15EC204J 6 Sem
15EC204J 6 Sem
15EC204J 6 Sem
terminal regulators can be overcomed with 723 also explain how the current boosting is
32. a- Explain with a neat diagram, digital to analog conversion using R-2R ladder. Fourth Semester
. PART-A(20x1:20Marks)
Answer AIL Questions
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9. The incrcase in the frequency of triangular wave generator
(A) changes the slope of the amplitude (B) Increasestheamplitudeofhiangularwave
PART-B(5x 4=20 Marks)
of triangrrlar wave
Answer ANY FM Questions
(c) Decreases rhe amplitude of triangular (D) No changes in the amplitude
wave 21 . What is an operational amplifier? State the six characteristics of an OP-Amp.
10. The time periode of monostable 555 multivibrator
(B) T -1.1RC 22.i. Sketch and design an inverting amplifier with a gain of -5 and an input resistance of 10kCl.
(A) Z = 0.33RC
T =3RC (D) z=RC
ii. Sketch and design an non-inverting amplifier for a gain of 10'
11. which among the following can be used to detect the missing heart beat?
(A) Monostable mutlivibrator (B) Astable multivibrator 23.i. Write short notes on differerrtiat mode and common-mode gains of an OP-Amp'
(C) Schmiu trigger (D) Comparator
ii. Define CMRR.
12. Astable multivibrator operating al 150IIz has a discharge time of 2.5 m. Find the duty cyclc
24. Draw and explain the operation of inverting AC amplifier'
of the circuit?
(A) s0% @) 7s%
(c) 9s.ee% (D) 37.s% 25. State the two conditions of oscillations. Also classify the oscillators'
13. The problem of passive hlters is overcome by using 26. Define an electric hlter. Also justify why active filters are preferred.
(A) Analog filter (B) LC filter
(C) Active filter (D) A combination of analog and digital filters 27 . Listthe various A./D conversion techaiques. Also justifu which is the fastest ADC and why?
14Ml'1-6/l sEC2MJ
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