Seller Type - NASP
Seller Type - NASP
Seller Type - NASP
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Your Seller Style Profile
The survey identified your Seller Style based on
measurements of your motivation and your focus.
The source of your motivation is measured along a line with
"growth" at one end and "security" at the other. The closer
you are to the "growth" end, the more your actions are
motivated by internal factors and are based on a need for
growth and exploration (internally motivated). The closer you
are to the "security" end, the more you are motivated by
external factors and the need for security and protection
(externally motivated).
The direction of your focus is measured along a line that
ranges from being "others" focused to being "self" focused.
The closer you are to the "others" end, the more you are
focused on the group and caring for other people (externally
focused). The closer you are to the "self" end, the more you
are focused on taking care of yourself (internally focused).
There are eight Seller Styles that cover the range of
motivation/focus combinations. Seller Styles next to each
other are more similar and styles further apart are more
dissimilar. For example, the Social Seller on the far left of the
graph focuses on cooperation and fitting in, while the
Competitive Seller on the far right of the graph focuses on
winning and standing out. 2/7
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Your Competencies
Your competencies are the characteristics you possess that
enable you to perform effectively.
They are the skills, abilities, traits and specialized knowledge
that you use to get the results you desire. Your competencies
could be skill based such as mathematical reasoning, verbal
fluency or multitasking. Your competencies may also describe
facets of your personality such as persuasiveness, stress
management, and friendliness. Basically, competencies are
the building blocks of your expertise.
Your Roles
Your Roles describe the different parts that you play in life.
For example, you are a daughter, a son, a mother, a father, a
friend, a companion, etc. We all play many roles each day of
our lives. Your Seller Style is an indication of some of the
Roles that you play professionally.
Every Role is defined by a set of required or expected
behaviors. For example, you may be the cheerleader, helping
to encourage and motivate other members of the team. You
may be the spokesperson, the team historian, etc.
The Roles that you are expected to perform are generally
based on combining your personal style and skills with the
expectations of your team members and leaders. They
describe how you typically approach your work.
check_box You bring vitality and spirit to the team, enabling you to
uplift those around you.
check_box You get things done.
What To Do
Step One -- Break it down 6/7
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You believe in what you sell and how you sell it. Your
confidence is one of your greatest strengths and is
contagious to your potential clients. But it can also
sometimes lead to an unhealthy optimism that ignores and
doesn't even notice potential obstacles to the sale.Healthy
optimism means that you believe and expect to get the sale,
but you also realize that nothing goes perfectly, so you need
to be intelligently prepared.
Step back again for a moment and be your greatest critic.
Where could this go wrong? Where could things break down?
What is the biggest bottleneck to the sale? Which elements
are most likely to get dropped or missed?
Now play the role of your client. Look at it through their eyes.
What will they be concerned about? What will they have
questions about? What will they need to know to justify the
sale? What questions will they have to answer to their
Now play the role of your competitor. Where are you
vulnerable? What differentiates you? How could they swoop
in and steal the sell out from under you? How can you
counter their position before they even get the chance to
make it? 7/7