Tensile Strength/yield Strength (TS/YS) Ratios of High-Strength Steel (HSS) Reinforcing Bars

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Tensile strength/yield strength (TS/YS) ratios

of high-strength steel (HSS) reinforcing bars

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1964, 020036 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5038318
Published Online: 15 May 2018

Tavio, Retno Anggraini, I. Gede Putu Raka, et al.


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1964, 020036 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5038318 1964, 020036

© 2018 Author(s).
Tensile Strength/Yield Strength (TS/YS) Ratios of High-
Strength Steel (HSS) Reinforcing Bars
Tavio1,a), Retno Anggraini2,b), I Gede Putu Raka1,c), and Agustiar3,d)
Department of Civil Engineering, InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember (ITS),
Surabaya,Indonesia and Department of Civil Engineering, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember (ITS), Surabaya,
Indonesia and Department of Civil Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Aceh, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

[email protected]
coresponding author : [email protected]
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[email protected]

Abstract. The building codes such as American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318M-14 and Standard National Indonesia
(SNI) 2847:2013 require that the ratio of tensile strength (TS) and yield strength (YS) should not less than 1.25. The
requirement is based on the assumption that a capability of a structural member to develop inelastic rotation capacity is a
function of the length of the yield region. This paper reports an investigation on various steel grades, namely Grades 420,
550, 650, and 700 MPa, to examine the impact of different TS/YS ratios if it is less or greater than the required value.
Grades 550, 650, and 700 MPa were purposely selected with the intention to examine if these higher grades are still
promising to be implemented in special structural systems since they are prohibited by the building codes for longitudinal
reinforcement, whereas Grade 420 MPa bars are the maximum limit of yield strength of reinforcing bars that is allowable
for longitudinal reinforcement of special structural systems. Tensile tests of these steel samples were conducted under
displacement controlled mode to capture the complete stress-strain curves and particularly the post-yield response of the
steel bars. From the study, it can be concluded that Grade 420 performed higher TS/YS ratios and they were able to reach
up to more than 1.25. However, the High Strength Still (HSS) bars (Grades 550, 600, and 700 MPa) resulted in lower
TS/YS ratios (less than 1.25) compared with those of Grade 420 MPa.

High strength steels (YS>450 MPa) have a significant potential contribution which still remains largely
unrealized. This is predominantly due to design code limitations, the upper allowable limit of yield stress/ultimate
stress ratio being particularly severe. This report presents a review of current literature on the origins,causes and
structural significance of high TS/YS ratios in steels.Treatment of TS/YS in design codes, the origin of the limits
and current thinking on acceptable limits are first reviewed.
For reinforcement concrete design, ACI-318-14 (2014)have 3 limitations: value of yield strength, tensile and
yield strength ratio, and elongation of steel reinforcing bars which used in reinforcement concrete. One of three
limitation based on ACI-318-14 (2014), tensile and yield strength ratio, limited should not less than 1.25. The
requirement is based on the assumption that a capability of a structural member to develop inelastic rotation capacity
is a function of the length of the yield region.[1]

Proceedings of the International Seminar on Metallurgy and Materials (ISMM2017)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1964, 020036-1–020036-8; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5038318
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1669-7/$30.00

Research Background
Gong Deping, Zhang Kaijian, Yang Jiaqi (2003) study about development of high Strength Steel Bar with grade
500 MPa. They introduce the research process, technical plan of developing the 500MPa High Strength Steel Bar
and application effect of alloy addition of vanadium nitride. This research says that the trial 500 MPa rebar has a
property of resisting stain aging effect. The test has shown qualified mechanical and technological properties with
the yield strength being over 520 MPa, tensile strength over 695MPa, elongation rate over 20% and elongationrate
under max tension over 10%. The cold bending and negative bending has been tested qualified [2].
M.Hadi (2008) study about the use of high strength steel bar on a beam reinforcement concrete. All the steel
reinforcing bars were 500 MPa grade steel with nominal diameters of 12, 16, 20, 25, 28, 32, 36 mm. For each bar
size two concrete sizes (240 and 300 mm diameter) were conducted. All reinforcing bars were tested for their tensile
strength. Bars with the diameters 12, 16, 20, 25, and 28 mm were tested at the University of Wollongong and those
with 32 and 36 mm diameter were tested at the University of New South Wales. One strain gauge was placed on
each size of the bar surface to measure the strain value during the tensile test. The change in length in millimeters
was recorded at test completion. The experimental results are shown in Fig1. As the results of tensile test show that
the bars were able to produce high value of strength in every specimen, except in the case of 32 mm bars where the
bar failed suddenly during the test [3].

