DNP 3 v324 Rev34
DNP 3 v324 Rev34
DNP 3 v324 Rev34
Database Implementation
Centurion Recloser
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Table of Contents
2.5 LBS vs ACR Point Mapping. ............................................ 5 6.2.4 Carrier Detect .................................................................. 20
2.6 Year 2000 Compliance Statement ................................... 5 6.2.5 Transmitting a DNP Packet.............................................. 20
4.1 Control Cubicle Software ................................................. 6 6.3 V23 FSK Communication Specifications........................ 20
4.2 DNP V3.00 Protocol ........................................................ 6 6.3.1 V23 Hardware Signals ..................................................... 20
5.1.3 Use of Application and Data Link Confirmation/Retries ...... 9 Appendix D ACR - Binary Input Points (Status)................................... 34
5.2 Unsolicited Response Configuration ................................ 9 Appendix E ACR - Analog Input Points (Status - Small Set) ................ 44
5.2.1 Overview............................................................................ 9 Appendix F ACR - Analog Input Points (Status – Full Set) .................. 46
5.2.2 Unsolicited Response Parameters ..................................... 9 Appendix G ACR - Counter Point ........................................................ 51
5.2.3 Event Buffering ................................................................ 12 Appendix H ACR - Binary Output Points ............................................. 52
5.3.2 Database Parameters ...................................................... 12 Appendix K LBS - Analog Input Points (Status - Small Set)................. 62
5.3.3 Database Size Permutations............................................ 13 Appendix L LBS - Analog Input Points (Status – Full Set) ................... 65
5.3.5 Analog Deadband Parameters ......................................... 14 Appendix N LBS - Binary Output Points .............................................. 70
1 Introduction
This document describes the DNP V3.00 implementation
to appendices D, E and F for ACR status points or
for Centurion Automatic Circuit Reclosers (ACRs) using
appendices J, K and L for LBS status points.
the Control and Protection Module types 4 & 5 (CAPM).
For more information on Recloser operating modes,
For example:
refer to the relevant instruction manual for your
• Open or Close Status
This protocol implementation is more complex than most • Lockout Status
telemetry protocols. It is essential to read the Overview • Fault Flags
section in order to set up the SCADA system correctly.
• Line Currents and Voltages
2 Overview
The CAPM controller combines the functions of
Time tags are optional. If enabled, these status points
protection relay and switchgear controller into a single
are returned with time tags of either 10 or 500
intelligent electronic device (IED). The controller
millisecond resolution.
provides a user-friendly operator interface on a four line
LCD control panel that allows configuration and control 2.2 Controls
of the switchgear. A list of the controls supported by the protocol handler is
detailed in Appendices H and N.
In addition the controller generates time tagged “events”
which are displayed on the operator control panel. These All controls have a corresponding binary status point.
events show the history of the switchgear operation for The master station must use these status points to verify
the benefit of the operator and for post fault analysis and that the control action has been successful. Sometimes
are optimized to provide the operator with the most a control will be rejected because of an underlying
useful information for analysis purposes. Examples CAPM condition preventing the action. These conditions
events are as follows: are detailed in the table in the appendices.
• Operator actions such as trip or close The DNP V3.00 protocol handler can trigger two events
• Protection pick-up to be recorded in the CAPM event log - “DNP3 Trip Req”
and “DNP3 Close Req”. This event log reporting
• Protection trips
indicates only that the protocol handler has requested a
• Fault current levels trip or a close from the CAPM. It does not necessarily
• Auto-reclose actions mean that the action has been taken. As detailed
above, the request may be over-ridden by operational
Electricity Utilities frequently link the controller into their
SCADA systems as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). To The DNP protocol handler is designated as remote.
simplify this task, each control is supplied with the Refer to the equipment manual for more information.
2.3 Data Configuration
• Space & mounting tray for a radio or modem inside Several means are provided to configure the data points
the control cubicle. required. These include:
• Integral power supply for the radio or modem inside
the control cubicle. • Selection of three sets of analog points –full, small
and none.
• Embedded protocol handler for the required SCADA
• Default data object type – with/with out flag/time;
protocol in the controller firmware.
analog size
• Point class assignment.
The DNP protocol allows digital and analog data to be
sent from the controller to the SCADA system with time
tags attached. This facility has enabled the provision of a 2.4 Password Protection
sophisticated SCADA system interface that not only All DNP panel fields require password entry unless
provides the SCADA system with status information but described as ‘Display only’ or otherwise stated. For
also allows the SCADA system to re-create the Event more information on operator control panel usage refer
Log display on the operator control panel. to the equipment manual.
2.1 Status Points
This implementation provides a set of status information
about the switchgear that can be used by a SCADA
system to generate displays and events for operational
purposes. This data is called the “Status Points”. Refer
Parameter Description
DL Cf Rqd Data Link Confirm Required
On some communications links it is necessary to have additional communications integrity to ensure
the master station has successfully received all data link frames.
• If NEVER, the protocol handler will not request acknowledgment messages from the master station
for data link frame transmissions. It assumes all data link frames are received by the master station
and relies solely on application layer message integrity checking.
• If SOMETIMES, the protocol handler requests a data link acknowledge response from the master
station only on multi-frame DNP messages.
• If ALWAYS, the protocol handler will expect a data link acknowledgment message from the master
station to all data link frame transmissions.
Range: 0 – 255.
Factory default is 2
Apl Cf TO Application Layer Confirm Timeout
When the CAPM transmits some DNP messages, such as a application layer messages that contain
change of state data, a DNP application layer confirm message is expected from the master station.
When the last byte of one these messages is transmitted by the CAPM a timer is started.
Changing this parameter will cause the DNP handler task to perform a warm restart. This will mean a
re-initialization of all communication parameters such as FCB, sequence numbers, restart internal
indication, etc. A temporary loss of communications with the master station may occur. Also, any
queued events will be deleted.
This field is not configurable via CSS if ‘DNP V3.00’ communications is used.
Range: 0 to 65519
Factory default is 5
Time Dly Rq Time Synchronization Request Delay
The DNP protocol allows for the master station to send time synchronization messages independently
or at the request of the CAPM or both.
Time Dly Rq is the amount of time, in minutes, after the last master station time synchronization
message that the CAPM will wait before setting the ‘Time Synchronization Required’ internal
indication bit (IIN1-4). This bit is sent to the master station in every CAPM DNP message.
If this field is set to 0 then the internal indication bit is never set and the master station solely
determines time synchronization operation.
If ON or FORCED, change of state events are buffered and are transmitted when:
• A class count is exceeded, or
• A class notification delay timer expires, or
• As a response to a master station event poll.
When a class count is exceeded, or class notification delay timer expires, then only the events for that
class are transmitted. Any other class’s events remain stored in the CAPM’s buffer.
If the master station issues an Enable or a Disable Unsolicited Messages command to the CAPM after the
CAPM has sent its initial unsolicited ‘Null’ message then the mode of the CAPM will be overridden
regardless of ON or FORCED setting.
1. If ON, the unsolicited reporting ability in the CAPM is enabled. The CAPM will inform the master
station of this ability via an initial unsolicited ‘Null’ message and will only transmit unsolicited response
change of state events after it receives an ‘Enable Unsolicited Messages’ command from the master
station. Setting this field to ON will mean that the CAPM DNP implementation is compliant with the
DNP V3.00 specification.
2. If FORCED, the CAPM will transmit unsolicited response change of state events immediately without
waiting for the ‘Enable Unsolicited Messages’ command from the master station.
Setting this field to FORCED will cause the CAPM DNP implementation to be non-compliant with the
DNP V3.00 specification and is not recommended. This parameter setting has been provided for
compatibility with master station implementations that are in conflict with the specification.
Range: 0 to 65519
Factory default is 3.
Unsol Retries Unsolicited Response Number of Retries
Maximum number of attempts to re-transmit an unsolicited response without getting a confirmation from
the master. Refer to section 5.2.3 below for more information.
This limitation does not apply to an initial unsolicited ‘Null’ message. (A DNP3-2000 requirement.)
A value of 0 means that only a single transmission is made and no re-transmits are attempted.
A value of 255 means unlimited retries i.e., maximum limit is disabled.
Range: 0 to 255
Factory default is 255
Unsol Dly Unsolicited Response Retry Delay
If the CAPM has not received a confirmation from the master station to an unsolicited response within Apl
Cf TO period then this parameter determines when the next unsolicited response will be sent.
Unsol Dly The Apl Cf TO timer and Unsol Dly timers are started at the same time i.e., started immediately after the
(Cont’d) transmission of the last byte of a CAPM message that expects a response from the master.
• If Unsol Dly is less than Apl Cf TO then the ‘retry’ unsolicited message will be sent as soon as Apl Cf TO
• If Unsol Dly is greater than Apl Cf TO then it will wait until Unsol Dly seconds after transmission of last
message before sending a retry.
1. Changing this parameter will cause the DNP handler task to perform a warm restart. This will mean a re-initialization of all
communication parameters such as FCB, sequence numbers, restart internal indication etc. A temporary loss of communications
with the master station may occur. Also, any queued events will be deleted.
