Giken - Gyropress Method

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Construction Revolution | OO ee een Sere eee AGIKEN Introduction Social nfasitures, such a roads, riers, bridges, and levees, protect ou Me and property, land provce comfortable and cutura We. However, is requ to ro-evaluae mary of them in terms of 'bjactive". "uncon and ication” due to physical degrading by longtime use, rapid Urbanisation and changes in pubbe demand, Despite sich requirement, many ofthese social infastuctres are concrete constructions, which aeveryaiicut to be alsmanteg, removed, oF aacea adconaltuncions. The major factors areal they are constructed witout plannings of cismanting and removsl and tht there are many physical restrictions for such works bacausa of congested building urbanization, Gyropress Method resolves these problems by its new concepts of construction mathod and structure design. This method enades to instal ular ples with cutting bis attached on piles toe by rotary jackin system without removing existing underground structures. The installed ples form the beth foundation structure end bulding structure. This method is developed based ton the “advantages ofthe press-in principle" which have over 30 year achievements, and nabls tc cary out structure regeneration works and reinforcement works wih preserving the “Five Contucton Principles" ‘Structures constructed by Gyropress Method can be dsmanted and removed. i means, tis possibieto plan future functional Improvements, restorations to original environment (restoration of nature), relocation, and enjeing of constuction materials the design stage. Contents | Overview of Gyropress Method crs system | Application & Reference Riverbank Relforoment Rood Retaining Wall ‘Constucton vider Overhead Cearance Resin Batter Plo Posen ME Gyr0 Pl ‘ro Pr: Dedicated Model for Vocal Gyroprest ‘yo Pr: Fr Bator Pio Istalaton ‘yo Clear Per: For Utlow Oversad Clearance ower Unt Auxiliary Equipment ‘Wtor Lubrication System Crane Atachment Diving Attachment IB Standard Press-in Procedures Init Prose. ‘Standard Intalation exoo 10 10 " " " 12 12 ‘Gyroprese Method Overview of Gyropress Method Realisation of pile penetration by the tubular piles with gyropress coring bits and “Gyro Press-in Force” generated from press-in & gyration. In Gyropress Method, a newiy doveloped Silent Pit, 50 called "Gye Pls @ le used. Gyro Piers a Sen Pior hat rotary function e adopt o siperoniis of Press-n Metros. {tints tabular pilos wth cutting bs atached on pile toe by rotary jackin system, and travels ontop of piles which are ‘Completely nates (comietod pis) Sie I Features of Gyropress Method © Penetrating through Hard Ground and Concrete Obstructions Press-in Method is available where ground condition is so hard that conventional methods {cannot overcome and where thare i underground ebstacle such as concrete structures, ‘© Working Under Physical Restrictions (GRB System) Because Presen Method can provide ping conaiton wth minimum working ara, tis the be {o be selecle for worang under severe physical esrlctons such se natrow locations Uhaeracats Serbeaddostucons i dion hoes nol oqure tomorary wor par © Controlling Soil Displacement ‘Amount of So dsplacementiscntoted by olay cuting mechanism wih special Bis on the pile toe. © Adoption of Large-Diameter Piles allows Economical Constructions {Gyro Pier can be used for varity of ile ciameter sizes, ple arrangements and the combination flatter piles. Wallows to select economvealy optimal stucure design ‘Construction works can be carried out with Environmentally-fiendly considerations, ower cost and shorter work uration at any work conditions Sy Epoch-making Design Concept for Regeneration and Reinforcement of Function without Removing Underground Structure. repress Method can cary out regeneration wks and reinforcement works without winoving underground SiiceUses. Gyro Plercon dey instal structural materal which eventual fore bom toundoion part and Structural prt Win Gyropress Method constuston works canbe carta out witha wok processa nd lest ‘eg tmpct'o surrounding envronnernckcing economic att. addtion, the cmp srstre hat alive of ua. Aoplicatin of Road Widening Work eS. [I Cutting Reinforced Concrete Overcoming varus ground consitions ‘The folowings present by seectingbit arrangements. eanerts = 80 emo (e100 ~ 00) oa ecu) GRB System for "Temporary Work Less" Construction {GRE system isthe construction tochnology which performs af ping works auch a ple conveying, pile pitching {and press-n work ontop of competed piles, With the press-n machine (Gyr Plt) inthe font, Power Unit as 3 ch ples and Pile Runner to convey pls fom werk babe perform on top of ple sol-sunpored by baling exiting ns with las rik of ering 1s nol foqued even al warn, narow land, slope an low overhoa worn lator or detour Clearance condition sina infuence range of work is minimised tot the wih of those machieney. GRB Syston ‘enables to consi ust wall suture whch Its orignal purpose of construction without ary temporary works Standard Machine Layout GRB System "¥Plon View 1 Cross Seaton Standard Construction (SMP) “y cro Secton eat ie Ou au) Riverbank Reinforcement Gytopresa Method canbe applied ‘srtough work condone such 96 food countermeasure works and ‘pede a = Ke ping work can be cared out without dstorbing cross-section fea of river and active verse! ee -Arverbark protection work was cried ox wth GRB System. Pl rnacrow canal where thee is no acces fora arge barge eae through exsng structure ata MR Gropress Method V/A Road Retaining Wall Retaining wall can be easily Constructed by conthous tubular pile wall wth inerioce places, Urban function is able to be froled winout astrong seve tattie and surrouncing environment even at urban ongested area by GRB System ‘machines 80) as Camp Crane, Sand other assosciated machines work on the tp of tuba pes. | Cenructon Work or KASEDA Road Widening ey Presson ito layer (Enraplates SPT N Valu: 750) ‘canstrustion work with consideration for suroundng environment a the narow land between a "2 preectral oad Nee aut & Construction under Overhead Clearance Restriction CConsiuetion work can be card ca CConstucton Work at Low 0. Knew bank protection work wn Suraunaing tnctons. SRS Gyropress Method 1 Batter Pile Press-in Gyro Pilor has a lateral tting fonction. Il enables to Install battor pos and anchor piles Gyro Filer can constrect gh ‘modulas retaining wal, [Lsy0 Piter: Dedicated Mod: tical Press-in. cian em oe Fekete Pie | Wve, n= 20 | Tam ie 700-8 | Fn W0 2150 ile Installation (ae | eso Gyropress Method S0Dopee, ter Se | 30 Deyo Ete Se Power Uni arg e120) Taare | “am e1890 Te 138-25 202059 124049 [Later Lubrication system [Levene Attachment Interock Mates + KG yroprss Motos RT acer Ty Rk ho a a) ACE 4S Ee GIKEN SEISAKUSHO CO.,LTD. DJ ore Tovar aecans Ss fag aac BEY oveemsow Toke v0tinen6 2080 Ss eae GIKEN EUROPE B.V. FEE] tower once tts ete4s.c60a001 Ly ia oint ra een a UK Fig osencne Tots vansasoaransaen Se ayn ET en Tol 9460065524828 Gn d samnde at a IKEN SEISAKUSHO ASIA PTE., LTD. Fi sssonce Tots +65:6000-0020 Ea) a tcrocnce Tol: t052-2724-0770 ‘Ran 04 ire orm Rg 816 Oro ea Ot ging CGIKEN AMERICA CORPORATION enone Tlss4a0ratoazse Si wn otek toner TLsebantasterie EE age SHC Re

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