Dayton Superior Bar Splice ICC Report

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Number: 319

Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

DAYTON SUPERIOR CORPORATION submitted to the code official as evidence that the steel
1125 Byers Road reinforcing bars comply with ACI 318-14 Section
Miamisburg, OH 45342 (ACI 318-11 and -08 with Section
800-745-3700 2.4 Special inspections shall be provided in accordance with
Section 3.4 of this report.
STEEL REINFORCING BARS: 2.5 Minimum concrete cover shall be in accordance with ACI
• BAR-LOCK 318-14 Chapter 20 (ACI 318-11 Chapter 7 as referenced by
• TAPER-LOCK the 2012 IBC and 2009 IBC Sections 1907.5 and 1907.7).
• DB/DI Concrete cover shall be measured from the outer surface of
the splice system.
CSI Section:
03 21 00 Reinforcing Steel 2.6 The threaded end of reinforcing bars used with the
Taper-Lock Reinforcing Bar Mechanical Splice Couplers
1.0 RECOGNITION shall be fabricated according to the specifications provided
by the manufacturer. The fabricator shall conform to the
The Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice Systems recognized following requirements:
in this report have been evaluated for use as mechanical 1. The fabricator shall be approved by the code official
splices for deformed steel reinforcing bars (rebar) in concrete in accordance with 2015 IBC Section 1704.2.5.1 (2012 IBC
structural members. The structural properties of the Section 1704.2.5.2 or 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1704.2.2).
Mechanical Splice Systems were evaluated for compliance 2. The fabricator shall be approved by the manufacturer.
with the following codes and editions: 3. The fabricator shall demonstrate the following items
to the satisfaction of the code official for each coupler model
• 2015, 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Building type and steel reinforcing bar size:
Code® (IBC) a. The fabricator prepares the ends of the steel
• 2015, 2012, 2009, and 2006 International reinforcing bar as required by Dayton Superior in a manner
Residential Code® (IRC) consistent with the treatment of the qualifying test
• 2017 City of Los Angeles Building Code (LABC) specimens.
– attached Supplement b. For Type 2 splices, splices of each steel
• 2017 City of Los Angeles Residential Code reinforcing bar using the fabricator-prepared steel
(LARC) – attached Supplement reinforcing bars, tested in static tension, shall develop at
least 100 percent of the specified tensile strength of the steel
2.0 LIMITATIONS reinforcing bar and at least 125 percent of the specified yield
strength of the reinforcing bar. Evidence of compliance may
Use of the Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice Systems be demonstrated by test reports submitted to the code
recognized in this report are subject to the following official.
limitations: c. For Type 1 splices, splices of each steel
reinforcing bar using fabricator-prepared steel reinforcing
2.1 The couplers shall be installed in accordance with the bars, tested in static tension, shall develop at least 125
applicable code, the manufacturer's instructions, and this percent of the specified yield strength of the steel reinforcing
report. In the event of a conflict, the more restrictive governs. bars. This may be demonstrated by test reports submitted to
the code official for approval.
2.2 Splice locations and rebar placement shall comply with
applicable code requirements and be noted on plans approved 2.7 The Taper-Lock Reinforcing Bar Mechanical Splice
by the code official. Couplers may be used on epoxy-coated reinforcing bars as
long as the coating process is conducted prior to rebar
2.3 For structures regulated by ACI 318-14 Chapter 18 and threading. All threads of the coupler and reinforcing bar are
ACI 318-11 and -08 Chapter 21, as required by 2015 and to be free of all debris, including epoxy coating, at the time
2012 IBC Section 1905.1 (2009 IBC Section 1908.1), where of splicing.
the mechanical splice systems are used to splice deformed
reinforcing bars to resist earthquake-induced flexure, axial 2.8 Minimum spacing of DB/DI (as described in Section
force, or both, in special moment frames, special structural 3.3.3 of this report) shall be in accordance with ACI 318-14
walls, and all components of special structural walls Section as referenced by the 2015 IBC (ACI 318-11
including coupling beams and wall piers, with the mechanical Section 7.6 as referenced by the 2012 IBC and 2009 IBC
splice systems, mill certificates of reinforcing bars shall be Section 1907.6).

