Conan RPG Slavers Caravan

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Slaver ’s Caravan

A Hyborean Age adventure

By Craig Tidwell
Feedback welcome [email protected]
Partial Concept by Steve Woodward

Special Thanks To:

[email protected] for his extensive work on Conan d20
Jamis Buck for his NPC Generator
Wizards of the Coast for the d20 system
Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, and unknown artists for their artwork (used without permission)

“Slaver’s Caravan” is a Hyborean Age adventure suitable for a party of four 1st or 2nd- level characters. PCs
who survive the adventure should earn enough experience points (XP) to advance one or two levels.

Note: Anyone familiar with the novels of John Norman will notice that I have made use of the slave trading system presented in his Gor novels.
This is not shameless pilfering, but a system I see fitting well into the Hyborean world.

You, the Dungeon Master (DM), need a copy of the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the Monster Manual,
and the Hyborean Age (setting information available at ) to use this adventure.
Text that appears in shaded areas is player information, which you may read aloud or paraphrase where appropriate. Unshaded
areas contain important information for you, including special instructions.
All important NPC’s can be found in the appendix of this adventure as well as an excerpt from the d20 Book of Sex.

This adventure is designed to bring a disparate group of and circles back around to Shadizar by way of a small town
characters together into an adventuring band, and features the North of Arenjun, along the base of the Kezankian Mountains
introduction of a possible recurring villain and a few combat called Zintar. Once in Arenjun, however, they will have a
encounters. The PC’s are assumed to be total strangers from week long layover while the city celebrates a holiday known
one another. With this in mind, only one character hook is as The Beggar’s Feast. On the way back to Shadizar, the party
designed with the PC’s meeting for the first time in a tavern. discovers that the Aquilonian merchant who hired them
This adventure is somewhat linear before and after The intends to double cross all of his hirelings, selling them into
Beggar's Feast festival, with the main focus on familiarizing slavery to ruthless salt miners. This fateful discovery is to take
the players to the Hyborean Age setting with its new rules, but place while camped a few days after they start the return trip
allows for some creative roleplaying during the festival. from Arenjun. Only together can the PC's escape this
Hamadras is an Aquilonian merchant living in Shadizar who situation, living to explore the many mysteries of Hyboria.
has been trading ivory, spices, exotic woods, and occasionally
slaves in Zamora between the cities of Shadizar and the For the Players
Arenjun for nearly thirty years. On occasion he has been
known to hire mercenaries for extra security—especially when  For whatever reason, all of the PC's are in Shadizar.
trafficking slaves. For some odd reason, however, his A young boy, perhaps 11 years old finds PC’s one by one.
mercenaries always disappear during the trip back to Shadizar. He approaches the PC and explains that a trader had instructed
Being free mercenaries, no one really pays much attention to him to tell anyone carrying weapons that entered the town to
the fact that Hamadras hires new mercenaries each time he meet him at the Ram's Tail at dusk and that he was buying
takes slaves to or from Arenjun. The PC’s are about to drinks for everyone. The boy gets 1 cp for every person that
discover why Hamadras has a constant need for new recruits, shows up.
but they are sure to be upset with what they find. Once the PC’s arrive at the tavern it is easy to locate the
trader. Robust men and dangerous-looking women holding
Summary frothy beer mugs and carrying weapons that look well used
surround him as he stands on a short stool and motions for
The PC's are traveling together as part of a merchant silence. He is a paunch, older man with a shaven head, fair
caravan that originates in Shadizar, makes its way to Arenjun, skin, and bright eyes. He wears robes of yellow silk, and a

blue sash tied about his waist. As the bartender brings each of past the merchant stalls containing various
the PC’s a foamy mug of beer the man begins to speak. junk, trinkets, baked goods, and weapons
“My name is Hadramas, and I am looking nothing really catches your eye. You smell
for mercenaries as extra security to the aroma of cooking meat, most likely rat
accompany me and a small caravan of or rabbit, as you come into a slight opening,
goods to Arenjun in time for the yearly passing through one of the town gates.
festival called The Beggar’s Feast. The As you exit through the city gates you
road between here and there is a bit notice several caravans preparing to leave.
dangerous, but five or six of you should According to your directions, the merchant’s
suffice. Those chosen will be paid 10 gold caravan is the one just ahead. You see naked
pieces upon signing, and an additional 20 male slaves loading barrels of water,
gold pieces upon safe arrival in Arenjun— foodstuffs, ivory, and exotic woods into a
approximately a week long trip. Once we set of four wagons with sheets of heavy
make it back to Shadizar, you will be given brown canvas thrown across them to protect
the remaining 40 gold pieces of your the cargo from the elements. Two other
contract. Any treasure we recover from wagons have yellow and blue striped canvas
bandits we may encounter along the way covers and appear to be designed for
will be split up evenly between yourselves passengers. Hadramas sits in a large
and my personal guards.” intricately carved wooden carriage with red
Some of the gathered mercenaries let out snorts of disgust curtains strapped to the back of a large
and leave. Other than the PC’s, the only people remaining are lizard-like beast. Unegen and Cillian are
a female fighter, a male cleric, and two young rogues who already here helping load cargo onto the
look like they have barely left home. Hadramas promptly tells wagons while several guards ring the
the young rogues that they should wait a few years before caravan enjoying a last drink before they
taking on jobs like these. That leaves Unegen (YOO-nuh-gun) head out.
a Hyrkanian female Fighter (Ftr1) and Cillian (KEEL-yan) a Hadramas waves the PC’s over and instructs them to put
Brythunian Cleric (Clr2) (see Appendix C for their stats), who their gear in the lead wagon and then go see the guard foreman
sign on immediately, and the PC’s. The merchant is willing to for their work assignment. He points out an olive-skinned
haggle a little bit on the hiring price, but the PC’s must man astride an upright lizard mount watching the other men
succeed a Diplomacy check (DC 18). He will pay them 5 load and secure the canvas on the wagons. In a harsh voice,
extra gold pieces at the end of the trip for every point above the foreman orders the PC’s to make sure the cargo in the
the DC that the check succeeds. Each PC that haggles makes wagons is secure.
his/her own check. Two cargo wagons and a guard are at the front and back of
Assuming the PC’s accept the job, they will be instructed to the procession. Next are the covered wagons, with Hadramas’
meet the merchant at the edge of the city at sunrise. They are carriage safely in the middle of the caravan flanked by a guard
given their signing bonus and cut loose for the evening. on either side.
If anyone asks details, Hadramas’ business usually consists The covered wagon behind Hadramas' carriage is empty
of trading spices, ivory, and exotic wood—along with the right now, but soon the two male slaves climb aboard and one
occasional cargo of female slaves (as is the case with this of the caravan guards fastens them together with a chain
caravan). Outbound from Arenjun he carries simple hooked to their steel collars.
manufactured goods and ale. He makes the trip twice a Upon checking the covered wagon in front of Hadramas'
month or so, spending a week or two at either end carriage, the PC’s discover that it is full of naked women.
securing new purchases for the return trip. Closer inspection reveals that there are six women, each
[If the PC’s want to look for carnal encounters, decide wearing a steel collar. They are connected together—collar-
whether or not they are able to find anyone to attempt to to-collar—by a long chain running through rings attached to
seduce, or a prostitute (either in a tavern or on the street). their collars. When a PC checks the wagon, women raise their
Useful excerpts from the d20 Book of Sex can be found in eyes to meet him/her and plead, “Buy me, master!” (or
Appendix A of this adventure.] mistress if the PC is a female).
The next day the PC’s get their first look at the merchandise Hadramas quickly yells at the women,
they will be guarding. “Shut up sluts! It is not time for you to be
At first light, you head to the edge of town bought yet. That is to take place upon the
where the caravan is organizing to head out. public slave block in Arenjun during the
You weave through the narrow streets, festival.”
bumping shoulders with rough soldiers, Hadramas turns to the PC’s, spreads his
hurrying merchants, various diplomats, and hands in mock innocence and explains, “In
sleepy prostitutes. The press makes you feel addition to being a standard merchant, I am
uneasy, and you unconsciously check your also a slaver. The women slaves are to be
belongings by feel, expecting something to sold in Arenjun. The men slaves, however,
disappear. The smell of unwashed bodies is are my workers.” Almost as an
strong, but you hardly notice. As you walk

afterthought, he says, “You know, a perk of fire.
working for a slaver is that you get to use During the day, the PC’s are required to watch for trouble
any of the girls for free, unless she is a white from the wagons. While camped they are required to take a
silk virgin. Fortunately for you, I have no guard shift—two at a time—with two of Hamadras’ regular
white silk girls.” He grins, sips wine from a guards. When the caravan is at rest, the female slaves will be
silver goblet, and closes the curtains around released from their coffle in the wagon so that they may
his carriage. perform menial duties such as gathering wood, building the
Once all wagons have been checked, the PC’s are instructed fire, cooking, etc. Usually three slaves are chained together
to ride two in each slave wagon for the trip. Both Unegen and and escorted by one guard whenever they leave the safety of
Cillian climb onto the last cargo wagon as the foreman yells the wagon ring to perform their duties. At night, the slaves are
the order and the caravan begins to move out. once again chained in their wagons with a guard at either end.

