MODULE - 1.1 Metacognition (Reflection Paper)

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Metacognition can simply be referred to as higher order thinking which involves active control over the
cognitive processes engaged in learning, often simply described as ‘thinking of thinking’. While learning, many
people face the task of understanding what was learnt while reading or studying. Metacognition is an effective
way of learning as it enlightens the learner to self-awareness and self-monitoring, hereby encouraging planning,
setting goals and application of strategies to identified factors and afterwards evaluating the effectiveness of the
applied strategies and also achieving the effectiveness of metacognition on academic achievement and
sometimes happiness.

Metacognition helps enlightens the readers or learners to self-awareness and self-monitoring by sharpening
areas of their cognitive processes or practices that need to be improved upon, studies show that top class
students usually know their strengths and weaknesses while students that have lower grades are yet to identify
areas of their learning processes that are either their strengths or weaknesses. When learners become aware of
their strengths and, particularly weaknesses, a new door of learning is open, where it is easier to learn because
irrelevant limits or hindrances have been removed. When metacognition is practiced, learners usually undergo
or perform something called self-regulated learning. Self-regulated learning often abbreviated as (SRL) is
simply defined as a form of learning that is guided by metacognition, strategic action, and motivation to learn.

Metacognitive strategies can greatly enhance learning for all students in all subject areas. Teachers can
implement metacognitive strategies to assist students to become self-regulating learners and to develop a
strong sense of agency in their learning. Metacognitive strategies empower students to think about their own
thinking. This awareness of the learning process enhances their control over their own learning. It also
enhances personal capacity for self-regulation and managing one's own motivation for learning.
Metacognitive activities can include planning how to approach learning tasks, identifying appropriate
strategies to complete a task, evaluating progress, and monitoring comprehension.
Students who have the opportunity to exercise voice, agency and leadership in designing, developing and
assessing their own learning have a greater chance of becoming resilient and independent learners. Teachers
co-design learning opportunities for students to exercise authentic agency in their own learning when they:

 assist students to take ownership of their learning by identifying strategies that support them to attain
learning goals
 assist students to become increasingly self-directed over time, and to gain confidence in their ability to
complete learning tasks
 provide opportunities to reflect on the effectiveness of their learning and plan for future development
 enable students to negotiate assessment methods and criteria matched to their learning goals.

As part of everyday teaching, some of the most common strategies used to embed metacognitive strategies

 Explicit teaching

With a focus on activating prior knowledge, introducing new knowledge and skills, modelling the
application of knowledge and skills, and providing ample opportunity for independent practice and

Supporting students to plan, monitor, and evaluate their work/learning

 Explicitly teaching skills in these areas, and structuring work around these phases, will give students the
opportunity to gradually internalise these techniques and use them to take control of their own learning.

Developing rubrics (and wherever possible co-designing them with students)

 Assist students with the monitoring of learning and the setting of individual learning goals that are
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART).

Modelling of thinking

 Verbalise the thought processes used to consider, analyse and solve problems. This may be as simple as
'thinking aloud'.
 Questioning

Both in terms of using questions to engage students, to monitor their progress and stimulate their thinking,
as well as valuing questions from students as a form of feedback and an opportunity for
clarification/extension of learning.

The mediocre teacher TELLS.

The good teacher EXPLAINS.

The superior teacher DEMONSTRATES.

The great teacher INSPIRES.

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