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Propeller Shaft

What is Propeller Shaft?

The propeller shaft is a component used for transmitting mechanical power, torque, and
rotation. These shafts as also known as driveshaft, driving shaft, tail shaft, or Cardan

The driveshaft is used to transfer torque between components that cannot be connected
directly because of distance or the need to allow relative motion between them.

As torque is carried by the driveshaft, it is subjected to torsion or shear stress. So they

should be strong enough to bear the stress while avoiding too much extra weight as this
will increase their inertia.

Driveshafts are used differently in different vehicles, with different configurations for
front-wheel drive, four-wheel drive, and front-engine rear-wheel drive in cars. The
driveshafts are also used in vehicles like motorcycles, locomotives, and marine ships.

Parts of Propeller Shaft

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Propeller Shaft

Following are the main parts of the propeller shaft:

1. U-joint
2. Tube
3. Centre bearing
4. Midship shaft
5. End yoke
6. Slip yoke and Tube yoke
7. Flanges

1. U-joint

A universal joint (U-joint) is a mechanical joint used to connect rotating shafts.

Nowadays, the driveshaft and universal joints are mostly seen on rear-wheel drive and
four-wheel drive vehicles.

2. Tube

A tube is a part of a drive shaft, It is often used in front engine and rear drive
automobiles. The purpose of using a tube is to keep the rear end in place during
acceleration and braking.

3. Centre Bearing

Centre bearing is used to connect the two sections of the drive shaft. These bearings are
meant to keep both parts of the driveshaft solid to reduce harmonic vibrations when the
vehicle is accelerating.

4. Midship Shaft

Midship shafts are the basic components of a coupling shaft and are part of a drive shaft
that is attached to the frame on a center bearing.

5. End Yoke

An end yoke is used for accuracy and durability. The benefit of using an end yoke is to
help reduce noise and vibration to keep your driveline running easily.

6. Slip Yoke and Tube Yoke

A slip yoke is attached to the driveshaft itself using a universal joint. The slip yoke is
fitted to transfer power by sliding in and out of the transfer case. The tube yoke is also
necessary to allow the U-joints to rotate well with the drive shaft.

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Propeller Shaft

7. Flanges

Flanges are used for automotive purposes to connect the driveshaft to the transmission,
transfer case, and differential. The flanges are also used to connect driveshafts to power
take-offs, hydraulic pumps, and a variety of accessories.

Functions of the Propeller Shaft

In vehicles, the engine is at the front then the front wheels of the vehicle are being
driven. Whereas in some vehicles the engine is at the rear then the rear wheels are
driving. To do this, a small propeller shaft is used to drive each wheel.

With the help of flexible mountings or bearings, the engine and transmission units are
attached to the frame of the vehicle. Whereas the rear axle along with the differential
and wheels are attached to the vehicle frame by a suspension spring.

If we look at the above arrangement, the transmission output and input shaft in the rear
axle housing are in different planes. This forces the propeller shaft that connects these
two shafts to keep them inclined.

In addition, when the rear wheels meet unevenness in the road, the rear axle moves up
and down, compressing and expanding in the suspension springs. As a result, the angle
between the transmission output shaft and the propeller shaft changes.

Also, the length occupied by the propeller shaft changes. This variation occurs due to
the propeller shaft and rear axle rotating on arcs along with the points of their axes of

Material Used In Propeller Shaft

The propeller shaft is made of hardened steel in tabular form. The center bearing is
mounted between the two propeller shafts. The propeller shaft is made of alloy steel.
They are also available of spring steel material.

Types of Propeller Shaft

Following are the types of the propeller shaft:

1. Single piece type

2. Two or three piece type

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Propeller Shaft

1. Single Piece type

This shaft is used in vehicles with a small distance between the engine and axle and in
four-wheel-drive vehicles. Friction welding is applied in order to increases the strength,
quality, and durability of the shaft.

2. Two or Three Piece type

Two or three-piece shafts are used as part of vehicles with a long distance between
engine and axle, and four-wheel-drive vehicles. Splitting the propeller shaft into two or
three parts reduces the number of revolutions.

Conditions of Propeller Shaft

In order to achieve efficient functions, the propeller shaft requires the following:

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Propeller Shaft

1. High torsional Strength

2. Toughened and hardened
3. Efficiently combined
4. Dynamically balanced
5. Low thrust load

1. High Torsional Strength

They need to be made of a solid or hollow spherical cross-section in order to obtain high
torsional strength during working.

2. Toughened and Hardened

Hard and rigid materials are usually required to make these. Therefore, they are made
of excellent quality steel and are induction hardened.

3. Efficiently Combined

They need to be connected very firmly when they are in operation. Therefore, they are
usually welded with the help of a submerged carbon dioxide welding process.

4. Dynamically Balanced

Since the rotation factor can be important at high speeds, the propeller shaft is tested on
an electronic balancing machine.

5. Low Thrust Load

Since the resonance is bad for the shaft's life. To avoid this phenomenon, they transmit
the excessive dynamic force to the end support of the shaft.

As you understand that, the propeller shaft is an essential part of the drive axle as It
gives rotational torque from the gearbox and engine to the drive axle while allowing
relative motion between the gearbox and drive axle.

Now, I hope that I have covered everything about Drive Shaft like parts, types, and
function. If still, I missed something, or if you have any doubts let me know in the

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Propeller Shaft

Read more about the interesting topic on Automobile Engineering in our blog:

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What conditions are required for a good propeller shaft?

In order to achieve efficient functions, the propeller shaft needs: High torsional
Strength, Toughened and hardened, Efficiently combined, Dynamically balanced, and
Low thrust load.

What are the materials used to make a propeller shaft?

The propeller shaft is usually made of high-quality steel. Due to its high specific
strength and high specific modulus, advanced composite materials like Epoxy
composite, Carbon fibers, Kevlar, Glass fibers, and thermoplastic polyamide, etc.

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