The product described in this Uniform Evaluation Service (UES) Report has been evaluated as an alternative material, design or method of construction in order to satisfy and comply
with the intent of the provision of the code, as noted in this report, and for at least equivalence to that prescribed in the code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability
and safety, as applicable, in accordance with IBC Section 104.11. This document shall only be reproduced in its entirety.

Copyright © 2020 by International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. Ph: 1-877-4IESRPT • Fax: 909.472.4171
web: • 4755 East Philadelphia Street, Ontario, California 91761-2816 – USA

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Number: 319
Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

2.9 If bending of the reinforcing bar shall be necessary prior Standard Coupler: The Taper-Lock Standard
to being attached to the splice system, the bar shall be cold Coupler is used to join straight bars of the same size.
bent as set forth in Section of ACI 318-14 for the
2015 IBC (Section 7.3.1 of ACI 318-11 for the 2012 IBC and Flange Coupler: The Taper-Lock Flange Coupler is
Section 1907.3 of the 2009 IBC). similar to the Taper-Lock Standard Coupler, except that the
Taper-Lock Flange Coupler has a non-structural form
2.10 The Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice Systems are mounting plate attached to one end of the coupler. The
produced in Tremont, PA; Rushsylvania, OH; Modesto, CA; mounting plate provides a method of securing the coupler and
Rock Valley, IA; Hastings, PA, West Liberty, OH and attaching reinforcing bars to the formwork. Installation
Jiangsu, China. procedures are the same as those for the Taper-Lock Standard
couplers described in Sections 3.3.2 and of this report.
3.0 PRODUCT USE The connection shall be secured to a minimum torque of 5 lb-
ft (6.78 N-m) and not more than the maximum torque value
3.1 General: The Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice shown in Table 2 of this report.
Systems are used to mechanically splice deformed steel
reinforcing bars (rebar) installed in concrete structural Transitional Coupler: The Taper-Lock Transitional
members. The splices conform to ACI 318-14 Section Coupler is similar to the Taper-Lock Standard Coupler, (ACI 318-11 Section, referenced in except the coupler is designed to connect reinforcing bars of
Section 1901.2 of the IBC as tension and compression different sizes. The connection shall be secured to a minimum
mechanical splices for deformed steel reinforcing bars. The torque of 5 lb-ft (6.78 N-m) and not more than the maximum
couplers comply with the requirements of ACI 318-14 torque value shown in Table 2 of this report.
Section for the 2015 IBC ACI 318-11 Section for the 2012 IBC and ACI 318-08 for the 2009 IBC; Positional Coupler: The Taper-Lock Positional
and (ACI 318-05 Section for the 2006 IBC), as Coupler is used to join curved or bent bars that shall be kept
Type 1 or Type 2 mechanical splices. When used as Type 2 in a predetermined position during the joining process. The
splices the couplers are permitted within the concrete Positional Coupler allows only the coupler to rotate.
structural member for all seismic design categories. Installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's
installation instructions. The connection shall be secured to a
3.2 Design: Splice Systems shall be installed in accordance minimum torque of 5 lb-ft (6.78 N-m) and not more than the
with the IBC, ACI 318, this evaluation report and the maximum torque value shown in Table 2 of this report. Final
manufacturer’s installation instructions. Where conflicts end-to-end distance of the bars shall comply with Figure 2
occur the more restrictive shall govern. The locations of and Table 2 of this report. Finally, the lock nut shall be
splices shall be detailed on the plans and approved by the tightened to a minimum torque of 5 lb-ft (6.78 N-m) and not
code official. Concrete cover and spacing shall be as required more than the maximum torque value shown in Table 2 of
in IBC Chapters 7 and 19, and ACI 318-14 Section 20.6.1 this report.
(ACI 318-11, -08 and -05 Section 7.7) and shall be measured
from the outside of the splice system. 3.3.3 DB/DI