If the application layer receives a confirm response ----- DNP Database Configuration ----S
within the application layer confirmation time out period Analog Alarms OFF Analog Pnts SMALL
(Apl Cf TO), then the tagged events are deleted from the
buffer. If a confirm message is not received within the Binary Time ON Analog Time OFF
application layer confirm time out period (Apl Cf TO) Analog Size 16bit Analog Flag OFF
then all tagged events are untagged and are retained in
the event buffer and the protocol handler behaves as
• If unsolicited response messages are not enabled Para- Description
then the events are retransmitted when next meter
requested by the master station. Analog Analog Alarming Operation
Alarms This field determines if analog threshold alarming
• If unsolicited response messages are enabled then
is enabled or disabled.
the protocol handler waits for the retry delay timer • If ON, the operation of binary alarm points are
(Unsol Dly) to expire before attempting to send enabled. All alarms are independent of the
another unsolicited response. The new unsolicited protocol handler analog configuration, e.g., The
response message is not an identical retry of the event class of the analogs does not effect alarm
failed message but may contain the same data. All operation. Similarly alarming is not effected by
message identification parameters (e.g., sequence whether the analogs are in the configured
numbers) are incremented. Analog Pnts set.
• If the maximum unsolicited response retry limit is • If OFF, alarms are disabled. All binary alarm
enabled then after Unsol Retries the protocol points are cleared. Refer to section 5.3.6 for
handler will cease attempting to send unsolicited more information.
responses until either:
Range: OFF, ON
1. A successful application layer message, of any Factory default is OFF
function code, addressed to it is received from Analog Analog Point Set
Pnts This field determines which, if any, of the analog
the master station, or
point mapping sets are included in the CAPM’s
2. A new event is queued in the buffer. DNP Points list. A summary of all the available
mapping permutations is given in section 5.3.3.
• If the 250 binary event buffer, or the 200 analog
event buffer, is full then the oldest queued event will Changing this parameter will cause the DNP
be over-written by a new event. handler task to perform a warm restart. This will
mean a re-initialization of all communication
5.3 Data Configuration parameters such as FCB, sequence numbers,
restart internal indication etc. A temporary loss of
5.3.1 Overview communications with the master station may
Data configuration is available for: occur. Also, any queued events will be deleted.
• Assigning default dead bands and high/low alarming to
match the line conditions, these are set separately for Range: OFF, SMALL, FULL
Factory default is SMALL.
1. Phase Currents (A, B, C) Binary Binary Time Tag Usage
2. Earth / Ground Current Time Determines whether or not a time tag is included
3. Phase Voltages (A, B, C) with DNP binary change of state events
4. System Power (kVA, kVAR, kW) transmitted to a master station by the CAPM.
• Selection of analog point sets (full, small, none) based on
the operational requirements and transmission bandwidth Range: ON, OFF
available, particularly during an integrity poll. Refer to Factory default is ON.
appendices for points lists. Analog Analog Time Tag Usage
Time Determines whether or not a time tag is included
• Enabling / Disabling event points. with DNP analog change of state events
• Point class assignment. The classes shown in the transmitted to a master station by the CAPM.
appendices are factory defaults. The class of each point
Range: ON, OFF
can be assigned using the CSS utility on a PC or via a
Factory default is OFF
DNP Assign Class commands from the master station.
(Object 2 Variation 1)
Range: 16, 32 bits (signed)
Factory default is 16 bit Binary Input Change
Analog Analog Flag Reporting with time
Flag Determines whether or not a byte containing the
analog’s status data is included with its value in a (Object 2 Variation 2)
CAPM response to a static data scan.
32 Bit Analog Input
If ON, the CAPM will always send a flag of either 32 ON
0x01 (point online) or 0x21 (point online and (Object 30 Variation 1)
overrange). It is recommended that this field
should only be set ON if the use of the analog 16 Bit Analog Input
16 ON
flag bits is a master station requirement.
(Object 30 Variation 2)
Range: ON, OFF
32 Bit Analog Input
Factory default is OFF without flag
32 OFF
(Object 30 Variation 3)
The protocol handler has four configurable alarm analog Parameter Description
types: phase voltage, phase current, earth current and Phase Phase Current High Alarm
system power. Each analog type has a configurable high Current The A, B and C phase current analog
alarm threshold value as well as a configurable low inputs will have their high alarm
alarm threshold value. Each of these analog types also threshold set to this value.
has a pair of binary alarm points in the protocol handler
Range: 1 to 999A
database. If an analog value passes the alarm threshold
Factory default is 999A.
(eg H1 or L1 above) the binary alarm becomes active. A Phase Voltage High Alarm
binary alarm change of state event is put into the DNP Voltage The A, B, and C phase voltage
event buffers for reporting to the master station. analog inputs will have their high
alarm threshold set to this value.
• If, after a HI Alarm, all analogs of the same type are The type of voltage monitored,
below the high alarm reset threshold (e.g., H2 phase-phase or phase-earth/ground,
above), then the HI binary alarm is turned off and a is determined by the configuration of
binary alarm change of state is put into the DNP the CAPM. Refer to the equipment
manual for more information.
event buffers for reporting to the master station.
• If, after a LOW Alarm, the analogs of the same type Range: 1 to 38000V
are above the low alarm reset threshold (e.g., L2 Factory default is 38000V.
above), and all other, then the LOW binary alarm is Earth/Gnd Earth/Ground Current High Alarm
turned off and a binary alarm change of state is put Current The earth/ground current analog input
into the DNP event buffers for reporting to the will have its high alarm threshold set
master station. to this value.
If a low alarm threshold is set higher than, or equal to, its
corresponding high alarm threshold then the protocol
handler will automatically reset the low threshold back to
its previous value.
None of these fields are configurable via CSS if ‘DNP V3.00’ communications is selected.
Parameter Description
Port Selection
This field selects the communications medium the DNP V3.00 protocol uses for transmission.
• When OFF is selected, the protocol handler is disabled.
OFF • When P8 RS –232 is selected, the protocol uses the P8 serial port for all data. Also, the DNP
P8 RS-232 Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant RS-232 data as detailed
• When P10 V23 FSK is selected, the protocol uses the built in V23 modem on P10. Also, the DNP
P10 V23 Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant FSK data. Refer to section
FSK 6.3 for the P10 configuration details.
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0x55
Repeat Number of Preamble First Characters
First This is the number of times the first character will be repeated as part of the preamble.
Eg if all preamble settings are at default values then the preamble sent is 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xFF
Range: 0 to 20.
Factory default is 3
Last Char Last Preamble Character
This is the last char that will be sent as part of the preamble. The character is specified by entering its ASCII
code in hexadecimal format.
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0xFF
DCD Usage
DCD If the modem does not support a Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal this parameter should be set to DCD
Ignore Ignore.
Even if the modem does support a DCD signal this parameter is usually set to DCD Ignore. This is because
most point-point systems using conventional modems run as full duplex so that the DCD is always asserted
during normal operation.
When set to this mode, the protocol uses any received data to build an incoming packet irrespective of DCD
input signal. Also the protocol will transmit irrespective of the DCD input signal.
DCD Don’t If the modem supports a Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal this parameter can be set to DCD Don’t Ignore.
Ignore When set to this mode, the protocol will only read data and build an incoming protocol packet when DCD is
asserted. In addition, the protocol will not transmit when DCD is asserted. This is necessary for multi-dropped
systems or ones shared with voice users or some radio-modems.
19200 baud is only available with CAPM5 controllers.
After the back off time the device tries again. If still unsuccessful then the CAPM will continue in an indefinite
loop until successful.
If radio modems are used then Tx Delay must be configured to a value slightly larger than the master
station’s post-transmission time. This is necessary to ensure that the incoming message’s tail does not
trigger back off operation.
If the DCD usage is configured to DCD Ignore then the back off time is disabled.
Parameter Description
Port Selection
This field selects the communications medium the DNP V3.00 protocol handler uses for transmission.
• When OFF is selected, the protocol handler is disabled.
OFF • When P8 RS –232 is selected, the protocol uses the P8 serial port for all data. Also, the DNP
P8 RS-232 Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant RS-232 data. Refer to section
6.2 for the P8 configuration details.
• When P10 V23 FSK is selected, the protocol uses the built in V23 modem on P10. Also, the DNP
P10 V23 FSK Communications 1 and 2 pages are automatically updated to reflect relevant FSK data as detailed below.
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0x55
Repeat First Number of Preamble First Characters
This is the number of times the first character will be repeated as part of the preamble.
Eg if all preamble settings are at default values then the preamble sent is 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0xFF
Range: 0 to 20.
Factory default is 3
Last Char Last Character of Preamble
This is the last char that will be sent as part of the preamble. The character is specified by entering
its ASCII code in hexadecimal format.
Range: is 0 to FF hexadecimal.
Factory default is 0xFF
DCD Usage
DCD Ignore • The “DCD Ignore” mode is used when there is no busy signal available. eg A twisted pair link.
To operate in this mode the ‘Busy Sense’ needs to be set to HIGH so that the receiver is busy at
all times. When set to this mode, the protocol uses any received data to build a DNP packet.
The protocol is able to transmit at any time.