Day 2:
Temperature Wind Sky
High 87 Low 59 West 9 mph Cloudy
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
(Daytime) EL 6 –
As the caravan tops a small hill, 5 men of
average height and one man of huge
proportions (about 7 feet tall) can be seen
approximately 300 feet away crouching over a
small body. It appears that they are looting it,
but you are too far away to tell whether or not
the victim is still alive.
Check to see if the bandits spot the PC’s (DC 20 due to their
interest in the victim). The victim is a short man in ragged
clothes. Vegetables and the torn remains of two large baskets
are scattered around the general vicinity. It appears that he
was a farmer on his way to sell his vegetables. The bandits
will attempt to fight the PC’s and the caravan guards until one
of a few things happen:
1) Their leader (the large man) is killed.
2) Four of the other bandits are killed.
3) 4 rounds pass, at which time the two caravan scouts
return to protect the wagons.
The Trip To Arenjun Once one of these criteria are met, the remaining bandits
attempt to flee into the nearby forest (about 500 feet away
Day 1: from the edge of the road).
Temperature Wind Sky
High 82 Low 64 South 4 mph Partly Cloudy ν Bandits (Medium-Size Humanoid) (Ftr2) (4):
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation hp 17, 16, 12, 9; Init: +1; AC 14; Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +0;
The caravan pulls away from Shadizar in a slowly rolling Attack: Longsword +3 melee, +2 dmg.
procession while two guards on horseback race about a mile
ahead of the wagons to scout for the group. It's a well- ν Bandit Leader ( Medium-Size Humanoid) (Bbn 4):
protected operation. Hadramas has 6 regular guards riding hp 42; Init: +4; AC 18; Fort +6 Ref +3 Will +1
horses and the caravan foreman on a lizard mount in addition Attack: Scimitar +7 melee, +3 dmg.
to the 6 hired hands (the PC’s and the other two mercenaries) ω Treasure: Normal bandit- 2gp, 4 cp each,
protecting the convoy (See Appendix C for caravan guard and Leader- 4 gp, 2 sp, 1 cp, carved ivory dragon comb with red
foreman stats). No one takes this for granted, however, as garnet eye (1,295 gp)
raiders have been known to strike even larger convoys given
the right circumstances. The group makes good time for the Day 3:
Temperature Wind Sky
first few hours on the road just High 83 Low 60 SW 16 mph Cloudy
outside of Shadizar. Before long Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes Rainstorm (light), 9 am ~ 6 pm;
though, the road is a set of ruts, temperature drops to 60; Tracking DC +1 for every hour of rain;
slowing your progress. When you (Early evening, during camp) EL 9 (if combat erupts)– A
stop for the night, the wagons are male Stygian sorcerer, Pediamun the Red, and a male
pulled off to the side of the road and Turanian barbarian, Baksh, approach the camp. They are
circled up. The male slaves erect simply hoping to buy a female slave, but depending on how
Hamadras’ tent, and a large fire is the PC’s roleplay the situation, it could turn into a combat
built in the center of the camp. The scenario. If the initial encounter with the PC guard(s) goes
PC’s along with the other guards set well, Baksh stands outside of Hamadras’ tent while Pediamun
up bedrolls on the ground around the haggles inside on a price for one of the slaves. After about ten

