About This Chapter: Availability
About This Chapter: Availability
About This Chapter: Availability
11 AMR
Technical Description
The information related to the radio link timer in AMR is added.
The AMR radio link timer has been developed in R3 version but not included in Feature Description of
the R3 version. The related information is added to Feature Description in the R8 version.
You need to configure the AMR radio link timer during the configuration process.
Maintenance Information
Counter Meaning
A0409I Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel)
A0409J Full Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service
A0409L Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Call Occupancy Times (Service Channel)
A0409M Half Rate AMR TCH Successful Handover Occupancy Times (Service
Counter Meaning
S3291A Total Number of Measurement Reports for AMR with MS Power Level
S3290A Total Number of Measurement Reports for AMR with BTS Power Level
Counter Meaning
Counter Meaning
11.1 Overview
This describes the characteristics of AMR. The automatic selection of an appropriate coding/
decoding rate in the AMR can help improve the anti-interference performance and speech quality
of a wireless communication system.
11.2 Availability
This lists the NEs and software required for the implementation of AMR. Some special
requirements are also listed here.
11.3 Technical Description
This describes the characteristics of the AMR, which allows the BTS and the MS to adjust the
codec rate based on the measured parameters, such as receive level, receive quality, and C/I
ratio. An appropriate codec rate can be obtained with the configuration of the AMR call control
parameters in the BSC and the adjustment of the parameters in the MS through the Um interface.
In this way, the anti-interference capability and the voice quality in the wireless communication
system can be improved.
11.4 Capabilities
This describes the functions supported by AMR and the limitations on AMR.
11.5 Implementation
This describes how to configure, verify, and disable AMR.
11.6 Maintenance Information
This lists the counters related to AMR.
11.7 References
11.1 Overview
This describes the characteristics of AMR. The automatic selection of an appropriate coding/
decoding rate in the AMR can help improve the anti-interference performance and speech quality
of a wireless communication system.
AMR is an adaptive multi-rate speech coding/decoding algorithm, which is termed full-rate
speech version 3 and half-rate speech version 3 in GSM specifications. This algorithm enables
a BTS and an MS to select an appropriate coding/decoding rate automatically as the interference
in the radio network changes so that the anti-interference performance and the speech quality of
the wireless communication system can be improved.
AMR is applicable to the speech service in the wireless communication system and is not
applicable to the CS data service or PS service.
In the wireless communication system, the higher the speech codec rate, the more speech feature
information is carried in the coded stream, and thus the higher fidelity the speech is. However,
with the increase of the codec rate, the redundant information in the coded stream decreases,
and thus the coded stream becomes more interference sensitive. In a poor wireless
communication environment, bit errors occur easily and the speech frames may get lost. Thus,
voices may be intermittent. With the increase of the codec rate, more redundant information is
carried in the coded stream. Thus, the coded stream is less sensitive to interface and the continuity
of voice can be improved.
With AMR, the BTS and the MS can evaluate the interference in the radio network based on the
detected parameters such as receive level, receive quality, and carrier-to-interference ratio, and
then adjust the codec rate accordingly.
Terms Definition
Terms Definition
11.2 Availability
This lists the NEs and software required for the implementation of AMR. Some special
requirements are also listed here.
√ √ √ √ – – – –
l –: NEs not involved
l √: involved
Software Releases
Table 11-6 describes the versions of GBSS products that support AMR.
Product Version
BTS3001C No releases
BTS3002C No releases
If the BTS software versions do not meet the mapping requirements, call establishment failure, no audio,
or handover failure may occur.
The AMR cannot be used unless the following requirements are met.
The MSC determines whether the MS supports AMR based on the Setup message (bearer capability
IE) reported by the MS.
11.3.3 Algorithm for AMR Intra-Cell Handover Between a Full-Rate TCH and a Half-Rate TCH
This describes the characteristics associated with the handover between a full-rate TCH and a
half-rate TCH. The algorithm involved is a RQI-based handover decision algorithm targeted for
the AMR call.
11.3.4 AMR Power Control
This describes the AMR power control associated with HW II and HW III power control
11.3.5 AMR Channel Assignment
This describes the channel allocation strategy adopted by the BSC based on the traffic load of
a cell. To balance the capacity and quality within a cell, the half-rate channels should be assigned
first if allowed when the traffic load of a cell exceeds its threshold.
Assignment Procedure
The assignment procedure involves the following aspects:
1. The MSC determines whether an MS supports AMR based on the capability of the MS, the
service type of a call, the speech version supported by the MSC, and the number of the
circuit pool to which the circuits (CIC) on the A interface belong.
