Ipv6 Fundamentals Analyst: Exam Guide
Ipv6 Fundamentals Analyst: Exam Guide
Ipv6 Fundamentals Analyst: Exam Guide
Exam Guide
IPv6 Fundamentals - Analyst Exam Guide
The IPv6 Fundamentals - Analyst exam is intended for individuals who are familiar
with best current practices in IPv6.
Multiple choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses. Domain Percent of Exam
Multiple response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more
alternatives. Introduction to IPv6 4%
Unscored Items:
The exam may contain items that are included in the exam to trial run
new exam questions for other RIPE NCC certifications. These items are not
identified and will not count towards your score. Only the scored items are
worth 100% of your score.
To pass the exam, you must possess the minimum level of knowledge, 2.2. Subnetting in IPv6
skills and abilities in understanding and performing the following: 2.2.1 Calculate subnets in IPv6
2.2.2 Calculate the amount of prefixes inside a bigger IPv6 block
1. Introduction to IPv6 2.2.3 Apply Best Current Practices to IPv6 subnetting (subnet sizes) for
1.1. Purpose and advantages of IPv6 deployment operations (RFC 4291)
1.1.1 Recognise how IPv4 exhaustion affects the development of the Internet 2.2.4 Describe the importance of IPv6 subnetting
1.1.2 Identify the advantages of deploying IPv6 2.2.5 Define subnetting
1.1.3 Describe the challenges/impact of NAT/CGN solutions in the 2.2.6 Apply the 4 bit-boundary rule for subnetting
development of the Internet 2.2.7 Subdivide any size IPv6 address blocks into any size smaller blocks (e.g.
1.1.4 Identify the challenges with IPv6-only networks and IPv4-only networks dividing a /32 into /36 or /48 or /64, limited to the nibble boundaries)
2.2.8 Calculate the total number of blocks that fit in a larger block (e.g. how
Practices stated in RFC5952 (e.g., leading zeros, zero compression,upper/ 3.1.1 Describe how Neighbor Discovery works
lower case, port numbers, whois search,etc 3.1.2 Describe how SLAAC works
2.1.3 Identify the different IPv6 address types and their function/scope in a 3.1.3 Explain the options available for IPv6 autoconfiguration (M, O, A, L flags)
network/interface (RFC 4038; 4193; 4291, https://www.iana.org/assignments/ 3.1.4 Identify the Solicited Node Multicast Address
ipv6-address-space/) 3.1.5 Explain how Solicited Node multicast addresses are created and used
2.1.4 Identify the specific ranges used for each IPv6 address type 3.1.6 Describe how Multicast works in IPv6
3.1.7 Explain the importance of multicast in IPv6 3.3. Supporting protocols and IPv6 deployment
3.1.8 Identify the main characteristics of IPv6 and how they impact a network 3.3.1 Explain the purpose of DAD (Duplicate Address Detection)
3.3.2 Explain the purpose of NUD (Neighbor Unreachability Detection)
3.2. IPv6 packets 3.3.3 Explain the function of the MLD protocol (Multicast Listener Discovery)
3.2.1 Identify the components of the IPv6 part of the packet (Basic header & 3.3.4 Classify the MLD protocol messages
extension headers) 3.3.5 Describe the purpose of Address Resolution (equivalent to ARP in IPv4)
3.2.2 Describe the Basic IPv6 header 3.3.6 Describe the purpose of Router Discovery
3.2.3 Identify the main IPv6 extension headers 3.3.7 Identify the different ways of assigning address in IPv6 (manual config,
3.2.4 Identify the common values of Next Header Fields SLAAC, RA + DHCPv6 (M or O flags)
3.2.5 Describe the importance of the IPv6 headers order 3.3.8 Identify the configuration information provided by Router Advertisement
3.2.6 Describe the usage of the IPv6 extension headers messages
3.2.7 Describe how fragmentation works in IPv6 3.3.9 Describe privacy extensions for SLAAC
3.2.8 Describe the path MTU Discovery (PMTU-D) process in IPv6 3.3.10 Describe Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA)
3.2.9 Describe the importance of each supporting protocol used in IPv6 3.3.11 Ex Describe the process to generate Global Unicast IPv6 addresses (link
(PMTU-D, DHCPv6, DAD, ND, NUD, SLAAC, etc) prefix + Random interface ID) plain
3.2.10 Describe how Neighbor Discovery Protocol works in IPv6 (Link scope, 3.3.12 Explain how DHCPv6 works
Five messages, Multicast addresses) 3.3.13 Describe the importance of DHCPv6 for IPv6 deployment