Yield & Ultimate Load Various Yield Stress Various Diameter of Bar
Diameter of Bar

Stress (MPa)

Yield Load
Load (KN)

400 300

Load 100
12 16 20 25 28 32 36
12 16 20 25 28 32 36
Diameter (mm)
Diameter of Bar (mm)

(a) (b)
FIGURE 1. (a) Yield and Ultimate Loads of Various Bar Diameters; (b) Yield Stress of Various Bar Diameters

Prabir et al, study about characteristics of steel reinforcement for RC structures. They say that Good strength,
bond with concrete, thermal expansion characteristics (similar to concrete) and bendability are prime attributes
which make steel rebars most effective reinforcing material for engineering of RC structures. Besides strength, the
durability of the structure depends upon rebar quality.
Durability is the ability of the structure to maintain safety and serviceability criteria during its design life.
Durability is dependent on the condition of concrete and reinforcement. Corrosion of reinforcement is one of the
main factors that could impair durability. Corrosion can be either due to chloride intrusion or due to the effect of
carbonation. Chemical composition of reinforcement plays an important role in this respect.
The mechanical properties of rebars, whose minimum values are generally given in most of the specifications,
are yield strength, ultimate strength (or maximum tensile strength) and elongation as parameters for characterization.
Following observations could be made from the comparative study. Table 1 showsthe comparisonof mechanical
properties of steel reinforcing bars from several countries [4].

TABLE1. Mechanical Properties ofTwo Different Grades of Rebars (Grades 420and500 MPa)

Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation

Code Grade Grade Grade
420 500 420 500 420 500
8%more than
10%more than
fy and not
IS 1786 fy and not less 415 500 14.5 12
less than 545
than 485MPa
7-9 depend 6-7 depend of
ASTM on diameter diameter of
620 690 420 520
615M of bar bar

Russian 585 600 395 500 14 14

Used of High Strength Steel reinforcing bar also do by another researcher. Tavio, et al (2011) has applied high
strength steel bar for transversal reinforcement. High-strength steel as transverse reinforcement is seldom used for
confining steel in high-strength concrete columns. To obtain an accurate ductility of high-strength concrete confined
columns, it requires an analytical stress-strain model of confined concrete which is capable of describing an actual
strength and ductility behavior. In their paper, an analytical stress-strain relationship for confined high-strength
concrete is proposed. The model is found to provide a reasonably good prediction of the available experimental data
of circular and square high-strength concrete column specimens confined by high-strength transverse steel with
various configurations. The effects of concrete strength and lateral steel strength on ductility of confined concrete
were so closely [5].

Code Requirement
ACI 318-14 (2014) name that for deformed nonprestressed longitudinal reinforcement resisting earthquake-
induced moment, axial force, or both, in special moment frames, special structural walls, and all components of
special structural walls including coupling beams and wall piers shall be in accordance with ASTM A706(2006) and
ASTM A615(2004) are satisfied :
(i) Actual yield strength based on mill tests does not exceed fyby more than 18,000 psi
(ii) Ratio of the actual tensile strength to the actual yield strength is at least 1.25
(iii) Minimum elongation in 8 in. shall be at least 14Percent for bar sizes No. 3 through No. 6, at least 12
percent for bar sizes No. 7 through No. 11, and at least 10 percent for bar sizes No. 14 and No. 18.

The requirement for the tensile strength to be greater than the yield strength of the reinforcement by a factor of
1.25 is based on the assumption that the capability of a structural member to develop inelastic rotation capacity is a
function of the length of the yield region along the axis of the member. In interpreting experimental results, the
length of the yield region has been related to the relative magnitudes of probable and yield moments (ACI 352R,
2010). According to this interpretation, the greater the ratio of probable-to-yield moment, the longer the yield region
will be. Members with reinforcement not satisfying this condition can also develop inelastic rotation, but their
behavior is sufficiently different to exclude them from direct consideration on the basis of rules derived from
experience with members reinforced with strain-hardening steel [6].

Based on ASTM 615M-2017, the material, as represented by the test specimens, shall conform to the
requirements for tensile properties prescribed in Fig.2.It shows that for each grade of steel bars must satisfied value
of yield and tensile strength. Based on this table, tensile strength of each grade must higher about 1.5 times for
grade 40 and 60, and 1.33 times for grade 75 from yield strength value [7].