DCD Don’t • The “DCD Don’t Ignore” mode is the normal operating mode for radio systems that have a busy
Ignore signal available. When set to this mode, the protocol will only read data and build a DNP packet
when busy is asserted. Also, the protocol will not transmit when busy is asserted. This reduces
clashes with voice users.
Back off time = CA Delay + ([random delay with range 0.0 to 1.0] x CA Delay)
After the back off time the device tries again. If still unsuccessful then the CAPM will continue in an
indefinite loop until successful.
If radio modems are used then Tx Delay must be configured to a value slightly larger than the
master station’s post-transmission time. This is necessary to ensure that the incoming message’s
tail does not trigger back off operation.
If the DCD usage is configured to DCD Ignore then the back off time is disabled.
Initialization Time
The protocol handler will not respond to master station requests for about 10 seconds after power up while it waits
for the CAPM database to be initialized and for high priority boot up tasks to be completed.
Turnaround Time
The turnaround time for the protocol, from the end of receiving a message until the start of the pre-transmission
time, is typically < 40 milliseconds with a range of 5 to 100 milliseconds.
Latency of Data
The protocol task examines the real-time database every 500 ms to see if anything has changed and to construct
the underlying protocol database which is sent to the master station. This introduces a delay between the actual
event and updating the protocol database of up to 500 milliseconds. This is the data latency.
The CAPM implementation complies with the DNP V3.00 Subset Definitions document. Additional
implementation information is given in this section.
The DNP V3.00 device profile defines the mapping of all data points used, in the standard format recommended
by the DNP users group.
Conforms to DNP V3.00 level 2 subset definition requirements with many additional level 3 features
built in.
These extra features include the parsing of read requests (FC 1) for the following objects and/or
• Binary Input (Object 1 Variations 0 Qualifiers 00, 01,07,08,17,28)
• Binary Input (Object 1 Variation 1 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06,07,08,17,28)
• Binary Output (Object 10 Variation 0 Qualifiers 00, 01, 07, 08, 17, 28)
• Binary Output (Object 10 Variation 2, Qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 28)
• Binary Counter (Object 20 Variation 6 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 28)
• Frozen Counter (Object 21 Variation 10 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, 08, 17, 28)
• Analog Input (Object 30 Variation 0, Qualifiers 00, 01, 07, 08, 17, 28)
• Analog Input (Object 30 Variations 1, 2, 3, 4 Qualifiers 00, 01, 06,07,08,17,28)
• Analog Change Event (Object 32 Variations 1, 2, 3, 4 Qualifiers 06, 07, 08)
• Analog Input Deadband (Object 34 Variations 1, 2, Qualifiers 00, 01, 06,07,08,17,28)
• Analog Output Status (Object 40 Variation 1, 2 Qualifiers 00, 01,07,08,17,28)
• Analog Output Block (Object 41 Variation 1, 2 Qualifiers 00, 01, 07, 08, 17, 28)
Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets): Maximum Application Fragment Size (octets):
Transmitted: 292 Transmitted: 2048
Received: 292 Received: 249
Maximum Data Link Retries: Maximum Application Layer Retries:
Configurable 0..255 None
Requires Data Link Layer Confirmation:
Configurable, 3 settings Never, Always, Sometimes (on multi frame fragments only)
Sometimes (only when reporting event data or when sending multifragment responses)
1. All shaded areas are the additional level 3 or above function, objects, variations and/or qualifiers supported by
2. Bold italics response function codes represent CAPM default objects. These are the object variations that the
CAPM will issue as in its response to an event (class 1, 2, 3) poll, an integrity (class 1, 2, 3, 0) poll, in a response
to a variation 0 read request, or in an unsolicited response message. Where more than one data object variation
is highlighted then default object can be configured. Selection of default objects is explained in section 5.3.
3. All Request and Response options marked N/A are Not Applicable.
1. When a cold or warm restart command is received by the CAPM it will restart the DNP3 protocol handler only. The
CAPM itself does not restart.
It is recommended by the DNP User Group that master stations do not ask for a data link acknowledgement nor an
application confirm on restart commands (refer to “Cold/Warm Restart Sequence”, Technical Bulletin 9701-003)
The CAPM reports a time object of 500ms for both restart types. The master station should not initiate any message
sequences for this period. However, if the CAPM has unsolicited messages configured ON then it will automatically
establish communications on restart. This may be within the 500ms period.
DNP Qualifiers
Qualifier Use in a Request Use in a Response
00, 01 A range of static points, or a single point with a Static Objects
point number.
Object headers use either 8 bit (Q=00) or 16 bit
(Q=01) start and stop range indices.
06 All points. Not valid
Object headers and data sizes are determined by
CAPM configured parameters.
07, 08 A limited quantity of events or a single point with A single point with no number (eg Time and Date)
no number (eg Time and Date).
Object headers have either 8 bit quantity fields
(Q=07) or 16 bit quantity fields (Q=08).
17, 28 Controls (usually one or more unrelated points) Event objects (usually one or more unrelated
Object headers have either 8 bit quantity field with points)
8 bit indices (Q=17) or 16 bit quantity field with 16
CAPM Control Response Description
Status Value
0 Control request accepted
1 Control request denied. Select/Operate timed out. The time out parameter is configurable.
2 Control request denied. Operate without select message.
3 Control request denied. Formatting error
4 Control request denied. Control operation not supported
• Trip control sent to a point that supports only Pulse or Latch operations. The supported
operations are indicated on a per point basis in the table in Appendix H or 0.
• The binary output (or analog output) point number is out of range.
• The analog output value is out of range.
5 Control request denied. Already Active
6 Control request denied. Control rejected by CAPM because of an underlying condition
preventing the action. These conditions are indicated on a per point basis in the table in
Appendix H or 0.
All binary output points have a matching binary input status point. The master station must always use the
corresponding binary status for the control to verify the success of the action.
1) It is policy that all technical bulletin rules that are required for the CAPM to be DNP3 level 2 compliant are
2) The following data types are not used by the CAPM:-
• File transfer objects
• String objects
• Analog input floating point and analog output floating point objects
• Variable arrays objects
• 8 bit unsigned integer objects
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
0 Abnormal Y 1 For any of the None of the specified This flag shows that the
Operator following conditions:- conditions are true operator has the ACR in an
conditions • Trip or Close abnormal state such as “work
Isolated, tag applied”. This means that it
will operate differently to its
normal mode of operation.
locked open (if 500ms
• Work Tag
1 ACR Tripped Y 1 ACR Tripped ACR not Tripped These are repeats of the
(open) mechanism travel switches.
2 ACR Closed Y 1 ACR Closed ACR not Closed When the ACR is disconnected
from the control cubicle they are
both cleared.
3 Controller Y 2 LOCAL control LOCAL Control The CAPM is either in LOCAL
Mode Disabled Enabled or Remote Controller Mode.
Remote control Remote Control This affects the closing
Enabled Disabled command the permission to
set/remove work tag.
4 Maintenance Y 1 For any of the No maintenance The CAPM has detected one or
Required following conditions:- required more conditions which require
• Battery not maintenance.
normal This point cannot become Set
• Capacitor charge until at least five minutes after
failure CAPM start.
• Low power 500ms
• Low SF6 gas
pressure (if
• ACR data not
valid (includes
connection to an
invalid switch
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
• Any vacuum
contact life is
less than 20%
• Mechanical
• Aux supply
5 Work Tag Y 2 Work Tag Applied Work Tag Removed The CAPM can have a work
tag. This affects the closing
6 Prot A Active Y 2 Protection Group A is Protection Group A is not These flags indicate the
active active active protection group. If
7 Prot B Active Y 2 Protection Group B is Protection Group B is not neither A nor B is active (eg.
active active Because C is active) then
flags will be clear and the
analog value point must be
used to determine the active
8 Prot C Active Y 2 Protection Group C is Protection Group C is not Only one protection group is
active active active at any one time.
9 Prot D Active Y 2 Protection Group D is Protection Group D is not
active active
10 Prot E Active Y 2 Protection Group E is Protection Group E is not 500ms
active active
11 Prot F Active Y 2 Protection Group F is Protection Group F is not
active active
12 Prot G Active Y 2 Protection Group G Protection Group G is
is active not active
13 Prot H Active Y 2 Protection Group H is Protection Group H is not
active active
14 Prot I Active Y 2 Protection Group I is Protection Group I is not
active active
15 Prot J Active Y 2 Protection Group J is Protection Group J is not
active active
16 Earth / Ground N 2 Earth / Ground Earth / Ground 500ms
Protection Protection ON Protection OFF
17 SEF/SGF N 2 SEF/SGF protection SEF/SGF protection 500ms
Protection ON OFF
18 Auto Reclose Y 2 Auto Reclose ON Auto Reclose OFF 500ms
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
19 Cold Load Idle Y 2 Cold Load is Idle or is Cold load is NOT Idle. 500ms
turned off. This means that the
This means that the threshold multiplier is
threshold multiplier is being raised by the cold
not being affected by load pickup function in
the cold load order to pick up cold
function. load.
