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The theme:
1. Write about famous historical places and sightseeing of Kazakhstan.
2. Write a description of the place where you want to live IN Kazakhstan.

Fulfilled: Shahriev.A.M
Checked: Altynbekova D.A.

Taraz 2021
1.Write about famous historical places and sightseeing of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan’s main landmark is steppe. Several waves of mass migration

crossed the Kazakhstan horizonless steppes from the East to the West.
This land keeps many artifacts of the mankind history: barrows, buried
settlements, stone statues. Kazakhstan land is rich with picturesque natural
sites. Tours to the Charyn Canyon with “The Valley of Castles” and pre-
historic aspen grove are very popular. Landmarks and attractions of
Kazakhstan such as Saka mounds, Karabulak gorge, and “Borovoe” nature
reserve, petroglyphs in Tamgali-Tas are also interesting to visit.
Landmarks and attractions of Kazakhstan also include quite a lot of
architectural monuments. You must visit Otrar, whose ruins still keep the
traces of Genghis-khan invasion, the Mausoleum of Sufi poet and mystic
Khoja Ahmed Yassavy – the place where Muslim pilgrims from all over the
world come to every year. You cannot but visit the most famous Baikonur
cosmodrome, from where Gagarin performed the space flight, first ever in
the mankind history. The tourists will have interesting excursions in the
cosmodrome territory arranged for them with a visit to the houses, where
Soviet cosmonauts lived, as well as to the museum, alley, stations and
space rockets.

Kazakhstan Sights and Architectural Monuments:

Aisha Bibi Mausoleum is the only monument in the whole Central Asia faced completely
with fretted terracotta. It is included into the UNESCO list of the most valuable historical
architectural monuments of the mankind.

Babdja Khatun
Mausoleum is famous for its 16-rib umbrella shaped dome. There is no second
architectural monument of this kind in the Central Asia. The figured brickwork decorates
the walls of the Mausoleum.

Khoja Ahmed Yassavy Mausoleum

The complex of Khoja Ahmed Yassavy consists of a huge, rectangular building with
portals and domes. In ground plan it measures 46,5 x 65,5 meters. The thickness of the
outside walls is 1,8-2 meters; and the walls of the central chamber are-3 meters thick.
The building has an enormous portal and a number of domes. Around its central
chamber are more than 35 rooms for various purposes. 

About 150 km North-West of Chimkent lie the ruins of Otrar the town that brought
Chengiz Khan to Central Asia when its Governor murdered Great Khan's Merchants in
13th century. 

Baikonur Cosmodrome
Baikonur Cosmodrome became historical for the whole planet, here the
faith of our civilization was decided and the countdown of the new era of
living for people started. 
Kazakhstan Natural Sites – Where to Go:

Charyn Canyon
Charyn canyon is called "The little brother of the American Grand Canyon",
Charyn canyon is carved by the rapidly flowing Charyn river in to a flat and
barren steppe 175 km East of Almaty. The passage of time has weathered
this in to all sorts of weird, wonderful and colorful rock formations. 

Altyn-Emel (National park)

Situated 150 km from Almaty in South-Eastern Kazakhstan in Dzhungar
mountain region. This national park covers an area of 600 thousand
hectares. The area contains about 190 archaeological monuments of burial
mounds and settlements of Bronze Age. It is an interesting combination of
various topographies, has abundance of vegetation, animals and fish. It
has a rich fauna including snow leopard, wolf, fox, steppe cat and many

Tamgaly Tas in Kazakhstan is famous for its rock carvings. These
picturesque rocks attract many tourists. It was place, where incredibly
beautiful images of Buddha and Burhans (Bodhisattvas) were found. The
cave drawings are accompanied by exquisite Tibetan inscriptions. The
unique style of the images is achieved by fine art of stone carving and fine
contour lines. 

Aqsu-Zhabaghly Nature Reserve

This 740 sq. km Aqsu-Zhabaghly Nature Reserve was founded in 1926 and
is one of the first reserves founded in Kazakhstan. A real reserve's
highlights are the unique Canyons of Aksu River, which stretch for 18 km,
and are about 500-600 meters deep. The canyons' width in the upper part
is 400-500 meters. In some places slopes form small terraces, turning to
vertical walls.
This beautiful 750 sq. km patch of hills is the only preserve in Central Asia.
For more than 70 years the mountain woods are safe from an axe. One
cannot find another place with as many wonderful tree species and juniper
woods. The Giant Aksu canyon 15 km long and 500 m deep has Tien-Shan
brown bear, Siberia ibex and snow leopard.

2. Write a description of the place where you want to live IN Kazakhstan.

The city of Almaty, or Alma-Ata, is known as the Southern Capital of Kazakhstan. It is the
largest city in the country with a population of 1,500,000 people. The city was founded in 1854 on the
site of a pre-existing site of Mongolian and Turkic nomads, who were named Almaty.
Almaty is the historical, industrial, scientific, cultural and financial center of Kazakhstan and one of the
most expensive cities for tourists. There are many factories, factories and factories in the city, the
transport network is actively developing, cultural life is sufficiently developed. And tourists who come
to visit Almaty will be presented with a huge selection of all kinds of entertainment, starting with
theaters, museums and galleries, and ending with the beautiful architecture of the city and the most
picturesque nature.

The city has an extensive network of trolleybus, bus and minibus routes. In 2011, a metro was opened in
Alma-Ata, which has been under construction since 1988.
Cuisine and restaurants

There are many gastronomic establishments in the city for every taste and budget. In the most modern
restaurants in Almaty, in addition to national Kazakh dishes, as a rule, dishes of Tatar, Uzbek and
Russian cuisines are served, while most dishes are prepared in the Kazakh manner.Shopping
In the markets of Alma-Ata, you can buy interesting things created by the hands of local craftsmen. You
can also buy fresh koumiss and all kinds of Kazakh sweets here. Most of the markets are located on the
outskirts of the city. By the way, prices for souvenirs in the markets are much lower than in souvenir
shops in the city center.


The climate of Almaty is continental. The average temperature in winter is -4.7 °C, in summer 23.8 °C.
A great rarity for the city are not May snowfalls and sudden cold spells, the absolute record of snowfall
was recorded in mid-June 1987.
Almaty: features
There are many tourist routes near the city, so Almaty will be an ideal place for lovers of eco-tourism.
In Alma-Ata, you can find many cafes, restaurants, hotels and large shopping centers where paid or free
Wi-Fi is provided.

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