Which of the following is the correct syntax for invoking a :firefox
firefox browser?
What is the language used for expressing scenario in feature Gherkin Language
Which of the following is the correct syntax for objDriver.driver.manage.timeouts.impli
implementing a implicit wait of 5 seconds? cit_wait=5
Which of the following is the correct syntax for reports cucumber features/Opencart.feature --
generation via command prompt? format html --out TestReport.html
What is the default feature for parameterizing your scenario Scenario Outline
in Ruby?
The command used for enering data in a text field in Ruby .set
Which command is used to check for the presence of an
object in Ruby Cucumber?
How can we a parameterize any input in the feature file in Write the parameter in double quotes
Ruby Cucumber?
Which one of the following is used to select a checkbox in
Ruby Cucumber?
How do we give multiple properties for an Object in Ruby
Cucumber? :name=>"",:class=>""
What is the use of the "super" keyword in Ruby Rails? To call the superclass implementation
of the current method
How can we open a Web URL in Ruby Cucumber?")
How do we do a Dry-run in Ruby Cucumber? Cucumber features –dry-run
How do we open a Text file in Ruby Cucumber? $objFile=File.Open("Path",'r')
Command used for installing a Gem file gem install gemfile
CSV.foreach("path") do
Which one of the followin is the correct way of reading data |row|
from a CSV file? puts row
"-----" exercise the concept – “ You write test cases and then
develop the product that suits them"
What is the tag used for writing a scenario for Selenium in @selenium
Ruby Cucumber?
What is the syntax of executing all the feature files in cucumber features
a project from command line?
How can we a parameterize any input in the feature Write the parameter in double
file in Ruby Cucumber? quotes
Which one of the following is used to select a
checkbox in Ruby Cucumber?
Which of the following is not part of a "feature" file in
Ruby Cucumber?
Cucumber is used for "------------" Testing? System & Integration Testing