3.2.11 Identify the elements of Neighbor Discovery in IPv6 and their 3.3.14 Identify which information can be sent using DHCPv6
importance 3.3.15 Identify DHCPv6 scenarios (stateful vs. stateless)
3.3.16 Identify IPv6 DNS records
3.3.17 Create reverse DNS in IPv6
3.3.18 Identify how IPv6 is supported in forward and/or in reverse DNS (AAAA,
3.3.19 Identify the security aspects to consider with IPv6 networks (RA, human 4. IPv6 Policies and Addressing Plans
error,etc) 4.1. RIPE Policies and IPv6
3.3.20 Identify solutions to overcome existing and new security risks (RA 4.1.1 Identify the requirements/procedures to receive and distribute IPv6
Guard, SEND, etc) address space according to the current RIPE policies (considering criteria for
3.3.21 Select the basic network design principles to be used in an IPv6 different subnet sizes)
deployment 4.1.2 Distinguish between IPv6 allocations, assignments and sub-allocations
3.3.20 Identify solutions to overcome existing and new security risks (RA 4.1.3 Identify IPv6 assignments/sub-allocations in the RIPE Database
Guard, SEND, etc) 4.1.4 Identify how the different RIPE Database inet6num object statuses apply
3.3.21 Select the basic network design principles to be used in an IPv6 to real network situations
deployment 4.1.5 Identify the criteria for different possible allocation sizes (users, network
extension, hierarchical/geo structure, longevity and security levels)
3.4. Transition Mechanisms
3.4.1 Identify the IPv6 Transition Mechanisms 4.2 Addressing Plans
3.4.2 Identify the use case of a specific Transition Mechanism 4.2.1 Create an Addressing Plan according to the current best practices in IPv6
3.4.3 Identify what elements to consider when creating a transition strategy 4.2.2 Choose the recommended prefix lengths for infrastructure (POPs,
3.4.4 Describe dual-stack and its pros and cons routers, LAN, Point-to-point links etc) and for end user assignments (home,
3.4.5 Describe tunneling and its pros and cons business, point-to-point links, etc)
3.4.6 Identify examples of tunneling transition mechanisms 4.2.3 Differentiate between infrastructure and end user address space
3.4.7 Describe translation and its pros and cons 4.2.4 Justify that a /64 is the minimum subnet size to be assigned to an end
4.2.5 Identify the importance of using IPAM tools
1. Introduction to IPv6
1.1. Purpose and advantages of IPv6 deployment
RIPE NCC Training Training Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar
Academy Course Course Introduction to IPv6 IPv6 in the IPv6 Prefix
Introduction to IPv6 Basics IPv6 Security IPv6 [2 hours] Addressing RIPE Database Calculation
IPv6 [16 hours] [1 day] [1 day] Plans [1 hour] 1 hour] [1 hour]
1.1.1 Recognise how IPv4 exhaustion affects the development of Module 1.2 Yes
the Internet
1.1.2 Identify the advantages of deploying IPv6 Module 1.3 Yes Partially
1.1.3 Describe the challenges/impact of NAT/CGN solutions in the Module 1.2 Yes
development of the Internet
2.1.1 Describe the parts of an IPv6 address: network prefix and Module 2.1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Partially
Module 2.2
Interface ID
2.1.2 Write and compress an IPv6 address according to Module 2.1 Yes Yes Yes
the Best Current Practices stated in RFC5952
2.1.3 Identify the different IPv6 address types and their Module 2.3 Yes Yes Yes
function/scope in a network/interface
2.1.4 Identify the specific ranges used for each IPv6 address type Module 2.3 Yes Partially Yes
2.1.5 Generate an IPv6 ULA (Unique Local Address) prefix Yes Yes
2.2.2 Calculate the amount of prefixes inside a bigger IPv6 block Module 2.2 Yes Yes Partially Yes
2.2.3 Apply Best Current Practices to IPv6 subnetting Module 6.1 Yes Yes
Yes Yes Partially
(subnet sizes) for operations (RFC 4291)
2.2.4 Describe the importance of IPv6 subnetting Module 2.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2.2.6 Apply the 4 bit-boundary rule for subnetting Module 2.2 Yes Yes Yes Partially Yes
2.2.7 Subdivide any size IPv6 address blocks into any size smaller Module 2.2
Yes Yes Yes Yes
blocks Activity 2.1
2.2.8 Calculate the total number of blocks that fit in a larger block Module 2.2
Yes Yes Partially Yes
Activity 2.1
(e.g. how many /48s fit in a /32).