2. The MSC determines the speech version set allowed by the call, and then sends the speech
version set to the BSC through the assignment request message.
3. After receiving the Assignment Request message from the MSC, the BSC determines
whether AMR can be used based on whether the license allows the BSC to use AMR and
whether the A interface tag is PHASE 2+.
4. With the speech version set carried in the Assignment Request message and the speech
versions supported by the cell, the alternative speech versions are decided.
5. With the alternative speech versions and the channel types actually assigned, the speech
version with highest priority is selected as the resulting speech version for use.
6. If an AMR speech version is selected, the BSC sends the AMR service parameters to the
BTS through a channel activation or a mode modify command and to the MS through an
assignment command or a channel mode modify command. After the MS is accessed, it
reports the assignment complete message to the MSC. The assignment procedure for an
AMR call is complete.
3. With the speech version set carried in the assignment request message and the speech
versions supported by the cell, the alternative speech versions are decided.
4. With the alternative speech versions and the channel types actually assigned, the speech
version with highest priority is selected as the resulting speech version for use.
5. If an AMR speech version is selected, the BSC sends the AMR service parameters to the
BTS through a channel activation command. On receiving the channel activation
acknowledgment from the BTS, the BSC sends an handover request acknowledgment to
the MSC. The BSC then sends the AMR service parameters to the MS through an
assignment command.
The set of optional speech
versions is obtained based on
the intersection of the speech
versions supported by the MSC
and the speech versions
supported by a cell.
Based on the RQI obtained from the BTS uplink measurement, the algorithm determines whether
the handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH in a cell is initiated. The priority of
the algorithm is lower than that of other handover decision algorithms.
Functional Switches
The AMR intra-cell handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH is determined by
Intracell HO Allowed and Intracell F-H HO Allowed.
The AMR intra-cell handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH is subject to the
following conditions:
l The decision for AMR intra-cell handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH is
initiated for only AMR calls.
l The half-rate service must be enabled in the cell where the call is located.
l Both full-rate speech version 3 and half-rate speech version 3 must be supported by the cell
where the call is located.
l The type of the channel specified by the MSC during a call can be changed during a
l For full-rate AMR calls, if the AMR TCH/H Prior Allowed is enabled, a handover is
allowed only when the cell load is greater than the AMR TCH/H Prior Cell Load
Threshold. For half-rate AMR calls, there is no such a limitation.
Measurement Report
For AMR calls, the BTS measures the uplink carrier-to-interference ratio and converts it into
RQI. Then, the BTS sends the RQI to the BSC through the measurement report. The conversion
formula between RQI and C/I is: RQI = 2 x 10 x log ((C/I)/16). The value ranges from 0 to 72
with a unit of 0.5 dB.
Decision Algorithms
The algorithm for AMR intra-cell handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH follows
the P/N criterion. In a statistical period (indicated by N), if the determination conditions are met
for a period (indicated by P), a handover can be performed.
For an AMR call, when the full-rate TCHs are seized, the handover from a full-rate TCH to a
half-rate TCH is triggered if the RQI of the call is greater than the F2H HO th in a certain period.
When the half-rate TCHs are seized, the handover from a half-rate TCH to a full-rate TCH is
triggered if the RQI of the call is smaller than the H2F HO th in a certain period.
Handover Procedure
The procedure for the AMR intra-cell handover between a full-rate TCH and a half-rate TCH is
the same as the procedure for common handover. The cause value is 0x1F.
In HW II BTS power control algorithm and BSC power control algorithm, the BSC can control
the AMR calls and the non-AMR calls by setting different power control parameters.
In HW III BSC power control algorithm, the AMR power control differs with the common speech
coding/decoding power control on the setting of the quality threshold parameter. The settings
of the quality threshold parameters for the full-rate AMR call differs with those for the half-rate
AMR call.
The AMR speech coding/decoding scheme, with its powerful performance as the common
speech coding/decoding scheme, can achieve better performance when the C/I ratio is lower
than normal value. When HW III power control algorithm is used, the AMR quality threshold
is associated with the following parameters:
l HWIII DL AFS Rex Qual.Upper Threshold(dB)
l HWIII DL AFS Rex Qual.Lower Threshold(dB)
l HWIII DL AHS Rex Qual.Upper Threshold(dB)
l HWIII DL AHS Rex Qual. Lower Threshold(dB)
When the AMR TCH/H Prior Allowed is set to Yes, and the traffic load of the cell exceeds
the AMR TCH/H Prior Cell Load Threshold, half-rate channels should are assigned first for
the AMR calls.