3.3 Installation: The manufacturer’s installation instructions DB Coupler: The DB coupler is secured to concrete
for Bar-Lock, Taper-Lock, and DB/DI splicing systems, formwork with screws, nails or bolts to the flange plate at the
dated 03/17, are available through the following link: couplers' barrel end as shown in Figure 3 of this report. The opposite end of the DB coupler shall be secured against
source/handbooks/rebarsplicinghandbook.pdf. displacement and supported before concrete placement.

3.3.1 Bar-Lock: All bolts shall be tightened until the lock- DI Bar: The DI Bar shall be of sufficient length to
shear bolt heads are sheared off, regardless of torque applied. provide development length as required by ACI 318-14
The approximate torque values described in Table 1 of this Sections 25.4.2, 25.4.9 and, 24.4.10 (ACI 318-11 Sections
report are for reference only. Installation shall be in 12.2 and 12.3). The DI Bar shall be lap-spliced with
accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. reinforcing steel that conforms to Chapter 25 of ACI 318-14
(Chapter 12 of ACI 318-11). After the forms are removed the
3.3.2 Taper-Lock: Installation shall be in accordance with threaded end of the DI bar shall be threaded into the exposed
the manufacturer's installation instructions. The connection barrel end of the DB coupler to the full thread engagement of
between the threaded reinforcing bar and coupler shall be the DI.
secured to a minimum torque of 5 lb-ft (6.78 N-m) and not
more than the maximum torque value shown in Table 2 of DB/DI Hooked Bar: The DB and DI Hooked bars
this report. shall be bent cold, unless otherwise permitted by a registered

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Number: 319
Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

