Aand PCH 15 Lecture Pearson
Aand PCH 15 Lecture Pearson
Aand PCH 15 Lecture Pearson
Lecture Presentation by
Lori Garrett
Learning Outcomes
15.1 Explain the roles of generator potentials and
depolarization in sensory neurons and receptor
15.2 Describe the sensory organs of smell, trace the
olfactory pathways to their destinations in the
cerebrum, and explain how olfactory perception
15.3 Describe the sensory organs of gustation.
15.4 Describe gustatory reception, briefly describe
the physiological processes involved in taste,
and trace the gustatory pathway.
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Module 15.1: A generator potential is a
depolarization of the membrane
Five special senses
1. Olfaction (smell)
2. Gustation (taste)
3. Vision
4. Equilibrium (balance)
5. Hearing
All originate with one of two types of sensory
receptor cells
1. Dendrites of specialized neurons
– Example: olfactory receptors
2. Specialized cells that synapse with sensory neurons
Depolarization of sensory neuron = a generator
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Module 15.1: Generator potential
Olfactory epithelium
Olfactory receptor cells (modified neurons)
• Each forms knob with up to 20 cilia-shaped dendrites
projecting past epithelial surface into mucus
• 10–20 million receptors in a 5-cm2 area
Supporting cells
Basal cells (stem cells)—constantly produce new
receptor cells
• One of the few examples of neuronal replacement
Lamina propria
Areolar tissue, blood vessels, nerves
Olfactory glands—secretions absorb water; form
thick, pigmented mucus
A. Describe olfaction.
B. Trace the olfactory pathway, beginning at the
olfactory epithelium.
C. Describe the events leading up to the
depolarization and generation of an action
potential by an olfactory receptor cell.
Gustation = taste
Taste receptors (gustatory receptor cells)
• Most important receptors on superior surface of
• Also in adjacent parts of pharynx, larynx, epiglottis
– Numbers decrease with age
Taste buds
Recessed into epithelium
Gustatory receptor cell
(taste receptor cell)
• Extends slender microvilli (taste
hairs) into surrounding fluids
through a taste pore
• Typically lives about 10 days
before it is replaced
• About 40–100 gustatory cells in each taste bud
Basal cells = stem cells that divide and mature to
produce transitional cells that mature into new
gustatory cells
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Module 15.3: Gustation
A. Define gustation.
B. Describe filiform papillae.
C. Which taste receptors offer a survival
advantage when tasting something for the first
Learning Outcomes
15.5 Outline the embryonic development of the eye.
15.6 Identify the accessory structures of the eye, and
explain their functions.
15.7 Describe the layers of the eye wall and the
anterior and posterior cavities of the eye.
15.8 Explain how light is directed to the fovea
centralis of the retina.
15.9 Describe the process by which images are
focused on the retina.
Conjunctivitis, or pinkeye
Inflammation of the conjunctiva
Redness due to dilation of blood vessels deep to
conjunctival epithelium
From pathogenic infection or physical, allergic, or
chemical irritation of conjunctival surface
Lacrimal apparatus
Lacrimal gland
• ~12–20 mm long
• Produces tears that lubricate, nourish, oxygenate,
clean cornea
• Contain lysozyme and
invading pathogens
Body of iris is highly vascular, pigmented loose
connective tissue
• Anterior surface—incomplete layer of
• Posterior surface—lined by pigmented epithelium of
neural layer
Iris (continued)
• Oro serrata—jagged edge of neural layer of retina
• Eye color—determined by genes that influence
density and distribution of melanocytes and density of
pigmented epithelium
Posterior to cornea; anchored by ciliary zonule of
ciliary body,
Concentric layers of cells filled with transparent
crystallins = proteins responsible for clarity and
focusing power of lens
Dense fibrous capsule
surrounds cells; blends
with ciliary zonule
Primary function:
changes shape to
focus image on
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Module 15.8: Eye structures
Visual axis =
imaginary line drawn
from center of object
you are looking at
through the center of
the cornea and lens to
Accommodation (continued)
For distant vision:
• Ciliary muscle relaxes—ciliary zonule pulls on lens
• Lens flattens; brings image of distant object into focus
on retina
Image formation
Images are not single point, but rather consist of
large numbers of individual points (like pixels on
computer screen)—each focused on retina
Image is inverted and reversed; brain
compensates—learned from experience
Photoreceptor distribution
Cones: ~6 million per eye
• Most dense at fovea centralis of macula—no rods
– Cone density directly correlates with visual acuity
Rods: ~125 million
per eye
• Maximum density
at periphery; few
cones there
Photoreceptor structure
Pigmented epithelium
adjacent to
• Absorbs photons not
absorbed by visual
• Phagocytizes old discs
shed from tip of outer
Photoreceptor structure
Outer segment
• Flattened, membranous
discs containing visual
– Cones: plasma
membrane infoldings;
outer segment
tapers to blunt point
– Rods: discs are
separate structures;
outer segment forms
elongated cylinder
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Module 15.11: Photoreception
Photoreceptor structure
Inner segment
• Contains major
for all cell functions
other than
• Each photoreceptor
synapses with a bipolar
Color vision
Rods all contain same opsin; responds to blue-
green wavelengths
Three types of cones
1. Blue cones (16% of cones)
2. Green cones (10%)
3. Red cones (74%)
Active state
Decreased sodium entry reduces dark current
Membrane potential drops to –70 mV
Myopia = nearsightedness
Focal distance too short; image
focuses in front of retina
• Eyeball too deep
• Resting curvature of lens too
Correct with diverging (concave)