If the number of TRXs occupied by AMR users exceeds the number of AMR TRXs allowed by
license, the AMR calls should be assigned to the TRXs that carry the AMR calls for the time
being to ensure that the number of TRXs occupied by AMR users does not exceeds the threshold
allowed by license.
11.4 Capabilities
This describes the functions supported by AMR and the limitations on AMR.
l The full-rate AMR coding/decoding function involves the following speech data rates:
– 12.2 kbit/s (GSM EFR)
– 10.2 kbit/s
– 7.95 kbit/s
– 7.40 kbit/s (IS-641)
– 6.70 kbit/s
– 5.90 kbit/s
– 5.15 kbit/s
– 4.75 kbit/s
The full-rate AMR speech codec rate can be adjusted based on the C/I ratio and the Active
Coding Set (ACS).
l The half-rate AMR coding/decoding function involves the following speech data rates:
– 7.40 kbit/s (IS-641)
– 6.70 kbit/s
– 5.90 kbit/s
– 5.15 kbit/s
– 4.75 kbit/s
The half-rate AMR speech codec rate can be adjusted based on the C/I ratio and the Active
Coding Set (ACS).
l The AMR supports the HR-FR intra-cell handover based on voice quality.
l Different power control strategies are adopted for AMR calls and non-AMR calls.
l The AMR service can be enabled or disabled on a per cell basis.
l The ACS, codec rate adjustment threshold and hysteresis, and initial codec rate can be set
on a per cell basis.
l The AMR configuration, activated ACS, codec rate adjustment threshold and hysteresis,
and initial codec rate can be dynamically adjusted.
The limitations on AMR are as follows:
l The activated ACS can be changed during the handover but cannot be changed when a
channel is in use.
l The AMR does not support the features such as TFO, RATSCCH, and pre-handover.
l The half-rate AMR service does not support the codec rate at 7.95 kbit/s.
In the half-rate mode of the GBSS, the transmission bandwidth over the Abis interface is 8 kbit/s, which
is unable to carry the speech coding information at 7.95 kbit/s. Thus, the 7.95 kbit/s codec rate is not
supported for the half-rate AMR service.
11.5 Implementation
This describes how to configure, verify, and disable AMR.
With Huawei MSC, the BSC should be configured with full-rate speech version 3, half-rate
speech version 3, or both. For detailed configuration, refer to the user manuals related to Huawei
Step 1 Apply for and enable the license.
1. When applying the licenses of the BSC, ensure that in the BSC6000V900R003 Exceptional
Commercial License Application Template, the Resource number column corresponding
to the Number of TRXs supporting AMR in the License control items column is not 0.
You should fill in the actual number of TRXs that support AMR.
2. Enable the license on the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal. For details, refer to
Activating the BSC License.
2. On the Basic Data tab page, set the A Interface Tag to GSM_PHASE_2+.
Step 3 Set the speech version in a cell to full-rate speech version 3 or half-rate speech version 3.
1. Right-click a target cell on the Management Tree of the BSC6000 Local Maintenance
Terminal and choose Configure Cell Attributes on the shortcut menu. A dialog box is
displayed, as shown in Figure 11-3.
2. Add the target cell in the Cell view list box to the Selected cells lists box.
3. Click Next. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-4.
4. Click Set Cell Properties. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-5
7. On the Access Control tab page, set the Speech Version to Support Full-rate Version 3.
If the cell supports the half-rate service, select Support Half-rate Version 3 simultaneously.
Step 4 Configure the AMR call processing parameters.
1. In Figure 11-7, configure the parameters associated with the full-rate and half-rate channels
on the AMR Call Control tab page, as shown in Figure 11-8 and Figure 11-9.
One to four coding rates in AMR ACS (F) of Figure 11-8 and AMR ACS (H) of Figure 11-9 can
be selected.
You can select different algorithms by setting AMR Rate Control Switch.
For settings of AFR radio link timeout and AHR radio link timeout, refer to Radio Link Timeout
(SACCH period (480ms).
Step 5 Configure parameters associated with full-rate and half-rate handover in AMR cells.
1. In Figure 11-5, click Handover Data. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure
11-10. Set the parameters Intracell HO Allowed and Intracell F-H HO Allowed.
Figure 11-10 Configuring parameters associated with full-rate and half-rate handover in
AMR cells
2. Pull down the scroll arrow in Figure 11-10, and set the parameters Intracell F-H HO Start
Time(s), Intracell F-H HO Last Time(s), F2H HO th, and H2F HO th.
Step 6 Configure the AMR power control parameters in a cell.
1. In Figure 11-5, click Power Control. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure
3. On the AMR Power Control tab page, configure the parameters listed in AMR Power
Step 7 Configure the AMR channel management parameters in a cell.