minutes of bargaining, the sorcerer emerges with Hamadras PC falls into the water and is washed downstream. If the PC’s
and follows him to one of the slave wagons where he climbs drop the woman, she is washed downstream as well.
inside. Soon Pediamun emerges from the wagon with a Once in the strong current, victims travel 50 feet per round,
female slave in tow (her throat collar has been fastened to a taking 1d3 points of subdual damage from debris and exposure
short silk rope). [If any of the PC’s have shown a special until they can succeed at a Swim check (DC 18), or until
interest in one of the slave girls, this is the one bought by someone throws them a rope, branch, etc. and pulls them out
Pediamun—possibly causing hostilities between the (requiring a Reflex save DC 14 to grab and a Strength check
wandering pair and the PC’s.] (See Appendix C for stats). DC 12 to pull the victim out). Don’t forget to apply a -1
Day 4: penalty to the Swim check for every 5 pounds of equipment a
Temperature Wind Sky character is carrying (Shadrya is carrying ** pounds). See the
High 81 Low 59 NE 54 mph Cloudy
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes Severe Storm; rain 2 in/hour; appendix for complete statistics on Shadrya.
3am ~ 11:30 am; movement ¼; vision ½; Tracking DC +10; +1 for If Shadrya is freed, award XP equivalent to a level 4
every hour of rain; every hour, cumulative 10% chance of 1d4+2 points encounter. She will give the PC’s all the money she has right
of subdual damage to exposed creatures. now (8 gp) as thanks. She is too exhausted to walk without
(Early Morning) EL 4 – About 5 am, the PC’s are woken help until she has rested for at least 4 hours, but her only real
up (Listen DC 22) by a noise (not to mention the heavy rain at wounds were caused when the branch hit her causing her to
3 am). They hear (Listen DC 15) a voice coming a short ways lose 10 hp. She is on her way to her home village in
from their location, in the direction of a gully that runs parallel Cimmeria, and will not travel with the PC’s, but they may
to the road for several miles (if any PC’s are on guard duty, attempt to seduce her during her night's stay with the group.
the Listen DC 22 to wake up is irrelevant, since they are Once she finds out that the PC’s are helping a slaver, however,
already awake). The voice sounds as if it is female, and is she is disgusted—raising the DC to seduce her by 8. If the
possibly crying for help. If they investigate and successfully PC’s try to enslave her, she will fight until she is unconscious
make 3 more Listen checks at DC 14, 12, and 10 respectively, or until she gets a chance to flee (if she can walk, that is)—and
followed by a Spot check at DC 12, they see the following. will not be an obedient slave.
You see a woman lying at the bottom of a
gulley trapped under a large branch that has Day 5:
been ripped off of a tree in the storm. The Temperature Wind Sky
branch is lying across her legs and lower High 75 Low 48 SW 18 mph Partly Cloudy
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
abdomen, and has her pinned to the ground. The day passes without incident and the caravan makes
Rainfall has quickly collected in the gully, and good time.
is beginning to get deep. It is obvious that if
she is not freed soon she will drown (only 5 Day 6:
rounds until a flash flood causes her to hold Temperature Wind Sky
her breath or drown, not to mention causing High 90 Low 63 SW 12 mph Clear
the PC’s to make Balance checks DC 20 or be Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
swept downstream). She has a longsword out, (Late Morning) EL 5—The caravan is raided by a sizeable
and has apparently been trying to chop the log bandit group. The bandits are all on horseback and have
off of herself, but because of the angle she is longswords and daggers.
not able to get a good swing at it. 9 of the bandits
(Fighters) use their
The log is quite large and heavy, requiring a total Strength
Rideby Attack feats to
of 45 to lift (a total of four people can try to lift at once). The
stay mobile while
PC’s may opt to chop the log in half rather than lift it. If this
they fight.
is the case, they must do 30 points of damage (hardness 5) to
The other 6 of the
the log. Due to the wind and slippery conditions in the gully,
bandits (Rogues)
the log has an effective AC 5 (once the flash flood hits, the
will ride the
effective AC raises to 8 due to the increasingly difficult
perimeter of the
conditions). Any miss on the log has a 30% chance of hitting
caravan firing
the woman (Shadrya) for normal damage. Once the log has
arrows with
been dealt with, the PC’s must get the woman out of the gully
shortbows (they
(she is too tired to walk). She weighs a total of 157 pounds
have Mounted Combat, so the penalty to hit is only -2). They
with equipment, and up to four people can try to lift and carry
each have 8 arrows, and when they run out they draw swords
her (add the weight of the equipment carried by the PC’s
and close to melee.
attempting to lift her, and then add her weight. Compare this
As soon as 10 or more of the bandits are killed or disabled,
total to the combined Strength of the PC’s, and refer to the
the remaining ones flee. None of the bandits are carrying
table on pg. 142 in the PHB to determine whether or not they
treasure, but their weapons could be sold for ½ normal price
can lift her.).
once the PC’s reach Arenjun.
Once she has been hoisted, the carrying PC’s must make a
Balance check (DC 16) to climb up out of the muddy gully. If ν Bandits (Medium-Size Humanoid) (Ftr2) (9):
any of the PC’s slip, their Strength score must be deducted hp 12, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7; Init: +2; AC 13; Fort +4
from the total Strength score used to haul the woman out of Ref +2 Will +0; Attack: Longsword or dagger +4 melee,
the gully. If they fail their Balance check by more than 10, the +2 dmg.
ν Bandits (Medium-Size Humanoid) (Rog1) (6): compounds the problem. Every day the PC's spend within the
hp 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3; Init: +3; AC 15; Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +0; city walls, they have a 5 % chance of being exposed to one of
Attack: Shortbow +3; Shortsword or dagger +2 melee, the following diseases (d4): 1) Blinding Sickness 2) Cackle
+1 dmg. Fever 3) Mindfire 4) Shakes
In addition to the PC's and Unegen and Cillian, there are 4 If exposed, the PC must make a Fortitude save against the
caravan guards and the caravan foreman here to defend the DC for the indicated disease, or contract it.
wagons. The foreman stays next to Hamadras' carriage and Note that this is a flat percentage chance. Just because they
only engages enemies that stray close enough to it to be a stay within the city walls for several days at a time does not
threat. The four caravan guards attempt to engage the Rogue make them any more susceptible to catching a disease.
bandits to stop the rain of arrows on the caravan, leaving the If the PC's buy (or consider buying) any food (particularly
PC's and Unegen and Cillian to fight the streaking Fighter meats from street vendors), the DM decides—either at random
bandits. Once the Rogue bandits have been dealt with, or by dice roll—what foods are dirty, spoiled, infested, etc.,
however, they will attack the Fighter bandits. and then allows a skill check in Wilderness Lore, Profession:
Cook, Profession: Butcher, or something similar (DC 10) to
Day 7: determine the dangerous quality of the food. If they eat the
Temperature Wind Sky food anyway (or unwittingly), they must make a Fortitude
High 87 Low 63 West 1 mph Clear save or contract a parasite.
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
At approximately 6 pm, the group pulls into the Northern Disease DC Incubation Damage
Caravan Grounds of Arenjun. The merchant caravan has Ingested Parasite 14 1d3 days 1d2 Con
made good time in spite of the fierce storm earlier. Hadramas The only way to get rid of a parasite is to be healed by
pays the PC’s the 20 gold pieces for getting to Arenjun. He magic—Cure Light Wounds or higher—or a successful Heal
then explains that he wants them to enjoy the festival, but not check (DC14). The Constitution damage caused by the
to get arrested or killed. He wants them to meet him here at parasite persists until the character is cured. Additional
the Northern Caravan Grounds again at first light the morning parasites cause additional Constitution damage (but will not
of seven days hence. If they are late, they lose the contract reduce a character's Constitution to below 1), and each
altogether and their share of the loot from both bandit parasite must be healed separately.
encounters. A map of Arenjun can be found here.
Any extra-curricular activity with the opposite sex also
The Beggar’s Feast poses a risk of becoming infected with a disease. See the
This week long festival ushers in the new trading season excerpts from the d20 Book of Sex in the appendix for details
when the ice and snow has melted off the Kezankian on sexually transmitted diseases.
Mountain passes, allowing traders from those areas to vend Allow the PC’s freedom to roam the city during the
their goods in the streets of Arenjun. As a result of the variety celebration. Insert various random encounters from the table
of men that attend the festival, the variety of goods to be found in the appendix, or create your own as you see fit.
is equally diverse. During this festival, all commerce moves Day 8: Beggar's Feast
to the North and South Bazaars. A few of the more wary Temperature Wind Sky
merchants stay in their shops, but all of the exotic wares are to High 61 Low 43 SW 4 mph Clear
be found at the Bazaars. Also during the festival, all taverns Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes Light Fog, 5am~noon;
movement ½; vision ¼; Track +3 DC
offer free drinks to everyone—beggar and noble alike (hence
the name of the festival). One would think that the tavern To herald the beginning of the Beggar’s Feast, a huge
owners would go bankrupt with such generosity, but the city banquet is provided free of charge among the tents of the
requires all merchants who take part in the Bazaar to pay a Bazaar.
percentage of their earnings to the Tavern Guild in an effort to Day 9:
offset the costs incurred to the tavern owners. Temperature Wind Sky
Slavers also use this time to sell a large number of slaves. High 58 Low 44 South 7 mph Cloudy
Traditionally, the last day of the festival is set aside for the Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes Light Fog, 5am~10am;
movement ½; vision ¼; Track +3 DC
slave auctions that take place at the Slave Market. Long tents
are erected and sectioned off for the different slavers to Day 10: Open Arena Tournament
display their goods. Slaves are chained in a coffle in their Temperature Wind Sky
owner’s tent until the auction begins, at which time they are High 97 Low 75 West 17 mph Partly Cloudy
led up onto a raised platform approximately 5 feet high. On Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
this platform, they are instructed to walk, dance, or just about The Open Arena Tournament is a combat tournament fought
anything else the auctioneer feels will bring a high price. in the gladiator arena, but is open to the general public. It is
Since slavers often save their best and most beautiful slaves divided into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.
for this festival, it is no wonder that this is one of the most There are 8 combatants per level, with one champion for each
popular events, rivaled only by the gladiator events held in the level. These fights are done either unarmed or with blunt
Arena on the 5th day. swords (damage equal to a club). Fights are only until one
Arenjun is not necessarily known for being a clean city combatant gives up or is unconscious. Deaths rarely occur
during normal times, and the presence of so many visitors just here since healers are on standby. The champion in each level
is awarded the following:
Beginner- 500 gp, Intermediate- 700 gp, Advanced- 1000 gp.
Entering the tournament costs only 5 gp per person, and PC’s Day 13:
Temperature Wind Sky
are welcome to sign up. Betting is not usually done on the
High 97 Low 80 SE 2 mph Partly Cloudy
Open Arena combatants, but the PC’s might persuade Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
someone to wager some coin with a successful Diplomacy
check (base DC 14 with modifiers as the DM sees fit). Day 14: Slaver’s Day
Contestants are absolutely forbidden from wagering, however. Temperature Wind Sky
High 94 Low 75 SE 4 mph Clear
If discovered doing this, the violator is imprisoned until the Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
end of the festival—at which time all minor crimes committed The highlight of the festival is the final day. On this day the
during the festival are forgiven. major slavers gather their
best slaves in the large
Day 11:
Temperature Wind Sky tent erected just outside
High 92 Low 79 East 14 mph Cloudy the North Gate and display
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes Rainstorm (light); them on the public block.
11 am ~ 4 pm; temperature drops to 82; Tracking DC +1 for every hour The specimens displayed
of rain;
on the public block are
(Early Afternoon) EL 2—A black bear transported by a
true beauties and bring a
wealthy merchant to display at his tent (and thereby attract
high price (anywhere from
customers) has escaped its chains and is now rampaging
2,000 to 15,000 gp
through the street where the PC's are.
depending on her beauty
A large black bear with a steel collar and a and training). The more
short length of broken chain stands before you common slave girls sold in
on its hind legs. It is furious and is in the the individual slaver’s
process of mauling one of the caravan guards tents before Slaver’s Day
that traveled with you from Shadizar. usually sell for 100 to 500
Hamadras is also nearby and yells, "Don't just gold pieces (the slaver’s
stand there! Help him! I'll give you 10 gold always haggle with a
pieces, now hurry!" Diplomacy skill bonus of
µ Black Bear (Medium-Sized Animal) (1); hp 19; between +5 to +20 —
see Monster Manual pg. 193 for complete statistics. DM’s discretion).
True to his word, if the PC's save the guard, Hamadras gives Anyone is free to attend the public slave blocks, but not
them 10 gp (to the group—not each). The guard does not die many men have the money it takes to purchase one of these
(no matter how much damage he takes from the bear), but roll exquisite women. Most people simply attend to view the
damage each round for suspense until the PC's kill the bear. women on display. The high quality of these women means
He is, however, close to death by the time the bear is dead. that there are usually only 10-15 slaves displayed each year.
Those who own women slaves—usually common slaves—
Day 12: Gladiator Tournament often brag about how “…this little wench of mine is far
Temperature Wind Sky prettier than those sluts on the block today.”
High 88 Low 71 East 6 mph Cloudy
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation
Day 15:
Next to Slaver’s Day, the gladiator tournament is the biggest Temperature Wind Sky
event during the High 82 Low 65 S 24 mph Cloudy
Beggar’s Feast Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes Thunderstorm; 10:30 am ~
celebration. Bets 1:30 pm; 2 in. rain; movement ¾; vision ¾; Track+4 DC; Lightning
strikes occur once every 10 mins.; 1% chance on each strike party
are made on member will be hit (10% if sheltering under trees). First determine if
everything from party member is hit, then determine which member (don't roll 1% for
who will win the each member). 3d6 damage, Ref save for ½.
tournament, to The morning finds the caravan assembled and waiting for
how many strikes the PC's to arrive. If not dead thus far, Unegen and Cillian
it will take a arrive shortly after the PC's and take their place on the last
certain gladiator wagon. Hamadras did well during the festival, and as a result
to fell his one of the slave wagons is now empty of women. Now it
opponent. carries a few barrels of water and various wines and cheeses.
Players are free Two of the PC's are ordered to ride in it while the other two
to place bets of their own (anyone in the crowd will oblige are ordered to ride in the male slave wagon behind Hamadras'
them). caravan—along with his three new acquisitions. Two of the
The gladiators, along with the tournament roster, can be women appear to be new to slavery, but the third is one of the
found in the appendix. You may want to allow the players to gorgeous women from the Slaver's Day event. Hamadras
control the gladiators to better teach them the d20 combat informs the PC's riding there that the two new slaves are white
system. silk virgins, and the beauty cost him 11,000 gp. That means
that all the women are off limits.