20 High Current Y 2 High Current Lockout High Current Lockout 500ms
Lockout Protection ON Protection OFF
21 Loss of Phase N 2 Loss of Phase Loss of Phase Protection 500ms
Protection Protection ON OFF
22 Sequence Y 2 Sequence Control Sequence Control OFF 500ms
Control ON
23 Live Load Y 2 Live Load blocking Live Load blocking OFF 500ms
blocking ON
24 Protection Y 2 Protection Enabled Protection turned OFF 500ms
25 Switchgear Y 3 Set for Load Break Clear For Recloser
Family Switch 500ms
26 Power Flow Y 2 Source X, Load I Source I, Load X The power flow direction
Direction (source/load designation) is
determined by the user. Refer
to the Power Flow Direction
binary output for more
Protection Trip Operation Flags
This group of points indicates what happened in the last protection sequence. For example the recloser may have
tripped, closed, tripped again and locked out. Or it may have tripped, closed and stayed closed because the fault
was cleared. In both cases the flags below are set to show the causes of the trips and whether the lockout state
has been reached or not.
A set of flags is available for each trip in a protection sequence. In addition analog data is available which shows the
fault currents which occurred during the sequence and the number of trips which took place (refer Appendix F)
Note that a sequence starts when there is a protection trip or a sequence advance.
Most of these flags are cleared either by protocol command or when the switchgear is tripped/closed by the operator or
when a new protection sequence starts. This data is volatile i.e. it is zeroed on CAPM software reset.
General Protection Flags
27 Sequence in Y 1 Start of sequence This shows that a protection
Progress That is a protection sequence has started and not
trip or sequence yet completed.
advance has End of sequence. Either Note that operator trip does not
occurred. lockout or reclaim. cause a “sequence in progress.
Event time is the time of the trip
or sequence advance.
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
28 Protection Y 1 End of sequence, All fault flags are cleared This shows that the protection
Data Valid either lockout or by one of the following sequence is over and the other
reclaim actions :- flags are set.
• “Reset Fault Flags This could be used to drive an
and Currents” operator alarm at the SCADA
protocol control system to alert him to the fact
command that a protection sequence has
• Any Operator Close occurred. Note that operator trip
action alone does not cause a
• CAPM software “protection data valid”
reset (data is Event time is the time of lockout
volatile) or reclaim.
• Start of a new
sequence 10ms
29 Single Shot Y 1 Single Shot One flag only provided because
Protection Protection was active a single shot trip forces lockout.
at the time of the trip. Event time is the time of the
30 Loss Of Phase Y 1 Trip was caused by One flag only provided because
Trip Loss of Phase LOP protection forces lockout.
Protection Event time is the time of the trip.
31 Loss Of Phase Y 1 Phase A was lost at Set if A Phase is lost at time of
- Phase A time of Loss of Phase Loss of Phase trip
trip 10ms
32 Loss Of Phase N 1 Phase B was lost at Set if B Phase is lost at time of
- Phase B time of Loss of Phase Loss of Phase trip
trip 10ms
33 Loss Of Phase N 1 Phase C was lost at Set if C Phase is lost at time of
-Phase C time of Loss of Phase Loss of Phase trip
trip 10ms
34 High Current Y 1 The high current One flag only because High
Lockout lockout function Current Lockout forces lockout
forced the CAPM to Time stamp as for flags above.
lockout during the Event time is the time of the
last protection lockout event.
sequence 10ms
35 Lockout Y 1 The CAPM is in Cleared by any close This flag shows that the CAPM
lockout action is in lockout. Therefore no auto-
reclosing will take place.
If the ACR is closed this flag will
be clear. Therefore when this
flag is clear and the ACR is
closed it indicates that the
protection sequence cleared the
fault. Event time is the time of
the trip
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
36 Operator Trip Y 1 The most recent trip Cleared by any close One flag only because operator
was caused by a action trip forces lockout.
local or remote Event time is the time of the trip
operator 10ms
Protection Trip 1
37 Phase Over Y 0 Trip was caused by All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip Phase Overcurrent by one of the following
Protection actions :-
• “Reset Fault Flags 10ms
and Currents”
protocol control
38 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground • Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
39 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
• CAPM software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
40 Sequence Y 0 Sequence advance • Start of a new
Advance occurred. sequence
Protection Trip 2
41 Phase Over Y 0 Trip was caused by All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip Phase Overcurrent by one of the following
Protection actions :-
• “Reset Fault Flags 10ms
and Currents”
protocol control
42 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground • Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
43 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
• CAPM software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
44 Sequence Y 0 Sequence advance • Start of a new
Advance occurred. sequence
Protection Trip 3
45 Phase Over Y 0 All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip by one of the following
Trip was caused by actions :-
Phase Overcurrent • “Reset Fault Flags 10ms
Protection and Currents”
protocol control
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
46 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground • Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
47 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
• CAPM software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
48 Sequence Y 0 Sequence advance • Start of a new
Advance occurred. sequence
Protection Trip 4
49 Phase Over Y 0 All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip by one of the following
Trip was caused by actions :-
Phase Overcurrent • “Reset Fault Flags 10ms
Protection and Currents”
protocol control
50 Earth / Ground N 0 Trip was caused by
Over Current Earth / Ground • Any Operator Close
Trip Overcurrent action
51 SEF/SGF N 0 Trip was caused by
• CAPM software
Over Current Sensitive Earth /
reset (data is 10ms
Trip Ground Fault
52 Reserved N 0 • Start of a new
Always 0
Accumulated Protection Trip Operation Flags
Multiple Flags can be set in this section because they accumulate all the trips in the sequence
53 Phase Over Y 1 One or more trips All fault flags are cleared
Current Trip were caused by by one of the following
Phase Overcurrent actions :-
Protection • “Reset Fault Flags
and Currents”
protocol control
54 Earth / Ground N 1 One or more trips
Over Current were caused by
• Any Operator Close
Trip Earth / Ground 10ms
55 SEF/SGF N 1 One or more trips
Over Current were caused by • CAPM software
Trip Sensitive Earth / reset (data is 10ms
Ground Fault volatile)
56 Sequence Y 1 One or more
• Start of a new
Advance sequence advances 10ms
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
End of Protection Flags
57 Close Isolate Y 2 Close Isolate Switch Close Isolate Switch Shows the state of the Trip &
OFF/ISOLATE(i.e. ON/ENABLE (i.e. Close Close isolate switches on the
Close is disabled) is enabled) control panel
58 Trip Isolate Y 1 Trip Isolate Switch Trip Isolate Switch 10ms
OFF (i.e. Trip is ON(i.e. Trip is enabled)
59 Locked Y 1 ACR Locked Open ACR not locked open Shows that the ACR is
mechanically and electrically
locked in the open position. Not
supported on the N-Series
where it will always be zero.
60 ACR Memory Y 2 ACR Memory Data ACR Memory Data Valid Shows that the CAPM has
Data Invalid not valid retrieved the data from the ACR
memory. When invalid the
switchgear attributes and the
gas pressure are zeroed,
61 Auxiliary Y 2 Auxiliary supply has Auxiliary supply is 500ms
Supply failed normal
62 Switchgear Y 2 Switch disconnected Switch connected from Shows the connection state of
Connection from control cubicle. control cubicle. the cable between the
switchgear and the CAPM.
When connected to the ACR
Trip, Close and Locked
indications are valid.
When disconnected from the
ACR data will be forced invalid
63 SF6 Gas N 2 Gas pressure Low or Gas Pressure Normal, or Only set when switchgear is
Pressure Low Invalid Not Known, or Not a connected and ACR memory
or Invalid switchgear which has data is valid and switchgear
SF6. type has SF6.
64 Battery Supply Y 2 Battery supply not Battery supply normal 500ms
This includes :-
Battery Off
Battery Overvolt
Battery Low Volts
65 Contacts Life Y 2 When any vacuum When all vacuum 500ms
Low interrupter contact life interrupters have contact
is less than 20%. life >= 20%
66 Reserved N 2
67 Capacitor Y 2 Capacitor Charge Capacitor Charge OK The Trip/Close Capacitors have
Charge Failed failed to charge
Failure 500ms
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
68 Mechanism Y 2 Mechanism Failure Mechanism OK The switchgear has failed to
Failure Trip or Close electrically
69 Phase Ai Live Y 1 Phase is live Phase is dead Shows if the phase bushings
70 Phase Bi Live N 1 are above or below the live line
71 Phase Ci Live N 1 threshold.
72 Phase Ax Live Y 1
Note 3
73 Phase Bx Live N 1
Note 3
74 Phase Cx Live N 1 10ms
Note 3
75 Source Y 1 Shows that any of the All of the source side are Note that these points are
Voltage Status three phases of the Terminals dead different to the Load/Source
76 Load Voltage Y 1 designated Source Live/Dead events in the CAPM
Status side or Load side are All of the load side are event record
live. Terminal dead 10ms
Note 3
77 Load Current Y 1 Current of 2.5A or Current of less than 2.5A
On more is flowing in at is flowing in all three 10ms
least one phase phases
78 Loop Auto On Y 2 Loop Automation is Loop Automation is Off Note 1
On 500ms
79 Auto Restore Y 2 Auto Restore is On Auto Restore is Off Note 1
On 500ms
80 Loop Auto Y 2 The Tie recloser is The Tie Recloser will Note 1, 2
Tie Restore configured to restore only restore supply to its 500ms
On supply in both Load side or the
directions Recloser type is not set
to Tie
81 Loop Auto Y 2 Recloser type is set Recloser type is not set Note 1
Type Feeder to Feeder to Feeder 500ms
82 Loop Auto Y 2 Recloser type is set Recloser type is not set Note 1
Type Midpoint to Midpoint to Midpoint 500ms
83 Loop Auto Y 2 Recloser type is set Recloser type is not set Note 1
Type Tie to Tie to Tie 500ms
84 Reserved N Reserved Reserved
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
88 Dummy Circuit Y 2 DCB Closed DCB Not Closed The dummy circuit breaker is
Breaker an internal point useful for
Closed SCADA system testing. The
value of the DCB is non-volatile.