lens in front of eye
• Spreads light rays apart to shift
focus forward onto retina
Hyperopia = farsightedness
Focal distance too long; image
focuses beyond retina
• Eyeball too shallow
• Lens too flat
Correct with converging
(convex) lens in front of eye
• Provides additional refraction
to focus on retina
Surgical correction
Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
Computer-guided laser shapes cornea
• Removes 10–20 µm (< 10%) of cornea
• Completed in less than a minute
Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
Interior corneal layers reshaped; covered by normal
corneal epithelium
~70% patients achieve normal vision
~10 million Americans have had it
Immediate and long-term visual problems can occur
A. Define emmetropia.
B. Which type of lens would correct hyperopia?
Learning Outcomes
15.15 Describe the sensory receptors of the internal
15.16 Describe the structures of the external, middle,
and internal ear, and explain how they function.
15.17 Describe the structures and functions of the
bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth.
15.18 Describe the functions of hair cells in the
semicircular ducts, utricle, and saccule.
15.19 Describe the structures and functions of the
spiral organ.
Comparison of receptors
Olfactory receptors—specialized sensory neurons
Gustatory receptors—communicate with sensory
Photoreceptors—respond to light
Both route information directly to the CNS
All located in epithelia exposed to external
Internal ear
Contains sensory organs for hearing and equilibrium
Receives amplified sound waves from middle ear
Superficial contours established by layer of dense
bone = bony labyrinth
Middle ear
Auditory tube
tube, eustachian tube)
• Connects middle ear
to nasopharynx
• Allows pressure
equalization across
tympanic membrane
• Can allow microorganisms into middle ear, causing
infection (otitis media)—can impair hearing, may
invade internal ear
Auditory ossicles
Malleus (malleus, hammer)—attaches to tympanic
Incus (incus, anvil)—attaches malleus to stapes
Stapes (stapes, stirrup)—attached to oval window
The membranous
labyrinth has four
parts. The
semicircular ducts,
utricle, and saccule
are part of the
vestibular complex,
which monitors
equilibrium. The
cochlear duct is
responsible for
A. Define otoliths.
B. Cite the functions of sensory receptors in the
saccule and utricle.
Spiral organ
Hair cells lack kinocilia
Stereocilia are in contact with overlying tectorial
Bulk of hair cell embedded in basilar membrane
For hearing:
Stapes pushes on the oval window
• Inward movement causes distortion of basilar
membrane toward the round window
• Opposite action when stapes moves outward
A. Define decibel.
B. Beginning at the external acoustic meatus, list,
in order, the structures involved in hearing.
C. How would sound perception be affected if the
round window could not bulge out as a result of
increased perilymph pressure?
Nerve signals for hearing are carried on the
cochlear nerve, which is part of the vestibulocohlear
Nerve signals for hearing are carried on the
cochlear nerve, which is part of the vestibulocohlear
Hearing (continued)
Neural pathways for the sense of hearing
Hearing (continued)
Neural pathways for the sense of hearing
Hearing (continued)
Neural pathways for the sense of hearing
Hearing (continued)
Neural pathways for the sense of hearing
Hearing (continued)
Most auditory information from one cochlea is
projected to the auditory cortex on opposite side
Some information from cochlea reaches auditory
cortex on its same side
• Aids in localizing sounds (left/right)
• Reduces functional impact of damage to one cochlea
or ascending pathway
Gustation disorders
Problems with olfactory receptors—decreased smell
dulls taste
Damaged taste buds—mouth infection, inflammation
Damaged cranial nerves (VII, IX, X)—trauma or
Natural age-related changes
Vision disorders
Senile cataract—lens loses transparency
• Natural consequence of aging; can be surgically
• Progresses—person needs more light to read; acuity
may decline to blindness
Presbyopia—age-related farsightedness due to
loss of lens elasticity
(less accommodation
possible for close vision)
Equilibrium disorders
Vertigo—false perception of spinning
• From conditions altering function of:
– Internal ear receptor complex
– Vestibular nerve (of vestibulocochlear nerve VIII)
– Sensory nuclei and CNS pathways
• Can be duo to vision problems or drug use (including
Vertigo (continued)
Stimulated by anything that sets endolymph in
Motion sickness is most common cause
• Symptoms—headache, sweating, flushing of face,
nausea, vomiting
Hearing disorders
Partial hearing deficit affects ~37.5 million in United
Two types: conductive and sensorineural
Conductive hearing loss—problem conducting
sound waves
Causes include
impacted earwax,
infection, perforated
tympanic membrane