designed professional conforming to Section of installation torque specified in Table 1 of this report. The
ACI 318-14 for the 2015 IBC (Section 7.3.1 of ACI 318-ll for Bar-Lock XL-, L- and S/CA- Series Couplers are designed
the 2012 IBC and 2009 IBC Section 1907.3). The 90 and 180- to mechanically join No. 4 through No.12, No.14 and No. 18
degree hook bends shall be installed as conforming to Section reinforcing bars in the Grades described in Figure 1 and
25.3.1 of ACI318-14 (Sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.1 of ACI 318- Table 1 of this report.
11). The hooked bars properties and illustrations are as shown
in Table 3 and Figure 3 of this report. 4.1.1 Couplers: The Bar-Lock couplers are manufactured
from a proprietary grade steel having a minimum tensile DB/DI Double Ended Bar: The double ended bars strength of 100,000 psi (689 MPa) and conforming to the
are integrally forged from deformed bar material and are requirement between those values specified for ASTM
configured with, either DB coupler, or DI bar on both ends, A519 Grades 1030 and 1035. The bolts are manufactured
or DB coupler on one end and DI bar on the other. Double from steel complying with ASTM A331 Grade 41L40. The
ended bars are used to establish a direct load path through a Bar-Lock XL-, L- and S/CA-Series couplers have similar
concrete section, thus avoiding multiple hooked bars and properties, except for lengths and the number of lock-shear
reducing rebar congestion. The double ended bars properties bolts used.
and illustrations are shown in Table 3 and Figure 3 of this
report. 4.1.2 Steel Reinforcing Bars: Steel reinforcing bars shall
be uncoated, deformed reinforcing bars complying with End Anchorage: The headed DI bar and headed DB ASTM A615 Grades 60, 75 or 80; or ASTM A706 Grade 60
coupler each include the opposite end forged into a bolt head or 80 specifications.
configuration. Only the DI bar and DB coupler portions of
this product are evaluated by this report. Treatments and 4.2 Taper-Lock Product Information: The Taper-Lock
connections to the opposite end of the DB or DI bar shall Reinforcing Bar Couplers consist of a tapered threaded
comply with Section of this report. The headed bar system in four different configurations known as Standard,
properties and illustrations are as shown in Table 3 and Flange, Transitional, and Positional. The couplers are
Figure 3 of this report. designed to mechanically join No. 4 through No.12, No.14
and No. 18 sizes for the Grades of steel reinforcing bars Other Variations: Treatments and connections to the described in Table 2 of this report. All coupler styles have
opposite end of the DB or DI bar are outside the scope of this interior tapered threads for joining the reinforcing bars with
report. The treatments and connections shall be in accordance matching threaded ends. Figure 2 of this report illustrates the
with the applicable code requirements, referenced in an couplers.
evaluation report issued by an approved and accredited
evaluation agency or as other use specified by the registered 4.2.1 Couplers: The Taper-Lock couplers are formed from
design professional and approved by the building official. steel described in the approved quality manual. The couplers
may be provided with an epoxy-coating conforming to
3.4 Special Inspection: Special inspection of the mechanical ASTM A934-07 with the threads uncoated.
couplers shall be provided at the jobsite as required by
Section 1705 of the 2015 and 2012 IBC (Section 1704 of the 4.2.2 Steel Reinforcing Bars: Deformed steel reinforcing
2009 and 2006 IBC), as applicable. In addition to verifying bars shall comply with ASTM A615 Grades 60, 75, or 80;
installation of steel reinforcing bar splices in accordance with or ASTM A706 Grades 60 or 80 specifications. The
this report, the special inspector shall verify the grade and reinforcing bars may be epoxy-coated in accordance with
size of reinforcing bars, coupler identification, reinforcing ASTM A934-07. The epoxy coating shall be applied to the
bar embedment length to couplers, position of couplers, reinforcing bars prior to threading of the ends. The threading
placement of reinforcing bar splices, as well as installation of procedure removes the epoxy coating. The reinforcing bars
the couplers to the reinforcing bars. shall have threaded ends conforming to the manufacturer's
specification for fitting into the couplers.
4.3 DB/DI Product Information: DB/DI Reinforcing Bar
4.1 Bar-Lock Product Information: XL-, L- and S/CA- Mechanical Splice System consists of a dowel bar coupler
series couplers consist of lock-shear bolts threaded into (DB coupler) and dowel-in bar (DI bar), as shown in Figure
the side of seamless, hot-rolled steel tubing. The couplers 3 of this report. The DI bars are joined to DB couplers of the
have two serrated steel strips, the same length as the same splice size in steel reinforcing bar sizes No. 4 through
coupler, inside the tubing. The lock-shear bolts have No. 11. The coupler end of the DB coupler has an interior
conical ends that are driven into the reinforcing bars when threaded barrel with a flange plate. The externally threaded
the bolts are tightened. The heads of the lock-shear bolts are end of DI bars is manufactured in two configurations:
designed to shear off when the installed to the approximate Standard DI and Extended DI. The DI bars may be bent cold

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Number: 319
Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

in accordance with ACI 318-14 Section (a) for the Transitional, or Positional, respectively). The high strength
2015 IBC (ACI 318 Section 7.3.1 for the 2012 IBC and 2009 couplers (D315, D325, D335, D345) will have a single band
IBC Section 1907.3), as shown in Figures 3 of this report. around the circumference of the coupler.

