Read The Text To Answer The Questions: Effects of The Vaccine Against Covid-19 Only in April

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Read the text to answer the questions: 5.

According to the text, there are possibilities of

reducing deaths only in
ONLY IN APRIL b) February.
c) April.
d) December.

6. Where did the director of Instituto Butantan's

statement come from?
a) In a school.
b) At a university.
c) In a church.
d) In a square.
The director of the Butantan Institute, Dimas Covas,
said this Saturday, "if vaccination against covid-19 in
7. The text is intended to
Brazil starts in January, the drop in the number of
a) inform.
cases and deaths from the disease should only be
b) advertise.
felt in April". The statement was given at an event at
c) teach.
the Centro Universitário Claretiano, in Batatais, in the
d) amuse.
interior of São Paulo.
8. Segundo o texto,
1. The genre of the text is
a) a vacinação contra o coronavírus será realizada
a) report. b) chronic.
em abril.
c) news. d) announcement.
b) São Paulo sediará a vacinação contra a Covid 19.
c) a queda dos números de mortes não diminuirá de
2. The general subject of the text is about
forma rápida.
a) the flu. b) the virus.
d) as mortes diminuirão em janeiro.
c) São Paulo. d) the vaccine.
9. O trecho: "if vaccination against covid-19 ... only
3. Segundo o texto, a afirmação de Dimas Covas
be felt in April" foi colocado entre aspas para
a) delimitar a fala do diretor.
a) no domingo. b) na quarta-feira.
b) revelar a fala do narrador.
c) na sexta-feira. d) no sábado.
c) destacar algo importante.
d) ironizar a fala de Dimas Covas.
4. No trecho: "if vaccination against covid-19 in Brazil
starts in January...", o termo grifado "if" introduz uma
10. A palavra grifada do trecho "and deaths from the
a) possibilidade.
disease" é um
b) consequência.
a) substantivo no singular.
c) oposição.
b) substantivo no plural.
d) explicação.
c) verbo no singular.
d) verbo no plural.

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