Education System Reform in Indonesia: Progress and Challenges
Education System Reform in Indonesia: Progress and Challenges
Education System Reform in Indonesia: Progress and Challenges
Harris Y. P. Sibuea
(Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI, Nusantara II, Lantai 2, DPRRI,
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia;
email: [email protected])
Education system in Indonesia has been reformed several times. Currently, the Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System is
the legal basis of the implementation of education system in Indonesia. There are several improvements of education system in
Indonesia that almost reached the goal, but the problems and challenges should get more attention from the Government and the
Parliament as policy makers. The present article addresses two main questions: What were the main achievements of education
reform in Indonesia? and What are the problems and challenges of education system in Indonesia. This paper is the result of library
research. First, it explores the existing laws relating to Indonesia’s education system as a starting point. Second, it uses available
quantitative and qualitative secondary data from national and international sources. Third, it draws on consultation meetings with
supervisors. The findings obtained from this study are that the government has expected to create the legal basis for running the 12-
year compulsory program so it can be implemented nationally. Thus, although the 9-year compulsory program is almost close to the
target, the government can give increased attention to access to education in remote areas so that the target can be met 100%. In
terms of curriculum change, it needs to consider the formulation of a period of change between 5 or 10 or 15 years. The government
needs to give attention to the teacher to create policies that make them be faithful and love their profession.
Keywords: reform of education system, achievement of Indonesia’s education system, and education system policy
Sistem pendidikan Indonesia sudah beberapa kali direformasi. Sampai saat ini UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan
Nasional menjadi dasar pelaksanaan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Berbagai perbaikan sistem pendidikan telah terlaksana dan
hampir mencapai tujuan, namun permasalahan dan tantangan untuk membuat pendidikan yang mampu bersaing dengan negara lain
harus mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari Pemerintah maupun Parlemen sebagai pembuat kebijakan. Tulisan ini akan membahas dua
permasalahan pokok yakni pencapaian apa yang didapat dari beberapa kali reformasi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia dan
permasalahan dan tantangan apa yang masih terjadi pada sistem pendidikan di Indonesia serta pilihan kebijakan untuk memperbaiki
sistem pendidikan. Tulisan ini hasil dari studi pustaka. Pertama, mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan
sistem pendidikan sebagai dasar analisis. Kedua, menggunakan data sekunder kualitatif dan kuantitatif dari sumber nasional dan
internasional. Ketiga, konsultasi dengan supervisor. Temuan yang didapat dari kajian ini bahwa Pemerintah diharapkan dapat
membuat dasar hukum untuk menjalankan progam wajib belajar 12 tahun sehingga dapat dilaksanakan secara nasional. Meskipun
progam wajib belajar 9 tahun hampir mendekati target, pemerintah dapat memberikan perhatian yang lebih untuk akses pendidikan
di daerah terpencil sehingga target dapat dipenuhi 100%. Dalam hal perubahan kurikulum perlu dipikirkan formulasi jangka waktu
perubahan antara 5 atau 10 atau 15 tahun. Pemerintah perlu memberikan perhatian kepada guru dengan membuat kebijakan yang
membuat guru setia dan fokus akan profesinya.
Kata Kunci: reformasi sistem pendidikan, pencapaian sistem pendidikan Indonesia, kebijakan sistem pendidikan
Education for All 2003. The targets of compulsory curriculum content, learning materials, and the chances
education and proposing policies, strategies, and to continue to a higher level of education.
program as follows4: c. Enhancement of all quality supporting aspects in
a. A minimum of 95% from the school age children basic education, especially those related to
(7-15 years old), especially girls, poor and educational staff, teaching facilities, learning
marginalized children should get basic education processes, and students’ learning achievements.
covering the minimal standard for quality With satisfactory achievement of the basic
education in the year 2008/2009. education, the government then launched a National
b. Gender-equity in basic education, particularly in Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-
relation to access, learning qualities including 2019 (Table 1) which make public education free of
charge until grade 12 for all Indonesians. Such
National Coordination Forum Education for All, 2003, continuing efforts are to fulfill the rights of the entire
National Plan of Action Indonesia’s Education for All 2003-
2015, (Online), (
population and to receive quality basic education
images/0013/001319/131935eb.pdf, accessed December services to ensure all Indonesian children without
01, 2016). exception. The focus of 12-year compulsory
education is to:
154 Kajian Vol. 22 No. 2 Juni 2017 hal. 67- 78
Figure 2. Percentage (%) of the Population Aged 7-24 Years by Sex, School Age Group, and School Participation
Who Never Attended School, 2005-2014
Direktorat Penyusunan APBN, Direktorat Jenderal
Anggaran, Informasi APBN 2016: Mempercepat
Pembangunan Infrastruktur ... Loc.Cit
156 Kajian Vol. 22 No. 2 Juni 2017 hal. 67- 78
The data from World Bank also indicates an in public and private schools in Indonesia remain its
improvement of gender disparity for gross enrollment status at 0.98 in the last five year or so (Figure 5). For
ratios in primary education (Figure 5). However, the nine year education, there is almost no disparity of
progress has been made in the slower phase than female and male participation at primary level. The
other middle income country giving stagnated trend gender access to primary education has been
of the ratio of girls to boys enrolled at primary level balanced since 1984. This achievement can be
in public and private schools in Indonesia since 2004. attributed to the process of education reforms. It can
The ratio of girls to boys enrolled at primary level said, therefore, that the issue of gender inequality in
Indonesia’s education system balance has improved.