At about 3 pm, the caravan is approached in the wagon in front of Hamadras, and two must ride in the
from the rear by a lone rider wearing an slave wagon behind him.
elaborate breastplate and carrying a lance and
shield. The lance is upright and the rider does The Great Escape
not appear to be aggressive.
Assuming the PC's take the advice of the guard and try to
As he gets closer, he hails the caravan,
escape during the night, use the information as presented
"Halt! You must pull your wagons aside and
below. Otherwise, use this information to improvise.
allow for my lord to pass."
Hearing the commotion, Hamadras opens
Rain begins to fall—sometimes heavily—about an hour
the curtain to his carriage and peers out at the
before the caravan stops for the night, and the clouds make for
rider. Upon spying the black dragon crest on
a dark and moonless night. Two of Hamadras' guards pace the
his shield, Hamadras immediately orders the
compound, two stand watch over the horses, and the rest sleep
caravan to come to a stop.
lightly. The foreman and two guards are also awake, but rest
Within minutes, a caravan comes bumping
uneasily in Hamadras' tent. Just after dark, four men arrive on
along the road. Twenty men on horses lead
horses and are ushered into Hamadras' tent. They are guards
the procession, followed by an obviously
sent from the miner that plans on purchasing the PC's (use
expensive coach wagon and a cage wagon,
Cuty Watchman stats in Appendix C). They plan on striking
with twenty more mounted men bringing up
the PC's at about 2 am. Unless the PC's are somehow able to
the rear. As the cage wagon draws near, you
take out all of the guards, plus the foreman, someone sees
can see that there are seven women riding
them stealing away in the night and raises the alarm.
inside. (If the PC's attended the Slaver's Day
The advantage in the chase that follows should go to the
event, read the following) [You recognize
PC's. Have them run into a few guards, but allow them to
three of the women as beauties that were
avoid the others (if they are not defeated by the guards they
displayed on the slave block during the last
run into, that is).
day of the festival.]
Unable to track due to the rain, the guards give up chase
With a spray of filthy water and mud the
after only a couple of hours and return to the camp to make
convoy passes you by and Hamadras orders
ready to leave. They head out just before dawn—leaving
the caravan to start moving again.
nothing behind to be scavenged.
Day 16:
Temperature Wind Sky Concluding the Adventure
High 87 Low 71 SW 4 mph Cloudy
Precipitation/Special Weather/Notes No precipitation There are two possible ways to end this adventure.
When the caravan stops for lunch, a guard finds at least one
of the PC's away from the eyes and ears of the other guards.
 Escape. If the PC's escape Hamadras' clutches, they
are free to do what they want. If they are still alive, Unegen
The guard that was mauled by the bear in and Cillian take their leave of the PC's and head back to
Arenjun approaches you and sits facing the Arenjun to 'disappear'.
caravan. He speaks in a low voice, "I thank Will the PC’s return to Arenjun or Shadizar, or will they set
you for saving me from the bear. What I am out to seek their fortune in a different part of Hyborea? If they
about to tell you I do because you saved my return to Arenjun, The Elephant Tower could be a good
life. Do not think me a traitor to Hamadras or follow-up adventure.
Dinak. You must tell your companions that No matter what they decide, the PC's have a potent enemy
Hamadras plans on selling the lot of you into in Hamadras. He may even send bounty hunters after them.
slavery when we reach Zintar tomorrow. You
will all be surprised in your sleep late tonight  Enslaved. Although the ideal situation is for the PC's
and thrown into chains. Now that I have given to escape, it is entirely possible that they may not act in time
you this information, you must do as you see to flee, or they may be subdued in the attempt. If this
fit. I have repaid my life debt to you and my happens, they are sold to a short, dirty man with long, black,
honor is intact. unkempt hair once they reach Zintar. This man runs a mine in
I will tell you this—it is not wise to try to the mountains near Zintar and has an agreement with
escape during the light hours. Hamadras and Hamadras to buy slaves from him. The PC's are stripped of
Dinak know the area too well. You should try everything and chained together. They are taken to the mine
to make your way back to Arenjun. That is the where they must dig for 12 hours a day.
best place for you to disappear and avoid Female PC's are collared and chained in the slave wagon.
Hamadras. I will not tell anyone of your They are transported to Hamadras' compound where they are
escape or of your destination, but if I am to be trained to serve as slaves.
ordered to search for you, I will." The next adventure could include the male PC's escape from
With that, he stands and returns to the the mines, and their search for the female PC's in Shadizar, or
caravan. the female PC's escaping and helping the male PC's escape the
depths of the mine.
The PC's have about 15 minutes to converse together before
the caravan begins moving again. Again, two PC's must ride
Appendix A: Excerpts From the d20 Book of Sex
This is a small excerpt from the d20 Book of Sex. Since wenching is a common practice in the Hyborean Age, I felt that some guidelines would be
helpful, while adding depth to the game. The full document can be found at ***.***.com, and is a d20 conversion of the original AD&D Complete
Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. There are some slight discrepancies from the full d20 guide, however, as this excerpt has been customized for
the Hyborean Age setting.
This is a simple yet effective way to handle seduction. It is far more fun than making endless reaction checks and it certainly keeps
players on their feet.
The following are the steps for seducing:
* When the character first comes in contact with someone he/she wants to seduce, a normal reaction roll is made. If the reaction
of the victim is friendly, then a seduction may take place.
* The preliminary moves are made (i.e. role playing) and attribute checks are made. The seducer makes a check using his
Diplomacy skill and the modifiers from Table 2 (depending on the manner he makes his move), or simply his Charisma modifier if he
does not have Diplomacy. This becomes the DC for the victim to resist the seduction. The unwilling victim then makes an ability
check, adding the Intelligence modifier, and any Sense Motive skill bonuses (to see if she is dumb enough to fall for it). If the victim
fails to beat the seducer’s DC, the seducer is doing well and may continue. Otherwise, the victim realizes what’s going on. Willing
participants need not make checks to resist a seduction attempt, but simply give in to their aggressor's advances.
* The DM decides how many more checks should be made with suitable pluses or minuses to the DC (take into account how well
the player is role-playing). Usually no more than two or three more successful checks are necessary. If the victim’s roll succeeds, it
means that she realizes what is going on and has lost interest.
The seducer can try again, but must subtract 2 from Table 2: Seduction Modifiers
the DC each time the victim beats his DC (this penalty is Moves Made Seducer DC
cumulative, with a duration of 24 hours). Drunkenly -2
Sleazy/Raunchy -1
Table3: Seducer’s Clothing Modifier (optional) Aggressive +1
Heavily clothes, thick robes -2 Gentleman/Lady-like +2
Armor, adventuring gear -1
Normal clothing 0
Scantily/Provocatively clad +1 Table 3 should be used loosely. For example, Lirona’s
Nude +2 adventuring gear in this picture may be considered sexy
(Nude is not practical in most cases enough to not impose the –1 penalty. Some adventurers
and may lead to arrest of the individual (often mages) may even normally dress in adventuring outfits
for indecent exposure if in public.) that could be considered downright revealing and sexy.


