15EC204J 6 Sem

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b. With functional block diagram of 723 regulator IC, explain how the limitations of three Reg. No.

terminal regulators can be overcomed with 723 also explain how the current boosting is
32. a- Explain with a neat diagram, digital to analog conversion using R-2R ladder. Fourth Semester


b. Explain the working concept of a dual slope ADC a with neat diagram. - 2016 omnards)
(For the candidates admitted during the academic year 201 5
o part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within fnst 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
over to hall invigilator at the end of 45s minute'
(i r) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet'

Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

. PART-A(20x1:20Marks)
Answer AIL Questions

l. Which is not the intemal circuit of operational ampliher?

(A) Differential amplifier @) Level translator
(C) Output driver (D) Clamper

2. A differential amplifier is capable of ampliffing

(A) DC input signal only (B) AC input signal only
iCl Both DC and AC input signals (D) Pulse sigrral only

3. How are input offset voltage of OP-Amp expressed?

(A) Microvolts per week (B) Nanovolts per week
iCi Megavolts per week @) Millivolts per week
4. Which factor determine the output voltage of an OP-Amp?
(A) Positive saturation (B) Negative saturation
(C) Both positive and negative saflration (D) Supply voltage
5. Due to presence of a capacitor in feedback path, the output of an integrator varies

(A) Gradually (B) Instantaneously

(c) Intermittently (D) Constantly

6. What is the feedback factor of voltage follower circuit?

(A) Zero (B) Infinity
(C) UniU (D) Between zero and one

7. Which iunong the following is the requirement of an instrumentation amplifier?

(A) Low slew rate (B) High output resistance
ici High CMRR (D) Low input resistance

8. Name the comparator that helps to find unknown input

(A) Time marker generator (B) Zero crossing detectors
(C) Phase meter (D) Window detector

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9. The incrcase in the frequency of triangular wave generator
(A) changes the slope of the amplitude (B) Increasestheamplitudeofhiangularwave
PART-B(5x 4=20 Marks)
of triangrrlar wave
Answer ANY FM Questions
(c) Decreases rhe amplitude of triangular (D) No changes in the amplitude
wave 21 . What is an operational amplifier? State the six characteristics of an OP-Amp.
10. The time periode of monostable 555 multivibrator
(B) T -1.1RC 22.i. Sketch and design an inverting amplifier with a gain of -5 and an input resistance of 10kCl.
(A) Z = 0.33RC
T =3RC (D) z=RC
ii. Sketch and design an non-inverting amplifier for a gain of 10'
11. which among the following can be used to detect the missing heart beat?
(A) Monostable mutlivibrator (B) Astable multivibrator 23.i. Write short notes on differerrtiat mode and common-mode gains of an OP-Amp'
(C) Schmiu trigger (D) Comparator
ii. Define CMRR.
12. Astable multivibrator operating al 150IIz has a discharge time of 2.5 m. Find the duty cyclc
24. Draw and explain the operation of inverting AC amplifier'
of the circuit?
(A) s0% @) 7s%
(c) 9s.ee% (D) 37.s% 25. State the two conditions of oscillations. Also classify the oscillators'

13. The problem of passive hlters is overcome by using 26. Define an electric hlter. Also justify why active filters are preferred.
(A) Analog filter (B) LC filter
(C) Active filter (D) A combination of analog and digital filters 27 . Listthe various A./D conversion techaiques. Also justifu which is the fastest ADC and why?

14. Which filter type is called flat-flat filter? PART-C(5x12=60Marks)

(A) Cauer filter (B) Chebyshev filter Answer ALL Questions
(C) Band reject filter (D) Butterworth filter
28. a Explain the DC characteristjcs of on OP-Amp.
15. In which filter the output and input voltages are equal in amplitude for all frequencies?
(A) High pass filter (B) All pass filter (oR)
(C) Low pass filter (D) Passive filter b. Explain the intemal architecture of oP-Amp with neat block diagram.

16. Which of analog to digital conveder?

is the integrating type 29. a. With a neat sketch, describe the operation of instrumentation amplifier and list the significant
(A) Flash type converter (B) Tracking convefier characteristi cs of an instrumentation amplifier.
(C) Counter type converter (D) Dual slope ADC
17. What is the disadvantage of binary weighted type DAC? b. Explain the oPeration of
(A) High operating frequency (B) Require wide range of resistors (i) Positive cliPPer circuit
(C) High power consumption (D) Slow switching (ii) Sample and hold circuit
18. Which is not considered as linear voltage regulator? 30. a. With relevant diagram explain triangular wave generator with lesser components.
(A) Fixed output voltage regulator (B) Adjustable output voltage regulator
(C) Switchingregulator @) Series voltage regulator (oR)
b. Describe the working of monostablle multivibrator with its functional diagram using 555
19. In which application dual slope converter is used? timer.
(A) Thermocouple (B) Digital panei meter
(C) Weighting scale @) Thermometer 31 .a.i. Exptain the operation of wide bandpass filter with a neat diagram. (8 Marks)

20. The number of comparators in a 4-bit flash type ADC is ii.Designawideband-passfilterhavingft=400H2,fi,=ZkHzandpassbandgainof4.Find

(A) 4 (B) 15 the value of Q of the filter. (4 Marks)
(c) 5 (D) 16

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