Indonesia achieved highest percentage of decreased from 96.4 to 89.8 between 2011 and
female progression to secondary school at 98.3 2013 (Figure 6). Overall achievement has been
percentage in 2006 while the middle income country done for basic education. However, female
did notreach at this point. However, female progression to secondary school remains to be
progression to secondary school seems slightly addressed by the upcoming education policy.
Harris Y. P. Sibuea Education System Reform in Indonesia: Progress and Challenges 157
Source: Annex of President Decree of Republic of Indonesia Number 2/2015 on National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2019, Book
I: National Development, Agenda, National Medium Term Development Plan 2015-2019, p. 6-67.
The curriculum is an important part of the in terms of average ranking scores of science,
education system in Indonesia. Indonesia’s mathematics and readings are left behind OECD
curriculum has been influenced by political, social, countries (Table 4). The commitment for further
cultural, economic and scientific criteria. Based on strengthening of these three indicators of student
the history of education system reform in Indonesia, perform has been given priority by the legislation.
the curriculum changes can be grouped under four Article 37 paragraph (1) of Law No 20/2003 establishes
headings: lesson plans (1947-1968); oriented goal the primary and secondary education curriculum
attainment (1975-1994); competency-based which includes: religious education; citizenship
curriculum and the education unit level curriculum education; language; mathematics; natural science;
(2004/2006); and the latest curriculum changed that social science; arts and culture; physical education;
took place in 2013. and sports, skills / vocational and local content. In
There is a need for more effective monitoring paragraph (2) relating to higher education, there is a
mechanism of curriculum system implementation stipulation that curriculums should cover: religious
education; civic education; and language9.
Table 4. Mean score of PISA Ranking on Mathematic, Reading and Science Performance, 2006-2015
based on requirement of Law No. 2013 20 Year 2003 When compared with overseas education
on National Education System and Government curriculum system essentially consists only of
Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Mathematics, English, Science and Physical Education,
Standards. Although having policy and tool in place while other subjects are optional10. According to
for enforcement by the Ministry of Education, the Veronica Diptoadi11, education only as a process of
curriculum 2013 has not been fully implemented.
However, Ministry of Education and Culture is in Indonesia, Law 20 of 2003 on National Education System,
process of testing the curriculum and already 2003.
Veronica L. Diptoadi, “Reformasi Pendidikan di Indonesia
corrected it in the December 2015. Menghadapi Tantangan Abad 21”, Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan,
Indonesia has experienced improvement of Vol. 6, No. 3, 1999, p. 163.
learning outcome. However, it specific positions 11
Ibid., p. 162.
160 Kajian Vol. 22 No. 2 Juni 2017 hal. 67- 78
socialization that does not appreciate the presence teachers and students in how the 2013 curriculum
of a child because a child in education should follow should be implemented. The third problem emerged
an education system that has been created by the when books were not suitable in terms of the
government. In fact, the changes in the education material they contained and for the cognitive
system should start from the most basic level of development of learners. For example in the books
education by not focusing on one particular level, for the 2013 curriculum, which were prepared by the
because the educational curriculum from preschool central government, there were harsh words and
to higher education should be a unified whole and some of the material was not suitable for the age of
integral12. the students16.
All curriculums are designed based on the The period of comparison between students per
Pancasila philosophy and the 1945 Constitution13. teacher is very important to be measured. It aims to
Until now, it was usual for a change of power to also determine the effectiveness of a teacher teaching a
lead not only to curriculum change, but also to the number of students. According the Figure 10,
replacement of all books14. Improvements in the between Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia Year
quality of education relates to the quality of after year, managed to improve the ratio of the
curriculums, but if those are frequently changed, this number of students per teacher. However, the
will have an impact on other educational position of Indonesia is still below the ratio achieved
components15. by Malaysia and Thailand in terms of the number of
The implementation of the curriculum in 2013 in students per teacher. In 2014, a teacher is to manage
the education system in Indonesia has bring about 17 students per class while in Thailand, there are
several problems. The first is that the teachers were around 15 students per class; and Malaysia shows
not ready and it has been hard to change their ways better student-teacher ratio (11 students/teacher)
of thinking. It needs time for changing teaching (Figure 10). The Indonesian government is expected
methods and pedagogy. The second revolved around to increase the number and equitable distribution of
the lack of information about the guidelines and teacher, so that education in Indonesia becomes
dissemination of information about the 2013 more qualified.