To contract a sexual disease, the character must be having sex with somebody who already is infected with a disease, or as a result
of a malicious magical effect. The Fortitude save DC for resisting a sexual disease is 1 per minute of sexual activity.
For example, Rath (Fort save +3) becomes intimate with a person that has a sexual disease. He participates in 16 minutes of sex,
making his DC for resisting the disease 16. He makes a Fortitude save roll of 12, adds 3, for a total of 15, resulting in our hero being
infected with a sexual disease. A lesson to be learned. Note that a natural 1 always fails, no matter what the end Fortitude save result
is with modifiers.
The use of protection from disease is of course very useful for preventing disease, but is difficult to acquire due to the low magic
nature of Hyborea.


The DM should decide if the person a character has sex with is infested with a disease before sexual activities begin, but if he wants
to decide randomly, this system is provided. Using this system to determine if a prostitute is diseased, add the base chance by
population to the social class modifier of Lower Lower Class. Even if taken care of, the best prostitutes are still only Upper Lower
The base percent chance of having a disease is dependant on the size of the settlement (the theory is that more diseases are found in
bigger settlements where more people interrelate):
Table 4: Base Percent Chance of Disease by Population
Thorp 5 Large Town 25
Hamlet 10 Small City 30
Village 15 Large City 35
Small Town 20 Metropolis 40
Modifiers to the base chance are by social level (the theory is that more diseases are transmitted amongst the lower classes, because
there are dirtier and less careful):

Table 5: Social Class Modifier to Disease
Lower Lower Class +20 Lower Middle Class +5 Lower Upper Class -10
Middle Lower Class +15 Middle Middle Class 0 Middle Upper Class -15
Upper Lower Class +10 Upper Middle Class -5 Upper Upper Class -20

Thus, a lower lower class citizen of a metropolis would have a 60% chance of having a disease—maybe because she lives on the
street, is raped every so often, and sleeps around to get extra food money. In a nearby hamlet, an upper upper class citizen would have
only a 1% chance (due to a negative score) maybe because he has a private mistress to engage in sexual activity when he is up to it.
While in a large city, a citizen of equal status has a 20% chance, maybe because he parties a lot and he screws just as much.
There is always a minimum of 1% chance no matter how large the settlement, or the social class, unless the person is a virgin.
At first glance of this system, a person might assume that in a city of 9,000, roughly 40% (3,600) of the population have a sexually
transmitted disease. The first item to note is that this system includes only those that engage in sexual activity. This eliminates a large
amount of the city including children, elderly, etc. As a result, the actual numbers are not quite as high.
Let’s say that half of the city engages in sexual activity (which is actually a lot). Social level is another important aspect that must
be included. Thus in this example, let us assume that all social levels except slaves exist and their population is equal:

Total Sexual Chance Total Of

Social Level Pop. Active Of Dis. Diseased
Lower Lower Class 1,000 500 x 50% = 250 Thus, only 1,350 of 4,500 people who have sex
Middle Lower Class 1,000 500 x 45% = 225 (out of 9,000 people living in the city) are infected
Upper Lower Class 1,000 500 x 40% = 200 with a sexual disease. This is perhaps a lot, but
Lower Middle Class 1,000 500 x 35% = 175 we're assuming that those that participate in sexual
Middle Middle Class 1,000 500 x 30% = 150 activity do this with more than one person. The
Upper Middle Class 1,000 500 x 25% = 125 thing to keep in mind is that this system is to
Lower Upper Class 1,000 500 x 20% = 100 calculate individual persons, not mass population.
Middle Upper Class 1,000 500 x 15% = 75 When the dice start rolling, the results usually don't
Upper Upper Class 1,000 500 x 10% = 50 go with the odds.
_____ ____

9000 1350

Sexual diseases are definitely not fun (not for the players, anyway). After choosing a disease on Table 6, the DM
should roll 1d8 to decide occurrence and 1d8 to decide the severity of the disease. Diseases can either be left to run their
course, or a Heal check may be made to cure it outright. Note that chronic diseases do not naturally go away for good,
making it much more difficult to heal them.

Table 6: Diseases
Occurrence Severity
Name Acute Heal DC Chronic Heal DC Mild Severe Terminal
E.S.S. 1-4 14 5-8 22 1-3 4-5 6-8
Gonorrhea 1-6 12 7-8 18 1-5 6-7 8
Prurire 1-7 12 8 16 1-6 7-8 x
Segmen Neus 1-4 16 5-8 26 1-3 4-5 6-8
Syphilis x x 1-8 24 1-5 6-7 8
Yeast Infection 1 14 2-8 20 1-8 x x

Occurrence determines whether the disease is a single (acute) attack or whether the disease will recur periodically once contracted
(chronic). Chronic maladies will affect the character periodically. Once the disease has 'run its course', it goes into remission. Each
month it is in this dormant state, the victim must make a roll to see if there is a relapse. If a relapse is indicated, the disease simply
'runs its course' once more before returning to its dormant state.
Severity refers to the seriousness of the disease and determines any additional effects of the malady.
MILD: During the period of affliction the character has a 50% chance of being fatigued each day (see DMG pg. 83 for descriptions
of conditions).
SEVERE: A severe malady causes a character to constantly be fatigued. Roll once on Table 7 for additional effects.
TERMINAL: The malady causes the victim to be fatigued all the time, with a 50% chance each day of being exhausted instead.
Roll twice on Table 7 for additional effects, ignoring duplicate results.

Table 7: Additional Disease Effects
d8 Effect d8 Effect
1 Burning during urination 6 Uncontrollable vomiting; -1 Constitution
2 Constant pain; -1d4 to attack rolls (determine daily) per week (minimum of 1)
Gradual brain rot; -1 Intelligence and Wisdom per 7 Sluggishness; ¾ movement rate, -2 initiative
week (minimum of 1) 8 10 % chance every 6 hours of a spasm, causing
3 Hyperactivity; movement doubled, +2 initiative held items to be dropped, and rendering victim
5 Loss of voice; no verbal spells, singing, etc. nauseated for 1d3 rounds (move-equivalent actions only).

Enlarged Scrotum Syndrome (E.S.S.) - This disease is only contracted in males. The effect is that the male's testicles become
extremely enlarged (max. of 8 inches in diameter each). Due to excruciating pain, the victim's movement is reduced to ¼, and attacks
and AC suffer a -4 penalty. This condition lasts for 1d3 weeks, and there is a 15% chance each month that chronic victims experience
the disease again.
Gonorrhea - An infectious disease caused by bacteria that can infect the genital tract, the mouth, and the rectum. It causes pain when
urinating, and in Severe or worse cases causes bloody feces and vomiting (randomly check once/day for vomiting)—causing a -2 to
Constitution until cured or in remission. It lasts 2-4 weeks, and there is a 50% chance each month that chronic victims experience the
disease again.
Prurire - "The Itch", as it is better known, is quite an uncomfortable—but not lethal experience. The period of affliction is 1d4 weeks.
There is a 50% chance during each month of remission that chronic victims experience the disease again. While active, it causes a -2
to any skill checks that require concentration.
Segmen Neus - This disease is named after a disgusting perverse man who raped hundreds of women. The effects of the disease are
as follows:
* -1 temporary Charisma penalty each day (gradual disfigurement—minimum of 1)
* Right or left leg goes bad decreasing movement by ½
* Develops an aversion to sexual activity
This affliction lasts 1d2 weeks, and there is a 75% chance during each month of remission that chronic victims experience the
disease again. Lost ability points are recovered over time, as normal.
Syphilis - A chronic infectious venereal disease that causes sores on the genitals, anus, or lips. After 3 weeks, the infected develops a
rash that does not itch. This rash goes away on its own, but the victim is infected from the time he acquires the disease from an
infected partner. 8 weeks after catching the disease, it begins to do damage in the form of -1 to all abilities each week until the victim
is disabled (all abilities decreased to 1), or the disease is cured. Lost ability points are recovered as normal.
Yeast Infection - This disease only manifests itself in female characters. It causes the victim’s genitals to produce a disgusting stench.
Going unnoticed is nearly impossible, giving a -2 penalty to Hide checks. Further, creatures with the Scent ability have a +2 to find the
character by smell. There is a 50% chance during each month of remission that chronic victims experience the disease again.