3. IPv6 Protocols
3.1. IPv6 protocol basics
RIPE NCC Training Training Webinar Webinar Webinar Webinar
Academy Course Course Introduction to IPv6 IPv6 in the IPv6 Prefix
Introduction to IPv6 Basics IPv6 Security IPv6 [2 hours] Addressing RIPE Database Calculation
IPv6 [16 hours] [1 day] [1 day] Plans [1 hour] 1 hour] [1 hour]
3.1.1 Describe how Neighbor Discovery works Module 4.1 Yes Partially
3.1.3 Explain the options available for IPv6 autoconfiguration (M, Module 4.3
Partially Partially
O, A, L flags)
Module 4.4 Yes
3.1.4 Identify the Solicited Node Multicast Address Partially
3.1.5 Explain how Solicited Node multicast addresses are created Module 4.2 Yes Partially
and used
3.1.7 Explain the importance of multicast in IPv6 Module 4.1 Yes Yes
3.2.1 Identify the components of the IPv6 part of the packet Module 1.3
Module 2.4 Yes Yes
(Basic header & extension headers)
3.2.2 Describe the Basic IPv6 header Module 2.4 Yes Yes
3.2.3 Identify the main IPv6 extension headers Module 2.4 Yes Partially
3.2.5 Describe the importance of the IPv6 headers order Module 2.4 Yes Yes
3.2.6 Describe the usage of the IPv6 extension headers Module 2.4 Yes Yes
3.2.8 Describe the path MTU Discovery (PMTU-D) process in IPv6 Yes
3.2.9 Describe the importance of each supporting protocol used Module 4.3
Yes Partially
in IPv6 (PMTU-D, DHCPv6, DAD, ND, NUD, SLAAC, etc) Only DHCP
3.2.10 Describe how Neighbor Discovery Protocol works in IPv6 Module 4.1 Yes Yes
(Link scope, Five messages, Multicast addresses) Partially
Module 4.2
3.2.11 Identify the elements of Neighbor Discovery in IPv6 and Module 4.1 Yes Yes
their importance Partially
3.3.1 Explain the purpose of DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) Module 4.2 Yes Yes
3.3.3 Explain the function of the MLD protocol (Multicast Listener Yes Partially
3.3.5 Describe the purpose of Address Resolution (equivalent to ARP Module 4.1 Yes Yes
in IPv4)
3.3.6 Describe the purpose of Router Discovery Module 4.1 Yes Yes
3.3.7 Identify the different ways of assigning address in IPv6 (manual Module 4.3 Yes Partially
config, SLAAC, RA + DHCPv6 (M or O flags)
3.3.8 Identify the configuration information provided by Router Module 4.1 Yes Partially
Advertisement messages
3.3.11 Describe the process to generate Global Unicast IPv6 Module 4.2 Yes Yes
addresses (link prefix + Random interface ID)
3.3.13 Describe the importance of DHCPv6 for IPv6 deployment Module 4.3 Yes
3.3.14 Identify which information can be sent using DHCPv6 Module 4.3 Yes Yes
3.3.15 Identify DHCPv6 scenarios (stateful vs. stateless) Module 4.3 Yes Yes
3.3.18 Identify how IPv6 is supported in forward and/or in reverse Module 4.5 Yes
DNS (AAAA, ip6.arpa)
3.3.19 Identify the security aspects to consider with IPv6 Module 7.1 Partially Yes
networks (RA, human error,etc)
3.3.20 Identify solutions to overcome existing and new security Module 7.1 Partially Yes
risks (RA Guard, SEND, etc)
3.3.21 Select the basic network design principles to be used in an Module 6.2 Partially Partially
IPv6 deployment
Module 5.1
4.1.2 Distinguish between IPv6 allocations, assignments and Yes Yes Partially
Module 5.3
sub-allocations Partially
4.1.3 Identify IPv6 assignments/sub-allocations in the RIPE Database Module 5.3 Yes Yes Yes
4.1.4 Identify how the different RIPE Database inet6num object Module 5.3 Yes Yes
statuses apply to real network situations.
4.1.5 Identify the criteria for different possible allocation sizes Module 5.2 Yes Yes
4.2.1 Create an Addressing Plan according to the current best Module 6.2 Yes Yes
practices in IPv6
4.2.2 Choose the recommended prefix lengths for infrastructure Module 6.2 Yes Yes Yes
and for end user assignments
4.2.3 Differentiate between infrastructure and end user address Module 6.2 Yes Partially Yes
4.2.4 Justify that a /64 is the minimum subnet size to be assigned Module 6.2 Yes Yes Yes
to an end user
4.2.5 Identify the importance of using IPAM tools Yes