To ensure that yield strength value of steel bars is satisfied that requirement so the yield point or yield strength
shall be determined by one of the following methods:
a. The yield point shall be determined by drop of the beam or halt in the gage of the testing machine.
b. Where the steel tested does not have a well-defined yield point, the yield strength shall be determined by
reading the stress corresponding to the prescribed strain using an autographic diagram method or an
extensometer as described in Test Methods and Definitions A 370. The strain shall be 0.5 % of gage length
for Grade 40 (280 MPa) and Grade 60 (420 MPa) and shall be 0.35 % of gage length for Grade 75 (520
MPa). When material is furnished in coils, the test sample shall be straightened prior to placing it in the
jaws of the tensile machine. Straightening shall be done carefully to avoid formation of local sharp bends
and to minimize cold work. Insufficient straightening prior to attaching the extensometer can result in
lower-than-actual yield strength readings.

Yield and Tensile Strength Elongation Various Grade of Bar

Various Grade of Bar
800 14

700 12
600 Tensile Grade 40 (280
Elongation (%)

Strength, MPa)
min, 8
400 Grade 60 (420
Mpa 6 MPa)

200 strength, 4 Grade 75 (520
min, MPa)
100 2
Grade 40 Grade 60 Grade 75
(280 MPa) (420 MPa) (520 MPa) 10 13,16 19 22, 25 29,32,36 43,57
Diameter of bar (mm)
(a) (b)
FIGURE. 2. (a) Tensile and Yield Strength Requirements; (b). Elongation Requirements Based on ASTM 615-2017

From those background, the purpose of this review is to establish the current state of knowledge on the effects
that the TS/YS ratio has on the mechanical/fracture behavior of steels, from the published literature. This paper
reports an investigation on various steel grades, namely Grades 420, 550, 650, and 700 MP, to examine the impact
of different TS/YS ratios if it is less or greater than the required value.


The one of issue in predicting the behavior of reinforcing bar is the tensile and yield strength ratio of those
materials. That is used to know how it can hold out from loading, Materials were startup to maximumyield
condition. The flexural behavior of reinforced concrete can be estimated. In recent years, the possible use of high-
strength steel reinforcing bars for buildings constructed using reinforced concrete has been considered. But there are
few experimental data or design guidelines for the use of high-strength steel. Thispaper will provide much-needed
information on the behavior of high-strength steel especially on tensile and yield ratio. Research findings for high-
strength steel reinforcing bars however, are relatively scarce in the literature. For reinforcing bars with yield strength
of 550, 650 and 700 MPa compare with low-strength steel bar with yield strength 420 MPa.
The experimental included 12 tests using twelve specimens of steel reinforcing bars tested under tension up to
failure. Twelve specimens divided into 4 grade of reinforcing bars i.e. 420MPa. 550 MPa, 650 MPa and 700 MPa.
All specimens were 50cm long and were in 10 mm of diameters.
Tensile tests of these steel samples were conducted under displacement controlled mode to capture the complete
stress-strain curves and particularly the post-yield response of the steel bars The instrument testing is Universal
Testing Machine with loading capacity is 200ton, and strain rate for this testing is 12.5 mm/minute, based on ASTM
A370 (2016). The equipment for tension testing shown in Fig. 3 [9].

FIGURE 3. Equipment for Tensile Testing


Tensile & Yield Strength of Various Strength Reinforcing Bars

Based on tension testing, ratioTS/YS of specimen for various grade reinforcing bars are shown in Table 2.It
shown value of yield strength, tensile strength, and ratio of various grades of steel reinforcing bars. There are four
grade of steel reinforcing bars, i.e. Grade 420, 550, 650, and Grade 700Mpa. And for each grade of steel reinforcing
bars, there are three sample bars.

TABLE .2. Tensile and Yield Strength Ratios

Grade Yield Strength Ratio Average
(MPa) (MPa) TS/YS Ratio

489.223 634.827 1.298

420 498.340 638.341 1.281 1.287
496.240 636.555 1.283
579.423 697.988 1.206
550 584.203 706.264 1.212 1.210
589.847 704.100 1.210
724.527 855.575 1.181
650 678.952 858.459 1.264 1.229
688.285 854.652 1.242
762.906 887.129 1.163
700 760.774 911.417 1.198 1.189
757.777 914.706 1.207

The value of Ratio Tensile/Yield Strength can obtained from :


Discussion on Ratios of Tensile and Yield Strengths (TS/YS)

From tensile testing of reinforcing bars, the tensile and yield strengths of each reinforcing bar shown in Fig 4 (a).
Values of Ratios of Tensile and Yield Strengths for various grades of bars can be calculatedby dividing the Tensile
Strength with the Yield Strength (shown in Fig 4.b) as follows:

Yield & Tensile Strength Various Steel Ratio TS/YS

1000 1.3
900 1.28
800 1.26

Ratio Ts/Ys
Strength of Steel (MPa)

700 Strength 1.24

600 (MPa) 1.22
500 Tensile
Strength 1.2
(MPa) 1.18
0 550
420 550 650 700 700
Grade Type of Steel (MPa) Grade steel (MPa)

(a) (b)
FIGURE.4. (a) Yield and Tensile Strengths of Various Steel Grades; (b) TS/YS Ratio

Figure 5 shows the differences ratio tensile and yield strength of various grade of reinforcing bars. It looked that
for grade 420 Mpa, the ratio TS/YS is satisfied ACI requirements, but for the others grade (550, 650, and 700 MPa)
are not satisfied. Grade 420 MPa can reach ratio TS/YS up to 1.28, more than ACI requirement 1.25. But for
another grade the ratio tensile/yield is less than 1.25. Overall, grade 550 MPa have the lowest ratio. The differences
of ratio TS/YS based on grade 420 MPa shown in fig.5. There are shown that grade 700 MPa have the biggest
differences with grade 420 MPa, it is about more than 7%.

Differences of Ratio TS/YS

Grade of Steel Reinforcing Bars

Percentage differences

420 550 650 700



FIGURE 5.Differencesin Ratio of Steel Reinforcing Bars for Various grades andGrade 420 MPa

In conventional structural design, the working stress is usually taken as a proportion of the yield stress; typical
valuesare 60% YS in normal loading and up to 80% in severe loading (4). The TS/YS ratio is largely irrelevant for
such elasticcases. More recently, structures have been designed using plastic design concepts whereby the ability of

thestructure to yield and redistribute load without catastrophic failure is required. In such cases the post-yield
behaviorof the steel assumes an increasing importance.

In engineering terms were selected to idealize the ability to withstand plastic loading is the TS/YS ratio. This
parameter provides a basic measure of the capacity for strain hardening of the material, it is not the TS/YS ratio per
sewhich is the governing factor but it is readily measurable from information contained in a steel test certificate and
can be related to the strain hardening exponent (n), the exact relationship between Y/T, n and other tensile
parameters is discussed later, suffice to say at this stage that n decreases as TS/YS increases. To this end various
restrictions were introduced to ensure adequate plastic deformation capacity. These include upper limits to Y/T,
design stress expressed as a limit of UTS, a given percentage of uniform elongation and a given length of yield
plateau.The reasons for higher TS/YS ratios in steels and the relationships between TS/YS and other parameters,
principally the strain hardening exponent, are then assessed. The structural significance of TS/YS is then reviewed
with reference to the influence of cracks and the behavior of high TS/YS steels in buildings, bridges, pressure
vessels, tubular structures and pipelines.

From the study, it can be concluded that Grade 420 MPa performed higher TS/YS ratios and they were able to
reach up to more than 1.25. However, the HSS bars (Grades 550, 600, and 700 MPa) resulted in lower TS/YS ratios
(less than 1.25) compared with those of Grade 420 MPa. It can beinferred that HSS cannot reach ductility
The level of structural ductility required depends upon the application and the structural behavior assumed in the
design method used.
So, for further application of high strength steel bar as a reinforcing bar for reinforcement concrete, it needs
material improvement especiallyin the chemical composition to gain higher TS/YS ratio, sincewith the higher
TS/YS ratio of steel bars, the structures might have better ductility.

The research described in this paper was corporated with PT Bhirawa Steel, Indonesian. And it was held in the
Structure Laboratory of the SepuluhNopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and Laboratory PT Bhirawa Steel, in
Surabaya, Indonesia. The technical assistance received from the staff of both laboratories is greatly appreciated.

1. ACI 318-14 “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary on Building Code
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2. Gong Deping , Zhang Kaijian , Yan Jiaqi, , International Symposium on the Research and Application of High
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3. Muhammad N.S. Hadi* Bond of High Strength Concrete with High Strength Reinforcing Steel The Open Civil
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Australia( 2008)
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6. ACI 352 R-02 “Recommendation for Design of Beam-Column Connection in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete
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7. ASTMA615/A615M-06, “Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel for Concrete
Reinforcement,” American Standard Testing Material,International, West Conshohocken, PA, (2004), 6 pp.
8. ASTMA706/A706M, “Standard Specification for Low – Alloy Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for concrete
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9. (ASTM A370-16, “Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of steel Products, American
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