Prostitutes in General
Before getting to know a specific prostitute, the prostitute pool should be known. It is a good idea to have a number of prostitutes
crated before an adventure begins, giving you a list of potential harlots to choose from. The DM may make adjustments to any part of
this generating system as deemed necessary.
To decide the number of prostitutes in a given settlement, use Table 8. Most DM's feel that the number of prostitutes should never
exceed 10% of the total population unless the settlements primary function is prostitution. Therefore, adjustments should be made

Table 8: Number of Prostitutes

Settlement Population # Of Prostitutes
Thorp 20-80 1d4
Hamlet 81-400 3d4 + 5
Village 401-900 3d4 + 10
Small Town 901-2,000 3d20 + 5
Large Town 2,001-5,000 4d20 + 20
Small City 5,001-12,000 5d20 + 40
Large City 12,001-25,000 5d20 + 60
Metropolis 25,000+ 5d20 + 100

Information on prostitutes working under management can be found in the Filling The House Of Ill Repute section.

Getting a Feel for the Prostitute
Not all prostitutes are alike. Below are the steps necessary to make a very unique and exciting female prostitute.
1) Choose a country of origin in respects to the area, or roll on Table 14.
2) Generate ability scores as describe in the PHB.
3) Height and weight can be generated randomly using the tables on page 93 of the PHB.
4) Age should be generated by rolling 1d4+12. This table allows individuals to begin prostitution at a younger age than
5) Roll on Table 9 three times to get hair color, eye color, and complexion; or choose.
6) The various measurements of a woman can be randomly generated as followed:
• Roll on Table 10 to get the Vital Measurement Base, and add the Constitution modifier from Table 11.
• To find bust size, add the Vital Measurement Base to the proper Bust modifier (Table 12).
• To find waist size, add the Vital Measurement Base to the proper Waist modifier (Table 12).
• To find hip size, add the Bust to the proper Hips adjustment (Table 12).
• If the woman's height is less than 5 feet, subtract 2 from the generated bust and hip size.
7) With prostitutes can come bad things. Using tables 4 & 5, determine if the prostitute is diseased.
8) The average base cost to hire a prostitute is 1000 sp / number of prostitutes available. Thus, the average cost for a prostitute
in a town with 10 prostitutes is 100 sp each.
Additional costs can manifest itself when patronizing a courtesan. A customer might have to spend money on a meal (they got to eat
too), alcoholic beverages (no doubt), a room (unless you like doing it in an alley), and medical expenses (you give them a disease—
you pay for it).
There—now a nice versatile prostitute has been created, but there still is room for improvement. Keep in mind that some prostitutes
are Rogues (possibly even high level) and should have such abilities. Some rare prostitutes could even be another class that has fallen
on hard times and just needs some way to make extra money. There could even be Cleric prostitutes who worship some deity of lust,
and prostitution is just one of their forms of worship.
The thing to remember is that a DM can use a prostitute as a very important NPC. Prostitutes usually have dirt on everybody who
passes through their beds; not to mention pillow talk information that shouldn't have been told. A prostitute is more interesting than
the old fat tavern keeper with old boring stories. Keep this in mind, before throwing out such an encounter.

Table 9: Color Specifics Table 10: Vital Table 11: Constitution Modifier to
d% Hair Color Eye Color Complexion Measurement Base Vital Measurement Base
01-13 Crimson Lt. Blue Dusky Olive d% Vital Base Constitution Modifier
14-30 Lt. Blond Dk. Green Bronze 01-20 22" 1-4 -3"
31-40 Auburn Hazel Milky White 21-40 23" 5-9 -2"
41-52 Sable Lt. Brown Ebony 41-55 24" 10-14 0
53-65 Lt. Brown Crimson Lt. Red 56-69 25" 15-17 +1"
66-72 Silver Silver Yellow 70-82 26" 18-20 +2"
73-80 White Lt. Green Brown 83-85 27" 21+ +3"
81-83 Med. Brown Dk. Blue Golden 86-90 28"
84-85 Dk.Brown Pink Fair 86-90 28"
86-88 Dk. Blonde Dk. Brown Lightly Tanned 91-94 29"
92-99 Black DMs choice DMs choice 95-97 30"
00 Bald Each eye DMs choice 98-99 31"
different color 00 32"

Table 12: The Measurements

Charisma Bust Waist Hips
1-4 0 5-30" +6d6"
5-7 5-8" 2-12" +2d6"
8-10 6-9" 1-4" 0
11-13 7-10" 1-2" 0
14-16 8-11" 0 -1"
17-19 9-12" 0 -2"
20-21 10-12" 0 -2"
22+ 10-13" 0 -3"

A brothel (whorehouse, relaxation emporium, or whatever the name) is a place where a person may go for physical refreshment.
A brothel comes in three basic sizes: Small (4d4 employees), Medium (6d6 employees), and Large (8d8 employees).
In addition to the regular employees listed above, there will be a number of amateurs who use the house as a base. They will usually
average 30% of the regular staff of that house. There will usually be a small number of young virgin girls in training, frequently
working as maids for the top regulars. These girls do not yet work with the customers, and there is often an auction to determine who
takes her virginity.
As Table 13 shows, there are four classes of brothels. The DM can roll randomly or choose.
House amateurs usually receive about ½ the going rate; one does not find amateurs in a
Table 13: Brothel Class slave house. The racial mix in the average house of its class is given on Table 14; the DM
d% Class may either specify the race of the girls working here or roll dice (d%) for each girl to see
01-03 Fine who's available.
04-12 Normal Houses tend to be run by women, although some are managed by men (occasionally chosen
13-16 Low by the girls, frequently simply the "pimp" who has hired them). If run by a woman, she is
17-20 Slave usually (80%) a high rank courtesan herself and will occasionally be available to preferred,
politically influential, or extremely wealthy customers.
There are usually some additional costs involved in patronizing
a courtesan in such an establishment. Although entertainment is Table 14: Races Found In Different Brothel Classes (d%)
usually provided at no extra cost in the major houses, normally Race Fine Normal Low Slave
a character should expect to spend the price of the girl's meal and Afghuli 01-03 01-03 01-05 01-06
alcoholic beverages. If a character should wish to spend the entire Aquilonian 04-08 04-07 - 07-08
night with the lady of his choice, the total cost multiplied by 2. Argossean 09-13 08-11 06-10 09-11
This does, of course, provide one with a room for the night in Aesir 14-18 12-16 11-15 12-15
addition to the cuddly bed companion. If a man is dealing with Brythunian 19-22 17-21 16-20 16-19
a girl who works on the street, there is a 25% surcharge to her price Cimmerian 23-24 22-24 21-23 20-25
if she is to provide a room. This will always be the case unless the Corinthian 25-29 25-27 24-25 26-27
customer has nearby lodgings (within 2 to 3 blocks at the furthest). Darfar 30-33 28-30 26-30 28-30
Time spent in a whorehouse may range up to 4 or 5 hours (if Hyperborean 34-35 31-33 31-34 31-35
not overnight). With a street girl, an interlude should occupy Hyrkanian 36-46 34-42 35-43 36-42
about 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Iranistani 47-49 43-46 44-45 43-45
The chance of a brothel prostitute having a disease is less Kambujan 50-54 47-50 46-48 46-47
than that of a street girl based on the class of a house in which Keshani 55-58 51-53 49-51 48-51
the girl works. The higher the class of the house, the better health Khitani 59-64 54-57 52-55 52-55
care the girls receive, and the lower the chances of infection. Khorajian 65-69 58-61 56-60 56-59
In a Fine house there is a -10% chance, in a Normal house there
is a -5% in a Low house there is a -5% chance, and in a Slave Race Fine Normal Low Slave
house there is a -15% chance of the girl being infected. The Slave Kothian 70-73 62-66 61-64 60-61
house modifier is high because most slavers consider losing Kushite 74-76 67-68 65 62-64
income or valuable property to disease uneconomical. With the Meru 77 69-70 66-69 65-66
girls on the street, there is no modifier to the chance of the Nemedian 78-79 71-76 70-77 67-69
girl being infected. Ophirian 80-83 77-81 78-81 70-72
Pictish -- 82-83 82-85 73-79
Shemitish 84-85 84-85 86 80-81
Stygian 86-90 86-89 87 82-83
Turanian 91-93 90-92 88-90 84-86
Vanir 94 93-94 91-92 87-89
Vendhyan 95-96 95-96 - 90-91
Zamoran 97 97-98 93-96 92-93
Zembabwei -- 99 97-98 94-98
Zingara 98-00 00 99-00 99-00