curriculum. This caused confusion among schools, Ideally, the education system should be designed
Ibid. toeliminate any barriers that prevent children’s access
Dicky Wirianto, “Historical Perspective Curriculum to education17. But currently there are many factors
Transformation in Indonesia”, Islamic Studies Journal, 2014, that prevent children from accessing education. The
Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 134-135. poverty of the population, difficulty toward school,
Faridah Alawiyah, “Dampak Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 lack of education, low motivation of parents and
terhadap Guru”, Info Singkat, Vol. V, No. 19, Jakarta: P3DI
Setjen DPR RI, 2013, p. 9. Faridah Alawiyah, Dampak Implementasi Loc.Cit, p. 11.
15 17
Sutjipto, “Dampak Pengimplementasian Kurikulum 2013 Novrian Satria Perdana, “Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh
terhadap Performa Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama”, terhadap Aksesibilitas Memperoleh Pendidikan untuk Anak-
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, ISSN 2460-8300, Vol. Anak di Indonesia”, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Vol.
20, No. 2, 2014, p. 188. 21, No. 3, 2015, p. 285.
Harris Y. P. Sibuea Education System Reform in Indonesia: Progress and Challenges 161
students in accessing education, the lack of support guard and present Ministry of Education and Culture
for local government and communities in respect of that providing Curriculum 2013 near perfect.
education, as well as social and cultural factors that Improving overall student-teacher ratio is not
do not support education are factors that hinder a enough because it still lower ratio than Malaysia and
child in pursuing an education18. Opportunities for Thailand. In addition, oversupply of teachers in some
children to get an education are still hampered by area and shortage teacher in other areas remain to
several factors, especially in accessing an education be addressed.
that will meet their own, and the country’s needs. To address the above issues, there are number
policies options consist of:
12-years of compulsory education from primary
CONCLUSION school to upper secondary school on the Indonesian
government’s policy is important and expected to be
Indonesia has moved from 1983/1984-1994 for
implemented soon. To support the implementation,
achieving universal 6-year compulsory education,
expectation of the government and the education
1994-2003/2004 (target change to 2008/2009) for
commission parliamentary has waited by all children
completing 9 year compulsory education for all 7-15
to create the law for the program 12 years of
year age group, and now pilot efforts of a 12-year
compulsory education, so the program can be
compulsory education have been implemented for 7-
implemented nationally. This program will increase
18 year olds from 2015 in the process of policy
the opportunities for children to continue formal
development. Gender disparity has been improved at
education up to upper secondary school level.
all levels, especially in primary enrolment.
Indonesia would be able to develop a high level
Expenditure on education is on increased trend
of human capacity to act as a driving force in its
but has not met the requirement of 20 percent of the
national development. In addition, the 9-years
budget allocation as being highlighted by the 1945
compulsory should achieve its full goal. The current
Constitution. The allocation of 20 percent from the
gap relates to children living in remote areas who are
total national budget in Indonesia to be spent on
unable to access education: the government needs
education has shown that Indonesia has a big plan to
to take action to remove these difficulties to reach
improve the quality and quantity of its education
the nine-year compulsory program goal (NER of 100
system. However Indonesia has a long way to go to
improve the education system in terms of meeting
Education curriculum is always reform depending
key targets and overcoming challenges as this study
on development era, because its based to affect the
has found.
objectives of education itself so that the learning
Constitutional Court of Indonesia in 2013 never
process more effective. However it is expected to
made the decision to dissolve the international school
specify the duration of the curriculum changes in 5
(RSBI) in Indonesia. From this it can be deduced that
years or 10 years or 15 years. It is intended that the
the Indonesian government has begun to implement
stakeholders can be capable of receiving the
access to quality education for all Indonesian citizens
curriculum and can be implemented effectively and
without exception.
In contrast to those achievements, there are
The Government is expected to consider the
several challenges now facing Indonesia. One is that
problems of teachers. Teachers with good quality is
the Indonesian government needs to improve the
hard to find current time. In order to comply
education system as part of medium term
government’s policy to increase the ratio of teachers
development plans in the field of education focusing
to children, therefore expected that the government
on reducing the NER gap at secondary education
make policies that make teachers loyal to their
level. In 2014 this was 55.3 percent, which was 12
percent below the target for 2019, and about 45
percent below full 100 percent enrollment.
Quality of teaching and learning is on the
progress of improvement. However, the challenge is
to fast track PISA ranking score to reach OECD
average ranking position. It is a commitment to