89 Automatic N 2 APGS is ON APGS is OFF 500ms
90 Supply Y 2 Supply Outage Supply Outage 500ms
Outage Measurement ON Measurement OFF
91 Door Open N 2 Cubicle Door Open Cubicle Door Closed This point only valid if hardware
option installed.
92 Phase Current Y 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
93 Phase Current Y 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
94 Phase Voltage Y 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
95 Phase Voltage Y 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
96 Earth Current N 2 Earth Current HI Earth Current HI Alarm 500ms
HI Alarm Alarm ON OFF
97 Earth Current N 2 Earth Current LOW Earth Current LOW 500ms
LOW Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
98 System Power Y 2 System Power HI System Power HI Alarm 500ms
HI Alarm Alarm ON OFF
99 System Power Y 2 System Power LOW System Power LOW 500ms
LOW Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
100 Auxiliary Y 2 Auxiliary Supply has Auxiliary Supply has 500ms
Supply Fail failed for more than been restored for more
(Delayed) 120 seconds than 20 seconds
101 Most Recent Y 1 Set if the most recent All fault flags are cleared 10ms
Trip Phase A trip was caused by a by one of the following
Overcurrent A Phase Overcurrent actions :-
Protection Trip • “Reset Fault Flags
and Currents”
protocol control
102 Most Recent Y 1 Set if the most recent • Any Operator Close 10ms
Trip Phase B trip was caused by a action
Overcurrent B Phase Overcurrent
Protection Trip
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
103 Most Recent Y 1 Set if the most recent • Protection turned 10ms
Trip Phase C trip was caused by a ON
Overcurrent C Phase Overcurrent
Protection Trip
104 Instantaneous Y 1 The peak current for • At the time of next 10ms
Most Recent the most recent trip trip - the flags are
Trip was greater than the refreshed
instantaneous setting
105 Under Y 1 Under frequency Under frequency Note 4. 500ms
Frequency protection ON protection OFF
106 Over Y 1 Over frequency Over frequency Note 4. 500ms
Frequency protection ON protection OFF
107 Normal Y 1 Enable Normal Enable Normal Note 4. 500ms
Frequency Frequency Close Frequency Close
Close protection ON protection OFF
108 Source Dead Y 1 Source Dead Source Dead Protection Note 5 500ms
Protection Protection ON OFF
109 Source Dead Y 1 Set if a lockout Cleared by: Note 5 10ms
Lockout caused by the ‘Dead • protocol command
Lockout’ feature
• any operator close
or operator trip. This
includes remote
control commands.
• Start of a new
110 ork Tag Trip Y 1 Work Tag Protection All fault flags are cleared One flag only provided because
was active at the time by one of the following a work tag trip forces lockout.
of the trip. actions :- Event time is the time of the
• “Reset Fault Flags pickup.
and Currents” 10ms
protocol control
• Any Operator Close
• CAPM software
reset (data is
• Start of a new
110-130 Reserved
1. These point are only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration and are otherwise
always reported as OFF (‘0’).
2. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to the ‘Power Flow Direction’
binary input for status and binary output for control.
3. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.
4. Not available on CAPM4 controllers
5. Only available in Version 26 onwards.
Dead Band
W Series
Line Currents and System Power
0 A Current Y 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
1 B Current N 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
2 C Current N 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
3 Earth / Ground Current N 0 16000 1A 5 A. 1
4 System kVA Note 2 Y 0 1.9GVA 1 kVA 250 kVA. 1
5 System kVAR Note 2 Y 0 1.9GVAR 1 kVAR 250 kVAR. 1
6 Operations Counter Y 0 65535 1 1 2
Operation Operation
Cumulative Protection Sequence Data
These points show all sources that record a max current event in the event log during a protection
sequence. If the same source has more than one max current event then the value in the point will be
the max current from the last trip of the sequence.
All fault currents are cleared to zero by one of the following actions:-
• “Reset Fault Flags and Currents” protocol control command
• Any Operator Close action
• CAPM reset (data is volatile)
• Start of a new sequence
7 A Fault Current – Written on Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1
an A-Max event.
8 B Fault Current – Written on N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
a B-Max event.
9 C Fault Current – Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.
10 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
11 During a protection Y 1 4 1 1 1
sequence the value
increments indicating the
current trip or sequence
After a protection sequence
the final trip or sequence
advance that occurred.
Dead Band
W Series
12 Protection Group that was Y 0 9 1 1 1
in service at the start of the
0 = Group A
1 = Group B
9 = Group J
Voltage Measurements
Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements. This varies depending upon
the model of ACR.
All x side voltages are not available in standard U-series ACR without external CVTs. Value always zero.
The source/load designation of the voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the ‘Power Flow Direction’
binary input for status and binary output for control.
13 Ai Phase-(Earth / Ground) Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
14 Bi Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
15 Ci Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
16 Ax Phase-(Earth / Ground) Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Volts Note 3
17 Bx Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Volts Note 3
18 Cx Phase-(Earth / Ground) N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Volts Note 3
19 to 69 Reserved
1. The deadband for all analog points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analog input objects.
3. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.
Centurion SP (W-series) support is indicated below by a ‘Y’. If indicated as ‘N’ then value is always 0.
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
Dead Band
W Series
Dead Band
W Series
11 During a protection Y 1 4 1 1 1
sequence the value
increments indicating the
current trip or sequence
After a protection
sequence the final trip or
sequence advance that
12 Protection Group that Y 0 9 1 1 1
was in service at the start
of the sequence
0 = Group A
1 = Group B
9 = Group J
Voltage Measurements
Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements. This varies
depending upon the model of ACR.
All x side voltages are not available in standard Centurion U-series ACR without external CVTs. Value
always zero.
The source/load designation of the voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the ‘Power Flow
Direction’ binary input for status and binary output for control.
All voltages have a common deadband which can be configured (refer section 5.3.5).
13 Ai Phase-(Earth / Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ground) Voltage
14 Bi Phase-(Earth / N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ground) Voltage
15 Ci Phase-(Earth / N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ground) Voltage
16 Ax Phase-(Earth / Y 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ground) Volts
Note 10
17 Bx Phase-(Earth / N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ground) Volts
Note 10
18 Cx Phase-(Earth / N 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ground) Volts
Note 10
19 A-Bi Phase-Phase N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Voltage Note 2
20 B-Ci Phase-Phase N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Voltage Note 2
21 C-Ai Phase-Phase N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Voltage Note 2
22 A-Bx Phase-Phase Volts N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2, 10
23 B-Cx Phase-Phase Volts N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2, 10
Dead Band
W Series
24 C-Ax Phase-Phase Volts N 0 38000 1V 100 V. 2
Note 2, 10
System Status
25 System Power (kW) Y -1.9GW 1.9GW 1 kW 250kW. 1
This can be a signed
quantity that indicates
direction of power flow, or
an unsigned quantity that
is always positive
regardless of the
direction of the power
flow. This is determined
by the CAPM
Note 2
26 System Power Factor Y 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 1
Note 6
27 Gas Pressure, kPag. N -100 300 1 kPaG 5kPaG 2
Note 3, 9
28 Gas Pressure, psi N -14 44 1 psi 1psi 2
Note 3, 9
29 Code Version Y 0 99,999,999 1 1 0
Note 2, 4
30 Configuration Number Y 0 99,999 1 1 0
Note 2, 5
31 CAPM Serial Number Y 0 2147483647 1 1 0
32 ACR Serial Number Y 0 2147483647 1 1 2
Note 2
33 I Contact Life Y 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
Note 7
34 II Contact Life N 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
Note 7
35 III Contact Life N 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
Note 7
36 Protection setting Y 0 9 1 1 1
0 = Group A
1 = Group B
9 = Group J
37 Transmitted frame count Y 0 32768 1 1 0
38 Received frame count Y 0 32768 1 1 0
39 Received message Y 0 999 1 1 0
length error
40 Received message CRC Y 0 999 1 1 0
Dead Band
W Series
Protection Sequence Data
These analog points record data about the protection sequence including maximum fault
currents. These are derived from the max current events that are seen in the Operator Control
Panel event record and record the current for each phase and for earth/ground.
For any one protection trip or sequence advance more than one fault current can be set. For
example a Phase/Phase fault might set an A-Phase current and a B-Phase current.
Other data recorded includes the number of trips in the protection sequence and the Protection
Group that was active at the time of the protection operation.