Appendix B: Random City Encounters (d8)
1. A fugitive rogue slips a tiny package of black lotus into gut you for a few coins, do you?" If fighting actually breaks
one of the PC’s pockets/clothing (make a Pickpocket check out and the pimp is injured, or not able to seriously wound the
against the PC's Spot check to see if the PC notices). A PC after 2 rounds, he flees.
bounty hunter looking for the rogue sees the transfer and ν Prostitute
assumes the PC is working with the thief and attempts to Mandughai, female human (Hyrkanian) Com1: CR 1;
shadow the PC until he/she can get a good shot at capturing Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); hp 6; Init +2
the unwitting PC. The bounty hunter wants information on the (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12
thief, but after a short interrogation will realize that the PC is (+2 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or
innocent. (This may even lead into a mini-adventure within +2 ranged; SV Fort -1, Ref +2,
the city—find the rogue for the bounty hunter for a reward). Will +1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 8,
ν Bounty Hunter Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15
Dulcea Quintin, female human (Nemedian) Ftr4/Rog3: Languages Spoken: Hyrkanian,
CR 7; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); hp 65; Init +6 (+2 Dex, broken bits of Zamoran
+4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +3 armor, Skills: Hide +2, Listen +3, Move
+1 buckler); Attack +9/+4 melee, or +8/+3 ranged; SV Silently +2, Spot +5, Swim +6,
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 17, Use Rope +6
Dex 15, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Feats: Skill Focus (Use Rope),
Cha 17 Toughness.
Languages Spoken: Nemedian Possessions: Dagger
Skills: Bluff +5, Climb +9,
Concentration +6, Decipher
Script +5, Forgery +3,
Gather Information +8,
Hide +6, Jump +8, Listen +7,
Move Silently +4, Open ν Pimp
Lock +7, Pick Pocket +4, Behrouz, male human (Zamoran) Com3: CR 2; Size M
Search +7, Spot +4, (6 ft., 2 in. tall); hp 10; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 armor);
Tumble +8, Use Rope +5, Attack +3 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +1,
Wilderness Lore +3 Will +4; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 7
Feats: Dodge, Improved Languages Spoken: Zamoran, Hyrkanian
Initiative, Improved Skills: Appraise +4, Climb +9, Escape Artist +2, Jump +6,
Unarmed Strike, Lightning Listen +1, Spot +7
Reflexes, Power Attack, Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Climb).
Weapon Focus (longsword), Possessions: Padded armor, tulwar, dagger, 4 sp, 8 cp
Weapon Specialization
(longsword) 4. 5 city watchmen threaten to take the PC's in if a little
Possessions: Studded leather armor, buckler, longsword, money (2 gp) isn’t forthcoming. If the PC's fight, they have a
dagger, 50' silk rope, 40 gp 20% chance of being spotted and reported (making them
fugitives). If they lose the fight, or simply refuse to pay
2. 2 guards from another merchant caravan are wandering the without fighting, the city watch arrest them and throw them in
streets drunk. They run into the PC's (literally), and decide prison overnight. Once released, the PC's may discover (upon
that the PC's owe them an apology. Even if the PC's inspection of their items) that the money asked for is gone
apologize, they decide to teach the PC's a lesson and attack. anyway. If they are imprisoned for fighting city watchman,
(Use the stats in Appendix C for Hamadras' caravan guards, Hamadras bails them out at the end of the festival. (See
but apply a -4 penalty to attack and AC, and a +2 to damage Appendix C for city watchmen stats)
and hit points due to their extreme drunken state).
5. EL 1 Four thugs and their leader see the PC's as an easy
3. A prostitute looking for some quick coin approaches on of mark. They immediately attack the PC's in the street. The
the PCs, offering his/her/it's services. She has a trashy room PC's are not bothered by the city watchmen, who would rather
with nothing but a filthy, thin bedroll and a partially collapsed have the PC's kill the street trash than have to deal with them
wall in the alley behind where she is standing. If the PC day after day. (See Appendix C for stats on the thugs)
accepts, the prostitute’s pimp arrives just before the PC is
finished and demands double the fee 'or else'. If the PC 6. A mother is frantically looking for her missing daughter.
refuses, the pimp draws a tulwar (use falchion stats) and She will ask the PC's if they have seen her ["Short brown hair,
makes ready for combat. Since he is somewhat of a coward, brown eyes, about 'so' tall, wearing a red tunic and leather
he would like to avoid having to fight. Before attacking he breeches. Her name is Houri."]. If the PC's offer to help find
gives the PC a few chances to make good on the increased fee her, they are able to track her down by making 3 Spot or
with statements like, "It's not too late, you can still settle Gather Information checks (DC 12). The checks do not have
things without getting hurt." and "C'mon, you don't want me to to be consecutive, and the PC's may keep trying to make their

skill checks until they find the girl, or they give up, but each 8. When the PC's enter a small store or merchant tent, they
check requires the PC to search for 30 minutes whether the find its proprietor lying face down in a pool of his own blood;
check succeeds or fails. The party rolls one skill check for candles mark a rough geometric pattern around him and all of
everyone—unless they split up, at which time everyone rolls the money is still in his wooden treasure chest. Nothing seems
for themselves. If found and returned to her mother, award the to be missing from the store. After two rounds, a city
party XP equivalent to an EL1 encounter. watchman walks in on the PC's and assumes the worst. He
calls for aid in apprehending the PC's.
7. EL 2 The party walks past an alley in time to see a man If the PC's fight, they cause for even more guards to be
dressed in expensive looking black clothes shoot a green robed summoned until they are captured or killed. If they submit to
man standing with his arms raised in surrender in the forehead the guards at the merchant tent, however, they are interrogated
with a shortbow. Even if the party does not interfere, the man for two days, and released with an apology when the real killer
sees the party and turns his bow on them. He is stealing the is in custody. If captured after fighting, they cannot convince
Green Fire-Stone of Xuchotl that the now dead man had in his their judges of their innocence, and they are sentenced to the
robes. (see ) dungeons for 10 years. The guards are quite corrupt, however,
ν Assassin and make no secret of the fact that one can 'escape' from the
Hadrianus, male human (Kothian) Rog2: CR 2; Size M (6 dungeons for a mere 10 gp. If the PC's are unable—or
ft., 2 in. tall); hp 14; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 unwilling—to make such a contribution to the guards,
(+2 Dex, +2 armor); Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Hamadras arranges for their 'escape' the night before his
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12, caravan departs (he stands to lose money if he doesn't have
Wis 11, Cha 10 slaves to sell to the miners on the trip back).
Languages Spoken: Kothian, Zamoran
Skills: Appraise +6, Climb +6, Disguise +3, Gather
Information +5, Hide +6, Intimidate +5, Listen +2, Move
Silently +2, Perform +4, Search +6, Sense Motive +5,
Spot +0, Swim +6
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
Possessions: Leather armor, short sword, dagger, composite
shortbow, 12 arrows, belt pouch, 9 gp, 2 sp