1. In Figure 11-5, click Channel Management. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 11-13.
3. On the HWII Channel Assignment and Radio Channel Control tab page, set the
parameters AMR TCH/H Prior Allowed and AMR TCH/H Prior Cell Load
Step 8 If a BTS site supports AMR, but its software does not, you should acquire the qualified BTS
software versions according to the requirements listed in Table 11-5. For details, refer to
Maintaining the BTS. Otherwise, the configuration of AMR will fail.
Enable the AMR feature in a BTS3X cell that supports half-rate services. A total of 100 TRXs
that support AMR, defined by license. The configuration of AMR parameters is as follows:
l Ensure that the software version used in the BTS3X is G3BTS32V302R002C06 or later
l Enable full-rate speech coding algorithm 3 and half-rate speech coding algorithm 3 on the
MSC side.
l Enable the AMR license.
l Set A Interface Tag to GSM_PHASE_2+, as shown in Figure 11-2.
l Enable full-rate speech version 3 and half-rate speech version 3 in the cell, as shown in
Figure 11-7.
l Configure the AMR call processing parameters in the cell with default values, as shown in
Figure 11-8 and Figure 11-9.
l Configure the parameters associated with full-rate and half-rate handover in the AMR cell
with default values, as shown in Figure 11-10.
l Enable full-rate speech version 3 and half-rate speech version 3 in the cell, as shown in
Figure 11-7.
l Configure the AMR power control parameters in the cell with default values, as shown in
Figure 11-12
l Configure the AMR channel management parameters in the cell with default values, as
shown in Figure 11-5. The configuration is complete.
l The BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal is started normally.
l The communication between the BSC and the BTS is normal.
Step 1 On the Management Tree of the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal, select the Trace
and Monitor tab. On the tab page, choose Trace > Trace User Message . Double-click it. A
dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-15.
Step 2 Set Interface Type, Tracing Mode, and Color. Specify a user to be traced by IMSI, TMSI,
MSISDN, IMEI, or Channel. Click OK to start tracing. The result is displayed, as shown in
Figure 11-16.
Step 3 Select the area where the CHANNEL ACTIVATION (CHANNEL ACTIVATION are
displayed in two places in the dialog box. You need select the one near the ASSIGNMENT
COMPLETE.) exists, and then double-click the area. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 11-17.
The AMR is enabled.
l All the cells controlled by the BSC do not support AMR if the BSC uses the licenses that
do not support AMR.
1. Download license.
If the license does not support AMR. The value of Number of TRXs supporting AMR in the license
file should be 0.
2. Activate license.
l Set the A Interface Tag to GSM_PHASE_1 or GSM_PHASE_2. All the cells controlled
by the BSC do not support AMR in this case.
1. On the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal, right-click BSC6000 on the
Management Tree tab page. Choose Configure TRX Attributes on the shortcut
menu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-18.
2. Add the target cell in the Cell view list box to the Selected cells lists box.
3. Click Next. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-20.
4. Click Set Cell Properties. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-21
7. On the Access Control tab page, adjust Speech Version so that the Value is not
Support Full-rate Version 3 or Support Half-rate Version 3.
8. Click OK to complete the configuration.
The counters related to AMR are listed in Table 11-7, Table 11-8, and Table 11-9.
Counter Description
Counter Description
Counter Description
Counter Description
Counter Description
Counter Description
11.7 References
l GSM 05.03 V7.3.1 : "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Channel
l GSM 05.09 V7.7.1: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Link
l GSM 04.08 V7.21.0: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio
interface layer 3 specification"
l GSM 06.90 V7.2.1: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Adaptive
Multi-Rate (AMR) speech transcoding "
l GSM 06.91 V7.1.1: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Substitution
and muting of lost frames for Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech traffic channels "
l GSM 06.92 V7.1.1: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Comfort
noise aspects for Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech traffic channels "
l GSM 06.93 V7.5.0: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);
Discontinuous transmission (DTX) for Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech traffic channels
l GSM 06.94 V7.1.1: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Voice
Activity Detection (VAD) for Adaptive Multi-Rate speech traffic channels "
l GSM 08.08 V7.7.0: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile-
services Switching Centre - Base Station System (MSC - BSS) interface; Layer 3
specification "
l GSM 08.58 V7.4.1: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Base Station
Controller - Base Transceiver Station (BSC - BTS) interface; Layer 3 specification "
l GSM 08.60 V7.3.0: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); In-band
control of remote transcoders and rate adaptors for full rate traffic channels "
l GSM 08.61 V7.3.0: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); In band
control of remote transcoders and rate adaptors for half rate traffic channels "