Data is cleared to zero by the following actions:-
• “Reset Fault Current” remote control command defined below
• Any Operator Close or Trip action
• Start of a new sequence.
• This data is volatile, ie they are zeroed on CAPM software reset.
Protection Trip 1
41 A Fault Current – Written Y 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on an A-Max event.
42 B Fault Current – Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a B-Max event.
43 C Fault Current – Written N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
on a C-Max event.
44 Earth / Ground Fault N 0 16000 1A 1A 1
Current - Written on a G-
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
Protection Trip 2
Dead Band
W Series
Protection Trip 4
1. The deadband for all analog points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analog input objects.
3. If ‘ACR Memory Data Invalid’ binary status is set then value is 0
4. The code version is an eight digit number that has the form XXX-XXX.XX with the dash and point formatting removed.
5. The configuration number is a five digit number that has the form XXXXX. It identifies the configuration loaded into the
CAPM-4 database.
6. Power factor has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range 0.0 to 1.0 with resolution 0.1 is transmitted as 0 to 10 with
resolution 1.
7. Contact life has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range of 0.0% to 100.0% with resolution 0.1% is transmitted as 0 to
1000 with resolution 1.
8. This point is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration and is otherwise
always reported as zero.
9. Not available on U-series ACR, value will always be 0.
10. Not available on standard U-series ACR without external CVTs, value will always be 0.
11. Frequency has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range 45 to 65 with resolution 0.1 is transmitted as 450 to 650 with
resolution 1. This option unsupported on CAPM-4 controllers.
W Series
0 KWH Cumulative Note 1 Y 0 2147483647 KWH
1 Source Outages Note 2, 3 Y 0 2147483647 Counts
2 Source Outage Duration Y 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3
3 Load Outages Note 2, 3 Y 0 2147483647 Counts
4 Load Outage Duration Y 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3
1. This accumulates the total kWH flowing through the ACR. If the CAPM is set for Power Flow Unidirectional then the
cumulative total increases irrespective of the direction of power flow to show the total power that has passed through
the device. If the CAPM is set for Bi-Directional power flow then the cumulative total can increase or decrease
reflecting the nett power flow.
2. Resetting any Outage counter via a protocol counter reset command will result in the resetting of all outage counters.
3. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to Power Flow Direction Binary
Input for status and Binary Output for control.
All binary output points have a matching binary input status point. The CAPM does not return binary output object status
in response to a class 0 or an integrity poll. It is recommended that the master station use the control’s corresponding
binary input status to verify the success of an action.
If Centurion SP (W series) is indicated as ‘Y’ below then point is supported otherwise no action is taken.
• The count, on-time, off-time, queue, and clear parameters are ignored.
Control Type
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
Control Type
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
3 ACR Control Y Close Trip TC,
Rejected if: Rejected if: L, P
• Close coil is • Trip coil is isolated
isolated • SF6 gas pressure
• CAPM is in LOCAL is low (if applicable)
control mode AND low gas
• SF6 gas pressure lockout is ON
is low (if applicable) • Switchgear data
AND low gas invalid
lockout is ON
• Work Tag is
• Switchgear data
• Mechanically
interlocked (if
• Live load blocking
ON AND any load
side terminal live
• Trip and/or Close
capacitors are
charging or failed
4 Work Tag Y Applies Work Tag. Removes Work Tag. L, P
Rejected if: Rejected if:
• CAPM is in LOCAL • CAPM is in LOCAL
Mode Mode.
5 Cold Load Idle/Max Y Set cold load time to its Set cold load time to L, P
maximum value. This zero. This means that
means that the cold the threshold multiplier
load threshold current will not be affected by
will be set to its the cold load function.
maximum value Rejected if:
Rejected if: • Cold load support
• Cold load support is OFF
is OFF
6 High Current Lockout Y Enable High Current Disable High Current L, P
Lockout Lockout
7 Loss of Phase Protection N Enable Loss of Phase Disable Loss of Phase L, P
Rejected if: Protection Protection
• LOP and Loop Auto
• Single Phase switchgear.
8 Sequence Control Y Enable Sequence Disable Sequence L, P
Control Control
9 Live Load Blocking Y Live Load blocking ON Live Load blocking OFF L, P
10 ` Reset Fault Y Resets all Object 30 No Action L, P
Flags and Currents Fault Currents to zero
Note 1 and clears all Object 01
protection trip flags
Control Type
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
11 Protection Control Y Enable Protection Turn ALL Protection L, P
Rejected if:
• protection OFF is
not allowed
12 Power Flow Direction Note 4 Y Source X, Load I Source I, Load X L, P
13 Protection Group A Note 1, 3 Y Group A ON Note 5 No Action L, P
14 Protection Group B Note 1, 3 Y Group B ON Note 5 No Action L, P
15 Protection Group C Note 1, 3 Y Group C ON Note 5 No Action L, P
16 Protection Group D Note 1, 3 Y Group D ON Note 5 No Action L, P
17 Protection Group E Note 1, 3 Y Group E ON Note 5 No Action L, P
18 Protection Group F Note 1, 3 Y Group F ON Note 5 No Action L, P
19 Protection Group G Note 1, Y Group G ON Note 5 No Action L, P
20 Protection Group H Note 1, 3 Y Group H ON Note 5 No Action L, P
21 Protection Group I Note 1, 3 Y Group I ON Note 5 No Action L, P
22 Protection Group J Note 1, Y Group J ON Note 5 No Action L, P
23 Loop Automation Control Y Loop Automation ON Loop Automation OFF L, P
Note 2 Rejected if: Rejected if:
• Loop automation • Loop automation
capability not capability not
available available
• Work tag applied
• Trip coil isolated
• Close coil isolated
• Mechanism fail
• Switchgear data
• Battery not normal
• SF6 Gas Pressure
is low (if applicable)
AND Low Gas
Lockout is ON
• Tripped AND
(Midpoint OR
• U Series AND no
external CVTs
Restore ON)
24 Dummy Circuit Breaker Y DCB Close DCB Trip TC,
L, P
Control Type
Cleared = ‘0’
W Series
Set = ‘1’
25 Automatic Protection Group Y APGS ON APGS OFF L, P
Selection Rejected if:
• APGS ON is Not
• Loop Automation
26 Supply Outage Measurement Y Supply Outage Supply Outage L, P
Control Measurement ON Measurement OFF
27 Supply Outage Measurement Y Resets all Supply No Action L, P
Reset Outage counters
28 Under Frequency Protection Y Enable under frequency Disable under L, P
protection frequency protection
Rejected if: Rejected if:
29 Over Frequency Protection Y Enable over frequency Disable over frequency L, P
protection protection
Rejected if: Rejected if:
30 Normal Frequency Close Y Enable normal Disable normal L, P
Protection frequency close frequency close
protection protection
Rejected if: Rejected if:
31 Source Dead Protection Y Enable Disable L, P
1. The response for binary output status for these points will always be 0.
2. This point is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration otherwise No Action
is taken.
3. Only one protection group can be active at any one time. Activating any of these protection groups will automatically
reset the previously active setting.
4. Changing the Source/Load direction affects the following aspects of the operation of the CAPM:
• Whether the source or load corresponds to I side or X side on the voltage measurements
• Which side is the source or load for the Live Load Blocking
• Which side is the source or load for the Directional Blocking
• Which direction is positive power flow for the System Power Analog Input
• Power Flow Direction Binary Input status
5. The number of protection groups available in the CAPM is configurable. If a control is not available because the
protection set is not supported then it is rejected.
W Series
0 Protection Group Selection 0 9 N/A
0 = Group A Note 1
1 = Group B
9 = Group J
1. The number of protection groups available in the CAPM is configurable. If the analog output block value is not
available because the protection set is not supported then it is rejected.
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
0 Abnormal Operator 1 For any of the following None of the specified This flag shows that the
conditions conditions:- conditions are true operator has the LBS in
Trip or Close Isolated, an abnormal state such
LBS Mechanically as “work tag applied”.
locked open (if This means that it will
applicable) operate differently to its
normal mode of
Work Tag Applied
1 LBS Tripped (open) 1 LBS Tripped LBS not Tripped These are repeats of the
mechanism travel
switches. When the LBS
is disconnected from the
2 LBS Closed 1 LBS Closed LBS not Closed control cubicle they are
both cleared.
3 Controller Mode 2 LOCAL control Disabled LOCAL Control The CAPM is either in
Remote control Enabled LOCAL or Remote
Enabled Remote Control Controller Mode. This
Disabled affects the closing
command the
permission to
set/remove work tag.
4 Maintenance 1 For any of the following No maintenance The CAPM has detected
Required conditions:- required one or more conditions
Battery NOT normal which require
Capacitor charge failure maintenance.
Low power mode This point cannot
become Set until at least
Low SF6 gas pressure
five minutes after CAPM
LBS data not valid
(includes connection to
an invalid switch type) 500ms
Any contact life is less
than 20%
Mechanical failure
Aux supply overvoltage
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
5 Work Tag 2 Work Tag Applied Work Tag Removed The CAPM can have a
work tag. This affects the
closing command
6 Detection A Active 2 Detection Group A is Detection Group A is not These flags indicate
active active the active protection
7 Detection B Active 2 Detection Group B is Detection Group B is not group. If neither A nor
active active B is active (eg.