4.3.1 DB Coupler and DI Bar: The DB coupler and 5.3 DB/DI: Each DB coupler and DI rebar is permanently
corresponding DI bar are formed from steel conforming to stamped/labeled with the catalog number, size, heat number,
ASTM A706 or ASTM A615 Grade 60. Type 1 or Type 2 Splice designation, and the mark “T2” or
“M2” where “T” refers to the city of the manufacturing
4.3.2 Steel Reinforcing Bars: Steel reinforcing bars shall facility (T for Tremont, Pennsylvania and M for Modesto,
be uncoated, Grade 60 deformed reinforcing bars complying California) and “2” refers to the splice designation.
with ASTM A615 or ASTM A706.
4.3.3 Coatings: Finished DB couplers and DI bar may be
coated with epoxy or zinc (hot-dip galvanized), except for Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for
the threads. Such coatings shall comply with and be applied Mechanical Splice Systems for Steel Reinforcing Bars
in accordance with ACI 318-14 Section (ACI 3l8- (AC133), approved October 2015, editorially revised May
11 or -08 Section The zinc hot-dip galvanized 2018.
coating has a matte gray finish. Coatings such as zinc
electroplating conforming to the requirements of ASTM 7.0 STATEMENT OF RECOGNITION
B633 have a bright silver or silver-gold finish and may be
applied to finished DB couplers and DI bar, including This evaluation report describes the results of research
threads. Coatings not complying with ACI 318-14 Section carried out by IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Service on (ACI 318-11 or -08 Section, are allowed Dayton Superior Corporation Mechanical Splice Systems for
but not considered corrosion resistant. Reinforcing Bars to assess conformance to the codes shown
in Section 1.0 of this report and serves as documentation of
5.0 IDENTIFICATION the product certification. The systems are produced at
locations noted in Section 2.10 of this report under a quality
The Bar-Lock, Taper-Lock and DB/DI Splicing Systems control program with periodic inspection under the
are packaged with a label bearing the manufacturer’s name supervision of IAPMO UES.
(Dayton Superior Corporation), address, model, size,
product name and evaluation report number (ER-319). The
identification includes the IAPMO Uniform Evaluation
Service Mark of Conformity. Either Mark of Conformity
may be used as shown below: Brian Gerber, P.E., S.E.
Vice President, Technical Operations
Uniform Evaluation Service

Richard Beck, PE, CBO, MCP

Vice President, Uniform Evaluation Service
GP Russ Chaney
CEO, The IAPMO Group
5.1 Bar-Lock: XL-, and L- series couplers are permanently
For additional information about this evaluation report please visit
stamped/labeled with the catalog number, size, heat number, or email us at [email protected]
Type 1 or Type 2 Splice designation. S/CA-series couplers
are permanently stamped/labeled with Type 1 Splice

5.2 Taper-Lock: Each Taper-Lock coupler is permanently

stamped/labeled with the size, heat number, Type 1 or Type
2 Splice designation, and the mark "TLX" where "X" refers
to either S, T, or P for the coupler type (Standard,

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Number: 319
Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

Table 1- Bar Lock Coupler System

Coupler Size and Designation Coupler Specifications

XL- L- S/CA-
Length Number of Bolts
Type 1
Type 1 or or Type Type 1
Bar Type 2 2 Only
Size OD
Bolt Torque2
A615 A615
Grade or
75 & 80 A706 XL- L- S/CA- XL- L- S/CA-
A706 Grade 60
Grade 80

No. 4 4XL-N1 4L-N1 4S-N1-CA 1.3 40 10.2 5.5 3.9 12 6 4

No. 5 5XL-N1 5L-N1 5S-N1-CA 1.7 80 11.5 6.3 4.5 12 6 4
No. 6 6XL-N1 6L-N1 6S-N1-CA 1.9 80 13.2 8.0 6.3 14 8 6
No. 7 7XL-N1 7L-N1 7S-N1-CA 1.9 80 14.9 9.8 8.0 16 10 8
No. 8 8XL-N1 8L-N1 8S-N1-CA 2.2 180 18.6 12.3 10.2 16 10 8
No. 9 9XL-N1 9L-N1 9S-N1-CA 2.9 350 19.1 11.5 9.0 14 8 6
No. 10 10XL-N1 10L-N1 10S-N1-CA 2.9 415 21.5 14.0 11.5 16 10 8
No. 11 11XL-N1 11L-N1 11S-N1-CA 3.1 415 24.1 16.5 14.0 18 12 10
No. 12 - 12L-N1 - 3.1 415 - 16.5 - - 12 -
No. 14 14XL-N1 14L-N1 14S-N1-CA 3.5 475 29.1 21.6 19.2 22 16 14
No. 18 18XL-N1 18L-N1 18S-N1-CA 4.3 475 44.8 32.2 27.0 34 24 20
For SI: 1 inch=25.4 mm, 1 lbf-ft=1.356 Nm
'N' denotes production lot number. Section 5.0 of this report provides additional information.
Torque values are for reference only. All bolts shall be tightened until the hears are sheared off regardless of torque applied. See Section 3.3.1
of this report.