Appendix C: NPC Roster
Feats with an asterisk (*) denote those unique to the Hyborean Age caravans for Hamadras, and quickly rose among the ranks to
setting. become foreman of Hamadras’ personal caravan. He trusts
few people, other than Hamadras—to whom he is completely
ν Merchant/Slaver loyal, and usually kills anyone who annoys him rather than
Hamadras, male human (Aquilonian) Rog1/Nob8: CR 6; argues with them.
Size M (6 ft., 2 in. tall); 51 years old; hp 42; Init +3; Spd 30 Although he now guards caravans, Dinak never completely
ft.; AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4 armor); Attack +7/+2 melee, or +9/+4 cut his ties with his bandit friends. They have a fairly solid
ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +8; Str 13, Dex 16, agreement in which they won’t attack any of Hamadras’
Con 10, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 16 caravans in return for cargo and travel information from Dinak
Languages Spoken: Aquilonian, Argossean, Ophirian, about other caravans—usually Hamadras’ competitors.
Skills: Disguise +14, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +7, ν Caravan Guards
Hide +5, Innuendo +13, Intimidate +10, Intuit Direction +6, Male human (Zamoran) Ftr4 (6): CR 4; hp 31; Init +1
Listen +14, Move Silently +5, Open Lock +7, Perform +15, (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+1 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield);
Ride +5, Search +7 , Spot +4, Swim +12, Wilderness Attack +6 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1;
Lore +12 Str 13, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Leadership, Skill Languages Spoken: Zamoran, Corinthian
Focus (Perform). Skills: Climb +6, Hide +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +5,
Possessions: Light chain shirt, masterwork dagger, Spot +2, Swim +4
masterwork hand crossbow, 12 bolts, platinum ring inlaid with Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Power
rubies (550 gp), gold chain necklace with deep blue spinel Attack, Cleave
amulet (825 gp), thin 3' steel chain with locking clasp. Possessions: Studded leather armor, large wooden shield,
longsword, dagger; (light horse) military saddle, bit and bridle
Hamadras is a shrewd merchant, who always seems to get
the better end of a business transaction. When selling slaves, These six men were companions of Dinak during his career
he uses his Perform skill to put on a great show and oration in as a bandit. Once he gained limited status among Hamadras’
an attempt to convince the buyer of the incredible worth of the troops, he offered his friends jobs. They are fairly loyal to
individual(s) being shown. When selling wares of a more Dinak, but are not above minor insubordination if it will make
mundane nature, he uses his Diplomacy skill to squeeze a few them some extra money—and there is little chance of their
more coins out of the buyer. Now that he is no longer a petty getting caught. They are not afraid of combat, and will fight
thug, Hamadras avoids combat if at all possible. He will flee to the death as a matter of honor.
at the first chance he gets, and prefers to leave the ‘dirty work’
to his guards.
Hamadras owns a large estate in Shadizar where, along with ν Unegen
his stockpiles of goods traded between Shadizar and Arenjun, Female human (Hyrkanian) Ftr1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 8 in.
he trains slaves and brews his own style of beer. He is one of tall); hp 13; 17 years old; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 17
many rich men in Shadizar, and as such has some influence (+2 Dex, +5 armor); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort
among the aristocracy and leadership of Zamora. +5, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 16 (+3), Dex 15 (+2), Con 16 (+3),
Int 12 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 13 (+1).
Languages Spoken: Hyrkanian, Turanian, Aquilonian
ν Caravan Foreman Skills: Climb +5, Hide +4, Knowledge (Religion) +3,
Dinak, male human (Zamoran) Bbn1/Ftr4: CR 5; Listen +2, Move Silently +2, Ride +6, Spot +2, Swim +5
Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); 35 years old; hp 46; Init +6; Spd 40 Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (chakram), Mounted
ft.; AC 20 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +5 armor, +2 shield); Attack Combat, Power Attack.
+7 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 15, Possessions: Lamellar armor, scimitar, chakram
Dex 15, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 14
Languages Spoken: Zamoran, Corinthian Unegen is the daughter of a Hyrkanian soldier. About a
Skills: Climb +6, Hide +2, Intuit Direction +4, Listen +2, year ago she stole her father's armor and scimitar and ran away
Move Silently +4, Spot +3, Swim +8 from home rather than becoming an army slut—those women
Feats: Cleave, Expert Shield Use*, Improved Initiative, Iron that are hauled around with troops to warm the beds of officers
Skin*, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (scimitar) on cold nights.
Possessions: Breastplate, large steel shield, scimitar, dagger,
light lance; (lizard mount—use stats for light warhorse)
military saddle, bit and bridle ν Cillian
Male human (Brythunian) Rgr1: CR 1; Size M (6 ft., 0 in.
After a short career as an outlaw raiding caravans in the tall); hp 11; 16 years old; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16
wilderness of Zamora, Dinak traveled to the capital city of (+3 Dex, +3 armor); Attack +2 melee, or +4 ranged;
Shadizar and underwent formal combat training. He used his SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 13,
experience raiding caravans to land him a job protecting Wis 12, Cha 6
Languages Spoken: Brythunian, Zamoran
Skills: Hide +3, Knowledge (nature) +3, Listen +1, Move
Silently +7, Profession +3, Ride +7, Search +5, Spot +5, Use
ν City Watchman
Male human (Zamoran) War2: CR 1; hp 13; Init +0;
Rope +5, Wilderness Lore +3
Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 armor); Attack +3 melee, or +2 ranged;
Feats: Dodge, Mounted Combat, [Track].
SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 12,
Possessions: Studded leather armor, large wooden shield,
Wis 11, Cha 10
battleaxe, dagger, sling, 24 stones, 4 gp, 8 sp
Languages Spoken: Zamoran
Skills: Climb +3, Concentration +4, Gather Information, +2,
Cillian grew up in the forests of Brythunia. He hunted from
Intimidate +7, Listen +2, Spot +2
the time he was a small boy, and that love of nature led to his
Feats: Skill Focus (Intimidate), Weapon Focus (short sword).
profession as a fighter and tracker-for-hire.
Possessions: Hide armor, halberd, short sword
(Use these generic templates for any thugs the PC’s might encounter
on the streets of Arenjun)
ν Thug Leader
Male human War1: CR 1; hp 9; Init +5 Spd 30 ft.; AC 12;
Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -2;
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 6, Cha 7
Skills: Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Jump +7, Listen -2, Move
Silently +2, Ride +6, Spot -2
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike
Possessions: Short sword or club, dagger, 1d2 gp

ν Common Thug
Male human Com1: CR 1; hp 3; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11;
Attack +1 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref +1, Will +0;
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 7, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +1, Listen +4, Move Silently +1, Swim +5
Feats: Endurance, Run
Possessions: Club or dagger, 1d4 sp

ν Hamadras' Slaves (Created with guidelines from the d20 Book of Sex in Appendix A)
Female (to be sold in Arenjun) (none are diseased)
1) Khitani; waist-length, black hair; slanted lt.brown eyes; yellow complexion; 5'5"; 115 lbs;
20 years old; Bust 32 Waist 29 Hips 32; hp 3; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10
2) Khorajian; shoulder-length, dk. blonde hair; hazel eyes; fair complexion; 5'3"; 105 lbs;
17 years old; Bust 39 Waist 33 Hips 39; hp 3; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 13
3) Darfar; shoulder-length, med.brown hair; blue eyes; milky white complexion; 5'7"; 135 lbs;
23 years old; Bust 30 Waist 24 Hips 30; hp 3; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 11.
4) Hyperborean; shoulder-length blonde hair; green eyes; fair complexion; 5'11"; 135 lbs;
25 years old; Bust 33 Waist 23 Hips 32; hp 5; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 18
5) Ophirian; short, dk. brown hair; light green eyes; tan complexion; 4'11"; 90 lbs.
18 years old; Bust 35 Waist 27 Hips 34; hp 4; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 17
6) Afghuli; shoulder blade length, dk. brown hair; dk. brown eyes; bronze complexion; 5'6"; 135 lbs;
24 years old; Bust 42 Waist 31 Hips 40; hp 5; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 15
Male (work slaves)
Pictish hp 8; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14
Zimbabwei hp 10; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 13

Appendix D: Gladiator & Tournament Roster
All gladiators are nude save for sandals, a loincloth, and any armor they wear. They are slave/gladiators, and only know the arena.

#1, male human Bbn5: Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); hp 45; #3, female human Ftr5: Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); hp 47;
Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 12 (+1 Dex, +1 buckler); Init +4 (+4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+5
Attack +8 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1; armor); Attack +8 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +6,
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12 Ref +1,Will +0; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8,
Skills: Climb +9, Craft +7, Hide +1, Jump +11, Listen +8, Cha 14
Move Silently +1, Spot +2, Tumble +3 Skills: Balance +1, Climb +11, Craft +8, Handle Animal +6,
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Lightning Reflexes. Jump +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Search +7, Spot +3,
Possessions: Buckler, light flail Swim +8
Feats: Alertness, Blind-fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(net), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Possessions: Breastplate, trident, net.

#2, male human Rog6: Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); hp 26;

Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 #4, male human Ftr5: Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); hp 44;
(+3 Dex, +4 armor); Attack +4 melee, or +7 ranged; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (-1 Dex,+2 shield);
SV Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +4; Str 11, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Attack +6 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +0, Will -1;
Wis 15, Cha 15 Str 12, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 7, Cha 9
Skills: Balance +9, Bluff +11, Craft +9, Disable Device +10, Skills: Craft +8, Diplomacy +2, Forgery +3, Handle
Gather Information +5, Hide +3, Intimidate +11, Intuit Animal +5, Hide +1, Intuit Direction +0, Listen +3, Move
Direction +10, Listen +11, Move Silently +12, Open Lock +7, Silently -1, Spot -2, Swim +7
Spot +2, Swim +8, Tumble +12 Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude,
Feats: Ambidexterity, Improved Initiative, Two Weapon Toughness, Weapon Focus (mace, heavy), Weapon Focus
Fighting, Quick Draw (short sword).
Possessions: Chain shirt, 2 daggers Possessions: Large wooden shield, short sword

The roster is simple: in round 1 gladiators #1 and #2 fight, and #3 and #4 fight. Round 2 is between the winners of the round 1
matches. You may wish to enhance the matches by letting wild animals loose in the ring (a la Rome)—animals that attack whoever is
closest to them. Another possible option is to blindfold both opponents, thus making them rely on Move Silently and Listen checks to
get close enough to attack without having their location perceived by their opponent. If you use your imagination, gladiator matches
can be made quite entertaining both to watch and participate in.


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