CHAPTER 1: Introduction To Operations Management: Providing Services. Create Goods And/ or Provide Services

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Operations Management

CUSTOMIZED OUTPUT -The product or service is designed for a specific case or

E-BUSINESS -Use of the Internet to transact business
GOODS- are physical items produced by business organizations.
LEAD TIME -The time between ordering a goods or service and receiving it.
MAINTENANCE -Is responsible for general upkeep and repair of equipment,
buildings and grounds, heating and air-conditioning; removing toxic wastes; parking;
and perhaps security.
OPERATIONS -Consists of all activities directly related to producing goods or
providing services.
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT -the management of systems or processes that
create goods and/ or provide services.
PROCESS -one or more actions that transform inputs into outputs.
PURCHASING -It has the responsibility for procurement of materials, supplies,
and equipment
SERVICES -activities that provide some combination of time, location, form, and
psychological value.
SUPPLY CHAIN -a sequence of activities and organizations involved in producing
and delivering a good or service.
SYSTEM OPERATION -Involves management of personnel, inventory planning
and control, scheduling, project management, and quality assurance.
VALUE ADDED -The difference between the cost of inputs and the value or price of

CHAPTER 2: Competitiveness, Strategy, and Productivity

COMPETITIVENESS -how effectively an organization meets the wants and needs of
customers relative to others that offer similar goods or services.
CORE COMPETENCIES -the special attributes or abilities that give an organization a
competitive edge. (pero ang nasa ppt ni ma’am distinctive competencies, weird :o)
ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING -the monitoring of events and trends that present
threats or opportunities for a company.
GOALS -provide detail and scope of the mission.
MISSION STATEMENT -states the purpose of an organization.
MISSION -the reason for the existence of an organization.
ORDER QUALIFIERS -characteristics that customers perceive as minimum
standards of acceptability to be considered as a potential for purchase.
ORDER WINNERS -characteristics of an organization’s goods or services that cause
it to be perceived as better than the competition.
PRODUCTIVITY -a measure of the effective use of resources, usually expressed as the
ratio of output to input.
QUALITY-BASED STRATEGY – a strategy that focuses on quality in all phases of
an organization.
STRATEGIES -plans for achieving organizational goals.
TACTICS -the methods and actions taken to accomplish strategies.
TIME-BASED STRATEGY -a strategy that focuses on reduction of time
needed to accomplish tasks.

CHAPTER 3: Forecasting
ASSOCIATIVE MODEL – a forecasting technique that uses explanatory
variables to predict future demand.
CYCLE -wavelike variations lasting more than one year.
DELPHI METHOD -an iterative process in which managers and staff complete
a series of questionnaires, each developed from the previous one, to achieve a
consensus forecast.
FORECAST -a statement about the future value of a variable of interest.
IRREGULAR VARIATION – a caused by unusual circumstances, not
reflective of typical behavior.
JUDGMENTAL FORECASTS -forecasts that use subjective inputs such as
opinions from consumer surveys, sales staff, managers, executives, and experts.
LINEAR REGRESSION – the most widely used form of regression. The
objective is to obtain an equation of a straight line that minimizes the sum of
squared vertical deviations of data points from the line.
PREDICTED VARIABLE – dependent variable
PREDICTOR VARIABLES – used to predict values of variable, interest,
sometimes called independent variables.
QUALITATIVE METHODS -consist mainly of subjective inputs, which often
defy precise numerical description.
QUANTITATIVE METHODS -involves either the extension of historical data
or the development of associative models that attempt to utilize causal
(explanatory) variables to make a forecast.
RANDOM VARIATIONS – a residual variations after all other behaviors are
accounted for. In simply word, it is caused by chance.
REGRESSION – technique for fitting a line to a set of points.
SEASONALITY – a short-term regular variations related to the calendar or
time of day.
TIME SERIES - a time-ordered sequence of observations taken at regular
TIME-SERIES FORECASTS – a forecasts that project patterns identified in
recent time-series observations. These techniques use historical data with the
assumption that the future will be like the past.
TREND – a long-term upward or downward movement in data.

CHAPTER 4: Product and Service Design

DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURING (DFM) - the designers’ consideration of
the organization’s manufacturing capabilities when designing a product.
REVERSE ENGINEERING - is the dismantling and inspecting of a
competitor’s product to discover product improvements.
MANUFACTURABILITY -is the ease of fabrication and/or assembly which is
important for: Cost, Productivity, and Quality.
PRODUCT LIABILITY - A manufacturer is liable for any injuries or damages
caused by a faulty product.
UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE(UCC) - products carry an implication of
merchantability and fitness.
ROBUST DESIGN -design that results in products or services that can function
over a broad range of conditions.
PARAMETER DESIGN - involves determining the specification settings for
both the product and the process that will result in robust design in terms of
manufacturing variations, product deterioration, and conditions during use.
CONCURRENT ENGINEERING -is the bringing together of engineering
design and manufacturing personnel early in the design phase.
OVER THE WALL APPROACH -there is no communication with the
manufacturer between designer.
COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN (CAD) -is product design using computer
MODULAR DESIGN -is a form of standardization in which component parts
are subdivided into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged.
SERVICE BLUEPRINTING -a method used in service design to describe and
analyze a proposed service.
QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT -an approach that integrates the
“voice of the customer” into the product and service development process.

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