Figure 1 – Bar-Lock Coupler System

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Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

Table 2 - Taperlock Coupler Specifications

Catalog Product No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Number Marking 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14b 18b 14 18

Standard D310 TLS A615 or

Transitional D320 TLP A615 or A706 Grade 60,75, or 80 A706
A706 Grade 60, or 80 Grade 60
Positional D330 TLP Type 1 or Type 2 Type 1 or
Flange D340 TLE Type 2
Standard D315 TLS
A615 or A706 Grade 60,75, or 80
Transitional D325 TLP A706 Grade 60, or 80
Positional D335 TLT Type 1 or Type 2
Flange D345 TLS
Reinforcing Bar Connection Minimum Torque
Reinforcing Bar Connection Maximum
55 81 111 151 199 207 210 225 225 247 247 247 247
Torque (ft-lbs)
Lock Nut Max Torque (ft-
17 24 33 45 60 62 69 69 69 91 99 91 99
Bar to Bar Distance, Min
Positional 3.3 3.6 3.6 4.3 4.8 4.9 5.4 5.9 6.2 6.8 8.6 6.8 8.6
Bar to Bar Distance, Max
4.3 4.8 4.7 5.8 6.7 6.8 7.2 8.0 8.5 9.4 12.0 9.4 12.0
Thread Pitch (mm) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5
For I: 1"-25.4 mm, 1 ft-lb - 1.356 mm

Figure 2 – Taper-Lock Couplers

D310/D315 – Standard D320/D325 – Transitional

D330/D335 – Positional D340/D345 – Flange

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Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

Table 3 – DB/DI Coupler System

Rebar Thread Size Flange Dia. A B C D E F G Min LDI Min LDB Min R
Size (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in)
No. 4 5/8-11 UNC 1.875 1.25 0.125 0.688 0.855 1.00 8.0 4.50 8.0 12.0 1.50
No. 5 3/4-10 UNC 2.063 1.563 0.125 0.813 1.042 1.13 10.0 5.00 8.0 12.0 1.88
No. 6 7/8-9 UNC 2.25 1.625 0.125 0.938 1.23 1.25 12.0 6.00 8.0 14.0 2.25
No. 7 1-8 UNC 2.438 1.813 0.125 1.063 1.417 1.375 14.0 7.00 8.0 16.0 2.63
No. 8 1 1/8-8 UN 2.625 2.063 0.125 1.188 1.603 1.50 16.0 8.00 14.0 16.0 3.00
No. 9 1 1/4-8 UN 2.813 2.188 0.125 1.313 1.786 1.625 19.38 10.38 14.0 16.0 4.75
No. 10 1 7/16-8 UN 3.00 2.438 0.125 1.50 1.982 1.813 21.56 11.73 14.0 16.0 5.38
No. 11 1 9/16-8 UN 3.25 2.563 0.125 1.625 2.219 1.938 23.88 13.05 14.0 16.0 6.00
For SI: 1 Inch = 25.4 mm

Figure 3 – DB/DI Coupler System

D101 – Dowel In D101A – Dowel Bar

D102 – 90o Hooked Dowel In D103 – 180o Hooked Dowel In D102A – 90o Hooked Dowel Bar D103A – 180o Hooked Dowel Bar

D104 – Double Ended Dowel In D108 – Headed Dowel In D104A – Double Ended Dowel Bar D108A – Headed Dowel Bar

