Bio 39

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RATIONALE: Infection is defined as microorganisms invading the host and

multiplying in close proximity to the host's tissues.


RATIONALE: A reservoir can also be created by damming the outlet of a natural

lake to control the water level. The dam regulates how much water flows out of the


RATIONALE: The spread of disease caused by the dissemination of infectious

droplet nuclei that remain infectious when suspended in air for long periods of time
is referred to as airborne transmission of infectious agents.


RATIONALE: One of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and
spreading germs to others is to keep our hands clean.


RATIONALE: A prodrome is an early symptom (or set of symptom) that often

signals the onset of a disease before more diagnostically specific signs and
symptoms appear.


RATIONALE: Convalescence is the process of gradually regaining health and

strength following an illness or injury. It is the stage of an infectious disease or
illness when the patient recovers and returns to his or her previous state of health.


RATIONALE: Acute inflammation is an immediate response to cellular injury.


RATIONALE: Hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, end-stage renal disease

facilities, and long-term care facilities are all places where HAIs can occur.

RATIONALE: The following are the most common types of healthcare-associated
infections: - Urinary tract infections


RATIONALE:The following statements that are true are Defenses against infection
change with aging: A patient's nutritional health indirectly influences susceptibility
to infection., The body responds to emotional or physical stress by the general
adaptation syndrome and Patients with diseases of the immune system are at
particular risk for infection.

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