Because C is active)
then flags will be clear
and the analog value
point must be used to
determine the active
8 Detection C Active 2 Detection Group C is Detection Group C is not Only one detection
active active group is active at any
one time.
9 Detection D Active 2 Detection Group D is Detection Group D is not
active active
10 Detection E Active 2 Detection Group E is Detection Group E is not 500ms
active active
11 Detection F Active 2 Detection Group F is Detection Group F is not
active active
12 Detection G Active 2 Detection Group G is Detection Group G is not
active active
13 Detection H Active 2 Detection Group H is Detection Group H is not
active active
14 Detection I Active 2 Detection Group I is Detection Group I is not
active active
15 Detection J Active 2 Detection Group J is Detection Group J is not
active active
16 Power Flow 2 Source X, Load I Source I, Load X The power flow direction
Direction (source/load
designation) is
determined by the user.
Refer to the Power Flow
Direction binary output
for more information
17 Close Isolate 2 Close Isolate Switch Close Isolate Switch Shows the state of the
OFF/ISOLATE(i.e. Close ON/ENABLE (i.e. Close Trip & Close isolate
is disabled) is enabled) switches on the control
18 Trip Isolate 1 Trip Isolate Switch OFF Trip Isolate Switch panel
(i.e. Trip is disabled) ON(i.e. Trip is enabled) 10ms
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
19 Locked 1 LBS Locked Open LBS not locked open Shows that the LBS is
mechanically and
electrically locked in the
open position..
20 LBS Memory Data 2 LBS Memory Data not LBS Memory Data Valid Shows that the CAPM
Invalid valid has retrieved the data
from the LBS memory.
When invalid the
switchgear attributes
and the gas pressure
are zeroed,
21 Auxiliary Supply 2 Auxiliary supply has Auxiliary supply is 500ms
Fail failed normal
22 Switchgear 2 Switchgear Switchgear is connected Shows the connection
Connection disconnected from to control cubicle. state of the cable
control cubicle. between the switchgear
and the CAPM. When
connected to the LBS
Trip, Close and Locked
indications are valid.
When disconnected
from the LBS data will
be forced invalid
23 SF6 Gas Pressure 2 Gas pressure Low or Gas Pressure Normal, Only set when
Low or Invalid Invalid or Not Known, or Not a switchgear is connected
switchgear which has and LBS memory data is
SF6. valid and switchgear
type has SF6.
24 Battery Supply 2 Battery supply not Battery supply normal 500ms
This includes :-
Battery Off
Battery Overvolt
Battery Low Volts
25 Switchgear Family 3 Set for Load Break Clear For Recloser
Switch 500ms
26 Contacts Life Low 2 When any contact life is When all contacts have 500ms
less than 20%. contact life >= 20%
27 Capacitor Charge 2 Capacitor Charge Failed Capacitor Charge OK The Trip/Close
Failure Capacitors have failed to
charge. (where relevant)
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
28 Mechanism Failure 2 Mechanism Failure Mechanism OK The switchgear has
failed to Trip or Close
29 Phase Ai Live 1 Phase is live Phase is dead Shows if the phase
30 Phase Bi Live 1 bushings are above or
below the live line
31 Phase Ci Live 1
32 Phase Ax Live 1
33 Phase Bx Live 1 10ms
34 Phase Cx Live 1
35 Source Voltage 1 Shows that any of the All of the source side are Note that these points
Status three phases of the Terminals dead are different to the
designated Source side Load/Source Live/Dead
36 Load Voltage 1 or Load side are live. All of the load side are events in the CAPM
Status Terminal dead event record
37 Load Current On 1 Current of 2.5A or more Current of less than 2.5A
is flowing in at least one is flowing in all three 10ms
phase phases
38 Dummy LBS 2 Dummy LBS Closed Dummy LBS NOT This point represents an
Closed closed. internal dummy LBS.
This is an internal point
useful for SCADA
system testing. The
value of the dummy LBS
is non-volatile.
39 Supply Outage 2 Supply Outage Supply Outage 500ms
Measurement Measurement ON Measurement OFF
40 Reserved 1 2 Reserved Reserved
41 Phase Current HI 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
42 Phase Current 2 Phase Current Alarm Phase Current Alarm 500ms
43 Phase Voltage HI 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
44 Phase Voltage 2 Phase Voltage Alarm Phase Voltage Alarm 500ms
45 Earth Current HI 2 Earth Current HI Alarm Earth Current HI Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
46 Earth Current LOW 2 Earth Current LOW Earth Current LOW 500ms
Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
47 System Power HI 2 System Power HI Alarm System Power HI Alarm 500ms
Alarm ON OFF
48 System Power 2 System Power LOW System Power LOW 500ms
LOW Alarm Alarm ON Alarm OFF
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
49 Auxiliary Supply 2 Auxiliary Supply has Auxiliary Supply has 500ms
Fail (Delayed) failed for more than 120 been restored for more
seconds than 20 seconds
Operator/Detection Flags
These flags show the status of the operator controls and some of the detection flags.
They are equivalent to the indications available on the Operator Control Panel of the CAPM.
50 Phase Detection 2 Phase Detection ON Phase Detection OFF 500ms
51 Earth/Ground 2 Earth/Ground Detection Earth/Ground Detection 500ms
Detection Enabled ON OFF
52 SEF/SGF 2 SEF/SGF Detection ON SEF/SGF Detection 500ms
Detection Enabled OFF
53 Sectionaliser Auto 2 Sectionaliser Auto ON Sectionaliser OFF (Load 500ms
Break Switch)
54 Cold Load Auto 2 Cold Load auto-mode is Cold Load pickup is
armed. OFF.
This means the Cold This means that the cold
Load function is enabled load function is 500ms
and may, or may not, be completely disabled.
affecting the threshold See ‘Cold Load Idle’
multiplier. (below)
55 Cold Load Idle 2 Cold Load is Idle or is Cold load is NOT Idle.
turned off. This means that the
This means that the threshold multiplier is 500ms
threshold multiplier is not being raised by the cold
being affected by the load pickup function.
cold load function.
56 Live Load Blocking 2 Live Load Blocking ON Live Load Blocking OFF 500ms
57 Automatic 2 Automatic Detection Automatic Detection 500ms
Detection Group Group Selection is ON Group Selection is OFF
(Code Version 025-
01 and later)
Detection Flags
This group of points indicates what happened in the most recent fault detection. Unlike the ACR, these flags don’t
attempt to reconstruct a fault sequence. The flags are not cumulative, they are cleared as each new fault is
detected. For example, if there is an earth fault followed by a phase fault, the earth fault flag will be cleared when
the phase fault flag is set.
In addition analog data is available which shows the fault currents.
Most of these flags are cleared either by protocol command or when the switchgear is tripped/closed by the
operator or when a new fault is detected.
This data is volatile, i.e. it is zeroed on controller software reset.
If there is more than one protocol running simultaneously in the controller this data is replicated between the
protocols so that each master station can clear its data independently from the others.
58 Sequence in 2 Start of sequence That End of sequence. This shows that a
Progress is a detection trip or Detection sequence has
sequence advance has started and not yet
occurred. completed.
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
Note that operator trip
does not cause a
“sequence in progress”
59 A Phase 2 A Phase Overcurrent Cleared by These flags show which
Overcurrent Fault Fault • Operator trip elements were picked
up since last clear action
60 B Phase 2 B Phase Overcurrent • Any close
Overcurrent Fault Fault 10ms
• ‘Reset Flags’
61 C Phase 2 C Phase Overcurrent Protocol Command
Overcurrent Fault Fault
• Supply Reset (if
62 Earth/Ground 2 Earth/Ground enabled)
Overcurrent Fault Overcurrent Fault
63 SEF/SGF 2 SEF/SGF Overcurrent
Overcurrent Fault Fault
64 Supply Interrupt 1 Supply Interrupt Set if a supply interrupt
occurred after the most
recent fault.
65 Sectionaliser Trip 1 Sectionaliser Trip Set if switch trips to
– Reserved
1. Only available on CAPM-5 controller
Default Dead
Line Currents and System Power
0 A Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
1 B Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
2 C Current 0 16000 1A 10 A. 1
3 Earth / Ground Current 0 16000 1A 5 A. 1
4 System kVA Note 2 0 1.9 1 kVA 250 kVA. 1
5 System kVAR Note 2 0 1.9 1 kVAR 250 kVAR. 1
6 Operations Counter 0 65535 1 1 Operation 2
Voltage Measurements (Earth/Ground)
Voltage measurements are provided for all terminals with voltage measurements.
The source/load designation of the voltages is determined by the user. Refer to the ‘Power Flow
Direction’ binary input for status and binary output for control.
Ai Phase-(Earth / Ground)
7 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Bi Phase-(Earth / Ground)
8 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ci Phase-(Earth / Ground)
9 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Ax Phase-(Earth / Ground)
10 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Bx Phase-(Earth / Ground)
11 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Cx Phase-(Earth / Ground)
12 0 30000 1V 100 V. 2
Default Dead
Fault Detection Data
These analog points record data about the fault detection including maximum fault currents. These
are derived from the max current events, which are seen in the Operator Control Panel event record
and record the current for each phase and for earth/ground.
