Total T4: For Use On The IMMULITE® and IMMULITE® 1000 Systems
Total T4: For Use On The IMMULITE® and IMMULITE® 1000 Systems
Total T4: For Use On The IMMULITE® and IMMULITE® 1000 Systems
Linearity: Samples were assayed under Because EDTA would affect results, it
various dilutions. (See "Linearity" table for should not be used as an anticoagulant.
representative data.) Method Comparison: The assay was
Recovery: Samples spiked 1 to 19 with compared to Coat-A-Count® Total T4 on
three T4 solutions (48, 100 and 44 samples. (Concentration range:
142 µg/dL) were assayed. (See approximately 1.4 to 19 µg/dL. See
"Recovery" table for representative data.) graph.) By linear regression.
(IML) = 1.15 (CAC) + 0.59 µg/dL
Specificity: The antibody is highly specific r = 0.969
for T4. (See "Specificity" table.)
Bilirubin: Presence of conjugated and 11.9 µg/dL (IMMULITE)
unconjugated bilirubin in concentrations 9.9 µg/dL (Coat-A-Count)
up to 200 mg/L has no effect on results,
within the precision of the assay. References
Biotin: Specimens that contain biotin at a
1) Albertini A, Ekins RP, editors. Free hormones
concentration of 1500 ng/mL demonstrate in blood. Amsterdam: Elsevier Biomedical Press,
a less than or equal to 10% change in 1982. 2) Britton KE, Quinn V, Brown BL, Ekins
results. Biotin concentrations greater than RP. A strategy for thyroid function tests. Br Med
this may lead to incorrect results for J 1975; iii:350–2. 3) Ekins RP, editor. Free
patient samples. thyroid hormones. Amsterdam: Excerpta
Medica, 1979. 4) Gershengorn MC, Glinoer D,
Hemolysis: Presence of packed red blood Robbins J. Transport and metabolism of thyroid
cells in concentrations up to 30 µL/mL has hormones. In: Visscher M De, editor. The thyroid
gland. New York: Raven Press, 1980: 81–121.
5) Prince HP, Ramsden DB. A new theoretical
Empfohlenes Kalibrationsintervall: 4 6 8 10 12
Total T4, g/dL
2 Wochen
Proben zur Qualitätskontrolle: Jeweils Die Referenzwerte wurden aus
gültige gesetzlichen Bestimmungen oder Serumproben in Glassröhrchen ohne
Akkreditierungsanforderungen sind bei der Gelbarrieren und gerinnungsfördernde
Festlegung der Intervalle zur Zusätze bestimmt.
Durchführung der Qualitätskontrollen zu
Für eine altersabhängige Studie wurde in
einer "Wellness"-Klinik im Südwesten der
Kontrollen oder Poolseren mit T4 in USA mit Hilfe des IMMULITE Gesamt T4
mindestens zwei Konzentrationen (niedrig folgende Werte ermittelt. (Die
und hoch) verwenden. verwendeten Blutentnahmeröhrchen
wurden nicht näher spezifiziert.)
d'Utilisation de l’IMMULITE ou de
l’IMMULITE 1000.
Voir le manuel d’utilisation de l’IMMULITE 15
Vérifier visuellement que chaque Unité- Les valeurs de référence ont été obtenues
Test contient bien une bille avant de la en utilisant des sérums prélevés sur tubes
charger dans l'automate. en verre sans gel ni activateurs de la
Intervalle d'ajustement recommandé :
2 semaines
N = 314
12,0 7,3 4,19 – 11,2
Considerare questi limiti soltanto come
linee guida. Ogni laboratorio dovrebbe
stabilire i propri range di riferimento.
Tanti fattori fisiologici, farmacologici,
5 patologici e genetici influiscono
sull’interpretazione dei risultati della T4
4 6 8 10 12
Total T4, g/dL totale. (Consultare il paragrafo “Summary
and Explanation”.)
I range di riferimento sono stati generati
utilizzando campioni di siero raccolti in Oltre il 20% dei pazienti affetti da
provette di vetro senza barriere di gel o patologie non tiroidee, ammalati in modo
additivi che favoriscano la formazione di critico, presentano livelli bassi di T4 totale
coaguli. nel siero.
Procedimento de doseamento 45