
3.0) Types of allowances……………………………………………………………………………………….
3.1. Allowanceforcarryingoutofficialduties outsidetheheadquarters…………..
3.1.1 Allowance for Duties………………………………………………………………………………4
3.2. Allowance during the course……………………………………………………………………………
3.2.1. Short courses in the country………………………………………………………………….5
3.2.2. Long courses in the country……………………………………………………………………6
4.0) Current issues……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.1. Issues 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
4.2. Issues 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
5.0) Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
6.0) References………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
NAME : Hynnine Alyainee anak Edwin
I/C NO : 010126130628
DATE OF BIRTH : 26 January 2001
PLACE OF BIRTH : Limbang, Sarawak, Malaysia
ADRESS : Rumah Brian Sungai Jih, 96700 Kanowit, Sarawak
HANDPHONE NO : 0199463862
EMAIL : [email protected]
-Proven leadership and organizational skill both inside or outside of the classroom
In Remuneration and Special Performance Fees that have been given according to the year 2014
eligible officers have the characteristics specified such as officers with permanent appointments. This
means appointment into the public service by the Commission on a permanent, temporary or contract
basis including the first appointment and the appointment of an officer currently serving in any service
scheme. Apart from that the second is, officers who have been on unpaid leave. This officer is also
eligible to receive the Remuneration given just as well as the officer who has been loaned to go to
another agency. In addition, self-appointed drivers by Primary Grade B officers and to above, as well as
Special Grade A and above eligible drivers but not provided driver by his department. The last is, self-
appointed drivers by Members of the Administration and YA Judges and Judicial Commissioners based
on the Members of Parliament Act (Remuneration) 1980 and Judges Remuneration Act 1971.
Types of allowances
Furthermore, employers have also provided transportation allowance. This further facilitates employment
because we do not have to spend our own money to buy oil just to meet clients who are likely far from
work or from home. This is due to the current rising oil prices and making it even harder for us to decide
to use money that can be used for other things. Apart from that, parking allowances are also available to
reduce parking payments if the workplace is a large building. Charging for a car is expensive so to
reduce the workload of workers this allowance is also provided.
It is different for an employee or officer sent by the employer to follow a course whether short or long
course full time in the country. which has been set. if the employee of the officer is outside the work
area, meal allowance and hotel rental payment supported by receipts or lodging according to the
prescribed rate if meals and accommodation are not provided. if one of the facilities is provided then the
element is not provided it is eligible to be claimed. if part of the food facilities are provided, eligible parts
are not provided subject to the following rates. Types of meal allowance rates:
When, hotel rental payment supported by receipt or lodging allowance and meal or daily allowance
for a period of 2 days it is one day before and one day after course on official duty rates including
service charges or other payments on hotel rent. In addition, when employees or officers conduct
courses within the headquarters area, payment of RM 15.00 per day for course days only if dining
facilities are not provided, and the course is held outside the building or complex where the officer.
Current issues
4.1. Issues 1
There are two allowance issues that are being discussed right now. The two issues are critical
allowances and politicians' allowances. The first issue is the Critical Allowance which was introduced in
1992 as an incentive to civil servants in the areas of critical services. This critical service has been
defined by the PSD as a much-needed service by the Government and has the characteristics of low
supply as well as filling the vacancy. For example, health workers namely doctors and nurses.
Abolition of Critical Service Incentive Payment (BIPK) has been agreed by the Special Committee
Meeting of the Cabinet of Public Service Reform (JKK-PPA). As agreed, this BIPK will not be given to
newly appointed civil servants starting January 1, 2020. There are eight critical allowances abolished by
the government, among them are Defecation Incentive Payment, Jawi Typing Incentive Payment,
Entertainment Allowance to Private Secretaries and Senior Private Secretary as well as a few more
However, this repeal has caused a negative reaction among health workers as stated by Dr. Dzulkefly.
He stated that the withdrawal of this allowance will weaken the spirit and motivation of health workers
who have fought and fought for their lives to save patients and they are also often exposed to various
dangerous diseases such as the COVID-19 virus that is spreading in our country. Our people also agree
with this because if this allowance is abolished, then the demand for jobs of civil servants will decrease
because health care is an important basic need for the country in dealing with various diseases in our
Next, the issue of politicians' allowances. This issue occurs because of dissatisfaction among the people
in our country. Where the issue of the abolition of critical allowances has received objections from the
people and supported by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman. For the
people, the politicians' allowance deducted by 10% is not enough because the property owned by
politicians reaches hundreds of millions. The Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul
Rahman who objected to the decision to abolish this critical allowance has suggested that the
allowances of politicians and ministers should be studied and cut instead of the critical allowances of
pharmacists and young nurses. Apart from that, he also promised to shorten his leave, return the
allocation he received as a holiday allowance and he will continue to choose to have his salary cut by
4.2. Issues 2
Among the issues of allowance management problems is in terms of the problem of shortage allocation
in the production system is to balance the cost of production of too many goods with the risk of not being
needed for necessities. Nowadays the price of essential goods is not one-way with the allowance given.
For example, allowance is given as much as RM500, the goods needed are much more expensive and
insufficient money.
In addition, the problem related to the issue of allowances is the delay in the withdrawal of additional
money at the appointed time. This often happens to employees when they need a little money to work or
take courses away from work. Sometimes employers take too long to give allowances, so they do not
give additional allowances at the appointed time. For example, the employer setting the allowance will
be given next week as a requirement, but the allowance is late given to the employee that is given in the
next few months. So, every employee feels dissatisfied with the actions of some employers who are
slow to give additional allowances.
In conclusion, Interest allowance is money given by a company or government agency to an employee
for a specific purpose, such as transportation, health care costs, or a flexible spending account. Interest
allowances given to employees can be distributed through a fixed salary. Employers can use allowance
allowances to provide flexibility to employees in making the benefit package that best suits their needs.
Instead of imposing a specific health care plan on all employees, for example, employers can offer a
policy plan plus interest allowances.
The government or employers may prescribe benefits that also include coverage for health programs,
such as gym memberships, that contribute to the overall health of employees. Employees may use
interest allowances for additional benefits such as dental insurance or coverage for dependents. The
government or employers may also allow their employees to include benefit allowances to life insurance,
disability insurance, vision care, or a few other benefits. Thus, employees get customized benefits and
employers can offer competitive benefit packages that will help them recruit and retain top talent.
Allowances can be offered in a variety of ways. Each employer can make a taxable salary by giving a
salary increase to their employees. This gives employees a fixed salary for the purchase of health
insurance or daily necessities. Employees will receive the money regardless of whether they use it for
health insurance or daily necessities. Typically, employees will receive a form explaining how much
salary should be reported as income with their tax returns. Along with interest benefits, employers may
appoint a party who will serve as a health insurance broker to help employees choose a plan. Some
employers in the past may have pay interest allowances for health insurance to employees without a
formal plan, but the practice is not in line with the reforms found in the Affordable Care Act.
Junita Mat Rasid, Disember27,2019.
Farahani, December 30,2019.
05 Jamadil-Awwal 1442, Ahad,20 Disember 2020
Together We Develop The Nation,Sun,20 Dec 2020