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Number: 319
Originally Issued: 04/18/2014 Revised: 04/30/2020 Valid Through: 04/30/2021

CITY OF LOS ANGELES in each packaging assembly prior to shipment from the
SUPPLEMENT fabricator’s plant. The fabricator’s identification mark
designation shall be established and on record prior to
DAYTON SUPERIOR CORPORATION fabrication. Couplers that are not identifiable from marking
1125 Byers Road and test records shall be tested to determine conformity to this
Miamisburg, OH 45342 report. The fabricator shall furnish an affidavit of compliance
800-745-3700 and test data shall be provided upon request.
2.3 The Dayton Mechanical Splice Systems shall be selected
at the jobsite by the Registered Deputy Inspector or by the
MECHANICAL SPLICE SYSTEMS FOR building inspector and shall be tested by an approved testing
STEEL REINFORCING BARS: agency in accordance with Section 1703 of the LABC. The
• BAR-LOCK test shall be conducted on each different rebar size and the
• TAPER-LOCK frequency of tests shall be as follows: one out of the first ten
• DB/DI splices; one out of the next ninety splices; one out of the next
CSI Section: one hundred splices. The splice shall develop in tension or
03 21 00 Reinforcing Steel compression, as required, at least 125 percent of the specified
yield strength of the bar as per Section of ACI 318-
1.0 RECOGNITION 14. For Type 2 splices, the splice shall develop at least 100
percent of the specified tensile strength of the steel
The Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice Systems for Steel reinforcing bar.
Reinforcing Bars described in ER-0319 and this
supplemental report have been evaluated for use as For Type 2 splices only, if failure of the tested splice should
mechanical splices for deformed steel reinforcing bars in occur prior to obtaining the 125-percent of the specified yield
concrete structural members. The Dayton Superior strength and the 100-percent of the specified tensile strength,
Mechanical Splice Systems for Steel Reinforcing Bars have then 25-percent of all couplers shall be tested for both
been evaluated for structural performance properties, subject specified yield strength and specified tensile strength. If
to the requirements in ER-0319 and this supplemental report. failure of the tested Type 2 splice occurs with testing of the
The Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice Systems for Steel 25-percent requirement, as stated above, then all couplers
Reinforcing Bars were evaluated for compliance with the shall be rejected.
following codes and regulations:
2.4 Minimum concrete cover and spacing between bars or
sleeves shall be provided in accordance Section 1808.8.2 of
• 2017 City of Los Angeles Building Code (LABC)
the 2017 LABC.
• 2017 City of Los Angeles Residential Code (LARC)

2.0 LIMITATIONS 2.5 The Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice Systems for
Steel Reinforcing Bars shall be installed in accordance with
Use of the Dayton Superior Mechanical Splice Systems for the applicable code, manufacturer’s installation instructions,
Steel Reinforcing Bars recognized in this supplement are and this supplement. A copy of the manufacturer’s
subject to the following limitations: installation instructions or specifications shall be available on
site for all Registered Deputy Inspectors.
2.1 Continuous special inspections of the mechanical splicing
systems during installation shall be provided by Registered 2.6 Splice locations shall be noted on the plans approved by
Deputy Inspectors as required by Section 1705 of the 2017 the code official.
LABC, as applicable. The Registered Deputy Inspector shall
verify the following: hardware and equipment; cleaning and 2.7 Installation procedures and specifications for splicing
condition of the bars in accordance with the specifications shall only be performed by qualified operators specified by
and the applicable code; and the installation procedures the manufacturer.
comply with the specifications and the manufacturer’s
published installation instructions. For additional information about this evaluation report please visit or email us at [email protected]
2.2 The fabricator of the steel couplers shall be required to
maintain a detailed procedure for material control and
suitable procedures and records attesting that the specified
coupler has been furnished. The applicable splice designation
(Type 1 or Type 2) or coating, as applicable, shall be included

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