For any one fault more than one fault current can be set. For example a Phase/Phase fault might set
an A-Phase current and a B-Phase current.
Other data recorded includes the supply interrupt count and the Detection Group which was active at
the time of the fault detection.
Fault Detection Data is cleared to zero by the following actions :-
• “Reset Fault Current” remote control command defined below
• Any Operator Close or Trip action
• New fault detected
This data is volatile, that is they are zeroed on controller software reset.
If there is more than one protocol running simultaneously in the controller this data is replicated
between the protocols so that each master station can clear its data independently from the others.
Active Detection Group
13 The number of the Detection 0 9 1 1 1
Group active during the
Supply Interrupt Count
14 The number of Supply 1 10 1 1
Interrupts Counted.
Most Recent A-Phase Fault
15 Written on a Max Current event 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
for A Phase
Most Recent B-Phase Fault
16 Written on a Max Current event 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
for B Phase
Most Recent C-Phase Fault
17 Written on a Max Current event 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
for C Phase
Most Recent Earth/Ground
Fault Current - Written on an E-
18 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
1. The deadband for all analog points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analog input objects.
This is the complete set of analog status points available from the CAPM.
All analog points have 500ms resolution time tags. Refer to Appendix A for more information on timing.
All analogs in the full analog data set can fit in a signed 16-bit DNP data object except where noted.
The phase designation A, B, C is determined by the user, refer to the equipment manual for more information.
Phase and terminal terminology is explained in section 4.4.
Dead Band
Dead Band
Fault Detection Data
These analog points record data about the fault detection including maximum fault currents. These
are derived from the max current events, which are seen in the Operator Control Panel event record
and record the current for each phase and for earth/ground.
For any one fault more than one fault current can be set. For example a Phase/Phase fault might set
an A-Phase current and a B-Phase current.
Other data recorded includes the supply interrupt count and the Detection Group which was active at
the time of the fault detection.
Fault Detection Data is cleared to zero by the following actions :-
• “Reset Fault Current” remote control command defined below
• Any Operator Close or Trip action
• New fault detected
This data is volatile, that is they are zeroed on controller software reset.
If there is more that one protocol running simultaneously in the controller this data is replicated
between the protocols so that each master station can clear its data independently from the others.
13 Active Detection Group 0 9 1 1 1
The number of the Detection
Group which was active during
the sequence.
14 Supply Interrupt Count 1 10 1 1
The number of Supply
Interrupts Counted.
15 Most Recent A-Phase Fault 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Written on a Max Current event
for A Phase
16 Most Recent B-Phase Fault 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Written on a Max Current event
for B Phase
17 Most Recent C-Phase Fault 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Written on a Max Current event
for C Phase
18 Most Recent Earth/Ground 0 16000 Amps 1A 1
Fault Current – Written on an
E-Max event. This includes
SEF/SGF Fault currents.
Voltage Measurements (Phase/Phase)
19 A-Bi Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
20 B-Ci Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
21 C-Ai Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
22 A-Bx Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
23 B-Cx Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
Dead Band
24 C-Ax Phase-Phase Voltage 0 38000 1V 100 V 2
Note 2
System Status
25 System Power (kW) - 1.9GW 1 kW 250kW. 1
This can be a signed quantity 1.9
that indicates direction of power GW
flow, or an unsigned quantity
that is always positive
regardless of the direction of
the power flow. This is
determined by the CAPM
Note 2
26 System Power Factor 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 1
Note 6
27 Gas Pressure, kPag. - 300 1 kPaG 5kPaG 2
Note 3 100
28 Gas Pressure, psi Note 3 -14 44 1 psi 1psi 2
29 Code Version Note 2, 0 99,999,999 1 1 0
30 Configuration Number Note 2, 0 99,999 1 1 0
31 CAPM Serial Number 0 2147483647 1 1 0
32 LBS Serial Number Note 2 0 2147483647 1 1 2
33 I/U Contact Life Note 7 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
34 II/V Contact Life Note 7 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
35 III/W Contact Life Note 7 0.0 100.0 0.1 % 0.1 % 2
36 Transmitted frame count 0 32768 1 1 0
37 Received frame count 0 32768 1 1 0
38 Received message length error 0 999 1 1 0
39 Received message CRC error 0 999 1 1 0
Detection State
40 Cold Load 0 480 1 Min 1 Min 2
Value is zero when Cold Load
is Idle or OFF. When Cold Load
is not idle this shows the
operational cold load time, i.e.
the current time being used to
calculate the operational cold
load threshold multiplier.
41 Detection Group currently 0 9 1 1 2
0 = Detection Group A
1 = Detection Group B
n = Other Detection Group
Dead Band
42 Maximum Average Current of 0 16000 1A 10A 1
all phases for the previous day
ending at 24:00
- Reserved
1. The deadband for all analog points can be configured, refer section 5.3.5 for more information.
2. These points may exceed the 16 bit limit and can be obtained using 32 bit analog input objects.
3. If LBS Memory Data Invalid’ binary status is set then value is 0
4. The code version is an eight digit number that has the form XXX-XXX.XX with the dash and point formatting
5. The configuration number is a five digit number that has the form XXXXX. It identifies the configuration loaded
into the CAPM database.
6. Power factor has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range 0.0 to 1.0 with resolution 0.1 is transmitted as 0 to 10
with resolution 1.
7. Contact life has a built in scale factor of 10 i.e. range of 0.0% to 100.0% with resolution 0.1% is transmitted as 0
to 1000 with resolution 1.
8. This point is only valid when the Loop Automation option is enabled for the current configuration and is
otherwise always reported as zero.
0 KWH Cumulative Note 1 0 2147483647 KWH
1 Source Outages Note 2, 3 0 2147483647 Counts
2 Source Outage Duration 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3
3 Load Outages Note 2, 3 0 2147483647 Counts
4 Load Outage Duration 0 2147483647 Seconds
Note 2, 3
1. This accumulates the total kWH flowing through the LBS.
If the CAPM is set for Power Flow Unidirectional then the cumulative total increases irrespective of the direction of
power flow to show the total power that has passed through the device.
If the CAPM is set for Bi-Directional power flow then the cumulative total can increase or decrease reflecting the nett
power flow.
2. Resetting any Outage counter via a protocol counter reset command will result in the resetting of all outage counters.
3. The power flow direction (source/load designation) is determined by the user. Refer to Power Flow Direction Binary
Input for status and Binary Output for control.
All binary output points have a matching binary input status point. The CAPM does not return binary output object status
in response to a class 0 or an integrity poll. It is recommended that the master station use the control’s corresponding
binary input status to verify the success of an action.
Control Type
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
Control Type
Cleared = ‘0’
Set = ‘1’
• Trip and/or Close
capacitors are
charging or failed
1 Work Tag Applies Work Tag. Removed the Work L, P
Rejected if: Tag.
• CAPM is in LOCAL Rejected if:
Mode • CAPM is in LOCAL
2 Cold Load Idle/Max Set cold load time to its Set cold load time to L, P
maximum value. This zero. This means that
means that the cold the threshold multiplier
load threshold current will not be affected by
will be set to its the cold load function.
maximum value Rejected if:
Rejected if: • Cold load support
• Cold load support is OFF
is OFF
3 Live Load Blocking Live Load blocking ON Live Load blocking OFF L, P
4 Reset Fault Resets all Object 30 No Action L, P
Flags and Currents Fault Currents to zero
Note 1 and clears all Object 01
Detection trip flags
5 Power Flow Direction Note 4 Source X, Load I Source I, Load X L, P
6 Detection Group A Note 1, 3 Group A ON Note 5 No Action L, P
7 Detection Group B Note 1, 3 Group B ON Note 5 No Action L, P
8 Detection Group C Note 1, 3 Group C ON Note 5 No Action L, P
9 Detection Group D Note 1, 3 Group D ON Note 5 No Action L, P
10 Detection Group E Note 1, 3 Group E ON Note 5 No Action L, P
11 Detection Group F Note 1, 3 Group F ON Note 5 No Action L, P
12 Detection Group G Note 1, 3 Group G ON Note 5 No Action L, P
13 Detection Group H Note 1, 3 Group H ON Note 5 No Action L, P
14 Detection Group I Note 1, 3 Group I ON Note 5 No Action L, P
15 Detection Group J Note 1, 3 Group J ON Note 5 No Action L, P
16 Dummy Circuit Breaker DCB Close DCB Trip TC,
L, P
17 Automatic Detection Group APGS ON APGS OFF L, P
Selection Rejected if APGS ON is
Not Allowed
18 Supply Outage Measurement Supply Outage Supply Outage L, P
Control Measurement ON Measurement OFF
19 Supply Outage Measurement Resets all Supply No Action L, P
Reset Outage counters
20 Sectionaliser Auto Turn Sectionalising ON Turn Sectionalising L, P
0 Detection Group Selected 0 9 N/A
0 = Group A
1 = Group B
9 = Group J
1. The number of protection groups available in the CAPM is configurable. If the analog output block value is not
available because the protection set is not supported then it is rejected.